
    quitting nicotine update (it’s not going well)

    enNovember 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Sleepovers: The Anxiety-Inducing Nighttime EventDespite enjoying late-night conversations, the speaker finds sleepovers awkward due to bedtime uncertainty and prefers the comfort of her own home.

      Even though the speaker enjoys having a sleepover mood and staying up late, she still dislikes actual sleepovers due to the awkwardness surrounding bedtime. The speaker shares her past experiences of anxiety during sleepovers and how the late-night conversations often make it difficult to determine when it's time to go to bed. Instead, she prefers the comfort of her own home and bed. The episode's sponsors, Haagen Dazs, Bumble, and Squarespace, were also mentioned, with Haagen Dazs offering a new Dulce De Leche Bar, Bumble helping users find compatible matches, and Squarespace providing an all-in-one website platform for entrepreneurs.

    • Setbacks are a normal part of quittingSetbacks are normal during the quitting journey, everyone's experience is unique, and it's important to keep trying and learn from setbacks. Provide a seamless checkout process for customers to make their experience positive.

      Setbacks are a normal part of the quitting journey, even for those who seem to be making progress. The speaker in this discussion shared her experience of quitting nicotine and the unexpected challenges she faced during a breakup that led her to start vaping again. It's important to remember that everyone's experience with quitting and dealing with difficult situations is unique, and it's okay to have setbacks. The speaker plans to continue trying to quit and learn from her experience to better support herself and inspire others. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of having a seamless checkout process for customers when selling products, as demonstrated by Squarespace. The speaker encouraged listeners to try out Squarespace for a free trial and take advantage of a discount code for their first purchase. Overall, the key takeaway is that setbacks are a normal part of the quitting journey, and it's important to remember that everyone's experience is unique. It's also important to provide a seamless checkout process for customers when selling products to make their experience as positive as possible.

    • Expanding Social Circles and Building Meaningful RelationshipsDespite personal circumstances or societal perceptions, prioritizing social connections and self-growth is essential. Trusting oneself and embracing new experiences can lead to intentional, positive relationships.

      Expanding social circles and building meaningful relationships can be a challenge, especially when personal circumstances or societal perceptions create barriers. The speaker shares her experience of feeling isolated due to her focus on career and relationships, and how she's since made a conscious effort to be more social and open herself up to new friendships. This has involved going out more, being responsible with her actions, and embracing the excitement of new experiences. Despite initial hesitations and societal assumptions, she's learned to trust herself and her abilities to make intentional, positive connections. Overall, the speaker's journey highlights the importance of prioritizing social connections and self-growth, even when faced with challenges.

    • Exploring new social experiences can lead to personal growth, but beware of negative influencesExpanding social circles can bring joy and personal growth, but be cautious of potential negative influences and maintain self-control.

      Expanding social circles through new experiences can lead to personal growth and happiness, but potential pitfalls, such as negative influences, should be acknowledged and addressed. The speaker in this discussion shares how attending social events and meeting new people has positively impacted her socially and emotionally. However, she also fell into the trap of vaping due to peer pressure and a rough emotional patch. This experience serves as a reminder that while socializing can bring joy and excitement, it's essential to be aware of potential negative influences and maintain self-control. The speaker's emotional state has improved since starting to vape, but she continues the habit. Her social battery is currently drained, and she craves solitude. Overall, it's crucial to strike a balance between socializing and self-care, ensuring that social experiences contribute positively to our lives rather than draining our energy and leading us down unhealthy paths.

    • Recognizing and Overcoming ExcusesRecognize invalid excuses, share goals, use willpower, and learn from mistakes to make positive changes.

      It's understandable to face challenges and make excuses, but it's important to hold ourselves accountable for our actions. When it comes to starting or updating a website, Squarespace offers helpful tools like professionally curated layouts and AI assistance to make the process easier. However, when it comes to personal habits or goals, it can be tempting to make excuses and give in to temptations. It's essential to recognize that these excuses are often invalid and that we have the power to make positive changes, even when it feels challenging. Sharing our goals with others, like the Internet, can also help hold us accountable and provide additional motivation to stay on track. Ultimately, it's up to us to use our willpower and make the decisions that align with our values and goals, even when it's difficult. And if we do slip up, it's important to acknowledge our mistakes and use them as learning opportunities to move forward.

