
    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Hormone Literacy and Personalized Care for Women's HealthUnderstanding our hormones is crucial for women's health, as they regulate various aspects of our well-being. Lack of knowledge and education about hormones leads to a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare, overlooking women's hormonal needs. Empowering women with hormone-awareness and personalized care is essential.

      Hormone illiteracy is a major challenge for both men and women. Understanding our hormones is crucial as they regulate various aspects of our health, including our menstrual cycle, appetite, moods, and sleep. However, there is a lack of knowledge and education about hormones, leading to a societal approach to female health that does not align with hormonal fluctuations. Many women suffer from perimenopause and menopause without understanding their hormones or the lifestyle choices that can support them. This lack of knowledge has led to a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare, where women's hormonal needs are often overlooked. Additionally, the increasing physical, emotional, and chemical stressors in our environment contribute to hormonal imbalances. It is essential to address these issues and empower women with hormone-awareness and personalized care.

    • Lifestyle Changes for Hormonal Balance in Women Over 40Prioritize lifestyle adjustments before considering medication or hormone therapy. Fasting, balancing carb intake, repairing the microbiome, detox practices, and mindfulness can significantly impact hormonal disorders and enhance overall health.

      Lifestyle changes play a crucial role in regulating hormonal balance, especially for women over 40. It is important to prioritize lifestyle adjustments before considering medication or hormone therapy. Five key steps for women over 40 include fasting and psych cycling their fast, balancing carb intake to maintain estrogen and keep the thyroid and progesterone happy, repairing the microbiome, implementing detox practices, and incorporating mindfulness tools to reduce stress. These lifestyle changes can have a significant impact on hormonal disorders, such as menstrual issues, fibroids, infertility, and PCOS. It is essential to understand that hormone production, breakdown, and cell absorption are all influenced by the overall health of the body, including the microbiome and liver function. Therefore, focusing solely on hormone therapy without addressing these factors may yield suboptimal results.

    • Taking Control of Hormonal Health and Balancing Hormones Through Lifestyle Changes and Supportive CommunitiesWomen can improve their hormonal health by understanding their menstrual cycle, tracking hormone fluctuations, and making lifestyle changes such as fasting, varying foods, and building a community of supportive women.

      Women need to take ownership of their hormonal health and understand the different stages of their life. It is important to track one's cycle and consider urinary hormone tests to understand the fluctuations in hormones. Knowing the personalities of hormones like progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone can help women navigate their symptoms and behaviors. Implementing lifestyle changes, such as fasting, varying foods, working on the microbiome, detoxing, and slowing down, can be a long but essential process towards hormonal balance. It is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and women may need supplementation or other hormone therapies along the way. Building a supportive community of women who can share experiences and stories is also beneficial for overall health.

    • Recognizing and Addressing Stressors for Improved Well-beingUnderstanding and managing stressors, whether they are negative or positive, psychological or physiological, is essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being.

      Stressors can come in various forms and have a significant impact on our health. It is crucial to recognize and address these stressors to improve overall well-being. Stressors can be both negative and positive, such as family drama or having a new baby. Additionally, hidden psychological stressors from past traumatic experiences can affect our body's stress response. It is also important to consider physiological stressors like sleep deprivation, poor diet, and blood sugar imbalances, which can lead to adrenal dysfunction. Furthermore, hidden sources of inflammation, such as infections or toxins, can also contribute to stress on the body. This conversation emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing various stressors in order to maintain optimal health.

    • The impact of modern lifestyles on our adrenal function and health.Prioritizing rest, reducing stress, and healing the gut are crucial steps to restore balance and well-being in the face of modern lifestyle challenges.

      Our modern lifestyles and societal pressures have led to a disconnection from our natural circadian rhythms, causing a widespread impact on our adrenal function and overall health. By constantly subjecting ourselves to irregular schedules, stress, and inflammation-causing foods, our bodies are thrown into a state of survival mode, depleting our immune function and making us more susceptible to illnesses and infections. This is particularly evident in cases of chronic fatigue and gut infections. To address these issues, it is essential to prioritize rest, reduce stress, and focus on healing the gut through minimizing inflammatory foods and utilizing beneficial yeasts. It is crucial to acknowledge that although these conditions may be common, they should not be considered normal. Our ancient genes are not adapted to the constant stressors of our modern world, making it imperative to make conscious efforts to restore balance and well-being.

