
    Sadiq Khan: Why Are Police Officers Attacking Women? How Safe Are We REALLY?

    enJanuary 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From Immigrant Upbringing to London's First Non-Migrant MayorSadiq Khan's story showcases the power of family values, resilience, and making a positive impact on society despite adversity.

      Sadiq Khan's upbringing in a family of immigrants and witnessing his parents' struggles to provide for their large family has greatly influenced his work ethic and sense of responsibility. He was raised to understand the privilege they had and the need to work hard and not take anything for granted. This upbringing has shaped him into a person who values hard work, perseverance, and giving back to the community. Despite facing discrimination and challenges, he has chosen to stay and make a difference in London, becoming the first in three generations to not be a migrant. Sadiq Khan's story highlights the impact of family values, resilience, and the importance of making a positive contribution to society.

    • Sadiq Khan's Commitment to Hard Work and Making Every Day Count as MayorSadiq Khan emphasizes the importance of maximizing efforts, making the most of opportunities, and valuing work as a privilege that brings fulfillment and purpose.

      Sadiq Khan emphasizes the importance of hard work and not wasting time in his role as the Mayor of London. He believes that every day counts and that he needs to maximize his efforts to make the city safer, fairer, greener, and more prosperous. Although he acknowledges the sacrifices his family has made, he sees his job as a privilege and feels grateful for the support he receives. Sadiq Khan believes that it's crucial to make the most of opportunities and not take them for granted, as others may miss out on their prime years in influential positions. He values his work and views it as a full-time commitment that brings fulfillment and purpose to his life.

    • The Role of Family in a Politician's LifeFamily support, open communication, and shared responsibilities are essential for politicians to maintain a healthy work-life balance and strong relationships.

      Being a politician can have a significant impact on one's family life, and it is crucial to have a supportive and actively involved family to navigate the challenges. Sadiq Khan emphasizes the importance of his wife's support and involvement in his work, not just as a cheerleader, but also as someone who provides valuable advice and keeps him grounded. He highlights the need for open communication and shared responsibilities between work and home life, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Khan also acknowledges that many politicians and professionals face marital issues due to the demands of their careers. Overall, maintaining a healthy work-life balance and involving the family in decision-making plays a vital role in mitigating friction and maintaining strong relationships.

    • Sadiq Khan's Journey Towards Public Service and Impactful ChangeSadiq Khan's decision to become an MP was driven by his desire to make a difference on a larger scale and advocate for the underprivileged, motivated by personal experiences of injustice and discrimination.

      Sadiq Khan's decision to become an MP was driven by his desire for public service and the opportunity to impact and improve people's lives on a larger scale. He recognized that as a lawyer, he could help individuals in specific cases, but as an MP, he could pass legislation or amend existing laws that would benefit millions of people. Sadiq believes in advocating for the underdog and fighting against discrimination, police misconduct, and miscarriages of justice. His personal motivation came from witnessing the mistreatment of his father when his bus depot was shut down and seeing the unjust treatment of his friends due to their race. By choosing a career in law and later politics, Sadiq Khan aimed to bring about positive change and serve his community.

    • London's Challenges and Strengths: A Multifaceted Approach to CrimeLondon is a thriving global city with a diverse economy and strong talent retention, but the increasing trend of serious violence must be addressed through a multifaceted approach considering the complex causes of crime.

      Although London has experienced challenges in terms of safety and crime, it continues to be a thriving global city. Despite personal experiences of crime and the concerns of others, Sadiq Khan emphasizes the underlying strengths of London, including its diverse economy, tourism, and retention of talent. He mentions that London contributes significantly to the national economy and has managed to attract and keep talented individuals. However, Khan acknowledges the increasing trend of serious violence in London and the rest of the country since 2013. While this issue cannot be excused, he believes it must be addressed through a multifaceted approach that considers the complex causes of crime.

    • Sadiq Khan's Comprehensive Approach to Tackling CrimeSadiq Khan believes that addressing the complex causes of crime, investing in the police force, and tackling underlying issues such as deprivation and inequality are essential to creating a safer society.

