
    About this Episode

    This episode is all about. Racial Discrimination, Motherhood, Racist Behaviors and how to change that. How do we change the racist behaviors? It requires an integrative holistic approach. First, we have to admit that we have racist behaviors, and then we must begin an internal process of self-inquiry, self-learning and for each person, it requires a willingness to look at where they can improve. Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me. #BeANTIRACIST #PEACEONEARTH #MOTHERHOOD #GEORGEFLOYD #JOHNLEWIS

    Recent Episodes from Absolute Alignment with Christelle Biiga: When Success Feels Easy

    New Beginnings

    New Beginnings

    There’s always an opportunity to start fresh, to do something different, to try something new. Our soul constantly calls us to grow, to expand because it knows what we are really capable of and how powerful we truly are.

    Are you going to answer the call of your soul despite the fear of the unknown?

    In this last episode, we are going to discuss how to navigate our emotions and fears effectively and embrace new opportunities.

    Positive Choice and the Power of Choice

    Positive Choice and the Power of Choice

    In essence, we have more choice than we often are led to believe or think we have. Sometimes the choice is just to inform us of the next choice. Ways to empower ourselves through awareness, options, choice, and courage.


    Moving away from the external binary choice of 'good' or 'bad', 'right' or wrong' and moving towards the internal binary conversation to ask questions like: 

    1. Is this right for me
    2.  Does this move me towards my goals
    3. Is this in alignment with my values

    Live with courage- choose your dreams!

    Live with courage- choose your dreams!

    It's a fact of life:  Change Happens. We can't escape it, even if we try. 


    In fact, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus (535-475 bc) stated "The only thing that is constant is change.'


    Sometimes change is planned and intentional (E.g going to school, training for a trade, getting married, or having a baby),


    Often though, change happens without planning, or our consent.   We don't always get to choose what happens to us, but we can control our reaction to it.  We get to decide what lessons to take from the event, and if we choose to teach those lessons.   More importantly, we have the power to determine if and how that change event defines us.


    How do you navigate change in your life?  Does it scare you or empower you?  Do you avoid change or do you embrace it?


    Navigating change doesn't have to be hard, but it does take effort. Two key components to living an empowered and activated life come from Positive Choice and Elevated Courage.


     Diane McClay and Christelle Biiga talk about how Choice and Courage became the cornerstones of two distinct life altering journeys.  Diane left la secure, benefit-based job and Christelle left her home country alone to start a new life in America.


    Both women are living their dream because of how they embraced change and worked with it to create prominent and lucrative new paths for themselves.  Together they share with you keys to connecting to your personal courage, motivation to never give up, and access to personal support as you navigate change.





    How do we connect to courage to get through unexpected difficulties?






    The Power of Transcending Narratives -Your justice, healing, and liberation are within you.

    The Power of Transcending Narratives -Your justice, healing, and liberation are within you.
    The transformational and influential power of energy, mindset, expectations, and deep core beliefs impact racism and social justice in our world today.   Learn how to cultivate a powerful and expansive sense of self and, build energetic fortitude and align with your highest vision and dreams for your life no matter the circumstance.  

    Be a part of the live studio audience as my VIP guest to be in my energy, get your questions answered in real-time, and receive live coaching.

    Grab your free ticket here: https://calendly.com/christelle-biiga/podcast-live-studio-audience


    Book your 30-min complimentary Courage Boost coaching session with me: https://calendly.com/christelle-biiga/courage-booster-session-web

    Encore: Why Smart, Strong Women Struggle MORE In Marriage...And LIVE Coaching to Fix It!

    Encore: Why Smart, Strong Women Struggle MORE In Marriage...And LIVE Coaching to Fix It!

    Does it drive you crazy that you’re smart and you work hard and you do everything you can to have a successful marriage but somehow you’ve married your “emotional opposite“?


    If your marriage or relationship would work WAAAY better if your man was just more like you…


    You cannot afford to miss this!


    If you want to be a part of the live studio audience of my podcast and get to opportunity to be in my energy and have your questions answered in real-time, use the link below to grab your complimentary VIP ticket:




    Save your seat to attend my FREE Live Webinar "The One Ingredient Essential To Business Success For Women" below:




    For Queries: hello@christellebiigacoaching.com


    Why Smart, Strong Women Struggle MORE In Marriage...And LIVE Coaching to Fix It!

    Why Smart, Strong Women Struggle MORE In Marriage...And LIVE Coaching to Fix It!

    Does it drive you crazy that you’re smart and you work hard and you do everything you can to have a successful marriage but somehow you’ve married your “emotional opposite“?


    If your marriage or relationship would work WAAAY better if your man was just more like you…


    You cannot afford to miss this!


    If you want to be a part of the live studio audience of my podcast and get to opportunity to be in my energy and have your questions answered in real-time, use the link below to grab your complimentary VIP ticket:




    Save your seat to attend my FREE Live Webinar "The One Ingredient Essential To Business Success For Women" below:




    For Queries: hello@christellebiigacoaching.com


    Lack of Confidence

    Lack of Confidence

    What you think of yourself affects your self-esteem and self-confidence
    Don't allow accomplishments to validate your worth
    Be your own biggest hype man


    This podcast is recorded in front of a live studio audience. To be a part of it, use the link below to grab your complimentary VIP ticket to get the opportunity to ask your questions in real-time and receive live coaching from me and my guests: https://calendly.com/christelle-biiga/podcast-live-studio-audience.


    Interested in booking Christelle as a Motivational Speaker on your next online or in-person event? Get in contact here: meetchristellebiiga.com



    Join me on June 26-27 for The Courageous YOU Online Retreat to learn how to believe in yourself, show up for yourself with confidence, and play full out:



    Soul-led Success for Entrepreneurial Women

    Soul-led Success for Entrepreneurial Women

    We came here with a divine purpose and the inner resources to make our dreams come true. When we follow our hearts, we circulate abundance like never before!


    This podcast is recorded in front of a live studio audience. To be a part of it, use the link below to grab your complimentary VIP ticket to get the opportunity to ask your questions in real-time and receive live coaching from me and my guests: https://calendly.com/christelle-biiga/podcast-live-studio-audience.


    Interested in booking Christelle as Speaker on your next online or in-person event?

    Get in contact here: meetchristellebiiga.com


    Join me on June 26-27 for The Courageous YOU Online Retreat to learn how to believe in yourself, show up for yourself with confidence, and play full out::


    Self-love, what is it, and how do you get it?

    Self-love, what is it, and how do you get it?

    We hear about self-love all the time, but do we know how to find it and own it? In this episode, we will break it down and you will walk away with a new perspective and ways to embrace your self-love now.


    If you want to book Christelle Biiga as an Inspirational Speaker for your next event, go to meetchristellebiiga.com.


    The podcast is recorded in front of a live studio audience and the attendees get the opportunity to have their questions answered and live coaching from Christelle and Guest. You can take advantage of that extra support by signing up using this link: https://calendly.com/christelle-biiga/podcast-live-studio-audience


    Join me on June 26-27 for The Courageous YOU Online Retreat to learn how to believe in yourself, show up for yourself with confidence, and play full out:



    Revealing the Amazing you

    Revealing the Amazing you

    We’ve all learned to hide in life. We’ve learned to not speak up, not stand out, not to bring attention to ourselves in fear of what others will think, say or do. So much energy is wasted putting up protective layers of armor and presenting a false, mediocre version of ourselves in order to fit in or to please others.

    Cat’s 15 years performing burlesque has offered her the chance to peel back these protective layers and to celebrate the authentic beautiful human underneath. She has taken her experience in Burlesque and applied it to her everyday life in order to step out into the world confidently, authentically, and unapologetically. It’s time to quit hiding in fear of other’s judgment and to find joy in sharing your authentic self with the world.

    During this talk, Cat will invite you to embrace. The ability to please YOURSELF so that you are fired up to serve others. Ways in which you can shun or reclaim hurtful labels that are preventing you from stepping out and showing up as you. How to re-write your story so you no longer feel the need to hide.


    Grab your complimentary ticket here to be a part of our live studio audience as my VIP guest and have the opportunity to get your questions answered in real-time and receive free coaching from me and Cat:
