
    Podcast Summary

    • Shifting the Conversation from Medication to a Holistic ApproachADHD and ADD have underlying causes that can be addressed and treated through a holistic approach, leading to remarkable transformations without relying solely on medication.

      Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not simply due to a deficiency of Ritalin or other medications. These conditions, which have become an epidemic affecting 1 in 10 kids in America, have underlying causes that can be addressed and treated. The use of stimulant medications for these conditions has seen a drastic increase over the years, including among high school and college students using them for studying. However, instead of focusing solely on the brain, a more effective approach is to understand that our bodies and brains are interconnected. By addressing the root causes of ADHD and ADD, such as through functional medicine, remarkable transformations can occur. It's time to shift the conversation from medication to a holistic view of our biological network.

    • Understanding the underlying systems in our bodies for holistic healing.Functional medicine emphasizes addressing the root causes of diseases and recognizing the interconnectedness of the body and mind.

      Functional medicine focuses on understanding the underlying systems in our bodies that give rise to dysfunction. Instead of just treating the symptoms of diseases like ADD, Alzheimer's, or depression, we need to address the disturbances in our biological system, such as our gut health, inflammation, neurotransmitters and hormones, detoxification system, energy production, and nervous system. Knowing the name of the disease doesn't necessarily mean we know what's wrong with us, as the causes can vary from person to person. We must explore what's truly happening in our brains and understand the mind-body and body-mind connection. Everything we do, from what we eat to how we think, affects our brain. The key is to recognize the integrated system of our body and mind. The current diagnostic model based solely on symptoms may be outdated.

    • Addressing the root causes for a holistic view of healthFunctional medicine looks beyond symptoms, uncovering root causes to provide comprehensive care and effective healing. Collaboration among healthcare providers is crucial in this approach.

      Functional medicine focuses on addressing the underlying causes of diseases and disorders, rather than just treating the symptoms. This approach allows for a more holistic understanding of the individual's health and well-being. The case of the 12-year-old boy with multiple psychological and physical diagnoses illustrates the importance of looking for patterns and connections in order to uncover the root cause. Through functional medicine, a transformation occurred within just two months, with significant improvements in the boy's handwriting and overall functioning. This story highlights the need to consider how different symptoms may be connected and the importance of collaboration among healthcare providers to provide comprehensive care. By addressing the causes of the disease, rather than just the symptoms, functional medicine offers a more effective approach to healing.

    • The Link Between Inflammation and Brain DisordersAddressing the physical root causes of conditions like ADD, autism, depression, and schizophrenia by targeting inflammation can lead to more effective and holistic treatments, particularly for children.

      Many physical and mental health issues are connected to inflammation in the body. Conditions like ADD, autism, depression, and even schizophrenia are now considered inflammatory brain disorders. However, the current approach in medicine often treats each symptom separately with numerous medications, leading to a confusing and ineffective cocktail of drugs. This can be especially problematic for children, who may be prescribed a variety of medications for different issues without addressing the underlying cause. It is crucial to look beyond just the emotional or psychological aspects and consider the physical root causes of these conditions. By understanding the connection and focusing on addressing inflammation, we can potentially provide more effective and holistic treatments.

    • A Comprehensive Approach to Healthcare: Addressing Imbalances and Root Causes for Better HealthFunctional medicine looks beyond specific diseases, considering factors like lifestyle and nutrition to uncover the root causes of imbalances in the body. By addressing these imbalances, improvements in overall health can be achieved.

      Functional medicine focuses on identifying and addressing imbalances in the body's systems, rather than simply treating specific diseases. By examining factors such as lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and relationships, healthcare professionals like Mark Hyman can uncover the root causes of these imbalances. In the case of Clayton, his poor diet consisting of junk food and processed foods led to a deficiency in essential nutrients such as omega-3 fats and vitamins. These deficiencies were associated with conditions like ADD and eczema. By addressing these deficiencies through nutrition and supplementation, improvements in Clayton's mood, sleep, and overall health were observed. This highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach to healthcare that considers the body's holistic needs.

