

    Explore "RAAM" with insightful episodes like "Der lange Ritt über Bosnien und Roth zum Transcontinental - Stargast Christoph Strasser", "„Glück ist oft eine Folge von Anstrengung“", "Sportsprecher Alex Pinter im Gespräch mit Extrem-Radfahrer Christoph Strasser", "65: ge-RAAM-t! Race Across America RAAMTeam 2019 Erfahrungsbericht mit Sven Dunker" and "2021.04.02 國際新聞導讀-美國對沙烏地極差、美國參議員莫非請美國政府盡速回到伊朗和協議道路、輝瑞疫苗在兒童身上證明有效、以色列RAAM阿拉伯黨想當關鍵少數" from podcasts like ""Teufelslappen - über großen und feinen Radsport", "Einmal täglich Glück | Der Glückspodcast", "hinterGRÜNdig", "ENJOYYOURBIKE - Radsport, Gravelbike, Triathlon & Bikepacking" and "蘇老師的國際新聞導覽及中東中亞的歷史故事 Diplomat's daily news review and history research on Middle East and Central Asia "" and more!

    Episodes (12)

    Der lange Ritt über Bosnien und Roth zum Transcontinental - Stargast Christoph Strasser

    Der lange Ritt über Bosnien und Roth zum Transcontinental - Stargast Christoph Strasser
    Nachdem Christoph Rekordsieger mit 6 Erfolgen beim RAAM geworden war, suchte er neue Challenges: Er fand sie in Bosnien, beim Transcontinental und bei der Challenge in Roth. Dort wird er mit meinem Podcast-Partner Philipp Pflieger und Sarah Wellbrock eine Staffel für den sehr guten Zweck bestreiten! aber alle Schilderungen von Nächten auf dem Rad, sein Audio-Tagebuch, spezielle Gegner, Junk-Food, Tagträumen und der Leidenschaft der langen unsupported Rennen sind unglaublich spannend. Viel Spass.

    „Glück ist oft eine Folge von Anstrengung“

    „Glück ist oft eine Folge von Anstrengung“
    Eigentlich wollte Hubert Schwarz seinen Job als Sozialarbeiter nur ein Jahr pausieren. Mittlerweile dauert die „Pause“ über 30 Jahre. Das kommt so: Er folgt seiner Leidenschaft, dem Extremsport, macht daraus einen Beruf und stellt Rekorde auf. Unter anderem fährt er ein Extremradrennen quer durch die USA. Fast 5000 Kilometer ist er unterwegs, unterbrochen nur von kurzen Schlafpausen. Dann gründet der heute 67-Jährige gemeinsam mit seiner Frau ein Unternehmen und bietet zum Beispiel geführte Wandertouren auf den höchsten Berg Afrikas an. Als Guide hat er schon über 70-Jährige auf den Gipfel des Kilimandscharo gebracht. Warum ihn das glücklich macht, hören Sie in dieser Folge.

    Sportsprecher Alex Pinter im Gespräch mit Extrem-Radfahrer Christoph Strasser

    Sportsprecher Alex Pinter im Gespräch mit Extrem-Radfahrer Christoph Strasser
    Christoph Strasser, geboren 1982 in Leoben, ist sechsfacher und amtierender Gewinner des „Race Across America“, eines der härtesten Radrennen der Welt. Und er hat sich im Sommer 2021 einen weiteren Traum erfüllt: mit 1.026 gefahrenen Radkilometern in 24 Stunden hat er einen Weltrekord aufgestellt. Sportsprecher Alex Pinter, selbst leidenschaftlicher Radfahrer und auch Mountainbike-Instructor, spricht mit Strasser über seine Rekorde, über das Radfahren in Graz und die dafür nötige Verbesserung der Infrastruktur, über die aktuelle Fahrrad-Ausstellung „Hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette“ im Graz Museum, über Nachhaltigkeit und… über Topfentascherl.

    65: ge-RAAM-t! Race Across America RAAMTeam 2019 Erfahrungsbericht mit Sven Dunker

    65: ge-RAAM-t! Race Across America RAAMTeam 2019 Erfahrungsbericht mit Sven Dunker
    Die Fahrer Sven, Miki, Julian und Markus haben 2019 erfolgreich die Race Across America (RAAM) in der Team-Wertung bestritten. Und das auch mit einer super Platzierung. Im Interview mit Sven Dunker, einem der Fahrer, erfahren wir viele Details zu dem Rennen. Krass, wie umfangreich alleine die Planung des Rennens ist! Dazu Tipps zu Training, Streckenplanung, Kosten, Sponsoring-Suche, etc. Dazu detaillierte Infos zum Team, das insgesamt aus 15 Personen bestand! Hier der Link zum Film „Ein Rennen durch die USA“ https://vimeo.com/ondemand/raamteam2019 (Mit dem Code EYB15 bekommt Ihr einen kleinen Rabatt!) 5000 KM quer durch die USA. Das RAAMTeam2019 hat beim Raceacrossamerica 2019 teilgenommen und das Erlebnis in einem Film festgehalten. Es mussten 50.000 Höhenmeter, 40 Grad Temperaturunterschied und ein Zeitlimit von 9 Tagen eingehalten werden. Hier die Website vom RAAMTeam2019: http://raamteam2019.de/ Race Across America - offizielle Website: https://www.raamrace.org/ Viel interessantes zum Rennen bei Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_Across_America 
Pocket Earth für Routenplanung: https://pocketearth.com/de/ Funkstrecke (folgt wenn Info von Sven):
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    2021.04.02 國際新聞導讀-美國對沙烏地極差、美國參議員莫非請美國政府盡速回到伊朗和協議道路、輝瑞疫苗在兒童身上證明有效、以色列RAAM阿拉伯黨想當關鍵少數

    2021.04.02 國際新聞導讀-美國對沙烏地極差、美國參議員莫非請美國政府盡速回到伊朗和協議道路、輝瑞疫苗在兒童身上證明有效、以色列RAAM阿拉伯黨想當關鍵少數
    2021.04.02 國際新聞導讀-美國對沙烏地極差、美國參議員莫非請美國政府盡速回到伊朗和協議道路、輝瑞疫苗在兒童身上證明有效、以色列RAAM阿拉伯黨想當關鍵少數 伊朗,世界大國討論美國重返核協議,合規 美國國務院發言人內德·普萊斯(Ned Price)表示,美國對這次會議表示歡迎,認為這是“積極的一步”。 由路透社 2021年4月1日23:52 歐盟-歐盟在周四的一份聲明中說,來自伊朗,中國,俄羅斯,法國,德國和英國的官員將在周五舉行會議,討論美國可能重返2015年核協議。 拜登政府一直在尋求與伊朗進行談判,以使雙方恢復遵守該協議。根據該協議,美國和德黑蘭的其他經濟制裁被取消,以換取遏制伊朗的核計劃,以使其更難發展核武器。野心德黑蘭否認。 美國總統喬·拜登的前任唐納德·特朗普於2018年退出該協議,並對美國實施制裁,促使伊朗在等待了一年多之後違反了該協議的某些核限制,以進行報復。 西方官員說,美國和伊朗甚至還沒有就恢復協議達成共識,並正在通過歐洲國家進行間接溝通。 “與會者將討論美國的可能的回歸前景JCPOA(聯合全面行動計畫),以及如何確保充分和有效地實施所有各方的協議,”歐盟表示。 兩名外交消息人士說,英國,法國和德國已經在周一與伊朗進行了談判,其中一位說有關於伊朗提議的談判。消息人士在匿名的情況下發言。 法國外交部發言人在每日簡報中告訴記者,歐洲大國正在與俄羅斯和中國(該協議的其他剩餘各方)緊密合作,以尋求解決僵局的辦法,並一直在與德黑蘭和華盛頓進行過對話。 Iran, world powers to discuss US return to nuclear deal, compliance US State Department spokesman Ned Price said the United States welcomed the meeting as "a positive step." By REUTERS APRIL 1, 2021 23:52 ' alt="Iran's top nuclear negotiator Abbas Araqchi and EEAS Secretary General Helga Schmid attend a meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission in Vienna, Austria to discuss the Iran nuclear deal (photo credit: REUTERS/KIRSTI KNOLLE)" title="Iran's top nuclear negotiator Abbas Araqchi and EEAS Secretary General Helga Schmid attend a meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission in Vienna, Austria to discuss the Iran nuclear deal" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025"> Iran's top nuclear negotiator Abbas Araqchi and EEAS Secretary General Helga Schmid attend a meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission in Vienna, Austria to discuss the Iran nuclear deal (photo credit: REUTERS/KIRSTI KNOLLE) Advertisement PARIS - Officials from Iran, China, Russia, France, Germany and Britain will meet virtually on Friday to discuss a possible return of the United States to the 2015 nuclear deal, the European Union said in a statement on Thursday. The Biden administration has been seeking to engage Iran in talks about both sides resuming compliance with the deal, under which US and other economic sanctions on Tehran were removed in return for curbs on Iran's nuclear program to make it harder to develop a nuclear weapon - an ambition Tehran denies. US President Joe Biden's predecessor, Donald Trump, withdrew from the deal in 2018 and reimposed US sanctions, prompting Iran, after waiting more than a year, to violate some of the pact's nuclear restrictions in retaliation. The United States and Iran have yet to agree even to meet about reviving the deal and are communicating indirectly via European nations, Western officials have said. "Participants will discuss the prospect of a possible return of the United States to the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) and how to ensure the full and effective implementation of the agreement by all sides," the EU said. Two diplomatic sources said Britain, France and Germany had already held talks with Iran on Monday and one said there had been talks about an Iranian proposal. The sources spoke on condition of anonymity. France's foreign ministry spokeswoman told reporters in a daily briefing that the European powers were working closely with Russia and China - the other remaining parties to the deal - to find a solution to the deadlock and had been talking with both Tehran and Washington. "These exchanges are more than necessary because Iran has not accepted to take part in direct contacts between the other participants of the JCPOA and the United States … which would have eased discussions," spokeswoman Agnes von der Muhll said. Without elaborating, she said that they were now looking at alternative formats to enable talks. US State Department spokesman Ned Price said the United States welcomed the meeting as "a positive step." "We have been clear for weeks now that we are ready to pursue a return to compliance with our JCPOA commitments consistent with Iran also doing the same," said Price, adding that Washington was willing to achieve that "through a series of initial mutual steps." 