
    Jack Whitehall's Emotional Confession About His Dad, His Biggest Fear & His New Life!

    enMay 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Jack Whitehall: Finding Happiness Through Laughter and ConnectionJack Whitehall chose to pursue a career in comedy because it brings him joy, allows him to connect with others, and offers a creative outlet for his storytelling abilities.

      Jack Whitehall became a comedian because he enjoys making people laugh and using comedy as a way to connect and bring happiness to others. While there is a stereotype that comedians are often depressed, Jack doesn't believe that he falls into that category. He was influenced by his father, who was a great storyteller and used humor to captivate people. Seeing stand-up comedians at the Edinburgh Festival made Jack realize that comedy could be a viable career path for him. Despite influences in his life telling him that comedy is not a real job, Jack chose to pursue his passion because he found it creatively fulfilling and a way to avoid a mundane office job.

    • The unintended consequences of parental influence on a child's career choices.Supporting children in pursuing their interests, even if they may seem unconventional or risky at first, can lead to the discovery of their true passions.

      Sometimes, parents' intentions may not align with their children's passions and aspirations. In Jack's case, his parents were initially hesitant about him pursuing a career in the arts due to the competitive nature of the industry and their own experiences. However, their attempt to steer him towards other fields ultimately led to his discovery of stand-up comedy, which became his true passion. While his parents may have thought they were making the right decisions, it is clear that their choices inadvertently pushed Jack further towards his desired path. This highlights the importance of allowing children to explore their interests and supporting them in their chosen endeavors, even if they may seem unconventional or risky at first.

    • The Power of Self-Belief and Overcoming Setbacks: Jack Whitehall's Journey to SuccessBelieving in oneself and persevering through setbacks is crucial for achieving success. Hard work and talent are more important than relying on nepotism or shortcuts in achieving personal and professional growth.

      Self-belief and confidence play a crucial role in pursuing one's dreams. Despite facing setbacks and discouragements, like being demoted in acting roles and tanking a major audition, Jack Whitehall's lack of confidence as a child did not hinder him from eventually finding success in comedy. This serves as a reminder that even when people doubt our abilities or circumstances seem unfavorable, it is essential to believe in ourselves and keep pushing forward. Jack's experience also highlights the importance of earning opportunities through hard work and talent rather than relying solely on nepotism or shortcuts. Building self-belief and overcoming obstacles are fundamental for achieving personal and professional growth.

    • Building Confidence Through Perseverance and DeterminationBelieving in oneself and using setbacks as motivation can lead to success, even without formal training.

      Confidence can be built through perseverance and a desire to prove oneself. Jack Whitehall shares his own experiences of lacking confidence as a child, due to factors such as physical appearance, lack of casting in school plays, and wanting his father's approval. However, these setbacks fueled his determination to pursue acting and comedy, even in the face of skepticism. Jack's desire to make his father laugh and the challenges of performing for a tough crowd further motivated him. Despite his lack of formal training, Jack's talent was recognized by a producer who offered him opportunities to develop his comedic skills. This conversation highlights the importance of believing in oneself and using setbacks as motivation to achieve success.

    • Jack Whitehall's Journey to Authenticity in the Entertainment IndustryFinding one's authentic voice is crucial in the entertainment industry, and early success can lead to challenges and self-doubt along the way.

      Jack Whitehall experienced rapid success in his career as a comedian, but struggled to find his authentic voice. At a young age, Jack was thrust into the world of television without fully understanding who he was as a person or as a performer. He tried various comedic personas, including one that emulated Russell Brand, but ultimately found them inauthentic. Jack's journey to discover his true voice and identity as a comedian was frustrating and filled with self-doubt. However, his ambition, resilience, and privileged background allowed him to push through difficult gigs and continue to improve. This conversation highlights the importance of finding one's authentic voice and the challenges that come with early success in the entertainment industry.

    • The Journey of a Comedian: From Small Venues to Big ExpectationsCherish the early stages of your comedy career, where the focus is on growth, learning, and the joy of performing, before the pressures and anxieties of success take hold.

