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    Connecting Hormones and Psychiatry to help more ADHD women with Dr Lotta Borg Skoglund

    enFebruary 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Intersection of ADHD and Hormonal Factors in WomenDr. Lotteborg Skoglund, a Swedish researcher, focuses on the impact of sex hormones, hormonal contraceptives, and sexual risk-taking on ADHD traits and symptoms in women, advocating for increased awareness of this critical area of neurodiversity.

      Dr. Lotteborg Skoglund, a Swedish associate professor in psychiatry and researcher, is shedding light on the intersection of ADHD and comorbid conditions, particularly focusing on females and hormonal factors. Despite coming from a family of psychiatrists, she was diagnosed with ADHD later in life, after having children. Her research explores how sex hormones, hormonal contraceptives, and sexual risk-taking interact with ADHD traits and symptoms. It's a crucial area of study as more attention is being given to the unique challenges faced by women with ADHD. Dr. Skoglund, who is also an author, has written a book titled "ADHD Girls to Women Getting on the Radar," and she's a strong advocate for raising awareness about this often overlooked aspect of neurodiversity.

    • Understanding ADHD and finding purpose in work helps prevent burnoutHaving a larger purpose and taking care of lifestyle factors can help prevent burnout for those with ADHD

      Having a clear understanding of ADHD and finding purpose in one's work can help prevent burnout for those with ADHD. The speaker shared her experience of receiving her diagnosis in her early thirties and since then, has been dedicated to helping others avoid the struggles she faced before. She emphasized the importance of having a larger purpose and contributing to something bigger than oneself to keep the internal drive going. Additionally, taking care of lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, sleep, and work-life balance are crucial for ADHDers to avoid burnout. The speaker's work through Letterlife aims to help women with ADHD be more intentional in their daily lives by providing tools and resources to manage these factors effectively.

    • Empowering Women with ADHDThe 'Letter Life' app is designed to support women with ADHD by addressing their unique challenges in executive functioning, energy regulation, emotional control, and attention processing, through personalized features and progress tracking.

      The research team behind the app "Letter Life" is dedicated to creating a tool tailored to women with ADHD, based on their unique experiences and needs. The team, made up of researchers and tech developers, identified a common theme of feeling abandoned and invalidated in their interactions with society and healthcare systems. To address this, "Letter Life" aims to provide support and resources, focusing on the executive functioning, energy regulation, emotional control, and attention processing challenges commonly experienced by women with ADHD. Through user interviews, the team gained insights into the specific needs of women with ADHD, and the app will include features to help users track their progress in managing these areas. The ultimate goal is to provide a comprehensive solution that empowers women with ADHD to better understand and manage their condition.

    • Understanding the impact of hormonal fluctuations on ADHD in womenHormonal changes significantly affect women with ADHD, causing impairments in four key areas and influencing seven lifestyle factors. Acknowledging these vulnerabilities and using tools like LaterLife can lead to improved awareness and self-management.

      ADHD and hormonal fluctuations can significantly impact women's lives, making it essential to understand these connections. The interview of patients revealed four areas where ADHD impairs them, along with seven lifestyle factors, all influenced by hormonal changes. This missing piece often leads to confusion and ineffective medical treatments. By adding the layer of hormonal fluctuation, women can predict and plan for challenging times, leading to improved awareness and self-management. The interactive platform, LaterLife, serves as a personalized journal for tracking these factors, acting as a research tool and source of feedback. It's crucial to acknowledge the vulnerability of women and girls during hormonal transitions such as puberty, pregnancy, post-childbirth, perimenopause, and menopause. Lettrid Life also focuses on building autonomy for teenagers, allowing them to develop self-awareness and self-efficacy while navigating their ADHD and hormonal fluctuations. The ADHD 247 model emphasizes the continuous presence of ADHD, which can be managed through medication and evidence-based multimodal interventions.

    • Women with ADHD find ways to navigate life despite lack of supportMore research is needed, specifically involving women, to understand mechanisms behind female mental health and ADHD, acknowledging biological differences between genders, and considering menstrual cycles in studies.

      Women with ADHD have been resourceful in finding ways to navigate their lives despite the lack of understanding and support from healthcare systems and research. These women have had to come up with their own "hacks" to live less exhaustingly. However, there is a need for more research, specifically research that involves women in the design and implementation to truly understand the mechanisms behind female mental health and ADHD. Current research is limited, and anecdotal evidence is prevalent. It's important to acknowledge and include the biological differences between males and females in studies to gain a more comprehensive understanding. Women's menstrual cycles should be taken into consideration when studying mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and ADHD. By involving women in the research process and considering the unique biological differences between genders, we can move towards more accurate and effective treatments for ADHD in women.

    • Recognizing hormonal influences in medical decisionsUnderstanding hormonal factors is crucial for effective medical care. Tools like Live2Life can provide valuable data for personalized decisions, but hormonal influences are often overlooked in healthcare.

      We need to acknowledge the importance of considering hormonal factors when making medical decisions, particularly for women. Currently, there's a lack of solid data and research on how hormones affect individuals, making it crucial for both patients and clinicians to have personalized information. As a psychiatrist, I make decisions based on what a patient shares in the moment, but lacking knowledge about hormonal influences can lead to flawed decision-making. The use of tools like Live2Life, which allows tracking of symptoms and everyday function across the hormonal cycle, can provide valuable data for clinicians to make informed decisions. However, in many areas of healthcare, including psychiatry, there's a disconnect between the brain and the body, and hormonal factors are often overlooked. It's essential to be aware that recommendations may not generalize to everyone and that we should prioritize personalized data to ensure effective and accurate medical care.

    • Women's health, hormones, and neurodivergent conditionsCollaboration between professionals from various fields can lead to better understanding and care for women's health issues, particularly for those with ADHD and hormonal fluctuations.

      There is a complex interplay between women's health, hormonal fluctuations, and neurodivergent conditions like ADHD. This interconnectedness is often overlooked, and a multidisciplinary approach involving professionals from various fields, such as psychiatry, gynecology, hormone experts, and endocrinology, can lead to better understanding and care for women's health issues. The speaker, who is a psychiatrist, shares her personal experience of collaborating with a gynecologist and how their combined expertise led to new insights about the impact of ADHD on women's health and hormonal fluctuations. They found that many women struggle with tolerating hormones and contraceptives, and this can be particularly challenging for those with ADHD. By sharing stories and experiences, building a community, and pooling knowledge, we can learn from each other and gain a deeper understanding of these complex issues.

    • Collaboration between professionals and listening to patients leads to important healthcare discoveriesThrough interdisciplinary collaboration and listening to patients, healthcare professionals can make significant discoveries that improve patient care and advance knowledge.

      Effective healthcare involves collaboration between professionals and listening to patients. In this discussion, it was initially believed that hormonal contraceptives did not cause depression. However, through a decade-long research process, it was discovered that women on oral hormonal contraceptives were five times more likely to get depressed. This discovery came about through cross-professional collaboration between a psychiatrist and a gynecologist, who both learned from each other and from their patients. The importance of precision medicine and the individualized approach to healthcare was emphasized, as this case demonstrated that neither a purely psychiatric nor gynecological perspective would have been sufficient to help the woman in question. This experience highlights the significance of patients' experiences and the importance of being open to being wrong in order to advance knowledge and improve patient care. Additionally, the speaker's personal experience with ADHD and the undiagnosed cases in her family led her to create an ADHD hormone series, further underscoring the need for comprehensive and interdisciplinary healthcare approaches.

    • Advocate for yourself in reproductive healthShare personal experiences, collect good info, understand hormones, and be ADHD informed to optimize reproductive health.

      Women should advocate for themselves when it comes to their reproductive health, especially when dealing with doctors who may not be specialized in the area. Personal experiences, such as depression and mood swings caused by hormonal contraceptives like the Mirena coil, should be shared and taken seriously. The science base for hormonal treatments is limited, making it important to collect good information and personal stories. Fluctuations in hormone levels, rather than hormone levels themselves, may be the cause of vulnerability to negative effects. Being ADHD informed and understanding one's individual ADHD profile can also help optimize hormonal stability and manage potential side effects.

