
    Prevent Chronic Disease TODAY With These Foods & Nutrition Insights w/ Dr. Jeffrey Bland EP 1442

    enMay 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Boosting Our Immune System Through Lifestyle ChangesBy adopting a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, healthy diet, quality sleep, and stress management, we can control the biological age of our immune system, leading to a stronger and more resilient immune system.

      Our immune system is constantly producing new cells, but with aging, these cells become worse off due to immune aging, leading to weakened immunity, which, in turn, may make us vulnerable to infections. However, the biological age of our immune system can be controlled by adapting a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, healthy diet, quality sleep, and stress management. Epigenetic sequencing using gene chip technology can help determine our immune system's biological age and immunosenescence. Exposure to stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, ultra-processed foods, and xeno-toxic chemicals modify the immune system's epigenetic markings, leading to immune aging. Therefore, adopting healthier lifestyle practices can help boost our immune systems and lead to a healthier, disease-free life.

    • The Key Role of the Immune System in Building ResilienceA healthy immune system is essential for overall health and vitality, with every major health concern linked to its proper function. Maintaining a well-tuned immune system is critical in warding off disease and maintaining good health.

      Resilience, defined as the ability to perform varied functions with vitality and enthusiasm, is a crucial element of health. Our immune system is key to providing us with the resilience needed to live our lives to the fullest. Dr. Jeffrey Bland, father of functional medicine, highlights that every major health concern is linked to the immune system. This includes diseases like dementia, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disorders, autoimmune disorders, type two diabetes, and obesity. The immune system resides not just in our blood, but in every organ of the body, including the brain and gut. Therefore, ensuring a properly configured immune system is crucial for good health.

    • The Link Between Ultra-Processed Foods and 'Angry Fat'Ultra-processed foods activate our immune system, leading to 'angry fat' linked to obesity and health problems. Losing five pounds of the 'right type' of fat can improve health. Understanding how our diet affects our immune system is key to improving our health.

      Changes in our diet over the past century, specifically the rise of ultra-processed foods, have activated our immune system, leading to 'angry fat' linked to obesity and health problems. Losing just five pounds of the 'right type' of fat can calm down the immune system and improve health. Dr. Jeffrey Bland, founder of the Institute for Functional Medicine, has been studying how different organs communicate with one another and how to address root causes of disorders. Advances in genomic techniques have further validated his early work in functional medicine. Understanding how our diet affects our immune system is key to improving our health.

    • Functional Medicine and the Four R ProgramFunctional medicine looks at the body's processes, such as immune and digestive function, and uses the four R program - remove, replace, reinoculate, and repair - to restore balance and improve overall health.

      Functional medicine is an upstream way of looking at the body's processes, measured by physiological characteristics such as the immune system, digestive physiology, and cell communication. Clinical management can be achieved through the four R program- remove, replace, reinoculate, and repair. This program focuses on restoring proper gastrointestinal, immune and digestive function by removing toxins and allergens, replacing digestive enzymes, reinoculating with probiotics, and repairing any issues. Developed in the early 1990s, this program has been taught to hundreds of thousands of practitioners globally to improve patients' overall health and well-being.

    • The Four R Approach for a Healthy GI Tract by Dr. Jeffrey BlandTo maintain a healthy GI tract, remove harmful foods, restore proper enzymes, reinoculate with pre and probiotics, and repair damage. A wholesome Mediterranean-style diet is crucial. Over-medication can adversely affect the gut microbiota.

      Dr. Jeffrey Bland explains the four R approach for a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The first R is removing the culprits causing damage to the GI tract, such as processed foods, sugar, and toxins. The second R is restoring the enzymes required for proper digestion, including pancreatic enzymes and hydrochloric acid. The third R is reinoculating the gut with pre and probiotics, which promote a healthy microbiome. The fourth R is repairing the damage to the GI tract, caused by a faulty diet and lifestyle, drugs, and alcohol. Dr. Bland emphasizes the importance of a wholesome diet, like the Mediterranean-style, in nourishing a healthy microbiome. Lastly, he discusses the difference between modern and natural medicine and the adverse effects of overmedication on the gastrointestinal microbiota.

