
    #410 The Life-Changing Power of Connecting With Others: Gabor Maté, Johann Hari, Dan Buettner & Friends

    enDecember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The impact of individualism and technology on modern society: disconnection, loneliness, and the need for meaningful connections.Despite technological advancements, our lack of community and deep connections negatively affect our physical health, mental wellbeing, and overall happiness. We should learn from our heritage and create meaningful connections in the modern world.

      Modern society, with its emphasis on individualism and technological advancements, has resulted in a culture of disconnection and loneliness. Despite being more wired than ever, we are actually less connected on a meaningful level. Human beings evolved to be part of a tribe, and our lack of community and deep connections is having a devastating impact on our physical health, mental wellbeing, and overall happiness. It's important to recognize that progress and industrialization have brought benefits, but we must also acknowledge what we have lost in the process. Instead of idealizing the past, we need to find ways to learn from our evolutionary heritage and implement meaningful connections within the constraints of the modern world.

    • The Impact of Disconnection on Mental HealthOur society's disconnection from each other has led to a rise in mental health issues. Understanding that these feelings are normal and addressing our unmet needs is vital for improving well-being.

      Our society's disconnection and lack of meeting psychological needs have contributed to increasing levels of depression, anxiety, and addiction. We are living in the loneliest society ever, with many people lacking close friends to turn to in times of crisis. Humans have evolved to live in tribes and cooperate, but we are the first generation attempting to disband our tribes. This sense of isolation and disconnection triggers physical changes in our bodies, increasing stress levels, inflammation, and vulnerability to attacks. It's important to understand that feeling depressed or anxious doesn't make us weak or broken, but rather human beings with unmet needs. Addressing these underlying needs is crucial for improving mental well-being.

    • Shifting from individualism to community connection for better mental healthCultivating meaningful connections and forming tribes is essential for combating depression and anxiety, and plays a vital role in determining happiness, health, and longevity.

      Our culture of individualism and self-reliance has led to a disconnection from our tribes and the deeper source of our pain. While chemical antidepressants may provide temporary relief, they are not the ultimate solution. Instead, social prescribing, like creating groups and engaging in activities together, can be more effective in combating depression and anxiety. Building high-quality relationships and forming tribes are crucial for our mental and physical health. The Harvard Study of Adult Development found that the quality of our relationships is one of the most important factors in determining happiness, health, and longevity. So, instead of solely focusing on nutrition, physical activity, and sleep, we should prioritize cultivating meaningful connections with others.

    • The Impact of Relationships on Our HealthGood relationships can help regulate emotions and reduce stress, while loneliness and social isolation can lead to higher stress levels and harm our body systems over time.

      Our relationships have a significant impact on our physical health. Good relationships help us regulate our emotions, particularly negative ones, and reduce stress. Loneliness and social isolation can keep us in a constant state of fight or flight, leading to higher levels of stress hormones and chronic inflammation, which can harm our body systems over time. That's why the UK has a ministry of loneliness and why health experts emphasize the importance of relationships. We all need at least one or two securely attached relationships, where we know someone will be there for us in times of need. So, while relationships may seem like the softer side of life, they play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being.

    • The importance of social connection for well-being and longevity.Meaningful social connections are crucial for our physical and mental health, contributing to a sense of purpose and belonging, and maintaining brain health.

      Social connection is essential for our overall well-being and longevity. People in "blue zones" who live long and fulfilling lives prioritize strong social connections that bring them happiness and meaning. Not only does social connection contribute to our mental health, but it also plays a crucial role in maintaining brain health. The grandmother hypothesis suggests that staying healthy and useful longer into life benefits not only our own progeny but also the survival of our tribe or community. However, without social connection, we may start to feel a decline in our sense of purpose and belonging, which can negatively impact our physical and mental health. Ultimately, meaningful social connections are vital for our overall health and cognitive function.

    • The Power of Unity and Collective ActionStanding together and speaking out against injustice can create powerful change and bring attention to important issues, demonstrating the potential for grassroots movements to make a difference.

      A small act of solidarity and protest can lead to powerful change. The story of Chenga and the community in Berlin demonstrates how coming together and standing up for each other can make a difference. Initially, people were hesitant to offer help, but as they witnessed Chenga's struggle and realized they could be next, they took action. By blocking a road and protesting, they drew attention to their situation and fought for their rights. This act of unity not only brought media attention but also put pressure on authorities to listen to their demands. It highlights the importance of collective action and the potential for grassroots movements to bring about positive change.

    • The Power of Empathy and UnityBonds can be formed between people of different backgrounds, and through empathy and unity, societal divides can be overcome to achieve common goals.

      True connections can be formed between people from different backgrounds and experiences. Despite their initial differences, Nuria and Tanya discovered a common bond as they shared their stories of hardship and struggle. Similarly, the pairing of the Turkish German boy and the grumpy old German man resulted in unexpected collaboration and academic improvement. The gay club, Z Block, showed support for the Muslim protesters, promoting understanding and acceptance. The Kati protest even became a movement to free Tonka, an individual who had been confined in a psychiatric hospital for 20 years. These examples illustrate the power of empathy and unity in overcoming societal divides and achieving shared goals.

    • The Power of Connection and BelongingOur mental and emotional well-being depends on our sense of home and belonging. Loneliness and isolation can lead to depression and anxiety, but when we come together, support one another, and engage in meaningful relationships, we can create a transformative impact on ourselves and society.

