
    Cody Ko On Building A YouTube Empire, Partying With Elon & Stand-Up Comedy

    enOctober 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Cody Ko's Journey: From Jobless to App DeveloperInitiate, be resourceful, and think outside the box when faced with challenges. Determination and creativity are key in achieving success.

      Cody Ko's journey into app development started with a need for a job and money after graduating from college. Despite not having an internship or any experience, he taught himself iOS development and created a viral app called CAPTAT. The app allowed users to select or take a picture and automatically add funny captions to it. To make it stand out, Cody intentionally included inappropriate captions that would be released after the Apple review process. This led to the app gaining attention and popularity. This story emphasizes the importance of taking initiative, being resourceful, and thinking outside the box when faced with challenges. Cody's determination and creativity played a vital role in his success as an app developer.

    • From unexpected success to entrepreneurial endeavors: Cody Ko's journey in the app industry.Success can come from unexpected opportunities, even without prior knowledge or experience. Seize those opportunities and have the courage to pursue your entrepreneurial endeavors.

      Cody Ko experienced unexpected success with his app, I'd Cap That, without any marketing effort or knowledge about business. This led him to seek advice on how to monetize his app, and he was advised to sell ads. He received an email from a CEO in Palo Alto who wanted to buy his app, resulting in a trip to Silicon Valley and the acquisition of his app for $50k. Cody Ko then embarked on creating paid versions of his app, which generated substantial revenue. This initial taste of success gave him the courage to pursue further entrepreneurial endeavors. The key lesson here is that sometimes unexpected opportunities can arise, and success can be achieved through seizing those opportunities, even without prior knowledge or experience.

    • Cody Ko's Authentic Journey to Online SuccessConsistent content creation, genuine approach, and a balance between work and passion contributed to Cody Ko's rise to fame, highlighting the importance of authenticity in building an audience.

      Cody Ko's journey to building an audience and gaining recognition was not an overnight success. Unlike other creators who blew up out of nowhere, Cody had to grind his way up by consistently creating content and engaging with the community. He initially started making videos as a hobby, treating it as an art rather than a job. This sincerity and genuine approach resonated with his audience and helped him stand apart from those who were solely focused on becoming famous. Cody's ability to balance his job and passion for content creation also played a role in maintaining authenticity. The downfall of Vine was attributed to its difficulty in monetization and Twitter's struggle in the same aspect.

    • Unveiling the Power of Content and DedicationStay persistent and dedicated to your craft, as unexpected successes can come from hard work and the power of your content.

      Both Cody Ko and Shaan Puri experienced moments in their careers where they realized the impact and success of their content. For Cody Ko, it was when he woke up to a million views on one of his videos, something he had never expected. This signaled a major shift in his perspective and showed him the power of his content. Similarly, when Cody and his partner Noel went on tour and saw their tickets selling out, it reinforced the fact that their online presence was translating into real-world success. These moments of realization highlight the importance of staying persistent and dedicated to your craft, as you never know when your hard work will pay off and lead to unexpected successes.

    • Cody Ko's Evolution Through Repetition and Potential for SuccessCody Ko's live shows evolved through repetition and small audience-based alterations, showcasing the power of repetition and evolution in creating successful shows, and highlighting his potential to become a billionaire.

      In short, one big takeaway from the conversation is that Cody Ko and his live shows evolved over time through repetition. By touring the world and performing over 100 shows, they were able to script and memorize their performances, making each show almost identical. However, they would make small alterations based on audience reactions, allowing the show to evolve. Additionally, Shaan Puri mentioned that Cody Ko has the potential to become a billionaire, just like other successful creators such as Mister Beast and Dude Perfect. This acknowledgement surprised Cody Ko, but it speaks to his audience, intelligence, and capability to optimize his content. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of repetition and evolution in creating entertaining and successful shows and the recognition of Cody Ko's potential for further success.

    • Breaking Stereotypes and Creating OpportunitiesSuccess requires taking risks and going against stereotypes. It is important to be proactive, create opportunities, and continuously improve skills through practice and learning from experience.