    • Faster and Effective Approaches for Restoring Adrenal FunctionBy incorporating alternative methods like pregnenolone and DHEA supplementation, morning sunlight exposure, meditation, yoga, and herbal remedies, significant improvements can be achieved in adrenal health within a shorter time frame.

      Restoring adrenal function can be a challenging and time-consuming process, but there are alternative approaches that may offer faster results. Traditional methods, such as getting enough sleep, reducing stress, and avoiding inflammatory foods, can be effective but require significant lifestyle changes. However, a different approach has been developed, focusing on providing the body with safety signals to shift from a survival state to a thriving state. This approach includes utilizing pregnenolone and DHEA, along with other techniques like exposing oneself to sunlight in the morning, practicing meditation and yoga, and taking herbs. This alternative protocol has shown promising results in a shorter time period, with a significant reduction in symptoms like brain fog and fatigue.

    • A Holistic Approach to Boosting Health and Energy LevelsIncorporating dietary changes, supplements, and joyful activities, along with intermittent fasting, can have transformative effects on overall health and energy levels.

      The approach to improving overall health and energy levels involves a combination of dietary changes, supplements, and transformational work. Functional medicine and integrative medicine emphasize the use of adaptogens, B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, and electrolytes to support the body. Mitochondrial support through supplements like d ribos, rhodiola, and carnitine can have a transformative effect on brain fog, anxiety, and sleep. Incorporating activities that bring joy and pleasure into daily routines is crucial for boosting energy levels. Additionally, implementing intermittent fasting, such as a 16-hour fasting window with an 8-hour feeding window, can be beneficial for individuals seeking to improve their overall health.

    • The Benefits of Fasting for Health and Well-being.Embracing fasting can improve metabolic health, promote autophagy, and support weight loss by effectively utilizing stored fat as a fuel source. It is important to find the fasting approach that aligns with individual needs and incorporates other healthy habits.

      Fasting can have numerous benefits for our health and well-being. It is important to consider our individual goals and life stage when deciding on the appropriate fasting strategy. Fasting allows our bodies to enter an unfed state where we experience benefits such as autophagy, lowered inflammation, and improved metabolic health. For those who are metabolically flexible, fasting can help them effectively use different fuel sources, including stored fat. Embracing fasting can lead to improved biophysical markers, blood pressure, and inflammatory markers. Research has shown that individuals who are physically active and consume fewer calories often have better quality of life and longevity. It is essential to find the fasting approach that aligns with our individual needs and incorporates other healthy lifestyle habits.

    • The Benefits of Adopting a Gradual Approach to Changing Eating Habits and Incorporating Fasting for Optimal HealthGradually transitioning into longer fasting periods and reprogramming the cognitive disconnect around meal frequency can have significant health benefits, but it is important to find the right fasting method based on individual health conditions and goals.

      Adopting a graduated approach to changing eating habits and incorporating fasting can have significant health benefits. Mark Hyman emphasizes the importance of stopping snacking and removing liquid sugar calories from one's diet. He argues that snacking has been conditioned by the food industry and is detrimental to overall health. The conversation also points out that slowly transitioning into longer fasting periods is necessary, especially for individuals who are metabolically inflexible. It is important to reprogram the cognitive disconnect around meal frequency and understand that the body can function well without constant food intake. Different individuals may require different fasting approaches based on their health conditions and goals. Ultimately, finding the right fasting method for each person, like finding the right dose of medication, is crucial to optimizing health outcomes.

    • The impact of traditional eating habits and sedentary lifestyles on our metabolism and weight loss.Making gradual changes to our eating habits, including reducing snacking and adjusting meals, can improve our overall well-being and metabolic health.

      The traditional three meals a day and snacking approach to eating is contradictory to what is actually beneficial for our metabolism and weight loss. The emphasis on low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets came about in the 1950s, shifting the focus away from the harmful effects of sugar and towards fat. This, combined with the rise of processed foods and sedentary lifestyles, has contributed to poor metabolic health. The accessibility of unhealthy food options and sedentary activities in our modern society has further worsened the situation. To start making positive changes, it is recommended to stop snacking and adjust our meals accordingly. Starting conservatively and gradually changing our eating habits can have a positive impact on our overall well-being.

    • Personalized Approach to Intermittent Fasting: Finding the Right Balance for Optimal HealthIntermittent fasting should be tailored to individual factors such as gender, life stage, and activity levels, and finding the right balance is crucial for maintaining muscle mass and overall well-being.

