
    Affirming Truths Podcast | Christian Mental Health, Encouragement

    Are you struggling to renew your mind and walk in the Truth of who God made you to be? Do you feel like you are waging a losing battle against your negative self-talk? Are you fatigued from the daily grind of struggling against yourself, your thoughts or your circumstances? In the Affirming Truths podcast with Carla Arges, you will find a safe place to feel seen and heard, as well as Biblically based encouragement and practical tips from my own life experience.. My mission is to empower and equip you to ditch the negative self talk, grow in God and build mental resilience. Hey, I'm Carla Arges. Daughter of the King. Wife. Mom. Mental Health Warrior. Trauma Survivor. And Avid Coffee Drinker. I spent years broken by trauma and mental illness, barely surviving the day to day struggles of my own inner dialogue. I believed the lies of the past, the hurtful things spoken over me and my own self defeating thoughts. But then something happened. I reclaimed my identity in Christ, figured out how to renew my mind and built the mental grit needed to leave my past self behind and walk in the beautiful purpose God has over my life. If you are ready to say YES to replacing your negative inner dialogue, walking a life of God’s truth and reclaiming who you are - I’m the coach and mentor for you. Get ready to live out Romans 12:2 - be transformed by the renewing of your mind and live in God’s good, pleasing and perfect will. Learn - www.carlaarges.com Connect - carlaargeswellness@gmail.com Email me to inquire about working together in my group, courses or 1:1 coaching
    enCarla Arges205 Episodes

    Episodes (205)

    S8.9 | Gratitude in the Hard Stuff: Finding God's Manna in Life's Challenges

    S8.9 | Gratitude in the Hard Stuff: Finding God's Manna in Life's Challenges

    S8.9 | Gratitude in the Hard Stuff: Finding God's Manna in Life's Challenges

    In this episode, Carla shares a personal experience of facing a medical emergency and finding gratitude in the midst of the struggle. Carla recounts what happened to her this weekend and challenges listeners to seek gratitude in the hard moments of life. God’s provision is always there, even in the midst of challenges. 

    Join Carla as she encourages us to recognize the "manna" - God's provision - in every aspect of our lives, both in the mountaintop experiences and the difficult valleys. Get ready for a powerful episode that will inspire you to find gratitude in all circumstances.


    Renewing Hope Course  Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards

    S8. Bonus 8 | An Honest Conversation About Anxiety: Addressing Mental Health In the Context of Faith

    S8. Bonus 8 | An Honest Conversation About Anxiety: Addressing Mental Health In the Context of Faith

    In this candid bonus episode, Carla delves into the sensitive topic of anxiety and its often misunderstood relationship with faith and sin. 

    She begins by addressing a concerning Instagram reel that downplays the reality of anxiety and the complexities surrounding it. Carla passionately discusses the critical distinction between everyday anxiety and mental illness, encouraging listeners to take proactive steps to understand and address their own struggles. 

    Carla challenges the misconceptions commonly perpetuated by some voices in the church community and empowers her audience to seek real understanding and healing. She inspires listeners to embrace an active role in their mental health journey while dismantling the stigma and misconceptions surrounding anxiety and depression.


    Renewing Hope Course  Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8.8 | Faith in Action: Picking Up Your Mat to Walk in the Miraculous

    S8.8 | Faith in Action: Picking Up Your Mat to Walk in the Miraculous

    In today’s episode Carla shares her insight from her current personal Bible Study. 

    Looking at a powerful encounter in the book of John, Carla passionately explores the impact of actively engaging our faith in our daily lives. She challenges listeners to move beyond mere belief into tangible action. Join us as Carla encourages and inspires us to pick up our mats and walk in the power of the Almighty, igniting a renewed sense of purpose and empowerment in our faith journey.


    Renewing Hope Course  Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8. Bonus 7 | The Power of Forgiveness: Choosing Freedom and Obedience in Faith

    S8. Bonus 7 | The Power of Forgiveness: Choosing Freedom and Obedience in Faith

    In this bonus episode, Carla dives deep into the crucial topic of forgiveness. 