    • Traditional Chinese Medicine vs Modern PharmacologyTraditional Chinese medicine utilizes natural compounds with a symphonic orchestration to manage bodily functions while modern pharmacology targets specific receptors with single molecules, which can lead to iatrogenic disorders for chronic conditions.

      Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on managing body functions through the use of hundreds of bioactive compounds found in nature, while modern pharmacology focuses on acute disease management through single molecules that target specific receptors in the body. The use of single molecules for chronic conditions can lead to iatrogenic disorders. Plants have evolved to have symphonic orchestration of bioactive compounds to manage their function. These compounds, when consumed in their natural state, act like adaptogens by adjusting to the receptor sites in the body in a malleable manner. While both medicines have their benefits, traditional Chinese medicine offers a whole different treatment regime.

    • The Discovery of Himalaya Tarry Buckwheat as a SuperfoodExploring historical foods and collaborating across countries and disciplines can lead to the discovery of new molecules that have significant positive effects on our health. One such discovery is Himalaya tarry buckwheat, which has high levels of immune-strengthening nutrients and can be a valuable addition to our diets.

      Dr. Jeffrey Bland's story of discovering Himalaya tarry buckwheat highlights the importance of exploring historical consumption of foods to find new molecules that have significant positive effects on health. It also emphasizes the importance of partnerships and collaboration across countries and disciplines to further research. The discovery of Himalaya tarry buckwheat as a superfood with high levels of immune-strengthening nutrients has led to clinical research and field trials. This story showcases the potential of exploring traditional foods and collaborations to enhance our understanding of the nutrients that benefit our health.

    • Understanding Your Immuno Identity for Optimal HealthBalancing and harmonizing the immune system is crucial for good health. Knowing your immuno identity can help in achieving this goal, and Bid Boldt Health offers a simple test to determine yours.

      Balancing and harmonizing the immune system is more effective than boosting it, as boosting can lead to hyperinflammatory states. There are five immuno identities that represent different archetypes of immunological imbalance, including hyperimmune function, pre-autoimmune types and disorders, immune suppressed type, dormant immune systems, and balanced immune system. Bid Boldt Health is a company that focuses on balancing and harmonizing the immune system, and they provide a simple 30-questionnaire to determine which immuno identity one has. It's important to understand our immune system's state and work towards improving it, as compromised immune systems can lead to serious illnesses and even death.

    • The Importance of Balancing Your Immune System with NutrientsEndurance athletes need to ensure they are getting all the necessary nutrients to maintain immune resilience. Flavonoids found in foods like berries, citrus, turmeric, and peanut skins play an important role in cellular communication and immune function. Whole grains and a variety of nutrient-dense foods are essential for optimal immune health.

      Balancing our immune system for resiliency is key to overall health, rather than simply treating symptoms. Endurance athletes are particularly at risk due to compromised immune resilience from not getting all the necessary nutrients. Flavonoids, found in foods like berries, citrus, turmeric, and peanut skins, are important for cellular communication and immune function. However, it’s important to put things in perspective, as high flavonoid foods like onions would require over 10 pounds to provide the same nutrients as one serving of tart buckwheat. Therefore, focusing on whole grains and a variety of supercharged foods is essential for optimal immune health.

    • The Importance of Choosing Whole Foods for a Strong Immune System and Better HealthChoosing whole foods that are non-grain and gluten-free, like organic oats and buckwheat, can activate and strengthen the innate immune system, while cutting out processed foods and opting for whole foods is crucial for optimum health.