      Success often requires individuals to take risks and go against stereotypes. The conversation between Shaan Puri and Cody Ko highlights the challenges faced in the entertainment industry, particularly for actors who are typecast based on their appearance. While it may be tempting to wait for the "right" opportunity, it is important to be proactive and create opportunities for oneself. Both Puri and Ko share personal experiences of breaking out of their respective stereotypes and finding success by taking unconventional paths. Additionally, the discussion emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement through practice and learning from experience. Whether it is creating podcasts or producing music, growth comes from consistently honing one's skills, even if the early attempts are not perfect.

    • The Value of Consistent Practice and Problem-SolvingContinuous growth and improvement come from consistent practice, problem-solving, and the desire to overcome obstacles.

      Consistent practice and repetition is key to improvement. Cody Ko and Shaan Puri discuss how they learned to speak and interact better in their videos through countless repetitions. They emphasize the importance of not interrupting each other, being conscious of the audience's preferences, and allowing each other to speak and breathe. This shows that with every rep, they got a little bit better, finding joy in seeing evidence of their improvement. Furthermore, they discuss how happiness comes from solving problems, rather than not having them. They highlight the satisfaction derived from choosing a set of problems in endurance races as well as in business ventures like developing their own products. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that continuous growth and improvement come from consistent practice and the desire to overcome obstacles.

    • Cody Ko's foray into the fitness industry and the challenges of blending humor and authenticity in his promotions.Cody Ko is exploring the fitness industry while facing the challenge of creating genuine fitness content with his comedic background. He considers adopting a relaxed persona and seeks inspiration from successful entrepreneurs like Jesse Itzler.

      Cody Ko is venturing into the fitness industry with his run club and fitness-focused products. He admits to battling with himself over the tone of his promotions, as comedy is his usual crutch. While he enjoys blending humor and fitness, he acknowledges that he's not the typical fitness guy, making it a challenge to create authentic fitness content. Nonetheless, he sees potential in this direction and hopes to expand into other fitness-related ventures. In their conversation, Shaan Puri suggests that Cody could take an opposite approach to the intense motivational speaker David Goggins, embracing a softer and laid-back persona. The duo also discuss the success of entrepreneur Jesse Itzler, who transitioned from being a white rapper to creating jingles and eventually selling a company for millions, owning a piece of an NBA team, and endorsing ZICO coconut water.

    • Enhancing Productivity with a Virtual AssistantA virtual assistant can alleviate tedious tasks, increase efficiency, and allow business owners to focus on more important aspects of their business.

      Having a virtual assistant can greatly enhance productivity and alleviate the burden of tedious tasks. The speaker shares their personal experience of how a virtual assistant helps them with various responsibilities, such as filling out forms, compiling business metrics, and managing personal to-do lists. They mention that a virtual assistant is a worthwhile investment for any business owner, regardless of the size of their business. The speaker recommends a platform called supportshepherd.com to find a reliable virtual assistant. Additionally, they highlight the importance of delegation by mentioning how they provide assistants for their COO and CMO. Overall, the key takeaway emphasizes the value and affordability of having a virtual assistant to improve efficiency and focus on more important aspects of business.

    • The transformative power of physical fitness and pursuing ambitious goals.Pursuing physical activities and setting ambitious goals can lead to increased confidence, happiness, and personal growth. Don't limit yourself and push beyond your perceived limits.

      Pursuing physical activities like running and training for marathons can have a profound impact on one's confidence and happiness. For Cody Ko, running became not just a way to stay in shape, but also a personal challenge that he continuously pushed himself to conquer. Through the process of training for ultra marathons and an Ironman, he was able to rediscover his confidence and find joy in his life. This highlights the transformative power of physical fitness and setting ambitious goals. Additionally, Ko's experience with music videos showcases the importance of not limiting oneself and pursuing creative endeavors, even if they may seem out of reach at first. It's a reminder that we are capable of accomplishing more than we may initially believe.

    • From Comedy Songs to Million-Stream HitsEmbrace humor and creativity, seize opportunities, and don't be afraid to start small – success can come from unexpected places.

      Cody Ko and his friend started off making comedy songs as a way to have fun and not take themselves too seriously. They created songs like "Keep your dick fat" and "Superzan" without necessarily knowing the meaning behind mainstream rap lyrics. Despite their initial lack of experience and resources, they were able to produce music videos and release their songs on platforms like Spotify. These videos gained popularity due to their comedic value, leading to increased streams and opportunities for more music production. Eventually, they signed a music deal and released successful songs like "Broke Bitch" with millions of streams. This highlights the power of embracing humor and creativity, even in industries like music, and taking advantage of opportunities that come your way.