美國必須盡快與伊朗達成協議-美國議員 “特朗普上任時伊朗擁有102千克濃縮鈾;他們現在有2.5噸濃縮鈾。” 通過OMRI NAHMIAS 2021年4月1日20:37 2021年1月27日,美國參議員克里斯·墨菲(D-CT)在參議院對外關係委員會聽證會上就提名琳達·托馬斯·格林菲爾德(Linda Thomas-Greenfield)出任美國駐聯合國大使的講話。 。 (照片來源:GREG NASH / POOL VIA REUTERS) 華盛頓–民主黨參議員美國參議員克里斯·墨菲(Chris Murphy)和眾議員羅·卡納(Ro Khanna)談到了美伊之間就重返2015年核協議而陷入僵局,並敦促美國政府“開放並願意早日採取措施重新加入該協議。” ” 墨菲週三在伊朗國家美國全國委員會(NIAC)舉辦的網絡研討會上說,他正在與蒂姆·凱恩(Tim Kaine)參議員寫一封信,“將明確表明,美國參議院有相當大的選民支持這一”合規”的方法。” 墨菲說,特朗普聽取了反對JCPOA的人的建議。“他向伊朗人提出了十二項要求清單,其中包括他們的核計劃,他們的(彈道)導彈計劃;支持哈馬斯。”墨菲說。“他等待著,等待著,等待著。伊朗不僅沒有就特朗普政府列出的12個問題中的任何一個出現問題,而且還重新啟動了其核研究計劃。” 他說,根據《聯合全面行動計劃》,伊朗人從突圍時間開始,生產了超過12個月的核武器,到三到四個月。他們也沒有停止支持破壞該地區穩定的努力。 墨菲說:“最大壓力是一個慘痛的100%失敗。” “因此,當我們準備重新加入JCPOA時,重要的是要提醒協議的反對者其論點已經過檢驗。他們的論點失敗了。現在是盡快恢復協議的工作。daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org “美國是第一個離開的國家,因此美國不應該對邁出協議的第一步保持謹慎。美國承認這一點並沒有弱點,但是由於我們的不遵守情事,JCPOA今天仍然可能還活得很好。因此,無論是在私人場合還是在公共場合,我都建議政府採取合規為守法的態度,要開放並願意儘早採取新的步驟。” 墨菲說,如果美國這樣做的話,而伊朗人則不會作出回應,“與以P5 + 1採取多邊方式採取行動相比,我們處於更好的位置。如果我們能夠向P5 + 1證明我們願意重新參與交易,但是只有伊朗對其採取敵意阻止JCPOA重新啟動,我們將處於更好的多​​邊基礎上。我們要弄清楚時鐘在滴答作響;我們沒有時間的浪費。” Jpost的最新文章 熱門文章 READ MORE Netanyahu brought the political dilemma on himself‑ analysis 跳過廣告 卡納(Khanna)對僵局感到失望:“我不明白延遲是什麼,”他說。“特朗普上任時伊朗擁有102千克濃縮鈾;他們現在有2.5噸濃縮鈾。這是一個巨大的失敗,是最大的壓力運動,我們繼續保持現狀。我們應該取消制裁,重新達成協議,我們始終可以擁有速回制裁。這似乎是常識。然而,我們在國內政策中看到的是現狀的基本延續,拖延腳步,缺乏變革性的想像力。因此,我認為我們必須繼續提出一個非常簡單的案例,即我們必須嘗試回到JCPOA中來,而不是通過玩雞來重新回到JCPOA中。” US must rejoin Iran deal 'as quickly as possible' - US lawmakers “Iran had 102 kilograms of enriched uranium when Trump took office; they have 2.5 tons of enriched uranium now.” By OMRI NAHMIAS APRIL 1, 2021 20:37 US Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) speaks during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the nomination of Linda Thomas-Greenfield to be the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, US, January 27, 2021. (photo credit: GREG NASH/POOL VIA REUTERS) Advertisement WASHINGTON – US Senator Chris Murphy and Rep. Ro Khanna, both Democrats, addressed the stalemate between the US and Iran regarding the return to the 2015 nuclear agreement and urged the administration “to be open and willing to take early steps back into the deal.” Speaking on Wednesday on a webinar hosted by the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), Murphy said that he is writing a letter with Senator Tim Kaine that would “make clear that there is a sizable constituency in the United States Senate for this “compliance for compliance” approach.” Murphy said that Trump listened to the advice of those who opposed the JCPOA. “He put to the Iranians a list of 12 demands that included their nuclear program, their [ballistic] missile program; support for Hamas,” said Murphy. “And he waited and waited and waited. Not only did Iran not come to the table on any of the 12 issues listed by the Trump administration, but they restarted their nuclear research program.” Under the JCPOA, he said, the Iranians went from a breakout time to producing a nuclear weapon of over 12 months to three to four months. They also did not halt efforts to supporting destabilizing the region. “Maximum pressure was a miserable 100% failure,” Murphy said. “And so as we get ready to reenter the JCPOA, it’s important to remind the opponents of the agreements that their arguments have been tested. Their argument has failed. Now is the work […] to get back into the agreement as quickly as possible. “The United States was the first to leave, and so the United States shouldn’t be wary of taking the first step back into the agreement. There is no weakness in the United States admitting that, but for our non-compliance, the JCPOA would still likely be alive and well today. And so both in private and in public, I have counseled the administration to adopt a compliance for compliance approach, to be open and willing to take early steps back into the deal.” Were the US to do so, Murphy said, and the Iranians not reciprocate, “we would be in a much better position then to take action in a multilateral way with the P5+1. If we were to be able to show the P5+1 that we were willing to get back into the deal, but it was only the Iranian hostility to it that stopped the JCPOA from restarting, we would be on much better multilateral footing. We want to make it clear that the clock is ticking; we don’t have the luxury of time.” Latest articles from Jpost Top Articles Khanna said he was disappointed by the stalemate: “I don’t understand what the delay is,” he said. “Iran had 102 kilograms of enriched uranium when Trump took office; they have 2.5 tons of enriched uranium now. It has been a colossal failure, the maximum pressure campaign, and we continue to have the status quo. We ought to lift the sanctions, get back in the deal, and we can always have snapback sanctions. It seems to be such common sense. And yet, there is a continuation basically of the status quo, a dragging of the feet, a lack of transformative imagination that we see in domestic policy. So I think we have to continue to make a very simple case that we have to try to get back into the JCPOA by getting back into the JCPOA, not by playing a game of chicken. ” 敘利亞的內戰只能以分裂而告終 以色列中部:戰後敘利亞目前有兩個主要藍圖:阿薩德(Assad)和弗拉基米爾·普京(Vladimir Putin)。 由AMOTZ ASA-EL 2021年4月1日21:49 敘利亞總統巴沙爾·阿薩德星期二在大馬士革對敘利亞內閣發表講話。(SANA) (照片來源:SANA) 比比·內塔尼亞胡(Bibi Netanyahu)只能夢dream以求:連續21年執政,絕對的選舉勝利,沒有聯盟談判,沒有司法機構可以參加戰鬥,沒有媒體可以詛咒。 這種政治壟斷的副作用-內戰的屠殺,流離失所,剝奪和聖經規模的屠殺-並沒有使受益者離開。相反,即使內戰已經進入第11年,巴沙爾·阿薩德(Bashar Assad)的狀況也相當不錯,而他的永久任期也將進入第四個七年任期。 在現代歷史上,比其他任何人殺害更多阿拉伯人的人走得很遠。更糟糕的是,製造戰後敘利亞的努力沒有指導性意見,因為其眾多交戰方和顧客都沒有開出可以治愈敘利亞宗派疾病的唯一藥物:離婚。 目前有戰後敘利亞的兩個主要藍圖:阿薩德(Assad)和弗拉基米爾·普京(Vladimir Putin)。 阿薩德向弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥(Francisco Franco)借了一頁紙,弗朗西斯科·弗朗哥(Francisco Franco)通過在自己的城市釋放外國空軍贏得了西班牙內戰,現在,阿薩德還計劃效彷彿朗哥的政治行為,首先是奪回失去的領土,然後主張獨裁統治。 這意味著要恢復戰前的不正常現象,即如果不算遜尼派阿拉伯人(僅佔非阿拉伯庫爾德人,遜尼派就佔70%),那麼不到人口的15%的阿拉維派少數統治著遜尼派的多數(約60%)。 。 同時,阿薩德(Assad)正在利用難民危機將遜尼派減少到少數派。這就是為什麼他通過旨在處置他已經流離失所的敘利亞人的立法的原因,這就是為什麼他讓伊朗將外國什葉派分子轉移到逃離榴彈砲彈的遜尼派所遺棄的房屋中。 普京的計劃不那麼憤世嫉俗,暗示著將權力從總統職位移交給立法機關並建立聯邦,所有這些都會使反對派合法化,並給少數群體一些發言權。 然而,阿薩德甚至拒絕了這種溫和的改良主義,甚至以激怒其俄羅斯贊助人為代價,更不用說聯合國了,聯合國在日內瓦的阿薩德製憲會議一直 停滯不前 。 其他玩家根本沒有戰後的視野。土耳其致力於破壞庫爾德自治。美國專注於培育它。當關於敘利亞前途的討論從阿拉伯國家遠去日內瓦,阿斯塔納和索契時,阿拉伯聯盟實際上消失了。即使戰爭使數百萬難民登陸其不受歡迎的海岸,歐洲的外交官也消失了。 同時,由於俄羅斯沒有敘利亞數十億美元的重建需求,而且西方不會在阿薩德的口袋裡放任何現金,因此經濟仍然遭受重創。 如果兩個人-阿拉伯聯盟和俄羅斯-公開承認戰爭的首要原因:阿薩德王朝的少數統治制度,一切都會改變。 歐洲人對現代敘利亞進行了製圖,他們迫使宗派反對派進入一個政治勢力。 儘管散佈著其他遜尼派德魯茲人和基督教徒團體等少數群體,但主要的教派劃分是在敘利亞東部(大部分遜尼派人居住)和西部(阿拉維派集中在地中海沿岸和努沙耶利亞山脈)之間。 遜尼派是戰爭中1,310萬難民中的大多數,其中包括敘利亞境內的660萬難民;他們是裝備精良的一方的目標。現在,倖存的目標討厭阿薩德和他的部落,無論他的陰謀如何,他們的臨界人數都將留在敘利亞。他們將需要所有工作,住房和尊嚴,阿薩德永遠無法提供。如果再次被迫進入統治,復仇將惡化,暴力將恢復。 因此,解決方案必須是分割的:在類似情況下,敘利亞西部的阿拉維派國家和東部的遜尼派國家以類似的方式從科索沃,東帝汶和南蘇丹中分離出科索沃,東帝汶和南蘇丹。 要實現蓬勃發展,東敘利亞將需要合法性和生計。由於兩個原因,它的創造者應該是阿拉伯聯盟,而莫斯科則保證了阿拉維派的勉強接受。華盛頓和布魯塞爾將很高興從遠處支持該項目。 阿拉伯聯盟在其76年間從未塑造過任何歷史。敘利亞的混亂使它變得無關緊要,因為當土耳其占領敘利亞北部,俄羅斯在其西部停放,美國在其東部紮營,伊朗支配的民兵遍布其腹地時,它無助地註視著它。 現在,阿拉伯聯盟-意味著埃及和沙特阿拉伯-可以重塑敘利亞,從而抓住阿拉伯的未來。 東敘利亞的首都,邊界和宗派安排將由其阿拉伯建築商進行工程設計。但是,儘管包含了幼發拉底河的一部分,但其潛在土地的干旱卻是給定的。戰前的干旱使數千遜尼派農民來到了城市,阿薩德的冷漠使他們失業,並為起義加油。 東敘利亞將通過對來自約旦的沙特阿拉伯的海水進行淡化和管道輸送來克服這一問題。這是可行的。 