      Intermittent fasting, or time-restricted eating, can be a beneficial strategy for achieving optimal health and managing weight. The specific fasting approach will vary based on individual factors such as gender, life stage, physical activity levels, and overall lifestyle. Women in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle may benefit from more intense fasting, while post-ovulation may require less fasting. It is important to find a balance between fasting and providing adequate fuel for the body, especially for maintaining muscle mass. Additionally, considering factors like stress levels, sleep quality, and exercise routines is crucial in determining the appropriate fasting duration. It is okay to start with fasting on a few days of the week and gradually increase as needed. Overall, intermittent fasting can be a valuable tool when used in a personalized and sustainable manner.

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    Cynthia is a globally recognized expert in nutrition and intermittent fasting, highly sought-after speaker, and the CEO and founder of Everyday Wellness Project. She’s been a nurse practitioner for 20+ years, and is a two-time TEDx speaker. Her viral TEDx Talk: intermittent fasting: transformative technique has been viewed over 7 million times. She has been featured on ABC, FOX5, KTLA, CW and in Medium and Entrepreneur. She’s also the host of Everyday Wellness podcast, which was listed as “20 podcasts that will help you grow in 2020” by Entrepreneur magazine.

    If you want to learn more about some of our go-to products for recovery and performance, check out our B&B Favorites Page: https://beautyandthebiohacker.com/favourites



    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga or Katie Moore, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    Buy her book Fast Like a Girl: A Woman’s Guide to Using the Healing Power of Fasting to Burn Fat, Boost Energy, and Balance Hormones

    In this episode you will learn

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    • Experience the 'limitless' magic fasting provides and how to experience these benefits daily.
    • Understanding birth control and its long-term impacts on women’s health.

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    In this episode, Dr. Dana Gibbs, an expert in hormones, allergies, and CEO of Consultants in Metabolism, talks about how women's overall health can be affected during perimenopausal and menopausal stages. She explains that as women lose estrogen and other hormones, it can lead to problems like insulin resistance and depression. Dr. Dana also points out symptoms of thyroid and menopause that might seem normal but are actually affecting health. She suggests seeing a doctor if you notice even small symptoms. Memory issues, like forgetting names, can be a symptom of menopause. When it comes to thyroid concerns, Dr. Dana emphasizes checking five thyroid hormones: total T3, Reverse T3, free T3, free T4, and TSH. She also highlights the importance of getting enough minerals, even if you eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.

    Are you curious about what you are experiencing on your body? Listen to this episode for more information about the changes in your body!


    Episode Highlights:

    • Importance of hormones in our body and how it affects our health during perimenopausal and menopausal stages.

    • How insulin affects various aspects of health

    • The effect of thyroid hormonal imbalance to the body and its symptoms

    • Importance of talking with your doctor

    • Effects of menopause to the body

    • How to manage hormonal imbalances

    • Steps in checking thyroid symptoms

    • Importance of vitamin D


    Connect with Dr. Dana Gibbs:


    About Dr. Dana Gibbs

    Dr. Dana Gibbs is an educator, Hormone expert, board-certified ENT, and allergist. Dr. Gibbs attended medical school in San Antonio Texas and trained in Otolaryngology at the University of Kansas. She practiced otolaryngology in Arlington TX for 23 years. Dr.Gibbs speaks online, presenting workshops that introduce physicians and patients to the unique solutions of an integrative Hormone practice. She recently retired from her ENT practice, and opened Consultants in Metabolism, a direct care practice for thyroid, metabolic and hormone management for Women and Men. The practice is located in North Texas and offers live and virtual visits.



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    Episode 176: Sleep And Menopause With Coach Barbara

    Episode 176: Sleep And Menopause With Coach Barbara

    Episode Overview

    Menopause is a time when major hormonal, physical, and psychological changes happen to our bodies. That can come with many different symptoms, including a disruption to the sleep cycles we’re accustomed to.

    Today, we’re joined by Balance365 Coach Barbara St. Louis who specializes in women’s health and peri to postmenopausal wellness. She’s going to specifically address how we can improve our sleep habits during menopause. She explains what helps, what doesn’t, and provides actionable plans for moving towards better sleep in this season of life. Enjoy!

    And if you haven’t grabbed our free guide, Binge Eating: Why You Do It & How to Stop, you can do so here. Download your copy today and start learning how to better manage strong urges to overeat.

    Key Points

    • What is menopause?
    • Why menopause impacts sleep
    • What you can do to manage sleep and menopause


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