

    Explore " #GrowthMindset" with insightful episodes like "Ep 60 | Communication Secrets that Lead to Cash Flow with Buki Ekeowa", "#052 Ghost - Keine Nachricht von Sam", "#051 Kein Alkohol ist auch eine Lösung", "#050 This contact is emotional not available" and "Ep. 40 Unlocking Your Potential: Confronting Self-Doubt to Ignite Personal Growth" from podcasts like ""Kingdom Wealth Conversations For Christian Women Building Online Businesses", "Basic Love Support", "Basic Love Support", "Basic Love Support" and "The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina"" and more!

    Episodes (41)

    Ep 60 | Communication Secrets that Lead to Cash Flow with Buki Ekeowa

    Ep 60 | Communication Secrets that Lead to Cash Flow with Buki Ekeowa

    Join the Abundance Now Challenge today⬇️

    Listen to 'Change Your Words, Change Your Life and discover how changing the way you talk can transform your life. This episode, featuring teachings from the Bible, dives into the principle that our words have the power to shape our reality, a concept rooted in biblical teachings.

    There is so much that God has shown us in the Word regarding our creative power of the tongue, and today we want to dive a bit deeper.

    Not only will we be looking at how to apply this spiritually, but I will also show you how you can apply this principle practically in your online business.

    It's perfect for anyone looking to improve their mindset and bring about positive changes in their life.

    Don't forget to show your support by leaving a like or a comment and let me know if you would like me to do more content like this😊✨

    👇Watch the YouTube Episode here👇

    Hey, I’m Buki Ekeowa, Kingdom Business Coach & Online Marketing & Sales Strategist who has used biblical principles to create multiple six figures and a business that I absolutely LOVE using my gifts & talents.

    Want to do that too?. 

    In this podcast I will teach you how to:

    -> Use your gifts and expertise to radically multiply your income online

    -> Grow your business without having to be on social media 24/7

    -> How to create online assets, so you get paid while sleeping

    -> How to make more money and impact through following clear wealth principles from the Bible

    -> How to grow spiritually as a Christian Entrepreneur

    I’m excited to help you create MORE INCOME & MORE IMPACT in your business like never before.

    Next Steps:

    Hear what clients say
    Watch the Free Workshop:


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    #052 Ghost - Keine Nachricht von Sam

    #052 Ghost - Keine Nachricht von Sam
    Feiert mit uns in dieser Folge ein Jahr Basic Love Support! Auch an unserem Geburtstag befinden wir uns auf einer akustischen Cortisol/Dopamin Achterbahnfahrt.

    #051 Kein Alkohol ist auch eine Lösung

    #051 Kein Alkohol ist auch eine Lösung
    +++ CONTENTNOTIFICATION ALKOHOLISMUS +++ In dieser Folge geht es um Alkoholkonsum. Wir besprechen, wie viel zu viel ist und natürlich eure Meinungen dazu.

    #050 This contact is emotional not available

    #050 This contact is emotional not available
    In dieser Folge fragen wir uns, ab wann man emotional verfügbar für eine Beziehung ist. Sind wir jemals mit uns im Reinen und wenn nicht, müssen wir für immer allein bleiben? Außerdem: warum Vicky als Kind eine glamouröse, böse Frau war und Georg bald auf High Heels durch Berlin flaniert. Egal ob Klackerschuhe oder Hightower Buffalos, wir gehen jeden Weg mit euch auf Basic Love Support, der Kennenlernphase für eure Ohren.

    Ep. 40 Unlocking Your Potential: Confronting Self-Doubt to Ignite Personal Growth

    Ep. 40  Unlocking Your Potential: Confronting Self-Doubt to Ignite Personal Growth

    Have you ever stood on the brink of change, your heart racing with excitement and fear? I'm Smilie Filomenos Rodriguez, your Latina Life Empowerment Coach and social worker, and I've been there, too. In our latest episode, we peel back the layers of self-doubt and limiting beliefs that so many women, especially Latinas, grapple with daily. Through a tapestry of personal narratives and hands-on advice, I guide you through self-discovery and self-love, addressing the widespread fears of the unknown, change, failure, and rejection. Our conversation isn't just about identifying these fears; it's about understanding their roots in our self-perceptions and learning to dance with them on our journey to empowerment.

    This episode is a heartfelt embrace, a reminder that the road to success is often paved with the same love and determination that characterizes motherhood. I draw inspiring parallels between nurturing a child and our ambitions, illustrating that love for our goals can drive us to overcome any challenge. We talk about moving past the sting of previous failures, transforming them into stepping stones for future victories. It's time to surround yourself with positive energy, embrace consistent self-improvement with grace, and approach each day with the enthusiasm that sparks actual change. Join me, and let's ignite the fires of action to turn your dreams into reality. You got this! 

    Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only and should not substitute for therapy. We recommend seeking help from a trained professional for your specific situation.

    Q&A: What are Your Thoughts on This Episode? Please message me.