    Carla addresses a listener's question on how to forgive, emphasizing the impact forgiveness has on healing from trauma, mental well-being, and spiritual growth. 

    Drawing from personal experience, she shares the powerful truth that forgiveness is ultimately a choice that sets the forgiver free from the bondage of bitterness. 

    Carla explores the process of surrender, daily commitment, and the transformative power of forgiveness. Join us as Carla provides insightful guidance and encouragement on this journey towards forgiveness and freedom.


    Renewing Hope Course  Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8.7 | Embracing God's Plan: Stepping into Purpose and Overcoming Comparison, Comfort, and Compromise

    S8.7 | Embracing God's Plan: Stepping into Purpose and Overcoming Comparison, Comfort, and Compromise

    Today Carla shares a powerful message about embracing God's vision and purpose for our lives. She begins by addressing the struggle to find purpose and vision when faced with mental health challenges and trauma. 

    Carla emphasizes that the call to love God, love others, and make disciples is clear, but it's our willingness to step into that calling that often becomes a challenge. 

    Through biblical examples and personal insights, Carla highlights the barriers that hold us back from fully embracing God's plan for our lives, including comfort, comparison, and compromise. She encourages listeners to surrender to God's vision and take bold steps of faith, reminding us that seeking God first will lead to the fulfillment of all our needs. 

    Don't miss this inspiring episode as Carla invites us to recommit to our purpose and pursue Christ with all our hearts.


    Renewing Hope Course  Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8. Bonus 6 |Toxicity in Relationships: Shifting Perspectives and Implementing Healthy Boundaries

    S8. Bonus 6 |Toxicity in Relationships: Shifting Perspectives and Implementing Healthy Boundaries

    In this bonus episode Carla addresses a listener's question about dealing with toxic people and toxic family members. 

    Carla shares her personal experience of labeling her sister as toxic and the impact it had on her behavior and emotions. 

    She urges listeners to carefully consider the language they use and suggests reframing their perspective towards toxic individuals. 

    Carla emphasizes the importance of setting healthy boundaries based on personal values and encourages approaching toxic relationships with compassion and grace. 

    Tune in to gain valuable insights on navigating difficult relationships and implementing healthy boundaries in your life.


    Renewing Hope Course  Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8.6 | Renewing Your Mind: 3 Steps to Replace Negative Thoughts with Biblical Truth

    S8.6 | Renewing Your Mind: 3 Steps to Replace Negative Thoughts with Biblical Truth

    In this episode Carla delves into the important topic of renewing our minds. Drawing on the directions from 2 Corinthians 10:5 and Romans 12:2, Carla emphasizes the significance of taking every thought captive and aligning it with the truth of Christ. 

    She explains how our thoughts drive our emotions, behaviors, and ultimately shape our lives. Carla shares practical steps on how to acknowledge, test, and replace negative thoughts with biblical truths. Listeners are invited to grab a free workbook designed to guide them through this transformative process. 

    Offering insights and actionable advice, Carla empowers you to reclaim power over your. Tune in to discover how to overcome negative thought patterns and renew your mind in alignment with God's truth.



    Renewing Hope Course  Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards

    S8. Bonus 5 | The Power of Struggling Well: A Candid Talk with Melinda Estabrooks

    S8. Bonus 5 | The Power of Struggling Well: A Candid Talk with Melinda Estabrooks

    Join Carla in this week’s bonus episode as she sits down with See Hear Love host Melinda Estabrooks, to talk about what it means to struggle well in the life of a Christian.

    In this episode, we delve into the often-unspoken reality of struggling within the context of faith. Melinda shares her intimate struggle with depression, challenging preconceived notions of what it means to suffer as a person of faith. 

