
    6 Steps To Take Control Of Your Life

    en-usJune 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Six Steps to Take Control of Your Life by Rob DialTake a three-month break from non-essential activities and people to focus on necessary things and see how this technique could help you achieve self-improvement and reach a better version of yourself.

      No matter where you are in life, whether you want to improve yourself or at rock bottom, Rob Dial provides six steps to take back control of your life. His tip for making a massive change in life is to disappear for three months and focus on only necessary things. Disappearing doesn't mean abandoning the family, but excluding all activities and people who are not essential to your current life. Even if you have only work and no family, you can skip everything else and see how it works for you. This technique could help you achieve a higher level of self-improvement and a better version of yourself.

    • Six Daily Habits to Reset Your LifeTo reset your life, start with six daily habits including meditation in the morning. Dedicate 10-20 minutes to meditate, setting intentions for the day. After 90 days of consistency, you can emerge as a better version of yourself.

      To reset your life, dedicate yourself to six daily habits, starting with meditation for at least 10-20 minutes every morning. Within the first 15-20 minutes of waking up, your subconscious is most influencive, so this is the best time to meditate and set intentions for the day. Changing your life doesn't necessarily take a long time, but it does require hard dedication. Don't be afraid to take a hard reset and unplug from old habits and ways of thinking. After 90 days of consistently practicing new habits, you can emerge as a better version of yourself. Remind yourself to respect the hard work it takes, and be committed to improving yourself.

    • Implementing Daily Meditation and Movement for Improved Well-BeingStarting with just 10 minutes daily, gradually increasing the duration, and making meditation a non-negotiable part of your morning routine for at least 90 days can lead to significant benefits. Daily exercise or movement is also crucial for maintaining balance and fulfillment.

      Meditation is a great way to reset your fears, worries, and beliefs, and to become more calm and centered. Starting with just 10 minutes daily and gradually increasing the duration over time can lead to significant benefits. It's recommended to make meditation a non-negotiable part of your morning routine for at least 90 days. Additionally, daily exercise or movement is crucial to maintaining a hard reset and improving overall well-being. By incorporating these daily practices into your routine, you can achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    • Treating your body like a temple: Move and Nourish for a better life.Daily movement and a specific diet can improve overall health and well-being. Treat your body like a temple, not a tent. Find a lifestyle diet that works for you and stick to it to meet your body's needs.

      Your body is an amazing machine and treating it like a temple by moving it every day and nourishing it with a specific diet can improve your overall health and well-being. Most people treat their body like a tent instead of a temple. Moving your body regularly helps make it easier to move and find the balance you need to live a serene and amazing life. Find a specific lifestyle diet that works for you, whether it's vegan, vegetarian, or carnivore, and stick to it. Treating your body like a separate being outside of you can help you meet its needs and live a healthy life.

    • How to Improve Your Health and Wellness Through Intuitive Eating and a Balanced DietAdopting a healthy mindset and consistent lifestyle changes can improve your physical and mental well-being. Avoid processed foods, seed oils, sugar, and alcohol to boost productivity and focus. Stick to a good diet and workout routine for optimal results.

      Start eating intuitively and have a balanced diet that works for your body type. Avoid processed foods, seed oils, and sugar. Removing alcohol from your diet will also improve your overall health and mental clarity. Working out every day and eating right can significantly change your life. Alcohol stays in your system for up to 80 hours, hindering your productivity for days. Take care of your body, and everything else will fall into place. Consistency in a healthy mindset shift is crucial for a better lifestyle. Stick to a good diet for the next 90 days for optimal results. Focus on being the best version of yourself.

    • Unleashing our Potential through Mindful Self-AwarenessTo achieve success and happiness, we need to take care of our mind and body by removing alcohol and journaling regularly. Question everything, know our emotions, find triggers, and become self-aware to make better decisions and unlock our full potential.

      To give a hundred percent of ourselves in everything we do, we need to take care of our mind and body. Removing alcohol from our life and journaling regularly can help us understand ourselves better by becoming curious about the stories, traumas, identities, and personalities that run inside our heads. We must question everything, know our emotions, and find out what triggers them to move forward confidently, like a detective solving a case. This will give us clarity about our past and present, and it will help us make better decisions that will shape our future. Being mindful and self-aware will unlock our full potential to achieve success, happiness, and fulfillment in life.

    • Discovering Your Desires for SuccessAsking yourself specific questions, journaling daily, and setting non-negotiables can help understand yourself better. Knowing your unique goals can lead to success in all areas of life.

