

    Explore " Imposter" with insightful episodes like "Adam Grant - The Potential of Your Potential", "#052 Ghost - Keine Nachricht von Sam", "#051 Kein Alkohol ist auch eine Lösung", "#050 This contact is emotional not available" and "The One About Imposter Syndrome with Dr. Shune Kimura" from podcasts like ""The Imperfects", "Basic Love Support", "Basic Love Support", "Basic Love Support" and "The Dogtor Bros"" and more!

    Episodes (55)

    Adam Grant - The Potential of Your Potential

    Adam Grant - The Potential of Your Potential

    World leading organisational psychologists, Adam Grant is this week's guest in The Academy of Imperfection and honestly, we can’t believe how much ground the brilliant man managed to cover in this episode. 

    I mean, sure, you might expect him to touch on the value of embracing our imperfections. Or perhaps he might explore imposter syndrome & the importance in believing in others' belief in yourself. Or how procrastination can actually be a creative force. Or maybe even some tips for those of us who have found ourselves languishing.

    All of this might seem pretty reasonable stuff to cover. However you might not expect a deep dive into the lessons learned from a junior olympic diving career or an actual magic trick! This ep covers it all…and much much more. 

    To watch this episode on youtube (and see the magic trick) follow this link: https://youtu.be/s2sY3-mT-u8 

    If you’re interested in hearing more from Adam, the best place to start is his website: https://adamgrant.net

    Recommended books & articles mentioned in the episode:

    Listen to Adam’s interview with Steve Martin on his ReThinking Podcast: https://bit.ly/3Tosvtb and transcript: https://bit.ly/3T3cKXa

    To watch Matthew Mitcham’s dive, follow think link: https://bit.ly/3InmPJJ

    To listen to our episode with Dr Emily on Truth vs Harmony, follow this link: https://link.chtbl.com/R8gly4ci



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    #052 Ghost - Keine Nachricht von Sam

    #052 Ghost - Keine Nachricht von Sam
    Feiert mit uns in dieser Folge ein Jahr Basic Love Support! Auch an unserem Geburtstag befinden wir uns auf einer akustischen Cortisol/Dopamin Achterbahnfahrt.

    #051 Kein Alkohol ist auch eine Lösung

    #051 Kein Alkohol ist auch eine Lösung
    +++ CONTENTNOTIFICATION ALKOHOLISMUS +++ In dieser Folge geht es um Alkoholkonsum. Wir besprechen, wie viel zu viel ist und natürlich eure Meinungen dazu.

    #050 This contact is emotional not available

    #050 This contact is emotional not available
    In dieser Folge fragen wir uns, ab wann man emotional verfügbar für eine Beziehung ist. Sind wir jemals mit uns im Reinen und wenn nicht, müssen wir für immer allein bleiben? Außerdem: warum Vicky als Kind eine glamouröse, böse Frau war und Georg bald auf High Heels durch Berlin flaniert. Egal ob Klackerschuhe oder Hightower Buffalos, wir gehen jeden Weg mit euch auf Basic Love Support, der Kennenlernphase für eure Ohren.

    The One About Imposter Syndrome with Dr. Shune Kimura

    The One About Imposter Syndrome with Dr. Shune Kimura

    In this special episode, we welcome back Dr. Shune Kimura, a Japanese board-certified large animal internist and PhD candidate at the University of Georgia. Join us as we discuss dealing with imposter syndrome with Dr. Kimura

    Tell us what YOU wanna hear! You can drop suggestions in the comments or email us at thedogtorbros@gmail.com or DM us @thedogtorbros on Instagram. 

    You can also reach out to
    Jeff: Instagram and TikTok @Dermdogtorjeff
    Adam: Instagram @Dradamdvm
    Brandon: Instagram @Dogtormasonim
    Chris: Instagram @Dr.chrishernandez

    #049 Die Schlupflöcher des Lebens

    #049 Die Schlupflöcher des Lebens
    Tatort Spandau, was in Georgs Keller geschah, werdet ihr nicht glauben! Nachdem hier eine Welt zusammenbrach, fand sich Vicky einvakuumiert in einer sterilen Blase wieder, die sie und Ihre Accessoires frisch und sauber hält. 

    #289 Sneha Inguva from feeling like an imposter all the way to Netflix

    #289 Sneha Inguva from feeling like an imposter all the way to Netflix

    From the clattering coins of casino games to the complex coding at Netflix, our guest Sneha Inguva has a career narrative that's as unconventional as it is inspiring. Walking her cat Gatsby might be her quirky pastime, but it's her methodical approach to workplace challenges that sets Sneha apart. Tune in for a candid conversation where she unpacks her strategies for turning dissatisfaction into dialogue with management, and shares how jotting down thoughts, brainstorming solutions, and seeking second opinions can be transformative.

    Recounting the days when the startup sparkle caught my eye, I reflect on my own evolution from an electrical engineering and economics graduate to a software developer. The journey was anything but linear, with stints in casino gaming and a fact-checking news venture, before settling into the more stable harbors of Digital Ocean and Fastly. Sneha and I delve into economics's pivotal role in our career choices, and how embracing mentorship and a back-to-basics approach to computer science fundamentals can underpin professional growth.

    As we wrap up, Sneha sheds light on her big leap to Netflix, addressing common experiences like imposter syndrome and the weight of interviewing peers. We explore the cultural shift within Netflix, as the tech behemoth begins to balance its seasoned pro roster with fresh graduates and interns, all while navigating the treacherous waters of technical debt and structured engineering. Sneha's story isn't just one of career advancement; it's a roadmap for anyone aspiring to sculpt their professional journey, complete with the tools and mindset needed to thrive in the tech industry.

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    #048 Ärger im Paradies

    #048 Ärger im Paradies
    Während Georg und Vicky ihre Zwistigkeiten on air austragen, schüttet ihnen eine Hörerin ihr Herz in der Nebenpfostenabrechnung aus. 

    #047 Reni Days never say goodbye - Die Oma Folge

    #047 Reni Days never say goodbye - Die Oma Folge
    Euer Wunsch war uns wieder Befehl, denn in dieser Folge begrüßen wir eine Gästin, die an Lebenserfahrung und Esprit kaum zu toppen ist.

    #046 Swingerparty im Freundeskreis

    #046 Swingerparty im Freundeskreis
    In dieser Folge teilen wir eure und unsere Datingvorsätze für 2024. Spoiler: Zwischen frisch im Sattel und absoluter Resignation ist alles dabei. Außerdem: 

    #045 Schrottwichteln im Safe Space

    #045 Schrottwichteln im Safe Space
    In dieser Folge berichtet Vicky von ihrer Traumatherapie und Georg wünscht sich eine Steady Date Concentration. Außerdem: Konfliktbearbeitung in Freundschaften und warum zwischen uns die Pharmakodynamik stimmt. 

    Tea with Tanya Podcast: Learning How to Navigate Imposter Syndrome (CROSSOVER)

    Tea with Tanya Podcast: Learning How to Navigate Imposter Syndrome (CROSSOVER)

    Well this is exciting!

    This is our first crossover episode featuring the Tea with Tanya Podcast! In this episode, Whitney joins Tanya as they share dig deeper into the imposter syndrome narrative, self-doubt and self-sabotage. They both share their experiences navigating and reframing imposter syndrome and overcoming self doubt to enjoy their personal and professional lives.
    The conversation delves into the internal struggles individuals face, the fear of failure, and the guilt associated with success, particularly in communities of color.
    Tanya, opens up about her own imposter syndrome, especially as a high achiever in a graduate school setting. She discusses the challenges of being the only black person in her class, battling self-doubt, and feeling the need to downplay her achievements. Whitney and Tanya explore how imposter syndrome contributes to self-sabotage, inhibiting their ability to fully embracing opportunities and recognizing her worth.

    In this discussion, Whitney and Tanya highlight the importance of extending themselves grace, establishing boundaries, and acknowledging that seasons in life change. They stress the need for self-care, understanding personal limitations, and learning to navigate imposter syndrome to live authentically and with purpose. The episode provides valuable insights and relatable anecdotes for listeners grappling with imposter syndrome.

    More about Tea with Tanya Podcast

    Tea With Tanya is created and hosted by Tanya Ambrose, a Maternal Health professional, Nonprofit Founder, and Grad Student spilling the tea on finding balance and promoting positive living while doing it all. Tea With Tanya is dedicated to
    the modern, multifaceted woman looking to embrace her true potential and live a vibrant, fulfilling life.  Every Tuesday, join Tanya in the Tea Tasting room as she delves into the diverse aspects of womanhood, exploring topics ranging from women's health, self-development, maternal health, and the art of holistic well-being.

    Whether you're seeking guidance on cultivating a healthy mindset, understanding your body, or finding balance amidst the demands of motherhood and womanhood, this podcast is here to serve you! So tune in as we educate and empower you on this journey to becoming the Boss of your health and wellness.

    Connect with Tanya:
    Listen to Tea with Tanya Podcast
    Subscribe to the Tea Talk Newsletter
    Follow on IG @TeaWithTanyaPodcast

    Connect with Whitney on IG @ImpostrixPodcast

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    #043 Familie - Eine Wunde, die oft nicht heilt

    #043 Familie - Eine Wunde, die oft nicht heilt
    Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und das bedeutet für viele Menschen alles andere als das Fest der Liebe. Denn anders als es uns Hollywood und Werbung suggerieren, heißt Familie oft Angst, Abstand und Aufarbeitung. 

    #041 Schluss mit lustig!

    #041 Schluss mit lustig!
    In dieser Folge reden wir über die perfekte Zusammensetzung beim Dating-Schriftverkehr. Ein bisschen Witz, ein bisschen Spritz und wie viel zu viel oder eben zu wenig ist. 

