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    Airbnb CEO: “IT WAS SO DARK WE NEARLY DIED!”. I Was Lonely, Deeply Sad & Wanted To Be Loved! [INSPIRING!] Brian Chesky

    enOctober 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The power of childhood experiences and passionsOur childhood experiences and early passions have a significant impact on who we become. They can shape our identity and provide unexpected skills and opportunities in the future.

      Our childhood experiences and early passions shape who we are at our core. Brian Chesky, the co-founder of Airbnb, experienced childhood challenges and used his passion for art and design to escape and create a world of his own. This childhood desire to design a better world ultimately led him to the field of industrial design and, surprisingly, provided him with the skills necessary to run a successful tech company. Chesky's story highlights the importance of understanding our early experiences and the influence they have on shaping our identity. It also exemplifies how seemingly unrelated passions and skills can come together to create unique opportunities and paths in life.

    • The Impact of Feeling Different and Seeking External ValidationUnderstanding and shifting towards internal motivations can lead to a healthier relationship with success and a greater sense of fulfillment.

      Feeling different and not enough can deeply impact individuals, leading them to seek validation and love from external sources. Brian Chesky's experience of being different in almost every way and not feeling like he belonged resonates with many people. This sense of not fitting in can drive individuals to turn to addiction, whether it be work or other outlets. The pursuit of adulation, rather than genuine love and admiration, can become a never-ending cycle, where individuals feel the need to constantly seek validation through bigger and grander achievements. However, understanding the roots of these feelings and shifting towards internal motivations can lead to a healthier relationship with success and a greater sense of fulfillment.

    • The True Path to Happiness and SuccessTrue fulfillment comes from finding purpose, maintaining good health and relationships, and staying grounded in reality. Success alone does not guarantee happiness; it requires balance and self-awareness.

      Success and status may initially make you happier, but eventually, you adapt to it and revert back to how you felt before. Climbing the ladder and reaching the top doesn't necessarily bring significant change. What truly matters is finding purpose and fulfillment in life. Chesky emphasizes the importance of health, relationships, and not taking them for granted. He reveals the cost of addiction to work, acknowledging that while the journey may have been amazing, it can also be lonely and isolating. He advises future entrepreneurs to stay connected with friends, meet other entrepreneurs, and fight against the bubble that detaches them from reality. Happiness and success require balance and self-awareness.

    • The Importance of Connection and Overcoming LonelinessStaying connected with loved ones and reaching out to others is essential for a fulfilling life, as success alone cannot fill the void inside us. True loneliness is often a result of not nurturing deep connections with those who care about us.

      Staying connected to loved ones is crucial for a fulfilling life. Brian Chesky emphasizes the importance of fighting the temptation of isolation and maintaining connections with others on a daily basis. While success may provide a sense of purpose, it cannot fill the void inside us. Chesky suggests that introspection and reaching out to others are key to overcoming loneliness and finding fulfillment. He regrets losing touch with friends and family during his Airbnb journey, highlighting the drift that can occur when we become absorbed in our busy lives. Chesky's mentor, President Obama, also stressed the significance of having deep connections with a few trusted individuals who are already up to speed on our lives. True loneliness may simply be an illusion caused by our failure to reach out to and connect with the people who care about us.

    • The Importance of Prioritizing Meaningful Connections in the Digital AgeTake the time to engage with others and establish genuine connections, as relying solely on social media can leave us feeling empty and disconnected. Live with a sense of urgency and prioritize relationships to build a fulfilling life.

      We often fail to take initiative in maintaining meaningful connections in our lives. With the convenience of technology, we have the ability to reach out to others instantly, yet we often choose to prioritize scrolling through social media instead of fostering real relationships. Brian Chesky highlights that relying solely on social media for our social lives can leave us feeling empty and disconnected. Instead, we should make the effort to engage with others, whether it be our close friends and family or new acquaintances, to establish genuine connections and shared experiences. Additionally, it's essential to recognize the limited time we have and not delay investing in relationships, as we cannot predict how much time we have left. By prioritizing connections and living with a sense of urgency, we can build a fulfilling and purposeful life.