    • The Importance of Nutrition and Addressing Deficiencies for Optimal HealthPrioritize nutrient-dense foods, comprehensive testing, and addressing factors like inflammation and gluten sensitivity for improved overall health and prevention of various symptoms and diseases.

      Nutrition plays a crucial role in our overall health. Mark Hyman's analysis of this individual's diet revealed deficiencies in important vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, vitamin E, betacarotene, zinc, and magnesium. These deficiencies were linked to various symptoms such as infrequent infections, eczema, allergies, hyperactivity, headaches, anxiety, and muscle cramps. As a result, it is essential to prioritize nutrient-dense foods instead of relying heavily on junk food. Additionally, Hyman emphasizes the importance of comprehensive testing to assess levels of omega-3, vitamin A, magnesium, and vitamin D, which are often overlooked by traditional doctors. Furthermore, the individual's inflammatory issues highlight the connection between inflammation and various health problems, including brain diseases. Identifying and addressing factors that contribute to inflammation, such as food allergies, environmental toxins, and chronic infections, can lead to improved health outcomes. Finally, gluten sensitivity was found to be a significant factor in this case, leading to chronic inflammation in the brain and an immune response.

    • The impact of environmental toxins on health and the importance of a holistic approach.Environmental toxins can contribute to a range of health issues, especially in children. By addressing toxins and improving gut health, holistic treatments can alleviate multiple health concerns.

      Many health issues, including gut symptoms, asthma, allergies, and cognitive problems, can be caused or worsened by environmental toxins such as lead and mercury. This is especially concerning for children who may be exposed to these toxins through polluted environments, leaded paint, or contaminated foods. It's important to consider these factors as potential causes for health problems instead of attributing them to deficiencies or bad parenting. By addressing the impact of environmental toxins and improving the gut microbiome, simple treatments can be developed to alleviate multiple health concerns. Therefore, a holistic approach that addresses diet, toxins, and gut health can significantly improve overall well-being.

    • A Comprehensive Approach to Optimal HealthAddressing multiple factors, such as nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins, and food sensitivities, is essential for achieving optimal health. A holistic treatment plan can lead to significant improvements and reduce the need for medications.

      Our bodies are complex systems that require balance and multiple interventions for optimal health. Mark Hyman's approach to treating his patient involved addressing nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins, and food sensitivities. It wasn't enough to just focus on one aspect; it required a holistic approach. By removing harmful substances and replacing them with beneficial ones, such as a multivitamin, omega-3 fats, and probiotics, the patient's system was reset. This comprehensive approach led to significant improvements, allowing the patient to eventually stop taking various medications. This story highlights the importance of considering all factors that may be contributing to an imbalance and implementing a multifaceted treatment plan for better overall health.

    • Simple Changes for Managing ADD and Improving Brain FunctionMaking dietary changes, eliminating junk food, identifying food sensitivities, and addressing nutritional deficiencies can greatly improve symptoms of ADD and enhance overall brain health without the need for medication.

      Simple dietary and lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on managing ADD and improving overall brain function. By adopting a real food diet and eliminating junk, additive sugars, and processed fats, individuals can experience significant improvements in symptoms such as attention and irritability. Identifying and eliminating food sensitivities, particularly gluten and dairy, can also contribute to cognitive changes and enhance brain health. Nutritional deficiencies, including magnesium, zinc, and tryptophan, should be addressed to support optimal brain function. While severe cases may require medication, most children with ADD can benefit from these strategies without the need for medication. Implementing these strategies can help individuals lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

    • Enhancing Gut Health for Better Overall Well-being and Cognitive FunctionPrioritizing a whole food diet, addressing food sensitivities, and restoring gut flora can positively impact overall health and cognitive function, as seen in the case study of Clayton.

      Improving gut health through a whole food diet, addressing food sensitivities, and restoring gut flora can have a significant impact on overall health and cognitive function. The microbiome plays a key role in various health conditions, ranging from allergies to autism, and even dementia and Parkinson's. Taking steps to reduce inflammation in the body, such as consuming anti-inflammatory foods and detoxifying from toxins, can also contribute to improved well-being. It is crucial to prioritize colorful fruits and vegetables, healthy fats like Omega-3, and nutrient-rich foods. The case study of Clayton demonstrates how these interventions not only improved his physical symptoms but also resulted in significant improvements in his cognitive capabilities, as seen in his handwriting progress.

