
    6 Steps You Must Take To Confront Your Fears & Visualize Success w/George Mumford EP 1238

    enMarch 09, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • High Performers' Five Superpowers: Focus, Self-Awareness, Adaptability, Grit, and MindfulnessHigh performers, such as professional athletes, possess five superpowers: focus, self-awareness, adaptability, grit, and mindfulness. Developing these powers can help individuals perform at their best and overcome fear. Practical steps and insights from George Mumford's coaching experience with athletes like Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, and Shaq are shared.

      That high performers, like professional athletes coached by George Mumford, possess five superpowers: focus, self-awareness, adaptability, grit, and mindfulness. These powers enable them to perform at their best and overcome fear. George shares practical steps to develop these superpowers and reveals the greatest lesson he learned from coaching mindfulness to athletes like Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, and Shaq. Additionally, BetterHelp Online Therapy and GoodRx were featured as resources for self-care and affordable prescription medications, respectively. Don't miss out on the valuable insights from this episode, and remember to share it with friends and leave a review.

    • Keep workouts interesting for fitness consistencyPeloton offers new workouts, making exercise fun and motivating. Willingness to succeed and pursue excellence leads to high performance and personal growth. Coaching can inspire and encourage individuals to challenge themselves.

      Consistency in fitness and health goals can be achieved by keeping workouts interesting. Peloton is a great resource for new and varied workouts, making exercise fun and motivating. The key to high performance and success lies in the willingness to succeed and pursue excellence. Creating a sense of urgency or vision for personal growth can inspire individuals to transcend their current level and discover their true potential. Coaching can help evoke this sense of urgency and willingness, encouraging individuals to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves towards new heights.

    • Embrace discomfort for personal growthSuccess comes from pushing past comfort zones, setting worthy goals, and staying committed to self-improvement.

      Personal growth and development require discomfort and a willingness to challenge oneself. This mindset, driven by motivation, commitment, and self-efficacy, leads to a continuous pursuit of improvement and excellence. Successful individuals, such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Tom Brady, embody this mindset, constantly pushing themselves to new heights and inspiring others to do the same. Without this sense of urgency and commitment to progress, individuals risk falling into a comfortable, yet unfulfilling existence. The path to greatness lies in embracing the unknown, setting worthy ideals, and making each day a masterpiece in the pursuit of personal and professional growth.

    • Discovering a Purpose for Waking UpFinding a personal reason to start the day can make it easier and more fulfilling. Engage fully in activities and bring love, compassion, and intention to all you do.

      Finding a strong reason or purpose for getting up in the morning can help make the process of waking up and starting the day easier. This purpose should come from being true to oneself and fully engaging in activities, even if they may not be perfect or ideal. The key is to bring one's whole self to the experience and make it meaningful, whether it's a job or any other aspect of life. This approach can lead to personal growth and a sense of fulfillment, as well as the ability to turn seemingly mundane tasks into opportunities for making a difference and expressing one's unique qualities. Additionally, healing and wholeness can be achieved by fully engaging in the present moment and bringing love, compassion, and intention to all that one does.

    • Choosing love over fear for lasting success and happinessSuccess and happiness come from healing inner wounds and operating from a place of love, peace, and generosity. Focus on personal growth and self-discovery for lasting fulfillment.

      While striving for success and achieving goals can bring a sense of accomplishment, it may not bring lasting fulfillment if it comes from a place of fear or a need to prove others wrong. Instead, true success and happiness come from healing inner wounds and operating from a place of love, peace, and generosity. It's essential to recognize that everyone has both fear and love within them, and it's a choice to feed the love wolf to find inner peace and wholeness. The most successful people are those who have embraced this concept and are able to sustain their success and happiness long-term. By focusing on personal growth and self-discovery, individuals can find meaning and purpose beyond their external achievements.

    • Practicing self-forgetfulness through service and mindfulnessBy developing ourselves to give and practicing mindfulness, we can shift from a fearful mindset to a positive one, enhancing cognitive functioning and broadening perspective.

      Self-forgetfulness through service to others and mindfulness are key to personal growth and achieving goals. By developing ourselves to the point where we can give, we can provide various forms of assistance, including time, heart, and soul. Mindfulness allows us to observe the world without judgment and interference, enabling us to see things as they truly are. Faith in a friendly universe and the alignment of ourselves with its workings is essential for making the effort to be mindful. Focus and wisdom complete the process, allowing us to sustain effort and understand what we are being mindful of. By practicing these principles, we can shift from a fearful mindset to a positive one, enhancing our cognitive functioning and broadening our perspective.

