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    Dr. Darshan Shah ON: 3 Step Process to Reset Your Gut Health and Reduce Inflammation & Why Sitting is Increasing Your Mortality Rate by 10%

    enDecember 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Prioritizing Personal Health Amidst Success and Busy SchedulesDr. Shah's journey emphasizes the significance of self-care, even during career transitions. Neglecting health can impact overall well-being, highlighting the need to find balance and make time for exercise, nutrition, and stress management.

      Our own personal health should always be a top priority, no matter how successful or busy we are. Dr. Shah's personal journey demonstrates the importance of taking care of ourselves physically and mentally, even if it means making major career transitions. As a busy surgeon and entrepreneur, Dr. Shah found himself neglecting his own health, leading to various health challenges and a decline in his overall well-being. It serves as a reminder that we need to find balance and prioritize self-care, even when we're focused on achieving professional success. Neglecting our health can have serious consequences, so it's crucial to make time for exercise, healthy eating, and stress management to preserve our well-being in the long run.

    • Shifting from treating to preventing: The journey of a doctor towards functional medicine and the birth of Next Health.Prioritizing prevention: Functional medicine aims to identify root causes of illnesses and promote overall wellness, allowing individuals to proactively maintain their health and minimize the need for medical intervention.

      The conventional medical system often focuses on treating illnesses and diseases rather than preventing them in the first place. The speaker, Darshan Shah, realized this flaw when he visited a concierge medicine doctor who simply prescribed him more medications without addressing other important aspects of his health. This experience led him to delve into the field of functional medicine, which focuses on finding the root causes of illnesses and promoting overall wellness. Through education and attending various conferences, Shah was able to completely turn his health around and help his patients do the same. This inspired him to create Next Health, a place where people can proactively maintain their health and prevent the need for medical intervention.

    • Focusing on the Essential Components for Optimal Health.Prioritize the main aspects of health and focus on the 20% of information that will provide 80% of the desired results to improve overall well-being.

      When it comes to our health, we need to focus on the main components that will make the most significant difference. There is an overwhelming amount of health information out there, but not all of it is based on science. Rather than getting caught up in minor details or the latest health trends, it is crucial to concentrate on the 20% of information that will provide us with 80% of the desired results. This approach, known as the Pareto principle, allows us to expand the least amount of energy while achieving the most significant outcomes. By prioritizing the main aspects of health, such as nutrition, sleep, exercise, gut health, immune system health, hormone health, heart health, and brain health, and following a three-step process of avoiding harm, improving health span, and implementing advanced science, we can make a transformative difference in our overall well-being.

    • The Negative Impact of Processed and Globalized FoodEliminating ultra-processed food and prioritizing fresh, organic, whole foods can greatly improve our health and help us develop healthier eating habits, even in our busy lives.

      The way our food has changed over the past 50 to 60 years is negatively impacting our health. The government's panic about food shortage led to the mass production of food, resulting in over-farming, packaging food with chemicals to make them last longer, and making them hyper palatable with the help of scientists. This has led to a massive explosion of ultra-processed food in our society. Additionally, the globalization of food has brought in toxins and preserved and stored food that is not healthy for us. To combat this, a small win we can make is to eliminate ultra-processed food and focus on consuming fresh, organic, whole foods. This change alone can have a massive positive impact on our health and can help us learn to make good food quickly, even with our busy lives. It can also reduce our hunger, eliminate excessive snacking, and potentially lead to a reduction in the number of meals we eat each day.

    • Understanding glucose response for optimal health and personalized diet choices.By monitoring glucose levels and understanding your body's reaction to different foods, you can make informed choices that stabilize glucose levels and improve overall well-being.

      Managing your glucose response curve is crucial for maintaining a steady glucose level and optimizing your health. By wearing a continuous glucose monitor for six weeks, you can gather valuable information about how your body reacts to different foods. This knowledge allows you to personalize your diet and choose foods that keep your glucose levels stable. Starting your meals with vegetables, followed by protein and fats, and saving carbohydrates for last helps slow the release of glucose. Understanding your body's unique metabolism and microbiome allows you to make informed choices about what to eat and how it will affect your glucose levels. By maintaining steady glucose levels, you can improve your overall wellness and still indulge in occasional treats.

    • The Importance of Protein for Maintaining Muscle MassMaintaining adequate protein intake is crucial for preserving muscle mass, which is important for bone health, strength, and preventing conditions like diabetes, cancer, and dementia.

      Maintaining adequate protein intake is crucial for preserving muscle mass, especially as we age. Many people focus on cutting carbs and fats when dieting, but they often also cut back on protein, leading to the loss of muscle mass along with fat. Preserving muscle mass is essential for supporting bone health, strength, and preventing conditions like diabetes, cancer, and dementia. To ensure you're getting enough protein, aim for one gram per pound of body weight per day, divided into three to four meals. Using tools like the InBody H20N Scale can help track skeletal muscle mass and provide accountability. If you're vegetarian or vegan, consider incorporating plant-based sources of protein like pea protein powder. Remember to personalize your protein intake based on your needs and gradually increase it over time.