      Sadiq Khan believes in taking a comprehensive approach to tackling crime, which he refers to as a public health approach. He recognizes that addressing the complex causes of crime, such as deprivation and inequality, is crucial in preventing it from occurring in the first place. Khan acknowledges the impact of austerity measures on the police force and has taken steps to increase funding, including raising council tax and using business rates money to reopen youth clubs and employ youth workers. He emphasizes the importance of investing in both the police force and the causes of crime to achieve effective results. While progress has been made in reducing crime in London, Khan acknowledges that further investment and police reform are still necessary. Overall, he believes that making people feel safe and reducing crime is solvable through a combination of tough measures and addressing underlying causes.

    • Addressing knife crime among young peopleEducating young people about the dangers of knife crime through personal stories, increased police presence, and serious consequences is crucial in preventing knife-related incidents and creating a safer environment.

      There is a concerning belief among young people that carrying a knife makes them safer. Sadiq Khan emphasizes the importance of addressing this issue at its source and educating young people about the dangers of knife crime. He suggests sending credible and respected individuals, such as bereaved mothers, into schools to share personal stories and raise awareness. Furthermore, intelligence-led stop and search operations and weapon sweeps are essential in preventing knife-related incidents. Sadiq Khan also stresses the need for serious consequences, such as significant sentences, for those caught carrying knives. Despite some progress through investments in youth clubs, youth work, and increased police presence, the ultimate solution requires time, patience, and positive role models for young people to look up to.

    • The importance of role models, soft skills, and safety in the development of young people.Role models and soft skill development are crucial for young people's growth, while addressing safety concerns and police reform are essential for a safer society.

      Role models are crucial for the development of young people. Sadiq Khan emphasizes the importance of having role models at home, such as parents or siblings, who can guide and inspire young individuals. However, for those who lack this support system, youth workers serve as valuable role models. Khan also highlights the significance of teaching young people soft skills that are necessary for their personal and professional growth. Additionally, the conversation touches on the issue of safety in London, particularly for women and girls. Khan acknowledges the fear and concerns expressed by many individuals, emphasizing that if people do not feel safe, then it is indeed not safe. He recognizes the need for addressing crime and ensuring the safety of all citizens. Furthermore, the conversation brings attention to the troubling instances of police officers perpetrating crimes against women. Khan acknowledges the systemic issues within the police service that need to be addressed through reform and outside scrutiny.

    • Addressing Misconduct and Corruption: Sadiq Khan Calls for Change in Police Employment RulesSadiq Khan advocates for reforms in police officer employment to hold those with questionable behavior accountable, while also emphasizing the need to address cultural issues and support affected families.

      Sadiq Khan believes that the rules around police officer employment need to change in order to address issues of misconduct and corruption. He expresses concerns about officers with questionable behavior not being held accountable because it is difficult to remove them from their positions. Khan and his team are actively lobbying the government to change regulations and make it easier for the commissioner to dismiss problematic officers. They have set up a hotline for reporting misconduct and are investing more in vetting processes. Khan also highlights the importance of addressing systemic cultural issues within police forces across the country. Additionally, he opens up about the emotional toll of tragic events like the Grenfell Tower fire and terrorist attacks, emphasizing the significance of connecting with affected families.

    • Importance of Cool and Calm Decision-Making in Responding to Terror AttacksIn the face of a terror attack, it is essential for leaders to stay calm, make rational decisions, combat stereotypes, and prevent community tensions, regardless of biases they may face.

      In responding to a terror attack, it is crucial to avoid panic and emotion. Sadiq Khan emphasizes the need for cool, calm, and rational decision-making in order to provide effective leadership. He believes that displaying emotion in real-time situations could hinder the ability to make rational decisions and offer reassurance to the public. Additionally, Khan highlights the importance of preventing reprisals and community tensions, emphasizing the need to combat stereotypes and misconceptions about certain religious or ethnic groups. The discussion also touches upon the challenges faced by Khan as a Muslim leader, including the biased treatment he has encountered in the political arena due to his faith.

    • Addressing Islamophobia and Its Impact on a Muslim Mayor's Safety and Daily LifeSadiq Khan sheds light on the challenges faced by Muslim individuals in public positions, emphasizing the need to combat Islamophobia and prevent the demonization of entire communities based on the actions of a few.

      Sadiq Khan, as a Muslim and a mayor, faces numerous challenges and threats to his safety due to Islamophobia and prejudice. He highlights that a small minority's actions should not lead to the demonization of the entire Muslim community. Sadiq Khan also discusses the death threats and derogatory comments he receives on social media, leading to him requiring unarmed police protection. Despite the need for safety measures, he expresses the loss of spontaneity and restrictions on his daily activities. The conversation portrays the importance of addressing and combating Islamophobia, as well as the impact of major events like 9/11 on public perception and treatment of marginalized communities.