    • Overcoming Fear: Do the Opposite and Embrace itTo conquer fear, practice love, understand fear's consequences, focus on desires, and embrace fear for growth.

      Fear is a natural part of life, but it doesn't have to control us. To overcome fear, we can do the opposite of fear, such as practicing love and understanding the consequences of coming from a place of fear. Another effective strategy is to divert our attention to what we want instead of focusing on what we fear. Additionally, embracing fear and getting intimate with it can help us understand and learn from it. Fear can be seen as a form of self-care or survival mode, but it's not always the most effective or helpful response. By practicing exposure therapy and gradually facing our fears, we can reduce their impact on us and learn to embrace our greatness. Remember, our greatest fear is often not embracing our divinity or masterpiece, but rather the discomfort and uncertainty that comes with growth.

    • Observing experiences without judgment, seeking wisdom, and expanding consciousnessTo overcome self-sabotage and fear, observe experiences without judgment, seek wisdom from role models and research, and expand consciousness to create space for growth.

      Overcoming self-sabotage and dealing with fear involves observing our experiences without judgment, seeking wisdom through learning from role models and research, and expanding our consciousness to create space for growth. It's an inside job that requires practice and reflection to change our perspective and develop the ability to respond instead of react. By getting out of survival mode and into growth mode, we can learn from our mistakes and understand that suffering ceases to be suffering when we find meaning in it. So, the next time you find yourself in a challenging situation, try to observe it from a different perspective, reflect on your experiences, and ask yourself what you can do differently. Remember, the way we look at things determines what we see, so changing the way we look at things can help us change our reality.

    • Focus on learning from past challenges instead of dwelling on themInstead of adding to the drama of difficult situations, focus on the present moment and what we can do differently to achieve the desired outcome. Use past challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.

      Instead of dwelling on negative experiences or interpreting them as roadblocks, we should focus on learning from them and using that knowledge to move forward. Reflecting on past challenges and interpreting them from a place of love and wisdom can help us stay in a positive mindset and continue on our personal growth journey. This mindset shift can be compared to time travel, allowing us to see ourselves in a better future and live into it. When faced with a difficult situation, instead of adding to the drama and pressure, we should focus on the present moment and what we can do differently to achieve the desired outcome. This growth mindset allows us to adapt in real-time and view setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. As Yogi Berra once said, "I ain't no slump, I just ain't hitting." We should focus on the present at-bat and let go of the past, using reflection to identify what we can do differently to improve.

    • Understanding yourself and your goals with self-beliefBelieve in yourself, listen to inner voice, seek support, see mistakes as opportunities, be true to oneself, have a clear direction, recognize potential, trust the universe, serve others, ask powerful questions, stay focused on goals.

      Building confidence and self-belief involves understanding who you are and where you're going, and having the belief that you have everything you need to succeed. It's important to listen to your inner voice, cultivate hope, optimism, and faith, and seek social support. Instead of seeing mistakes or challenges as negative, reframe them as opportunities for growth. When coaching others, the greatest lessons learned include the importance of being true to oneself, having a clear direction, and recognizing the masterpiece within. As a coach, confidence comes from trusting in the universe, focusing on serving others, and asking simple yet powerful questions. Remember, what you want and your willingness to be who you need to be to achieve it are the keys to success.

    • Focus on serving others and being presentInstead of trying to suppress nervousness, focus on serving others and being present in the moment to channel it into a positive force.

      Focusing on serving others and being present in the moment can help alleviate feelings of nervousness or self-consciousness. Whether it's before a speech, a game, or any other situation, shifting your mindset from being focused on yourself and your own perfection to focusing on how you can be of service to others can make a significant difference. Bill Russell, a legendary basketball player who won 11 championships in 13 years, even used to get nervous before games but understood that his nervousness could help him perform at his best. So, instead of trying to suppress or eliminate nervousness, try to channel it into a positive force by focusing on the present moment and how you can serve those around you.

    • Finding Authenticity and Overcoming ChallengesRecognizing the need for change and taking responsibility for personal growth can help individuals overcome addiction and find their authentic selves through meditation and mind-body connection.