      Our sense of home and belonging is crucial to our mental and emotional well-being. The people in Katti, as well as the community in Froom, teach us that we are not meant to live in isolation within our four walls. We need connection, love, and a sense of purpose in our lives. Loneliness and isolation can have devastating effects on our mental health, leading to depression and anxiety. However, when we come together, support each other, and engage in meaningful relationships and activities, our lives can be transformed. Ordinary people have the power to change the world when they join forces. As a society, we should prioritize promoting reconnection and rediscovery of meaning in our lives through social relationships and compassion.

    • The Power of Social Connectedness in Health and Well-beingPrioritizing and nurturing human relationships and communities can lead to physical and biochemical changes in our bodies, reducing anxiety and pain levels and bringing about transformative change.

      Our sense of social connectedness and joy in life have a significant impact on our health and well-being. This was evident in the personal journey of Kathy, who experienced improvements in pain, mobility, and overall well-being. It was not just the medical treatment she received, but also her increased sense of connectedness and love for life that played a crucial role in her transformation. The importance of human relationships and communities cannot be overstated. When we prioritize and nurture these connections, we experience physical and biochemical changes in our bodies, leading to reduced anxiety and pain levels. By coming together as communities, focusing on our strengths, and creating warm environments, we can effectively solve the problems we face and bring about transformative change.

    • The Importance of Social Connections for Happiness and WellbeingBuilding meaningful social connections is essential for happiness and overall wellbeing, regardless of whether one is introverted or extroverted. Prioritizing time with friends and fostering communities is key to leading happier and healthier lives.

      Social connection plays a vital role in improving wellbeing and happiness. Research suggests that feeling socially connected is a necessary condition for high levels of happiness. Making new social connections and even talking to strangers can boost wellbeing in unexpected ways. This holds true for both introverts and extroverts. We often underestimate the impact of interactions with others, assuming that solitude will bring more happiness. However, studies show that meaningful social connections actually make us feel great. Unfortunately, our incorrect intuitions about what makes us happy can lead to the creation of systems that inhibit social connection. Loneliness has significant health implications, as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Therefore, fostering communities and prioritizing time with friends is crucial for leading happier and healthier lives.

    • Asking the right questions for a happier life.Practicing the Three Question Journal for a few minutes each day can transform our lives by helping us appreciate what we have and focus on what truly matters.

      Asking ourselves the right questions can lead to healthier and happier lives. Rangan Chatterjee's Three Question Journal provides three impactful questions that can be asked every morning and evening, helping us appreciate what we already have and focus on what truly matters. By practicing this simple habit for less than five minutes, we can experience a transformative effect on our lives. Additionally, Chatterjee emphasizes the importance of nutrition for our immune system and recommends AG one, a whole food supplement that supports comprehensive nutrients. Taking ownership of our health starts with AG one, which also helps with energy, focus, gut health, digestion, and a healthy immune system. Ultimately, connecting with others and building a strong community is vital for longevity, health, and happiness.

    • The Importance of Deep Friendships in a Busy WorldCultivating deep friendships is crucial for our overall well-being and happiness, providing support, comfort, and a sense of belonging that online interactions cannot fully replace. Prioritize and nurture these relationships for a fulfilling life.

      Deep and meaningful friendships are essential for our well-being and overall happiness. In today's fast-paced and busy society, it's easy to overlook the importance of cultivating these connections. Many of us may have a false sense of community due to our online interactions, but these superficial relationships don't provide the same benefits as face-to-face connections. Deep friendships have a significant impact on every aspect of our lives, from our physical health to our mental well-being. They offer support, comfort, and a sense of belonging that is crucial for thriving in life. So, it's important to prioritize and nurture these relationships, just like we prioritize other aspects of our health and well-being. Because when we experience the positive effects of deep connections, we realize their true value and understand why they are irreplaceable.

    • The Importance of Quality RelationshipsCultivating deep connections and prioritizing quality over quantity in friendships is essential for our well-being and brings joy and support to our lives. Regularly connecting and investing in these relationships can have a significant impact.

      Cultivating meaningful friendships and connections is crucial for our well-being. It's not about having a large number of friends, but rather about prioritizing the quality of our relationships. Taking the time to regularly connect with a few deep bonds can have a significant impact on our lives. Scheduling coffee dates or phone calls with loved ones who may not be nearby can help foster and strengthen these connections. Additionally, creating recurring events or rituals in our calendars, such as group hikes or meet-ups, can provide a sense of community and understanding. Investing in friendships and relationships benefits us not only during challenging times, but also brings fun and enjoyment to our everyday lives.

    • The Importance of Strong Relationships and Meaningful ConnectionsBuilding and maintaining good relationships with different types of people is essential for our well-being and personal growth. Invest time and effort in friendships and prioritize meaningful connections in our technology-driven world.

      Strong relationships, whether romantic or friendships, are crucial for our well-being. We often have the misconception that if our primary relationship is good, we don't need anybody else. However, this is a fiction. We get different things from different kinds of relationships, and that is ideal. Good relationships provide us with support, encouragement, and the confidence to try new things. Friendship is particularly prone to distancing, so we need to invest time and effort to maintain them. In our technology-driven world, it's essential to prioritize and harvest our time for meaningful connections. It's never too late to reconnect with someone, and reaching out can often bring joy to both parties.

