
    Andy Albright's MOVE: Principles For Getting The Best Results

    Do you dream of getting more out of life each day? Do you desire to take the next step in your career, but it just doesn’t seem to be working out like you planned? Do you wish you were more confident in all that you do? Are you tired of having to make up excuses for why you aren’t where you want to be? Welcome to MOVE: Principles For Getting The Best Results, a podcast designed to help you succeed in your professional and personal life. Andy Albright has spent more than 25 years learning principles of some of the most successful and influential people in the world. With each episode, Andy will help you break through barriers, sail over obstacles and build momentum to guide you toward a better life. Maybe you want to learn how to handle stress or time management more efficiently, or just stop engaging in the blame game. If that sounds good to you, then MOVE is perfect for you. Lock in and listen as Andy shares practical and simple principles that all successful people follow and swear by. Every single day ordinary people do extraordinary things because they are willing to do what others are not. That is the secret to being successful. If you are willing to work and not give up, you will eventually get exactly what you want in life. Sit back and enjoy Andy Albright’s MOVE and be sure to leave comments to tell us what you like most.
    enAndy Albright100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    EP 101: Jake & VeRae Joseph: Entrepreneurs, Parents, Power Couple

    EP 101: Jake & VeRae Joseph: Entrepreneurs, Parents, Power Couple

    On this episode of the MOVE Podcast, we dive deep into Jake and VeRae Joseph's incredible journey. Driven by dreams of financial independence, they juggled part-time jobs until a pivotal introduction to the Alliance by a family friend, Jerra Gonzales, catalyzed their professional growth. Despite grappling with self-doubt, their unwavering determination, coupled with a supportive team, led them to industry leadership. As they aim for higher echelons within the Alliance, Jake and VeRae underscore the value of patience and perseverance. Their story stands as an inspiration, highlighting the transformative potential of belief, resilience, and commitment.

    EP100:Attitude | MOVE

    EP100:Attitude | MOVE

    On this episode of MOVE, Andy Albright talks about the importance of your attitude and how you let other people influence your thoughts and behaviors.

    Listen as Andy tackles this big subject for more than 30 minutes in an effort to help you "get your mind right" when it comes to your attitude. 






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    EP99:Relationships Vs. Religion | MOVE

    EP99:Relationships Vs. Religion | MOVE

    On this episode of MOVE, Andy serves up a sermon from Marcus Richardson, of Aurora, Colorado, who preached on Sunday morning at The Alliance’s “Breakthrough” event in Burlington, N.C.

    Have you ever thought about life in terms of relationships vs. religion?

    What if we misunderstood God? What if when he showed up we didn’t understand what needed to happen?

    What if it was really about relationships? What if that was God’s plan for us?

    Genesis Chapter 1:26 NKJ version

    The enemy wants you to question what God actually said to you. Man was made in His image.

    You are like God just by showing up. You have to be very careful about what voices you allow in your head. He knows what is in our heart. It all started with Adam and Eve. After eating that forbidden fruit, Adam was suddenly embarrassed that he was naked.

    God asked how he knew he was naked? It was the beginning of how man can often fall prey to outside noise that isn’t what God wants for you. God wants what is best for us, even when we might not understand it.

    God’s original plan was for man to dominate the Earth.

    You have to have faith that your path is the one He intended for you.

    Settle in and listen as Marcus shares some select passages from the Bible about this deep subject.






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    EP98:Adam and Beth Katz: Doing Life and Business Together | MOVE

    EP98:Adam and Beth Katz: Doing Life and Business Together | MOVE

    How many true friends can you say that you have had for more than 30 years? You might have a couple, but the number is probably very low.

    For Adam and Beth Katz, the list begins and ends with two people: Andy and Jane Albright.

    After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1991, Beth and Adam accepted elementary teaching positions in Harnett County in North Carolina as part of their Teaching Fellow Scholarship requirement. Each new teacher was assigned a mentor. It just so happened that Adam Katz and Jane Albright were assigned to the same mentor.