    We explore how struggles can indeed coexist with the fruits of the spirit, such as joy and hope. We confront the duality of living through adversity while holding onto spiritual truths.

    Join us as we have this open and raw conversation.

    About Melinda:

    Melinda Estabrooks is the Host, Showrunner and Executive Producer of the Women’s Talk show, See Hear Love, now in its 9th Season! See Hear Love is a show and community that values belonging, storytelling, courage, authenticity, inclusion, and faith in Jesus. Melinda is also the author and curator of the book, Always Know, a collection of short stories from See Hear Love guests (including Carla!) who share their personal experiences of faith, perseverance, and hope.



    Renewing Hope Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8.5 | Finding Hope in Suffering: Why God Allows Us to Endure Pain and Trials

    S8.5 | Finding Hope in Suffering: Why God Allows Us to Endure Pain and Trials

    In this episode Carla tackles the difficult question of why God allows suffering. 

    Drawing from her own experiences and a recent conversation with a coaching client, Carla shares poignant insights and biblical truths about enduring hardship. 

    She emphasizes the importance of trusting in the character of God, finding purpose in pain, and choosing to persevere in faith, even when understanding eludes us. 

    With a message of hope and encouragement, Carla invites listeners to lean into their trust of the Heavenly Father, reminding them that they are never alone in their suffering. Join us for a powerful discussion on navigating suffering and choosing to trust in God's unwavering love and sovereignty.

    Renewing Hope Course  Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards

    S8.4 | Walking Alongside Jesus: Understanding the Partnership in Our Healing and Growth

    S8.4 | Walking Alongside Jesus: Understanding the Partnership in Our Healing and Growth

    S8.4 | Walking Alongside Jesus: Understanding the Partnership in Our Healing and Growth

    In this episode host Carla Arges delves into the concept of "partnering with Jesus" and what it means to walk in partnership with Christ in our healing and growth. 

    She illustrates this partnership through insightful analogies and biblical references, emphasizing the importance of taking action and doing the work required for personal transformation. 

    With encouragement and a call to self-reflection, Carla challenges listeners to consider what steps they are actively taking in their journey of healing and spiritual growth. 

    Tune in to be inspired and challenged to engage in the meaningful partnership with Jesus in your own life.

    Renewing Hope Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8. Bonus 4 | Healing from Trauma and Transforming Family Legacies with Kristen Hallinan

    S8. Bonus 4 | Healing from Trauma and Transforming Family Legacies with Kristen Hallinan

    In today's bonus episode Carla  engages in a powerful conversation with Kristen Hallinan, the author of "Legacy Changer." 

    Kristen shares her journey of healing from childhood trauma and the impact it has had on her role as a mother. 

    They discuss the need for breaking generational trauma, the importance of seeking help through therapy and medication, and the challenges of maintaining healthy boundaries with unhealed family members. 

    Kristen's story is a testament to the resilience and strength found in pursuing healing and creating a positive legacy for future generations. Get ready to be inspired and encouraged as we dive into this raw and transformative conversation.

    If you're inspired by Kristen's story and seeking resources to aid in your own healing journey, make sure to connect with her on Instagram at @Kristen.Hallinan and visit her website, www.kristenhallinan.com

     Plus, take her insightful quiz "What is your cycle-breaking superpower?" to discover how your unmet needs can be harnessed as strengths in your healing process.

    About Kristen:

    Kristen Hallinan's life is a testament to resilience and growth. Kristen and her husband have nurtured a bustling household with four children, aged six to sixteen. Their early start on family life did not come without its trials, as Kristen grappled with remnants of a tumultuous childhood marked by pain and disorder.

    Determined not to let her past dictate her future, Kristen spent the last six years embarking on a transformative healing journey. She worked diligently to heal the wounds of her youth, striving to become the nurturing mother and devoted wife she aspired to be. 

    Today, Kristen stands as a beacon of hope for others. Motivated by her own successes, Kristen is on a mission to empower other women to rewrite their narratives. 