    • The Negative Impact of Excessive Smartphone UseSpending too much time on smartphones can lead to decreased physical activity, lack of sleep, and decreased social connections, making us more susceptible to depression and anxiety. Creating distance from devices and prioritizing human interaction is crucial for a fulfilling life.

      Excessive use of technology, particularly smartphones, is negatively impacting our lives. Spending too much time on screens can lead to a lack of sleep, decreased physical activity, and a decrease in meaningful social connections. These factors, in turn, make us more susceptible to depression and anxiety. Despite our awareness of the negative effects, many people struggle to change their behavior due to the addictive nature of smartphones. To combat this, it is crucial to create distance from these devices and prioritize human interaction. Deep focus, attention, and presence are essential for experiencing the true value of life's moments.

    • The Impact of Screens on Social Bonds and LonelinessOur constant use of screens and technology is causing feelings of loneliness and isolation. To combat this, we must create rules for ourselves and distance ourselves from our phones to prioritize physical interactions and belonging to a group.

      Our constant exposure to screens and technology is eroding our natural social bonds and increasing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Our brains have evolved over millions of years to prioritize physical interactions and belonging to a group. However, the powerful stimuli from our screens trick our brains into thinking we are lonely, triggering a sense of mortal danger. To combat this, we must intentionally create rules for ourselves and distance ourselves from our phones. Even the mere presence of a phone on the table can make discussions less interesting and decrease our perception of reliability in others. Ultimately, we need to recognize the impact that our phones have on our attention and motivation, even when we are not actively using them.

    • The Impact of Technology on Social ConnectionsDeveloping a mindful relationship with technology can help us recognize its impact on our social interactions and take steps towards forming genuine connections and fostering happier moments.

      Our smartphones and other devices have the power to steal our attention and hinder our social connections. Rangan Chatterjee explains that the constant temptation to look at our phones not only distracts us from engaging with the people around us but also affects our overall sense of social connection. Despite the magnitude of this issue, we often unconsciously accept this behavior as the norm. To combat this, Chatterjee suggests developing a mindful relationship with our technology, using the WWW acronym (What? Why now? What else?) to question our actions and consider the opportunities we might be missing out on. By recognizing the impact of technology on our social interactions, we can take steps towards forming genuine connections and fostering happier moments.

    • The Importance of Social Connections for Wellbeing and Fulfillment.Prioritizing social connections and relationships brings genuine happiness and fulfillment in life. It starts with simple actions like being present and authentic, leading to deeper connections with others.

      Social connections and relationships are crucial for our overall wellbeing and fulfillment. In today's society, we often prioritize achievement and individual success, neglecting the importance of connecting with others. However, the true joy and purpose in life come from building meaningful relationships and experiencing intimacy. It is essential to develop both strong bonds with close friends and connections with acquaintances, as these interactions bring us genuine happiness. To cultivate deeper connections, we need to have the courage to be ourselves and show up authentically, allowing others to see our true selves. It's a journey that may take time, but it starts with simple actions like making eye contact and being present in conversations. By prioritizing social connection, we can enhance our wellbeing and find more fulfillment in life.

    • The Benefits of Awe and Collective EffervescenceExperiencing awe and engaging in collective activities can improve our well-being, reduce stress, enhance cognitive abilities, and foster a sense of meaning, community, and connection to others.

      Experiencing awe and engaging in collective effervescence can have profound benefits for our well-being. Awe, whether found in nature or through shared movements in communal settings, has been shown to improve our immune system, reduce inflammation, activate vagal tone, and reduce stress. It can also enhance our cognitive abilities and make us feel more connected to others. Participating in activities like attending religious rituals, cheering at sports events, or even going to a farmer's market can provide a sense of meaning, community, and history that is comparable to religious experiences. In a world where many feel lonely and disconnected, finding avenues to experience awe and collective effervescence can help us break free from isolation and find fulfillment.

    • The Importance of Human Connection and Movement for Mental Well-beingEngaging with others and engaging in physical activity are essential for mental well-being. Building relationships, pursuing meaningful goals, and experiencing support and belonging contribute to a sense of interdependence and joy.

      Human connection and movement are essential for our mental well-being. Rangan Chatterjee emphasizes that too much self-focus is a central challenge in today's mental health crises. He suggests that we need awe, which can be found through engaging with other people and being amazed at things outside of ourselves. Kelly McGonigal, a research psychologist, explains that physical activity and connecting with others go hand in hand. Being part of a community and pursuing meaningful goals not only improves relationships but also fosters a sense of interdependence and joy. Movement allows us to experience the support and belonging that casual social relationships provide. It challenges us to be the best version of ourselves and fosters a sense of connection with others that transcends our individual boundaries.

    • Finding Joy and Connection through Sunrise SwimsEngaging in simple activities like swimming at sunrise can foster a sense of community, bring joy, and help individuals momentarily forget their worries, emphasizing the power of small actions in generating happiness and connection.

      Participating in a simple activity like swimming at sunrise can create a strong sense of community and hope. This takeaway is reflected in Rangan Chatterjee's experience of starting with a small group of friends and gradually attracting more people from all over the world to join them. Despite the challenges of waking up early and facing cold temperatures, the act of swimming in the sea brings people into the present moment and helps them forget their stresses. The shared experience of tea and friendship afterwards further enhances the joy and connection. This activity serves as a reminder that sometimes the simplest actions can bring the greatest happiness and connection with others.