    • Embracing Growth through Feedback and LaughterContinuous improvement requires a receptive mindset, open to feedback and new ideas. Strive for progress by embracing constructive criticism and finding ways to make your endeavors better.

      The hosts recognize the value of constructive criticism and constantly striving for improvement. They understand the importance of starting off on a good note and making their audience laugh from the beginning. Additionally, they discuss ideas and brainstorm together, exploring new possibilities and potential ventures. They are open to feedback and willing to adapt their creative process to enhance the quality of their show. This mindset can be applied to various aspects of life, emphasizing the significance of continuous growth and taking feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve. Overall, this takeaway showcases the importance of being receptive to feedback and constantly seeking ways to make progress in any endeavor.

    • Creating Opportunities for Creators: A Shark Tank-like Platform for Funding and SupportCreators require financial support and managerial guidance to bring their ideas to life, and a dedicated platform can provide funding, mentorship, and AI-powered tools to help them succeed in the creator economy.

      There is a need for a Shark Tank-like platform specifically for creators. This idea of creators pitching their channels or TikTok ideas and receiving funding is attractive because every creator needs money to fund their ideas. Just like in traditional business settings, where entrepreneurs receive investments, creators also require financial support to create their content. Additionally, this platform can offer additional benefits, such as the judges becoming their managers and receiving a percentage of their future earnings. The success of platforms like Cameo highlights the potential for innovative ideas to thrive in the creator economy. Furthermore, the integration of AI technology can revolutionize the creator industry by assisting with tasks like thumbnails and titles, making content more eye-catching and engaging.

    • The Power of AI in Thumbnail Creation and Podcast AdsAI has the potential to revolutionize marketing strategies by creating unique content through AI-generated podcast ads and eye-catching thumbnails. Unexpected connections can lead to incredible opportunities.

      AI can revolutionize thumbnail creation and podcast ads. Cody Ko and Shaan Puri discuss the importance of standing out with thumbnails and how Hitler used black and white contrast to make his marketing distinct. They also explore the possibilities of AI-generated podcast ads that mimic their voices, eliminating the need for recording. Furthermore, Cody shares his surreal experience of partying with Post Malone and meeting Elon Musk through him, highlighting the power of unexpected connections. This conversation underscores the potential of AI to enhance marketing strategies and create unique content, while also reminding us of the incredible opportunities that can arise from unlikely encounters.

    • Unpredictable and Unforgettable Celebrity EncountersWhen meeting celebrities, balance enthusiasm with respect for personal boundaries, and approach the experience with a light-hearted attitude.

      Meeting celebrities can be both bizarre and exciting. The experience shared by Shaan Puri and Cody Ko with Elon Musk was filled with unexpected moments and surreal encounters. From arriving at Elon Musk's house with lanterns and no furniture to witnessing him and Grimes making out, the night was truly unique. Despite feeling like outsiders, Shaan and Cody tried to be respectful and not be a nuisance. This highlights the importance of maintaining a balance between shared enthusiasm and respecting personal boundaries when meeting famous individuals. It also reminds us that celebrity encounters can be unpredictable and should be approached with a light-hearted attitude.

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    My First Million
    enMay 31, 2024