    • ADHD and Menstrual Cycles: A Complex InterplayHormonal fluctuations during menstrual cycles can significantly impact women with ADHD, leading to increased anxiety and catastrophic thoughts or impulsivity. Effective treatment approaches depend on accurately distinguishing between hormonal fluctuations, anxiety, depression, and ADHD.

      For women with ADHD, the hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle can significantly impact their symptoms. During ovulation, when estrogen levels peak, those with anxiety traits may experience increased anxiety and catastrophic thoughts, making this period particularly challenging. On the other hand, for those without anxiety traits, the same hormonal fluctuations can lead to impulsivity. The combination of these hormonal changes and ADHD medication can sometimes result in dangerous impulsivity. It's essential to understand that every woman's experience with ADHD and menstrual cycles is unique, and not all will face the same consequences. For those struggling with PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) alongside ADHD, medication such as antidepressants or antianxiety drugs may be recommended during the last two weeks of their cycle to help manage symptoms. It's crucial to distinguish between hormonal fluctuations, anxiety, depression, and ADHD to determine the most effective treatment approach. To learn more about this topic, check out Lotta's book or her organization, Letterlife. While she currently doesn't offer individual consultations, her resources can provide valuable insights for managing the complex interplay of ADHD and menstrual cycles.

    • Empowering Individuals with ADHDSelf-awareness, building a community, and having a team of informed professionals can help individuals with ADHD navigate various aspects of their lives. The speaker aims to make seeking help less exhausting and more efficient for the ADHD community.

      The speaker is passionate about providing comprehensive support for individuals with ADHD, both as a clinician and through her project, Better Life. She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, building a community, and having a team of ADHD-informed professionals to help individuals navigate various aspects of their lives. The speaker also expresses her desire to make the process of seeking help less exhausting and more efficient for the ADHD community. She encourages listeners to share her work and offers resources on her website. Overall, the speaker's dedication to improving the lives of individuals with ADHD is evident, and her work is empowering for both herself and those she aims to help.

    Recent Episodes from The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast

    The TOP 5 Supplements to Take for ADHD

    The TOP 5 Supplements to Take for ADHD

    Join Kate's Live Group Coaching Summer Programme here!

    Are you curious about the best supplements for ADHD? If so, this week's episode will interest you!

    This week’s guest is Kelly Rompel. Kelly is a pharmacist, author, and Functional Medicine and Epigenetic Consultant. She is the author of “Don’t Tell Me To Relax”, host of the Rebel Whitecoat Podcast, and founder of Wildroots Wellness.

    Kelly's holistic approach combines her knowledge of pharmacy and science with her love for functional medicine, epigenetics, and energy healing.

    During this week's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Wisdom episode, Kate and Kelly speak about: 

    • How epigenetics can play into your ADHD
    • Genetic testing and ADHD
    • Foods and supplements you can incorporate to manage ADHD
    • Blood sugar level management
    • Helping our anxiety through diet change and lifestyle
    • Increasing GABA and serotonin levels
    • The BEST supplements for ADHD
    • Taking a holistic and well-rounded approach to your health
    • How Kelly came to learn about epigenetics

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    From Addiction and Impulsivity to Becoming an ADHD Movement Mentor!

    From Addiction and Impulsivity to Becoming an ADHD Movement Mentor!

    Learn more about Kate's 'Summer Live ADHD Ask-Me-Anything Programme' here.

    This week, we have Rosie Turner, founder of ADHD Untangled, on the podcast, and she tells me her story, which combines addiction, impulsivity, and restlessness, to becoming a yoga instructor, lover of exercise and now a certified ADHD coach.

    Rosie's journey into ADHD coaching is deeply personal. Following her late ADHD diagnosis, she embarked on a path of self-discovery, having grappled with chaos, addiction, burnout and mental health struggles.

    Rosie’s big U-turn came after life-altering events led her to run the London Marathon in honour of a friend who she lost due to mental health struggles.

    Rosie’s ADHD diagnosis gave her an understanding of why she was unable to find her place in the world. From then on, she made a promise to herself to spend the rest of her life doing everything she could to support those with ADHD to turn their own story of struggle into a story of strength.