    Renewing Hope Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8.3 | Surrendering to His Will: Understanding Your Sphere of Control and Trusting in God's Plan

    S8.3 | Surrendering to His Will: Understanding Your Sphere of Control and Trusting in God's Plan

    In this episode, Carla delves into the theme of control, a struggle familiar to many of us. 

    She explores the roots of our need for control and how it can lead to anxiety and panic when things are beyond our grasp. 

    Carla introduces the concept of the "sphere of control," discussing the areas where we have agency and influence, and emphasizes the importance of focusing our energy on these aspects. She reminds us of the biblical truth that ultimately, it is God who is in control. Join Carla as she encourages us to trust in God's perfect timing and plan, and to release our need for control to Him. 

    Don't miss this insightful and encouraging episode on affirming truths.

    Renewing Hope Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8. Bonus 3 | Transforming Thoughts: Using Wise Mind to Align Your Thinking with Biblical Truth

    S8. Bonus 3 | Transforming Thoughts: Using Wise Mind to Align Your Thinking with Biblical Truth

    Welcome to this week’s bonus episode of Affirming Truths!

    In this episode, Carla dives into the concept of "wise mind" and shares how it can help combat anxious, intrusive, and limiting thoughts. 

    Inspired by a powerful conversation with one of her clients, Carla provides practical tools and wisdom for transforming your thinking. 

    She introduces the concept of wise mind, which is a balanced state where rational and emotional minds intersect. 

    Carla guides listeners through three key questions to ask themselves when faced with challenging thoughts, emphasizing the importance of aligning thoughts with the word of God. 

    Join Carla as she equips you with the tools to combat negative thinking and find freedom in renewing hope.

    Get Bible Study 101 here

    Renewing Hope Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8.2 | Beholding: Overcoming Fear and Anxiety by Fixing Our Gaze on Christ

    S8.2 | Beholding: Overcoming Fear and Anxiety by Fixing Our Gaze on Christ

    In this episode of Affirming Truths, Carla dives into the topic of fear and anxiety that seems to be affecting so many of us today. Carla offers some really insightful thoughts on how the state of the world seems to be fueling these emotions - and how we can combat them. She takes us through some powerful biblical teachings, breaking down the recurring command to "fear not" and highlighting the unwavering strength and assurance we can find in our faith.

    What we choose to focus on - or behold - shapes our mindset and response to life's challenges. Carla gets real about the importance of fixing our eyes on Jesus for a sense of peace and strength, especially when the chaos of the world threatens to overwhelm us.

    If you're looking for some encouragement and practical steps to protect what you behold, make sure to tune in to this episode. 

    Get Bible Study 101 here

    Renewing Hope Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8.Bonus 2 | Unveiling the Warrior Within: Understanding God's Call for Women with Beth Guckenberger

    S8.Bonus 2 | Unveiling the Warrior Within: Understanding God's Call for Women with Beth Guckenberger

    S8.Bonus 2 | Unveiling the Warrior Within: Understanding God's Call for Women with Beth Guckenberger

    In this episode, Carla engages in a deep and thought-provoking conversation with author Beth Guckenberger. 

    Together, they delve into the topic of women's roles in the Kingdom of God, exploring the original meanings of Biblical texts and challenging traditional interpretations. 

    Beth's upcoming book, "Warrior of Eden: How Curiosity and Questions Lead to Understanding God's Call for Women," provides a lens into the complex and nuanced discussion of women's identities in the Christian faith. 

    The conversation touches on the idea of women as warriors, the complementary nature of men and women, and the significance of embracing one's unique femininity. 

    Join Carla and Beth as they navigate these profound concepts and uncover the truth that lies within the pages of scripture.

    Connect with Beth: https://back2back.org/beth-guckenberger/

    Beth and her husband, Todd, live with their family in Cincinnati, Ohio where they serve as Co-Executive Directors of Back2Back Ministries. After graduating from Indiana University, the Guckenbergers moved to Monterrey, Mexico where they lived for 15 years. Between biological, foster, and adopted children, they have raised eleven children.

