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    Nothing To The Grave is a lifestyle brand for people who want to become the best version of themselves. The biggest potential regret is not living a life true to yourself. 

     Youtube, Podcast, Art. 

    What is your true potential?

    en-usJesse Ojuka28 Episodes

    Episodes (28)

    5 Life Changing Lessons By 25

    5 Life Changing Lessons By 25

    I recently just turned 25. I spent some time reflecting  the most important things I've learnt that can help the incredible listeners of this podcast. I chose the 5 most impactful for me ... 

    Let's talk about it 

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    Love you 

    What is your true potential?

    How I Fell In Love ...

    How I Fell In Love ...

    I never found love until I did these five things.

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    What is your true potential?

    NothingToTheGrave | EP:26 - How To Find Your Process

    NothingToTheGrave | EP:26 - How To Find Your Process

    An exploration of my creative process from writing, and music to Nothing To The Grave. 

    Lets talk about it ...  

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you weekly from the heavens.

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    What is your true potential?

    NothingToTheGrave | EP:25 - Life After College

    NothingToTheGrave | EP:25 - Life After College

    In recent weeks after finishing college after dropping out three times, I’ve had some of the most profound realisations. I have been washed with calmness after being soaked in anxiety. I’ve realised that I don’t want to take the conventional or “default path” as author Paul Millard calls it.

    “The longer we spend on a path that isn’t ours, the longer it takes to move toward a path that is”

    Let's talk about it ...

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you weekly from the heavens.

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    What is your true potential?

    NothingToTheGrave | EP:24 - How To Stop Feeling Anxious

    NothingToTheGrave | EP:24 - How To Stop Feeling Anxious

    Experiencing that mild anxiety gave me a new perspective on what so many people go through in this life. I knew I had to address it before it got worse.

    Luckily, I had read a book called 'The Power of Now' which speaks about presence which is a remedy to most of life's heartaches and mental wars we put ourselves through. 

    Let's talk about it ...

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you weekly from the heavens.

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    What is your true potential?

    What is your true potential?

    NothingToTheGrave | EP:23 - Little Miss Sunshine

    NothingToTheGrave | EP:23 - Little Miss Sunshine

    I decided that taking the time to reflect on the journey of being a creator and an artist could be valuable not only for myself but for anyone that is embarking on an uncertain journey in life. 

    The title was inspired by a movie I watched named 'Little Miss Sunshine' which featured a quote that resonated with me.  'Losers never win because they're afraid to lose'.          

     Let's talk about it ...

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you weekly from the heavens.

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    What is your true potential?

    NothingToTheGrave | EP:22 - How To Be Confident

    NothingToTheGrave | EP:22 - How To Be Confident

    Without confidence we will never taste of the flavour’s life has to offer us. We will never embark on our callings. We will never ask the questions because we are afraid of getting the wrong answer. We would never express ourselves. We are stuck in a cave that follows us wherever we go. 

    I looked up a few definitions for confidence but the one that guides us through this video says. “Confidence means feeling sure in yourself and your abilities”

     Lets talk about it ...

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you weekly from the heavens.

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    What is your true potential?

    What is your true potential?

    How To Squeeze Summer

    How To Squeeze Summer

    Last summer I was lucky enough to travel to NY, Boston, Texas, Florida, and Atlanta by myself, then to Portugal then to Norway. I love summer, I am a summer baby. The weather fuels adventure. The mood is bright and open-minded. 

    According to studies, we get more happiness from spending money on experiences than material items.  

    Summertime is exploration time. Time to fill our buckets with memories. 

    Here are some ways we can do that  

     Let's talk about it ...

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    What is your true potential?

    Forest Man

    Forest Man

    Recently during a conversation with one of my close friends, she told me that most people would probably think I’m crazy. The way I think, my beliefs, my perspectives. It triggered my mind because I live a quite reclusive life. 

    She called me forest man. 

    It made me think about our values and how we all approach our lives as individuals. I think we should start with a question, what do we value most, and are we trying to live our lives according to that? 

     Let's talk about it ...

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you weekly from the heavens.

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    What is your true potential?

    Taste The Rainbow

    Taste The Rainbow

    According to a study by IBM. The essential skill in the world that predicts success is not communication. It's not problem-solving skills, it's not even patience or speed. Creativity is undoubtedly the most beneficial skill in the world.

    Let's talk about it.

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you weekly from the heavens.

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    What is your true potential?