    • The Value of Time, Relationships, and Long-Term GoalsCherish and prioritize meaningful connections with loved ones, focus on long-term goals, and understand the immense value of shared experiences and relationships in life.

      Time is precious and should be spent wisely. Brian Chesky emphasizes the importance of focusing on long-term goals and not underestimating the power of small ideas. Over a period of 10 years, incredible progress can be achieved through discipline and perseverance. Additionally, Chesky highlights the significance of shared experiences and relationships. Memories created with loved ones have a lasting impact and are often cherished more than everyday routines. It is crucial to prioritize meaningful connections and express feelings towards others. Chesky reflects on the regret of not spending enough time with loved ones and emphasizes the value of cultivating a family. Ultimately, it is the relationships and experiences in life that hold the most importance.

    • Finding Inspiration in Unexpected PlacesReading about Walt Disney inspired Brian Chesky to create something meaningful and taught him the importance of being a creative force and designing a memorable experience for guests.

      Inspiration can come from unexpected places and can shape the trajectory of our lives. For Brian Chesky, reading a biography about Walt Disney resonated deeply with him and sparked a desire to create something meaningful. He realized that he didn't have to work for someone like Disney, but could strive to become a creative force in his own right. Another key insight came from Disney's risky move to bet the entire company on a feature-length animated film. This inspired Chesky to design Airbnb's end-to-end experience, focusing not just on the practical aspects but also on creating a memorable journey for guests. Chesky highlights the importance of having creative minds in positions of power to imagine and design a better world.

    • Embracing creativity and passion in business for true innovation.Focus on solving problems for a small group of dedicated fans rather than trying to please everyone, as it leads to greater success.

      Creativity and passion are essential for success in business. Brian Chesky emphasizes that creativity is often stifled in corporate America, but it is vital for true innovation. Walt Disney and Steve Jobs are cited as examples of leaders who empowered creativity within their companies. Chesky also highlights the importance of creating for yourself and solving a problem for a small group of people, rather than trying to please millions. He shares the origin story of Airbnb, which began as a solution for a design conference and grew into a global phenomenon. Chesky concludes that having a smaller group of dedicated fans who love your product is more valuable than having a large number of indifferent customers.

    • Starting small, connecting with individuals, and aiming for incremental milestones: the key to success.Success comes from understanding the needs of a few individuals, designing tailored solutions, and focusing on incremental growth. Creativity, intuition, and customer-centricity are crucial in entrepreneurship, even as companies gather more data.

      Starting small and focusing on the first step is crucial for success. Brian Chesky emphasizes the importance of connecting with a few individuals, understanding their needs, and designing a product or service tailored specifically for them. Instead of fixating on reaching a million users, Chesky suggests aiming for incremental milestones. By starting with a hundred, then a thousand, and continuing in orders of magnitude, the journey becomes more manageable. Chesky also highlights the value of creativity and intuition in entrepreneurship, even as companies grow and gather more data. Maintaining a sense of intuition and heart allows for ongoing innovation and customer-centricity. Avoiding excessive reliance on data-driven decisions is important for maintaining the soul of a company and its ability to adapt to a changing world.

    • Success through heart, creativity, and audacityIncorporating heart, creativity, and audacity into business practices can lead to a better world and success is attainable with determination and innovation.

      Success requires more than just financial measurements. Brian Chesky emphasizes the importance of incorporating heart and creativity into business practices to ensure relevance and a better world. He believes that the marriage of artists, scientists, and operators can design a significantly better world. Chesky's rejection by an investment firm serves as a reminder that the world doesn't easily align with our dreams and ambitions. It takes audacious individuals, like entrepreneurs and inventors, to navigate the obstacles and challenges along the way. Building bridges, recruiting others, and pushing outside comfort zones are crucial. Chesky encourages people to embrace their entrepreneurial skillsets and start something meaningful, as success is attainable with determination and innovation.

    • The unique qualities and challenges of founder-led companiesFounders have a deep understanding and passion for their companies, but may struggle with scaling and succession planning. Building a strong company culture and focusing on people and culture are important for innovation and growth. Striving for a startup-like environment is valuable for long-term success.

      Founders have unique qualities that professional managers often lack. Founders are like biological parents to their companies, with a deep passion and love for what they have created. They also have the permission to make decisions and change things because they intimately understand the origins and branding of the company. Most importantly, founders have the knowledge and ability to build and rebuild their companies from scratch. However, founders may struggle to scale their companies or pass them on successfully, which is where succession planning becomes crucial. Despite these challenges, founder-led companies have a special quality that can drive innovation, create wealth, and change the trajectory of society. Additionally, fostering a strong company culture is essential, as it forms the foundation for future innovation and the engine that designs everything else. Designing the culture you want is critical to avoiding undesirable outcomes. HR should focus on people and culture, rather than just administrative tasks, to bring out the best in employees and create a highly creative environment. Ultimately, building a company that feels like a startup even as it grows into a large organization is a goal worth striving for.

    • Shaping Company Culture: Beyond Values on WallsBuilding a strong company culture requires leaders to actively shape and exemplify desired behaviors, from hiring to promoting. It is the ultimate intellectual property that binds people, resources, and strategy together.

      Creating a strong company culture goes beyond simply listing out values and plastering them on the walls. It's about the shared way of doing things and the behaviors that leaders exemplify. Culture is built through the lessons learned and the way a company rises in the face of adversity. It's about hiring, firing, and promoting based on the desired culture. A leader's role is to constantly shape and prune the culture, like a gardener, by leading by example and actively shaping every aspect of the organization. Culture is the ultimate intellectual property of a company, binding people, resources, and strategy together. To determine your company's culture, identify the problem you're trying to solve, reverse engineer the behaviors needed to solve it, and then implement those behaviors through hiring and other actions.

    • The importance of attention to detail and company culture for success, as emphasized by Steven Bartlett and Brian Chesky.Attention to detail and a strong company culture are essential for success. This includes obsessing over details, having a full-time head of experimentation and data scientist, and fostering a culture of shared consciousness and collective decision-making. Integration and breaking down divisions within the organization also contribute to a seamless and efficient workflow.

      Attention to detail and a strong company culture are crucial for success. Steven Bartlett emphasizes the importance of obsessing over even the smallest details, which is reflected in their company's values. This is supported by having a full-time head of experimentation and data scientist focused on continuous improvement. Brian Chesky adds that culture is not just about what and how you do something, but also about the values and behaviors that are ingrained in the process. A strong culture allows for a shared consciousness and collective decision-making, resulting in a cohesive and successful company. Additionally, Chesky highlights the importance of integration and breaking down divisions within the organization, running it like a startup rather than a traditional large company. This level of integration helps create a seamless and efficient workflow.

    • The Importance of Culture and Values in Times of CrisisDuring times of crisis, a strong company culture and values are crucial for resilience and recovery. Creating a close-knit organization connected to core values helps navigate through difficult times and emerge stronger.

      Culture and values are essential in times of crisis. Brian Chesky from Airbnb emphasizes the importance of having a strong culture that goes beyond perks and benefits. When disaster strikes, it is the culture that defines the company's response and resilience. Chesky shares his experience of losing 80% of Airbnb's business in just eight weeks, which was undoubtedly their darkest professional hour. However, their culture and values kept them going. Chesky believes that a leader's job is to create a close-knit organization, where everyone feels connected to the leader and the core values. This connection helps in navigating through difficult times and emerging even stronger.

    • Lessons in Crisis Management and LeadershipIn times of crisis, make principle decisions, act decisively with all stakeholders in mind, preserve cash, and see the crisis as an opportunity for growth and innovation.

      Crisis can define the success of a company. Brian Chesky's experience during the pandemic taught him valuable lessons about leadership and decision-making. He realized that in times of crisis, it is important to make principle decisions rather than just focusing on short-term business outcomes. Acting decisively and with all stakeholders in mind is crucial to maintain a positive and compassionate approach. Chesky also emphasized the significance of preserving cash and looking towards the future, even when faced with uncertainty. He believed that a crisis should not be wasted, but rather seen as an opportunity for growth and innovation. Ultimately, Chesky's optimism and ability to manage his own psychology played a vital role in guiding his company through difficult times.