    • Importance of Vegetable Intake and Potential SupplementationConsuming a sufficient amount of vegetables is crucial for overall health. Aim for 800 grams per day, and if necessary, consider adding supplements to meet your nutritional needs.

      Getting enough vegetables in your diet is extremely important. Vegetables provide fiber, micronutrients, and phytonutrients that are critical for our health. They also help to keep us full and satisfied. Fitness and nutrition experts suggest consuming around 800 grams of vegetables per day, which is about two full salads. If you can consistently meet this vegetable intake, the need for supplementation is minimal. However, it can be challenging to consume that much protein and vegetables solely through your diet. In that case, adding supplements like vitamin D, fish oil, magnesium, and creatine can be beneficial. It's also important to prioritize organic and locally sourced vegetables whenever possible, and consult resources like the Environmental Working Group's website for information on the most and least toxic options.

    • Take control of your health by monitoring key indicators.Regularly checking and managing specific health metrics can prevent long-term health issues, so don't overlook even the smallest symptoms and be proactive in addressing them.

      It is important to become the CEO of your own health by monitoring key indicators and not relying solely on how you feel. Our health is not just determined by how we look or how we feel, but by specific numbers and metrics such as vitamin D levels, glucose levels, and body fat percentage. By regularly checking and managing these numbers, we can prevent long-term health issues and diseases. It is crucial to not overlook even the smallest symptoms, as they could be indicators of underlying health problems. By taking our health seriously and being proactive in monitoring and addressing key metrics, we can reduce the risk of developing serious health conditions later in life.

    • Prioritizing Physical and Mental Health for a Purposeful LifeMonitoring and understanding our health numbers, being proactive, and engaging in social exercising can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle and lead more fulfilling lives.

      Taking care of our physical health is just as important as taking care of our mental health. Jay Shetty and Dr. Darshan Shah discuss the importance of monitoring and understanding our health numbers, such as the hemoglobin A1C, which can indicate potential health issues before they become emergencies. They emphasize the need to be proactive and take ownership of our health by familiarizing ourselves with these numbers and making informed decisions. Additionally, they highlight the power of social exercising, like playing pickleball with friends, as a fun and effective way to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. By prioritizing both our physical and mental well-being, we can lead more purposeful and joyful lives.

    • Prioritizing movement for better health and social connections.Incorporating physical activity into daily routines and social activities not only improves physical health but also strengthens social connections. Taking regular breaks from sitting can significantly reduce the risk of health issues.

      Incorporating movement into our social activities and daily routines is crucial for our overall health. Instead of just sitting and watching movies or eating dinner together, we should look for active alternatives like going on hikes, walks, or playing sports. By making fitness a fun part of our friendships, we not only improve our physical health but also strengthen our social connections. Furthermore, it's important to combat sedentary behavior by avoiding long periods of sitting. Taking a 10-minute "exercise snack" every 45 minutes can break the cycle of sitting and significantly reduce the risk of various health issues, including heart attacks, Alzheimer's, dementia, and stroke. So, let's prioritize movement and find creative ways to stay active throughout the day.

    • Prioritizing Movement for Better Health and Well-beingIncorporating regular movement and exercise into your daily routine, including shorter meetings with breaks to stand up and walk, can significantly improve focus, mental clarity, and overall health.

      Incorporating movement and exercise into your daily routine is crucial for overall health and longevity. The traditional approach of lengthy meetings and sedentary lifestyles is counterproductive and detrimental to our well-being. Instead, consider shorter meetings with built-in breaks to stand up, walk, and refresh your mind. Embracing movement throughout the day, whether it's taking brief walks, stretching, or simply looking into the distance, can significantly improve focus and mental clarity. Additionally, strength training should be prioritized, especially after the age of 40, as it helps prevent muscle breakdown and physical frailty. Lastly, balancing both anaerobic and aerobic exercises is essential for optimal cardiorespiratory fitness. By breaking old rules and incorporating these simple practices, you can prioritize your health and improve your overall lifestyle.

    • Simplifying Exercise for a Busy LifePrioritize consistency, build positive habits, and let go of perfectionism to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Incorporate short workout routines and prioritize stability and balance exercises as you age.

      Incorporating exercise into your busy life doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. It's important to consistently engage in physical activity, even if it's just a little bit each day. You can make it easier by using short workout routines or keeping exercise equipment at convenient places like your office desk or bedroom. It's crucial to let go of the notion that a perfect workout routine or a strict diet is necessary to stay healthy. Instead, focus on building positive habits and rewarding yourself for the right choices without punishing yourself for the occasional slip-up. Adopting a positive attitude and considering every day as a fresh start can help break the cycle of perfectionism and make it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the long run. Additionally, as you age, it's important to prioritize stability and balance exercises to prevent falls and maintain overall health.

    • The significance of tracking sleep patterns and making mindful changes to improve sleep quality.Improving sleep quality involves tracking patterns and making mindful changes. However, it's important not to become overly anxious or dependent on sleep tracking. Address sleep issues step by step and be mindful of individual needs for better sleep and overall well-being.