      The early stages of pursuing a career in comedy or entertainment can be both daunting and exhilarating. Performing in small, noisy venues with minimal expectations and little pressure can create a sense of freedom and possibility. However, as success and recognition grow, so do the professional anxieties and expectations. The pressure to consistently deliver and meet the high demands of larger venues and audiences can overshadow the joy and spontaneity of the craft. This conversation highlights the importance of cherishing and embracing the early stages of a career, where the focus is on growth, learning, and the pure enjoyment of performing, before the weight of expectations and anxieties become more prominent.

    • Prioritizing mental well-being and finding fulfillment in work and personal life.focus on what truly matters, let go of professional anxieties, be present in relationships, and refocus energies on true fulfillment and happiness.

      It is important to prioritize mental well-being and focus on what truly matters. The conversation highlights how many individuals, even those who have achieved success, feel the need to constantly hang on to their current position, creating anxiety and preventing them from fully expressing themselves or taking time off. However, the truth is that professional anxieties and concerns are not as significant as long as one continues to do what they love and find fulfillment in their work and personal life. Comparing oneself to others and worrying about trivial things, such as negative online comments or rejections, can be consuming and hinder the ability to be present in important relationships. It is crucial to refocus energies on what brings happiness and to not let insignificant matters overshadow true fulfillment.

    • Jack Whitehall's struggle with burying his emotions and the impact it has on his personal and professional lifeFinding a balance between work and personal well-being while being open to constructive criticism is crucial for personal and professional growth.

      Jack Whitehall acknowledges his sensitivity and vulnerability, but often chooses to bury his emotions to avoid burdening others and maintain a positive image as a comedian. However, he admits that this habit of burying emotions can weigh him down over time and affect his character negatively. Feedback from audiences and online trolls, although sometimes hurtful, can provide constructive criticism and help him grow as a comedian. Jack also recognizes that burying emotions can lead to a lack of focus, causing him to prioritize work over personal life. This conversation highlights the importance of finding a healthy balance between work and personal well-being, as well as embracing constructive criticism for personal and professional growth.

    • Jack Whitehall's Journey to Work-Life Balance and FatherhoodIt's important to prioritize personal experiences and relationships over work commitments, as they provide a healthier perspective on life and inspire personal growth.

      Jack Whitehall realizes the importance of shifting his focus from work to his upcoming role as a father. He acknowledges his driven nature and the tendency to fill his schedule with various professional commitments. However, he recognizes the need to take a step back and prioritize spending time with his child and building personal experiences. Jack believes that having a baby will not only bring excitement but also provide a healthier perspective on life. He acknowledges the consequences of overworking and neglecting relationships, admitting that it is a mistake he often makes. Ultimately, Jack understands the value of achieving a work-life balance and allowing himself time to live his life and gather inspiration naturally.

    • Jack Whitehall's mixed emotions and concerns about becoming a parent and the importance of mental preparedness for significant lifestyle changes.Parenthood requires mental preparedness for the overwhelming and surreal nature of the experience, as well as adjustments in work and social life to prioritize family time.

      Both Jack Whitehall and the interviewer have mixed emotions and concerns about becoming parents. Jack expresses his excitement about becoming a dad but also acknowledges the overwhelming and surreal nature of it. He recognizes that his approach to work and social life will have to change significantly once the baby arrives, and he may have to make career adjustments to prioritize family time. Despite his initial perception of being an older father like his own dad, Jack's perspective shifted as he saw the happiness of friends and family with children. The conversation highlights the importance of being mentally prepared for the significant changes in lifestyle and priorities that come with parenthood.

    • Jack Whitehall on Tour and FatherhoodJack Whitehall embraces the challenges of balancing touring and parenthood, recognizing the importance of hard work and connection with his audience. His new show, "Settle Down," signifies a shift in his comedy as he explores the theme of growing up.

      Jack Whitehall is excited about his upcoming tour and becoming a hands-on dad. He believes that many comedians go on tour to escape from their responsibilities at home. Although he initially thought about combining fatherhood with touring, he now realizes that it might be challenging. Jack acknowledges the hard work and preparation that goes into creating a successful tour, but once on the road, he thoroughly enjoys performing and connecting with the audience. He prefers a condensed burst of shows rather than a long tour to avoid getting bored with his material. Jack's new show, "Settle Down," marks a transition in his comedy as he explores the theme of settling down and becoming more of an adult.