    Beth is the author of eleven books including adult and children’s titles. She travels and speaks regularly at conferences, youth gatherings and church services about reckless faith.

    Renewing Hope Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8.1 | Enduring the Winter: Trusting God's Plan

    S8.1 | Enduring the Winter: Trusting God's Plan

    In this episode, Carla speaks about the winter seasons in our lives and how they parallel the cold, desolate nature of the winter weather. 

    She encourages listeners to find hope and purpose in their winter seasons, drawing inspiration from the process of tulip growth as a metaphor for personal growth during difficult times. 

    Carla reminds us that the trials we face are necessary for our spiritual growth and preparation for the blessings to come. Tune in to discover the affirming truth that will help you trust God in winter and look expectantly to the spring ahead.

    Renewing Hope Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S8.Bonus 1 | Season Eight Kickoff: Finding Hope and Encouragement in 2024

    S8.Bonus 1 | Season Eight Kickoff: Finding Hope and Encouragement in 2024

    Welcome to the "Affirming Truth" podcast! 

    In this bonus episode, host Carla Arges kicks off the year by sharing her reflections on prayers, intentions, and the process of personal growth. 

    She opens up about her struggles with unanswered prayers and the importance of staying the course, despite challenges. 

    Carla also introduces the exciting lineup for Season 8, including discussions on dreaming, trauma, and thriving as a mother and wife. 

    Additionally, she introduces an upcoming program, "Renewing Hope," designed to help women find freedom from mental and emotional bondage. 

    Join Carla on this transformative journey in 2024 as she encourages listeners to embrace the process and look forward to the victory ahead. Stay tuned for a season full of encouragement, edification, and challenges.

    Renewing Hope Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S7.Bonus 14 | Unforgiveness is Keeping You Locked in Trauma

    S7.Bonus 14 | Unforgiveness is Keeping You Locked in Trauma

    S7.Bonus 14 | Unforgiveness is Keeping You Locked in Trauma

    When polling her instagram followers on unforgiveness, most people said the reason why they couldn’t forgive was because the hurt was too painful.

    Carla understands deep pain.  But she wants to encourage you to lean into the decision to forgive in order to heal from your wounds and start thriving in your life.

    Renewing Hope: Overcoming Mental Health Struggles for Christian Women WAITLIST

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com

    Join my FREE Community  Mental Health Support for Christian Women Facebook Community



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S7.15 | Advent Series: Prince of Peace

    S7.15 | Advent Series: Prince of Peace

    Peace is a person.  Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Who came down from heaven to a manger, giving up his throne for a cross and resurrecting us to him as he conquered the grave!

    But the peace of Jesus does not mean we don’t encounter chaos, struggles, trials and tribulations.  The peace of Jesus means we face it in confidence that God will see us through to the other side.

    Come discover our Prince of Peace in today’s episode!

    Renewing Hope: Overcoming Mental Health Struggles for Christian Women WAITLIST

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



    5 Steps to Building Resiliency

    Rahab Bible Study Guide

    5 Tips for Overcoming a Negative Body Image

    Who You Say I Am Biblical Affirmation Cards


    S7.Bonus 13 | Instagram, Blond Hair & Idols. What They All Have in Common

    S7.Bonus 13 | Instagram, Blond Hair & Idols. What They All Have in Common

    The Holy Spirit has a message for you in today’s episode!  Come ready to be challenged about the idols in your life - and encouraged to walk in greater freedom!

    Carla shares her most recent call from God to tear down an idol in her life - and how her delayed obedience delayed her peace.

    Do NOT miss this episode!

    Renewing Hope: Overcoming Mental Health Struggles for Christian Women WAITLIST

    Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

    Connect With Carla:

    Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

    Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

    Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com

    Join my FREE Community  Mental Health Support for Christian Women Facebook Community



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