      Improving sleep quality is crucial for overall health and well-being. The conversation between Jay Shetty and Darshan Shah highlights the significance of tracking sleep patterns and making necessary changes to the sleep environment. It is important to approach sleep improvement systematically, focusing on one aspect at a time. However, it is essential not to become overly anxious or dependent on sleep tracking data. Tracking can be a helpful tool for making mindful changes and establishing better sleep habits, but it should not dictate one's entire day or self-esteem. Additionally, understanding that external factors like stress, anxiety, or illnesses can impact sleep quality is important. By addressing sleep issues step by step and being mindful of individual needs and comfort, one can achieve better sleep and overall well-being.

    • Improve your sleep quality for better health and wellbeing.Understanding and addressing sleep apnea can have significant benefits for overall health, including improved metabolism, prevention of Alzheimer's disease, and enhancing quality of life.

      Sleep tracking and understanding your sleep pattern can have a significant impact on your overall health and well-being. Tools like the Aura ring, Whoop, and the Eight Sleep mattress can help us gain insights into our sleep quality beyond just the number of hours we sleep. Additionally, it is crucial to be aware of and address sleep apnea, a condition where breathing stops during sleep, as it can have serious consequences for our brain, heart, and overall body function. Sleep apnea is often underdiagnosed, but it is highly treatable through various methods, such as dental appliances, CPAP masks, surgery, weight loss, and lifestyle changes. By addressing sleep apnea, we can improve our metabolism, prevent Alzheimer's disease, and transform our overall quality of life.

    • Improving Sleep Quality: Identifying and Addressing Common DisruptionsIdentifying and addressing specific issues such as nocturia, anxiety, consuming food close to bedtime, and creating a conducive sleep environment can enhance overall sleep experience and reduce restlessness.

      Improving sleep quality starts with identifying and addressing specific issues that may be causing disruptions. Nocturia, or the need to wake up to use the bathroom, can be managed through medication or exercises. Anxiety and stress before bed can be alleviated by avoiding electronics and writing down thoughts in a notebook to clear the mind. Another common factor that affects sleep is consuming food or drinks too close to bedtime, which leads to a glucose surge that can disrupt sleep. Additionally, creating a conducive sleep environment is crucial, with optimal conditions including a cool temperature, complete darkness, and minimal noise. By addressing these factors, individuals can enhance their overall sleep experience and avoid unnecessary restlessness.

    • Improving Your Sleep: Simple Steps for Better RestBy utilizing tools like a white noise machine, getting sunlight in the morning, and establishing a nighttime routine, you can improve your sleep score and overall well-being. Start by exposing yourself to sunlight in the morning and make small changes over time for long-term benefits.

      Taking steps to improve your sleep can have significant benefits. Using a white noise machine, exposing yourself to sunlight in the morning, and creating a nighttime routine can help improve your sleep score and overall well-being. It's important to start your sleep routine from the moment you wake up by getting outside and exposing yourself to sunlight. Utilizing tools like the iPhone sleep alarm can assist in preparing your body for sleep. Additionally, maintaining a cooler temperature in your room and creating a cave-like darkness can contribute to better sleep. Eating dinner earlier and being mindful of your food choices can also support your circadian clock. Remember, making small changes over time can have long-term benefits for your health.

    • Gut Health and Overall Well-beingTaking care of your gut health is essential for your overall well-being. Eliminating inflammatory foods and toxins from your diet can reduce the risk of major diseases and improve your health. Seek guidance from a functional medicine doctor for gut issues.

      Gut health plays a pivotal role in overall well-being. The gut, not the skin, is the largest organ in the body, serving as a barrier against toxins from the external environment. When this barrier is compromised, inflammation occurs, leading to the destruction of vital cells in the brain, heart, muscles, and bones. This inflammation can be detected through a blood test. Moreover, poor oral health is linked to inflammation and serious conditions such as dementia and heart attacks. To address inflammation and promote gut healing, eliminating inflammatory foods and toxins from the diet is crucial. Seeking the guidance of a functional medicine doctor can help in identifying and treating gut issues. By focusing on gut health, one can reduce the risk of major diseases and improve overall health.

    • Taking Proactive Measures for Heart HealthStart monitoring cholesterol levels in our mid-twenties, understand potential blockages and genetic forms of cholesterol, partner with healthcare professionals to take preventive measures against heart attacks and strokes.

      We need to take proactive measures to prioritize our heart health. Often, we neglect discussing and understanding the importance of heart health until it becomes a serious issue or emergency. Rather than waiting until our thirties or forties to get our cholesterol levels checked, we should start monitoring them as early as our mid-twenties. Knowing our A-P-O-A-P-O-B and LP little A levels can provide valuable information about potential blockages and genetic forms of cholesterol that may require early intervention. By partnering with our medical doctors and staying informed about these tests, we can take preventive measures, such as adjusting our diet, exercise, and sleep habits, to lower our risks of heart attacks and strokes. It's time to prioritize heart health before it becomes an orphan disease that affects us all.

    • Take Control of Your Health: Be Proactive and Informed.Educate yourself on available tests and diagnostics, advocate for necessary tests and treatments, and explore advanced diagnostics for a healthier, longer, and happier life.