    Eventually, that mentor started a “side hustle” with Andy Albright in Amway. Andy asked the mentor for a list of names and Adam and Beth Katz were on the list of people to contact.

    30 years later, it’s hard to imagine not seeing the Katzes and Albrights not “doing life” together.

    “We realized early that our salaries were not going to get us where we wanted to be,” Adam said. “I was very open to ideas of how to make money outside of teaching.”

    Andy, then 27, visited with Beth and Adam, who was 22, at their modest townhome, which led to attending an opportunity meeting. They liked Andy and the rest is history … 30 years later!

    A lot of “life” has happened during the last three decades. The two couples have been there for the good, the bad and everything in between. The birth of children, the loss of loved ones, the highs and the lows … they’ve experienced it all together.

    From 1992-99 the Katzes and the Albrights were working outside of their “9-to-5” jobs building their Amway businesses. If they weren’t teaching, Adam and Beth were working to bring in more income. When Albright had an idea, they were “all in” and tried a number of different money-making ideas.

    In 1999, Adam Katz got his insurance license. The reason was to actually make more money that he would be able to invest into his Amway business. Slowly, it became clear that it was time to shift his entire focus into building an insurance agency.

    “I knew Andy was working on something and it was probably going to be insurance,” Adam Katz said.

    The Katzes said it didn’t matter what direction Andy and Jane went professionally. They had decided to partner in any endeavor with them and “do life together.”

    “I just wanted to find somebody to do life and business with,” Adam Katz said. “I always had the dream of having my own business. We were lucky that we ended up with them, and it all started because we liked them and built a relationship with them long before we made any money working with them.”

    Pretty quickly the Katzes were able to replace a teaching salary with a multiple six-figure income with The Alliance. That number rose to $1 million annually and the Katzes have enjoyed the ride beside their long-time friends.

    They’ve traveled the world with the Albrights in places they never imagined they would see in person. Another constant during their travel is ice cream. It’s a tradition that started on a cruise in Germany. Every trip they are on together, no matter the location, Adam journeys out to find ice cream for his wife and Jane, who loves coffee-flavored ice cream.

    “I started a tradition that continues all over the world anywhere we go,” Adam said.

    Adam and Beth have went from living in a small townhome to living on the coast in Wilmington, N.C. in their dream home where they raised their three children – Sarah (married and expecting a baby this year), Emily (an agent with The Alliance) and Andrew (a sophomore at UNC Chapel Hill).

    “We’ve always believed in Adam and Beth from the beginning,” Andy Albright said of his long-time friends. “There’s no couple we want to be successful more than Adam and Beth. They have been by our side when things have been very good, but they’ve also been there when things were not so good. Their loyalty is something we honor and cherish greatly. It’s been a blast hanging out with them all over the world.”

    Good or bad, the Katzes said they always had tremendous support from the Albrights.

    “They’ve never given up on us even when we’ve given up on ourselves,” Adam Katz said. “They believed in us more than we believed in ourselves. To have somebody in your life that will speak that kind of life into you is just an incredible thing.”

    Beth Katz said repaying Andy and Jane for all their help and guidance during the last 30 years is impossible. However, Beth said helping others is their way of showing the Albrights gratitude.

    “Adam and I need to be to others what Andy and Jane were to us,” Beth Katz said. “That’s the way we can give back to them for what they’ve done for us.”

    The book of Ruth in the Bible talks about making the Covenant Commitment. In a literal sense, a covenant means a binding agreement, a legal contract. It is a seal between two or more parties.

    Ruth 1:16-17 reads:

    “And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.”

    Adam and Beth believe that sums up their relationship with the Albrights. It’s a special bond they don’t believe will ever be broken.

    “We didn’t worry about our differences were, we found the commonalities that we could build on,” Adam Katz, 53, said. “It’s been so beautiful to watch come together over 30 years. The next 30 years is going to be more of the same.”

    “The idea of us being able to live like we live the last 20 years is crazy,” Adam Katz said. “We decided to be beside them. We have 30 years of great stories.”

    Beth added that there is no question in her mind that the relationship happened because it was meant to be.

    “We are where we’re supposed to be, we are with the people we are supposed to be and we are just looking forward to what the future holds,” Beth Katz said. “We love doing life with Andy and Jane.”






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    EP97:Inside The Circle | MOVE

    EP97:Inside The Circle | MOVE

    On this episode of MOVE, your host Andy Albright brings you his third book "Inside The Circle," so that you can listen to it anywhere you are in the world!

    Andy knows the power of controlling the things you actually have control over. He also knows you shouldn't waste time on things you have no power to control. We hope you enjoy this podcast and will learn from what Andy has to share.

    If you like what you hear, please share it with others!






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    EP96:Safe Money: Your Map To Retirement | MOVE

    EP96:Safe Money: Your Map To Retirement | MOVE

    On this episode of Andy Albright's MOVE, you'll learn about the power of owning an annuity product and how it can help set you up for retirement. 

    Ulpian, who is considered by many to be The Father of the Life Table, or the actuarial table, was standing in the palace of the Emperor as a mob became louder and louder and more unruly. This happened often in ancient Rome. The underclass knew how to stick together to get better treatment from the upper class. Suddenly, the Praetorian Guard, the Secret Service of Ancient Rome, turned on Ulpian and he was assassinated in the chaos. The year was 228.

    His work is still here, almost 1,800 years later. Annuities of all kinds depend on the life table, or actuarial that Ulpian is believed to have first conceived. It is ironic that a soldier killed him because some of the first annuities, based on life expectancy, were set up to pay the soldiers of the Roman Empire.

    The word “annua” is Latin and refers to annual stipend. Ulpian conceived an idea of measuring life expectancy with his life tables.

    The annuity is not welfare. “To each his own” is a basis for self-reliance and annuities through the century have a culture of responsibility to yourself. The idea that pools of money would be used to pay for soldiers, and other “workers” in Rome is certainly not welfare because you were expected to pay in to the pool to get some guarantee of income.

    Here is the other bedrock that comes from the Romans.

    The jobs in Rome included farmers, doctors, engineers, architects, teachers, shopkeepers, craftsmen, soldiers, sailors, fisherman, writers, poets, musicians, statesmen, bankers, traders, merchants, accountants, government officials, smiths, jewelers, construction workers, temple workers, entertainers, and others.

    Doesn’t that sound a little bit like today’s multi-level workforce. The annuity, you see, was created for a broad class of people and occupations.

    Scholars believe the Romans had lifetime income strategies that were the basis of the Single Premium Immediate Annuity structure used today

    The ideals of annuities have lasted for centuries. It is a culture of looking out for the long haul and having some guarantee of return. This culture has withstood world wars, famines, disease, governments being overthrown, and all manner of human calamity.






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    EP95:Save Smarter, Not Harder | MOVE

    EP95:Save Smarter, Not Harder | MOVE

    On this episode of Andy Albright's MOVE, you'll learn all about why it's better to "Save Smarter, Not Harder ... a guide to all things Index Universal Life insurance.

    What good is wealth accumulation without wealth preservation?

    So understand this. Wealth preservation is not simply putting your money in something safe, like an annuity, it is preserving the wealth from unnecessary taxes. Most of us want to contribute to the common good by paying taxes—schools, fire department, police, roads—and we want to stay within the boundaries of the law, but ignorance of tax liability can erode our wealth.

    We invest in the wrong tax-advantage financial vehicles. We are not aware of tax-efficiencies. Our tax strategy does not work with our income distribution plan later in life. You don’t know it, but you have laid landmines all around your wealth accumulation plan and one of these days you are going to stumble over that land mine.

    This book is going to help you with wealth accumulation and how to preserve that wealth in retirement by setting up tax strategies … now.

    The book is also going to help you with planning. If you are reading this book and you are in your early 30s, perfect. Please don’t be dazzled by the booms of the stock market and the 20 percent wins on stocks. It doesn’t last. Invest in the market, sure, but when you diversify think about the IUL and lifetime achievement of your wealth.






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    EP93:The 8 Steps To Success | MOVE

    EP93:The 8 Steps To Success | MOVE

    On this episode of MOVE, Andy Albright shares his first book "The 8 Steps To Success" in an effort to reach as many people as possible through this podcast. 

    Do you know the 8 Steps?

    Personal Use




    Attend All Meetings

    Be Teachable

    Be Accountable

    Communicate with a Positive Mental Attitude

    These simple steps are Andy's blueprint to finding your own success through taking action in these areas. 

    We hope you enjoy haering from Andy on this podcast. Let us know what you think!






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    EP92:An Interview With Kaulig Racing's Chris Rice | MOVE

    EP92:An Interview With Kaulig Racing's Chris Rice | MOVE

    On this edition of MOVE, Andy Albright is joined by Chris Rice, president of Kaulig Racing, to talk about leadership, building winning teams and, of all things, pro wrestling.

    Albright says he knows nothing about NASCAR racing, and Rice says he knows nothing about insurance.

    However, both men know about leadership and winning.

    Settle in and enjoy this conversation between two leaders in their respective industries.





    #N247RU #DoTheDo


    EP91:Mike and Noelle Lewantowicz: Super Bowl Dreams | MOVE

    EP91:Mike and Noelle Lewantowicz: Super Bowl Dreams | MOVE
    On this episode of MOVE, Mac Heffner interviews Mike and Noelle Lewantowicz about a dream that recently came true for the couple from Louisivlle, Kentucky.  There's just some things you maybe don't think will ever really happen. Then, when aren't expecting it ... they do!

    Find out that applies to Noelle Lewantowicz on this special edition of MOVE.






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    EP90:Andy Albright Interviews Megan Wood | MOVE

    EP90:Andy Albright Interviews Megan Wood | MOVE

    On this episode of MOVE, Andy Albright interviewes Megan Wood, The Alliance's top producer in 2021, to talk about how she is successful with helping clients consistently.

    Tune in to learn some of her strategies to help protect her clients.






    #N247RU #DoTheDo


    EP89:An Interview With The Perfect 10 Band | MOVE

    EP89:An Interview With The Perfect 10 Band | MOVE
    On this episode of MOVE, Andy Albright welcomes Jason Freeman and Leslie Pugh of the Perfect 10 Band for an interview during The Alliance's National Convetion in Burlington, N.C. on Jan. 21, 2022. 

    Find out what life is like for these band members and learn why they love what they do. 






    #N247RU #DoTheDo


    EP88:Andy Albright Interviews Marc Accetta | MOVE

    EP88:Andy Albright Interviews Marc Accetta | MOVE

    On this episode of MOVE, Andy Albright delivers an interview he did with Marc Accetta, who made his debut with The Alliance during National Convention in Burlington, N.C. in late January of 2022.

    Accetta is partnering with The Alliance to help make its events even more successful than ever before. His coaching and teaching has helped thousands of sales people in various markets. 

    Settle in to hear this entertaining chat between gurus of marketing and event presentation. The two will sahre their thoughts on the role live events play in a company and share how marketing plays a huge role too. 

    You'll learn more about Andy and Marc held initial meetings before deciding their was great synergy and that putting their heads together could set off an explosion of growth for The Alliance in 2022.  






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    EP87:Marvin Otzoy: Always Better Together | MOVE

    EP87:Marvin Otzoy: Always Better Together | MOVE
    On this episode of MOVE, Mac Heffner sits down with The Alliance's Marvin Otzoy to talk about life growing up in Guatenmala, how he ended up in the United States and joined The Alliance with the help of his friend, Marvin Osuna. 






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    EP86:The Osunas: Steady Commitment | MOVE

    EP86:The Osunas: Steady Commitment | MOVE
    On this episode of Andy Albright's MOVE, The Alliance's Marvin and Rachel Osuna sit down with Mac Heffner to talk about how they met, what they were doing before The Alliance and how their business has exploded in 2 short years!

    You’ll also find out why they are focused on helping the rest of The Alliance continue growing … let's start the show!