    On today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Rosie speak about:

    • Rosie's chaotic life before her ADHD diagnosis
    • How Rosie started her yoga journey
    • Rosie's journey to enjoying running and movement and how this began to change her life
    • The deep connection between exercise and meditation to calming her ADHD
    • Rosie's addictive patterns, including how this impacted her exercise routine
    • How to maintain novelty and motivation with exercise and movement
    • Changing up our routines to help create motivation
    • Understanding and being aware of our individual brains
    • The shame we hold and letting it go to move forward with more balance and self-acceptance
    • Having a deeper why for having a healthier routine to combat the challenging days
    • Rosie's new ADHD coaching practice

    Connect with Rosie, her coaching work and podcast here

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    If you'd like further support regarding any of the topics today, head here:

    Help with alcohol addiction

    <a href="https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/if-youre-having-difficult-time/i-want-kill-myself/" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

    Finding ADHD Movement that Works For You

    Finding ADHD Movement that Works For You

    “We can learn so much from the movement we choose...it's really just a journey."

    In this week’s episode, my guest is Karen Broda, a fitness and mindset coach who shows you "how" to enjoy movement alongside your ADHD, while uncovering the self-sabotaging beliefs that keep you stuck in the same negative cycle—without any results. Discover how to create an ADHD structure and a system to implement daily movement that feels fun and accessible without the dread!

    On today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, we talked about:

    • Understanding how movement can help settle an ADHD brain
    • Stepping out of the shoulds with regards to exercise and finding the thing that works for you
    • The blocks that prevent us from enjoying exercise
    • ADHD-friendly movement
    • Structure and ADHD
    • Having fun and finding the type of movement that works for you
    • The foundations of a good movement practice
    • Finding your joy in movement
    • Going back to what FEELS good

    Practicing Low-Demand Parenting with ADHD

    Practicing Low-Demand Parenting with ADHD

    Before starting today's episode, why not check out Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here?

    Ever since reading about the concept of 'low-demand parenting,' which is helping many neurodivergent parents regulate their neurodivergent kids, I've been desperate to talk about this on the podcast. It was a revelation to learn that there is an actual practice where we can intentionally drop the external pressures and societal conditioning and intuitively parent our children according to their needs, energy, and nervous systems.

    I'm delighted to welcome this week's guest, Amanda Diekman, an autistic adult, parent coach, and author in the neurodiversity space. We discuss dropping demands, restoring calm, and finding connections with our children.

    Amanda became a leading voice in the movement for low-demand parenting practices with her book Low Demand Parenting, published in July 2023.  She lives with her husband and three neurodivergent children in an intentional community in Durham, NC.

    On today's episode of the ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Amanda and Kate spoke about:

    • Amanda's son's autism diagnosis journey
    • What it means to be a 'low-demand parent'
    • Re-defining how you want to parent
    • Abeism - what does this look like
    • Letting go of parenting demands, habits or standards that aren't benefiting you
    • Releasing all the expectations, pressures, shoulds and conditioning to help create a calmer environment for our family
    • Things you can drop or change to make parenting easier for you
    • Making communication safe for your autistic or neurodivergent child
    • What it means to 'un-school'
    • Dealing with systems and schools as a neurodivergent parent
    • Asking for accommodations for you and your children

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    How To Ask For Help At Work and Reduce Burnout with Leanne Maskell

    How To Ask For Help At Work and Reduce Burnout with Leanne Maskell

    If you're currently feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, join me for a new live workshop on Friday, 24th May, at 1 p.m. All details are here.

    On today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing 'Wisdom' we have the incredible Leanne Maskell. Leanne is an ADHD coach, author, and activist, having presented to the World Health Organization on improving global access to support for ADHD. 

    Previously working in mental health and disability law, Leanne set up ADHD Works to empower as many people as possible to learn how to make ADHD work for them through courses, talks, and coaching. After being diagnosed with ADHD aged 25, Leanne published three books, including ‘ADHD: an A to Z’.

