
    Olympic Gold Medalist Mikaela Shiffrin on Blocking Out Toxic Mental Noise To Achieve Greatness EP 1470

    enJuly 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Mikaela Shiffrin's pursuit of greatness beyond the OlympicsMikaela Shiffrin's main aspiration is not limited to Olympic success, but rather to become the best skier in the world, drawing inspiration from idol Bode Miller and prioritizing the process of skiing over achieving Olympic glory.

      Mikaela Shiffrin's goals and inspirations as a ski racer were not solely centered around the Olympics. While she did have a childhood dream of becoming an Olympic champion, her main goal was always to be the best skier in the world. She looked up to Bode Miller as her big idol and drew inspiration from his overall success and ability to inspire others. Mikaela watched his winning runs on TV and in DVDs, which fueled her passion for skiing. However, she also saw the challenges and pressures that athletes face during the Olympics, which made her prioritize the process of skiing and making good turns over achieving Olympic glory. Ultimately, her focus remains on being a very good skier and potentially becoming the best in the world.

    • Shiffrin's Shift: From Winning to SucceedingInstead of obsessing over winning, Shiffrin's success comes from focusing on the process and journey of skiing and racing, while also acknowledging the importance of team support and variable factors.

      Mikaela Shiffrin believes that focusing on winning in a race is detrimental to her performance. She has realized that thinking about the intensity of her skiing and racing the course, rather than winning, is what allows her to succeed. Shiffrin acknowledges that she has gone through different phases in her career, from not feeling pressure in the beginning to struggling with fine-tuning her ski equipment and having disagreements with her coach. She emphasizes the importance of various variables, such as clicking with equipment and coaches, and having a supportive team. Shiffrin also discusses how her early success set high expectations that became challenging to meet. Overall, the key takeaway is that Shiffrin's mindset focuses on the process and the journey towards the finish line, rather than the ultimate goal of winning.

    • Overcoming Pressure and Anxiety in Skiing: Mikaela Shiffrin's Journey to Finding BalanceIt is important to manage external expectations and focus on personal growth in order to maintain a healthy mindset and achieve long-term success in any competitive field.

      Mikaela Shiffrin faced immense pressure and performance anxiety as she consistently exceeded people's expectations in her skiing career. Winning alone was no longer satisfactory, as she felt the need to win by larger margins to meet the high expectations set by the media and those closest to her. This led to anxiety, fear, and even physical symptoms like vomiting before races. However, she eventually realized that it was not realistic or necessary to constantly exceed expectations by such large margins. It took time for her to understand that people would catch up and that it was important to not let negative media questions affect her mindset. She also learned the importance of balancing physical and mental/emotional preparation for races.

    • The Power of Positive Attitude and Supportive Relationships in Mikaela Shiffrin's SuccessMikaela Shiffrin's gratefulness for the support of her coaches and her mom's dedication, combined with her positive mindset and focus on others' achievements, have contributed to her success in skiing.

      Mikaela Shiffrin acknowledges the importance of positive reframing and controlling her own emotions, as well as the impact she has on those around her. Despite the disappointment of not winning a race, she chooses to focus on the achievements of others and maintain a positive attitude. She realizes that her coaches, including her mom, play a crucial role in her career and mental stability. Mikaela's mom's dedication and support have helped her succeed in the world of skiing. Furthermore, Mikaela's parents have taught her the value of approaching tasks with a methodical and learning-oriented mindset, which contributes to enjoyment and success.

    • The Importance of a Step-by-Step Approach and Fundamentals in Achieving SuccessSuccessful achievement of goals requires hard work, deliberate practice, effective teaching, and managing stress and anxiety for optimal performance.

      Having a step-by-step approach and focusing on fundamentals is crucial for success in any field. Mikaela Shiffrin and her brother both wanted to excel in soccer, and their mother helped them by providing books, DVDs, and drills to practice. Through consistent effort and dedication, they improved their skills significantly. This story emphasizes the importance of hard work and deliberate practice in achieving one's goals. Mikaela's mother's ability to break down movements and explain them in a way that makes sense shows the value of effective teaching and mentoring. Additionally, Mikaela's mother encouraged her to seek the help of a sports psychologist when she faced increasing pressure, demonstrating the significance of managing stress and anxiety for optimal performance.

    • Finding Balance and Prioritizing Yourself: Mikaela Shiffrin's Journey to a Healthier Mindset in SportsMikaela Shiffrin's journey to self-discovery and self-care has taught her the importance of balance, managing nerves, and finding a healthier mindset in her approach to her sport.

      Mikaela Shiffrin has learned the importance of finding balance and prioritizing herself while also considering the opinions of others. Working with sports psychologists and an overall psychologist has helped her discover things about herself and regain that balance. She has also learned to manage her nerves and discomfort by accepting the feeling of being uncomfortable in situations where outcomes are uncertain and she is not fully in control. Shiffrin has developed techniques to calm herself down and perform at her best, even in high-pressure moments. This journey of self-discovery and self-care has ultimately allowed her to come full circle and find a healthier mindset in her approach to her sport.

    • Mixed feelings on being labeled the greatest and battling fear while pursuing goals.Mikaela Shiffrin doesn't see herself as the sole greatest and prefers being part of the conversation. She acknowledges fear but doesn't let it hinder her pursuit of goals.

