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    Explore "mothering" with insightful episodes like "41. Personal Wildernesses", "Episode # 184 Unravel the 5 Parts of Emotional Overwhelm from Trauma with Keli Carpenter", "38. Family Intimacy", "36. It Takes a Village" and "32. Why Nature Matters" from podcasts like ""In the Arena with the Eyre Sisters", "Anxiety Simplified Podcast that Goes Beyond Psychology", "In the Arena with the Eyre Sisters", "In the Arena with the Eyre Sisters" and "In the Arena with the Eyre Sisters"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    41. Personal Wildernesses

    41. Personal Wildernesses

    This week we come together to discuss the wildernesses that we go through in life. We all face them! We talk about ways we can acknowledge the difficulties, feel all the feelings, and also find support and move through them. We would be so grateful to hear from any of you on Instagram @eyresisters. We'd be honored to hear how you manage your own personal wildernesses. We're grateful to have you as a part of our community! 


    Show Notes:

    Bittersweet (book)

    Brene Brown cartoon  on empathy

    Everything Sad is Untrue (book)


    Episode # 184 Unravel the 5 Parts of Emotional Overwhelm from Trauma with Keli Carpenter

    Episode # 184 Unravel the 5 Parts of Emotional Overwhelm from Trauma with Keli Carpenter

    Learn to Rework Your Trauma Narrative to receive the messages from anxiety to stop processing them… to heal them with her 5 step Somatic inquiry method with our guest Keli Carpenter.

    Free Coupon https://tosa.mykajabi.com/offers/w2zn2LVW 


    Keli’s Book- ‘Awakening Through Trauma Retreat and how to Embody the Work Instead of Constantly Processing It’.

    Find all of the inspiring offers for emotional healing Counseling sessions, courses, videos of the podcast with the links for Joanne Williams, LCSW Websites:https://linktr.ee/joannewilliamslcsw

    For Serraphine Coate's Offerings: https://linktr.ee/serraphine.soul 



    38. Family Intimacy

    38. Family Intimacy

    This week, we dive into a discussion about family intimacy. By family intimacy, we don't mean the physical intimacy you share with your partner. Instead, we mean intimacy in the sense of closeness, connections, and a sense of being seen. We discuss things that get in the way of intimate relationships, and we also give some ideas for building intimacy. We would love to hear from you! What's worked well in your family? Come share with us on Instagram @eyresisters. 



    - How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber

    36. It Takes a Village

    36. It Takes a Village

    Join us this week as we discuss using a village to help raise our kids in our modern age. We discuss how much of the parenting in our modern society falls to the mom and dad (and mostly the mom!), and how sad this is! There are so many great people who can contribute to our kids' lives, let's use them! We'd love to hear your thoughts about this on  Instagram @eyresisters. 



    Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans by Michaeleen Doucleff


    32. Why Nature Matters

    32. Why Nature Matters

    We could talk about how much we love nature for hours! Growing up, our parents were very intentional about pointing out the beauties in the world. All of us have taken that appreciation for nature and woven it into the fabric of our own families. Join us as we discuss why nature is so important and share some ideas for getting your kids outside. How do you bring the benefits of nature into your family? Come share with us on Instagram! @eyresisters





























    30. Interview with Life Coach and Sister-in-Law Anita

    30. Interview with Life Coach and Sister-in-Law Anita

    This week's episode features our amazing sister-in-law, Anita. Anita is a life coach and she offered us some simple but powerful principles that can help transform our parenting thoughts and actions. We learned about managing our expectations, being our word, paying attention to our train of thought, and more. Anita generously offered a free hour of coaching to all our listeners so head to her website to schedule your free session right away!

    Show Notes:











    37. Understanding the Art of Mothering with Life Coach Dr. Gertrude Lyons

    37. Understanding the Art of Mothering with Life Coach Dr. Gertrude Lyons

    I am so excited for today's episode with life coach and podcast host of Rewrite the Mother Code, Dr. Gertrude Lyons. It was such a raw and honest conversation around general motherhood myths, and how we can take care of ourselves through connecting with our emotions.

    In the episode, Dr. Gertrude will share a few tips and tricks on how to address moments of uncertainty or guilt in your self-discovery journey. She will then share her insights on what rewriting the mother code means, and how we all can adapt certain practices into our lives. 

    I had the priviledge of being in her podcast, and was so thrilled to have her on mine.

    This is one you won't want to miss.


    1:20 - Introduction of Dr. Gertrude Lyons

    1:55 - Give us more on your background and how you got started with life coaching

    10:10 - Based on your experience, what does it mean to mother and to do it "well?"