    • The Power of Mindfulness, Connection, and Kindness for Health and HappinessEngaging in present-focused activities and showing kindness can improve both physical and mental well-being, leading to greater happiness and stronger relationships.

      Engaging in activities that bring us back to the present moment, such as cold water therapy or morning rituals, can have significant benefits for our overall well-being. Not only does this practice invigorate our immune system and improve our physical health, but it also has a positive impact on our mental health. Additionally, research shows that helping others and being other-oriented can lead to greater happiness and well-being. Being kind and compassionate not only benefits the person receiving our kindness, but it also makes us happier, supports our immune system, and improves our relationships. Therefore, incorporating practices that promote mindfulness, connection, and acts of kindness can be the missing link in maintaining good health and happiness.

    • The Power of Emotional Connection and Acts of KindnessEmotional connection and acts of kindness have a positive impact on our physical health, promoting overall well-being and reducing the negative effects of stress. Prioritizing these actions can enhance our physical and mental well-being.

      Emotional connection and acts of kindness have profound physical effects on our bodies. Studies have shown that simply watching videos of compassionate acts, like Mother Theresa helping the homeless, can increase levels of a immune antibody called SIGA by 50%. These elevated levels can last for hours, demonstrating the impact of emotional bonding experiences. It's not just the recipients of kindness who benefit; even those who witness or engage in acts of kindness experience similar physiological effects. This highlights the importance of human touch, connection, generosity, and empathy in promoting overall health and well-being. Additionally, these acts of kindness produce oxytocin, also known as the "kindness hormone," which counters the negative effects of stress and promotes a sense of warmth and connection. Understanding these mechanisms explains the link between healthy relationships and cardiovascular health, as well as the impact of aggression and hostility on arterial hardening. By prioritizing emotional connections and acts of kindness, we can enhance our physical and mental well-being.

    • The Power of Kindness and CompassionPracticing kindness and empathy not only benefits our well-being but also creates a ripple effect of health and happiness in our communities. Taking a holistic approach that considers the well-being of all living beings and the environment can create a more compassionate and sustainable world.

      Kindness and compassion have the power to transform individuals and societies. This is backed by scientific evidence, as acts of kindness release oxytocin, a cardio-protective hormone that reduces blood pressure and promotes overall cardiovascular health. By making kindness a practice and cultivating empathy, we can develop the habit of thinking and acting compassionately. This not only benefits our own well-being but also has a ripple effect on the health and happiness of our communities. Additionally, adopting a "One Health" perspective recognizes the interconnectedness of human health, animal species, and the planet. It emphasizes the need to consider the well-being of all living beings and the environment for true holistic health. By expanding our mindset from individualistic pursuits to collective well-being, we can create a more compassionate and sustainable world.

    • Prioritizing Connection and Compassion for a More Fulfilling LifeCultivating love, kindness, and relationships leads to a more compassionate and fulfilled life, as our collective well-being is intertwined and true happiness comes from supporting and caring for one another.

      Society can become happier and more fulfilled when we prioritize working together and helping others. The prevailing belief that constant acquisition and material possessions bring happiness is flawed. Through conversations with those facing terminal illness, it becomes clear that people value love, kindness, and relationships above all else. Appreciating others for their character traits and qualities can inspire us to develop those qualities in ourselves, leading to a more compassionate and fulfilled life. When we approach the end of our lives, what truly matters is the love and connection we have cultivated, not our accomplishments or material wealth. Ultimately, our collective well-being is intertwined, and true happiness comes from supporting and caring for one another.

    • The Power of Connection and RelationshipsNurturing and strengthening genuine connections is what truly matters in life, as it brings us the most fulfillment and happiness.

      What truly matters in life is connection and relationships. We often get caught up in small things and lose sight of what is truly important. The story shared by Rangan Chatterjee reminds us that people value us for who we are, not for our accomplishments. It is the kindness and the emotional support we offer that has a powerful impact on others. Ultimately, when it's all said and done, the quality of our relationships and the connections we form are what bring us the most fulfillment and happiness. So, let us prioritize nurturing and strengthening these bonds, and not forget to teach others the value of genuine connection.

    Recent Episodes from Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

    #471 8 Hidden Habits To Live Your Healthiest, Happiest and Most Fulfilled Life with Robin Sharma

    #471  8 Hidden Habits To Live Your Healthiest, Happiest and Most Fulfilled Life with Robin Sharma

    Is it time to redefine what it means to live a rich life? In a world where we're constantly bombarded with images of material success, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others and believing that more money means more happiness. But what if there's more to wealth than just money?


    What if the richest people aren't those with the most money but those with the most meaningful lives?

    This week, I'm thrilled to welcome Robin Sharma to my Feel Better Live More podcast. Robin is a globally respected humanitarian who has devoted over a quarter of a century to helping humans realise their native gifts. One of the top leadership and personal mastery experts in the world, he advises companies such as NASA, Nike, Microsoft, Starbucks, Yale University and the Young Presidents’ Organization. 

    He’s the author of several international bestsellers, including The 5AM Club and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. In his latest book, The Wealth Money Can’t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life, Robin aims to change our perception to include not just financial success but seven other essential forms of wealth, too.

