
    How To Get RICH And Die with ZERO REGRETS! (The Multi-Millionaire Secrets NO ONE Shares!) | Bill Perkins

    enNovember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Money as a Tool for Building a Fulfilling LifePrioritizing personal fulfillment over material wealth and allocating wealth, health, and time effectively can lead to a truly rewarding life.

      Money is not the ultimate goal, but rather a tool to build the life we want. Bill Perkins, an experienced hedge fund manager, emphasizes that money should be seen as hammers and saws rather than the end result. It is important to understand that money is meant to help us achieve fulfillment and experiences that align with our true desires and values. Perkins suggests that the key to developing a fulfilling life where money plays a role lies in allocating our three resources—wealth, health, and time—in a way that maximizes our overall satisfaction. While there may not be a specific formula, adopting the right mental models and prioritizing personal fulfillment over material wealth can pave the way to a truly rewarding life.

    • Prioritizing experiences for lifelong fulfillment.Invest in experiences now to fully enjoy them and create lasting memories for ongoing happiness throughout life.

      We need to prioritize and make the most of our experiences while we are still young and healthy. Bill Perkins emphasizes the importance of recognizing that our physical abilities and priorities change over time. We must consider the activities and experiences that will bring us the most fulfillment at different stages of our lives. Perkins suggests investing in experiences now, rather than postponing them until retirement or later in life when our bodies may not allow us to fully enjoy them. These experiences not only bring immediate joy but also create memories that continue to bring us happiness whenever we recall them. By understanding and planning our experiences, we can maximize our fulfillment throughout our lives.

    • Finding Balance between Enjoyment and Financial ResponsibilityPrioritize experiences that bring happiness and invest in them intentionally. Avoid going on autopilot and fear wasting life more than running out of money. Be the driver of your own life for a fulfilling journey.

      We should prioritize maximum enjoyment and fulfillment in our lives while also being financially responsible. It's important to think about the experiences and choices that will bring us happiness and create lasting memories, without neglecting our future stability. This means finding a balance between living in the present and planning for the future. Each person's career path and financial situation will be different, but the key is to be intentional and avoid going on autopilot. Take the time to think about what experiences belong in each stage of your life and invest in them accordingly. Don't fear running out of money, but rather, fear wasting your life and missing out on valuable opportunities. It's about being the driver of your own life and ordering your experiences properly to create a more fulfilling journey.

    • Embracing experiences before it's too latePrioritize and seize opportunities for memorable experiences while you still have the physical ability, as they can create lasting memories and valuable lessons to share.

      Our ability to fully enjoy and partake in certain experiences diminishes over time. Money, as a tool, can be used most effectively when we prioritize experiences and activities that may become increasingly difficult or impossible as we age. The story of Bill Perkins climbing steps and wakeboarding illustrates the importance of seizing opportunities when they arise. Our bodies reach physical maturity around 33, and from there, our capabilities decline. By recognizing this inevitable decline, we can make the most of our physical abilities while we still have them. Additionally, embracing memorable experiences allows us to create lasting memories and share valuable lessons with others.

    • Balancing financial planning and enjoying the presentPrioritize finding a balance between saving for the future and enjoying life now, including giving earlier financial support to children, creating lasting memories, and making a difference in the world in the present.

      We should be intentional with our money and how we leave it behind. The misconception of saving and investing every penny for retirement can lead to missing out on enjoying life and creating fulfilling experiences. Instead, the key is to find a balance. Giving a smaller amount to our children at an earlier age can have a greater impact and fulfillment for them than waiting until we pass away. Timing is important, and between the ages of 25 and 33 could be ideal. Additionally, focusing on leaving a legacy shouldn't just be about financial assets. Spending quality time with our loved ones and creating memories is equally important. Lastly, donating to charities and making a difference in the world should be done in the present, as there is a pressing need for help and support now.

    • Nurturing well-rounded individuals through mindful wealth transferBill Perkins strikes a balance by setting up a trust fund, providing his children with opportunities for growth and adventure while ensuring they mature and handle wealth responsibly.

      Bill Perkins believes in raising strong, independent individuals who are kind and capable of navigating the world on their own. He understands the importance of not spoiling his children with excessive wealth, but also wants to provide them with fulfilling experiences and memories. To achieve this balance, he has set up a trust fund that will transfer to his children when they are between the ages of 28 and 33. This approach ensures that they have time to mature and develop the necessary skills to handle the money responsibly. Perkins emphasizes that the timing of giving is crucial, allowing them to embark on their own adventures with the resources he provides. Ultimately, his main responsibility as a parent is to raise thoughtful, kind-hearted individuals and trust them to make their own decisions when they become adults.

    • Maximizing Experiences: Connecting Wealth and JoyUse your resources wisely and connect your money to meaningful activities and adventures that bring you joy and fulfillment. Make the most of your time by living life to the fullest and maximizing experiences.

      Our time on this planet is limited and valuable. Instead of wasting it on work that brings no fulfillment or reward, we should focus on using our assets wisely to maximize our experiences and adventures. Money is just a tool, not something to hoard and never use. Saving for survival is important, but beyond that, it's essential to attach our money to meaningful activities and experiences. Whether it's going hiking with friends, attending concerts, or taking trips, the key is to connect our wealth with the adventures that bring us joy and fulfillment. By spending our resources and living life to the fullest, we can truly make the most of our time here.

    • Aging and Prioritizing: Why Seniors Spend Less MoneySeniors prioritize personal connections and shared experiences over high-consumption activities, highlighting the importance of relationships and cherishing moments with loved ones. Breaking scarcity mindset can lead to financial opportunities.

      As people age, they tend to spend less money and prioritize more relaxed lives. This is supported by data, which shows that even when healthcare costs are taken into account, seniors spend less money as they age. One reason for this is that they may not have the energy or ability to engage in high-consumption activities like traveling. Instead, they value personal connections and shared experiences with loved ones, such as taking their whole family on an adventure or simply enjoying a picnic together. While money itself may not be able to fulfill these desires, it can enhance the experience and make it easier for family members to participate. Breaking the generational conditioning around scarcity and embracing abundance can lead to increased wealth and financial opportunities.

    • Embracing Fearlessness: Finding Fulfillment Through Risk-TakingHaving a fearless mindset and being open to new experiences can lead to greater opportunities and fulfillment in life.

      Having a fearless mindset and being willing to take risks can lead to greater opportunities and fulfillment in life. Bill Perkins shares his journey of not being afraid to try different jobs, even if they seemed unconventional or outside of his comfort zone. He believed in his own capabilities and was willing to leave his familiar surroundings to chase opportunities. He understood that failure was a part of the learning process and embraced it as a way to grow and push his limits. Bill's story reminds us that having a mindset of abundance, believing in ourselves, and being open to new experiences can ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.

    • The Power of Belief and PerspectiveEmbracing adversity as fuel for success, Bill Perkins's story emphasizes the importance of not letting past experiences define us and confidently pursuing our goals.

      Belief and perspective can be powerful tools for success. Bill Perkins's delusion that he could overcome any challenge, even drink his own pee if necessary, set him on a course of relentless determination to learn and achieve. His upbringing in a period of racial adversity taught him not to care about what others thought and to only listen to his dreams. This mindset of not being defined by adversity, but rather using it as fuel to prove others wrong, can be a superpower for success. Perkins's story shows that while some people may be marketed the victim story and stay stuck in their adversities, others can embrace their underdog pride and confidently pursue their goals, regardless of their past experiences.

    • Belief, Action, and Growth: The Path to Success and FulfillmentConfidence, determination, and the willingness to learn from failures are essential for achieving financial success and personal fulfillment. Believe in yourself, take action, and overcome obstacles to reach your goals.

      Belief and action are key to making more money and finding fulfillment. Bill Perkins emphasizes the importance of having the confidence and entitlement to pursue opportunities and take chances. He encourages taking swings even if you strike out, as failure is just a learning experience that leads to growth. Additionally, Perkins highlights the significance of not letting others' expectations or past perceptions hinder your progress. Whether it's believing in your own abilities or not seeking validation from loved ones, maintaining a strong sense of self and determination is crucial. By believing in yourself, taking action, and learning from failures, you can navigate life's waves and achieve both financial success and personal fulfillment.

    • Overcoming fear and embracing risk for a fulfilled life.Surround yourself with supportive individuals, believe in your dreams, and take consistent steps towards them to achieve success and live a fulfilled life.

      The fear of failure and the comfort of a safe life can hold people back from pursuing their dreams. Many individuals discourage risk-taking and adventure because they are afraid for others and want to protect them. These individuals may have experienced failure themselves or have chosen a safe path, and your success exposes their cowardice. People often feel comfortable in their safe lives and use others' failures as validation for their choices. It is important to be cautious of the mindset you adopt from others and surround yourself with supportive individuals who believe in your dreams. Success is not just achieving goals, but also living a fulfilled life and embracing the journey. Moreover, consistency and taking your dreams seriously are key to achieving success.

    • Taking Dreams Seriously and Striving for ExcellenceTo maximize our potential and avoid regrets, we must approach our dreams with seriousness, give our best effort, and actively engage in new experiences.

      We should take our dreams and aspirations seriously. Many people are flippant with their own dreams, fearing failure and not giving their best effort. This mindset allows for excuses and protects our egos when we fall short. However, to truly maximize our wealth, health, and time, we need to use all resources at our disposal and approach our goals with seriousness and dedication. Another lesson is to always do our best, understanding that our best effort may vary from day to day. Regrets often stem from not giving our best, and by consistently striving for excellence, we can avoid these regrets. Lastly, life is about movement and experiences. The more we engage in new activities and process information, the more fulfilling and meaningful our lives can be. So, get out there and move!