沙特阿拉伯是海水淡化大國,而東敘利亞則是1,100公里。該管道將比曾經將沙特石油從海灣引至貝魯特的跨阿拉伯管道短。因此,新近豐富的水將滋生農場,現金,工業和新城鎮,這將改變敘利亞沙漠。 由遜尼派阿拉伯大國創建的東敘利亞的崛起將為目前捲入敘利亞的所有大國(伊朗除外)的利益服務。 土耳其的建築業將帶動東敘利亞的建設,這是一個使安卡拉能夠容忍東敘利亞內部的庫爾德人自治的機會。俄羅斯將被召回為其解放開了綠燈的國家,而不是被召回為幫助制服了遜尼派的遜尼派的國家。 美國將獲得遜尼派的南北軸線,這將摧毀伊朗正在努力在貝魯特和德黑蘭之間伸展的東西什葉河帶。而且歐洲將有更少的難民湧向其海岸。 南斯拉夫民族聯盟的創始人鐵托(Tito)死後11年瓦解。在其創始人哈菲茲·阿薩德(Hafez Assad)死後11年,敘利亞的少數統治共和國也瓦解。現在是他的政體加入他的墳墓的時候了。 Syria's civil war can only end with separation MIDDLE ISRAEL: There are currently two main blueprints for postwar Syria: Assad’s and Vladimir Putin’s. By AMOTZ ASA-EL APRIL 1, 2021 21:49 Bibi Netanyahu can only dream of this: 21 straight years in power, absolute electoral victories, no coalition talks, no judiciary to battle and no media to curse. The side effects of this political monopolism – a civil war’s carnage, displacement, dispossession, and biblical-scale butchery – have done nothing to make its beneficiary depart. On the contrary, Bashar Assad is sitting pretty even as his civil war now enters its 11th year, while his eternal presidency is set to enter its fourth seven-year term. The man who killed more Arabs than anyone else in modern history is going nowhere. Worse, the efforts to craft a postwar Syria have no guiding idea, since its multiple belligerents and patrons all fail to prescribe the only medication that can cure Syria’s sectarian disease: divorce. THERE ARE currently two main blueprints for postwar Syria: Assad’s and Vladimir Putin’s. Having borrowed one page from Francisco Franco, who won the Spanish Civil War by unleashing foreign air forces on his own cities, Assad now plans to emulate Franco’s political act as well, first by reclaiming his lost territories, then by asserting his authoritarian rule. That means restoring the prewar anomaly whereby the Alawite minority, less than 15% of the population, ruled the Sunni majority of some 60%, if one counted the Sunni Arabs alone (counting the non-Arab Kurds, the Sunnis were some 70%). Meanwhile, Assad is using the refugee crisis to reduce the Sunnis to a minority. That is why he passed legislation engineered to dispossess the Syrians he has already displaced, and that is why he let Iran move foreign Shi’ites into houses abandoned by Sunnis who fled his howitzers’ shells. Putin’s plan is less cynical, suggesting some transfer of power from the presidency to the legislature and the creation of a federation, all of which would legitimize the opposition and give minorities some voice. Assad, however, rejects even this mild reformism, even at the cost of irritating his Russian patron, not to mention the UN, whose Geneva-based constitutional talks Assad has been stalling. Other players have no postwar vision at all. Turkey focuses on sabotaging Kurdish autonomy. America focuses on nurturing it. The Arab League has effectively vanished while talks of Syria’s future sailed far from Arab lands, to Geneva, Astana and Sochi. Europe’s diplomats also disappeared, even though the war landed millions of refugees on their unwelcoming shores. Meanwhile, the economy remains devastated because Russia doesn’t have the billions Syria’s reconstruction demands, and the West won’t put cash anywhere near Assad’s pockets. It can all change if two players – the Arab League and Russia – would openly recognize the war’s overarching cause: the Assad dynasty’s minority-rule system. MODERN SYRIA was mapped by Europeans who forced sectarian antagonists into one political bed. Though interspersed with other minorities – the non-Sunni Druze and assorted Christian communities – the main sectarian division lies between eastern Syria, where most Sunnis live, and the west, where the Alawites are concentrated along the Mediterranean coast and the Nusayriyah Mountains to its east. The Sunnis are most of the war’s 13.1 million refugees, including 6.6 million within Syria; they were the better-equipped side’s targets. Now the surviving targets hate Assad and his tribe, and their critical mass will remain in Syria no matter what he plots. They will need all the jobs, housing and dignity Assad will never deliver. If forced again into his rule, vengeance will fester and violence will resume. The solution must therefore be partition: an Alawite state in western Syria and a Sunni state in the east, the way Kosovo, East Timor and South Sudan were carved out of Serbia, Indonesia and Sudan, under similar circumstances. To thrive, East Syria will need legitimacy and livelihood. For both reasons, its creator should be the Arab League, while Moscow guarantees the Alawites’ grudging acceptance. Washington and Brussels will happily back the project from afar. The Arab League has never in its 76 years shaped history. The Syrian chaos brings its irrelevance to a new low, as it watches helplessly while Turkey occupies Syria’s north, Russia parks in its west, America camps in its east, and Iranian-paid militias dot its hinterland. Now the Arab League – meaning Egypt and Saudi Arabia – can reinvent Syria and thus seize the Arab future. East Syria’s capital, borders, and sectarian arrangements will be for its Arab builders to engineer. However, its prospective land’s aridity is a given, despite containing a segment of the Euphrates. Prewar droughts were what sent thousands of Sunni farmers to the cities where Assad’s apathy left them jobless, and fueled for revolt. East Syria will overcome this by desalinating and piping water from Saudi Arabia via Jordan. It’s feasible. Saudi Arabia is a desalination power, and East Syria’s 1,100-km. pipeline will be shorter than the Trans Arabian Pipeline that once led Saudi oil from the Gulf to Beirut. Newly abundant water will thus breed farms, cash, industry and new towns that will transform the Syrian Desert. While created by the Sunni Arab powers, East Syria’s emergence will serve the interests of all the powers currently embroiled in Syria, except Iran. Turkey’s construction industry would spearhead East Syria’s buildup, an opportunity that can make Ankara tolerate a Kurdish autonomy within East Syria. Russia, rather than be recalled as the country that helped subdue Syria’s Sunnis, will be recalled as the country that green-lighted their liberation. The US will get a north-south Sunni axis that will undo the east-west Shi’ite belt that Iran is laboring to stretch between Beirut and Tehran. And Europe will get fewer refugees flocking to its shores. The Yugoslav ethnic federation fell apart 11 years after its founder Tito’s death. Syria’s minority-rule republic also fell apart 11 years after the death of its founder, Hafez Assad. It’s time his polity joined him in his grave. www.MiddleIsrael.net The writer’s best-selling Mitz’ad Ha’ivelet Hayehudi (The Jewish March of Folly, Yediot Sfarim, 2019) is a revisionist history of the Jewish people’s leadership from antiquity to modernity. 沙特阿拉伯侵犯人權行為在美國國務院報告中詳述 國務院關注的一個主要領域是薩勒曼·本·阿卜杜勒阿齊茲·本·薩勒曼親王及其父親的“任意”拘留和失踪。 通過ZACHARY KEYSER 2021年3月31日19:08 ' alt=" 參加者在沙特阿拉伯利雅得的Misk全球論壇上與沙特王儲穆罕默德·本·薩勒曼合影旁邊拍照(照片來源:FAISAL AL NASSER / REUTERS)" title=" 在沙特阿拉伯利雅得的Misk全球論壇期間,與會的參與者在沙特王儲穆罕默德·本·薩勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)的照片旁邊拍照" v:shapes="_x0000_i1029"> 在沙特阿拉伯利雅得的Misk全球論壇期間,與會的參與者在沙特王儲穆罕默德·本·薩勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)的照片旁邊拍照 (照片來源:FAISAL AL NASSER /路透社) 廣告 美國國務院發布了年度人權實踐國家報告,並在其中引起了人們對許多領域的關注,該領域認為沙特阿拉伯在其主權邊界內犯有侵犯人權的罪行。 除了在言論,出版,信息和性別平等的接入自由的限制,美國已經更側重於政治鎮壓,因為王儲已經正在進行的皇室內穆罕默德·薩勒曼-通常被稱為MBS -來了在2017年變得突出。 該報告詳細介紹了薩爾曼·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齊茲·本·薩爾曼親王和他的父親以及其他11名王子被任意拘留的事例,據稱他們在利雅得的王宮舉行靜坐活動,“要求國家繼續支付電費”和水費單。”報告說。 據法新社報導,薩勒曼親王和他的父親在兩年半以上的拘留過程中從未受到過訊問,指控或審判。 國務院沒有直言不諱,也沒有提及政治含義,但指出了MBS涉嫌通過王室內部政治奪取政權的情況,以及許多競爭對手的突然失踪,這些競爭者本可以挑戰他的王位。 國務院關注的另一個主要領域是2020年3月,艾哈邁德·本·阿卜杜勒阿齊茲親王和沙特王室其他知名成員的“任意”拘留和失踪。 “據報導,3月初,當局拘留了四名高級王子:薩勒曼國王的全兄弟艾哈邁德·本·阿卜杜勒阿齊茲親王;他的兒子內耶夫·本·艾哈邁德王子(Nayef bin Ahmed)王子,曾任陸軍情報部門負責人。