      Foods that keep blood sugar low can have a valuable impact on overall health and immune system, while processed foods can have adverse effects. Non-grain related, gluten-free products like organic oats and buckwheat can be high in phytochemicals like beta-glucan, which can activate and strengthen the innate immune system. To support overcoming illness and living longer, minimizing processed foods and incorporating whole foods is crucial. For example, consuming an apple instead of apple juice or apple sauce can keep blood sugar low and have a more beneficial effect on health. It is important to be informed about food choices and seek out sustainable agriculture and organic farming practices.

    • Sustainable Fish Oil Production in AlaskaA pharmaceutical-grade fish oil plant in Dutch Harbor, Alaska partners with a fishing company to process frozen fish with high nutritional value into sustainable, anti-inflammatory fish oil that retains quality even after being shipped for a week.

      A pharmaceutical grade manufacturing plant has been built in Dutch Harbor, Alaska in partnership with a major fishing company that uniquely processes fish on board the ships and freezes them to minus 20 within 20 minutes of being caught, capturing all of their nutritional value. The plant is designed to process the frozen fish and create fish oil that retains all of its natural anti-inflammatory properties, making it a sustainable and highly sought after product. The plant is MSC certified and has a higher standard certification that requires both sustainable fishing and a stable Shoreside community. This unique process creates a product that is better than fresh fish and retains its nutritional value even after being shipped for a week.

    • The Impact of Freshness on Fish QualityRapid freezing and careful storage can preserve the quality of fish and yield higher prices. Quality of non-red meats should also be considered, including how the animal was raised, to ensure safety.

      Freshness of fish affects its texture, flavor, and nutrient composition. The degradation process starts as soon as the fish is caught, even at ice temperature. A specialized process involving rapid freezing and careful storage of fish products can preserve their quality and may sell for much higher prices. Wild Alaskan fish caught through this process, for example, can fetch up to $3 per pound, compared to traditional market prices of $1.15 per pound. In the case of non-red meats, it's important to consider the quality of the meat, including how the animal was raised, to ensure the absence of veterinary medicines, antibiotics, and harmful chemicals.

    • The benefits of choosing locally-sourced, organic foodEating organic, locally-sourced food can improve your health and help the environment. By making small changes like shopping at farmer's markets and reducing food waste, we can support a more sustainable food system.

      Choosing locally-sourced, organic food can have a positive impact on your health and the environment. The story of Polly and Mel Coleman's ranch demonstrates how moving away from commercial beef production and towards a natural beef production system resulted in Polly no longer experiencing an allergic reaction to their own beef. This was due to the elimination of chemical processing, antibiotics, and medicines that were present in commercial beef production. Making small changes, such as shopping at local farmer's markets and reducing food waste, can help support the transition to a more sustainable and regenerative food system.

    • The Growing Role of Organic Agriculture and Biometric Devices in Health and SustainabilityOrganic farming and biometric devices may be small in size, but they are powerful tools for creating positive change in our health and agriculture industries. By using sustainable techniques and monitoring our health constantly, we can take a proactive approach to improving our well-being and the world around us.

      Organic agriculture accounts for less than 3% of the total era of farmland in the United States. However, the organic movement is an agent of positive change that is growing. Techniques such as limited chemical intervention and carbon capture can help make agriculture more sustainable. A significant transformation in the medical and health and wellness space is the ability to measure biology 24/7/365 through biometric devices such as the Apple watch and Aura ring. These devices can help assess immune system health and provide early warning for potential health issues.

    • The transformational power of wearable health technologyWearable technology allows individuals to take control of their health through continuous monitoring, creating a personalized and accessible field of healthcare while bridging the gap between disease care and health care system.

      The development of wearable health technology has given individuals the ability to measure their bodily functions continuously, creating a personalized laboratory of their body. While the disease care system lacks resources for daily tuning of the body, these tools provide the opportunity for individuals to become their own personal health coaches. The healthcare system is beginning to separate from the disease care system, allowing health to become a personalized and accessible field with a new set of tools. The use of wearable technology will become more widely accepted as they become more cosmetically attractive and generate AI provides personalized outcomes. Wearable technology, such as the Apple Watch and rings, provide a convenient method for individuals to have an intimate relationship with their personalized healthcare.