    • Sadiq Khan's Struggle with Online Hate: A Call for Awareness and ActionSadiq Khan urges social media companies to combat hate speech and protect public figures, highlighting the need to raise awareness about the extent of the abuse faced by politicians.

      Sadiq Khan, as a Muslim politician, faces a significant amount of hate and abuse online, which not only affects him but also impacts his family and staff. He expresses concerns for their safety and the need to support and protect them from the trauma caused by hateful messages. Sadiq emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about this issue, as many people are unaware of the extent of the abuse he receives. He advocates for social media companies to take responsibility in removing hateful content and employing staff to address the problem. Sadiq also highlights the ease with which hateful views can be amplified on social media compared to the past, posing a greater challenge to combatting hate speech.

    • The Importance of Mental Health and Work-Life BalanceSadiq Khan emphasizes the need to prioritize mental health by engaging in activities that contribute to well-being and finding a balance between work and personal life for optimal leadership effectiveness.

      Maintaining mental health and finding a balance in work and personal life is crucial. Sadiq Khan emphasizes the importance of being around people and engaging in activities that contribute to mental well-being. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Khan realized the negative impact of isolation and the absence of social connections. He discusses how his mental health suffered when he stopped doing things that gave him mental fitness, such as engaging with his team, participating in sports, and having face-to-face interactions. Additionally, he acknowledges that pacing oneself and finding a balance between work and personal life is essential for being effective in a leadership position. This conversation highlights the significance of prioritizing mental health and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

    • Balancing Authenticity and Political Realities in PoliticsPoliticians face difficulties in truly expressing themselves due to the constraints of their positions, but finding a balance between authenticity and political realities is crucial for effective governance.

      Politicians often struggle to be truly authentic and speak their minds due to the constraints of their positions. Sadiq Khan acknowledges that he has had to temper his adversarial nature and develop a working relationship with the government, even if they see him as an enemy. Steven Bartlett expresses his belief that politicians must be cagey and avoid direct answers, leading to a lack of transparency. However, they also discuss how Donald Trump stood out by openly expressing his thoughts, despite the controversy it caused. Sadiq Khan points out that authenticity in politics can be a double-edged sword, as collective responsibility and staying in one's lane are necessary for effective governance. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and challenges that politicians face in balancing authenticity with political realities.

    • Sadiq Khan's Views on Improvements in Labour and Political StrategySadiq Khan believes that Labour should provide more detailed policies to voters at the right time, address internal issues privately, and embrace differing opinions within the party.

      Sadiq Khan acknowledges that there are areas where Labour could improve, particularly in providing more detailed policies to voters. He explains that timing is crucial, and releasing policies too early may not align with the economic and political landscape closer to the general election. Khan also mentions the importance of addressing internal party issues privately rather than publicly, in order to avoid providing ammunition to the opposition. He agrees with Steven Bartlett that politics is not about perfection but rather about choosing the best option from available alternatives. Moreover, Khan asserts that he has criticized Labour in the past on the issue of Brexit, demonstrating that it is possible for party members to have different opinions and voice their concerns.

    • Labour's Path to Regaining Power: Internal Changes, Effective Opposition, and Strong PoliciesLabour needs to focus on internal restructuring, holding the government accountable, and presenting viable policies, while also emphasizing emotional appeal and authenticity to connect with voters and win elections.

      The Labour party needs to make significant changes in order to regain power. Sadiq Khan emphasizes the importance of reorganizing internally, addressing issues like fundraising practices and nepotism. Additionally, he highlights the need for Labour to be an effective opposition, calling out the Tories when they make mistakes. Khan acknowledges the limited support Labour receives from mainstream media and emphasizes the importance of holding the government accountable. Lastly, Labour must demonstrate to the country that they have viable policies and can govern effectively. Steven Bartlett adds that emotional appeal and authenticity are crucial in gaining voter support, suggesting that a relatable and genuine leader would greatly benefit Labour's chances. Ultimately, the conversation indicates that Labour must prioritize internal changes, effective opposition, and strong policy proposals to connect with voters and win elections.

    • The Power of Emotion and Storytelling in Politics: Balancing Persuasion with RationalityEmotion and storytelling can be powerful tools in political campaigns, but leaders must also possess knowledge and understanding of complex issues to effectively communicate and govern.

      Emotion and storytelling have a powerful influence on people's decisions and behaviors. Politicians and leaders should recognize the impact of emotions and effectively communicate complex issues without patronizing or relying solely on emotional appeals. While emotions can be persuasive, it is important to balance them with rationality and educate the public about the complexity of various matters. The conversation highlights the power of emotion and storytelling in political campaigns, referencing examples such as Trump's use of emotional language and the Brexit campaign's emotional appeals to immigration concerns. However, it is also emphasized that leaders should possess knowledge and understanding of various aspects, such as economics, entrepreneurship, and environmental issues. In London, the positive impact of improving air quality is mentioned as an example of successful initiatives.

    • Sadiq Khan's Efforts for a Better LondonSadiq Khan has successfully reduced air pollution, focused on improving air quality and providing council housing, but recognizes the need for increased housing supply. His goals for London include creating a fairer, safer, and prosperous city. However, he also expresses personal regrets and grief.

      Sadiq Khan, as the Mayor of London, has made significant efforts to improve the city in various aspects. He has successfully reduced toxic air pollution by half in just two years, with a focus on improving air quality and providing council housing. However, he acknowledges that more needs to be done to increase housing supply to meet the demand. Sadiq Khan's goals for London include creating a fairer and safer city, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting prosperity. He believes that government support is crucial in achieving these goals, especially in areas such as retrofitting and building sites. Despite his accomplishments, Sadiq Khan expresses regrets about not spending enough time with his family and not experiencing the world beyond being a tourist. He also still grieves the loss of his father, who was a deeply respected and decent man.

    • Cherishing the Present and Valuing Loved OnesSadiq Khan regrets not cherishing moments with his late father, highlighting the importance of enjoying the present, valuing experiences, and including loved ones in the journey. Authenticity, humanity, and family are essential values for politicians like Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders.

      Sadiq Khan regrets not being able to share certain moments and experiences with his late father, and he wishes he had expressed certain unsaid words to him. This has made him realize the importance of enjoying the present and appreciating the experiences as they unfold, rather than constantly chasing the next goal. Khan acknowledges that ambition is important, but he emphasizes the need to savor the journey and include loved ones in the enjoyment. He also admires politicians like Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders who have displayed authenticity, humanity, and genuine care for their families and morals.

    • Sadiq Khan: A Genuine Leader for Positive ChangeSadiq Khan's dedication to his role as London Mayor inspires young people to work hard, persevere, and make a difference in their communities.

      Sadiq Khan, the London Mayor, is authentically driven to create positive change and make the world a better place. Despite the challenges he faces and the criticisms he receives, he remains dedicated to his role and is motivated by his upbringing and the struggles his family went through. Unlike some politicians, Khan is not driven by status, fame, or power, but rather by a genuine desire to improve the city and the lives of its residents. His presence as a diverse and relatable figure in politics is a powerful symbol for young people, especially those from ethnically diverse backgrounds, who may aspire to enter into public service. The conversation highlights the importance of hard work, perseverance, and setting an example for others.

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    The Investing Expert: We’re Raising The Most Unhappy Generation In History! The Unseen Link Between Marriage & Wealth! Hard Work Doesn't Build Wealth! - Scott Galloway
    The millionaire entrepreneur revealing Wall Street's secrets and simplifying finance for the masses Scott Galloway is a Professor of Marketing at the New York Stern School of Business and host of the ‘Pivot’ podcast about technology and business. He is also the best-selling author of books such as, ‘The Algebra of Happiness’, ‘The Four’, and ‘The Algebra of Wealth’.  In this conversation, Scott and Steven discuss topics such as, billionaire money hacks, the 6 fundamental rules of investing, how to make $7 million from nothing, and how marriage can make you rich. 00:00 Intro 02:00 Why Some Become More Rich Than Others 03:15 Where Do We Learn About Money? 08:43 Where Would We Be Without Those Connections? 13:04 No Matter How Old You Are You Can Still Make More Money 20:21 When To Take Risks And When To Diversify 23:27 Should We Go For Our Dream Jobs? 27:05 Having Money Is Fun! 31:18 Why Should You Have A Number Of How Much Money You Need? 32:41 How To Make 9-Figures 37:18 Where You Should Live To Be Financially Successful 40:02 How Do You Get Out Of Your Current Job Situation 42:39 Good Places To Make Money Vs Bad Places To Make Money 45:19 How Do You Find A Mentor? 49:10 The Psychological Formula For Networking 56:58 How To Be A Great Decision Maker 01:01:48 Is Marriage Good For Wealth? 01:03:39 Relationship Investing Is The Key To Wealth 01:06:17 Can Anyone Start A Company? 01:08:11 The Power Of Storytelling 01:10:01 How Does The Average Person Develop The Skill Of Storytelling? 01:12:54 What Is The Algebra To Storytelling? 01:16:25 How Has Scott Changed Over The Years? 01:18:56 Where Should I Invest My Money? 01:27:12 Investing $1000 A Month In S&P Visual 01:30:42 Is Real Estate Worth Investing In? 01:34:59 Playing The Tax Game 01:41:37 The Importance Of Tax Advice 01:43:53 Last Guest Question Follow Scott:  Instagram -  https://g2ul0.app.link/JCoalDTC7Kb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/9EftqvWC7Kb  You can purchase Scott’s book, ‘The Algebra of Wealth’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/g6AkFeRC7Kb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: PerfectTed - https://bit.ly/DOAC-POD-DIARY15 - Code: DIARY15 at checkout for 15% off NordVPN - https://nordvpn.com/doac - give you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. There's no risk with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women & We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women! Richard Reeves

    The Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women & We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women! Richard Reeves
    500,000 men are dying by suicide, and 6% of men are unemployed, is masculinity in crisis? And what is the cure?  Richard Reeves is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and President of the American Institute for Boys and Men, an organisation that researches and addresses issues affecting men. He is also the author of the book, ‘Of Boys and Men’.  In this conversation, Richard and Steven discuss topics such as, the rising rates of male suicide rates, the health benefits of marriage for men, the toxic impact of Andrew Tate, and the relationship crisis among men.  0:00 (Intro) (01:24) Why Dedicating Your Career To Men's Issues (03:54) What's Your Background? (06:06) The Crazy Stats That Made You Research This Topic (08:07) We're Going Through A Cultural Revolution (12:32) We Need A New Way To Approach This (17:12) Are Men And Women Differently? (21:07) Men Take More Risks (26:17) Unconscious Behaviours Of Men (34:11) Suicide Is The Biggest Killer Of Men (38:44) Why Is This Suicide Increasing? (42:47) Why Do Humans Feel Like They Need To Be Needed? (46:59) Why Men Feel Less Needed (49:43) Does Retirement Kill You? (54:43) We're Losing Connection In Our Modern Society (57:42) The Dating Environment Has Changed (01:05:23) Are Dating Apps Being Unfavourable To Men? (01:09:41) Is Marriage In Decline? (01:12:51) Births Are Increasing Outside Of Marriage (01:13:56) Is Marriage Better For Women Or Men? (01:15:59) Enforced Monogamy (01:17:55) Why Andrew Tate Converted To Islam (01:20:47) Women Economic Power (01:22:56) What Do You Think About The Word Toxic Masculinity (01:27:08) There Is A Friendship Male Recession (01:31:38) Men Shed's Movement (01:33:48) My Experience With Couples Therapy (01:36:30) The Hard Times Of Going Through Couples Therapy (01:40:25) How Masculinity Can Be Expressed (01:47:42) What Advice You'd Give Your Children (01:53:58) Using Our Voices To Make Men Be Heard (02:01:22) The Last Guest Question You can buy Richard’s book, ‘Of Boys And Men’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/BGBtdbitXKb  Follow Richard:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/8swNmRotXKb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/9iup1brtXKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante

    Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante
    In this moment, the former CIA intelligence officer Andrew Bustamante discusses the crucial techniques of manipulation, which he describes as a core part of CIA training. Andrew  introduces the R.I.C.E. analogy, which stands for Reward, Ideology, Coercion, and Ego. This framework is essential for understanding the motivations of others, allowing you to connect with them, build relationships, and influence their actions. According to Andrew, reward involves anything the other person desires, while ideology reflects the person’s core beliefs and is the most powerful element of the acronym. Coercion involves using negative behaviours on someone such as guilt or blackmail, and ego relates to how the other person sees themselves. Andrew translates this manipulation technique to marketing. He suggests that by sending targeted messages to your audience and assessing their responses, you gain insights into their ideology, providing you with useful information for future sales. Listen to the full episode here - Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/vgYbIohXXKb Apple -  https://g2ul0.app.link/r9qufpkXXKb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Andrew: https://everydayspy.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Transforms Your Gut Microbiome! People Are Being Overdosed On Ozempic! Microdosing Saved My Life! - Dr Tyna Moore