    15:50 - If someone is in the self-discovery phase as a mom but feels stuck, what suggestions would you give?

    20:40 - Another tip if feeling triggered (identifying your emotions)

    26:00 - Nelly provides her insight, and Dr. Gertrude talks more about self awareness and history on why you feel the way that you do, and what you can do about it

    28:10 - What does it mean to rewrite the mother code

    32:50 - How can everyone connect with Dr. Gertrude

    Here is the shownotes - https://workingmombalanced.com/episode-37-mothering-with-life-coach-gertrude/

    How to connect with Dr. Gertrude:

    Website - https://www.drgertrudelyons.com

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drgertrudelyons

    How to connect with me:

    Website - https://www.workingmombalanced.com

    NEW INSTAGRAM NAME - @itsnellyalba

    The Grandparent Life

    The Grandparent Life

    Grandparenting is just one more thing that's changed noticeably over the decades. In the start of this new series, we find out what's new with grandparents--who are they? how do grandparents differ between cultures? What are some of a grandparent's responsibilities and is it reasonable to expect them to enforce bedtimes or a no-sugar rule?

    Map Your Birth?

    Map Your Birth?

    In this episode we talk with Doula Katelyn Commerford about the work she does and why a family would choose to work with a Doula. We also highlight the things parents-to-be should look for when selecting the person they will work with. Finally we touch on what a Birth Map is and why women may want to consider this alternative approach when making plans for their birth experiences. 


    To Contact Katelyn Visit:

    Or via Social Media @https://www.instagram.com/katelyn.doulaandnbac


    For More Information on The Birth Map Visit:



    She Is Eleven: Born With DiGeorge Syndrome

    She Is Eleven: Born With DiGeorge Syndrome

    This week's episode of Parent Tell is a powerful one and discusses one mom's experience with finding out her daughter would be born with some sort of developmental delay and the fight she fights every single day to do what she needs to do for her daughter. Angela's daughter was born with DiGeorge Syndrome, a disorder caused when a small part of chromosome 22 is missing. This deletion results in the poor development of several body systems. Medical problems commonly associated with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome include heart defects, poor immune system function, a cleft palate, complications related to low levels of calcium in the blood, and delayed development with behavioral and emotional problems. The number and severity of symptoms associated with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome vary. However, almost everyone with this syndrome needs treatment from specialists in a variety of fields.

    Angela's story is powerful, as it showcases exactly what moms are willing to do, and what they go through, in order to be there for their children and give them what they need.

    Don't forget! Rating, reviewing, and subscribing to Parent Tell is one of the best ways to show your love and support!
    Follow Parent Tell on Instagram
    Send Kaila an email with your parenting story at parenttellpod@gmail.com

    EP 267: How to Save for Our Children's Futures with The College Financial Lady, Ann Garcia

    EP 267: How to Save for Our Children's Futures with The College Financial Lady, Ann Garcia

    Ann Garcia, aka The College Financial Lady, has helped thousands of
    families save millions of dollars on college. A fee-only Certified Financial
    PlannerR and managing partner of Independent Progressive Advisors, Ann
    specializes in helping families balance the desire to support their children’s
    dreams with the reality of funding their own lives. Her book How to Pay for
    College is available from bookstores everywhere; its companion online
    course is available now.

    Buy her book:


    Take Ann's Masterclass:



    new customers get $5 off Lume’s Starter Pack with code CHAVA at


    Get 15% off with the code CHAVA at oneskin.co


    Foster Care Episode:



    Foster Care Resources:



    Why Chava? Episode 248:


    Chava Meaning


    EP 266: Birth Stories, Multiple Sclerosis and Loss with Andrea Ahonen

    EP 266: Birth Stories, Multiple Sclerosis and Loss with Andrea Ahonen
    Andrea Ahonen is on this episode sharing her motherhood journey with us. 
    She starts with sharing her birth stories of her two daughters who were both "big babies." She had completely different experiences after doing research and finding a provider to support her choices. Andrea was later diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2017 and went on to have two more babies. This last year she learned of a surprise 5th pregnancy.  She opens up about the loss of this pregnancy on this episode.  Andrea's story so beautifully portrays the ups and downs that come with motherhood.  She is an inspiration and a perfect guest for this Mother's Day episode.
    Andrea's favorite resources:
    A great doula! 
    A fantastic provider(s) - my OB & midwife practice combo is amazing! 
    The Birth Hour podcast
    These two books have been really helpful in my healing from my twin miscarriage:
    It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered https://a.co/d/6Tb7m6U
    Unexpecting: Real Talk on Pregnancy Loss https://a.co/d/199HZ1h

    Connect with Liz





    Visit LifeMD.com/CHAVA today and see why LifeMD is America’s most trusted

    leader in virtual healthcare.

    Go to jennikayne.com and use the code CHAVA to get 15% off.


    Evidence on Big Babies:




    Why Chava? Episode 248:


    Chava Meaning


    Mothers' Relationships with Mothers & Others

    Mothers' Relationships with Mothers & Others

    In honor of Mother's Day we're talking about our experiences with mothering, what we're bringing forward generationally & ancestrally, and what we're letting go of in order to have holy relationships with our loved ones.



    In this episode:


    "On Children" by the Prophet Kahlil Gibran


    "Live and Let Live" (Al-Anon slogan)


    "In my defenselessness my safety lies." A Course in Miracles lesson 153  


    Jennifer Hadley 



    Find us online at fivelemonslaughing.com. Join the conversation on Instagram or on Facebook or send us an email: info@fivelemonslaughing.com. We'd love to hear your feedback, questions or suggestions for future episodes.

    Prefer to see our beautiful faces while you listen? Find all of our episodes on YouTube

    Empowering Mothers: Shifting Your Mindset and Building Confidence with Sophia Brown

    Empowering Mothers: Shifting Your Mindset and Building Confidence with Sophia Brown

    In this episode, I interview author, Sophia Brown. Sophie is the author of  Mindset Makeover Essentials, a short book to help busy moms beat overwhelm by empowering their mindset. We explore the power of shifting beliefs and how overcoming a victim mindset can be incredibly liberating to parents. We talk about the importance of self-confidence as mothers and why it is important to celebrate each small step toward achieving your goals. We also discuss the importance of having a growth mindset as a mother and teaching our children to be open to expansion and learning.

    Together, we touch on the challenges of parenting in the digital age and the impact of social media on our children's mental health. Included are tips for managing children's usage of social media. You will be encouraged to take time for your own personal growth so you can be a positive example for your children. Sophie gives practical examples of how to find pockets of time for your own personal growth and hobbies.

    Sophia encourages moms with creative ways to express their own creativity through mothering.  She provides helpful tips that will enable moms to move past the fears that are preventing them from experiencing the true joys of parenting. She also emphasizes that even if a mother stays at home, she doesn't have to let her creativity and dreams die and encourages mothers to explore their creative gifts in the context of motherhood by trusting their intuition.

    More About Sophie...

    Author S.M. Brown is a nonfiction writer, entrepreneur, wife, and mother of five from Ohio.  When she was a tired single mom exhausted from repeating the same undesired outcomes in her life, she began reading and practicing mindfulness and the law of attraction. Amazed by the powerful results she started seeing in her life, she was inspired to finally share her manifestation secrets with other moms. She now pens a weekly newsletter at motherhoodwithme.com about weekly lessons learned as a mom, encouraging messages, and other helpful guidance. When Mrs. Brown finds the time she enjoys the outdoors, canning homemade soups & juices, beekeeping, reading, and jamming to music.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindset_Makeover_Mamas
    Sophie's book, Mindset Makeover Essentials, is available on Amazon.

    More About Tiffani...

    Tiffani Cappello CHt, NLP, CLC is a clinical hypnotherapist who has overcome years of depression, anxiety, and trauma. She discovered the power of hypnosis and NLP in her journey of personal development, transforming long-standing and deeply rooted subconscious patterns and shifting her mindset to become a confident, capable, and lovable person. She now uses hypnosis and NLP to help others achieve their own emotional well-being and lead a happier life. She is the creator and host of the "A Transformed Life" podcast, where she interviews successful people and shares their stories of transformation.

    Website: https://www.tiffanicappello.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffani_cappello
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/tiffani_cappello
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/tiffani_cappello

    A Transformed Life podcast features inspiring and empowering guest speakers who share their stories of personal growth and transformation. These guest speakers come from diverse backgrounds and have overcome a range of challenges, from career changes to health issues. They offer valuable insights, practical advice, and uplifting messages to listeners looking to make positive changes in their own lives. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the conversation! Don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel to stay updated on our latest episodes. Thanks for tuning in to the ATL podcast.

    Learn More About Tr

    Sit back, relax, and enjoy the conversation! Don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel to stay updated on our latest episodes. Thanks for tuning in to the ATL podcast.

    I have cancer.

    I have cancer.
    Welcome back friends! This season is a bit different than the usual motherhood talk. Unfortunately, we will be taking a twist in our usual conversation because I have cancer. Woah! Still getting used to saying that. This episode introduces the beginning of my cancer journey. Please bare with me through the tears because there's many of them!

    If you want to follow more of my day to day cancer journey, follow me on IG @_ninabatts or on TikTok @bumpsandbrewses.

    Two Under 2 And Close Age Gaps

    Two Under 2 And Close Age Gaps

    This week's episode of Parent Tell was a bit of a high school reunion for Kaila and her guest, as you might be able to tell from the amount of giggling (and the fact that Kaila tells you the guest is a high school pal, duh). Kaila speaks with Clara, a mom who has experienced the dreaded? Famed? Infamous?  two children under 2. Twice! And she also was living the three under 3 life for a few months after her last baby was born and her first was a few months shy of 3. 

    The moms talk about the potential pros and cons of having children close in age, why Clara and her husband chose that path, as well as the importance of embracing where you are. And also whether or not to leash a child who enjoys sprinting away from you. What can we say, this episode has it all.

    Don't forget! Rating, reviewing, and subscribing to Parent Tell is one of the best ways to show your love and support!
    Follow Parent Tell on Instagram
    Send Kaila an email with your parenting story at parenttellpod@gmail.com

    23. How to Build Resilience

    23. How to Build Resilience

    This week we answer a listener's question about what our parents did to help us deal with negativity, and how we're working to build resilience in ourselves and our kids. We loved this discussion!  We share experiences that have helped us develop thick skin - from the time a guy proudly announced that he'd burned the book our dad gave him to dealing with negative blog comments. We share ideas about how our parents taught us resilience and ways we can help cultivate resilience in our kids. What do you do in your home to teach resilience? Come share with us on Instagram @eyresisters. 

    Show Notes:

    Brene Brown quote

    EP 259: How to Be a Children's Author with Published Author, Lauren Kimberly

    EP 259: How to Be a Children's Author with Published Author, Lauren Kimberly

    Lauren lives in Ottawa, Canada with her husband, two young children, and their 70 pound lap dog. She is a civil engineer by day and a family photographer by night. After her kids go to bed, she spends her evenings writing and illustrating children’s books. She gets her inspiration from her children and she always has them help craft her stories and weave her tales. There’s nothing quite like the imagination of a young child!

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    e: Elizabeth@ElizabethJoy.co

    w: www.ElizabethJoy.co

    fb: https://www.facebook.com/groups/311455916387591/?ref=bookmarks

    in: https://www.instagram.com/esandoz/

    This Episode is sponsored by Jenni Kayne!

    15% off your first order with promo code Chava at https://www.jennikayne.com/


    Babysode: You've Changed! Good For You.

    Babysode: You've Changed! Good For You.

    This week's episode is a cute, tiny, lil' Babysode! Kaila and Jimmy asked listeners the question that has become famous on Parent Tell and that is, "How has being a parent changed you as a person?" While reading your responses to this question, Kaila and Jimmy discuss how they've changed, particularly how being a toddler parent has changed them versus being an infant parent, and how it's important to self reflect on your parenting journey every now and then. Because we're all doing a great job, even if it doesn't feel like it in the moment.

    Don't forget! Rating, reviewing, and subscribing to Parent Tell is one of the best ways to show your love and support!
    Follow Parent Tell on Instagram
    Send Kaila an email with your parenting story at parenttellpod@gmail.com

    EP 256: Co-Sleeping with Tiffany Belanger

    EP 256: Co-Sleeping with Tiffany Belanger

    Tiffany Belanger attended UCLA and adventured in the television and film industry prior to parenthood. In 2020 she founded cosleepy.com, a cosleeping one-stop shop to help modern parents keep their babies safe and close at night. She and her husband are currently bedsharing with their two little boys in Sacramento, California.

    Connect with Tiffany



    Safe Infant Sleep book (Dr. James McKenna)
    Sweet Sleep book (La Leche League)
    How Cosleeping Can Help You and Your Baby article

    e: Elizabeth@ElizabethJoy.co

    w: www.ElizabethJoy.co

    fb: https://www.facebook.com/groups/311455916387591/?ref=bookmarks

    in: https://www.instagram.com/esandoz/

    This podcast is sponsored by Dime Beauty and Athletic Greens!

    This episode is sponsored by Dime Beauty.  Use code mamas20 at https://dimebeautyco.com/ for 20% off

    Get FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first

    purchase! Go to:



    Why Chava? Episode 248:


    Chava Meaning


    Episode on Normal Infant Sleep :


    Episode with OBGYN Dr Sterling