前王儲兼內政大臣穆罕默德·本·納耶夫親王;和他的弟弟納瓦夫·本·納耶夫親王。”報告說。 報告指出,拘留沒有由政府公開宣布。 一位地區消息人士當時表示,MBS“指責他們與包括美國和其他國家在內的外國大國進行接觸以發動政變。” “通過這些逮捕,MBS鞏固了他對權力的完全控制。消息人士補充說,這一清除​​結束了。他表示,沒有任何競爭對手可以挑戰他的王位繼承權。 報告稱,在同一時間段內,沙特部隊還拘留了數十名“內政部官員,高級陸軍軍官和其他涉嫌支持所謂的政變企圖的人”。 雖然內政部高級官員納耶夫已被釋放,但截至本報告撰寫之日,三月靜坐中提到的其他三位王子的下落尚無任何消息。 沙特消息人士早些時候表示,考慮到被告是王子,他們的案件“必須得到有尊嚴的對待”。這可能隱含著其含義,或掩蓋了他們的下落,並掩蓋了審判程序,這是聲明的目的。 薩爾曼國王的兒子兼事實上的統治者MBS是世界上最大的石油出口國和美國的重要盟友,自從穆罕默德·本·納耶夫被穆罕默德·本·納耶夫(Mohammed bin Nayef)在2017年政變中繼承王位以來,已經採取了重大行動鞏固權力。 那年晚些時候,他在一次反腐敗運動中逮捕了數名皇室成員和其他著名的沙特阿拉伯人,並在利雅得麗思卡爾頓酒店將他們關押了幾個月,這在國內外引起了震動。 MBS還通過加強對權力的控制,激起了統治家族一些重要分支的不滿。消息人士稱,在2018年沙特特工謀殺著名記者Jamal Khashoggi和有史以來最大規模的沙特石油基礎設施襲擊之後,一些批評家對他的領導能力提出了質疑。他還面臨著也門戰爭和拘留婦女權利活動分子的國際批評,這被視為鎮壓異議人士的一部分。 批評人士說,皇室成員試圖改變繼承路線,認為薩勒曼國王唯一倖存的全兄弟艾哈邁德親王是可能會得到家人,安全機構和一些西方大國的支持的選擇。如前所述,艾哈邁德親王的下落不明。 消息人士早些時候表示,艾哈邁德親王是效忠委員會僅有的三人之一,由該家族的高級成員組成,他們反對MBS在2017年成為王儲。 沙特觀察家表示,沒有證據表明艾哈邁德親王願意登基。 沙特當局尚未就王儲的繼任或批評問題發表評論。MBS在沙特青年中很受歡迎,並且在王室中有堅定的支持者,該家族約有10,000名成員。 因放鬆保守的穆斯林王國的社會限制,並試圖使經濟從石油轉向多樣化,王儲受到讚揚。 路透社對此報告做出了貢獻。 Saudi Arabia human rights abuses detailed in US State Dept. report One major area of concern for the State Department is the “arbitrary” detention and disappearances of Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Salman and his father. By ZACHARY KEYSER MARCH 31, 2021 19:08 Participants take photos next to a picture of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during the Misk Global Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia The US State Department released its annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, and within it raised concerns over numerous areas in which it believes Saudi Arabia is guilty of abusing human rights within its sovereign borders. Aside from restrictions on freedom of speech, press, access of information and gender equality, the US has been more focused on the political crackdown that has been under way within the royal family since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – commonly referred to as MBS – came into prominence in 2017. The report detailed the instance in which Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Salman and his father were arbitrarily detained, along with 11 other princes, after they allegedly staged a sit-in at a royal palace in Riyadh “to demand the state continue to pay their electricity and water bills,” the report said. According to AFP, Prince Salman and his father have never been interrogated, charged or put on trial over the course of their detainment that began more than two-and-a-half years ago. Without saying so outright, or mentioning the political implications, the State Department pointed to instances where MBS allegedly seized power through internal politics within the royal family, and the sudden disappearances of many of his competitors who could have challenged him for the throne. Another major area of concern for the State Department is the “arbitrary” detention and disappearances of Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz and other prominent members of the Saudi royal family in March 2020. “In early March, authorities reportedly detained four senior princes: Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, King Salman’s full brother; his son, Prince Nayef bin Ahmed, a former head of army intelligence; Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, former crown prince and interior minister; and his younger brother, Prince Nawaf bin Nayef,” the report said. The report noted that the detentions were not announced publicly by the government. A regional source said at the time that MBS “accused them of conducting contacts with foreign powers, including the Americans and others, to carry out a coup d’état.” “With these arrests, MBS consolidated his full grip on power. It’s over with, this purge,” the source added, indicating that no rivals remain to challenge his succession to the throne. Within the same span of time, Saudi forces also detained dozens of “Interior Ministry officials, senior army officers and others suspected of supporting the alleged coup attempt,” according to the report. While Nayef, who was a senior Interior Ministry official, has been released, there has been no word on the whereabouts of the other three princes mentioned in the March sit-ins as of the writing of the report. And considering the accused are princes, their cases “have to be treated with dignity,” Saudi sources have earlier said. This could hold the meaning behind, or a cover-up for, their whereabouts being kept secret and trial proceedings kept under wraps – as was the aim of the statement. MBS, King Salman’s son and de facto ruler of the country, which is the world’s top oil exporter and a key US ally, has made major moves to consolidate power since ousting Mohammed bin Nayef as heir to the throne in the 2017 palace coup. Later that year, he arrested several royals and other prominent Saudis, holding them for months at Riyadh’s Ritz-Carlton hotel in an anti-corruption campaign that caused shock waves at home and abroad. MBS has also fueled resentment among some prominent branches of the ruling family by tightening his grip on power. Some critics have questioned his ability to lead after the 2018 murder of prominent journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents and the largest-ever attack on Saudi oil infrastructure, sources have said. He also faced international criticism over the Yemen war and the detention of women’s rights activists seen as part of a crackdown on dissent. Critics have said that royals, seeking to change the line of succession, view Prince Ahmed, King Salman’s only surviving full brother, as a possible choice who would have support of family members, the security apparatus, and some Western powers. Prince Ahmed’s whereabouts, as aforementioned, are unknown. Prince Ahmed was one of only three people on the Allegiance Council, made up of the family’s senior members, who opposed MBS becoming crown prince in 2017, sources have earlier said. Saudi watchers have said there is no evidence Prince Ahmed is willing to take the throne. Saudi authorities have not commented on issues of succession or criticism of the crown prince’s leadership. MBS is popular among Saudi youth and has staunch supporters within the royal family, which numbers around 10,000 members. The crown prince has been lauded for easing social restrictions in the conservative Muslim kingdom and trying to diversify the economy away from oil. Reuters contributed to this report. 美國表示將取消特朗普對國際刑事法院首席檢察官的製裁 儘管華盛頓特區的新領導層仍然對法院持批評態度,法院準備對以色列和哈馬斯進行戰爭罪行調查,但它也希望與特朗普政府的行動相違背 通過機構和雅各布·馬吉德今天,上午6:44 1 檢察官法圖·本蘇達(Fatou Bensouda)等待剛果前副總統讓·皮埃爾·本巴進入國際刑事法院法庭,與艾米·基洛洛·穆桑巴,讓·雅克·曼根達·卡邦戈,菲德勒·巴巴拉·萬杜和納西塞斯·阿里多一起接受審判,罪名包括腐敗影響證人向他們提供金錢和指示以提供虛假證詞並提供虛假證據,2015年9月29日在荷蘭海牙。(AP / Peter Dejong) 根據周三晚的一份報告,拜登政府將在未來幾天取消對前任政府對國際刑事法院官員實施的製裁。 援引兩位官員與問題的知識,外交政策稱,此舉與ICC首席檢察官法圖·本索達刪除制裁和高級助手可能發生本週或下週-儘管華盛頓一直強烈批評法院的行動。 3.5K莫桑比克襲擊倖存者船抵達奔巴 2019年,當時的美國總統唐納德·特朗普對本蘇達及其助手實施了經濟制裁和簽證旅行限制,原因是該組織一直在對阿富汗軍隊,塔利班以及美國軍方在阿富汗所稱的戰爭罪進行調查。 通過電子郵件獲取《以色列時報》每日版,千萬不要錯過我們的熱門新聞免費註冊 報告稱,拜登政府試圖與前任政府保持距離,並希望緩解與歐洲政府和人權組織在限制方面的緊張關係。 2021年3月19日,美國總統喬·拜登在亞特蘭大的埃默里大學舉行(Patrick Semansky / AP) 國務院發言人說:“儘管我們不C阿富汗和巴勒斯坦局勢方面的行動,但政府在確定下一步行動時,正在根據13928號行政命令全面審查制裁。” 上個月,奧巴馬政府表示“堅決”反對國際刑事法院最近決定對以色列和巴勒斯坦人在西岸,加沙地帶和東耶路撒冷所犯的戰爭罪進行調查的決定,但仍在權衡是否維持對該機構的製裁特朗普強加的。 內德·普賴斯(Ned Price)堅持認為,由於以色列不是建立法院的《羅馬規約》的締約國,因此國際刑事法院對這一問題沒有管轄權。 國際刑事法院已就可能的戰爭罪行即將進行的調查向以色列和巴勒斯坦權力機構發出正式通知,使他們有幾個星期的時間來證明他們正在進行自己的調查,以尋求延期。 國際刑事法院(ICC),2019年11月7日,荷蘭海牙。(美聯社照片/ Peter Dejong) Bensouda於3月3日宣布,她將開始調查以色列和巴勒斯坦人自2014年以來在西岸,加沙和東耶路撒冷所採取的行動。在法院裁定該國擁有管轄權後不到一個月,就宣布進行調查。打開一個探針。為解決可訴性問題進行的初步調查花費了超過五年的時間。 國際刑事法院宣布,它將應巴勒斯坦人的請求調查以色列和巴勒斯坦人可能犯下的戰爭罪行,巴勒斯坦人於2015年在聯合國大會獲得非會員觀察員身份後加入法院。 以色列猛烈譴責這項調查,指責國際刑事法院有偏見,並指出以色列顯然有能力通過其自己的法律等級制度調查任何指稱的以色列國防軍罪行,並說由於巴勒斯坦人沒有國家,國際刑事法院沒有管轄權。以色列不是國際刑事法院的成員,但如果簽發逮捕令,其公民可能會在國外遭到逮捕。 預計國際刑事法院的調查將集中在三個主要領域:2014年以色列和哈馬斯之間的戰爭;以及 以色列的定居政策;以及2018年的“回歸大遊行”抗議活動,沿著加沙與以色列接壤的邊界發生了一系列暴力示威,導致數十名巴勒斯坦人喪生。 