    During today's conversation, Kate and Leanne talk about

    • Advocating for adjustments in the workplace
    • Masking ADHD in the workplace
    • Talking about your ADHD diagnosis at work
    • Reasonable diversity adjustments, training and policies in the workplace
    • Corporate neurodiversity
    • Celebrating achievements alongside RSD
    • Knowing our rights within the workplace
    • Leanne's books, coaching and courses
    • Burnout and our ADHD brains
    • Advocacy and our sense of social justice
    • How Leanne changed her relationship with social media
    • The power of ADHD coaching

    Also my new four-part workshop series, Regulating Your ADHD Nervous System, is available here.

    Have a read of Kate’s articles in ADDitude magazine here

    ADHD Parenting Rage and Emotional Dysregulation

    ADHD Parenting Rage and Emotional Dysregulation

    Check out Kate's brand-new workshops and resources here.

    No matter how much you love your children, any parent will admit that you have had a moment (or several!) of 'mom rage', and if this is you, I hope this conversation will help you release some of the shame you may feel. Not only do we focus on this, but we also discuss the compassion we need to show ourselves and discuss all the many moving parts of losing our sh*t as parents, including emotional dysregulation, overwhelm, resentment, society and perimenopause. I hope you find this conversation inclusive, helpful, healing, funny and relatable. And listen out for the very last few minutes, where we address some key practical tools to helping anyone out who feels this emotional dysregulation most days.

    This week's guest is Minna Dubin, the author of MOM RAGE: The Everyday Crisis of Modern Motherhood (Seal Press).

    Her writing has been featured in the New York Times, The Sunday Times Magazine, Oprah Daily, Salon, Parents, Romper, and elsewhere. As a leading feminist voice on 'Mom Rage', Minna has appeared on MSNBC, Good Morning America, The Tamron Hall Show, The BBC Woman’s Hour, and NPR. She lives in Berkeley with her husband, two kids, and no pets because enough is enough.

    On this episode of the ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Minna and Kate speak about:

    • The mental load of being a parent
    • Allowing yourself to feel your anger
    • Processing anger in a positive way
    • Parenting overwhelm
    • Shame about our emotional dysregulation
    • Conforming to social expectations
    • Working hard to keep regulated
    • The build-up of anger and resentment
    • Creating a support system for yourself
    • Letting go of martyrdom and allowing in self-compassion
    • Asking for help with parental tasks
    • Parenting neurodivergent children and the complexities
    • Being an adult without talking about kids

    Thanks to our sponsor, Get Dopa!

    Created by and for neurodivergent brains, this smart supplement contains 16 powerful nootropic ingredients. Use code Kate10 at the checkout to get your 10% discount. Click here to find out more.

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    <a href="https://www.instagram.com/kate_moryoussef/" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

    The Cerebellum and ADHD - what we need to know!

    The Cerebellum and ADHD - what we need to know!

    Check out all of Kate's latest workshops and resources here

    Did you know that we can create new neural pathways using neuroplasticity by activating a part of the brain called the cerebellum? Enhancing this part of our brain - over the pre-frontal cortex - can ease and lessen our ADHD symptoms and create a more effortless daily life.

    This week's guest is Wynford Dore, an entrepreneur on a mission to change the lives of one million children. Wynford is the founder of Zing Brain Development programmes, and for the last twenty years, He has focused on changing the world, one brain at a time. He's funded many research projects and now works with the leading academics to determine the best solutions that successfully accelerate and develop learning in the brain—which finds our hidden potential and increases mental capacity…. including creating greater, stronger emotional regulation.

    During today's episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Wynford talked about:

    • What is the cerebellum and why is it so important to neurodivergence
    • How can we stimulate and activate the cerebellum
    • Stepping out of our thinking brain, the pre-frontal cortex and executive thinking and using the cerebellum more
    • What we need to know about the cerebellum and ADHD
    • New ways of learning for neurodivergent brains
    • Creating new neural pathways and plasticity to enhance the cerebellum
    • Wynford's Zing programme to help people activate their cerebellum
    • Activities and ways to help activate the cerebellum

    Check out Kate's latest workshop and resources here

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Healing Money Trauma and Becoming Financially Resilient

    Healing Money Trauma and Becoming Financially Resilient

    Healing from financial abuse or trauma can feel scary. Our nervous system may have been used to being hypervigilant and disempowered around money due to generational trauma and not understanding our neurodivergence. Many of us don't understand the energy of money, and so much shame can be attached to our sense of self, self-worth and our unconscious relationship to money.

    This week's episode features the incredible Catherine Morgan, a multi-award-winning qualified Financial Adviser, Certified Financial Coach, Financial Abuse Specialist ®, Inherited family trauma healer, and financial therapist who specialises in helping women feel more deserving of holding money through somatic, therapeutic, and practical tools. Catherine is on a mission to reduce financial anxiety and increase financial empowerment & resilience for 1 million people worldwide.

    In this episode of the ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Catherine and Kate speak about:

    • The connection between your nervous system and your wealth
    • Why practising gratitude can increase your ability to hold money
    • How to explore your past family trauma around money
    • Letting go of old beliefs you have about your ability to make money
    • Catherine's mission is to empower women to hold and attract wealth
    • How Catherine came to her diagnosis of ADHD
    • Understanding our financial core beliefs and healing for the next generation
    • Using somatic practices to heal from financial trauma
    • Her inspiring journey to want to help women with their finances
    • What financial control and abuse can look like

    If you need further support following this episode, head here:

    Surviving Economic Abuse

    Financial Support line freephone: 08081968845

    Financial abuse: spotting the signs and leaving safely

    Womens Aid

    Check out Kate's latest workshop and resources here

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Creating a FUN and fulfilling ADHD career - yes, it is possible!

    Creating a FUN and fulfilling ADHD career - yes, it is possible!

    Looking for a fulfilling and fun career that doesn't lead to burnout and boredom, with full awareness of your ADHD? Amanda Perry is the person to listen to and this clip is as wise as they get!

    As many of us know, overworking and not prioritising our mental health can be a trait many of us relate to - this may have been a pattern your undiagnosed self fell into for many years.

    We discuss this with guest Amanda Perry, a serial entrepreneur and ADHD advocate. Following her diagnosis in 2020, she realized she had built a prison instead of a business, so she set about creating a life that worked WITH her brain instead of against it. She now helps other founders create their own version of success, balancing the value of time, energy, and money.

    In today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Amanda talked about:

    • Getting clear on your values so you can create a career that includes them
    • Deciding how you want your work to make you feel
    • Non-negotiable values for our ADHD careers
    • Having fun, creating systems and making money!
    • Amanda's journey in business being undiagnosed ADHD
    • Creating ADHD-friendly systems to make life easier
    • Having the courage to change and pivot in business
    • Upper limiting ourselves as self-protection
    • Putting our nervous system first
    • Having autonomy over your mental health

    Have a look at some of Kate's workshops and free resources here.

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here

    Follow Kate on Instagram here

    Have a read of Kate’s articles in ADDitude magazine here

    Rewiring Our ADHD Brains to Form Healthier and Sustainable Habits

    Rewiring Our ADHD Brains to Form Healthier and Sustainable Habits

    Neuroscience has become a recent fascination of mine as it explains so much about our ADHD brain and the many traits, tendencies, and behaviours that come along for the ride. The more we understand our beautiful yet complex neurobiology, the more empowered we are to make sustainable and manageable changes to better enhance our lives.

    So, I'm delighted to welcome this week's guest, Nicole Vignola, a neuroscientist, author, consultant, and brain performance coach, to the podcast.

    Nicole's first book, Rewire: Your Neurotoolkit for Everyday Life, will be published in May 2024. Pre-orders are available now.

    On today's episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Nicola speak about:

    • The science behind meditation
    • The brain's negativity bias
    • The function of the brain's 'DMN' AND 'TPN'
    • How self-interruptions affect our daily life
    • The power of meditation for emotional regulation
    • Nicole's tips for feeling more calm and positive
    • Feeling more self-aligned
    • The damaging effects of your phone and social media
    • Ways to be more mindful of your phone usage
    • Understanding dopamine better
    • The life-changing benefits of a healthier sleep routine
    • How hydrating first thing can be essential for the ADHD brain
    • How visualising works in the brain and how it can improve our habits
    • Aphantasia and learning how to visualise

    You can find out more about Nicole via her website, www.nicolesneuroscience.com.