      Taking control of your health requires being proactive and informed. It is essential to educate yourself about available tests and diagnostics that can catch potential health issues early on. By becoming the CEO of your own health, you can advocate for your well-being and push your doctor to explore necessary tests and treatments. Two revolutionary technologies, the full body MRI and liquid biopsy, have emerged as game-changers in cancer diagnostics. These tests can detect tumors and abnormalities at earlier stages, increasing the chances of successful treatment. While there may be some controversy and costs associated with these tests, the potential benefits for detecting and addressing health concerns far outweigh the challenges. Being knowledgeable, proactive, and willing to explore advanced diagnostics can lead to a healthier, longer, and happier life.

    • Early diagnosis and prevention methods for cancerRegular screenings and proactive steps, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle and minimizing toxin exposure, can significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

      Early diagnosis is crucial in preventing cancer. Regular blood tests, such as the PSA test for men and mammograms for women, along with other preventive screenings like colonoscopies, can help detect cancer at its early stages. It is important to prioritize these screenings, especially if you have a family history of cancer. Additionally, taking proactive steps to cancer-proof your body is essential. This includes getting enough sleep, eating whole foods, staying active, and minimizing exposure to toxins. Detoxifying your environment by investing in air purifiers, using clean water sources, choosing organic foods, and opting for non-toxic personal care products can greatly reduce toxin exposure. By following these steps, we can increase our chances of living in a non-toxic, cancer-preventive environment.

    • Exploring possibilities for a healthier, better life.Open your mind, do your own research, and make positive changes in your well-being by exploring new possibilities and focusing on gut health, nutrients, and other aspects of your overall well-being.

      We should be open-minded and do our own research to make positive changes in our health and well-being. Jay Shetty and Dr. Shah emphasize the importance of breaking through skepticism and exploring new possibilities. By picking up even one thing and researching it on our own, we have the potential to create a positive shift in our lives. It is encouraged to focus on gut health, nutrients, and other aspects of our well-being. Taking screenshots and tagging Dr. Shah and Jay Shetty on social media allows them to see what resonates with us and what steps we are taking to improve our lives. Dr. Shah's course, available on his Instagram page, provides valuable education on nutrition, sleep, exercise, and more. Ultimately, it is crucial to measure and proactively address challenges to ensure a healthier and better life.

    • Importance of Quality and Composition of Food in Diet and Intermittent FastingConsider the protein intake and individual needs while focusing on the timing, quality, and composition of meals to find a balanced approach that aligns with your body's needs for better health, happiness, and energy levels.

      When it comes to diet and intermittent fasting, it's not just about the timing of your meals, but also the quality and composition of the food you consume. It's important to focus on the molecules you're putting into your body, ensuring you're getting adequate protein intake. Additionally, it's crucial to consider your individual needs and listen to your body. While intermittent fasting may work for some, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially athletes or individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding. It's essential to find a balance that works for you, whether it's through intermittent fasting or consuming three balanced meals a day. Ultimately, prioritize your health, happiness, and energy levels by understanding and aligning with your body's needs.

    Recent Episodes from On Purpose with Jay Shetty

    Charles Leclerc: 6 Ways to Mentally Reset After Challenges in Life & How to Change Your Mindset on Learning From Mistakes

    Charles Leclerc: 6 Ways to Mentally Reset After Challenges in Life & How to Change Your Mindset on Learning From Mistakes

    How can changing your mindset help you learn from mistakes?

    And what are the benefits of viewing challenges as learning opportunities?

    Today, let's welcome Charles Leclerc. Charles is Formula One racing driver who competes for Scuderia Ferrari in the FIA Formula One World Championship. Charles gained attention for his impressive performances in junior categories, winning titles in series such as GP3 Series and FIA Formula 2 Championship. He made his Formula One debut with Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team in 2018 before joining Ferrari as their lead driver in 2019.

    Charles offers a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the life of a professional race car driver. He narrates through the twists and turns of the race track, uncovering the passion, dedication, and relentless drive that propel them forward. And the secrets behind preparing and training for the race, with sleep emerging as the ultimate priority for peak performance.

    Jay and Charles talk about the invaluable lessons learned from mistakes, emphasizing the importance of humility, gratitude, and resilience in the face of challenges. We gain insights into the profound impact of family, mentors, and teammates, and the pivotal role they play in navigating the highs and lows of the racing journey. From confronting fears to embracing growth, from channeling grief into fuel for success to staying grounded amidst soaring achievements, this conversation offers a masterclass in determination and perseverance. 

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    • How to never lose focus
    • How to become number one
    • The importance of family time
    • The strength of an efficient team
    • How to practice teamwork

    Together, let's hear the untold stories and hidden truths behind the glitz and glamor of the race track. Tune in and prepare to be inspired by the unstoppable spirit of a true racing champion. 