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    EP85:Ice Ice Baby: Vanilla Ice Meets Andy Albright | MOVE

    EP85:Ice Ice Baby: Vanilla Ice Meets Andy Albright | MOVE
    On this episode of MOVE, Andy Albright welcomes Vanilla Ice, aka Rob Van Winkle, to discuss a wide range of topics during The Alliance's Family Reunion in Burlington, N.C. on July 30, 2021. 






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    EP84:5-28-12: Paul Roberts | MOVE

    EP84:5-28-12: Paul Roberts | MOVE
    There are hugely important in all our lives. To some, they are just random dates. To others, they represent things like birthdays, graduation dates and weddings.

    It’s amazing how minor one day can be to the masses, but mean so much to one person.

    May 28, 2012 is that date for Paul Roberts and his family. It’s when he asked God to make him stop.

    That’s the day Roberts got sober. He’s been that way for more than nine years, sharing his journey with family, friends and members of The Alliance.

    Prior to that day, Roberts drank socially, but that wasn’t when was at his worst. The bad times were when he drank alone. He would drink liquor while sitting in his bathroom alone. One night he woke up in his garage and wasn’t really sure why he was there.

    In January of 2012 he finally hit rock bottom. There were multiple trips to the emergency room to get help after rounds of binge drinking. He started hallucinating and had thoughts that he was burden on his wife, Tamara and their daughters – Torre and Randi.

    Luckily, that stopped on May 28, 2012.

    During the last nine years, Roberts has gone from losing cars and houses to replacing them with significant upgrades. The anxiety he fought for so long to find his next drink has been replaced with celebrating milestones, running various distance races and helping agents become successful.

    In early May, Roberts hit another major milestone in his professional career when through his company, Roberts Alliance (aka Roberts Rockstars), helped Roberts become a managing partner with Integrity Marketing Group.

    Roberts and Tamara are the first members of The Alliance to partner with Integrity since Andy and Jane Albright joined forces with Dallas-based Integrity, the nation’s largest independent distributor of life and health insurance products.

    The Roberts Rockstars group has grown from a small office into a space that allows Roberts to host meetings and events. It’s a special space because of the history he has with it. It was formerly SouthWest Beer and Wine Mart, a place Roberts stopped at almost daily to buy more alcohol.

    When Roberts stopped drinking the mart closed less than 90 days later. Roberts was surprised and joked that he had put them out of business when he stopped drinking. The space became New Hope Church for a little while. One day Roberts saw that the building was available because the church was moving. After several visits to see the space, Roberts felt comfortable making this the new home of Roberts Rockstars.

    Since the move, Roberts is focused on helping agents grow through coaching and showing them what is possible with a little work.

    “I want it bad for them,” Roberts said. “I’ve got mine and now I have to help them get theirs too. Becoming a partner with Integrity has really opened things up for all of us to shoot for partner.”

    Roberts is a leader who has shown that with unbreakable determination, one can overcome even the toughest odds. Entering the insurance industry was a leap of faith for Roberts. However, he came equipped with over a decade of experience in professional recruiting. That experience taught him the power that building strong relationships and demonstrating compassion can have on a business.

    Today, Roberts Alliance supports a national network of life and health insurance agents who help thousands of American families find the coverage they need. The company placed more than $25 million in annual paid premium during 2020.

    "When we started Roberts Alliance, our mission was simply to serve families," Roberts said. "But in life, I've learned you can't do anything alone and we were ready for the next step. Now that we've joined Integrity, we can reach thousands more Americans than we could on our own. Integrity will take many back-office responsibilities off my plate, so I can serve my team more than ever before. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us, and I am so excited that Roberts Alliance is joining forces with Integrity."

    No one is prouder of Paul Roberts than The Alliance CEO Andy Albright. He’s been right there with Roberts, who started working with The Alliance in 2005. Albright calls Roberts an example and inspiration for others who are facing their own struggles.