      Mikaela Shiffrin had mixed feelings about breaking the record and being labeled as the greatest of all time. She never saw herself as the one who would reset the record and felt conflicted about taking away the title from Ingmar. She believes that the GOAT term is strange and prefers to be part of the conversation rather than being labeled as the sole greatest. What matters to her is being part of the discussion about the top athletes in the sport. Additionally, Mikaela admits that she still feels fear while skiing, but she doesn't let it hold her back. She believes it's important to acknowledge fear while still pursuing her goals.

    • Mikaela Shiffrin's Fears and Hopes for Future Race Seasons and the OlympicsManaging fears and maintaining resilience are crucial for athletes like Mikaela Shiffrin to navigate potential challenges and uncertainties in their pursuit of success.

      Mikaela Shiffrin has fears and concerns about her performance and expectations in future race seasons, especially in the upcoming Olympics. She worries about not winning medals or not being a gold medalist again, and how people's reactions and opinions might affect her. However, she acknowledges that her fear doesn't currently impact her mindset for the upcoming season. Shiffrin finds solace in her past achievements, including Olympic and World Championship gold medals, but still wonders if she can overcome potential challenges and uncertainties. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of managing one's fears and maintaining a resilient attitude in the face of future challenges.

    • Embracing Failure as a Learning Opportunity and the Significance of Compromise in LifeFailure is not the end but a chance to learn and improve. Embracing compromise is essential for growth in all aspects of life, love, and relationships.

      Failure isn't final and can actually serve as a lesson to help you succeed. Mikaela Shiffrin shared her experience of not making it to the finish line in a race despite leading, attributing it to a mental error and not adjusting to the soft snow on the last two gates. This highlights the importance of learning from mistakes and using them as opportunities for growth. Additionally, Shiffrin emphasizes the significance of compromise in life, love, and relationships, highlighting that it is a necessary aspect that everyone needs to embrace at some point. Overall, this conversation emphasizes the resilience and adaptability required to overcome challenges and achieve success.

    • Staying connected to our roots and embracing community: Mikaela Shiffrin's inspiring perspective on life, skiing, and courage.Embrace your upbringing, share your passions, and have the courage to step outside your comfort zone – that's what true greatness is all about.

      Mikaela Shiffrin emphasizes the importance of staying connected to one's roots and upbringing. She believes that there are hidden lessons from our early years that continue to shape us throughout life. Additionally, while discussing her passion for skiing and snow sports, Mikaela expresses a desire for more people to engage in these activities, not just for her own benefit, but for the love and community they offer. She sees it as a necessity to spread the word and encourage others to try skiing or snowboarding. Moreover, Mikaela's courage in acknowledging her insecurities and the importance of trying one's best despite them is commendable. This conversation reminds us that greatness doesn't mean being confident in all areas of life, but rather having the courage to step out of our comfort zones and give our best effort.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    6 Habits to Help You Overcome Procrastination and Maximize Your Year | Lewis Howes

    6 Habits to Help You Overcome Procrastination and Maximize Your Year | Lewis Howes

    Hey, School of Greatness listeners! It's Lewis Howes, and I'm excited to have you here for a special episode as we dive into the new year with a burst of energy and determination. This fresh start is all about turning reflections into actions and conquering procrastination. I've identified six game-changing habits that will help you overcome this enemy and make 2024 your most remarkable year yet. We'll explore the 1% rule to break free from perfectionism, the art of asking for help, the power of saying "No," the significance of writing down your goals, the role of nutrition and hydration, and the importance of checking in on your "why." So, buckle up, because this episode is a high-energy journey toward unleashing your full potential and achieving greatness in 2024!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to apply the 1% rule for continuous improvement in various aspects of your life.
    • The importance of asking for help and how it can enhance your leadership skills.
    • The power of saying no to protect your peace and focus.
    • The benefits of writing down your goals and breaking them into manageable chunks.
    • The significance of maintaining good health for increased energy and focus.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1559

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Jeezy: Escaping the Streets, Building a Music Empire & Manifesting Lessons from Jay Z, Kanye West & Rihanna! EP 1480

    Jeezy: Escaping the Streets, Building a Music Empire & Manifesting Lessons from Jay Z, Kanye West & Rihanna! EP 1480

    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com – 

    With more than a dozen RIAA gold, platinum, and multi-platinum hits to his credit, JEEZY, the Atlanta pioneer of hip-hop’s dominant trap genre, has amassed over 6.5 billion catalog streams, and over 960 million YouTube channel views. 2020 marked the 15th anniversary of Let’s Get It: Thug Motivation 101, his seminal RIAA platinum Def Jam label debut LP. It entered the Rap and R&B charts at #1 (#2 on the pop side), and immortalized trap music with the double-platinum #1 hit “Soul Survivor” featuring Akon.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • Overcoming self-doubt and finding one's unique voice as an aspiring artist.
    • Maintaining courage to share unique ideas despite the fear of judgment and criticism.
    • Drawing parallels between creative expression in art and innovation in business.
    • Embracing failure as a natural part of the creative process and learning from it.
    • The power of collaboration with other artists in pushing creative boundaries.

    Buy Jeezy’s book: https://amzn.to/3Ku4WdI

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1480

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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