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    Money Mindset Monday

    From $80,000 in debt and completely hopeless, to debt free and feeling empowering – I’m here to help you create your positive money mindset and solidify your plans to rock your debt free or financial wellness journey.
    enKylie Romashko36 Episodes

    Episodes (36)

    36. How to Set Boundaries Personally and Financially

    36. How to Set Boundaries Personally and Financially
    Boundaries in general are on of my favorite topics. My two words for 2022 are boundaries and simplify. Having those two at the forefront has been so helpful and they both translate into all things money!

    I’m going to give several examples of where we can place personal boundaries and where we can place money boundaries.

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    35. Why Afterpay is a No for me Dawg

    35. Why Afterpay is a No for me Dawg

    There’s a lot to unpack here when it comes to afterpay. Whether you know in your soul how terrible programs like this are or not, we are going to dive into WHY this is bad. WHEN it would ever make sense to use and when it doesn’t. And WHAT we can do instead to avoid using it.

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    34. Five Ways to Let go of Social Pressures to Spend

    34. Five Ways to Let go of Social Pressures to Spend

    It’s not just keeping up with the Kardashians, but everyone else on social media. We may feel the pressure to spend money on clothes, home updates, cars, etc. to keep up with the image that we have it all together. We are going to break it down and talk about 5 tips to avoid the social pressures that Instagram may encourage!

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    33. Money Lessons From my Grandpa Craig

    33. Money Lessons From my Grandpa Craig

    There is so much wisdom in those who have gone before us. My grandpa Craig recently passed away and it inspired me to reflect on how much I have learned from him over the years. He built a fair amount of wealth and the way he used his money is how I aspire to spend mine. He has built a legacy and I’m going to tell you all about this legend.

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    32. Opinion; You can be Rich AND a Good Person

    32. Opinion; You can be Rich AND a Good Person
    This is a little mindset for you. You can do BOTH. You can be rich AND be a good person. You can be rich AND be happy. You can be rich AND be sincere. People do it every day. Stop thinking that you have to choose.

    We have to acknowledge that money is helpful. That money is good.


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    31. How to get Freebies From Your Favorite Brands

    31. How to get Freebies From Your Favorite Brands
    Although freebies will not pay our bills, this is worth understanding in the age of Instagram. And a great opportunity to save money on things you already spend money on. I’m finding that working with brands is not only a really great time for me, but can be lucrative when you know your worth! When it’s a product that you are already using/loving/wanting, it might be smart to see if you can get it for free (plus a little extra cash).

    Let’s break down how to approach brands in the most basic way, and make a little extra to pay that debt down!

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    30. How to Say NO to the Sale Rack and Impulse Buys

    30. How to Say NO to the Sale Rack and Impulse Buys
    If you find yourself justifying a purchase because it was a good deal but deep down you feel guilty, this is for you. If you find yourself walking out of the store with items you did not walk in there for, this is for you. If you have an excess of clothing or items that you don’t wear or use and realize that they were sale or impulse purchases, this is for you.


    There is a step by step way to avoid blowing all of your money on deals and sales!

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    29. How to Make What you Have Last - Stretch Your Dollar

    29. How to Make What you Have Last - Stretch Your Dollar
    Money doesn’t make us happy, but what we do with it does and security makes us happiest.

    So, don’t waste money on things. Spend money on quality items, and take care of them so that expense is out of the picture for as long as possible. Sustainability is key in making our money last!

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    28. Seven Ways to Raise Your Money Vibes

    28. Seven Ways to Raise Your Money Vibes
    There are so many ways that we can raise our money vibes, but here are seven that are quick and easy to apply to your life! We are tapping into the idea of the law of attraction and using a positive mindset to attract more money and appreciate our money! Let’s do this.
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    27. How to Broaden Your Financial Vision

    27. How to Broaden Your Financial Vision
    We often limit ourselves based on what we see around us. We use our peers as a reference point when it isn't always accurate of what is truly possible. Let's talk about how we can release a low bar and open up our own minds to a bigger vision!
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    26. Five Ways to Give Yourself Grace With Money Mishaps

    26. Five Ways to Give Yourself Grace With Money Mishaps

    We are all going to make mistakes or run into money mishaps that are out of our control at some point. That’s inevitable, and sometimes out of our control. The difference maker is getting over them faster so that you can move on and get back on track. This requires grace! We are going to work on letting it go so that we can focus on our goals!

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    25. Finding Your Most Important Task of the Day

    25. Finding Your Most Important Task of the Day

    When we work smarter, we make more money. When we make more money, we live better. I just recently discovered that I was not working very smart. But I was working so hard! I was trying to do everything and spreading myself so thing. Zach challenged me to focus on my MIT before anything else in my day and the results were insane. You need to incorporate this in your life!


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    24. Follow the Money

    24. Follow the Money
    You are a woman of many talents, but are you missing out on money because you’re trying to do too much? There are so many opportunities for us to build wealth and increase our income. This episode is to help you define where your time is best spent and how we can make sure that you are making the most money that you can while also feeling aligned in what you are doing.


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    23. Does Money Change People?

    23. Does Money Change People?
    It sure does! But, not in the way that some might think. We are diving into mindset today to allow you to be as rich and wealthy as you want to be without the shame. You can do this and you deserve it! Let's do this.

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    22. Remaining Stable in an Unstable Economy

    22. Remaining Stable in an Unstable Economy

    There is a lot happening in the economy and so much we can’t control! Prices are rising on most goods and panic can easily set it. We are going to settle your worries, master your mindset through this unpredictable time, and give you tangible tools to take control! It’s all going to be okay.

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    Money Mindset Monday
    enFebruary 21, 2022

    21. Beware of Blanket Advice

    21. Beware of Blanket Advice
    Well-meaning people will often give advice on topics without knowing our full story. How do we know if their advice applies to us? We’re going to dive into dealing with generic financial advice and how we can determine what is our best strategy based on our unique situation.

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    20. What actually makes you happy?

    20. What actually makes you happy?

    I'm finding that there is a distinct difference between the root of your happiness and something that brings you momentary joy. How do you differentiate the two? And how to we align our money mindset with what matters? Listen in, and let's get really real here. 


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    19. How to Rock Family Meeting

    19. How to Rock Family Meeting

    Family Meeting is a monthly must in our household and has been for years now! We talk about five topics to set our goals + intentions for the month and has proven to be  fun and effective way to get on the same page. Let's talk about it! Find the outline for it inside the Facebook group below. 


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    18. Six Tips to Easily Sell on Facebook Marketplace

    18. Six Tips to Easily Sell on Facebook Marketplace


    You might have money sitting around your house! Facebook Marketplace is a great place to sell your valuable, gently used, items. But, I hear a lot of people hate it! Or I see really terrible postings/sales pitches. Sell it as smoothly as possible with these six tips that I've learned along the way. 

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    17. How to Let Go of Financial Criticism + Judgement

    17. How to Let Go of Financial Criticism + Judgement
    We have all faced criticism and judgement somewhere in our lives. When that judgement is about money, it can sting quite a bit. We are going to break down why you may be experiencing it, and how to let it go. Ain't nobody got time to let other opinions weigh them down. 


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