    • Dr. Jeffrey Bland on Complete Human Function and Tuning Up for the Best Day in LifeTo achieve optimal health and become a complete human, focus on improving physical, metabolic, cognitive, and behavioral function. Starting with the immune system can provide quick feedback, but also work on improving society, culture, and people's lives.

      Dr. Jeffrey Bland emphasizes on the four quadrants of function that people aspire to perform at high levels, namely physical, metabolic, cognitive, and behavioral function. All four quadrants need to be tuned up to become a complete human being and to have the best day in our lives. The immune system is a place to start because it gives quick feedback which helps in taking charge of our health. However, it's not the only gateway to owning our health. Dr. Bland's biggest commitment in the remaining years of his life is to pay forward as he had a privileged life and experienced extraordinary things. He also advocates for improving society, culture, and people's lives.

    • Embrace Bold Health and Enhance Your ImmunityBig Bold Health believes in advocating for your own health while improving the health of our world. Their 90-day Immunity Plus program has been shown to reduce immune age, and they use friendly bugs to enhance plant nutrient content.

      Big Bold Health is a movement that promotes being bold about your health and advocating for others to achieve the same. It offers a 90-day program called Immunity Plus, which has been shown to reduce immune age in humans by 6-7 years in just 90 days. Additionally, Big Bold Health is dedicated to improving the immune system of the soil, plants, and animals through the use of friendly bugs, which enhances the nutrient content of the plants and ultimately benefits human health. Overall, Big Bold Health encourages individuals to give back and live a purposeful life while striving to improve their health and the health of our interconnected world.

    • Take Control of Your Genes for Optimal HealthOur genes do not solely determine our health. By making small lifestyle changes such as giving up sugared soft drinks, we can positively influence our genes and achieve optimal health. Remember the importance of discipline and respect in reaching our goals.

      Dr. Jeffrey Bland emphasizes the importance of being in charge of our genes and recognizing that health is determined by our function, not by the absence of disease. He suggests starting with giving up sugared soft drinks and understanding the influence of our lifestyle and environment on our genes. Dr. Bland's three truths for leaving a lasting impact on the world are to be a good teacher, recognize the importance of our genes in determining our health, and understand that health is based on our function. In addition, he emphasizes the lessons of discipline and respect from his experience playing basketball under coach John Wooden at UCLA.

    • Upholding a Code of Conduct for Self-Respect and SuccessRespect for oneself is essential for success and means upholding a code of conduct. Talent without character leads to failure. Greatness is being respected by those you respect, even if it means facing criticism for upholding your principles.

      Respect for oneself is an integral part of success, and it starts with upholding a code of conduct. Dr. Jeffrey Bland shared a story of a coach who dismissed a talented player from the team for disrespecting himself. The player went on to become a star at another school but failed to learn the lesson of self-respect. This example serves as a reminder that talent without character is a recipe for failure. Dr. Bland's definition of greatness is being respected by those you respect, even if it means facing criticism for upholding your principles. Ultimately, it's how the people you respect respond that determines if you're on the right path.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    This episode is packed with actionable advice on achieving greater efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, leading a more fulfilling life. Don't miss it!

    Buy his new book for yourself and a friend – Buy Back Your Time: Get Unstuck, Reclaim Your Freedom, and Build Your Empire

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    • Strategies for becoming more valuable and increasing your worth in the market.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1639

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Listen to PART 1 of Sadia and Matthew’s discussion.