    Beginners Luck: How I made 40k at 18

    Beginners Luck: How I made 40k at 18

    By the time I was 18 I had made over €40k from different entrepreneurial endeavours. I wish I could say this was because I was special. In reality it was because I noticed some opportunities and simply tried. Woody Allen says, "80% of success is showing up". Paul Coelho puts this gorgeously in his book The Alchemist,  by calling it "The Law Of Favourability".

    Let's talk about it.

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you weekly from the heavens. 

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    What is your true potential?

    Surrounded By Idiots

    Surrounded By Idiots

    We live in a society comprised of a rich and colourful variety of people. This salad of personalities makes life creative and compelling. However, we are all guilty of judging someone, I myself hold my hand up. 

    As someone driven I would judge people who weren't as ferocious in their drive or those who didn't shoot for the universe. On the contrary, people also judge those who do take a disciplined and ambitious approach to life. 
    I decided to read the enlightening psychological behavioural book  'Surrounded By Idiots' by Thomas Erikson. It helped me empathise and understand those who are different to me.

    In this episode we will cover the 4 main different personality types, the pros and cons of each, and how we can best communicate and interact with each other. So we can have stronger and more harmonious relationships that colour our lives. 

    What is your true potential?

    On Your Marks, Get Set, Go

    On Your Marks, Get Set, Go

    I asked myself,  what am I going through that can be helpful to the wonderful listeners of this podcast. I realised what's more real and current than sharing all I've learnt so far from starting this journey. The journey of finding my purpose. The journey of following my purpose.  A real insight into the good the bad and the ugly aspects of chasing your dreams, from an authentic and raw perspective ... 

    Let's talk about it 

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you twice weekly.

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    What is your true potential?

    What is your true potential?

    Suicidal Pride

    Suicidal Pride

    Someone recently told me it seems like I have a sense of pride. Initially, I didn’t know how to take it because pride can also be a poison pill but then I realised I do have pride. I pride myself on being an honest person, a pure soul, and authentic. I also pride myself on not having foolish pride.

    Let's talk about it 

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you twice weekly.

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    What is your true potential?

    Stop Trying To Be Happy

    Stop Trying To Be Happy

    Would you consider yourself a happy person, what is happiness?, and where can we find it?

    I think we're asking the wrong question ...

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    What is your true potential?

    The Candle Wick

    The Candle Wick

     A 2017 study found that burnout is associated with health risks that include cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, bone and joint pain, fatigue, headaches, gastrointestinal and respiratory issues, and even death before age 45.
    Millennials are the most burned-out generation, with 59% experiencing some symptoms of burnout.

    Over the last two weeks, I've been in a battle with burnout and thankfully with the remedies mentioned in today's episode, I managed to emerge victorious.

    Let's talk about it ...

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you twice weekly.

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    What is your true potential?

    The Defining Decade

    The Defining Decade

    According to clinical psychologist Meg Jay, our personalities change more in our twenties than at any other time. As someone in their twenties, I believe its absolutely pivotal to utilize the opportunities our twenties offer.

    Let's talk about it ...

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you twice weekly.

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    What is your true potential?

    Don't Eat The Marshmallows

    Don't Eat The Marshmallows

    There has never been a time in history when delayed gratification was as valuable as it is today.

    Let's talk about it ...

    Nothing To The Grave will be brought to you twice weekly.

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    #NothingToTheGrave #books #philosophy #psychology #inspiration#sacrifice#marcusaurelius  #Stoic
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    What is your true potential?

    What is your true potential?

    Tom Cruise

    Tom Cruise

    I'm almost at a point where I can say "I'm not afraid of anything"

    "Life shrinks or expands according to one's courage"
    Let's talk about it.
    Nothing To The Grave Podcast will be brought to you twice weekly.

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    #NothingToTheGrave #books #philosophy #psychology#inspiration#sacrifice#marcusaurelius  #Stoic

    Nothing To The Grave Podcast will be brought to you twice weekly.

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    What is your true potential?

    Solitude Will Change Your Life

    Solitude Will Change Your Life

    Towards the latter stages of the lockdown, I decided to not leave my house for a month to see if I could make strides in my life regarding music, fitness, mental growth, and discipline.

    I began discovering myself to a point I had never before seen, I was hooked on spending time in solitude.

    Let's talk about it.
    Nothing To The Grave Podcast will be brought to you twice weekly.

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    #NothingToTheGrave #books #philosophy #psychology #inspiration#sacrifice#marcusaurelius  #Stoic

    Nothing To The Grave Podcast will be brought to you twice weekly.

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    What is your true potential?

    What is your true potential?