    The Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Transforms Your Gut Microbiome! People Are Being Overdosed On Ozempic! Microdosing Saved My Life! - Dr Tyna Moore
    It's the most effective weight loss drug ever, but could it have other miraculous benefits? Dr Tyna Moore is a certified Naturopathic and Chiropractic physician and expert in holistic regenerative medicine. She is also the host of ‘The Dr Tyna Show’ Podcast and founder of the ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course about the benefits of the drug.  In this conversation, Dr Tyna and Steven discuss topics such as, how Ozempic saved Tyna’s mother’s life, the link between Ozempic and fertility, Ozempic's impact on alcoholism, and how Ozempic can boost your sex drive.  00:00 Intro 02:06 What Is Tina's Mission? 03:33 What Is a Naturopathic Doctor? 05:13 What Is Metabolic Dysfunction? 10:17 Tina's Most Surprising Case Studies 12:45 What Treatment Did You Prescribe Your Mother? 15:47 Tina's Health History 19:28 Discovering Ozempic 27:57 What Is Ozempic? 32:14 Tina's Use of Ozempic 38:17 The Untold Story of Ozempic 41:26 Other Benefits of Ozempic 50:36 Ozempic the Cancer Cure? 54:45 Mental Health Connections to Ozempic 57:14 Sexual Health and Fertility Impact 01:00:58 Where Is Metabolic Dysfunction Coming From? 01:05:04 What Advice You'd Give Someone With PCOS 01:10:13 Microdosing Examples 01:15:07 Microdosing Ozempic 01:20:34 Is Ozempic a Cure for Addiction? 01:23:56 Ozempic and the Dopamine Pathways 01:27:34 Should We Be Concerned About Side Effects? 01:30:18 What Are the Downsides of the Treatment? 01:32:42 What Else You Need to Do for Weight Loss if Microdosing 01:35:30 Losing Muscle as We Age, Fact? 01:36:37 The Sleep Component 01:38:44 Mindset for Weight Loss 01:40:36 The Benefits of Saunas 01:42:34 What Would Tyna Say to the World? 01:46:57 How to Find Out More About Tyna's Work 01:54:06 Guest's Last Question You can sign up to Tyna’s ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/SzO8olaUTKb  Follow Tyna:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/1jWIP6cUTKb  YouTube - https://g2ul0.app.link/TDLQu8fUTKb  Learn more about the studies mentioned, here: Ozempic and cardiovascular disease - https://g2ul0.app.link/acj4iubuVKb  Ozempic and colorectal cancer - https://g2ul0.app.link/ZFpVdfduVKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer

    The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer
    Sleep walking, night terrors and even sleep murders, the mysteries of the sleeping brain revealed Professor Guy Leschinzer is a world-renowned expert in Neurology and Sleep Medicine at Guy’s Hospital London. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The Nocturnal Brain’, ‘The Man Who Tasted Words’, and most recently, ‘Seven Deadly Sins’.  In this conversation, Guy and Steven discuss topics such as, how sleep can strip belly fat, the one sleep disorder affecting up to 80% of people, the number one fix for insomnia, and the truth about sleep walking and other night time activities. 00:00 Intro 02:06 Dr. Guy's Fascination With Neurological Conditions 04:15 What Is Dr. Guy's Background 06:26 What Is A Sleep Disorder Centre? 08:01 Why Dr. Guy Chose To Study Sleep 09:19 Is Sleep Important? 11:24 Why We Need Sleep For Good Health 12:59 A Large Percent Of The Population Has Insomnia 17:05 What Is Narcolepsy 18:03 What's Causing So Many Sleep Problems? 21:06 What's The Perfect Sleeping Habit? 24:36 Sleep Quantity Variance Per Person 28:27 The Link Between Sleep And Weight Gain 31:44 Circadian Rhythms Explained 36:17 Blue Lights 39:34 The Main Reasons People Are Struggling With Their Sleep 44:35 Sleep Myths 46:15 Chronotypes 47:55 Where To Start Fixing Sleep Problems 51:25 The Rise Of Sleep Trackers 58:28 What Is The Glymphatic System? 01:01:50 The Link Between Sleep Deprivation And Alzheimer's 01:02:54 Medicating To Help Sleep 01:04:38 Side Effects Of Melatonin 01:06:05 Non-Medical Alternatives To Help Sleep 01:14:38 Surgery To Fix Sleeping Issues 01:17:49 What Would Brain Scans Reveal About Sleep Deprivation 01:19:40 Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Mood 01:21:11 Can Parts Of Our Brain Be Asleep? 01:22:47 Dreaming 01:25:08 Nightmares Explained 01:25:54 Why Do We Remember Some Dreams And Not Others? 01:28:12 Most Upsetting Sleep Disorder Dr. Guy Has Seen 01:31:42 The Sleepwalking Murderer 01:33:51 There Is Help For Insomnia 01:35:18 The Different Types Of Insomnia 01:36:42 The Man Who Tasted Words 01:39:33 Autism And Synesthesia 01:42:22 Are We Guilty Of Crimes If We Are Mentally Ill? 01:45:01 Interventions To Help The Criminally Mentally Ill 01:46:40 Crazy Stories Resulting From A Brain Disorder 01:52:47 How Meeting People With Brain Disorders Has Changed Dr. Guy 01:54:22 Guest's Last Question   You can purchase Guy’s books, here: ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/aoUzRBkJNKb  ‘The Nocturnal Brain’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/iLrSJxzKNKb ‘The Secret World of Sleep’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/W8nPXVCKNKb  Follow Guy: Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/CCqOwVnJNKb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/YC1itGqJNKb  You can learn more about the study on light exposure patterns, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/2SQaT1KKNKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/doac - give you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. There's no risk with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    How a Cancer Diagnosis Revealed a Relationship with God (w/ Carmen James)

    Hello friends and welcome to episode 19 of The Stained Glass Podcast.  I’m your host, Jessica Spurlock.  Join us as we dive deep into the transformative journey of Carmen James, a fitness and wellness coach who discovered the profound importance of balance in life the hard way. Carmen shares her powerful story of resilience, self-discovery, and a newfound connection with God.

    Burning the candle at both ends.  Totally burned out.  Not pouring into your own cup.  Juggling all the balls. So busy trying to hit the yardstick that the world raises for us on what it means to be successful.  Sound familiar?

    Discover how a seemingly healthy yet stressful lifestyle led Carmen to a startling diagnosis of cancer, causing her to reevaluate her priorities. She candidly discusses how she had placed her relentless pursuit of building a six-figure business above her family and her relationship with God. In a twist of fate, God used her battle with cancer as a powerful teaching moment, revealing that a meaningful relationship with Him should always take precedence. Carmen reflects on the lessons learned during her health crisis and how they transformed her life.  Moreover, our guest reveals how the global pandemic forced her to pivot her business model, adapting it to an online format. She shares valuable insights on the challenges and opportunities this transition presented, shedding light on the evolving landscape of fitness and wellness in today's world.

    Here’s where you can find Carmen:

    Instagram: @coachcarmenjames

    Facebook Group: Dare to be Healthy



    In the next episode, we’ll uncover some biblical truths and how they can be applied to your life, just for your encouragement.  It drops in two weeks.  Until then, this has been Jessica Spurlock with The Stained Glass Podcast. Go be a blessing!

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    Michael Horvath is the co-founder of Strava, the app to track and improve peoples fitness that’s used by millions of people worldwide. It’s his second business success, after he built a thriving online business in the 1990s. But it hasn’t all been plain sailing for Michael. Initially quitting his first business, he spent several years as a family man before boredom launched him into starting his second. What he didn’t appreciate is that his calling as a family man would come back for him in a way he could never have imagined. Michael took 5 years off from Strava to care for his wife until her tragic death, and then care for his children in the aftermath of that. When he returned to a struggling Strava as CEO in 2020, he had to build it again from the ground up. It was something he was ready equipped for, because it’s something he’s had to do many times before. Topics: What made you different? What role do you play in keeping life balance within your team Strava's journey  How does Strava motivate people to stay healthy and fit? How did the pandemic impact your work community? What were the hardest challenges you faced when starting up? Work-life balance & stepping down  What did you learn from the passing of your wife Returning to Strava Difficult moments in Strava Michael: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mtkhorvath/ Watch the episodes on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Follow us on Telegram: https://t.me/diaryofaceo Sponsors: Huel - https://my.huel.com/Steven Craftd - https://bit.ly/3JKOPFx Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    How to Tame Stress w Julie Leonard