    • Improving Cognitive Health and Treating Neurodevelopmental DisordersSeek the help of a functional medicine doctor to understand and address underlying issues in neurodevelopmental disorders for better mental health outcomes.

      Every child is unique, whether they have autism, learning disorders, or ADHD. It is important to find out what's going on and seek the help of a good functional medicine doctor who understands these conditions. The brain is highly responsive to interventions, and there are ways to improve cognitive health. However, it is crucial to work with a healthcare provider when considering stopping medications, as it can be tricky. Functional medicine approaches, such as dietary changes, have shown promise in treating conditions like schizophrenia. It's important to address underlying issues rather than relying solely on talk therapy or behavioral therapy. Understanding these real transformations is key to achieving better mental health outcomes.

    Recent Episodes from The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D.

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    Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  Many of us are, but we spend countless hours chasing doctor's trying to find the answers to combat the pain, fatigue and joint stiffness and all we are offered is a pill that may or may not help.  Have you ever considered that maybe it's your food or the toxins in your environment that are actually the source of your misery?  


    According to Dr. Amy Myers, there has been a 300% increase in autoimmune  disease over the last 50 years. There are 53 million people struggling with this disease in the United States. There are now 250 million with the disease worldwide.  Autoimmune is the 3rd leading cause of death. (Excerpt from It Feels Good to Feel Good by Cheryl Meyer)


    Join Susan as she chats with author and Health Coach, Cheryl Meyer about how we can reclaim our lives and our health with the healing power of food and how to locate and elminate the hidden toxins in our homes.  Join us live on Facebook!





    The Silent Killer: Inflammation And Chronic Disease with Dr. Shilpa Ravella

    The Silent Killer: Inflammation And Chronic Disease with Dr. Shilpa Ravella

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, BiOptimizers, Sensate, and Zero Acre.

    Hidden inflammation is at the root of all chronic illness—conditions like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, dementia, depression, and cancer. So if inflammation is at the root of most modern diseases, how do we find the causes and get the body back in balance?

    Today on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I’m excited to talk to Dr. Shilpa Ravella about what is driving our epidemic of inflammation and inflammaging, why it plagues so many people, and what we can do to combat it. 

    Dr. Ravella is a gastroenterologist and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center. She is the author of A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet & Disease, which investigates inflammation—the hidden force at the heart of modern disease. Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, New York Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, TIME, Slate, Discover, and USA Today, among other publications. 

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, BiOptimizers, Sensate, and Zero Acre.

    Rupa Health is a place where Functional Medicine practitioners can access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests from over 35 labs like DUTCH, Vibrant America, Genova, and Great Plains. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at RupaHealth.com.

    This month only you can get a FREE bottle of BiOptimizers’ full-spectrum magnesium supplement. To get your free bottle just go to magbreakthrough.com/hymanfree and enter coupon code hyman10. That’s it!

    I love my Sensate device. Whenever I use it, my mind calms down and I find myself getting more and better-quality sleep. Head on over to getsensate.com/Farmacy and use code FARMACY to get 10% off your Sensate device today.

    Zero Acre Oil is an all-purpose cooking oil with more healthy monounsaturated fat and significantly less inflammatory omega-6 fat than even avocado or olive oil. Go to zeroacre.com/MARK or use code MARK to redeem an exclusive offer.

    Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):

    • Helpful and harmful inflammation (5:18 / 2:46)
    • How to know if you’re inflamed (7:37 / 4:46) 
    • Diagnostic testing to assess inflammation (10:11 / 9:00) 
    • What is driving our chronic inflammation? (14:59 / 12:42) 
    • The health of our gut microbiome and inflammation (20:17 / 17:47)
    • Stress, loneliness, and inflammation (25:44 / 21:47) 
    • How environmental toxins drive inflammation (27:56 / 23:57) 
    • The rise in food allergies and sensitivities (30:30 / 26:59)
    • Reducing inflammation in the body (38:06 / 33:34) 
    • Anti-inflammatory foods and supplements (49:52 / 45:30) 

    Get a copy of A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet & Disease.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Julia Rucklidge - Nutrition, Mental Health and TED

    Julia Rucklidge - Nutrition, Mental Health and TED

    This week on MIA Radio we interview Dr Julia Rucklidge. Dr Rucklidge is professor of clinical psychology at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand and she leads the Mental Health and Nutrition Research Group. Originally from Toronto, Canada, Julia completed her PhD at the University of Calgary followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. In the last decade, she and her lab have been running clinical trials investigating the role of broad-spectrum micronutrients in the expression of mental illness, specifically ADHD, mood disorders, anxiety and stress.

    Julia has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, has been frequently featured in the media and has given invited talks all over the world on her work on nutrition and mental health.

    We discuss:

    • What led Julia to her interest in nutrition and how it may have a role in responding to mental disorders, particularly Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
    • Why using the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals may not be the best approach when responding to psychological difficulties.
    • How Julia went about setting up a Randomised Controlled Trial to investigate the effect of micronutrients and minerals on behavioral problems.
    • That the most consistent finding of the study is that the individuals taking micronutrients improved more in their general functioning and impairment when compared to those just taking a placebo.
    • That it’s hard to move away from the conception of mental illness as a chemical imbalance in the brain, partly because of the vested interest in keeping it alive.
    • That there is no opportunity to patent nutrient therapies, so there is little incentive for research and limited commercial interests.
    • Why a single nutrient response might not be the best approach for someone who wanted to use nutrition to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
    • How a dietary deficiency of Niacin during the 1930s led to a condition called Pellagra which often manifested as psychotic symptoms.
    • What led to the flagging of a 2014 TEDx talk Julia gave entitled “The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health”.
    • How Julia felt about her talk being flagged by TED.
    • How many historical medical advances, now accepted as the standard of care, at the time flew in the face of conventional scientific thinking.
    • How difficult it has been to communicate with TED about the flagging of the talk.
    • How Julia hears from many people who get in touch to share that they are struggling with psychiatric medications and instead want to look to nutritional solutions.
    • That the best advice is often simple, eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce the amount of processed food.

    Relevant Links:

    Mental Health and Nutrition Research Group

    Vitamin-mineral treatment of ADHD in adults: A one year follow up of a randomized controlled trial.

    Anxiety and Stress in Children Following an Earthquake: Clinically Beneficial Effects of Treatment with Micronutrients

    A double-blind randomised, placebo-controlled trial of a probiotic formulation for the symptoms of depression

    TEDx Christchurch: The Surprisingly Dramatic Role of Nutrition in Mental Health

    TED Betrays Its Own Brand By Flagging Nutrition Talk

    Contact the Mental Health and Nutrition Research Group

    Mad Diet by Suzanne Lockhart

    (Audio) Wheat Analogs Foods / Gluten Free/Celiac/Wheat Sensitive

    (Audio) Wheat Analogs Foods / Gluten Free/Celiac/Wheat Sensitive

    Are you new to the celiac diet world, wheat sensitive or gluten-free? Do you have food allergies? You may not yet know that are several foods that react like wheat in the body, and some of them are part of normal gluten-free foods. These are called "wheat analogs." These gluten-free foods could still trigger a wheat allergy reaction is some people.

    Remember that nutrition is always personalized, and not the same for everyone.

    Would you like help on your health journey? Just contact me here.

    From Diana Sproul of www.TransformHealth.Biz, a nutritionist, holistic health coach and herbalist. Please Share this video with others, and *Subscribe to this channel for more health, nutrition, and herbal videos. 

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    Disclaimer: The statements and products shown in this presentation, on my website, and in my books, courses and social media have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These statements and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I expressly disclaim all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information or other contents of these materials. They are for educational and informational purposes only not intended as medical advice. The information does not create, nor is it intended to replace, a relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your health and prior to starting dietary routines, exercise or supplements.