      Asking yourself what you want is a powerful way to understand yourself better and make progress in various areas of life. You can start by asking vague questions like 'What do I want?' and then get specific by asking what you want in your relationships, career, personal space, etc. Journaling every day and deciding your non-negotiables are also important steps in making progress. It's important to remember that we are all working on something different and our non-negotiables may be unique to our situation. By understanding yourself better and setting clear goals, you can overcome obstacles and achieve success in your personal and professional life.

    • Taking Control of Your Life through Non-NegotiablesIdentify your non-negotiables and dedicate yourself to them to become a more evolved version of yourself. To take back control of your life, do what you need to do and reset. Your dedication and care can bring immense change.

      To become a more evolved version of yourself, focus on figuring out your non-negotiables, something that makes you more expansive and dedicate yourself to it. It could be gratitude, prayer, or business outreach. But the key is to take back control of your life by disappearing from anyone else, doing whatever you need to do and resetting your life. Your life can change immensely in a short period of time based on how dedicated and how much you care about making a shift in your life. Taking control of your life could be something as simple as turning your phone off at 6:00 PM and spending quality time with the family, doing 50 cold calls every single day for the next 90 days or dedicating yourself to anything that makes you a more conscious human being.

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
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    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
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    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
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    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

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    4 Strategies To Master Time Management

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    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

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    “Celebrate life and recognise the gift of living. Live don’t exist.”



    Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological condition in the UK. It devastates lives and there’s no cure. Yet.

    As a proud supporter of Parkinson's UK, the Focus on WHY podcast is supporting this charity by including their Time for Can campaign in this episode. You can help fund the next treatment. If you've felt inspired by what you've heard today, please donate by visiting: www.parkinsons.org.uk/donate



    Amy is a Coach, Mentor, iTunes #1 Podcaster, Mastermind Host, Speaker and Property Investor. Through coaching and workshops, Amy works with businesses to Focus on WHY to create people-centred environments, by improving productivity and employee engagement by focusing on fulfilment, values and purpose.

    Amy inspires and empowers entrepreneurial clients to discover the life they dream of by assisting them to make it their reality through their own action taking. Helping them to focus on their WHY with clarity uniting their passion and purpose with a plan to create the life they truly desire.

    If you would like Amy to help you focus on your WHY then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall 

    For those in business, would you like to know how you can increase productivity, claw back valuable time, gain clarity in your decision-making and improve employee fulfilment in your business? Then book yourself in for a free business WHY pulse heartbeat call with Amy today.



    Please sign up for the weekly Friday Focus newsletter at https://www.amyrowlinson.com/subscribe-to-weekly-newsletter










    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence.

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    “Sometimes you're a spectator in your own mind. So you are basically just recording what's being played out in your head.”



    On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft: Twentieth Anniversary Edition with Contributions from Joe Hill and Owen King by Stephen King - https://amzn.to/3AJP2F4

    Hotel Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones - https://amzn.to/2XPo9AW

    The Witches of St Petersburg by Imogen Edwards-Jones - https://amzn.to/3AJPnHQ

    Fashion Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones - https://amzn.to/3oo8MuL

    Beach Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones - https://amzn.to/3kHGSHL



    Imogen Edwards-Jones is an award-winning journalist, broadcaster, novelist and screenwriter responsible for the hugely successful Babylon series, which includes the Sunday Times best sellers Hotel Babylon, Air Babylon, Fashion Babylon. The series has sold over 1.5 million copies in the UK alone, been translated into some twenty different languages worldwide and made into two BBC Primetime TV shows.

    A broadcaster for BBC Radio 4 and 5 and television presenter, Imogen won the Independent scholarship from Bristol University, where she read Russian. She has written for numerous Fleet Street newspapers and magazines for the past 25 years.

    An honorary Cossack, Imogen has travelled extensively in the old Soviet Union writing a travel book, The Taming Of Eagles, Exploring the New Russia and was Editorial Consultant on Belgravia for Julian Fellowes (ITV)

    She is married and lives in London with two children.

    Co-founder of The Great Big Book Club, her latest novel – The Witches of St Petersburg – has recently been optioned in Los Angeles.











    Amy is a Life Purpose Coach, Podcast Strategist, Top 1% Global Podcaster, Speaker, Mastermind Host and Property Investor. Through coaching and workshops, Amy works with businesses to Focus on WHY to create people-centred environments, by improving productivity and employee engagement by focusing on fulfilment, values and purpose.

    Amy inspires and empowers entrepreneurial clients to discover the life they dream of by assisting them to make it their reality through their own action taking. Helping them to focus on their WHY with clarity uniting their passion and purpose with a plan to create the life they truly desire.

    If you would like Amy to help you to launch your podcast or to focus on your WHY then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall

    Please sign up for the weekly Friday Focus newsletter at https://www.amyrowlinson.com/subscribe-to-weekly-newsletter











    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence. 

    *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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