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    In this episode you will learn

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    • The importance of honest communication in relationships.
    • How self-compassion and self-respect influence relationship dynamics.
    • Strategies for selecting a compatible partner.
    • The significance of addressing past traumas and wounds before entering a relationship.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1638

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet? What’s holding you back?! lewishowes.com/tickets

    In this episode of The School of Greatness, Lewis Howes hosts an inspiring discussion with Muniba Mazari, Jay Shetty, and Gabby Bernstein, focusing on mental strength, self-love, and overcoming trauma. Muniba Mazari shares her journey of finding gratitude and self-acceptance despite her physical challenges, emphasizing the importance of not comparing oneself to others on social media. Jay Shetty discusses mindfulness and the intentional design of life, stressing how sights, sounds, and scents can positively influence our daily experiences. Gabby Bernstein delves into coping mechanisms and the internal family systems therapy, explaining how we can heal from past traumas by acknowledging and understanding our protective behaviors. Together, they offer powerful practices to help listeners achieve mental peace and strength.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The impact of social media on self-esteem and how to navigate it mindfully.
    • Practical ways to incorporate mindfulness into daily life through intentional exposure to sights, sounds, and scents.
    • The significance of self-acceptance and self-love in personal growth.
    • How to identify and overcome coping mechanisms that mask deeper emotional wounds.
    • Techniques to connect with your inner self and create a balanced, fulfilling life.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1637

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full episodes featured today:

    Muniba Mazari – https://link.chtbl.com/1282-pod

    Gabby Bernstein – https://link.chtbl.com/1407-pod

    Jay Shetty – https://link.chtbl.com/1571-pod

    Prof G: “Men Are Being DESTROYED!” How Men Can Deepen Relationships, Boost Sex Drive & Win Respect

    Prof G: “Men Are Being DESTROYED!” How Men Can Deepen Relationships, Boost Sex Drive & Win Respect

    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Today, Lewis welcomes Scott Galloway, a renowned professor and author, to discuss his book, "The Algebra of Wealth." Scott delves into the concept of an economic war on the young, explaining how policies over the past few decades have shifted wealth from younger to older generations. He emphasizes the importance of financial security, discussing strategies like finding your talent, exercising financial discipline, and understanding the value of time. Scott also touches on the emotional aspects of life, sharing personal experiences about fatherhood, emotional growth, and the importance of building a fulfilling life beyond material wealth. The conversation provides a deep understanding of the economic landscape and offers practical advice for achieving financial and personal well-being.

    Buy Scott’s new book, The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security for yourself and a friend!

    In this episode you will learn

    • how economic policies have shifted wealth from younger to older generations and how this impacts today's youth.
    • Scott Galloway's formula for achieving financial security, including the importance of finding your talent and developing financial discipline.
    • the impact of parenthood on financial priorities and how becoming a parent can drive greater financial focus and purpose.
    • the significance of emotional well-being and the benefits of seeking therapy and embracing emotions for a more harmonious life.
    • practical strategies for balancing financial security with personal fulfillment and building a fulfilling life beyond material wealth.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1636

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    George Kamel – https://link.chtbl.com/1568-pod

    Rob Dial – https://link.chtbl.com/1597-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

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    Ready to check out Sphere? GET 25% COACHING WITH THIS LINK!

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    I have found there to be a giant knowledge gap in understanding the complexity of women's hormones and menstrual cycle, which is a problem as hormones dictates SO much of how female bodies operate. I love Matty's work and how he is helping women dissect this topic to give us a sense of empowerment over our bodies, letting us be in the driver seat of our well-being.

    In this episode we cover which weeks in our cycle we can push our fasting windows out (if that is something we do or ant to experiment with), allowing a greater hormetic stress to the body during these times, and which weeks in our cycle we must be more cognizant of stressors to body for optimal well-being. 

    We discuss thee role of eating fats as it pertains to weight loss/management (spoiler alert: I'm a big fan of! The good ones, of course) as well as insulin and breakdown the idea metabolic flexibility.

    Matty hosts his own podcast called “How to NOT Get Sick and Die’, where he shares weekly insights in relation to current developments in the world of health, nutrition and human optimization, offering the latest advice on how your diet and lifestyle can directly affect your energy, focus, self confidence and overall well being.