    Thanks to our sponsor, Get Dopa!

    Created by and for neurodivergent brains, this smart supplement contains 16 powerful nootropic ingredients. Use code Kate10 at the checkout to get your 10% discount. Click here to find out more.

    Have a look at some of Kate's workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here

    Related Episodes

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    507 | Neurodiverging, Masking, Burnout, and More - with Danielle Sullivan
    In today’s episode, Danielle Sullivan joins the podcast! Danielle is the founder of Neurodiverging Coaching, which offers sliding scale neurodiversity-affirming coaching options for the community.  Danielle is also a certified Positive Psychology coach, a certified Parent Coach, and a certified trauma-informed specialist!  They had intended to remain in academia to work on gendered disability and religion, but then pivoted after she was diagnosed as autistic around age 30 after her eldest child was also diagnosed.  In looking for resources for herself, she found very little, and began producing the Neurodiverging Podcast to try and develop and offer resources for others like her. In this episode, you’ll hear about communication nuances and unpacking the challenges and adaptability for people with both ADHD and autism across different social contexts, managing the home, exploring home dynamics and practices for managing a neurodiverse household, and the importance of non-judgemental regulation. Then, you’ll hear discussions about advocacy, ableism, confronting ableism, burnout and understanding burnout with sensory overload, burnout strategies and prevention, and explorations with technology and ADHD.  Learn more about Danielle and find their podcast at Neurodiverging.com Questions/Topics:  [00:01:36] Episode Summary [00:03:21] Introducing Danielle [00:06:29] Sensory differences, being the “difficult child”, stereotypical presentations, and exploring autism as an adult [00:09:53] A discussion on politeness norms and how environment can affect presentation  [00:13:28] Coping with variables and novel situations  [00:15:08] Managing a neurodivergent household, sensory mismatches, overwhelm, and regulation strategies  [00:19:34] “What if I just do one more thing?”  [00:23:53] Raising awareness around autism in adults: What is Neurodiverging all about?  [00:27:53] Industries attempting to accommodate [00:29:13] A discussion on internalized ableism  [00:33:04] Overly formal speech, chronic ear infections, and asynchronous development  [00:37:37] A discussion on burnout: neurotypical vs. neurodivergent burnout  [00:41:33] Recognizing burnout, autistic behaviors, and the effects of a dysregulated nervous system [00:45:19] “If you can name it, you can tame it.”  [00:46:30] Danielle’s go-to strategies for managing burnout and burnout prevention  [00:47:03] Learning about your own sensory systems and triggers  [00:48:49] An ADHD moment…   [00:49:42] Addressing physical stress, emotions in the body, and closing the stress-cycle  [00:53:29] Words of wisdom and closing thoughts  Resources & Honorable Mentions: Book: Burnout - The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA   🌟 Go to adhdrewired.com/Patreon where you can get an uninterrupted listening experience of this show and bonus content when you become a Patron at $5 a month or more! You can even join Eric every 4th Tuesday of the month for a Patron-only monthly coaching call at $25 a month!  🌟 Looking for real-time accountability? Want weekly check-ins to keep your momentum going on your most dreaded tasks or projects? Go to adultstudyhall.com to join our ADHD-friendly body-doubling community! 🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information on the upcoming season of ADHD reWired's award-winning Coaching & Accountability groups!

    Understanding ADHD & Women: A Conversation With Dr. Ashley Junghans-Rutelonis

    Understanding ADHD & Women: A Conversation With Dr. Ashley Junghans-Rutelonis

    In a discussion with LifeSpeak Inc.'s VP, Content Marianne Wisenthal, Dr. Ashley Junghans-Rutelonis explains how ADHD impacts and presents in women and girls. The psychologist debunks myths about symptoms, why a professional diagnosis is crucial, and how women with ADHD can truly thrive as parents, partners, and in the workplace.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    100. Heather Grzych on the Wisdom of the Body

    100. Heather Grzych on the Wisdom of the Body

    Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych and some of her guests discuss what the wisdom of the body really means. Hear from inspiring guests like transformational teacher Kute Blackson, immunologist Dr. Azza Gadir, fertility specialist Dr. Cindy Duke, physicist Sky Nelson-Issacs, neuroscientist Rowshanak Hashemiyoon, Native American healer Kevin Martin and musician Jack Stafford. Learn how you too are a part of nature, and how to find that perfect balance between fate, free will and surrender.

    Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility and the host of the Wisdom of the Body podcast. A board-certified Ayurvedic practitioner, she teaches the Regenerative Fertility Method to support future generations worldwide. Heather is on the board of directors for the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) and has consulted with doctors, governments, and insurance companies. She offers virtual consultations and programs worldwide. www.heathergrzych.com  

    Connect with Heather:




    Read the first six pages of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility for FREE:



    Connect with Heather to balance your health for your fertility:



    This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only.

    099. Heather Grzych on Deep Body Dive

    099. Heather Grzych on Deep Body Dive

    Listen to author and Ayurvedic practitioner Heather Grzych guide you to feel deeply into the experience of one part of your body using the sense of touch and your interoception. Discover how to stop going an inch deep and a mile wide, and instead develop both internal and external sensory perception. Spend a little time feeling your own body and see how your experience of the world changes!

    Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility and the host of the Wisdom of the Body podcast. A board-certified Ayurvedic practitioner, she teaches the Regenerative Fertility Method to support future generations worldwide. Heather is on the board of directors for the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) and has consulted with doctors, governments, and insurance companies. She offers virtual consultations and programs worldwide. www.heathergrzych.com  

    Connect with Heather:




    Read the first six pages of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility for FREE:



    Connect with Heather to balance your health for your fertility:



    This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only.

    511 | Friendships with ADHD - with Trina Haynes

    511 | Friendships with ADHD - with Trina Haynes
    This week, Trina Haynes from MyLadyADHD joins the show! Trina is the founder of My Lady ADHD, which empowers and supports individuals facing ADHD challenges!  She created a safe space and vibrant community for women, drawing from her own personal ADHD journey.  Trina is also the host of the My Lady ADHD Podcast, and is the cofounder of Get Lost Retreats, featuring regular ADHD women’s retreats around the globe! Learn more about Trina at MyLadyADHD.com! Check out Get Lost Retreats at getlostretreats.com Questions/Topics:  [00:00:42] Introducing Trina  [00:01:55] Eric and Trina talk about the struggle of making friends and maintaining friendships  [00:06:45] Executive functions, planning & scheduling, maintenance, and avoidance [00:07:47] Perceived rejections, shame, and assuming the best of intentions  [00:10:18] Connecting with ADHDers vs. connecting with neurotypicals  [00:11:25] An ADHD moment… then, a discussion on fizzled-out friendships  [00:14:18] The difficulty of making friends after lockdown and isolation  [00:15:15] Introversion, extroversion, and recovery time  [00:16:44] FOMO (fear of missing out) and the challenge of transitions to stop when being with friends  [00:23:44] Another ADHD moment… [00:24:30] Trina shares lessons learned from friendships that didn’t last, why friendships might not always last, and the importance of communicating clear intentions  [00:26:48] Friendships, feedback, investing, and balance  [00:31:13] Eric and Trina take an intentional moment to reach out to a friend [00:32:26] Managing emotions when worrying if friends will be upset with you, the importance of repair, and being a people-pleaser [00:36:36] Personal dumpster fires, healing, and exploring [00:39:37] The importance of going back to basics and max-capacities [00:47:16] Phone tools and apps to help with communication [00:50:23] Frontloading conversations with honesty and vulnerability [00:51:44] How to get in touch with Trina and closing thoughts  Resources & Honorable Mentions: Hear Eric on Trina’s podcast on the My Lady ADHD Podcast Hear Trina and other panelists on ADHD reWired’s Live Q&A from August 8th - Episode 500 🌟 Have you heard about our Adult Study Hall Community? Go to adultstudyhall.com to join our ADHD-friendly body-doubling community! 🌟 Interested in group coaching and want to take your ADHD management to the next level? Go to coachingrewired.com to get all the up-to-date information on the upcoming season of ADHD reWired's award-winning Coaching & Accountability groups!