    How to Tame Stress w Julie Leonard
    How do you recognize stress? How do you tame it? How does stress affect your health and mindset? These are questions I asked Julie Leonard, a Certified Life Coach, and Happiness Evangelist. Get access to transcript and resources at https://stepupandthrivepodcast.com/15 Please rate and review the podcast! Did you learn something new in this episode? What was the biggest revelation for you? Leave your review at https://stepupandthrivepodcast.com/iTunes   What you learn in this episode: What is stress and how to recognize it The neuroscience behind stress How to change negative thoughts How stress can affect your health

    #149 Neil Pasricha: Simple Rules for Happiness

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    Shane's guest on this episode of the show is New York Times bestselling author Neil Pasricha, who returns for his second appearance on The Knowledge Project. We discuss the importance of gratitude and how simple acts can change the way you feel, where confidence comes from, the specific routines and habits you can use to counter anxiety, the recipe for building resilience, and so much more.

    Pasricha is the author of seven books which collectively have sold over 2 million copies and spent over 200 weeks on bestseller lists, including The Happiness Equation and Two-Minute Mornings. His first TED talk, “The 3 A’s of Awesome,” is ranked as one of the 10 Most Inspiring of all time, and he also hosts a podcast called 3 Books, where he uncovers the 1,000 most formative books in the world. 
    Neil previously appeared on Episode 72 of the The Knowledge Project, one of the show’s most downloaded conversations to date. His new book, Our Book of Awesome, will be released Dec. 6.


    Want even more? Members get early access, hand-edited transcripts, member-only episodes, and so much more. Learn more here: https://fs.blog/membership/

    Every Sunday our Brain Food newsletter shares timeless insights and ideas that you can use at work and home. Add it to your inbox: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    Follow Shane on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/ShaneAParrish

    Caffeine Cast: My FIRST Therapy Session Since the Virus | it’s a BIG ONE! [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    Caffeine Cast: My FIRST Therapy Session Since the Virus | it’s a BIG ONE! [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    What can therapy do for you? Rob reflects on his most recent therapy session where he focuses on the importance of materialistic items and how this has changed throughout the years as well as looking at ways to deal with inevitable conflict and how to survive through the current pandemic.


    • Attaches happiness to materialistic items such as watches, cars and music stations because when he was younger he received gifts along with spending time with his parents.
    • Materialistic things do not matter in the long run. Cash and liquidity is king in the current climate. Many people buy materialistic things for the rush when buying them, but the comedown still comes.
    • Another benefit of the current climate is being much more connected to people, such as friends, family, and clients.
    • Before the recent pandemic, there was so much focus on insignificant things, that no longer seem relevant. Many of us were sweating the small stuff, but now is the time to focus on the bigger things in life.
    • The Coronavirus and its effect on the world can cause people to rise to the occasion. People are more productive, working faster and harder and able to build greater connections.
    • With the Coronavirus pandemic, there has been much more conflict in the world. With too much conflict you create chaos, however, with enough conflict, you delay but inevitably still end up with chaos.
    • Many people will avoid conflict, but at some point, you will have to face it so it is better to do so sooner rather than later.
    • Leaving unresolved conflict, may cause you to stew and overthink things and you will eventually project your unresolved emotions onto someone who may not deserve it, and you will end up having a meltdown. Both extremes are bad.
    • Conflict doesn’t always mean arguments; it could simply be giving feedback, instructions or reprimanding someone. It is important when addressing conflict to know when to address it and to know when to back away.
    • Hustle through these times and do what you can, sell your products and services to the best of your ability and fight to keep your head above water. However, make sure you do see your family and those who are important to you as well as taking some time for yourself.
    • Human beings have to look after themselves, support each other and small businesses more, however giving to other people is valuable and much more fulfilling.


    “You know who has your back now,  who supports you”

    “Are you seeing the upside in these difficult times?”

    “There’s the weak me and the stronger me”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com