    #039 Hindernislauf Schwangerschaftsabbruch

    #039 Hindernislauf Schwangerschaftsabbruch
    In dieser Folge teilt Kim, ihres Zeichens Journalistin und politische Aktivistin ihre Erfahrungen während ihres Schwangerschaftsabbruches.

    #276 Alexandra Spalato from Actress & pharmacist to business owner & dev

    #276 Alexandra Spalato from Actress & pharmacist to business owner & dev

    What does it take to transition from a life in pharmacy, business, and PR to becoming a successful software developer and business owner? Alexandra Spalato, our guest for this episode, has done just that. Her unconventional journey, fueled by a passion for learning, has led her through many roles - from actress to Developer Relations (DevRel) Engineer - and eventually brought her into the realm of software development.

    Alexandra's story is as inspiring as it is educational, shedding light on the fascinating journey of becoming a developer. Starting as a self-taught developer, she delved into WordPress and immersed herself in a JavaScript boot camp to upgrade her skills. She credits many of her accomplishments to her friend and mentor, Zac Gordon, whose impactful course in JavaScript for WordPress helped set the foundation for her success.

    Alexandra wasn't content with just being a software developer; she started her own business and faced all the challenges that come with it. From dealing with imposter syndrome to managing toxic projects, Alexandra's experiences provide valuable insight for anyone considering a similar path. Despite the bumps along the way, she turned her passions into a successful product, ending up with a career at Storyblok. Tune in for a fascinating conversation that guarantees to inspire and educate.

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    #275 Cheuk Ting Ho from playing god to living with communities

    #275 Cheuk Ting Ho from playing god to living with communities

    What happens when a gaming enthusiast transitions into the world of tech, data science, and community management? That's the intriguing journey we explore with Chuck Ting Hall, a Community Manager at OpenSSF and prolific contributor to various tech libraries. From her early love for gaming, Chuck's passion for technology took a unique turn, leading her down a path that merges both the worlds of academia and business. 

    Chuck Ting's story begins where most of us find ourselves, at crossroads. Trying to choose a career path is never easy, and her decision to delve into either Physics or Computer Science was no different. Listen in as she navigates the pressure of academia, shares her struggles of being a scientist in a business-centric place like Hong Kong, and candidly discusses how family expectations factored into her choices. Chuck also takes us through her experiences of working in odd places like an ad company and a theme park, before ultimately finding her niche in the tech world.

    As Chuck's narrative unfolds, she candidly discusses her first conference talk proposal, her battle with imposter syndrome, and the importance of community in honing professional skills. From submitting conference talk proposals, to transitioning her career from data science to community management, the challenges of visa applications, and becoming an active contributor in the tech community - Chuck's story is a testament to resilience, passion, and the power of community. So, whether you're a tech enthusiast, a student caught between choices, or someone seeking to transition careers, let Chuck Ting Hall's journey inspire and guide you to embrace your passion in technology.

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    #035 Weltschmerz und Seepferdchen in Excel

    #035 Weltschmerz und Seepferdchen in Excel
    In dieser Folge reden wir darüber, wie wir mit Weltschmerz umgehen und wie man schwere Herzen etwas leichter macht. Im selben Zug sorgen wir mit heißen VPLs und kalter Muschi für Ablenkung. 

    #274 Aleksandra Sikora is a serial language learner and open source maintainer

    #274 Aleksandra Sikora is a serial language learner and open source maintainer

    Ever wondered how a software developer's journey unfolds? Well, today, we have a story that is sure to inspire. Join us as we explore the life of Aleksandra Sikora, a software engineer based in Wrocław, who shares her journey from learning to code in primary school to becoming a full-stack developer. A poignant chapter of her journey delves into the power of patience, the art of listening, and the invaluable skill of delegation when leading a team. She also recalls an article about a young girl learning HTML, which ignited her passion for computer science.

    It wasn't all smooth sailing for Aleksandra. Her university years were filled with a spectrum of programming languages, some of which presented quite a challenge. Even confronting the complexities of Prolog and Algorithms and Data Structures, her resilience saw her through. Reflecting on these experiences, she discusses how her background and exposure to different functional languages played a crucial role in shaping her career choices.

    We've all had those moments of self-doubt and feelings of not quite belonging. Aleksandra openly discusses her early career encounters with impostor syndrome and how she navigated those stormy seas. Her story takes us through her transition from programming to management, sharing the lessons learned and obstacles faced. Learn from her experiences, gain from her insights, and join us in this episode that promises to be an illuminating guide for anyone in a similar position. From coding to managing teams, Aleksandra's journey will inspire and motivate you.

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    #033 Zwischen Funken und Friendzone - Die Mutmachfolge

    #033 Zwischen Funken und Friendzone - Die Mutmachfolge
    Triff Vicky und Georg zwischen Funken und Friendzone. Am Rande des Wahnsinns diskutieren die beiden, ob man Dating-Apps für Freund- oder Liebschaften nutzen sollte,