    How This Ex-Navy SEAL Turned A Book Into A $1M+ Empire - Jack Carr

    How This Ex-Navy SEAL Turned A Book Into A $1M+ Empire - Jack Carr
    Episode 590:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) talks to #1 New York Times bestselling author Jack Carr ( https://twitter.com/JackCarrUSA ) about how he churns out hit after hit and what the SEALs has taught him about hardship, mission readiness, and hitting targets.  Want to see Sam and Shaan’s smiling faces? Head to the MFM YouTube Channel and subscribe - http://tinyurl.com/5n7ftsy5 — Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (1:15) Launching a book how Red Bull launches a drink (7:30) 6 books in 6 years (9:41) Manifesting success from age 11 (11:36) Defining your own calculus (13:35) Lessons from Mr Ballen and other SEALs (15:23) Made-to-stick branding (19:44) How to build an audience today (24:10) The writing and launch process (26:11) Master the one-pager (28:43) Anti self-publishing (30:03) Modern masculinity in America (33:26) Creating a rite of passage (37:27) Voluntary hardship (39:36) Manifesting Chris Pratt (44:51) Hitting your mission (48:38) Jack's recommended reading list — Links: • Jack Carr - https://www.officialjackcarr.com/ • Made to Stick - https://tinyurl.com/2rumfmjw • The Comfort Crisis - https://tinyurl.com/y5wfjnfz • The Terminal List - https://tinyurl.com/2cvvmtfx • The Successful Novelist - https://tinyurl.com/4ba29jtn • The Hero with a Thousand Faces - https://tinyurl.com/2bnmxua4 • Get HubSpot's Free AI-Powered Sales Hub: enhance support, retention, and revenue all in one place https://clickhubspot.com/sym — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Pitch your startup for a shot at a $1M investment with Sam Parr as the MC https://clickhubspot.com/pitch — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
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    How To Master Storytelling

    How To Master Storytelling
    Episode 589:  Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) sits down with David Perell to reveal every framework he knows to become a better storyteller, a better writer, and a better creator of binge-worthy content. This episode was originally recorded for the podcast “How I Write,” hosted by David Perell. —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2BnqYArwaw Want to see Sam and Shaan’s smiling faces? Head to the MFM YouTube Channel and subscribe - http://tinyurl.com/5n7ftsy5 — Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (3:16) Binge bank (6:03) Storytelling (8:05) Intention & Obstacle (14:22) Hasan Minhaj (15:53) Writing vs Speaking (18:06) Pacing (19:01) Hooks vs Frames (22:30) Viral tweets (26:49) MrBeast (27:26) Storyworthy (29:10) 5-second moment of change (32:02) Origin Stories (42:07) Tony Robbins (43:25) Transformations (44:12) Steven Bartlett (46:17) Viral videos (49:09) Miss Excel (56:04) Change your state & focus (58:31) Paul Graham (1:03:43) Advice to writers (1:06:53) Writer's voice (1:11:48) Dave Chappelle vs Netflix (1:18:18) Distribution (1:21:40) Twitter / X (1:32:34) Writing with humor (1:45:02) Newsletters — Links: • Write of Passage - https://writeofpassage.com/ • David on Twitter - https://twitter.com/david_perell • David’s Website - https://perell.com/ • David Perell on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0a_pO439rhcyHBZq3AKdrw • David’s Podcast - https://writeofpassage.com/how-i-write • Get HubSpot's Free AI-Powered Sales Hub: enhance support, retention, and revenue all in one place https://clickhubspot.com/sym — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Pitch your startup for a shot at a $1M investment with Sam Parr as the MC https://clickhubspot.com/pitch My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enMay 27, 2024

    How Gary Vee Predicts The Next Facebook (Every Time)

    How Gary Vee Predicts The Next Facebook (Every Time)
    Episode 588:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) chop it up with Gary Vee about which of his investments paid off the most, how much cash he keeps as a safety net and what he’s noticed from hanging out with people like Logan Paul, Zuck, and MrBeast.  Want to see Sam and Shaan’s smiling faces? Head to the MFM YouTube Channel and subscribe - http://tinyurl.com/5n7ftsy5 Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (1:28) Good news for the “C” students out there (5:31) Break the Web (8:12) Attention is the only universal asset class (12:26) Perplexity.ai/podcast (14:30) Alex Schultz on growth and language translation (16:23) Adult camps better than conferences (20:06) Millionaires v billionaires (25:44) Planning for a post-iPhone world (28:43) Gary's safety net (31:41) Micro v macro gratitude (37:45) Gary's best investment (39:08) Gary's take of Zuck, Logan Paul (45:44) Who Gary admires — Links: • Gary Vaynerchuk - https://garyvaynerchuk.com/ • Gary on Twitter - https://twitter.com/garyvee • Day Trading Attention - https://tinyurl.com/yckc8erw • Break The Web - https://www.breaktheweb.co/ • Lecture 6 - Growth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_yHZ_vKjno • Get HubSpot's Free AI-Powered Sales Hub: enhance support, retention, and revenue all in one place https://clickhubspot.com/sym — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Pitch your startup for a shot at a $1M investment with Sam Parr as the MC https://clickhubspot.com/pitch — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enMay 22, 2024

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    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com

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