該調查還將考察恐怖分子從加沙向以色列平民區發射的火箭彈。 本蘇達將於6月由英國議員卡里姆·汗(Karim Khan)取代擔任檢察官。據說以色列希望汗可以減少敵意,甚至取消調查。 US said set to remove sanctions from ICC chief prosecutor, imposed under Trump Though new leadership in DC remains critical of the court, which is set to investigate Israel and Hamas for war crimes, it also wants to break with Trump administration’s actions By AGENCIES and JACOB MAGIDToday, 6:44 am 1 Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda waits for former Congo vice president Jean-Pierre Bemba to enter the court room of the International Criminal Court to stand trial with Aime Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fidele Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido, on charges including corruptly influencing witnesses by giving them money and instructions to provide false testimony, and presenting false evidence, in The Hague, Netherlands, September 29, 2015. (AP/Peter Dejong) The Biden administration will in the coming days remove sanctions on officials at the International Criminal Court that the previous administration imposed, according to a report Wednesday night. Citing two officials with knowledge of the matter, Foreign Policy said the move to remove sanctions from ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and a top aide could happen this week or next — though Washington remains highly critical of the court’s actions. Xinjiang cotton: Why is China boycotting H&M? In 2019, then US president Donald Trump imposed economic sanctions and visa travel restrictions against Bensouda and an aide due to its ongoing probe into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan by Afghan forces, the Taliban as well as the American military. The Biden administration has sought to distance itself from the policies of the previous administration and wants to ease tensions with European governments and with human rights organizations over the restrictions, according to the report. A spokesperson for the State Department said: “Much as we disagree with the ICC’s actions relating to the Afghanistan and Palestinian Situations, the administration is thoroughly reviewing sanctions pursuant to Executive Order 13928 as we determine our next steps.” Last month the administration said it “firmly” opposes the ICC’s recent decision to open an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, but was still weighing whether to maintain sanctions against the body imposed by Trump. Ned Price insisted that the ICC does not have jurisdiction over the matter as Israel is not party to the Rome Statute that established the court. The ICC has sent formal notices to Israel and the Palestinian Authority about its impending investigation into possible war crimes, giving them a few weeks to seek deferral by proving they are carrying out their own investigations. Bensouda announced on March 3 that she was opening an investigation into actions committed by Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem since 2014. The announcement of the investigation came less than a month after the court ruled it had the jurisdiction to open a probe. A preliminary investigation to settle the justiciability question took more than five years. The ICC announced it would investigate possible war crimes committed by Israel and Palestinians following a request by the Palestinians, who joined the court in 2015 after being granted nonmember observer status in the UN General Assembly. Israel has fiercely condemned the investigation, accusing the ICC of bias, noting that it is demonstrably capable of investigating any alleged IDF crimes through its own legal hierarchies, and saying the ICC has no jurisdiction since the Palestinians do not have a state. Israel is not a member of the ICC, but its citizens could be subject to arrest abroad if warrants are issued. The ICC probe is expected to focus on three main areas: the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas; Israeli settlement policy; and the 2018 Great March of Return protests, a series of violent demonstrations along Gaza’s border with Israel that left dozens of Palestinians dead. The probe will also look at terrorist rocket fire from Gaza onto civilian areas in Israel. Bensouda is to be replaced as prosecutor in June by British lawmaker Karim Khan. Israel is said to hope Khan may be less hostile or even cancel the probe. 輝瑞(Pfizer):疫苗91%的疫苗在6個月後有效,可抵抗南非非洲株 最新數據顯示,冠狀病毒免疫不會帶來嚴重的安全問題 由法新社和TOI工作人員今天下午4:22 0 2020年12月20日在特拉維夫伊奇洛夫醫院使用的輝瑞BioNTech COVID-19疫苗瓶。(美聯社照片/ Ariel Schalit) 輝瑞公司的BioNTech疫苗在第二次注射後長達六個月的預防COVID-19的有效率為91%,並且對南非的病毒株非常有效,該公司在周四的一份聲明中說。 有關參加原始試驗的12,000多人的最新數據還顯示,接種疫苗不會帶來嚴重的安全隱患。 以色列已經使用Pfizer-BioNTech注射疫苗對一半以上的人群進行了疫苗接種,目標是到4月底完成對所有16歲以上人群的疫苗接種。 瑞公司首席執行官阿爾伯特•布爾拉說:“在第二次給藥後長達六個月觀察到的高疫苗效力以及針對南非流行的變異形式,進一步增強了我們對疫苗總體效力的信心。” 聲明說,在接受第二劑治療的三期試驗研究中,在南非沒有觀察到該病病例。 如美國疾病控制與預防中心所定義,該疫苗對預防嚴重疾病有效率為100%,而美國食品與藥物管理局定義為對預防嚴重疾病有效率為95.3%。 種冠狀病毒變種具有更強的傳播潛力,這引起了全球範圍的關注,即現有疫苗是否仍將保護世界免受不斷變異的病毒的侵害。 兩家公司說:“在南非,B.1.351譜系盛行,有800名參與者參加,觀察到9例COVID-19病例,全部屬於安慰劑組。” 他們說,對這九種菌株進行了測序,其中六種被證實屬於B.1.351譜系。 在該試驗的927例確診症狀患者中,安慰劑組為850例,接種疫苗組為77例。 總體而言,在幾個國家的46,307名試驗參與者的分析中,該疫苗對COVID-19的有效率為91.3%。該數字比最初吹捧的疫苗的95%有效性略有下降。 輝瑞和BioNTech在1月份曾表示,在比較原始病毒和最新版本的測試中發現的“微小差異”“不太可能導致疫苗效力的顯著降低。” 兩家公司週四表示,新數據“支持免疫原性研究的先前結果,表明該疫苗誘導了針對B1.351(南非)變體的強力中和抗體反應,儘管其低於野生型菌株,但確實似乎不會影響觀察到的針對該變體的高功效”。 布爾拉說,鑑於最新結果,輝瑞計劃在美國提交全面監管批准的請求,而不是目前的FDA緊急批准。 Bourla說:“這些數據證實了我們疫苗的良好療效和安全性,使我們有資格向美國FDA提交《生物製劑許可證》申請。” 自從一年前的大流行以來,全球因COVID-19死亡的人數已超過280萬人,疫苗被視為恢復某種形式正常現象的唯一真正機會。 輝瑞公司和BioNTech公司宣布這一消息是在兩家公司宣布第三階段試驗表明他們的疫苗在12至15歲的人群中對冠狀病毒100%有效的第二天。 以色列衛生部對此消息作出回應,稱它將在美國食品藥品監督管理局和歐洲監管機構批准使用該年齡段後開始為該年齡段的青少年接種疫苗。 Pfizer: Vaccine 91% effective after 6 months, protects against S. Africa strain Updated data shows that coronavirus immunization poses no serious safety concerns By AFP and TOI STAFFToday, 4:22 pm 0 Vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, December 20, 2020. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 91 percent effective in preventing COVID-19, including up to six months after receiving the second shot, and is highly effective against the South African strain of the virus, the companies said in a statement Thursday. Updated data for over 12,000 people who took part in original trials also showed the inoculation poses no serious safety concerns. Israel has already vaccinated over half of its population using the Pfizer-BioNTech shots and aims to finish inoculating all those over the age of 16 by the end of April. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top storiesFREE SIGN UP “The high vaccine efficacy observed through up to six months following a second dose and against the variant prevalent in South Africa provides further confidence in our vaccine’s overall effectiveness,” said Albert Bourla, chief executive of Pfizer. No cases of the disease were observed in South Africa during the phase-three trial study among participants who had received their second dose, the statement said. The vaccine was 100% effective in preventing severe disease as defined by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and 95.3% effective in preventing severe disease as defined by the US Food and Drug Administration. Several coronavirus variants with the potential to be more transmissible have caused global concern over whether existing vaccines will still protect the world from a virus that is constantly mutating. “In South Africa, where the B.1.351 lineage is prevalent and 800 participants were enrolled, nine cases of COVID-19 were observed, all in the placebo group,” the companies said. The nine strains were sequenced and six of them were confirmed to be of B.1.351 lineage, they said. From the 927 confirmed symptomatic cases of COVID-19 in the trial, 850 cases were in the placebo group and 77 cases were in the vaccinated group. Overall, the vaccine was 91.3 percent effective against COVID-19 in the analysis of 46,307 trial participants across several countries. The figure was slightly down from the 95% effectiveness initially touted for the vaccine. Pfizer and BioNTech had said in January that “small differences” detected in tests comparing the original virus and the recent versions “are unlikely to lead to a significant reduction in the effectiveness of the vaccine.” The companies said Thursday the new data “support previous results from immunogenicity studies demonstrating that (the vaccine) induced a robust neutralizing antibody response to the B1.351 (South African) variant, and although lower than to the wild-type strain, it does not appear to affect the high observed efficacy against this variant”. Bourla said that in light of the updated results, Pfizer plans to submit a request for full regulatory approval in the US, rather than the current emergency FDA approval. “These data confirm the favorable efficacy and safety profile of our vaccine and position us to submit a Biologics License Application to the US FDA,” Bourla said. Global deaths from COVID-19 have topped 2.8 million since the pandemic began a year ago, with vaccines seen as the only real chance of returning to some form of normality. The announcement from Pfizer and BioNTech came the day after the companies said announced that Phase Three trials had shown their vaccine is 100 percent effective against the coronavirus among 12- to 15-year-olds. Israel’s Health Ministry responded to the news by saying it will begin vaccinating young adolescents in that age bracket as soon as the US Food and Drug Administration and European regulators authorize its use. 輝瑞表示,COVID疫苗對12-15歲的兒童具有100%的效果,並獲得FDA的批准 在2,260名美國青少年中進行的試驗顯示出強大的抗體反應;衛生部官員援引以色列的話說,只要條件允許,以色列就能迅速開始給青少年接種疫苗 由法新社和TOI工作人員2021年3月31日,下午2:53 0 2021年3月29日,法國面臨新一輪冠狀病毒感染的新潮,里昂體育館(Palais des Sports)舉辦了疫苗接種中心的輝瑞(Pfizer-BioNTech)COVID-19疫苗瓶。(JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK /法新社) 德國柏林— BioNTech-Pfizer公司週三表示,其疫苗顯示出對12至15歲的年輕人冠狀病毒100%的功效,因為該公司希望青少年能夠在下一學年之前出手。 兩家公司在一份聲明中說,在美國2260名青少年中進行的3期試驗“證明了100%的功效和強大的抗體反應”。 6.4千新疆棉花:中國為什麼抵制H “我們計劃在接下來的幾週內將這些數據提交給[美國監管機構] FDA,作為對我們的緊急使用授權的擬議修正案,並提交給世界各地的其他監管機構,以期希望在下一個階段開始之前為這個年齡段的人群接種疫苗。學年”,輝瑞首席執行官Albert Bourla說道。 通過電子郵件獲取《以色列時報》每日版,千萬不要錯過我們的熱門新聞免費註冊 德國公司BioNTech的首席執行官表示,結果顯示對青少年的高度保護,“鑑於最近幾週關於B.1.1.7 UK變體的流行趨勢,我們感到非常鼓舞。” 坎公共廣播公司援引以色列衛生部高級官員的話說,一旦這一舉動獲得了FDA的批准,在以色列批准這一舉動就不會有問題,並迅速利用現有的輝瑞疫苗庫存開始接種約60萬名12歲的以色列人-15。 BioNTech-Pfizer疫苗基於新穎的mRNA技術,是去年年底在西方國家批准的首個COVID-19疫苗。 美國和歐盟均已批准將其用於16歲及以上的人群。從那時起,它已在超過65個國家/地區的數百萬成年人中使用。 一項涉及以色列120萬人的現實世界研究發現,該方法的有效性為94%。 隨著世界範圍內對疫苗的爭奪,BioNTech週二表示,它有望在今年生產25億劑疫苗。 它說,產量的增加是由於最近在德國城市馬爾堡啟動了一個新的生產基地,該城市現在是世界上最大的mRNA疫苗生產工廠之一。 該疫苗還在比利時的輝瑞工廠和美國的三個地點生產。 BioNTech表示,更高的效率和與外部合作夥伴的新合作協議也有助於提高其疫苗目標,監管點頭允許疫苗接種者從單個BioNTech / Pfizer小瓶中提取六劑而不是五劑。 BioNTech和輝瑞公司上週開始對兒童進行疫苗研究,第一批5至11歲的兒童接種了該疫苗。 預期下一個2至5歲的年輕人隊列將在研究的下週獲得第一劑,該研究還將覆蓋6個月大的兒童。 Pfizer says COVID vaccine 100% effective on ages 12-15, eyes FDA approval Trials carried out on 2,260 US adolescents show robust antibody response; Health Ministry officials quoted saying Israel can quickly start inoculating teens after okay given By AFP and TOI STAFF31 March 2021, 2:53 pm 0 · Vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at the Palais des Sports venue in Lyon, hosting a vaccination center, on March 29, 2021, as France faces a new wave of infections of the novel coronavirus. (JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK / AFP) BERLIN, Germany — BioNTech-Pfizer said Wednesday that its vaccine showed 100 percent efficacy against the coronavirus in 12- to 15-year-olds, as the companies eye approval for adolescents to get the shots before the next school year. Phase 3 trials carried out on 2,260 adolescents in the United States “demonstrated 100 percent efficacy and robust antibody responses,” the companies said in a statement. “We plan to submit these data to [US regulator] FDA as a proposed amendment to our Emergency Use Authorization in the coming weeks and to other regulators around the world, with the hope of starting to vaccinate this age group before the start of the next school year,” said Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top storiesFREE SIGN UP The chief executive of German company BioNTech said the results showing high protection for teens were “very encouraging given the trends we have seen in recent weeks regarding the spread of the B.1.1.7 UK variant.” Senior Israeli Health Ministry officials were cited by the Kan public broadcaster as saying that once the move is approved by the FDA, there will be no problem approving it in Israel and quickly using the existing stock of Pfizer vaccines to start inoculating about 600,000 Israelis aged 12-15. The BioNTech-Pfizer shot is based on novel mRNA technology and was the first COVID-19 vaccine to be approved in the West late last year. Both the United States and the European Union have approved its use for people age 16 and above. Since then, it has been used in millions of adults in more than 65 countries. A real-world study involving 1.2 million people in Israel found it to be 94% effective. With the world scrambling to inoculate, BioNTech said Tuesday it was on track to manufacture 2.5 billion doses of its vaccine this year. The higher output was driven by the recent launch of a new production site in the German city of Marburg, which is now one of the world’s largest mRNA vaccine manufacturing plants, it said. The vaccine is also being produced at a Pfizer plant in Belgium and at three sites in the United States. BioNTech said improved efficiency and new cooperation agreements with outside partners had also helped lift its vaccine target, as had the regulatory nod allowing vaccinators to extract six instead of just five doses from a single BioNTech/Pfizer vial. BioNTech and Pfizer last week began studies of the vaccine on children, with the first group of 5- to 11-year-olds getting the vaccine. A younger cohort of 2- to 5-year-olds is expected to get the first dose next week in the study, which will also cover children as young as six months old. 疫苗注射停滯:每天只有約6,000名以色列人獲得第一槍 在2月的鼎盛時期,全國開車每天有超過80,000頭疫苗注射。醫療保健提供者現在正在呼籲人們“積極主動,令人放心” 由彌敦道JEFFAY 今天上午8:49 0 · 2021年2月25日,耶路撒冷的Clalit疫苗接種中心(Olivier Fitoussi / Flash90) 在過去一周中,只有不到43,000的以色列人第一次注射了冠狀病毒,這一數字少於3月初一天內接受冠狀病毒的人數。 每天的首次給藥高峰在2月中旬達到83,280,在3月1日仍然很高,達到45,521。但是現在,這個數字-判斷未接種疫苗的人群承諾接種程度的關鍵-大大下降了。在過去的7天中,平均水平為6,096,低於前一周的10,532和前一周的14,476。 6.4千 許多疫苗接種中心已經關閉,而在那些仍處於開放狀態的地方,醫生和護士說那裡有明顯的安靜區域。耶路撒冷Clalit醫療保健提供者的冠狀病毒護理和疫苗接種負責人Ian Miskin博士說:“有這麼多的以色列人接種了疫苗,很難帶人入內。” 在大約930萬人口中,約有524萬以色列人進行了第一次疫苗注射,而第二次進行了4.79疫苗接種。目前大約有100萬符合條件的以色列人尚未接種疫苗。 儘管在接種運動的初期,有很多人試圖在疫苗接種中心預約待命,但如今醫療保健提供者正在試圖說服人們進行注射。 Meuhedet Health Services首席護理官Mali Kusha說:“我們正在積極進取,打電話給人們,要求他們進行疫苗接種,並確保他們感到放心。”疫苗接種驅動器。她堅持說:“我們仍然處在一個非常好的地方。” 輝瑞公司週三宣布,一項針對12至15歲兒童的試驗表明,該疫苗對該年齡段的兒童有效100%。以色列準備在FDA批准後為青少年接種疫苗。這可能意味著疫苗接種中心將很快引起青少年的注意,這將使以色列從目前至少接受過一次注射的56%的人口中大大增加。大約三分之二的以色列人年齡在16歲以下。 當不符合疫苗標準的16歲以下兒童被排除在外時,幾乎所有目標群體的疫苗接種水平都很高。 在90歲以上的以色列人中,約有97.4%的人至少有過一槍。這個數字在80至89歲的人群中為94.6%,在70至79歲的人群中為97.3%,在60至69歲的人群中為88.7%。對於五十多歲,四十多歲,三十多歲和二十多歲的以色列人來說,分別是87.2%,82.3%,77.6%和72.9%。 庫沙說,這意味著以色列的四個醫療保健提供者中的每一個都試圖動搖相對較少的成員,但是要動員他們是艱鉅的工作。她說:“我們組織中只有13萬人仍然有資格接種疫苗,這實際上不算什麼,這就是為什麼我們必須通過電話對他們進行疫苗治療很重要。” 臨床人士認為,逾越節的到來加劇了三月份的放緩,這導致許多願意接種疫苗的猶太以色列人推遲這樣做。“我們的耶路撒冷中心在逾越節之前急劇減少,”米斯金報導。 人們擔心-不必要地擔心-假期中會感到副作用。庫莎說,她的工作人員也聽到與患者通話不願的原因,她說,費率還受到人們忙於為假期做準備的事實的影響。她說:“在假期期間,猶太人只是不想接種疫苗。” 但是,對於阿拉伯公民來說,休假的方式(齋月始於4月13日)正產生相反的效果。阿拉伯人的疫苗接種速度比全國其他地區都要慢,他們正前往更多的疫苗接種中心。 米斯金說:“我們與阿拉伯社會的關係非常好,因為他們意識到他們希望在齋月之前得到疫苗接種。”他解釋說,人們希望獲得免疫接種以參加祈禱,並且因為一些家庭限制了接受疫苗接種後的快餐。 逾越節之後,猶太人的疫苗接種有望增加。庫莎預測,以色列將成功接種大約一半目前未接種疫苗的成年人,並通過廣告活動來吸引他們。米斯金說,未來幾週將有一個新的自然說服者:綠色通行證的誘惑和暑假計劃的承諾。 