    In our conversation, we explore Robin’s concept of the ‘eight forms of wealth’, including physical and mental wellness, rich family relationships, fulfilling work and strong community connections. We discuss why traditional self-help approaches often fall short, particularly in the realm of personal growth and happiness, and how society’s obsession with hustle culture and toxic positivity has exacerbated the problem of burnout and dissatisfaction.

    Robin is perhaps best known for his thriving 5AM Club community and in this episode, he shares insights on the power of intentional morning routines, including his ​​five-question morning maximiser, and the value of continuous learning. We delve into practical strategies for implementing these principles in various life situations, even for those of us who have busy schedules or family responsibilities.

    We also touch on the importance of nature, disconnecting from technology, and finding moments to savour in our daily lives. We explore the value of service, small acts of kindness, and how we can all live our lives to the fullest.

    Robin’s perspective on what it truly means to live a rich life is a powerful reminder for us all and his approach offers a much-needed alternative to the endless pursuit of material success, showing us how to create a life that's ‘wealthy’ in all the ways that matter most. I hope you enjoy listening.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/471

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #470 BITESIZE | How To Control Your Blood Sugar, Cut Cravings and Get Your Energy Back | Jessie Inchauspé

    #470 BITESIZE | How To Control Your Blood Sugar, Cut Cravings and Get Your Energy Back  | Jessie Inchauspé

    CAUTION: The advice in this episode may not be suitable for anyone with an eating disorder. If you have an existing health condition or are taking medication, always consult your healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet.

    Today’s guest believes that how you feel right now is directly linked to your blood-sugar level. And if you want to feel better than you do right now, you don’t necessarily need to change what you eat – just how.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 358 of the podcast with French biochemist and author Jessie Inchauspé. 

    In this clip, she shares some of the ways that we could still enjoy the foods we love, without suffering blood sugar spikes.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/358

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #469 How To Optimise Your Brain Health, Improve Your Memory & Unlock Your Full Potential with Jim Kwik

    #469 How To Optimise Your Brain Health, Improve Your Memory & Unlock Your Full Potential with Jim Kwik

    After suffering a traumatic brain injury as a child, this week’s returning podcast guest was labelled "the boy with the broken brain" by teachers and peers, shaping his beliefs about his own capabilities and potential.

    Fast-forward to today, and he’s transformed his challenges into strengths, becoming a world renowned brain coach who’s helped thousands of people around the world enhance their memory and improve their brain performance.

    I’m delighted to welcome Jim Kwik back for our second conversation. If you don’t know Jim, he’s spent the last three decades teaching his learning techniques to students from universities such as Harvard and CalTech. He’s also helped executives and employees from companies such as Google, Virgin, Nike and institutions like the United Nations to get the most out of work and life.


    Jim is also the author of the bestselling book Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, And Unlock Your Exceptional Life and his first appearance on my podcast 12 months ago now, is one of the most downloaded episodes in this podcasts’ history.


    In today's conversation, we cover many different topics relating to our brain and its limitless potential, including:


    • the importance of continuous learning,
    • how small changes can lead to big improvements in brain function,
    • the impact of our self-talk,
    • the role of our environment in shaping our productivity,
    • the importance of managing our energy and emotional states,
    • the power of choice in personal growth, and we discuss many practical techniques for better time management and focus.


    One of the highlights of this episode is a real-time memory activity that Jim guides us all through, demonstrating the practical application of his techniques and showcasing how anyone can improve their memory and cognitive abilities if they have the right strategies.


    Jim is such a wonderful and caring human being and a quite brilliant communicator, who has lots of practical knowledge that he is super passionate about sharing. And, I think his own journey from struggle to success, serves as a powerful reminder that each of us has a brain with incredible, limitless potential.

    Sign up for Jim's FREE Brain Summit on 5-7th August here https://www.jimkwik.com/livemore.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Thanks to our sponsors:




    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/469

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #468 5 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Summer with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

    #468 5 Powerful Ways to Transform Your Summer with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

    The summer months have a different flavour and feel to the other months of the year; there's something different about our energy, motivation and willpower. And, if we can harness those differences, we have a golden opportunity to make meaningful changes that can have a transformative impact on our health, happiness and relationships and teach us things about ourselves that we previously did not know.


    In this BONUS SOLO episode, I share five powerful ideas for you to consider introducing into your life over the summer months, including:


    • How to change up your morning routine
    • Why you should do your workouts in natural light
    • Why it’s the perfect time of year for a digital detox
    • How to embrace the slowness of the season
    • The importance of mini-challenges
    • How to nourish a different part of your brain


    This BONUS episode is a little different to my usual podcast episodes, but I very much hope you enjoy listening. And, if you want more short SOLO episodes like this one, do let me know.


    Of course, all of the ideas within the episode are just suggestions. So, take a listen, see what you think and, hopefully, one or two of them will make their way into your life this summer. Enjoy!

    Find out about my books:

    The 4 Pillar Plan

    The Stress Solution

    Feel Better in 5

    Feel Great Lose Weight

    Happy Mind Happy Life

    Buy tickets for my stage tour https://drchatterjee.com/tour

    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/466

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #467 BITESIZE | 3 Ways We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop | Dr Ramani Durvasula

    #467 BITESIZE | 3 Ways We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop | Dr Ramani Durvasula

    We often seem to be our own worst enemies and there are some common ways that many of us self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is a spectrum of feelings, beliefs, and behaviours, but they all set us up to fail.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 332 of the podcast with clinical psychologist, Dr Ramani Durvasula. In this clip, she explains why perfectionism, social comparison and not living in alignment with our values are common forms of self-sabotage, and she shares some practical solutions to help overcome them.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/332

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #466 Break Free from Burnout: How to Accomplish More by Doing Less with Cal Newport

    #466 Break Free from Burnout: How to Accomplish More by Doing Less with Cal Newport

    In today's fast-paced world, the pursuit of productivity often leads to overwhelm. In fact, one report suggests that 88% of UK workers have experienced some degree of burnout over the past two years. But what if there’s a better way to work and live?

    This week, I’m delighted to welcome Cal Newport back to my Feel Better Live More podcast. Cal is a professor of computer science at Georgetown University and a founding member of the Center for Digital Ethics. He’s a New York Times bestselling author whose books have reached millions of readers in over forty languages. His latest book, Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout, challenges our current notions of work and offers a revolutionary approach to productivity.

    In our conversation, Cal and I explore the concept of "slow productivity" and how it contrasts with our culture of constant busyness. We discuss why traditional productivity methods are falling short, particularly in the realm of 'knowledge work' - a term Cal uses to describe intellectually demanding professions - and how modern digital tools have exacerbated the problem of burnout.

    During the conversation, he shares the three core principles of slow productivity: doing fewer things, working at a natural pace, and obsessing over quality. We delve into practical strategies for implementing these principles in various work environments, even for those who feel they have little autonomy in their jobs.

    We also touch on the importance of solitude and reflection in living an intentional life. Cal emphasises how smartphones and social media have impacted our ability to be present and socialise, particularly for younger generations, and he offers insights on setting boundaries with technology and creating healthier norms around its use, too.

    Our conversation also extends to the value of lifestyle-centric planning versus goal-centric planning, challenging cultural norms around constant connectivity and redefining success beyond professional achievements. 

    This episode is packed with actionable advice that can help you reclaim your time, reduce stress, and find a more balanced approach to work and life.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Buy tickets for my stage tour https://drchatterjee.com/tour

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/466

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #465 BITESIZE | Creativity, Authenticity & How to Live A Meaningful Life | Rick Rubin

    #465 BITESIZE | Creativity, Authenticity & How to Live A Meaningful Life | Rick Rubin

    Today’s guest has worked with a huge variety of different artists and is named on Time magazine’s list of the ‘100 most influential people in the world’.  But I think one of the reasons he’s reached an almost mythical status across the world is because of his Zen-like manner and his artistic approach to life.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart.  Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 327 of the podcast with none other than the legendary record producer and author of the book The Creative Act, Mr Rick Rubin.

    In this clip, Rick shares why it’s easy to get stuck in our small story of who we are and what our lives are. But he believes that we all have the power to change the stories we tell ourselves, which is ultimately essential for our happiness.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/327

    Rick’s Book: The Creative Act: A Way of Being

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #464 How To Use Food To Improve Your Mood, Overcome Anxiety and Protect Your Memory with Dr Georgia Ede

    #464 How To Use Food To Improve Your Mood, Overcome Anxiety and Protect Your Memory with Dr Georgia Ede

    Over one billion people worldwide have some type of mental health diagnosis - a statistic that suggests the current approach to treating these conditions may not be enough. For those struggling, perhaps despite their medication, it can feel easy to lose hope of feeling well again. 

    In this conversation, I speak to someone who has been a psychiatrist for more than 25 years and who for many years, felt that her impact on patients was limited until she learned about the incredible healing power of food. 


    Dr Georgia Ede is a Harvard trained, board certified psychiatrist specialising in nutritional and metabolic psychiatry. Her 25 years of clinical experience includes 12 years at Smith College and Harvard University Health Services, where she was the first person to offer students nutrition-based approaches as an alternative to psychiatric medication.


    She co-authored the first inpatient study of the ketogenic diet for treatment-resistant mental illness and is the author of the wonderful new book Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind: A Powerful Plan to Improve Mood, Overcome Anxiety and Protect Memory for a Lifetime of Optimal Mental Health.


    Georgia explains that, almost unknowingly, many of us have been feeding our brains improperly for our entire lives. We explore what she considers to be the five foods that have the most potential to be problematic for our brain health and how quickly we can start to feel the benefits if we are able to cut back on them. This highlights a key point that both Georgia and I are extremely passionate about - that, for most of us, in the modern day food environment, what we cut out of our diet is more important than what we put in.


    We talk about the relationship between blood glucose and brain glucose. Georgia outlines the whole foods that Georgia believes can be problematic, especially if we are having problems with our mood or have a mental health diagnosis. We also discuss why Georgia believes that the Mediterranean diet - whilst better than the Standard Western Diet is not optimal, and we cover Georgia’s clinical research about the potential benefits of ketogenic diets in treating mental health.


    Georgia is a wonderful physician who cares deeply about her patients and is helping many of them gain relief and sometimes remission from long standing mental health problems. That being said, there is no question that some of her recommendations may at first glance appear to controversial. 


    Throughout the conversation, I have tried my best to provide clarity and make sure that you clearly understand why Georgia is recommending the changes that she is. But, as you are listening, please do remember, that there is no one dietary approach that is going to work for everyone, at every stage in their life.