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:12 Get to Know the Person Behind the Wheels
    • 03:09 If You Weren’t a Race Car Driver, What Would You Have Been?
    • 04:28 When Was the First Time You’ve Driven a Car?
    • 06:23 How Do You Prepare and Train for a Race
    • 09:21 Sleep is the Number One Priority
    • 13:40 How You React to Mistakes is Super Important
    • 14:47 Losing Focus Will Cost You a Lot
    • 17:34 Gratitude for the Team You Work with
    • 19:08 What Scares You Off Track?
    • 20:25 Channeling Grief into Growth
    • 22:19 “What Would My Father Want Me to Do?”
    • 23:19 Keep Important People Close Especially in Difficult Moments
    • 25:03 Always Stay Humble and Grateful
    • 26:08 In the Midst of Success, How Do You Stay Humble?
    • 28:23 What Criticism Hurts the Most?
    • 31:39 Car Racing Remains a Dangerous Sport
    • 32:55 Speed Isn’t the Only Important Part of F1 Racing
    • 34:19 Training is Different for F1 Drivers
    • 37:09 Have You Seen the Movie “The Rush”?
    • 39:07 Different Driving Experiences
    • 40:15 I Love Playing the Piano
    • 42:52 How Much Time Do You Spend with Family?
    • 44:47 The Incredible Racing Track of Ayrton Senna
    • 46:10 The Pros and Cons of an F1 Simulator
    • 48:19 On Lying About Signing the F1 Contract
    • 51:37 Is Driving a Lonely Sport?
    • 53:40 How Important Is It to Win the Championship?
    • 55:02 What Would You Say to Your Future Self?
    • 56:51 How Often Do You Work with Younger Drivers?
    • 58:56 “I Love What I Do But I Want to Be the Best.”
    • 01:00:27 Charles on Final Five 

    Episode Resources:

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    6 Small Changes You Can Make Immediately To Have a Big Impact On Your Mental Wellbeing

    6 Small Changes You Can Make Immediately To Have a Big Impact On Your Mental Wellbeing

    Are you struggling with finding someone to talk to?

    What can you do during a mental health crisis?

    Today, Jay offers a wealth of practical advice aimed at enhancing mental health through simple, actionable changes. Drawing on his partnership with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Jay emphasizes the importance of recognizing Mental Health Awareness Month and the critical need for accessible mental health support.

    Jay provides a blend of personal anecdotes, research-backed insights, and practical advice, making it a must-listen for anyone looking to improve their mental well-being. He wraps up the episode with a heartfelt message of support, reminding listeners that he is always in their corner, rooting for their success and happiness.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How small changes create big impact

    How to improve at something you like to do

    How to take care of your mental health

    The simple practices to change your routine

    If you or someone you know is struggling, remember that there is help available. Let's work together to promote mental health awareness and support each other in our journey towards better mental well-being.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:20 #1: Practice A Good Evening Routine

    09:24 #2: Plan Something For Yourself And Someone Else

    14:31 #3: Get Better At The Things You’re Good At

    17:13 #4: Coloring Books Helps Your Mind Relax

    20:13 #5: Spending Time Outdoors Helps Reduce Stress

    22:05 #6: Sugary Foods Weakens the Body’s Response to Stress

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Johann Hari: Uncovering if Ozempic is a Miracle Drug or Health Hazard & 3 Things They Do Not Want To Tell About Ozempic

    Johann Hari: Uncovering if Ozempic is a Miracle Drug or Health Hazard & 3 Things They Do Not Want To Tell About Ozempic

    What motivates your weight loss journey?

    How do you stay motivated when progress is slow?

    Today, Jay welcomes Johan Hari. Johan is an acclaimed writer and journalist known for his deep investigative work on topics ranging from addiction to depression. He is the author of best-selling books like "Chasing the Scream" and "Lost Connections," which explore the root causes of addiction and depression, respectively. His latest book, "The Magic Pill," investigates the new generation of weight loss drugs and their impact on individuals and society. 

    Johan shares the story of how he first learned about these drugs at a Hollywood party and his subsequent journey to understand their true effects. This journey took him across the globe, interviewing leading experts and individuals who have experienced the drugs’ effects firsthand. He candidly shares his own experiences with Ozempic, including the unexpected emotional challenges he faced as his long-standing relationship with food was disrupted.

    The conversation also explores the broader societal implications of widespread use of weight loss drugs. Johan and Jay discuss the potential for these drugs to change cultural attitudes towards body image and obesity, for better or worse. They consider the economic ramifications, such as the declining market for fast food and medical procedures related to obesity, and what this might mean for the future of public health.  

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to evaluate benefits versus risks

    How to navigate social stigmas

    How to deal with obesity

    How weight loss drugs could shape future societal norms

    The psychological reasons behind overeating

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the complexities of modern weight loss solutions, offering a balanced view that considers both the remarkable benefits and the significant risks.

    This interview took place at Soho Home at Soho Works 55 Water. 

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    You can pre-order Charlamagne’s latest book, Get Honest or Die Lying here: https://www.simonandschuster.com/p/get-honest-or-die-lying-preorder

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:30 Is the British Accent Authoritative?

    04:16 Biggest Misconceptions About Ozempic

    08:20 Three Ways to Treat the Magic Pill

    11:35 How Obesity Became a Health Crisis

    19:42 ‘I Don’t Feel Hungry’

    28:17 The Benefits and Risks of Weight Loss Drugs

    34:36 Shame and Cruelty Against Obesity

    47:09 Advocating for Body Positivity

    54:14 Is the Fast Food Industry Shrinking?