      Focusing on the task at hand and forgetting about self-consciousness can help individuals find their authentic selves and overcome challenges, such as addiction. The nervous system is drawn to pleasant experiences, and some people may turn to substances as a way to escape reality or cope with life's demands. However, addiction robs individuals of their true selves and creates conflict. The key to overcoming addiction is recognizing the need for change and taking responsibility for personal growth. Through meditation and mind-body connection, individuals can learn to deal with reality and find inner peace. Ultimately, the mind and body are connected, and it's up to each person to focus on their own journey and find their unique path to authenticity and self-discovery.

    • Embracing personal growth and silencing the inner criticFocus on intuition and professional duties to silence inner critic, be present and serve others to overcome fear, and identify with positive aspects to prevent negative thoughts from prevailing.

      Taking responsibility for oneself and focusing on personal growth is a continuous process that requires self-awareness and the ability to observe and not judge negative thoughts or external opinions. The speaker shares how they learned to silence their inner critic and focus on their intuition and professional duties during challenging moments in their career. They emphasize the importance of being present and serving others as a way to overcome fear and nervousness. Ultimately, the biggest lesson learned from the rehab recovery process was the importance of identifying with the positive aspects of oneself and not feeding negative thoughts, as both exist within us and the one that prevails depends on what we choose to focus on.

    • From survival to thriving: A turning point in addictionAddicts often focus solely on survival, but attending support groups and facing fears can lead to a new perspective and hope for a better future

      The speaker's focus during their addiction was solely on survival and getting through each day, rather than considering the future or past. They were consumed by their addiction and the next means of satisfying it, without any positive goals or aspirations. A turning point came when they were hospitalized and attended their first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, which gave them hope and a vision of a different life. They went on to enter detox and experience sobriety for the first time, allowing them to truly see and engage with the world around them. The speaker believes that many people, especially those struggling with addiction, are living in survival mode, either fighting, fleeing, or freezing, and encourages embracing fears and facing them head-on as a way to move forward.

    • Pause, Reflect, and Adjust for Personal GrowthPausing to reflect and adjust in real-time, as well as reflecting on past experiences, can lead to greater self-regulation, understanding, and personal growth. Practicing gratitude and mindfulness can help attract positive experiences and opportunities.

      Developing the ability to respond instead of react to situations can lead to greater self-regulation and understanding. This involves pausing to reflect and adjust in real-time, as well as reflecting on past experiences to gain valuable insights. Cultivating a grateful and present attitude can help attract positive experiences and opportunities. Mindfulness practices, such as those outlined in the "Mind for Athlete" course, can help master the superpowers of mindfulness, effort, concentration, insight, and faith, leading to personal growth and courage. This circular learning approach allows for continuous learning and self-improvement.

    • Unlock Your Inner Masterpiece and Connect with OthersDiscover and develop your unique inner masterpiece, only you can unlock it, and remember we're all connected for personal and collective growth.

      Each of us holds a unique masterpiece within us, and the best way to unlock it is by embracing it, teaching it, and sharing it with others. By understanding and presenting our ideas, we deepen our own connection to them, encouraging growth and authenticity in all areas of life – work, love, and play. Additionally, we are all connected, and recognizing this fundamental truth can help us move beyond conflict and separation, fostering a more harmonious world. If I could leave behind three truths for future generations, they would be: (1) discover and develop your inner masterpiece, (2) only you can unlock it, and (3) we are all connected, and recognizing this connection is essential for personal and collective growth.

    • Focus on personal growth and express love to others for greatnessThrough personal development, expressing authentic self, gratitude, and love, we can all strive for greatness in unique ways.

      Personal development is crucial for living a fulfilling life and making a positive impact on the world. George's inspiring story of overcoming addiction and dedicating himself to service is a powerful reminder of the potential within each of us to grow and make a difference. According to George, greatness lies in continuously improving oneself, expressing one's authentic self, and being grateful. By focusing on personal growth and expressing love and kindness to others, we can all strive for greatness in our own unique ways. Remember, a grateful mind is a great mind, and trusting in ourselves can lead to great things. So go out there and do something great today!

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    Sign up for Zoe:  https://zoe.com/willb

    See Zoe’s METHOD Randomized Control Trial results: https://zoe.com/our-science

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    • The power of breathing exercises in improving gut health.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1621

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Sign up for Dean's life-changing event!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to go from being broke to a millionaire, breaking down the first three crucial steps to shift from scarcity to abundance.
    • The three non-negotiable habits of millionaires and the mindset issues that prevent people from making money easily.
    • The importance of "money therapy" and how understanding past money traumas can lead to greater financial freedom.
    • How successful people live by a unique set of rules and habits that avoid mediocrity, and how these can be applied to your own life.
    • The pivotal role of the stories we tell ourselves, and how shifting these narratives can help uncover one's true purpose.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1620

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    The Most Inspiring Story About Mindset & Perseverance You’ll Ever Hear w/ Nick Lavery: https://link.chtbl.com/1359-pod

    James Clear Habits That’ll Help You Not Waste Another Year Of Your Life: https://link.chtbl.com/1372-pod

    Jenna Davies: How to grind without burning out, starting a side hustle and following your passion

    Jenna Davies: How to grind without burning out, starting a side hustle and following your passion

    In today’s episode, I chat with the driven, bubbly and all round hard working Boss Babe Jenna Davies. We talk about Girls in Biz, how to grind without burning out, how to actually get your shit together and tips when starting a side hustle. 

    Born in South Africa but raised in Sydney this fabulous babe was heavily influenced by her businessman Father. After studying commerce majoring in marketing and management, this marketing guru also fell in love with Health and Fitness so decided to broaden her knowledge and study Fitness aswell. From there she found the love for bodybuilding and let me tell you works so damn hard for that amazing physique.

    Jenna is one of the most humbling, passionate, hard working girls I have had the pleasure of speaking with. In this episode we discuss how she left the corporate world to start her own Marketing Business and she gives us tips and tricks on how to create a really strong mindset.

    So if you are looking to branch out on your own, want tips on how to market your business properly and be an all round Boss Babe then you do not want to miss this.

    + Follow Jenna here
    + Check out Jenna Davies Marketing IG here
    + Jenna Davies Marketing Website here
    + To keep update on Insta follow me @the_sweatclub
    + To follow all things Boss Babe follow @the_bossbabementality
    + Hit ‘Subscribe’ so you don’t miss out on a Boss Babes Episode
    + Be sure to leave a review if you LOVED this episode!

    Episode #19 Your mindset determines your success with Charlotte Stebbing Mills

    Episode #19 Your mindset determines your success with Charlotte Stebbing Mills

    In this episode, I discuss with Charlotte her full wellness approach to health integrating the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies and why it's so important not to neglect or focus too much on any one area.

    Charlotte started the podcast off with a bang and really nailed on the head the mistake many people are making when working towards a health and fitness goal so listen to find out what that was.

    If you are on the diet- overeat- repeat cycle trying to see changes then take 30 minutes out of your day to listen to this and give Charlotte a follow- you won't regret it!


    You can find me at:

    [FIT TIP] 5 Tips for Improving Your Gut Health

    [FIT TIP] 5 Tips for Improving Your Gut Health

    Looking to improve your gut health? This episode is the place to be! This week, I'm sharing some tips you can implement NOW to improve your gut health, even if you don't want to remove a bunch of foods. My intention with this epsiode is to empower you to find what works for YOUR body, so you can feel your best + most confident self <3. 

    Did you vibe with this week's episode? It would mean the WORLD if you shared it with a friend, or, posted it to social media and tagged me (@em.brook.ditullio), so I can personally THANK YOU for helping me get this message out there <3.

    Come hang on IG ---> @em.brook.ditullio

    Podcast IG ---> @hustlin.momma.podcast

    My Fav Plant Based Preworkout ---> https://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/d/BBPEnergizeAllFlavors?referringRepID=1969151

    Schedule a totally free 30-minnute Nutrition Goal Setting Chat --- > https://calendly.com/eathustlethrive/30min

    Workout with me in October ---> https://forms.gle/sPW6kp7nNokiAmri7

    Healthy Recipes ---> www.eathustlethrive.com 

    Did you vibe with this week's episode? It would mean the WORLD if you shared it with a friend or posted it to social media and tagged me so I can personally THANK YOU for helping me get this message out there. ❤️

    Come hang on IG ---> @em.brook.ditullio

    Podcast IG ---> @hustlin.momma.podcast

    Schedule a FREE Virtual Assistant consultation chat ---> https://calendly.com/em-brook-ditullio/hustlin-momma-va

    Need gut support?? I'm LOVING Gut Personal for help with my sensitive stomach. I'm using the Healer Pro + The Miracle Worker, and they have been life savers for me (think less stomachaches and more confidently tackling my day without worrying about IBS issues 😖).

    Grab yours at ---> www.gutpersonal.com/emily10 and use discount code "EMILY10" for 10% off!

    Healthy Recipes ---> www.eathustlethrive.com