    Buy tickets for my stage tour https://drchatterjee.com/tour.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/464

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #463 BITESIZE | How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed | Oliver Burkeman

    #463 BITESIZE | How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed | Oliver Burkeman

    In a world of demands, distractions and endless to-do lists, sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by all the things we have to do or want to do leaving us feeling stressed or anxious.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 260 of the podcast with Oliver Burkeman - journalist and author of the brilliant book Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management For Mortals.

    Oliver believes that many of the productivity hacks that we learn are a delusion. Time management doesn’t mean becoming more productive, it means deciding what to neglect.

    In this clip, he shares some of his tips to help overcome overwhelm, make better choices, and build a meaningful relationship with time.

    Thanks to our sponsor https://www.drinkag1.com/livemore

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/260

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #462 The Hidden Health Crisis: How It Affects All Of Us And What We Can Do About It with US Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy

    #462 The Hidden Health Crisis: How It Affects All Of Us And What We Can Do About It with US Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy

    Have you ever felt lonely, even when surrounded by people? Do you struggle to forge meaningful connections in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world? If so, you're not alone. Loneliness is on the rise in many countries around the world and more people than ever before are feeling alone and isolated.

    In today’s episode of my Feel Better Live More podcast, I'm joined for the second time by Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy - the 21st Surgeon General of the United States. He received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard, his medical degree from the Yale School of Medicine, and his Masters in Business Administration from the Yale School of Management. In his role, Dr Murthy helps to advance the health and wellbeing of all Americans and has worked to address several critical public health issues.

    In our conversation, we discuss the growing epidemic of loneliness and its impact on our health. Vivek shares profound insights on the far-reaching consequences of loneliness, which extend beyond mental health to include physical health problems, including an increased risk of stroke, dementia, heart disease, and premature death.


    We delve into the root causes of the loneliness epidemic, exploring how fundamental shifts in technology and culture have altered the way we connect with others. Vivek emphasises the importance of taking social risks, building communication skills, taking regular social media breaks, the life changing benefits of volunteering, and he talks about the idea that simply dedicating just 10-15 minutes per day, to work out our social muscle will very quickly start to deepen our connections with the world around us.

    This thought-provoking conversation is for anyone looking to foster authentic connections in an increasingly disconnected world and deepen the relationships that matter most.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Buy tickets for my stage tour https://drchatterjee.com/tour

    Thanks to our sponsors:



    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/462

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Dan Buettner: 5 Secrets to Live to 100+ & The Hack That Will Change the Way You Make Daily Food Decisions

    Dan Buettner: 5 Secrets to Live to 100+ & The Hack That Will Change the Way You Make Daily Food Decisions

    Do you want to know the secret to living a long healthy life? 

    Do you want to know what the healthiest people in the world drink everyday?

    Dan, a best-selling author and explorer, shares his extensive research and knowledge on the communities where people live the longest and healthiest lives. As the mind behind the acclaimed book, "The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer: Lessons from the Healthiest Places on Earth," and the visionary behind the Netflix docu-series, Dan Buettner brings a wealth of knowledge about how to live to 100+.

    This conversation explores the common threads that weave through these diverse group of people, unlocking the keys to a fulfilling and enduring life .From diet and daily habits to the profound sense of community, Dan Buettner offers profound insights into how these lessons from the Blue Zones can be applied to our own lives. 

    Tune in for a thought-provoking conversation that bridges ancient traditions with modern living, and learn how you can integrate the Blue Zones' transformative lessons into your own pursuit of a healthier, more meaningful and longer life

    In this interview you’ll learn: 

    • Practical lessons for a longer life 
    • What role your genes play in the length of your life 
    • What you can add to your diet daily that will add 4 years to your life 
    • How our environment plays a key role in our life 
    • Tangible steps we can take to improve our overall well being 
    • How plant based diets can significantly improve our health 
    • How a sense of purpose and community can enhance our life and longevity 

    Dan’s passion for understanding and unlocking the secrets to longevity has influenced the world and I hope it does the same for you. 

    With Love and Gratitude, 

    Jay Shetty 

    What we Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro 
    • 03:40 How much of our genes determine how long we will live 
    • 09:23 The secret to a healthy America 
    • 14:30 The overconsumption of meat is hurting us
    • 18:15 We spend twice as much time in our cars than we did in the 1980s
    • 20:24 The power of community  
    • 24:50 The hack to a longer life isn’t based solely on diet and exercise but also community 
    • 27:13 Using elders as a longevity strategy for community 
    • 30:40 Green tea can add to your longevity 
    • 35:33 How beans and grains are cornerstones in the oldest global communities 
    • 38:11 What has changed over the years that has added to our mortality rate 
    • 43:40 The power of creating a social circle around health 
    • 44:35 Reminder to stop eating when stomachs are 80% full 
    • 47:27 What the last bluezone 1.0  will be 
    • 51:16 What most cities should consider in order to become a blue zone 
    • 54:43 How a sense of purpose and clarity can add to our longevity 
    • 55:03 Conclusion 

    Episode Resources:

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    2 Levels Of Loneliness & 3 Ways To Create Deeper Connections

    2 Levels Of Loneliness & 3 Ways To Create Deeper Connections

    Quarantine life has been challenging on relationships and interpersonal interaction. Jay Shetty acknowledges that loneliness is weighing heavy on many right now. In times like this, a proactive focus on health and well being is vital.