    57:26 Big Risks When Taking Ozempic

    01:06:34 Varying Clinical Results

    01:14:18 The Most Horrific Side Effect Recorded

    01:16:11 Is Ozempic Safe for Kids?

    01:19:22 Oprah’s Ozempic Challenge

    01:22:50 Is It Cheating?

    01:26:41 Investing in Weight Loss Drugs Research

    01:27:30 How Japan Is Able to Control Obesity

    01:37:01 The Cultural Models We Can Learn from Japan

    01:40:23 Better Eating Habits is Still Necessary

    01:42:52 Johan in Final Five  

    Episode Resources:

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    How to Know if You've Been Lying to Yourself & Learn to Get Comfortable Being Honest With Yourself and Others with Charlamange Tha God

    How to Know if You've Been Lying to Yourself & Learn to Get Comfortable Being Honest With Yourself and Others with Charlamange Tha God

    Why is it challenging to acknowledge when you're lying to yourself?

    How can one maintain a habit of honesty in daily life?

    Today, let's welcome The Breakfast Club co-host Charlamagne tha God. He is a prominent media personality and New York Times bestselling author, best known for his candid approach to celebrity interviews and his advocacy for mental health. His latest book, "Get Honest or Die Lying," challenges readers to forego the superficial and engage in meaningful, transformative dialogue.

    Charlamagne shares his insights on the societal detriments of small talk and why  superficial conversations are not only a waste of time but also a significant barrier to meaningful human connection and understanding. He argues that the small, meaningless exchanges that fill our daily interactions should be replaced with deeper, more substantial dialogues that challenge, enlighten, and engage us on multiple levels.

    With Jay, Charlamagne explores the psychological and social impacts of engaging in—or avoiding—small talk. He illustrates his points with personal anecdotes and experiences, including his own struggles and breakthroughs in striving for more genuine interactions in both his personal life and professional endeavors. He stresses the importance of being present in conversations, listening actively, and expressing one’s true thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to initiate deeper discussions

    How to be honest in conversations

    How to set personal boundaries

    How to reflect on personal growth

    How to encourage others to engage

    This episode not only challenges listeners to evaluate the quality of their own conversations but also inspires them to make every word count in the quest for deeper understanding and genuine relationships.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    You can pre-order Charlamagne’s latest book, Get Honest or Die Lying here: https://www.simonandschuster.com/p/get-honest-or-die-lying-preorder

    This interview was held at Soho Home at Soho Works 55 Water.

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:01 Why Small Talk Doesn’ Work

    05:15 Be Honest About Your Feelings

    08:00 How Do You Stop Being Offended?

    09:27 Realizations During Therapy

    12:14 Not Setting Proper Boundaries

    13:32 Stop Being a People Pleaser

    16:50 Online Oversharing

    18:13 Detaching from Your Ego

    20:23 Getting Caught Up in Lies

    23:33 Passing Judgment on People We Don’t Know 

    29:09 Confronting a Cheating Father

    34:48 In-Tune with Your Visions

    39:21 Why Some Things Don’t Work

    42:36 Successful But Unhappy

    01:03:10 Don’t Make a Decision Based on Emotion

    01:06:32 Don’t Confine Yourself In Small Boxes

    01:13:24 Honest Conversations with Your Kids

    Episode Resources:

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    Laura Lynne Jackson: How to Know What Your Inner Voice Really Means & 4 Steps to Tap into Your Own Psychic Abilities

    Laura Lynne Jackson: How to Know What Your Inner Voice Really Means & 4 Steps to Tap into Your Own Psychic Abilities

    Why is it important to listen to your inner voice?

    How can you cultivate a stronger connection with your inner voice?

    In this episode, let's welcome Laura Lynne Jackson, a renowned psychic medium, author, and spiritual teacher, celebrated for her profound ability to bridge the physical and spiritual worlds. She has authored several influential books, including "The Light Between Us" and "Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe," which delve into the ways we can connect with the afterlife and harness our own psychic abilities.  She is widely respected for her compassionate approach and her commitment to helping others discover the transformative power of their own inner voices. 

    Laura shares personal stories and professional experiences that illustrate the transformative power of tuning into the inner wisdom. She outlines practical steps anyone can take to cultivate a stronger connection with their inner voice, such as meditation, reflective practices, and journaling. These activities help clear the mental clutter, allowing the inner voice to emerge more clearly and influentially.

    Jay and Laura also explore common challenges people face, like doubts and confusion about following this inner guidance, and provide reassuring advice on how to overcome these obstacles. Laura also stresses the value of trusting and acting on the insights provided by the inner voice, highlighting how this trust can lead to a more authentic, fulfilling life.

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to identify your inner voice

    How to cultivate genuine connection

    How to interpret your feelings

    How to trust your intuition

    How to apply insights to everyday life

    As you become more attuned to this powerful guide, you'll find clarity and direction in areas of life where you need it most. Don’t ignore it; embrace it and let it lead you to a more connected and fulfilling life.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:05 The Difference Between a Psychic and a Medium

    06:59 We All Have Psychic Abilities

    09:50 Discovering Your Own Ability

    17:31 My Brainwave Patterns Are Different

    22:04 The Psychic Abilities We Aren’t Aware Of

    32:17 Weakened Disconnection to Our Inner Voice

    35:50 Standing Firm with Your Moments of Knowing

    40:41 How to Reconnect with Disconnected Relationships?