    • Jack Whitehall: Navigating Expectations and Finding AuthenticityDespite his onstage persona, Jack Whitehall is introspective and struggles with meeting expectations. Resilience, learning from mistakes, and supportive collaborators are essential for maintaining a public image.

      Jack Whitehall reflects on the transitional moment in his life as he enters his thirties. He shares his anxieties and fears about settling down, and the expectations that come with it. Despite his outgoing and comedic persona on stage, Jack reveals that he can be a quiet and introspective person in real life. He also acknowledges that he relies on alcohol as a crutch in overwhelming social situations. Jack is conscious of meeting people's expectations and not wanting to disappoint them, especially his fans. He emphasizes the importance of resilience, learning from mistakes, and surrounding oneself with supportive and challenging collaborators. Overall, this conversation highlights the complexities and contrasting sides of Jack Whitehall's personality and the challenges he faces in maintaining his public image.

    • The Power of Good Relationships, Work Ethic, and Overcoming Self-Doubt in Achieving SuccessSurround yourself with the right people, work hard, and believe in yourself to overcome self-doubt and achieve success in any endeavor.

      Surrounding yourself with the right people is crucial for success. Jack Whitehall emphasizes the importance of having good relationships and a good judge of character. He believes that if you surround yourself with the wrong people, you will head off in the wrong direction. Additionally, the conversation highlights the significance of work ethic and finding a balance between hard work and relaxation. In terms of Jack's comedy career, he acknowledges that stand-up comedy is a high-stakes art form that requires constant feedback and the ability to sell jokes. Despite his success, he still experiences doubt and imposter syndrome, questioning his abilities and fearing that he will be exposed as a fraud. Ultimately, this conversation emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with good people, maintaining a strong work ethic, and overcoming self-doubt to achieve success in any field.

    • Jack Whitehall on the Benefits of Podcasting and the Significance of Fatherhood and Authenticity.Jack Whitehall believes that podcasts provide a more genuine portrayal of his personality, allowing for a deeper connection with the audience. He also shares the importance of cherishing moments and seeking authentic relationships.

      Jack Whitehall emphasizes the limitations and flaws of print interviews while highlighting the benefits of podcasting. Jack feels that print interviews often portray him in a more depressing light, while podcasts allow for a more authentic and comprehensive representation of his personality. He believes that podcasts, like the one he is participating in, create a sense of connection and liberation for both the interviewer and the audience. Additionally, Jack shares his insecurities and the pressure he feels to impress his father, who is a significant figure in his life. Despite his success, Jack still seeks his father's approval and values his honesty. Ultimately, Jack acknowledges the importance of cherishing moments and accomplishments while recognizing the transient nature of life.

    • The Importance of Father-Son Bonding and InfluenceJack Whitehall values his close relationship with his father and appreciates his father's loving nature. He recognizes the importance of parental presence and prioritizing family over career success.

      Jack Whitehall's relationship with his father is incredibly important to him. He desires to have a strong bond with his dad and wants him to be a part of his future as a father himself. Jack admires his father's loving and affectionate nature, and he cherishes the time they spend together. While they don't often discuss their emotions directly, Jack believes that his father knows how much he means to him. Their closeness is evident in their work collaborations and the joy they experience when spending time together. Jack also recognizes the impact his father's choices made in prioritizing family over a successful career, emphasizing the significance of parental presence and involvement.

    • The Importance of Communication and Expressing Emotions Across GenerationsIt is crucial to address relationships and openly express emotions before it's too late. Comedy can also play a powerful role in bringing joy during difficult times.

      Communication and expression of emotions can be challenging, especially between generations. Jack Whitehall reflects on his regret of not having a closer relationship with his father and struggling to express his feelings. He mentions that society and cultural norms of previous generations might have impacted their ability to communicate openly. However, he acknowledges the importance of resolving this issue and pledges to be more present and attentive with his loved ones. The conversation emphasizes the significance of addressing relationships and expressing emotions before it's too late, as well as the power of comedy in bringing joy during challenging times.

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    The Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women & We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women! Richard Reeves
    500,000 men are dying by suicide, and 6% of men are unemployed, is masculinity in crisis? And what is the cure?  Richard Reeves is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and President of the American Institute for Boys and Men, an organisation that researches and addresses issues affecting men. He is also the author of the book, ‘Of Boys and Men’.  In this conversation, Richard and Steven discuss topics such as, the rising rates of male suicide rates, the health benefits of marriage for men, the toxic impact of Andrew Tate, and the relationship crisis among men.  0:00 (Intro) (01:24) Why Dedicating Your Career To Men's Issues (03:54) What's Your Background? (06:06) The Crazy Stats That Made You Research This Topic (08:07) We're Going Through A Cultural Revolution (12:32) We Need A New Way To Approach This (17:12) Are Men And Women Differently? (21:07) Men Take More Risks (26:17) Unconscious Behaviours Of Men (34:11) Suicide Is The Biggest Killer Of Men (38:44) Why Is This Suicide Increasing? (42:47) Why Do Humans Feel Like They Need To Be Needed? (46:59) Why Men Feel Less Needed (49:43) Does Retirement Kill You? (54:43) We're Losing Connection In Our Modern Society (57:42) The Dating Environment Has Changed (01:05:23) Are Dating Apps Being Unfavourable To Men? (01:09:41) Is Marriage In Decline? (01:12:51) Births Are Increasing Outside Of Marriage (01:13:56) Is Marriage Better For Women Or Men? (01:15:59) Enforced Monogamy (01:17:55) Why Andrew Tate Converted To Islam (01:20:47) Women Economic Power (01:22:56) What Do You Think About The Word Toxic Masculinity (01:27:08) There Is A Friendship Male Recession (01:31:38) Men Shed's Movement (01:33:48) My Experience With Couples Therapy (01:36:30) The Hard Times Of Going Through Couples Therapy (01:40:25) How Masculinity Can Be Expressed (01:47:42) What Advice You'd Give Your Children (01:53:58) Using Our Voices To Make Men Be Heard (02:01:22) The Last Guest Question You can buy Richard’s book, ‘Of Boys And Men’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/BGBtdbitXKb  Follow Richard:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/8swNmRotXKb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/9iup1brtXKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante

    Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante
    In this moment, the former CIA intelligence officer Andrew Bustamante discusses the crucial techniques of manipulation, which he describes as a core part of CIA training. Andrew  introduces the R.I.C.E. analogy, which stands for Reward, Ideology, Coercion, and Ego. This framework is essential for understanding the motivations of others, allowing you to connect with them, build relationships, and influence their actions. According to Andrew, reward involves anything the other person desires, while ideology reflects the person’s core beliefs and is the most powerful element of the acronym. Coercion involves using negative behaviours on someone such as guilt or blackmail, and ego relates to how the other person sees themselves. Andrew translates this manipulation technique to marketing. He suggests that by sending targeted messages to your audience and assessing their responses, you gain insights into their ideology, providing you with useful information for future sales. Listen to the full episode here - Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/vgYbIohXXKb Apple -  https://g2ul0.app.link/r9qufpkXXKb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Andrew: https://everydayspy.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Transforms Your Gut Microbiome! People Are Being Overdosed On Ozempic! Microdosing Saved My Life! - Dr Tyna Moore

    The Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Transforms Your Gut Microbiome! People Are Being Overdosed On Ozempic! Microdosing Saved My Life! - Dr Tyna Moore
    It's the most effective weight loss drug ever, but could it have other miraculous benefits? Dr Tyna Moore is a certified Naturopathic and Chiropractic physician and expert in holistic regenerative medicine. She is also the host of ‘The Dr Tyna Show’ Podcast and founder of the ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course about the benefits of the drug.  In this conversation, Dr Tyna and Steven discuss topics such as, how Ozempic saved Tyna’s mother’s life, the link between Ozempic and fertility, Ozempic's impact on alcoholism, and how Ozempic can boost your sex drive.  00:00 Intro 02:06 What Is Tina's Mission? 03:33 What Is a Naturopathic Doctor? 05:13 What Is Metabolic Dysfunction? 10:17 Tina's Most Surprising Case Studies 12:45 What Treatment Did You Prescribe Your Mother? 15:47 Tina's Health History 19:28 Discovering Ozempic 27:57 What Is Ozempic? 32:14 Tina's Use of Ozempic 38:17 The Untold Story of Ozempic 41:26 Other Benefits of Ozempic 50:36 Ozempic the Cancer Cure? 54:45 Mental Health Connections to Ozempic 57:14 Sexual Health and Fertility Impact 01:00:58 Where Is Metabolic Dysfunction Coming From? 01:05:04 What Advice You'd Give Someone With PCOS 01:10:13 Microdosing Examples 01:15:07 Microdosing Ozempic 01:20:34 Is Ozempic a Cure for Addiction? 01:23:56 Ozempic and the Dopamine Pathways 01:27:34 Should We Be Concerned About Side Effects? 01:30:18 What Are the Downsides of the Treatment? 01:32:42 What Else You Need to Do for Weight Loss if Microdosing 01:35:30 Losing Muscle as We Age, Fact? 01:36:37 The Sleep Component 01:38:44 Mindset for Weight Loss 01:40:36 The Benefits of Saunas 01:42:34 What Would Tyna Say to the World? 01:46:57 How to Find Out More About Tyna's Work 01:54:06 Guest's Last Question You can sign up to Tyna’s ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/SzO8olaUTKb  Follow Tyna:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/1jWIP6cUTKb  YouTube - https://g2ul0.app.link/TDLQu8fUTKb  Learn more about the studies mentioned, here: Ozempic and cardiovascular disease - https://g2ul0.app.link/acj4iubuVKb  Ozempic and colorectal cancer - https://g2ul0.app.link/ZFpVdfduVKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer

    The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer
    Sleep walking, night terrors and even sleep murders, the mysteries of the sleeping brain revealed Professor Guy Leschinzer is a world-renowned expert in Neurology and Sleep Medicine at Guy’s Hospital London. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The Nocturnal Brain’, ‘The Man Who Tasted Words’, and most recently, ‘Seven Deadly Sins’.  In this conversation, Guy and Steven discuss topics such as, how sleep can strip belly fat, the one sleep disorder affecting up to 80% of people, the number one fix for insomnia, and the truth about sleep walking and other night time activities. 00:00 Intro 02:06 Dr. Guy's Fascination With Neurological Conditions 04:15 What Is Dr. Guy's Background 06:26 What Is A Sleep Disorder Centre? 08:01 Why Dr. Guy Chose To Study Sleep 09:19 Is Sleep Important? 11:24 Why We Need Sleep For Good Health 12:59 A Large Percent Of The Population Has Insomnia 17:05 What Is Narcolepsy 18:03 What's Causing So Many Sleep Problems? 21:06 What's The Perfect Sleeping Habit? 24:36 Sleep Quantity Variance Per Person 28:27 The Link Between Sleep And Weight Gain 31:44 Circadian Rhythms Explained 36:17 Blue Lights 39:34 The Main Reasons People Are Struggling With Their Sleep 44:35 Sleep Myths 46:15 Chronotypes 47:55 Where To Start Fixing Sleep Problems 51:25 The Rise Of Sleep Trackers 58:28 What Is The Glymphatic System? 01:01:50 The Link Between Sleep Deprivation And Alzheimer's 01:02:54 Medicating To Help Sleep 01:04:38 Side Effects Of Melatonin 01:06:05 Non-Medical Alternatives To Help Sleep 01:14:38 Surgery To Fix Sleeping Issues 01:17:49 What Would Brain Scans Reveal About Sleep Deprivation 01:19:40 Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Mood 01:21:11 Can Parts Of Our Brain Be Asleep? 01:22:47 Dreaming 01:25:08 Nightmares Explained 01:25:54 Why Do We Remember Some Dreams And Not Others? 01:28:12 Most Upsetting Sleep Disorder Dr. Guy Has Seen 01:31:42 The Sleepwalking Murderer 01:33:51 There Is Help For Insomnia 01:35:18 The Different Types Of Insomnia 01:36:42 The Man Who Tasted Words 01:39:33 Autism And Synesthesia 01:42:22 Are We Guilty Of Crimes If We Are Mentally Ill? 01:45:01 Interventions To Help The Criminally Mentally Ill 01:46:40 Crazy Stories Resulting From A Brain Disorder 01:52:47 How Meeting People With Brain Disorders Has Changed Dr. Guy 01:54:22 Guest's Last Question   You can purchase Guy’s books, here: ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/aoUzRBkJNKb  ‘The Nocturnal Brain’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/iLrSJxzKNKb ‘The Secret World of Sleep’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/W8nPXVCKNKb  Follow Guy: Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/CCqOwVnJNKb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/YC1itGqJNKb  You can learn more about the study on light exposure patterns, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/2SQaT1KKNKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/doac - give you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. There's no risk with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Most people think of Michael Bublé as the soundtrack of Christmas, yet often overlooked is his unwavering dedication to his music, the personal challenges he’s faced and the mission he’s on. From summers of catching and sorting salmon on his father’s arctic fishing boat, to earning his 10,000 hours performing songs in the clubs, malls and cruise ships of Canada. Michael has earned his success, including 5 Grammy wins, 15 Juno awards, 6 multi-platinum albums, and well over 14 billions streams worldwide. Bublé is a true family man, yet his journey has been marked by having to overcome severe adversity, including the cancer diagnosis of his eldest son. This year, Michael announced the launch of his whiskey brand, Fraser & Thompson Whiskey, created in partnership with longtime friend, award-winning Master Distiller and Blender, Paul Cirka. This is the real Michael Bublé, you just haven’t met him yet. Michael’s Instagram: https://bit.ly/48mwLOv Try Michael’s new Whisky available to buy here: https://bit.ly/48hntmW The Conversation Cards: https://bit.ly/4amtNew My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now: https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb Follow me: Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZ Twitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHm Linkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95Q Telegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxST Sponsors: Huel: https://my.huel.com/daily-greens-uk ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% off Uber Trains: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Harland Williams

    Harland Williams
    Santino sits down with Harland Williams about making his own t-shirts, we talk to the devil, how much he loves pure Concord grape juice and we learn about hunchback cousins on a dew wig warm farm. COME SEE ME ON TOUR!!! https://www.andrewsantino.com ORDER SOME MERCH!!! https://www.andrewsantinostore.com Join our Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/whiskeygingerpodcast SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! DRAFT KINGS 56 to 1 odds on any NFL teams Download the Draft Kings app Code WHISKEY BESPOKE POST Go to https://boxofawesome.com PROMO Code WHISKEY Follow Santino on Insta and Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Whiskey Ginger Insta and Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeygingerpodcast/ & https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Whiskey Ginger Clips: http://www.youtube.com/c/WhiskeyGingerPodcastClips Produced and edited by Joe Faria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Adam Carolla's Guide to Overcoming Adversity and Finding Your Voice

    Adam Carolla's Guide to Overcoming Adversity and Finding Your Voice

    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com – 

    Adam Carolla is a well-known comedian, podcast host, actor, and author. He gained fame as the co-host of the radio and television show "Loveline" and later became a prominent figure in the podcasting world with "The Adam Carolla Show," one of the most downloaded podcasts. Carolla's humor often touches on controversial subjects, and he is known for his candid and unfiltered approach.

    This conversation delves into the significance of embracing criticism and offers advice to aspiring comedians and podcasters: prioritize authentic expression over fearing consequences. This episode also highlights how cancel culture can lead to self-censorship and encourages reflection on instances where external pressures influenced content choices. 

    In this episode you will learn,

    • Balancing Controversy and Humor: Striking a balance between discussing sensitive subjects and maintaining a comedic tone is key to navigating potential backlash.
    • Handling Criticism: Embracing criticism is important. Advice for aspiring comedians/podcasters: Don't fear consequences, focus on authentic expression.
    • Avoiding Self-Censorship: Cancel culture can lead to self-censorship. Reflect on instances where external pressures influenced content choices.
    • Maintaining Authenticity: Staying true to oneself and comedic style requires resisting external influences and staying genuine.
    • Audience Engagement: Authenticity and addressing controversial topics can foster a loyal fan base by resonating with listeners seeking genuine discussions and perspectives.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1487

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Bert Kreischer: https://link.chtbl.com/1234-pod

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