    • The Pros and Cons of Sharing Personal Journeys of Self-Improvement OnlineSharing self-improvement journeys online can provide support and accountability, but may also add pressure and potential for public slip-ups. It's a personal choice that depends on the individual and the situation.

      Sharing personal journeys of self-improvement or quitting bad habits online can have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, keeping these journeys private allows individuals to face their own accountability and potential slip-ups without the added pressure of having to explain themselves to others. It can make the process of self-improvement feel more manageable and less public. On the other hand, having a support system or accountability partners can be invaluable in staying motivated and committed to making changes. The speaker in this discussion expresses feeling torn between these two perspectives, acknowledging that the decision to share or keep private ultimately depends on the individual and the severity of the situation. The potential downside of sharing is the added pressure and potential for public slip-ups, but the upside is the support and accountability that can come from a community. Ultimately, it's a personal choice that requires careful consideration.

    • Embrace the ups and downs of changeChange is a complex process with obstacles, but persistence and self-belief lead to success. Focus on one area at a time and use helpful resources like Bumble and Walmart.

      Change is not a linear or perfect process. It's important to remember that there will be bumps, mistakes, and challenges along the way. However, it's essential not to let these setbacks define us or destroy our self-esteem. Instead, we should keep pushing forward, remain persistent, and have faith in ourselves that we will eventually succeed. Additionally, we often have multiple areas in our lives that we want to change, and it's crucial to tackle them one at a time. For instance, we might be trying to quit a bad habit, manage an addiction, or work on our self-confidence. Remember, change takes time and effort, but it's worth it in the end. And, when it comes to finding what we're looking for in life, whether it's a romantic partner, a new wardrobe, or home decor, tools like Bumble and Walmart can help us along the way.

    • Self-deprecation's impact on speaker and audienceSelf-deprecation can negatively affect speakers and audiences, and personal growth is a long-term process requiring continuous effort.

      Self-deprecation, while it may seem like a harmless way to deflect criticism or embarrassment, can have negative effects on both the speaker and their audience. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges the discomfort it causes and is working on reducing her reliance on self-deprecating humor. Additionally, personal growth and self-improvement are ongoing processes that can take a long time, and it's essential to keep making progress, even if it's not always in the direction we want or at the pace we hope for. The speaker shares her intentions to quit nicotine use and looks forward to personal growth and style shifts in the upcoming year. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness and the ongoing journey of self-improvement.

    • Emma Chamberlain's Multi-Platform ApproachEmma Chamberlain offers her audience flexibility and convenience by producing content across multiple platforms and providing opportunities for engagement and brand interaction.

      Emma Chamberlain, a popular content creator, encourages her audience to engage with her content across various platforms. She produces podcasts, videos exclusively on Spotify, and maintains an Instagram account for fashion updates. Her fans can rate her content, follow her on social media, and even purchase coffee from her company, Chamberlain Coffee. The key message is the flexibility and convenience she offers her audience to consume her content and engage with her brand in various ways. Additionally, she expresses her love and appreciation for her followers, emphasizing the importance of connection in her content creation.

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    KEY TAKEAWAY       

    “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein



    When Fish Climb Trees by Mel Loizou



    Mel Loizou is the founder of Fish Climb Trees. Over the past twenty years, Mel has focussed on helping individuals, teams and businesses realise their potential. She started out in the hospitality industry focussing on sales and marketing and then moved into the University sector running commercial operations with responsibility for 600 people and 21 different business functions.  She then joined an IT software company and during this time, she also undertook a Masters degree in Marketing and became a master practitioner of NLP. Now at Fish Climb Trees, Mel now helps universities, the wider education sector and charities to uncover their DNA and bring it to life.











    Amy is a Coach, Mentor, iTunes #1 Podcaster, Mastermind Host, Speaker and Property Investor. Through coaching, Amy inspires and empowers entrepreneurial clients to discover the life they dream of by assisting them to make it their reality through their own action taking. Helping them to focus on their WHY with clarity uniting their passion and purpose with a plan to create the life they truly desire.

    If you would like Amy to help you focus on your WHY then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall 

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    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence.

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