他說:“我們會看到人們開始接種疫苗,因為他們想去旅館並飛往國外。” Vaccination stagnation: Only about 6,000 Israelis a day now getting first shots At its height in February, national drive saw over 80,000 getting first vaccine shot per day; healthcare providers are now calling people at home, ‘being proactive, reassuring’ By NATHAN JEFFAY Today, 8:49 am 0 Fewer than 43,000 Israelis received their first coronavirus shot in the past week — less than the number of people who received it in a single day at the start of March. Daily first dose administration peaked at 83,280 in mid-February, and was still high on March 1, at 45,521. But now that figure — key for judging the extent to which the unvaccinated population is committing to inoculations — has fallen significantly. Over the last seven days the average has been 6,096, down from 10,532 in the preceding week and 14,476 the week before that. 6.4K Xinjiang cotton: Why is China boycotting H&M? Many vaccination centers have closed, and at those that remain open, doctors and nurses say there is noticeable quiet. “With so many Israelis vaccinated, it’s hard to bring people in,” said Dr. Ian Miskin, head of coronavirus care and vaccination for the Clalit healthcare provider in Jerusalem. Some 5.24 million Israelis have had their first vaccination shots, and 4.79 their second, out of a population of some 9.3 million. Roughly a million currently eligible Israelis have yet to be vaccinated. While early in the inoculation drive there were long lines of people trying to get standby appointments at vaccination centers, now healthcare providers are trying to convince people to take shots. “We’re being proactive, calling people, asking them to come for vaccination, and reassuring them,” said Mali Kusha, chief nursing officer at Meuhedet Health Services, adding that the slowdown is par for the course after such a strong start for the vaccination drive. “We’re still in a very good place,” she maintained. On Wednesday, Pfizer announced that a trial for 12- to 15-year-olds has shown the vaccine to be 100 percent effective for that age group. Israel is ready to vaccinate adolescents as soon as the FDA approves it. That could mean vaccination centers will soon be buzzing with teenagers, which would allow Israel to increase significantly from the 56% of the population that has currently received at least one shot. Around one in three Israelis is under 16. When under-16s, who are not yet eligible for vaccines, are taken out of the equation, there are high vaccination levels across almost all of the target groups. Among Israelis aged 90-plus, some 97.4% have had at least one shot. The figure is 94.6% among 80- to 89-year-olds, 97.3% among 70- to 79-year-olds, and 88.7% among 60- to 69-year-olds. For Israelis in their fifties, forties, thirties and twenties it is 87.2%, 82.3%, 77.6% and 72.9%, respectively. Kusha said this means that each of Israel’s four healthcare providers is left trying to sway a relatively small number of members, but it’s hard work to mobilize them. “We only have another 130,000 people in our organization who are still eligible for vaccines, which is really nothing, and that’s why it’s important we are going after them by phone,” she said. Clinics believe that the slowdown during March was exacerbated by the lead-up to Passover, which caused many Jewish Israelis who are willing to vaccinate to delay doing so. “Our centers in Jerusalem saw a very sharp reduction ahead of Passover,” Miskin reported. People were concerned — unnecessarily, he stressed — about feeling side effects during the holiday. Kusha said her staff heard the same cause for reluctance in calls to patients, and said rates were also impacted by the fact that people were busy preparing for the holiday. “During holiday times Jewish people just don’t want to get vaccinated,” she said. For Arab citizens, however, the approach of a holiday — Ramadan, which starts on April 13 — is having the opposite effect. Arabs, who have been slower than the rest of the nation to get immunized, are heading to vaccination centers in larger numbers. “We’re now doing very well with Arab society because they realize they want to get vaccinated before Ramadan,” Miskin said, explaining that people want to get immunized to attend prayers and because some families are limiting post-fast meals to the vaccinated. Vaccination among the Jewish population is expected to pick up after Passover. Kusha predicted that Israel will succeed in inoculating around half of the currently unvaccinated adults, swaying them with advertising campaigns. Miskin said that there will be a new natural convincer over the coming weeks: the lure of the green pass and the promise of summer vacation plans. “We’ll see people coming to get vaccinated because they want to go to hotels and fly abroad,” he said. 可能掌握以色列政府鑰匙的伊斯蘭主義者不要求猶太人與阿拉伯人合作 拉姆黨領袖曼蘇爾·阿巴斯(Mansour Abbas)在罕見的黃金時段講話中說,“團結我們所有人的力量大於分裂我們的力量”,不贊成總理或提及巴勒斯坦人 由亞倫BOXERMAN今天下午9:42 4 拉姆黨領袖曼蘇爾·阿巴斯(Mansour Abbas)在2021年4月1日在拿撒勒的新聞發布會上發表講話(David Cohen / Flash90) 拉姆黨主席曼蘇爾·阿巴斯(Mansour Abbas)在希伯來語的罕見黃金時段講話中呼籲在以色列進行阿拉伯-猶太合作,以敦促猶太政黨不要抵制他保守的伊斯蘭政黨加入下一屆政府。 上週的不確定性選舉導致他的四人黨贏得選舉後,阿巴斯在講話中得到以色列所有主要電視網絡的現場直播,阿巴斯沒有認可總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡或耶什·阿迪德領導人耶爾·拉皮德為下一任總理。可能的製王者身份。他還拒絕將自己的政黨與任何一個政治集團聯繫在一起。 加入以色列時報社區Join the Times of Israel Community With most Israelis now fully vaccinated, virus spread continues sharp drop-off ‘Life-saving’ nose spray that kills 99.9% of viruses begins production in Israel 但這位伊斯蘭政治家強調,他願意與所有左右的猶太政黨合作,打破了數十年來的阿拉伯以色列政治傳統,該傳統避免了與以色列政府在與巴勒斯坦人的衝突方面的密切合作。 通過電子郵件獲取《以色列時報》每日版,千萬不要錯過我們的熱門新聞免費註冊 “團結我們所有人的力量大於分裂我們的力量,”阿巴斯在拿撒勒的演講中說。 伊斯蘭政客在講話中將自己定義為穆斯林和阿拉伯人,但同時也是以色列公民。 “我的名字叫曼蘇爾·阿巴斯(Mansour Abbas),是一個自豪的穆斯林和阿拉伯人,是以色列國的公民。我是阿拉伯社會規模最大,最高級的運動的領導人。”阿巴斯說,他指的是與拉姆有關聯的以色列伊斯蘭運動。 他的演講很簡短,只持續了大約七分鐘。但這是猶太以色列人在現場電視上的高度期望和密切關注,這對於以色列阿拉伯政治家來說是近乎史無前例的時刻。 自從以色列在3月23日的選舉中,中左翼和右翼政黨都無法輕易組成政府以來,渴望著他的選票的左翼和右翼政黨都向阿巴斯求情,這可能會推高選票規模。 在星期四晚上的演講中,阿巴斯沒有立場,他會推薦哪位候選人當總理。但是他敦促以色列政客向他的派系伸出橄欖枝,暗示以色列政治已經創造了一個新的現實,在這個現實中,阿拉伯以色列人可以在決策中發揮積極作用。 “現實正在發生變化,我們拒絕承認這一點。以色列改變了面孔,但她拒絕睜開眼睛。”阿巴斯說,指的是一首希伯來語。 在1990年代,阿拉伯政黨只是一個聯盟的非正式成員,以幫助與巴勒斯坦人通過《奧斯陸協定》。他們支持伊扎克·拉賓(Yitzhak Rabin)政府,並對該政府投了贊成票,但他們並未正式加入聯盟,其成員也沒有擔任部長職務。 但是,以色列第二年持續的政治僵局可能會迫使直到不久前還無法想像的合作。 “現在是改變的時候了,”阿巴斯說。 現年46歲的阿巴斯(Abbas)由於願意與右翼總理內塔尼亞胡(Natanyahu)打交道,最近幾個月對許多猶太以色列人來說已經是一個熟悉的面孔,這對阿拉伯政治家來說是很少的。他尚未宣布是否支持內塔尼亞胡或總理的對手組成下屆政府,只是說他將與集團結盟,以更好地支持其使阿拉伯以色列人受益的政策。 阿巴斯願意與右翼進行緩和,導致聯合名單(大多數由阿拉伯政黨組成的聯盟)瓦解。剩下的三個政黨在最近的選舉中都與阿巴斯競爭。違背了期望,阿巴斯設法超過了選舉門檻,成為以色列政治上最不可能的潛在造王者。 拉姆可能將內塔尼亞胡或他的對手推上61座大關,成為下一任總理。但是,親內塔尼亞胡集團和反內塔尼亞胡集團的右翼政客都排除了以該黨的支持為基礎的聯盟,因為他們說這是反猶太復國主義的立場。其他人則指責拉姆支持恐怖分子。 伊斯蘭主義者MK也從今年的競選活動中重申了自己的信息:他的政黨不應被左派或右派視為理所當然。 “我不想成為任何(政治)集團的成員-右派或左派。我在另一個集團中,這個集團投票支持我為人民服務,並賦予我一項任務授權,以確保將阿拉伯公眾的需求(多年來未滿足的需求)轉化為真正的工作計劃並實現”,阿巴斯在周四晚上說。 阿巴斯的講話中最明顯的缺席是直接提到了巴勒斯坦人的名字。但是,伊斯蘭立法者確實提到了阿拉伯以色列人無法實現“集體權利”。”他還反復強調了理解彼此敘述的重要性。 他宣稱:“我伸出雙手,在這片土地上創造了共處的機會,這對三種一神教和兩國都是神聖的。” “現在是時候互相了解對方的敘述了,”阿巴斯說。“我們不必在所有事情上都達成共識,我們當然會在很多方面達成共識。但是我們必須給我們和我們的孩子一個相互了解的權利,是正確的機會。” 阿巴斯聲稱他的政黨力求“尊重每個人的人道”,並強調了阿拉伯人和猶太人在以色列國的共同命運。過去,阿巴斯的政黨因其對同性戀的憎惡觀點而受到批評,該黨官員一再將同性戀者稱為“變態”。 阿巴斯說:“如果瓦迪阿拉(Wadi Ara)的路有問題,就不會區分阿拉伯和猶太路人。” “如果索羅卡醫院缺少床鋪,這可能會傷害到貝爾謝巴和拉哈特的人。” 阿巴斯說:“我的集團給了我授權,將阿拉伯社會的需求從多年的需求變成純粹可行的計劃。” 阿巴斯抨擊針對“任何人的政治觀點,宗教或種族身份的暴力行為”,並補充說:“我們致力於使生活成聖,鄙視暴力。” 阿巴斯總結說:“如果我們不能消除無知並消除種族主義,我們將把不可能,危險和復雜的現實遺留給下一代。” 阿巴斯的運動是以色列南部伊斯蘭運動的政治派別。像哈馬斯一樣,它是以穆斯林兄弟會為原型的。阿巴斯過去曾讚揚哈馬斯2017年憲章的各個方面,儘管他也批評了該文件並未終止恐怖組織對以色列平民的襲擊。 儘管阿巴斯與內塔尼亞胡之間的關係更加融洽,但他的政黨對他的一些盟友深表關切,例如極右翼宗教猶太復國主義黨的伊塔瑪爾·本·格維爾。 本·格維爾迅速回應了阿巴斯的講話,指責他在扮演“可愛的泰迪熊”的同時仍保持反以色列的觀點。 “屬於伊斯蘭運動的人支持哈馬斯,並使嬰兒殺手成聖。依靠阿巴斯的聯盟將是權利的終結,我們無權這樣做。 