    • Living a Fulfilling Life of Integrity and AuthenticityTrue fulfillment and happiness come from prioritizing experiences, relationships, personal growth, and emotional well-being over material possessions and wealth.

      True fulfillment comes from maximizing our experiences, relationships, and personal growth, rather than simply focusing on accumulating wealth or material possessions. Bill Perkins emphasizes the importance of living a life in alignment with our values, pursuing our dreams, and finding peace and harmony within ourselves. He shares that even billionaires can experience stress and lack of fulfillment if they neglect their emotional well-being and ignore their core values. By questioning our actions and priorities, we can ensure that we are making choices that will bring us long-term happiness and satisfaction. Ultimately, greatness lies in living a life of integrity and authenticity, staying true to ourselves and our aspirations.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1598

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    3 Powerful Steps to Manifest Financial Abundance: Unlock Your Wealth Potential

    3 Powerful Steps to Manifest Financial Abundance: Unlock Your Wealth Potential

    No matter what life throws your way, there are a few things that will ALWAYS be in your full control: your attitude, your skill set, and your effort. While it’s important to be aware of new external opportunities and swing for the fences when they come your way, never let them distract you from investing in yourself. 

    Investing in yourself doesn’t only mean hitting the gym or reading the latest personal development book – it goes beyond that. It means that we should invest in our personal finances, equip ourselves with the skills to make us recession-proof, set ourselves up for long-term success, and more.

    Jaspreet Singh, the Minority Mindset, is an attorney, investor, and CEO of Market Briefs. Although he didn’t receive any formal financial education – he is on a mission to make financial education fun and accessible. He’s back on the show to share his thoughts about the current economic situation and help educate people on their best course of action moving forward.

    Ken Honda is the best-selling author of Happy Money, a wealth and personal development book which teaches a revolutionary approach to money. For 25 years, Ken has been teaching and mentoring people in Japan about how to understand and heal unconscious money wounds, achieve peace of mind, and learn practical, powerful ways to increase abundance.

    Bob Proctor is a New York Times bestselling author, motivational speaker, success coach, and expert on the human mind. In short, he’s a master thinker. One of his bestselling books is called You Were Born Rich, which is all about finding success in your present rather than reaching for it in the future. Bob is also featured in the popular film The Secret, one of the most popular self-help films ever made.

    In this episode you will learn

    • Hard work amplifies the effectiveness of smart work.
    • Your beliefs shape your actions and potential for success.
    • Gratitude can increase the value of your money.
    • Expressing gratitude to your finances can lead to financial independence.
    • Aligning with a higher frequency can attract the abundance you seek.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1556

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Listen to the full episodes:

    Jaspreet Singh – https://link.chtbl.com/1411-pod

    Ken Honda – https://link.chtbl.com/1331-pod

    Bob Proctor – https://link.chtbl.com/1227-pod

    Think Big, Act Small | Ep. 190

    Think Big, Act Small | Ep. 190

    Today, I want to delve into an intriguing tension that all entrepreneurs must grapple with: the need for both patience and impatience. 

    It may seem contradictory, but we require audacious goals and consistent daily actions. 

    How can we reconcile these seemingly opposing forces? 

    Some individuals are patient but sluggish in the moment, while others are energetic but expect instant results. 

    Striking a balance is crucial. Naval Ravikant advises us to be impatient with actions and patient with results, while Gary Vaynerchuk advocates for micro speed and macro patience. 

    It's about thinking big while acting small, focusing on the immediate tasks that inch us closer to our larger goals. 

    I call this approach "five to thrive" and "three to free." The former represents our quarterly objectives, while the latter symbolizes the three crucial tasks we tackle each day. 

    By mastering prioritization, we make remarkable progress. 

    If you're curious to explore my productivity system, Hyperfocus, head over to beyondtheapex.com. It's time to wield your focus as a weapon of mass accomplishment.

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


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    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com

    The 3 Things You Have to Stop Doing If You Want To Be Successful | Ep. 136

    The 3 Things You Have to Stop Doing If You Want To Be Successful | Ep. 136

    Today, I want to talk about one of my favorite frameworks that I learned from Nicholas Naseem Tilleb, which is called Via Negativa. 

    It’s a framework that helps you figure out what you need to stop doing to achieve your goals. 

    Instead of asking what positive actions you need to take...you ask yourself what an absolutely horrible life would look like. 

    This helps you identify the negative aspects of your life that you need to get rid of. It could be anything from a bad relationship to unhealthy habits...like eating too many calories. 

    And here's the kicker: progress in life is often less about doing new things and more about removing things that are holding you back. 

    So, if you want to achieve your goals, start by identifying the top three things that you need to remove from your life. 

    Take some time, sit down, and try this framework out. You won't regret it.

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com