    Need strategies to not only get out of a lonely funk, but strengthen your quarantine communication? Jay gives practical tips on how to make this a time of healthy interaction and meaningful self growth.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Authenticity Builds Genuine Communities: A Guide to Banishing Loneliness With Carrie Allen

    Authenticity Builds Genuine Communities: A Guide to Banishing Loneliness With Carrie Allen

    Beginning –

    We’re all struggling with mental health. Carrie and I believe that’s largely due to our sectioning off into nuclear families and getting away from the villages we were always meant to live in.

    Authenticity is a newer concept. Throughout history, it was important to our survival that the village liked and accepted us. This would lead our loved ones to “correct” and behavior or quirks they found odd or unacceptable. They did this out of love to keep us safe.

    Now a days, having quirks is safer. We understand more about one another and are overall more accepting of things we wouldn’t have been hundreds of years ago. It’s also not as dire to be liked as it once was. We’ve built a world that is easier to live in, survival wise, independently. Even if it may leave us lonelier.

    Perhaps we needed that separation in order to grow and now we can begin to come back together in a healthy way.

    The internet gave us the historically unique ability to find the tribe that fits us best. However, online communities still lack that physical closeness that we still crave in our daily lives.

    9:35 –

    Sometimes it’s easier to make friends with a complete stranger than it is with someone you’ve been familiar with for a long period of time. Small home towns have the challenge of judgement and insecurities based on pre-decided ideas of one another.

    Moving somewhere else isn’t going to solve our problems or make things easier because we’ll still be living in and playing out the stories we have in our heads about how things are, were and should be.Healing in the same place that hurt you.

    22:30 –

    If you can figure out who you are, you can figure out where to insert yourself into your community. Coming full circle where historically both others as well as ourselves censored us in order to fit in, we now want to embrace what makes us individuals.In doing so, we find what makes us happy and being able to happily be involved in the community in a way that feels fun and fulfilling rather than a chore and obligation is how we build strength and bonds with the people around us. This helps us to heal, feel connected and banish loneliness.

    Figuring out who you are authentically is easier said than done. It requires experimentation, trial and error and healing to dig yourself out of insecurities and find solidity and confidence in your truth. We have to become ok with the possibility of rejection.

    26:00 –

    There may not really be anything such as “introverts” and “extroverts”. What people experience as “Introvertedness” may simply be the exhaustion from masking. Theoretically, everyone is an “extrovert” under the correct circumstances. Socializing is only draining when you’re not being authentic to yourself and others.

    Duality does say that we are both of everything. Introvertedness may be a protection mechanism whereas we become extroverted when we feel safe to be ourselves.

    33:30 –

    Your most important community is the one within yourself. Cultivate your relationship with you first before you move out and try to connect with others around you. Grounding into your body is a great place to start tuning into who you are.

    You have to learn how to slow down and hang out with yourself. Getting out of electronics and looking for external answers and instead exploring your own thoughts, words and actions. Noticing your beliefs and patterns and tracing them back to their origins.What feels good and what doesn’t? Our emotional guidance system is there to lead us but we have to be aware and utilize it from an objective place.

    40:15 –

    Cognitive dissonance is the combative nature people fall into naturally when their belief systems are challenged or presented with conflicting information. Our subconscious wants to uphold the reality we’ve created for ourselves so when that vision meets information that threatens to disillusion us from it, we feel as though we’re being attacked and seek to defend what we’ve created.Cognitive dissonance is one of the most challenging aspects of being human and is almost single handedly the cause of conflict. Knowing it exists and being aware when it shows up in both yourself and others can help you to glide around and diffuse arguments as or before they arise.

    We’re more aware of “red flags” and toxicity than we ever were and that’s caused us to cut people off more quickly than we ever would have before. We ALL have our issues that need working through though. None of us is perfect, so being too quick to cut people off leaves us with no one but ourselves in a sea of loneliness.We have to learn how to use discernment to find our boundaries. Decide on a case by case plan of action in which cutting contact entirely or sticking it out to work through the relationship is the best course of action. This comes back to knowing yourself and what is a deal breaker for you.

    45:15 –

    Root chakra healing as a collective because we become protective not only of ourselves but of our village as well. Our root chakra rules safety and security. The more solid that is, the more understanding, accepting and compassionate we can be for other’s intricacies that in the past we may have felt threatened by.

    Boundaries are about keeping things in your life that you want to keep in your life, not about keeping things out of your life. The best example of this is family. Holding boundaries is how you keep your loved ones around without all of the drama and conflict that tends to arise naturally by being in close contact with each other for extended periods of time.Know your triggers so you can plan ahead how to react when they occur.

    The Grey Rock method is where you give toxic people nothing when they approach you. No reaction, no energy, as little words as possible. The goal is to become as boring as you can so that they move along from you. Some people feed off of drama and actively seek to create it or rouse it out of us. Don’t play into it.

    About Our Guest:
    Carrie Allen is a visionary community advocate with a mission to amplify human potential through the power of true, authentic community. As a life-long community builder, Carrie draws from her journey to highlight the genuine value of community and connections across diverse facets of life. The mastermind behind The Human Array, she empowers individuals to embrace their authenticity and contribute to the development of thriving, uplifting communities for personal, professional, and collective growth.
    Your Host:

    S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
    Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.