Islamist who could hold keys to Israeli gov’t pleads for Jewish-Arab cooperation In rare primetime address, Ra’am leader Mansour Abbas says that ‘which unites us all is greater than what divides us,’ doesn’t endorse candidate for PM or mention Palestinians By AARON BOXERMANToday, 9:42 pm 4 In a rare primetime address in Hebrew, Ra’am party chairman Mansour Abbas called for Arab-Jewish cooperation in Israel, in a pitch to Jewish parties not to boycott his conservative Islamist party from joining the next government. During his speech, which was carried live by all of Israel’s major television networks, Abbas did not endorse either Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid as the next premier, following last week’s inconclusive election that resulted in his four-seat party earning possible kingmaker status. He also declined to associate his party with either political bloc. Xinjiang cotton: Why is China boycotting H&M? But the Islamist politician stressed that he was willing to work with all Jewish political parties, left and right, breaking with decades of Arab Israeli political tradition that shunned close cooperation with the Israeli government over the conflict with the Palestinians. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top storiesFREE SIGN UP “That which unites us all is greater than what divides us,” Abbas said in a speech in Nazareth. In his speech, the Islamist politician defined himself as a Muslim and an Arab, but also an Israeli citizen. “My name is Mansour Abbas, a proud Muslim and Arab, and a citizen of the state of Israel. I am the leader of the largest and most senior movement in Arab society,” said Abbas, referencing the Islamic Movement in Israel, with which Ra’am is associated. Mansour Abbas, head of Israel’s conservative Islamic Ra’am party, speaks during a press conference in the northern city of Nazareth on April 1, 2021. (Ahmad GHARABLI / AFP) His speech was brief, lasting only around seven minutes. But it was highly anticipated and closely watched by Jewish Israelis on live television — a nearly unprecedented moment for an Israeli Arab politician. Since Israel’s March 23 elections saw neither center-left nor right-wing parties able to easily form a government, Abbas has been wooed by both left-wing and right-wing parties eager for his vote, which could tip the scales in their favor. In his speech on Thursday night, Abbas took no stance on which candidate he would recommend for prime minister. But he urged Israeli politicians to extend an olive branch to his faction, intimating that a new reality had been created in Israeli politics — one in which Arab Israelis could play an active role in decision-making. An election campaign billboard for the Likud party that shows a portrait of its leader Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, and opposition party leader Yair Lapid. Netanyahu’s portrait is defaced with Hebrew that reads, “go home,” in Ramat Gan, Israel, Sunday, March 21, 2021. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty) “Reality is changing, and we are refusing to recognize that. Israel has changed its face, but she refuses to open her eyes,” Abbas said, referencing a famous Hebrew-language song. Arab parties have only been an unofficial part of a coalition once, in the 1990s, to help pass the Oslo Accords with the Palestinians. They supported Yitzhak Rabin’s government and voted with it, but were not officially part of the coalition and their members did not serve in ministerial roles. But Israel’s ongoing political deadlock, in its second year, could force collaborations that were unthinkable until not long ago. “Now is the time for change,” Abbas said. Mansour Abbas, head of the Islamist Ra’am party, prays in the northern town of Maghar on March 26, 2021. (Ahmad Gharabli/AFP) Abbas, 46, has become a familiar face for many Jewish Israelis in recent months — a rarity for an Arab politician — due to his willingness to deal with right-wing Prime Minister Netanyahu. He has yet to announce whether he will back Netanyahu or the premier’s rivals to form the next government, saying only that he’ll ally with the bloc that better supports his policies benefiting Arab Israelis. Abbas’s willingness to pursue a détente with the right-wing led to the breakup of the Joint List, a coalition of mostly-Arab parties. The three remaining parties ran against Abbas in the most recent elections. Defying expectations, Abbas managed to pass the election threshold to become Israeli politics’ most unlikely potential kingmaker. Ra’am could possibly put either Netanyahu or his opponents over the 61-seat mark, crowning the next premier. But right-wing politicians, both in the pro-Netanyahu bloc and the anti-Netanyahu bloc, have ruled out basing a coalition on the party’s support, due to what they say is an anti-Zionist stance; others have accused Ra’am of supporting terrorists. The Islamist MK also repeated his message from this year’s campaign: His party should not be taken for granted by either the left or the right. “I don’t want to be part of any [political] bloc — right or left. I am here in a different bloc — the bloc that voted for me to serve my people and gave me a mandate to ensure that that the needs of the Arab public, that for years were unmet demands, are turned into a genuine work plan and realized,” Abbas said on Thursday night. An Arab Israeli woman votes in the Knesset election at a polling station in Maghar, March 23, 2021. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean) Notably absent from Abbas’s speech was any direct reference to the Palestinian cause by name. The Islamist lawmaker did, however, reference Arab Israelis’ inability to realize “collective rights.”‘ He also repeatedly emphasized the importance of understanding the narratives of each other. “I extend my hand to create an opportunity for coexistence in this land, which is holy to the three monotheistic religions and both nations,” he declared. “Now is the time to understand one another, each other’s narrative,” Abbas said. “We do not have to agree on everything, and we will of course disagree on much. But we must give us and our children the opportunity, the right, to understand one another.” Abbas claimed his party sought to “respect every person for his humanity” and emphasized the common destiny of Arabs and Jews in the state of Israel. Abbas’s party has been criticized in the past for its homophobic views, with party officials repeatedly referring to gay people as “perverts.” “If the road in Wadi Ara is problematic, it won’t distinguish between Arab and Jewish passersby,” Abbas said. “If there’s a bed lacking in Soroka Hospital, it can harm both those in Beersheba and in Rahat.” “My bloc gave me the mandate to transform the demands of the Arab community from what they were for years — mere demands — into a viable, workable plan,” Abbas said. Ra’am party leader Mansour Abbas speaks during a press conference in Nazareth, April 1, 2021. (Photo by David Cohen/Flash90) Abbas slammed violence against “any person due to their political views or religious or ethnic identity,” adding: “We have committed to sanctifying life and despising violence.” “If we don’t manage to eliminate ignorance and eradicate racism, we will bequeath an impossible, dangerous, and complex reality to the next generation,” Abbas concluded. Abbas’s movement is the political wing of Israel’s Southern Islamic Movement; like Hamas, it is modeled off the Muslim Brotherhood. Abbas has in the past praised aspects of Hamas’s 2017 charter, although he also criticized the document for not ending the targeting of Israeli civilians by the terrorist group. Ra’am leader Mansour Abbas at the Islamist party’s campaign headquarters in the northern city of Tamra on March 23, 2021. (Ahmad Gharabli/AFP) While Abbas has enjoyed warmer relations with Netanyahu, his party has deep concerns about some of his allies, such as Itamar Ben-Gvir from the far-right Religious Zionism party. Ben-Gvir was quick to respond to Abbas’s speech, accusing him of playing “cute teddy bear” while still maintaining anti-Israel views. “Those who belong to the Islamic Movement support Hamas and sanctify baby killers. A coalition that leans on Abbas will be the end of the right and we have no mandate to do so,” Ben-Gvir said.

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