    Ladies, are you ready to take your confidence, relationships, and leadership skills to the next level? If so, you will want to take advantage of the Virtual 5-day- Self-Love Boot Camp.

    If you're ready to boost your confidence, improve your relationship with yourself, your family, and your friends, and make more money while enhancing your leadership skills, check out the show notes and click the link to sign up for the Self-Love Boot Camp.

    It will take place from March 4th to March 8th, 2024, Monday to Friday, and the replay will be available, so no worries if you miss any sessions. You will be excited to be part of a community of like-minded women who make you feel welcome and supported. By the end of the boot camp, you will experience a mindset shift and transformation that will leave you feeling empowered.

    To sign up, please click the link below.

    Follow Coach Smilie on Instagram for weekly Thursdays Free Master Class at 7 pm EST.

    Join our weekly New Empowerment MasterClass in Spanish every Thursday at 7 pm EST. "Martes de Empoder...

    #049 Die Schlupflöcher des Lebens

    #049 Die Schlupflöcher des Lebens
    Tatort Spandau, was in Georgs Keller geschah, werdet ihr nicht glauben! Nachdem hier eine Welt zusammenbrach, fand sich Vicky einvakuumiert in einer sterilen Blase wieder, die sie und Ihre Accessoires frisch und sauber hält. 

    #048 Ärger im Paradies

    #048 Ärger im Paradies
    Während Georg und Vicky ihre Zwistigkeiten on air austragen, schüttet ihnen eine Hörerin ihr Herz in der Nebenpfostenabrechnung aus. 

    #047 Reni Days never say goodbye - Die Oma Folge

    #047 Reni Days never say goodbye - Die Oma Folge
    Euer Wunsch war uns wieder Befehl, denn in dieser Folge begrüßen wir eine Gästin, die an Lebenserfahrung und Esprit kaum zu toppen ist.

    The Next Steps with Jp Horgan

    The Next Steps with Jp Horgan

    Jp Horgan is a Magic Mindset and Human Transformation Coach/ Consultant, Unbounding Boundaries for Coaches, Individuals, and Businesses.  As a Certified Life and Business coach specializing in Positive Psychology, Jp is an expert at installing empowering habits and mindset to gain personal mastery over the body, mind, and spirit. As the owner of the Next Steps Academy and the Phase 4 podcast, what we focus on expands, Jp offers a judgment-free, safe and secure space for purging old patterns through consciousness engineering, habit transformation, and introspection. As an established coach, facilitator and mentor, Jp brings a curious, educational style, inspiring all those who receive the love and support he offers to his tribe.With a plethora of signature tools such as The N-90 Protocol and My5, and a lifetime of previous work experience in all levels, government, non-profit, private, and family-owned sectors, Jp understands that every path is unique; therefore, the Next Steps are different for everyone

    Watch this Episode on Youtube: The Next Steps with JP Horgan

    JP’s  links:

    Linktree: ​​https://linktr.ee/NextStepsAcademy

    N90/My5: https://thenextstepsacademy.com/free-services/

    Have you ever wanted to understand yourself and your purpose?

    Want to understand the patterns that keep showing up in your life and how to ride the wave instead of getting knocked down from it?

    Schedule your comprehensive reading with me exploring your Human Design/Astrology/GeneKeys:


    Follow me on Instagram:

    Angela Lundy (@evolving.on.purpose) • Instagram photos and videos


    Facebook for Evolving on Purpose

    Big Three Human Design


    Big Three Astrology


    #046 Swingerparty im Freundeskreis

    #046 Swingerparty im Freundeskreis
    In dieser Folge teilen wir eure und unsere Datingvorsätze für 2024. Spoiler: Zwischen frisch im Sattel und absoluter Resignation ist alles dabei. Außerdem: 

    #045 Schrottwichteln im Safe Space

    #045 Schrottwichteln im Safe Space
    In dieser Folge berichtet Vicky von ihrer Traumatherapie und Georg wünscht sich eine Steady Date Concentration. Außerdem: Konfliktbearbeitung in Freundschaften und warum zwischen uns die Pharmakodynamik stimmt. 

    #043 Familie - Eine Wunde, die oft nicht heilt

    #043 Familie - Eine Wunde, die oft nicht heilt
    Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und das bedeutet für viele Menschen alles andere als das Fest der Liebe. Denn anders als es uns Hollywood und Werbung suggerieren, heißt Familie oft Angst, Abstand und Aufarbeitung. 

    Release and Renew: Embracing Strategies for Letting Go and Moving Forward

    Release and Renew: Embracing Strategies for Letting Go and Moving Forward

    Ready to shift towards a lighter, more flexible, and empowering perspective, ultimately guiding you towards greater freedom and fulfillment in your life? Then this episode is a must-listen! In the podcast, Dr. Christine Li explores the theme of "how to let go" and addresses various life struggles including relationships, challenges, procrastination, and daily tasks. Listen in as Dr. Li discusses the importance of detaching from unnecessary burdens and shares insights on overcoming procrastination, decluttering, releasing self-criticism, and facing challenges with a growth mindset. Stay tuned! The episode concludes with a tapping meditation to reinforce the message of embracing change and letting go.

    •[4:39] Dr. Li offers suggestions for breaking free from procrastination through alternative methods
    •[8:13] Christine discusses learning to value her time by giving up overthinking and focusing on taking small, effective actions.
    •[18:18] Christine shares strategies for overcoming procrastination by recognizing that nothing is critical or important and committing to making changes.
    •[21:04] Dr. Li encourages us to stop over-dramatizing and over-focusing on ourselves, and instead embrace new experiences and explore our horizons with excitement and fun.

    To get the free download summary of this episode and a transcript of the meditation, go to https://maketimeforsuccesspodcast.com/lettinggo

    For more information on the Make Time for Success podcast, visit: https://www.maketimeforsuccesspodcast.com

    Gain Access to Dr. Christine Li’s Free Resource Library where she offers you 12 downloadable tools and templates to help you bypass the impulse to procrastinate. CLICK HERE NOW TO CLAIM YOUR FREE RESOURCES: https://procrastinationcoach.mykajabi.com/freelibrary

    To work with Dr. Li on a weekly basis in her coaching and accountability program, please register for The Success Lab here: https://www.procrastinationcoach.com/lab

    Connect with Us!
    Dr. Christine Li
    Website: https://www.procrastinationcoach.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/procrastinationcoach
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/procrastinationcoach/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@procrastinationcoach

    Additional Resources (affiliate links below):

    #041 Schluss mit lustig!

    #041 Schluss mit lustig!
    In dieser Folge reden wir über die perfekte Zusammensetzung beim Dating-Schriftverkehr. Ein bisschen Witz, ein bisschen Spritz und wie viel zu viel oder eben zu wenig ist. 

    #039 Hindernislauf Schwangerschaftsabbruch

    #039 Hindernislauf Schwangerschaftsabbruch
    In dieser Folge teilt Kim, ihres Zeichens Journalistin und politische Aktivistin ihre Erfahrungen während ihres Schwangerschaftsabbruches.

    #035 Weltschmerz und Seepferdchen in Excel

    #035 Weltschmerz und Seepferdchen in Excel
    In dieser Folge reden wir darüber, wie wir mit Weltschmerz umgehen und wie man schwere Herzen etwas leichter macht. Im selben Zug sorgen wir mit heißen VPLs und kalter Muschi für Ablenkung. 

    #033 Zwischen Funken und Friendzone - Die Mutmachfolge

    #033 Zwischen Funken und Friendzone - Die Mutmachfolge
    Triff Vicky und Georg zwischen Funken und Friendzone. Am Rande des Wahnsinns diskutieren die beiden, ob man Dating-Apps für Freund- oder Liebschaften nutzen sollte, 

    #032 Seitensprünge, Sprints und Schwanzvergleiche

    #032 Seitensprünge, Sprints und Schwanzvergleiche
    In dieser Folge wird es dornenvögelig. Euer Lieblings-Rea-Team bespricht, ob Seitensprünge immer ein Indikator für bröckelnde Beziehungen sind oder ob hier der Defi noch mal angesetzt werden sollte. 

    Ep 11 - Accepting Unpleasant Work Tasks

    Ep 11 - Accepting Unpleasant Work Tasks

    In Episode 11, Saurin explores Chapter 18, Verse 48 of the Bhagavad Gita, grappling with the fact that not all aspects of his creative work are enjoyable. He discusses strategies for embracing less glamorous tasks, such as focusing on the bigger picture, celebrating achievements, and seeking opportunities for growth. Join him as he navigates the challenges of creative work and learns to appreciate every part of his journey.

    We welcome you to join us in building a community of creative souls on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Reach out to us at gitacreativesoul@gmail.com or find us on:

    And don't miss an episode - subscribe to the podcast today!

    Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul

    • Produced by The Voice Bank
    • Concept & Writing: Saurin Desai
    • Executive Producer: Rashmi Sundaram
    • Director: Sundar Sethuraman
    • Voice Artists: Sheetal Sawhney & Saurin Desai
    • Special Advisor: Kushagra Singh (Writer, Spiritual Speaker & Yoga Teacher)
    • Sound Designer: Sushant Sonawale
    • Music Composition: Sushant Sonawale & Ameen
    • Recordist: Agnel & Sushant Sonawale
    • Recorded at Crescendo Studio, Mumbai

    #031 Mut zur Lücke - Die Foster Folge

    #031 Mut zur Lücke - Die Foster Folge
    In dieser Folge klären wir, was ihr unter Foster Girl-/Boyfriend und dem Madonna-Hure-Komplex versteht. Hierzu reichen wir eine Gratislesung von Autoria mit einer Prise Prosa und ganz viel Schmiss.