    49:32 What Does Infatuation Mean?

    55:27 Vibrations of Love

    01:04:44 Living in the Present

    01:10:26 How Important Are Tangible Signs

    01:17:02 The Answers is Within Us

    01:23:14 Being Still Within Yourself

    01:25:19 Death Is Not A Dead End

    01:35:02 How to Connect with Your Soul?

    01:39:20 Getting Into Your Light Energy

    01:42:44 Laura on Final Five

    Episode Resources:

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    10 Steps on How To Set Boundaries Without Offending People

    10 Steps on How To Set Boundaries Without Offending People

    Are you struggling with setting your boundaries?

    Do you want to know how to respectfully tell others about your boundaries?

    Today, Jay questions the traditional notion that a "good person" is one who never says no. This outdated definition leads to a lack of boundaries, which ultimately harms personal well-being. By redefining what it means to be a good person, one can recognize the importance of investing in themselves and navigating difficult conversations.

    What does setting boundaries truly mean? They are defined not by what we want from others, but by what we need for ourselves. Jay explains that boundaries should not aim to control others but should protect the individual from their own triggers and provides practical advice on how to communicate boundaries effectively, suggesting the use of simple, clear statements without over-explanation.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How to set boundaries without feeling guilty

    How to NO effectively

    How to communicate boundaries clearly

    How to handle other people's reactions

    How to build confidence in setting boundaries

    Don't wait to reclaim your time, energy, and peace of mind—take control and become the assertive, self-respecting individual you deserve to be.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    01:31 Boundaries Are Often Tough to Set

    03:45 #1: Redefine What Your Boundaries Are

    09:05 #2: Clearly Communicate Your Boundaries

    11:48 #3: Be Kind, Honest, and Empathetic to Other People’s Reaction

    15:07 #4: You Subconsciously Sound Defensive When Setting Your Boundaries

    17:53 #5: Plan a Buffer

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Tiffany Haddish: 4 Ways to Navigate Complicated Family Relationships & How to Have Hard Conversations You are Avoiding

    Tiffany Haddish: 4 Ways to Navigate Complicated Family Relationships & How to Have Hard Conversations You are Avoiding

    Are you struggling with initiating difficult conversations?

    Are you struggling with having difficult conversations with family members?

    Today's guest is the hilarious and incredible story teller Tiffany Haddish, Emmy and Grammy-winning actress, comedian, and author. Known for her breakout role in "Girls Trip" and her New York Times bestselling book "The Last Black Unicorn," Tiffany has become one of the most influential voices in comedy with her sharp wit, resilience, and authentic storytelling. 

    Tiffany and Jay have a vulnerable conversation with a candid look into Tiffany’s life, showcasing her journey from a challenging upbringing to becoming one of Hollywood’s brightest stars. Tiffany shares the emotional and often tumultuous experiences she faced growing up in foster care. Despite these challenges, she credits these early adversities for instilling in her a resilience that later became instrumental in her career. Tiffany discusses how humor became her coping mechanism and how it eventually became a tool for empowerment.

    Jay and Tiffany also talk about relationships and the lessons she has learned from her experiences. She opens up about her past relationships and how they shaped her understanding of love, vulnerability, and self-respect. We get to listen to the healing power of laughter, the importance of community, and the role of faith in overcoming life’s challenges. 

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to overcome adversity

    How to turn pain into humor and use it as fuel

    How to embrace vulnerability

    How to handle criticism

    How to advocate for yourself 

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:08 Built to Have Fun

    04:19 Emotional Hoarder

    07:16 Celibacy

    12:11 Being with the Wrong Person

    15:41 Do You Believe in Past Life?

    18:06 Who Do You Want to Date?

    20:10 Growing Your Own Garden

    22:48 Growing with a Creative Mind

    25:05 Worst Thing About Being Me

    29:11 Dealing with Online Hate

    31:36 She’s Not My Mom Anymore

    37:46 Processing and Dealing with Grief

    43:36 Resenting and Forgiving My Father

    48:46 The Phone Call with My Dad

    55:24 Let’s Understand People’s Stories

    57:59 Self Care is a Process

    01:02:15 My Father Was Sick

    01:05:07 Make Home in Your Childhood Community

    01:10:29 The Love to Entertain People

    01:18:07 What Would Little T be Proud Of?

    01:20:24 Childhood Dreams

    01:25:09 TIffany on Final Five

    Episode Resources:

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Why You Are Restricting Your Desires in Your Relationship & How to Stop Blocking Yourself from the Happiness You Deserve with Lisa Bilyeu

    Why You Are Restricting Your Desires in Your Relationship & How to Stop Blocking Yourself from the Happiness You Deserve with Lisa Bilyeu

    How do you identify when you're restricting your desires in a relationship?

    How can couples work together to align their desires and ensure mutual fulfillment?

    Today, Jay welcomes back his good friend Lisa Bilyeu. Lisa is a co-founder of the billion-dollar brand Quest Nutrition and the president of Impact Theory, a digital media company aimed at empowering content. With a strong focus on developing content that speaks to personal growth and empowerment, especially for women, Lisa has been a pivotal figure in shifting paradigms within her industry. Her show, "Women of Impact," addresses issues facing modern women, combining personal anecdotes with actionable advice.

    The core theme of this conversation is outlining a roadmap for individuals seeking to overcome insecurities and cultivate a resilient, action-oriented confidence. Jay and Lisa discuss the common misconceptions around confidence, emphasizing that it is not a prerequisite for action but a result of engaging with the world despite fears and doubts.

    Lisa shares how her initial need for external validation was a significant barrier to personal growth, sharing transformative moments that reshaped her understanding of confidence and self-worth. She stresses the importance of embracing imperfection and vulnerability as catalysts for genuine self-improvement and empowerment.

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to start building confidence

    How to validate yourself

    How to prioritize personal growth

    How to handle fear of judgment

    How to transform relationships

    Together, let's continue to  question the preconceived notions about success and happiness and to take bold steps towards a life aligned with our deepest values and aspirations.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:32 How Do You Define Confidence?

    06:54 Believe You’re Capable

    09:54 Admitting That You’re Unhappy

    16:13 The Frame of Reference

    19:36 Everything Is A Risk

    27:42 Non-Negotiables in Relationships

    34:41 Conversations That Don’t Break Relationships

    41:30 Who Leads, Who Follows

    49:26 Conflicting Value System

    54:57 Don’t Assume, Find a Compromise

    59:21 Growth Mindset With Your Partner

    Episode Resources:

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    Matthew Hussey: 5 Reasons Why There is No Such Thing As The Right Person At The Wrong Time & How to Stop Missing Your Ex

    Matthew Hussey: 5 Reasons Why There is No Such Thing As The Right Person At The Wrong Time & How to Stop Missing Your Ex

    Does timing really matter in whether a relationship works?

    What are healthy ways to deal with a breakup?

    Today, let’s welcome back dating coach Matthew Hussey. Matthew is also a YouTube personality and writer known for offering advice on dating, love, and relationships to both men and women through his online content, seminars, and his book "Get The Guy." His approach typically combines practical advice, motivational coaching, and a bit of psychology to help individuals understand what they want from a relationship and how to get it.

    Matthew shares his insights on the complexities of love, self-discovery, and the importance of honest communication. He emphasizes on the significance of creating a peaceful relationship, distinguishing it from a boring one, and the value of embracing vulnerabilities to foster deeper connections. Matthew's reflections on his own experiences, coupled with his expertise, provide a comprehensive guide on navigating the challenges of modern dating, building meaningful relationships, and cultivating self-awareness. 

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to cultivate peaceful relationships without boredom

    How to deepen connections through vulnerability

    How to navigate modern dating with confidence

    How to enhance relationships with effective communication

    How to enrich love life through self-awareness

    Whether you're single, dating, or in a relationship, this episode offers valuable lessons on love, resilience, and the transformative power of embracing your true self.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    04:20 Where Does Your Idea of Love Come From?

    10:34 What Differentiates a Peaceful to a Boring Relationship?

    19:35 What Are Your Must-Haves in a Relationship?

    31:47 Tactics Are Different From Relationship Standards

    39:59 Egoic Standards Versus Setting Standards for Happiness

    51:20 Practice Having Real and Difficult Conversations

    01:04:48 The Importance of Communicating Your Thoughts and Feelings

    01:08:25 Is Your Partner the Right One for You?

    01:15:05 Dealing with the Different Phases of Heartbreak

    01:26:31 What’s Next for Matthew?    

    Episode Resources:

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    7 Ways to Reduce the Time You Spend Overthinking & Make Better Decisions Quicker

    7 Ways to Reduce the Time You Spend Overthinking & Make Better Decisions Quicker

    How do you know when you're overthinking too much?

    How can you break the cycle of overthinking?

    Today, Jay will talk about the complexity of overthinking and how we can turn it around and look at things differently. Jay presents seven practical strategies to help listeners combat the grip of overthinking. These range from the psychological—to limit how many people's opinions we seek, preventing the confusion and indecision that too many perspectives can cause—to the physical, recommending activities that disengage the analytical brain and encourage mental reset, like exercise or simply moving around.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How to use over thinking for problem-solving

    How to manage alarmed responses

    How to use physical movement for mental clarity

    How to focus on positives and small wins

    Don't let overthinking hold you back! Start implementing these strategies today and take control of your mental space.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    00:52 Has Overthinking Slowed You Down?

    07:53 The Science Behind Overthinking

    10:50 #1: Overthinking as a Problem-Solving Approach

    14:24 #2: Don’t Ask Too Many People For Their Opinion

    18:19 #3: Avoid Responding While You’re Feeling Alarmed

    19:17 #4: Move Your Body When Your Mind Is Stuck

    20:32 #5: Focus on the Good Thing and Small Wins

    22:05 #6: Spontaneous Drawings Relieve Psychological Stress

    24:23 #7: Go Back to Analog

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.