    • Prioritizing human connection and empathy in times of crisis.During a crisis, leaders should prioritize the well-being of their employees by offering support and creating opportunities for rehiring, demonstrating the importance of empathy and compassion in leadership.

      During a crisis, it is important to prioritize human connection and love above purely financial reasons. Brian Chesky, the CEO of Airbnb, emphasized the significance of taking care of his employees and ensuring their well-being during the pandemic. By offering benefits like mental health support and maintaining healthcare for laid-off employees, Airbnb showed a level of care that was unlike any other company. When faced with the difficult decision of laying off employees, Chesky made long-term decisions by creating an alumni directory and personally reaching out to CEOs to help in the rehiring process. This demonstrates the value of empathy and compassion in leadership, and the understanding that the world needs connection and belonging more than ever.

    • Emotional involvement and meaningful connections: The key to true fulfillment and happiness.True happiness comes from doing what you love, treating people with dignity, and nurturing meaningful connections, rather than focusing solely on success and achievements.

      Success and achievement alone may not lead to true fulfillment and happiness. Brian Chesky's journey with Airbnb highlights the importance of being emotionally involved in your decisions and understanding the consequences. He emphasized the significance of treating people with dignity, even in difficult situations like layoffs, and recognizing the unique value each person brings. Despite reaching incredible milestones, such as going public with a valuation of billions of dollars, Chesky discovered that the daily routines and relationships in his life remained largely unchanged. This realization serves as a reminder that true happiness comes from doing what you love and nurturing meaningful connections with others, rather than simply accumulating accolades and material success.

    • Balancing Success and Personal FulfillmentPrioritize personal relationships and personal growth alongside professional success for a well-rounded and fulfilling life.

      Brian Chesky experienced a profound shift in his perspective and priorities after reaching a high point in his professional career. As the CEO of Airbnb, Chesky found himself constantly immersed in work during the pandemic, fueled by adrenaline and purpose. However, after the company went public and he no longer felt the same rush, Chesky realized the importance of consciously designing how he spends his time and nurturing personal relationships. He learned the value of reaching out to friends and making time for loved ones, acknowledging that he had lost touch with many of them. Chesky's journey highlights the significance of balancing professional success with personal fulfillment and connections. He recognized the need to invest in meaningful relationships and make room for personal growth outside of work.

    • Building a Global Travel Community Through ConnectionBy prioritizing trust, understanding user preferences, and emphasizing the importance of connecting people, Airbnb aims to combat loneliness and bring people together through a global travel community.

      Brian Chesky envisions Airbnb to be more than just a service or a product. He aims to create a global travel community that focuses on connecting people rather than just offering spaces. Chesky believes that the foundation of trust lies in rich and robust user profiles, filled with public and personal information. By understanding the preferences and needs of users, Airbnb can go beyond travel and become an ultimate host, matching and connecting people with various experiences all over the world. Chesky sees this as a way to combat loneliness, which affects people of all ages. His purpose is to bring people together, and he views this as the essence of Airbnb's mission.

    • Embracing our shared humanity and the power of loveWe should recognize our similarities and focus on fostering connections and expressing love for others while they are still alive. Love is a guiding force that brings fulfillment and connection.

      Brian Chesky believes that people are fundamentally good and that we are more similar than we are different. He emphasizes the shared humanity we all possess, with 99.9% of our genetic makeup being the same. Chesky argues that it is difficult to hate someone who is only 0.1% different from ourselves, and instead, we should focus on finding common bonds and fostering connections. Through his journey, Chesky has discovered the importance of expressing love and appreciation for others while they are still alive. He highlights the power of love as a guiding force in decision-making and the overall sense of fulfillment and connection it brings.

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    The Glucose Expert: The Only Proven Way To Lose Weight Fast! Health Experts Are Wrong About Calorie Counting!

