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    Podcast Summary

    • Managing Nervous System Dysregulation for Women with ADHDLearn signs of nervous system dysregulation, role of vagus nerve and polyvagal theory, and practical tools to feel calmer and balanced in a workshop for £33 on May 12th, plus join a membership for ongoing support and resources.

      As women with ADHD, we often experience a lot of nervous system dysregulation, which can lead to burnout and exhaustion. To help manage this, Kate Moore Yousef, the host of the ADHD Women's Well-being podcast, is offering a workshop on managing the nervous system. During this workshop, she will discuss the signs of nervous system dysregulation, the role of the vagus nerve and polyvagal theory, and practical tools to help feel calmer, more grounded, and balanced. The workshop is on May 12th at 2 pm UK time for £33. Additionally, Kate is planning an ADHD Women's Well-being membership, which will include monthly live workshops, access to resources, and exclusive founding member pricing. This membership aims to help and serve more women with ADHD at a fraction of the cost of one-on-one coaching.

    • From Trauma to Inner Warrior: Angela Bentley's JourneyAngela Bentley, an ice warrior, overcame childhood trauma, low self-confidence, and unhealthy relationships to become a champion of the Wim Hof method and inspire women to unlock their inner warrior.

      Angela Bentley, also known as the "ice warrior," shares her transformative journey from a life marked by childhood trauma and lack of confidence to becoming a champion of the Wim Hof method and helping women unlock their inner warrior. Before her ice-bath adventures, Angela's life was defined by her challenging childhood, low self-confidence, and unhealthy relationships. After having children and experiencing anxiety, she sought help and embarked on a journey of self-discovery. She learned that she had always been enough and that healing work is powerful but not necessary. Angela's life took a turning point when she met her husband, had kids, and faced anxiety after her second child. Despite being offered antidepressants, she chose to manage her anxiety through asking for help, eating healthier, and exercising. However, her life was disrupted when she suffered a ruptured ectopic pregnancy five years ago. Throughout her journey, Angela has discovered the power of believing in oneself and helping others do the same. Her mission is to share the Wim Hof method and inspire women to release their inner warrior.

    • From tragedy to transformation through personal growthFacing challenges and allowing vulnerability can lead to profound personal growth and empowerment

      Personal experiences, even those that seem devastating at first, can lead to profound growth and transformation. The speaker shares her story of surviving a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, which left her emotionally shattered but also unlocked deep-rooted issues from her past. After this life-threatening event, she found solace in cold water swimming and eventually trained in the Wim Hof method. This experience not only helped her heal emotionally but also led her to empower other women through safe and responsible cold water swimming sessions. The speaker's story illustrates the power of facing challenges head-on and allowing oneself to be vulnerable, ultimately leading to personal growth and empowerment.

    • Improve mental health with cold water immersion and breath workCold water immersion and breath work practices can reduce anxiety, increase inner strength, and improve mental health. The combination can lead to hormonal balance and increased resilience.

      Cold water immersion and breath work practices, such as cold showers and Wim Hof's methods, can significantly improve mental health by reducing anxiety and increasing inner strength and resilience. These practices have been used for thousands of years and have been scientifically proven to work together. The breath work prepares the body and mind for the cold by activating the sympathetic nervous system, making the cold shock less intense. The speaker personally experienced the profound impact of these practices during the lockdown, which helped her cope with anxiety and stress. The combination of cold water immersion and breath work can lead to hormonal balance and increased strength, providing a powerful tool for insulating oneself from within.

    • Prepare mind and body for cold water with breath workBreath work before cold water immersion warms intercostal muscles, improves blood flow, activates parasympathetic nervous system, and turns fearful situation into calming experience. Practice with community for added support.

      Practicing breath work before entering cold water can significantly prepare both the body and mind for the experience. This breath work warms up the intercostal muscles and improves blood flow, while activating the parasympathetic nervous system and vagus nerve. By facing our fears of the cold and using breath work to control our bodies' natural response, we can turn a fearful situation into a calming and therapeutic experience. Additionally, engaging in this practice with a community of like-minded individuals adds an extra layer of connection and support.

    • Connecting with nature and breath work for emotional releasePracticing breath work and connecting with nature can provide deeper emotional release for women, offering an alternative to traditional social situations. This natural approach fosters joy, revitalization, and meaningful connections with oneself and others.

      The practice of connecting with oneself through breath work and nature can provide a deeper sense of connection and emotional release for women, especially during challenging times. This method, which includes tuning in with one's body and feelings, offers an alternative to traditional social situations that may not resonate with everyone. By embracing this natural way of connecting, women can experience a sense of joy and revitalization, as well as a renewed appreciation for the importance of nature in our modern lives. This approach, which can be practiced alone or in a supportive community, allows individuals to prioritize their emotional well-being and foster meaningful connections with themselves and others.

    • The Power of Women's Support and Collaboration for Personal GrowthWomen's retreats foster transformative experiences through collaboration and support. CBD oil from reputable brands like Columbia Care may help manage ADHD symptoms.

      Women's support and collaboration are powerful tools for personal growth and emotional healing. This was highlighted in a discussion about a women's retreat, where women coming together and supporting each other was seen as a transformative experience. The speaker shared her own experience of feeling fulfilled and rejuvenated after attending such an event. Additionally, the speaker discussed her personal struggle with ADHD and how she has been using high-quality CBD oil to manage her symptoms. She emphasized the importance of using a reputable brand like Columbia Care to ensure the oil's quality and safety. Looking ahead, the speaker did not reveal specific plans but encouraged listeners to prioritize self-care and seek out supportive communities, whether through retreats or other means. She also encouraged listeners to explore the potential benefits of CBD oil for managing ADHD symptoms.

    • Incorporating small practices into daily life leads to significant benefitsCold showers and breath work can boost health and courage to face fears, empowering individuals to tackle challenges and achieve goals.

      Incorporating small, frequent practices like cold showers and breath work into daily life can lead to significant health benefits and increased courage to face fears in various aspects of life. Wim Hof, who practices what he preaches, shares his personal experiences of using these methods to overcome his own fears and grow his business. His ultimate goal is to empower others to realize they are enough and help them build the courage to take on challenges and achieve their goals. This can be done through a combination of cold exposure, breath work, and other practices, even in the absence of access to natural water sources. The vision is to create a center where people can connect with nature and themselves, fostering a sense of self-worth and the ability to tackle life's obstacles.

    • Incorporating Cold Water Immersion into Daily RoutineCold water immersion boosts focus, attention, mood, and energy levels through the release of noradrenaline and dopamine, particularly beneficial for individuals with ADHD, and is an easily accessible, low-cost tool for combating procrastination and improving overall vitality.

      Incorporating cold water immersion into your daily routine can have significant positive effects on both your physical and mental wellbeing. Whether it's a cold shower or a brief dip in a cold bath, the release of noradrenaline and dopamine can help increase focus, attention, and mood while reducing sickness and improving energy levels. These benefits are particularly important for individuals with ADHD, as noradrenaline deficiencies are often targeted with pharmacological treatments. Additionally, cold water immersion is an easily accessible, low-cost tool that can be incorporated into anyone's daily habits to help combat procrastination, improve mood, and boost overall vitality.

    • Exposure to cold water boosts dopamine levelsRegular cold water exposure increases dopamine, enhancing mood and mental health, especially for women during menopause

      Regular exposure to cold water, specifically below 14 degrees Celsius, can significantly increase dopamine levels in the body, leading to feelings of excitement, joy, and euphoria. This surge of dopamine not only benefits the moment but also positively impacts mental health and everyday life. Additionally, for women going through menopause, cold water exposure can help balance hormones and alleviate symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and hormonal fluctuations. The benefits may take around 6 to 8 weeks to fully experience, and cold water can be used both as a prevention tool and a cure for stressful moments. It's a simple, cost-effective practice that can improve overall well-being and mood.

    • Managing ADHD symptoms with cold water immersionCold water immersion can help manage ADHD symptoms, provide mental clarity, and promote self-worth. A short dip can make a difference, regardless of age or diagnosis.

      Cold water immersion, whether through a bath or a short dip, can be a simple yet effective technique for managing ADHD symptoms, especially for women. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and there's no need to compare yourself to others or set unrealistic goals. Even a short 30-second dip can make a difference, and the benefits go beyond just temperature regulation. Cold water immersion can help get you out of your head and into the present moment, providing a much-needed respite from the constant mental chatter and distractions of everyday life. It's a simple, accessible practice that can help you feel enough and remind you that you are worthy, no matter what your age or diagnosis may be. So, whether you have a bathtub or not, give it a try and see how it can positively impact your day.

    • Experience the calming effects of cold water immersionCold water immersion can provide a meditative experience, help individuals connect with their bodies, and promote personal growth through overcoming initial discomfort and fear.

      Immersing oneself in cold water can provide a meditative experience and help individuals connect with their bodies and the natural world around them. This practice can help individuals focus on their breath and overcome initial feelings of panic or discomfort, ultimately leading to a sense of safety and accomplishment. By understanding what to expect during the experience and recognizing that the discomfort is temporary, individuals can overcome their fears and achieve personal growth. Angela, an ice swimming enthusiast, offers resources and retreats through her website, The Ice Warrior, to help individuals learn and implement this practice into their lives.

    • Join our Instagram community and leave a review to help spread the wordListeners can engage with the podcast community, access free resources, and purchase workshops for personalized support in managing ADHD symptoms and improving well-being.

      The speaker, Kate, expresses her gratitude for the support and engagement from listeners of her podcast about ADHD women's well-being. She encourages listeners to join the show's Instagram community and leave reviews to help spread the word. Kate also offers several free resources on her website for those interested in potential ADHD diagnosis, well-being improvement, emotional regulation, and post-diagnosis thriving. These resources include downloads, workshops, and coaching options. She mentions a "Suspect You Have ADHD" download, a well-being toolkit, a 3-minute calming technique, and workshops on using EFT for overwhelm and managing ADHD symptoms. The newest addition is a prerecorded workshop on thriving with ADHD after diagnosis, which is available for purchase. Kate aims to help listeners in various ways, whether it's through free resources or personalized coaching.

    Recent Episodes from The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast

    The TOP 5 Supplements to Take for ADHD

    The TOP 5 Supplements to Take for ADHD

    Join Kate's Live Group Coaching Summer Programme here!

    Are you curious about the best supplements for ADHD? If so, this week's episode will interest you!

    This week’s guest is Kelly Rompel. Kelly is a pharmacist, author, and Functional Medicine and Epigenetic Consultant. She is the author of “Don’t Tell Me To Relax”, host of the Rebel Whitecoat Podcast, and founder of Wildroots Wellness.

    Kelly's holistic approach combines her knowledge of pharmacy and science with her love for functional medicine, epigenetics, and energy healing.

    During this week's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Wisdom episode, Kate and Kelly speak about: 

    • How epigenetics can play into your ADHD
    • Genetic testing and ADHD
    • Foods and supplements you can incorporate to manage ADHD
    • Blood sugar level management
    • Helping our anxiety through diet change and lifestyle
    • Increasing GABA and serotonin levels
    • The BEST supplements for ADHD
    • Taking a holistic and well-rounded approach to your health
    • How Kelly came to learn about epigenetics

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    From Addiction and Impulsivity to Becoming an ADHD Movement Mentor!

    From Addiction and Impulsivity to Becoming an ADHD Movement Mentor!

    Learn more about Kate's 'Summer Live ADHD Ask-Me-Anything Programme' here.

    This week, we have Rosie Turner, founder of ADHD Untangled, on the podcast, and she tells me her story, which combines addiction, impulsivity, and restlessness, to becoming a yoga instructor, lover of exercise and now a certified ADHD coach.

    Rosie's journey into ADHD coaching is deeply personal. Following her late ADHD diagnosis, she embarked on a path of self-discovery, having grappled with chaos, addiction, burnout and mental health struggles.

    Rosie’s big U-turn came after life-altering events led her to run the London Marathon in honour of a friend who she lost due to mental health struggles.

    Rosie’s ADHD diagnosis gave her an understanding of why she was unable to find her place in the world. From then on, she made a promise to herself to spend the rest of her life doing everything she could to support those with ADHD to turn their own story of struggle into a story of strength.

    On today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Rosie speak about:

    • Rosie's chaotic life before her ADHD diagnosis
    • How Rosie started her yoga journey
    • Rosie's journey to enjoying running and movement and how this began to change her life
    • The deep connection between exercise and meditation to calming her ADHD
    • Rosie's addictive patterns, including how this impacted her exercise routine
    • How to maintain novelty and motivation with exercise and movement
    • Changing up our routines to help create motivation
    • Understanding and being aware of our individual brains
    • The shame we hold and letting it go to move forward with more balance and self-acceptance
    • Having a deeper why for having a healthier routine to combat the challenging days
    • Rosie's new ADHD coaching practice

    Connect with Rosie, her coaching work and podcast here

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    If you'd like further support regarding any of the topics today, head here:

    Help with alcohol addiction

    <a href="https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/if-youre-having-difficult-time/i-want-kill-myself/" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

    Finding ADHD Movement that Works For You

    Finding ADHD Movement that Works For You

    “We can learn so much from the movement we choose...it's really just a journey."

    In this week’s episode, my guest is Karen Broda, a fitness and mindset coach who shows you "how" to enjoy movement alongside your ADHD, while uncovering the self-sabotaging beliefs that keep you stuck in the same negative cycle—without any results. Discover how to create an ADHD structure and a system to implement daily movement that feels fun and accessible without the dread!

    On today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, we talked about:

    • Understanding how movement can help settle an ADHD brain
    • Stepping out of the shoulds with regards to exercise and finding the thing that works for you
    • The blocks that prevent us from enjoying exercise
    • ADHD-friendly movement
    • Structure and ADHD
    • Having fun and finding the type of movement that works for you
    • The foundations of a good movement practice
    • Finding your joy in movement
    • Going back to what FEELS good

    Practicing Low-Demand Parenting with ADHD

    Practicing Low-Demand Parenting with ADHD

    Before starting today's episode, why not check out Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here?

    Ever since reading about the concept of 'low-demand parenting,' which is helping many neurodivergent parents regulate their neurodivergent kids, I've been desperate to talk about this on the podcast. It was a revelation to learn that there is an actual practice where we can intentionally drop the external pressures and societal conditioning and intuitively parent our children according to their needs, energy, and nervous systems.

    I'm delighted to welcome this week's guest, Amanda Diekman, an autistic adult, parent coach, and author in the neurodiversity space. We discuss dropping demands, restoring calm, and finding connections with our children.

    Amanda became a leading voice in the movement for low-demand parenting practices with her book Low Demand Parenting, published in July 2023.  She lives with her husband and three neurodivergent children in an intentional community in Durham, NC.

    On today's episode of the ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Amanda and Kate spoke about:

    • Amanda's son's autism diagnosis journey
    • What it means to be a 'low-demand parent'
    • Re-defining how you want to parent
    • Abeism - what does this look like
    • Letting go of parenting demands, habits or standards that aren't benefiting you
    • Releasing all the expectations, pressures, shoulds and conditioning to help create a calmer environment for our family
    • Things you can drop or change to make parenting easier for you
    • Making communication safe for your autistic or neurodivergent child
    • What it means to 'un-school'
    • Dealing with systems and schools as a neurodivergent parent
    • Asking for accommodations for you and your children

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    How To Ask For Help At Work and Reduce Burnout with Leanne Maskell

    How To Ask For Help At Work and Reduce Burnout with Leanne Maskell

    If you're currently feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, join me for a new live workshop on Friday, 24th May, at 1 p.m. All details are here.

    On today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing 'Wisdom' we have the incredible Leanne Maskell. Leanne is an ADHD coach, author, and activist, having presented to the World Health Organization on improving global access to support for ADHD. 

    Previously working in mental health and disability law, Leanne set up ADHD Works to empower as many people as possible to learn how to make ADHD work for them through courses, talks, and coaching. After being diagnosed with ADHD aged 25, Leanne published three books, including ‘ADHD: an A to Z’.

    During today's conversation, Kate and Leanne talk about

    • Advocating for adjustments in the workplace
    • Masking ADHD in the workplace
    • Talking about your ADHD diagnosis at work
    • Reasonable diversity adjustments, training and policies in the workplace
    • Corporate neurodiversity
    • Celebrating achievements alongside RSD
    • Knowing our rights within the workplace
    • Leanne's books, coaching and courses
    • Burnout and our ADHD brains
    • Advocacy and our sense of social justice
    • How Leanne changed her relationship with social media
    • The power of ADHD coaching

    Also my new four-part workshop series, Regulating Your ADHD Nervous System, is available here.

    Have a read of Kate’s articles in ADDitude magazine here

    ADHD Parenting Rage and Emotional Dysregulation

    ADHD Parenting Rage and Emotional Dysregulation

    Check out Kate's brand-new workshops and resources here.

    No matter how much you love your children, any parent will admit that you have had a moment (or several!) of 'mom rage', and if this is you, I hope this conversation will help you release some of the shame you may feel. Not only do we focus on this, but we also discuss the compassion we need to show ourselves and discuss all the many moving parts of losing our sh*t as parents, including emotional dysregulation, overwhelm, resentment, society and perimenopause. I hope you find this conversation inclusive, helpful, healing, funny and relatable. And listen out for the very last few minutes, where we address some key practical tools to helping anyone out who feels this emotional dysregulation most days.

    This week's guest is Minna Dubin, the author of MOM RAGE: The Everyday Crisis of Modern Motherhood (Seal Press).

    Her writing has been featured in the New York Times, The Sunday Times Magazine, Oprah Daily, Salon, Parents, Romper, and elsewhere. As a leading feminist voice on 'Mom Rage', Minna has appeared on MSNBC, Good Morning America, The Tamron Hall Show, The BBC Woman’s Hour, and NPR. She lives in Berkeley with her husband, two kids, and no pets because enough is enough.

    On this episode of the ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Minna and Kate speak about:

    • The mental load of being a parent
    • Allowing yourself to feel your anger
    • Processing anger in a positive way
    • Parenting overwhelm
    • Shame about our emotional dysregulation
    • Conforming to social expectations
    • Working hard to keep regulated
    • The build-up of anger and resentment
    • Creating a support system for yourself
    • Letting go of martyrdom and allowing in self-compassion
    • Asking for help with parental tasks
    • Parenting neurodivergent children and the complexities
    • Being an adult without talking about kids

    Thanks to our sponsor, Get Dopa!

    Created by and for neurodivergent brains, this smart supplement contains 16 powerful nootropic ingredients. Use code Kate10 at the checkout to get your 10% discount. Click here to find out more.

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    <a href="https://www.instagram.com/kate_moryoussef/" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

    The Cerebellum and ADHD - what we need to know!

    The Cerebellum and ADHD - what we need to know!

    Check out all of Kate's latest workshops and resources here

    Did you know that we can create new neural pathways using neuroplasticity by activating a part of the brain called the cerebellum? Enhancing this part of our brain - over the pre-frontal cortex - can ease and lessen our ADHD symptoms and create a more effortless daily life.

    This week's guest is Wynford Dore, an entrepreneur on a mission to change the lives of one million children. Wynford is the founder of Zing Brain Development programmes, and for the last twenty years, He has focused on changing the world, one brain at a time. He's funded many research projects and now works with the leading academics to determine the best solutions that successfully accelerate and develop learning in the brain—which finds our hidden potential and increases mental capacity…. including creating greater, stronger emotional regulation.

    During today's episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Wynford talked about:

    • What is the cerebellum and why is it so important to neurodivergence
    • How can we stimulate and activate the cerebellum
    • Stepping out of our thinking brain, the pre-frontal cortex and executive thinking and using the cerebellum more
    • What we need to know about the cerebellum and ADHD
    • New ways of learning for neurodivergent brains
    • Creating new neural pathways and plasticity to enhance the cerebellum
    • Wynford's Zing programme to help people activate their cerebellum
    • Activities and ways to help activate the cerebellum

    Check out Kate's latest workshop and resources here

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Healing Money Trauma and Becoming Financially Resilient

    Healing Money Trauma and Becoming Financially Resilient

    Healing from financial abuse or trauma can feel scary. Our nervous system may have been used to being hypervigilant and disempowered around money due to generational trauma and not understanding our neurodivergence. Many of us don't understand the energy of money, and so much shame can be attached to our sense of self, self-worth and our unconscious relationship to money.

    This week's episode features the incredible Catherine Morgan, a multi-award-winning qualified Financial Adviser, Certified Financial Coach, Financial Abuse Specialist ®, Inherited family trauma healer, and financial therapist who specialises in helping women feel more deserving of holding money through somatic, therapeutic, and practical tools. Catherine is on a mission to reduce financial anxiety and increase financial empowerment & resilience for 1 million people worldwide.

    In this episode of the ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Catherine and Kate speak about:

    • The connection between your nervous system and your wealth
    • Why practising gratitude can increase your ability to hold money
    • How to explore your past family trauma around money
    • Letting go of old beliefs you have about your ability to make money
    • Catherine's mission is to empower women to hold and attract wealth
    • How Catherine came to her diagnosis of ADHD
    • Understanding our financial core beliefs and healing for the next generation
    • Using somatic practices to heal from financial trauma
    • Her inspiring journey to want to help women with their finances
    • What financial control and abuse can look like

    If you need further support following this episode, head here:

    Surviving Economic Abuse

    Financial Support line freephone: 08081968845

    Financial abuse: spotting the signs and leaving safely

    Womens Aid

    Check out Kate's latest workshop and resources here

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Creating a FUN and fulfilling ADHD career - yes, it is possible!

    Creating a FUN and fulfilling ADHD career - yes, it is possible!

    Looking for a fulfilling and fun career that doesn't lead to burnout and boredom, with full awareness of your ADHD? Amanda Perry is the person to listen to and this clip is as wise as they get!

    As many of us know, overworking and not prioritising our mental health can be a trait many of us relate to - this may have been a pattern your undiagnosed self fell into for many years.

    We discuss this with guest Amanda Perry, a serial entrepreneur and ADHD advocate. Following her diagnosis in 2020, she realized she had built a prison instead of a business, so she set about creating a life that worked WITH her brain instead of against it. She now helps other founders create their own version of success, balancing the value of time, energy, and money.

    In today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Amanda talked about:

    • Getting clear on your values so you can create a career that includes them
    • Deciding how you want your work to make you feel
    • Non-negotiable values for our ADHD careers
    • Having fun, creating systems and making money!
    • Amanda's journey in business being undiagnosed ADHD
    • Creating ADHD-friendly systems to make life easier
    • Having the courage to change and pivot in business
    • Upper limiting ourselves as self-protection
    • Putting our nervous system first
    • Having autonomy over your mental health

    Have a look at some of Kate's workshops and free resources here.

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here

    Follow Kate on Instagram here

    Have a read of Kate’s articles in ADDitude magazine here

    Rewiring Our ADHD Brains to Form Healthier and Sustainable Habits

    Rewiring Our ADHD Brains to Form Healthier and Sustainable Habits

    Neuroscience has become a recent fascination of mine as it explains so much about our ADHD brain and the many traits, tendencies, and behaviours that come along for the ride. The more we understand our beautiful yet complex neurobiology, the more empowered we are to make sustainable and manageable changes to better enhance our lives.

    So, I'm delighted to welcome this week's guest, Nicole Vignola, a neuroscientist, author, consultant, and brain performance coach, to the podcast.

    Nicole's first book, Rewire: Your Neurotoolkit for Everyday Life, will be published in May 2024. Pre-orders are available now.

    On today's episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Nicola speak about:

    • The science behind meditation
    • The brain's negativity bias
    • The function of the brain's 'DMN' AND 'TPN'
    • How self-interruptions affect our daily life
    • The power of meditation for emotional regulation
    • Nicole's tips for feeling more calm and positive
    • Feeling more self-aligned
    • The damaging effects of your phone and social media
    • Ways to be more mindful of your phone usage
    • Understanding dopamine better
    • The life-changing benefits of a healthier sleep routine
    • How hydrating first thing can be essential for the ADHD brain
    • How visualising works in the brain and how it can improve our habits
    • Aphantasia and learning how to visualise

    You can find out more about Nicole via her website, www.nicolesneuroscience.com.

    Thanks to our sponsor, Get Dopa!

    Created by and for neurodivergent brains, this smart supplement contains 16 powerful nootropic ingredients. Use code Kate10 at the checkout to get your 10% discount. Click here to find out more.

    Have a look at some of Kate's workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here

    Related Episodes

    The Polyvagal Theory and Trauma with Dr. Stephen Porges

    The Polyvagal Theory and Trauma with Dr. Stephen Porges
    Dr. Stephen Porges, the creator of the polyvagal theory, joins the podcast to walk us through how its lessons can be applied to recovering from traumatic experiences. Forrest and Dr. Porges simplify the polyvagal theory, discuss the three key states our body can rest in, and explore how we can use polyvagal practices to heal old wounds and feel safer.  About our Guest: Dr. Stephen Porges is a Distinguished University Scientist at Indiana University, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, and Professor Emeritus at both the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Maryland. He’s published more than 300 peer-reviewed papers and is the author of a number of books, including his recently released Our Polyvagal World: How Safety and Trauma Change Us. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:10: A brief overview of Polyvagal Theory (PVT) 5:20: Ventral, sympathetic, and dorsal vagal states 12:05: Relating PVT to trauma, and processing cognitively vs. in the body 19:30: Creating enough safety and co-regulation for healing work 23:30: What helps people gain awareness, safety, and regulation 27:15: Contextualizing a freeze response both psychologically and medically 30:45: Distinguishing feeling safe vs. being safe 34:10: Where to start when you don’t have a secure base in another person 37:20: How our physiology has evolved to detect psychosocial cues 39:20: How healing practices change our perception of the world 41:35: The calming effect of slow exhalation and top-down visualization 43:05: Other tools to calm the nervous system, and the need for social nourishment 47:05: Recap Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Start speaking a new language in just 3 weeks with Babbel! Get 55% off at Babbel.com/BEING. Zocdoc helps you find expert doctors and medical professionals that specialize in the care you need, and deliver the type of experience you want. Head to zocdoc.com/being and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Factor delivers fresh, never-frozen, fully prepared meals right to your door. Head to factormeals.com/beingwell50 and use code beingwell50 to get 50% off.  Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Want to sleep better? Try the Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription. Finally get that project off the ground with Squarespace! Head to squarespace.com/beingwell for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch use coupon code BEINGWELL to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Natalie's Experience Inside EHS Foundations

    Natalie's Experience Inside EHS Foundations

    In this episode, I am talking with my client - Natalie Steen! 

    Natalie is a health coach who helps restore women's vitality, drive, and appearance, so that gals 40 years and better, have a body that feels good to live in again!

    In this episode we talk about 
    What she learned about herself 
    Her favourite tools from EHS Foundations
    How the tools are still impacting her life now
    How she was able to increase her client conversion rates using the tools she learned inside EHS Foundations 

    Enjoy the episode! 

    More from Natalie: https://www.bluestemnutrition.com/ 

    Follow Shyla on Instagram: www.instagram.com/growhealchange 
    Email Shyla: growhealchange1@gmail.com 
    Join Shyla's Facebook Community, Embodied Advantage, For Coaches & Entrepreneurs: https://www.facebook.com/groups/157460230490347   
    Get the Nervous System Crash Course Video Training: https://www.shylacash.com/blank-page-3a44c5db-4182-4707-8528-3102f9374af2 

    Episode 19 - Polyvagal Theory, Peritraumatic Dissociation & Tonic Immobility (6th Episode in a series on Psychological Trauma)

    Episode 19 - Polyvagal Theory, Peritraumatic Dissociation & Tonic Immobility (6th Episode in a series on Psychological Trauma)

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Transformational Therapy podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the sixth in a series on psychological trauma, I talk about Polyvagal Theory, and the trauma responses of Peritraumatic Dissociation & Tonic Immobility.



    Bovin, M. J., Ratchford, E., & Marx, B. P. (2014). Peritraumatic dissociation and tonic immobility: Clinical findings. In U. F. Lanius, S. L. Paulsen, & F. M. Corrigan (Eds.), Neurobiology and treatment of traumatic dissociation: Toward an embodied self. (pp. 51–67). Springer Publishing Company.


    Porges SW. The polyvagal theory: new insights into adaptive reactions of the autonomic nervous system. Cleve Clin J Med. 2009 Apr;76 Suppl 2(Suppl 2):S86-90. doi: 10.3949/ccjm.76.s2.17. PMID: 19376991; PMCID: PMC3108032.


    Calm Your Nervous System: Unlock Safety, Resilience & Creativity with Polyvagal Theory ft. Dr. Stephen Porges & Seth Porges

    Calm Your Nervous System: Unlock Safety, Resilience & Creativity with Polyvagal Theory ft. Dr. Stephen Porges & Seth Porges

    Today’s guests are Father/Son duo, Dr. Stephen Porges and Seth Porges. 

    Dr. Porges is a neuroscientist and is Distinguished University Scientist at Indiana University where he is the founding director of the Traumatic Stress Research Consortium. He is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, and Professor Emeritus at both the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Maryland. He is also the author of several books about the Polyvagal Theory, a theory he originally proposed in 1994.

    Seth Porges is a filmmaker, journalist, and television commentator. He produced, wrote, and co-directed the feature documentary Class Action Park, which premiered as the number-one movie on HBO Max in 2020. He has also appeared on numerous television shows and networks including National Geographic, Discovery, and The History Channel.

    Together, they co-authored the book, Our Polyvagal World, which is out now.

    From this conversation you’ll learn:

    • A simple explanation of the Polyvagal Theory
    • What the vagus nerve is and how it affects you psychologically and physiologically
    • How to stimulate the vagus nerve
    • How digestion and our relationships are intertwined 
    • How trauma can relate to gut issues
    • Why the distinction between the question: ‘how safe do you feel’ vs. ‘how safe are you’ is important
    • How to move through trauma
    • How all of this relates to your ability to be creative
    • And Much More!

    -Remember to subscribe/follow the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your pods. Please leave us a rating and review- it helps SO much in getting the show out there. And tell a friend about the show- podcasts are very personal and tend to be spread person to person. If this show helped you or made you smile, share the love :)

    The Process Of Pandiculation

    The Process Of Pandiculation

    Within this episode, Heidi Hadley shares an extract from her very popular annual ONLINE FREE event, Mindful in May.  Within this episode, Heidi delves into the process of Pandiculation, the incredibly intelligent process used to release tension from the belly of the muscle.  Pandiculation is far superior to stretching.  When you stretch a muscle, you create no lasting changes to the muscle length or movement memory.  Stretching is a temporary fix to a biomechanical issue created from your software, the brain.  In order to truly release muscle tension, you have to access your brain to muscle connection which will create lasting changes to intelligent and efficient muscle memory.



    Heidi shares her clinical experience, insight and knowledge from her years as a Certified Clinical Somatic educator, Trained Trauma Therapist and Embodied Practitioner.

    ***Learn how to work intelligently and kindly with your soma.***








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