    “Paul’s journey is nothing short of inspiring in terms of where he was in 2012 to where he is in 2021,” Albright said. “Through it all, he’s continued helping people grow. He’s one of our greatest success stories, which is why Integrity wanted to make him a partner. Jane and I couldn’t be happier for Paul and Tamara. I predict the Roberts Rockstars are going to grow like crazy moving forward.”

    Bryan W. Adams, co-founder and CEO of Integrity, echoed Albright’s comments.

    “The story, intensity and passion that Paul brings is truly inspirational and we're honored to partner with him and his team," Adams said. "This partnership will allow Integrity to invest in Paul's business and give him more access to technology and tools, as well as provide crucial resources to help him support his agents. We believe you can never have too many all-star players on one team. Adding Paul to our Integrity family is going to add to our powerhouse squad."

    Fueled by industry-leading technology, the Integrity platform offers a vast toolkit of resources to help Roberts Alliance achieve monumental growth. Partners have access to proprietary quoting and enrollment technology, product development and a world-class advertising and marketing firm. Roberts will continue to run his business while taking advantage of Integrity's centralized business functions, such as accounting, human resources, IT and legal. He will also collaborate with the country's leading partners that have already joined Integrity's network. Roberts Alliance will also have access to the leading skill sets of Integrity Partners.  

    “Our vision has always centered around family, community and team," Roberts said. "With the Employee Ownership Plan (for our staff), our incredibly loyal employees can now share in a piece of Integrity. They are being given a place of honor within our corporate family. I couldn't be more thrilled about our next chapter of growth with Integrity. This partnership opportunity provides us endless possibilities."

    EP83:Jake and Belle Crause: Service-Minded Leaders | MOVE

    EP83:Jake and Belle Crause: Service-Minded Leaders | MOVE
    On this episode of MOVE, you'll hear an interview with Jake and Belle Crause, who are no strangers when it comes to being part of an elite, special and – most importantly -- winning team.

    The couple chatted with Mac Heffner to talk about how they joined The Alliance, and took advantage of the opportunity.

    The Crauses both had impressive military careers in the Army, where they couldn’t always tell people what they had done.

    Now, they can tell the world and invite them to join The Alliance too.

    Jake remembers the first time he saw Belle was right after finishing basic training in the Army in Huntsville, Ala.

    Jake, who served for 22 years before retiring in September of 2018, was in a break room when Belle walked in the room.

    “I was struck by her immediately,” Jake said of seeing his future wife. “She was pretty, she had a great smile, and she doesn’t remember meeting me but that was how we met.”

    If Belle had followed the path of most people in the small town where she grew up in southeastern Kentucky, she would never have met Jake.

    Belle was the first in her family to graduate from high school. Her family’s home didn’t have running water until she was a teenager. Most women in her town were married and had children before they turned 20. It was a poor town, where people don’t dream big and most never leave. Belle wanted more.

    She read about different places in the world. An army recruiter came to her school when she was 13 and told her she had options. That gave her the lifeline she needed to live a different life than the people she grew up around. Belle knew she was going to join the Army.

    “I couldn’t fathom staying where I was,” Belle said. “Once you get a taste of that freedom and get a taste that there could be more, you starve for it. You are always after the next level of how you can do more and how you can do better.”

    On the other side of the country, Jake grew up south of Seattle, Wash. in a town called Kent. As a young boy, Jake went to a state fair and saw an airplane show. He knew the sky was where he wanted to be when he grew up. While Jake had opportunities, he didn’t have enough money to attend college.

    Jake’s path was the Army. It was also his ticket to become a pilot.

    After meeting at basic training, the couple dated for about six months. They were married on a beach in Florida as they were finishing up Explosive Ordinance Disposal training. Jake deployed a week later. This was basically the routine during the next 22 years.

    Belle served for eight years in the Army but was badly injured during an explosion in June of 1996. The blast at the Khobar Towers in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia killed 19 people and threw Belle across the room, injuring her back.

    “There’s days where she is down because of her back. She takes away my excuses and a lot of other people’s excuses by going out and still doing that,” Jake said. “Her military service was very significant, and I want everybody to know that.”

    As Jake continued deploying for months at a time, Belle raised the couple’s two children – Heidi and Jacob. Eventually, Jake joined a Special Operations Aviation Regiment called the Night Stalkers. He flew in more than 15 combat deployments, some of which movies have been made about.

    As Jake clearly had an identity with the military, Belle was losing her role as stay-at-home mom. Her kids were adults, and she need to find a new purpose.    

    “I was looking for something more when the opportunity of The Alliance came around,” Belle said. “The kids had gotten older, and I was getting into a new phase of life where it wasn’t so centered around raising the children and the home front as much. That’s when this opportunity came along.”

    In 2016, Jake was still in the military, but kept seeing fellow Night Stalker Brandon Bules talking to people on the phone or listening to conference calls. Jake finally asked Bules what he was doing. Jake wanted no part of sales or insurance, but he thought Belle would be great at it.

    Jake was right, and he eventually warmed up to the idea of working with The Alliance too. Jake said the culture attracted him, which was something he loved about the Army.

    “I don’t know where I got this negative perception about sales and insurance,” Jake said. “I knew Brandon was up to something. He’s always been business-minded, and I could just tell he was working on something. Now, looking back, I know he was listening to calls like The Wednesday Call. I finally asked him about it, and I initially rejected it. But, I knew Belle could do it. I pictured her being able to pick it up and run with it.”

    Belle got her license in June of 2016. Jake was deployed at the time, but she was able to run business one day each week on Saturday. She did that for six months, and soon realized she could sell life insurance. She also found a new family, and she said fell in love with the people at The Alliance.

    “Everything I had done for the last 10 years, the kids were outgrowing it,” Belle said. “I needed something else to identify with. I was grateful I had been a stay-at-home mom, but children grow up and they don’t need you as much. It was scary. I needed a next step. It was a crossroads I was at when I went to that first meeting in Seattle.”

    After initially not wanting any part of The Alliance, Jake changed his tune.

    “My negative view quickly changed once I met some of the people because I could see the joy in people’s eyes and see the dreams they had,” Jake said. “It changed quickly. I saw it as something we could do together. We had never really been able to work together toward the same goal and dream. This was something we could do together, and I didn’t’ have to leave for months at a time to do it.”

    After working part-time for the first six months, Belle increased the time she spent working and eventually moved to full time.

    The turning point for the Crauses came after attending a National Convention at The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C. The next week Belle wrote almost $18,000. The fire was lit, and the couple hasn’t slowed down since.

    “We got nuggets at that convention that turned into belief,” Belle said. “I saw what people were achieving, and I knew we could do it too. I saw people just like me. They were new to insurance too, and they were doing it with a high level of success.”

    In the last three years, Jake Crause was able to retire from the Army and work with The Alliance full time. The Crauses have won trips to Hawaii and Paris. They’ve already won the Alaskan Cruise trip in 2022. While in Paris, the Crauses dined atop the Eiffel Tower with Tim and Nicky Long, another member of the Night Stalkers who also joined The Alliance.

    They documented the experience by taking a photo together.

    “Travel in The Alliance is way different than traveling in the Army,” Jake said. “They never left gifts on my bed in Iraq and Iran. It was a bit of a shock for us to travel like we do with The Alliance.”

    Beyond the trips and travel, the world of possibilities has opened for the Crauses. Jake says that is thanks to the vision of The Alliance’s President and CEO Andy Albright.

    “Andy Albright has expanded our whole thought process about what is possible,” Jake said. “We had very narrow ideas of what life was going to be like for us. We won the lottery when we found The Alliance.”

    The Crauses are excited about where they are now but are bullish about their future with The Alliance. They believe the best is yet to come, no matter what your goals and dreams are.

    “It is achievable if you just do the right things and put in the work,” Belle said. “When you start going on some of these trips, you start to see what is possible. If you work hard at it, it can be done. The entire country is like our backyard now. We used to have limiting factors, and now we don’t. It’s just a quick airplane ride away.”






    #TheAlliance #DoTheDo