    You can find more from Matty here:

    Matty's free gift to The Goodness listeners:
    eBook 'How to Turn Food into Self Confidence'

    E174- Patricia Greenberg -Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well

    E174- Patricia Greenberg -Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well

    Ushering in a new era of bite-sized livable health, nutrition, and fitness solutions, Patricia Greenberg practices what she preaches. A working wife and mother, she has 30 years of experience as a Certified Nutritionist, Chef, and Wellness educator. She lives a healthy lifestyle in an often chaotic world through good food and attainable fitness. Patricia runs The Fitness Gourmet, a wellness consulting firm that specializes in teaching seminars nationwide. She has a special interest in enhancing the education of the general public, providing accurate nutrition and health information to today’s consumers which has had an impact on the lives and health of thousands of people.

    As for fitness, Patricia completed 20 marathons and 115 half marathons, starting at the age of 35 and still going strong. She also loves the sport of tower climbing having conquered buildings all over the country, including The Empire State Building, The World Trade Center, US Bank building, AON building, and the Hancock Tower.

    Educational Accomplishments: 
    BS in Nutrition and Food Science from Queens College, NYC, 
    Degree in Culinary Arts, from Le Cordon Bleu in Scottsdale, AZ
    IACP – Certified Culinary Professional
    ISSA Certified Nutritionist, specializing in Aging Well
    ACE Certified Trainer, in Sports Nutrition and Senior Fitness.
    Medfit Educational Foundation – Supporting member

    The Whole Soy Cookbook, Random House 1998
    Soy Desserts , ReganBooks, Harper Collins 2001
    Scrumptious Sandwiches, Salads, and Snacks, 2017
    Eat Well, Live Well, Age Well!, The Fitness Gourmet, 2021

    For more information: www.thefitnessgourmet.com


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    Aging in Reverse & Debunking Common Health Myths

    Aging in Reverse & Debunking Common Health Myths

    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com – 

    Peter Attia discusses why we’re living longer, but our quality of life is decreasing. Aging often comes with significant physical problems that are increasingly tough to deal with. As we get older, we may develop knee or hip problems, hearing or vision loss, or even memory problems. These things have a significant impact on our lives and our families — so how can we stay healthier longer?

    Mark Sisson is a decorated endurance athlete who used to race competitively in triathlons and qualified for the Olympic marathon team. He has decades of experience in what works and what doesn’t when it comes to diet and workouts for optimal performance. His bestselling book, The Primal Blueprint, is centered on the idea that when we get our bodies to burn fat instead of sugar or carbs, we function the way we were built to.

    Rich Roll battled alcohol addiction from the age of 17 to 31. When he finally went to a treatment center, he spent 100 days there, instead of the typical 28 days. But it changed his life, and he never returned to his previous bad habits. When he got out of the treatment center, he pursued a career most people would consider ideal and made a great living. The problem was, it wasn’t the life he wanted, and it physically took a toll on him.

    Dr. Nicole LePera is a Holistic Psychologist who believes that mental wellness is for everyone. She evolved her more traditional training from Cornell University and The New School to one that acknowledges the connection between the mind and body. Dr. LePera founded the Mindful Healing Center in Center City Philadelphia where she works with individuals, couples, and families taking gut health, sleep, movement, cellular health, belief, and mindfulness into treatment.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • Which diseases are killing people the most and what to do about it.
    • How we are going about medicine the wrong way.
    • The four pillars of being a kick-ass 100-year-old.
    • What are the three main pieces of our healthspan are.
    • What things are attributing to bad sleeping patterns.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1486

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Peter Attia’s full episode - https://link.chtbl.com/1438-pod

    Mark Sisson’s full episode - https://lewishowes.com/podcast/mark-sisson/

    Rich Roll’s full episode - lewishowes.com/1061

    Dr. Nicole Lepera’s full episode - lewishowes.com/1061

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    Find more from Jay online: