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    Mother Knows Best Podcast

    I help busy work from home moms embrace the chaos and live an organized life. Ready to hear my tips, tricks and get a closer look into my life? Listen now!
    enEmily Harding25 Episodes

    Episodes (25)

    25. Making Time For Yourself

    25. Making Time For Yourself

    What do all mamas have in common? We never have enough time to ourselves! In this episode, Emily breaks down the root issue with feeling like your cup is being poured into. It goes so much deeper than going out with the girls or on a date night with hubby. It can actually be the simplest things and you can easily add to your cup daily. 

    Ready to get organized? Don't forget to grab your freebie! The Overwhelmed to Organized Templates will helps you to leave the stress behind and create simply, funtional systems in your day to day. 

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyyharding_/

    24. How To Make Your Life Easier

    24. How To Make Your Life Easier

    In this week's episode, Emily shares the best things you can do to make your life easier. Want to know the secret to less stress, listen to find out!


    Ready to get organized? Don't forget to grab your freebie! The Overwhelmed to Organized Templates will helps you to leave the stress behind and create simply, funtional systems in your day to day. 

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyyharding_/

    22. Difficult Conversations

    22. Difficult Conversations

    In this episode, Emily gives her advice on how to handle the challenging situation of working at home with kids and having to do it all. How do you get your spouse to help and not put everything on you? Emily walks you through how to end the cycle. You don't want to miss this one!


    Ready to get organized? Don't forget to grab your freebie! The Overwhelmed to Organized Templates will helps you to leave the stress behind and create simply, funtional systems in your day to day. 

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyyharding_/

    21. Creating Peace In The Mundane

    21. Creating Peace In The Mundane

    In this week's episode, Emily chats about her most recent realization as a work from home mom. She uncovers how she began to create a peaceful environment, where she can find joy in the mundane. Emily walks you through how to create this in your own life.

    Ready to get organized? Don't forget to grab your freebie! The Overwhelmed to Organized Templates will helps you to leave the stress behind and create simply, funtional systems in your day to day. 

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyyharding_/

    20. Day In My Life

    20. Day In My Life

    In this episode, Emily takes you through a day in her life and how you can organize and set up your days for success. Don't forget to grab your freebie to help create your perfect day! The Overwhelmed to Organized Templates will helps you to leave the stress behind and get organized. 

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyyharding_/

    19. What To Do When You Lose Motivation

    19. What To Do When You Lose Motivation

    After jumping into the new year, Emily quickly found herself burnt out. In this episode, she talks all about how she ditched the burnout. Emily talks in depth about how you can keep your motivation up and reach your full potential this year.

    Don't forget to grab your freebie! The Overwhelmed to Organized Templates will helps you to leave the stress behind and get organized. 

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyyharding_/





    14. Midwife vs OB

    14. Midwife vs OB

    What one's better? This week I'm sharing some differences between seeing a midwife vs an OB. I tell my own story on why I made the switch from an OB to a midwife and don't plan on ever going back. I give you tips on how to find the best provider for you and your needs.


    Connect with me over on Instagram: emilyk_harding

    Don't forget to rate this podcast and leave me a review, it's so appreciated!



    Disclaimer: I am not a professional, and you should always consult a professional based on your medical needs. This episode is me sharing my own experience and things I’ve learned from those experiences. Do what feels right for you.

    11. I'M PREGNANT! First Trimester Update

    11. I'M PREGNANT! First Trimester Update

    We're expecting baby #2!! This week I share the exciting new of how I found out I was pregnant, the early symptoms I had and what I've been experiencing in the first trimester.

    Connect with me over on Instagram: emilyk_harding

    Don't forget to rate this podcast and leave me a review, it's so appreciated!


    10. Raising Independent Kids

    10. Raising Independent Kids

    Join me this week as I talk about how to help your child be more independent. It's so important to encourage our children to try and do new things. I go over how we can parent our kids to be capable and confident. It's your moment to teach, take a step back and share in your child's new accomplishments.


    Connect with me over on Instagram: emilyk_harding

    Don't forget to rate this podcast and leave me a review, it's so appreciated!


    9. Setting Boundaries

    9. Setting Boundaries

    This week, I'm talking all about boundaries. I'm sharing my own story on how my boundaries have been broken and why I feel confident confronting people when thy've been crossing. I let you in on how you can set boundaries and how to be confident in sticking to them.


    Connect with me over on Instagram: emilyk_harding

    Don't forget to leave me a review, it's so appreciated!



    8. Why Our Kids Need a Schedule

    8. Why Our Kids Need a Schedule

    This week we're talking all about schedules. I'm sharing why kids need routine and predictablility. I let you in on what I think is the most important piece of your child's schedule.

    Taking Cara Babies Sleep Schedules

    Connect with me over on Instagram: emilyk_harding

    Don't forget to leave me a review, it's so appreciated!


    Disclaimer: You should always consult a professional if you have concerns for your child. This episode is me sharing my own experience and things I’ve learned from working in child development. Always do what feels right for you.

    7. How Play Can Improve Your Child's Development

    7. How Play Can Improve Your Child's Development

    This week I'm taking you through what each area of development is and how you can support your child through play to improve their development. I explain the different types of play you can work on for each area of development and what kinds of toys are most helpful to have in your home. I even give you two tips to encourage play and avoid over-stimulation.


    Connect with me over on Instagram: emilyk_harding

    Don't forget to rate this podcast and leave me a review, it's so appreciated!


    Disclaimer: You should always consult a professional if you have concerns in any area of development. This episode is me sharing my own experience and things I’ve learned from working in child development. Always do what feels right for you.

    Mother Knows Best Podcast
    enSeptember 19, 2022

    6. Baby Talk

    6. Baby Talk

    In this week's episode, I'm sharing what I've done and continue to do to help promote speech and language with my son. He's only 17 months old and is saying over 40 words! I'm here to give you advice to help encourage you to implement some of these strategies to help your little one talk.

    Connect with me over on Instagram: emilyk_harding

    Don't forget to leave me a review, it's so appreciated!


    Disclaimer: I am not a Speech Therapist and you should always consult a professional if you have concerns in any area of development. This episode is me sharing my own experience and things I’ve learned from working with speech therapists and in child development. Do what feels right for you.