    The Glucose Expert: The Only Proven Way To Lose Weight Fast! Health Experts Are Wrong About Calorie Counting!
    Poison or guilty pleasure, the REAL truth about sugar.  Robert Lustig is a Professor of Paediatric Endocrinology and a public health expert on the impact of sugar on our health. He is the author of bestselling books such as, ‘Fat Chance’, ‘Metabolical’, and ‘The Hacking of the American Mind’.  In this conversation, Robert and Steven discuss topics such as, how nearly 75% of grocery items have added sugar, that obesity rates have doubled, the health impacts of childhood obesity and how calorie counting doesn’t help you to lose weight.  00:00 Intro 01:58 Our Minds Have Been Hacked! 05:03 What Dopamine Does to Your Brain 07:53 Sugar Is A Big Problem In Today’s Society 10:28 Why Sugar Is Poison To Our Bodies 11:08 The Difference Between Sugar and Fructose 14:53 This Is How Sugar Is Damaging Your Body 18:29 Damaging Effects on the Brain from Sugar Consumption 22:20 How the Food Industry Is Making You Eat Crazy Amounts of Sugar 25:05 Health Side Effects 27:12 Diet Coke, Saviour or Villain? 35:17 Sugar and the Impact on Our Organs 40:08 How Important Are Calories as a Way to Lose Weight? 43:47 Sugar Addiction, Stress, and Other Triggers 46:03 The Only Foods That Don't Contain Sugar 48:31 Food Labels Are Sending Wrong and Inaccurate Messages 50:16 Babies Are Born Fatter Than Before 51:30 Research on Children's Obesity 54:20 Insulin Resistance 56:00 Can We Reverse Diabetes? 58:34 What Is Leptin & How It’s Involved In Weight Loss 01:02:23 What Are Obesogens & How They Impact Our Health 01:03:31 The 3 Different Types of Fat You Should Be Worried About 01:09:34 Fruit Consumption… Good or Bad? 01:11:45 Environmental Chemicals That Make Us Fat 01:14:16 What Is an Endocrine Disruptor & How Can We Deal with Them? 01:17:11 How To Identify Real Food 01:22:20 The Importance of Fibre in Food 01:27:02 Personal Responsibility 01:34:50 Should the Government Get Involved? 01:39:40 Are We Being Lied To? 01:42:09 The Four C's for Contentment 01:47:19 What Is the Cause of All Our Health Problems? 01:49:46 Last Question   You can purchase Robert’s book, ‘Metabolical’ here: https://amzn.to/4acaseZ  Follow Robert: Twitter - https://bit.ly/4brlsG9  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo  Sponsors: ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Nuclear War Expert: 72 Minutes To Wipe Out 60% Of Humans, In The Hands Of 1 Person! If Nuclear War Starts, Go To This Country!

    Nuclear War Expert: 72 Minutes To Wipe Out 60% Of Humans, In The Hands Of 1 Person! If Nuclear War Starts, Go To This Country!
    The world could end in 72 minutes, see how the apocalypse plays out Annie Jacobsen is an investigative journalist, New York Times bestselling author, and a 2016 Pulitzer Prize finalist. Her books include, ‘Area 51’, ‘Operation Paperclip’, and ‘The Pentagon’s Brain’. In this conversation Annie and Steven discuss topics such as, how one person could cause the end of the world, what country would survive WW3, how close we are to nuclear war, and the strategic deception of the CIA. 00:00 Intro 01:59 Why Write This Book Now? 06:30 Are We Getting Closer to Nuclear War? 08:05 Who Is in Charge of the Nuclear Button? 12:23 The Evolution of Nuclear Weapons 16:16 Who Has Nuclear Weapons? 21:32 What Is the Football and Why Is Near the President 24/7? 24:30 How Important Is Picking the Right Leader? 28:17 What If the President Is Dead? 29:28 The Biggest Mistakes in Nuclear Detection 32:16 Nuclear War Games and Strategies 38:09 How Do the Decision Makers Cope? 40:32 How Would We Know Where the Nuclear Bomb Got Launched From? 46:02 What Happens After the First Minutes? 51:46 What Happens if the President Dies 53:23 The Aftermath 01:01:59 What Would Happen to a Country After It's Struck by Nuclear Bomb 01:06:51 How Many People Will Die? 01:07:35 Where Is Safe? 01:10:07 What Is the Solution? 01:14:02 How Did Annie's Feelings Change? 01:15:53 Conspiracy or Real? 01:26:55 The Role of the CIA 01:30:36 AI and the War Machine 01:40:55 Is Annie Optimistic? 01:43:37 The Origin of War 01:46:24 The Most Important Takeaway from Annie's Books 01:50:25 The People on Both Sides of Nuclear 01:59:18 The Impact of Your Books on You 02:00:46 Survivors of Nuclear Bomb 02:02:28 Conversations with Her Husband 02:06:18 What Have You Changed Your Mind About? You purchase Annie’s most recent book, ‘Nuclear War: A Scenario’, here: https://amzn.to/44yEoRe Follow Annie: Twitter - https://bit.ly/3UNNZQO Instagram - https://bit.ly/3UPDgp5 Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 161: The Surprising Link Between Your Gut And Your Brain: Gary Brecka

    Moment 161: The Surprising Link Between Your Gut And Your Brain: Gary Brecka
    In this moment, world-leading wellness expert Gary Brecka explains the fundamental relationship between our mental and our gut health. For years people have thought that their anxiety and depression are either all in their head or a product of their environment, however, Gary says the gut is the crucial hub for mental well-being. He believes that our gut functions like an assembly line. If anything disrupts its pace or workings, the wider factory of our body and mind is at risk. As a result, Gary believes that it’s crucial, before anything else, to find out how your gut is working to ensure optimal mental and physical health. Listen to the full episode here: Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/hCYEqDGAsJb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/gcrWn8IAsJb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Gary Brecka: https://www.garybrecka.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Fertility Expert: Delaying Having Kids Is Impacting Your Future Children & Reducing Your Chances Of Parenthood By 90%! Masturbation Reduces Cancer Risk!

    The Fertility Expert: Delaying Having Kids Is Impacting Your Future Children & Reducing Your Chances Of Parenthood By 90%! Masturbation Reduces Cancer Risk!
    The simplest lifestyle choices are impacting the biggest decisions in a man’s life; entering fatherhood. Dr Michael Eisenberg is a Professor of Urology at Stanford University, and is a male fertility and sexual function specialist In this conversation Michael and Steven discuss topics such as, what is ruining men’s sperm count, the reasons for hair loss, what is causing erectile dysfunction, and the truth about testosterone therapy. (02:02) Why do you do what you do? (02:58) What does reproductive health encapsulate? (04:27) Fertility health is growing (06:14) Researching on fertility issues (06:46) Why are we seeing more infertility? (07:18) Are you concerned about society's fertility issues? (11:14) What chemicals are reducing our sperm count? (13:50) Society measures (14:59) Sperm Quality (20:37) micro plastics affecting sperm count (23:57) Technology and heat fertility damage (30:07) Countries with biggest fertility problems (32:41) Does sitting for long periods affect our sperm count? (33:53) Fertility issues caused by OBESITY (34:46) Alcohol consumption and sperm count (36:32) What you can do to give yourself the best chances of conceiving (39:08) Man or woman, who has the most issues? (40:06) Male testosterone decline (41:31) The impact of exercise on our sperm count (43:04) What does Testosterone do? (45:23) side effects of taking testosterone (48:18) Common symptoms of testosterone use (51:01) Female fertility (51:57) How is Testosterone therapy given? (54:15) Exercise and health impact on testosterone (55:04) Penis average size increasing (57:24) Erectile dysfunction treatments (01:03:58) Pelvic floor strength (01:05:31) What causes cancer in the reproductive system (01:14:20) other male issues Dr Michael is being asked about (01:15:47) Best diets for better fertility (01:24:41) What's next for Dr Michael (01:26:04) biggest concerns (01:27:14) Advice to men who are struggling (01:03:11) Does shock wave therapy work for erectile dysfunction? Follow Michael: Twitter - https://bit.ly/4bazMmQ Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/doac - gives you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices