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    The Science of Training Your Attention | Dr. Amishi Jha

    enDecember 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Benefits of Meditation for High-Stress ProfessionsMeditation, particularly focusing practice, enhances attention and productivity in high-stress jobs, as per neuroscientist Dr. Amishi Jha. The term 'peak mind' refers to optimal performance by regaining control over distractions. Minimal meditation practice shows benefits but scientific caveats apply.

      Meditation, specifically the practice of maintaining focus, can greatly benefit individuals in high-stress professions, as discussed in this episode featuring Dr. Amishi Jha. Peak mind, as defined by Dr. Jha, refers to the ability to function at your best by taking back your attention from distractions. The neuroscience behind attention is explained, and the benefits of contemplative practices for high-stress groups are discussed. Dr. Jha also addresses the question of the least amount of meditation required to experience the benefits, providing an intriguing answer with scientific caveats. Additionally, this episode is part of a series called "Deep Cuts," where popular episodes from the archive are revisited. The conversation touches on the impact of meditation on multitasking versus task switching and the importance of mindful mode. Furthermore, the episode is sponsored by Whole Foods Market, where listeners are encouraged to shop for Easter brunch supplies, including their catering services, and DoorDash, which offers convenience by delivering Easter shopping right to your door. Audible, a sponsor of the show, is highlighted as a destination for audio entertainment, offering a vast selection of audiobooks across various genres.

    • Cultivating Meta-Awareness for Peak PerformanceBecoming meta-aware of your mental state allows you to effectively navigate through distractions and use your mind's resources to achieve your goals. Practice mindfulness meditation to cultivate this awareness and gain useful information about your mind.

      Having a "peak mind" goes beyond just being focused and free from distractions. It's about being aware of your mental state and being able to effectively navigate through distractions and use your mind's resources to achieve your goals. This includes being aware of spontaneous thoughts, internal chatter, and external distractions, and being able to negotiate what is best to do next based on that awareness. It's not about always being positive or at the top of your game, but rather having meta-awareness, which is having an awareness of the current contents and processes at play in your mind in a particular moment. This concept can be cultivated through contemplative practices such as mindfulness meditation, allowing you to befriend your mind and gain useful information about what to do with it in that moment and the next.

    • Understanding Metacognition and Meta-awarenessCultivate metacognition and meta-awareness for greater presence of mind and focus through mindfulness-based attention training, which can improve attention and overall mental capacity.

      Metacognition and meta-awareness are two distinct concepts. Metacognition refers to our thoughts and views about our cognitive processing, while meta-awareness is the ability to observe our current thought process without judgment. Both are valuable, and the goal is to cultivate these capacities for greater presence of mind and focus, which can be seen as an active, ongoing process rather than a fixed trait. Attention is a crucial aspect of this, and from a neuroscience perspective, it involves more than just focus or concentration. The brain developed attention to help us cope with the vast amount of information in the world by selectively focusing on certain contents. Mindfulness-based attention training is a suite of practices that can help us improve our attention and, in turn, our overall mental capacity. These practices have been studied extensively in research labs and can lead to greater presence of mind and focus in our daily lives.

    • Understanding Attention as a Flashlight and a FloodlightAttention functions as both a focused flashlight and a broad floodlight, allowing us to concentrate on specific information and stay present in the moment.

      Attention functions as both a flashlight and a floodlight in our brains, allowing us to focus on specific information while also being receptive to the present moment. The flashlight metaphor represents our ability to willfully direct our focus to specific sensory experiences, thoughts, or concepts, creating a crisp and clear understanding of the selected information. This is our orienting system at work. Conversely, the floodlight metaphor represents our alerting system, which broadly illuminates whatever is happening in the present moment, allowing us to be receptive to the world around us without prejudice. This meta-awareness helps us stay present and focused on the current situation. In meditation practices, these metaphors translate to focused meditation, where we hone in on a specific sensation or thought, and open awareness, where we allow our senses and mind to freely roam without judgment. These practices align with the functions of our brain's attention systems, making meditation a valuable tool for enhancing focus and awareness.

    • Mindfulness meditation strengthens executive functionsRegular mindfulness practice improves mental agility and effectiveness by strengthening goal setting, attention control, and cognitive flexibility

      Mindfulness meditation practices, such as focused attention and open monitoring, can help train and strengthen our executive functions, which include goal setting, attention control, and cognitive flexibility. This is like having an executive in a company, ensuring alignment between all endeavors and goals, allowing us to stay focused on our targets while also being aware of our surroundings and redirecting our attention when needed. Practicing mindfulness regularly can help us improve our mental agility and effectiveness in various aspects of life. Additionally, incorporating practices like loving-kindness or connection can help us cultivate positive emotions and deepen our sense of compassion and connection with others.

    • Connecting with care in male-dominated fieldsCaring and connection practices like loving kindness resonate with individuals in male-dominated fields, aligning with their ethical and professional mindset, and help build strong teams and ensure well-being.

      The practice of caring and connection, often referred to as loving kindness, resonates with many individuals in male-dominated fields such as the military, firefighting, and sports. Despite initial concerns, this practice touches on a fundamental need for care and concern for oneself and others, which aligns with the ethical and professional mindset of these individuals. It's a way for them to express their caring capacity, which may not be socially encouraged in their fields, but is essential for building strong teams and ensuring the well-being of those they serve. The switch from "loving kindness" to "connection" in describing the practice better reflects its relevance and accessibility to a wider audience.

    • Upgrade your wardrobe with Quince's essentials, relieve pain with GEDIFY shoes, and meditate with 10% Happier appSave on high-quality essentials from Quince, find pain relief with custom orthotics and VersaShock technology from GEDIFY shoes, and enhance mental wellbeing with discounted 10% Happier app subscriptions

      It's possible to upgrade your wardrobe with high-quality essentials at unbeatable prices from Quince. Quince offers timeless pieces like Mongolian cashmere crew neck sweaters, iconic leather jackets, and versatile activewear, all priced 50-80% less than similar brands. Meanwhile, for those dealing with knee and back pain, consider checking out GEDIFY shoes. These shoes come with free custom orthotics and feature patented VersaShock technology for pain relief and improved comfort. Additionally, for a limited time, the 10% Happier meditation app is offering a 40% discount for subscriptions. As for the 4-week training protocol for high-stress environments, Dan Siegel initially started with longer programs but realized the need to integrate practices into daily life. He took a stepwise approach, trying out different combinations of hours and weeks to find what worked best for organizations. This process took several years, but the result was a more accessible and effective training program.

    • Four-week mindfulness training program with 12 minutes daily practice shows significant improvementsA 12-minute daily mindfulness practice for 4-5 days a week over a four-week period yields noticeable improvements in attention, mood, and stress levels.

      Through extensive research with high-stress military cohorts, it was discovered that a mindfulness training program of approximately four weeks, eight hours of instruction, two hours a week, with a daily practice of about 12 minutes for 4-5 days a week, produced the most beneficial and enduring effects on attention, mood, and stress levels. While it's possible to practice less or more, the 12-minute mark is where researchers began to see significant improvements. This research provides valuable insights into the feasibility and effectiveness of mindfulness practices for various populations.

    • Meditation's Long-Term BenefitsRegular meditation practice enhances mental clarity, focus, and emotional resilience, leading to overall well-being and improved decision-making abilities

      Consistent meditation practice leads to greater mental clarity, focus, and emotional resilience. The benefits of meditation are not limited to specific sessions but extend to overall well-being. The experience of meditation can evolve over time, with periods of struggle followed by growth and increased enjoyment. Beginners may initially find their minds to be chaotic, but with practice, they can learn to observe their thoughts without getting entangled in them. The process of getting to know one's own mind can be challenging but ultimately rewarding. As the practice deepens, meditation becomes less of a chore and more of a treat, leading to a better relationship with oneself and improved decision-making abilities.

    • Exploring the Value of Contemplative Practices for High Stress GroupsContemplative practices like meditation can enhance cognitive abilities and stress management in high stress groups, leading to improved overall well-being.

      High stress groups can greatly benefit from contemplative practices, such as meditation, despite it not always feeling intuitive or appealing. The speaker's personal journey, influenced by cultural experiences and skepticism, led her to explore these practices and discover their value in improving focus, working memory, and resilience to stressors. Research shows that attention, a crucial cognitive function, can be easily disrupted by stressors. Therefore, working with high stress populations to help them incorporate these practices becomes essential, as they face numerous stressors in their daily lives. By engaging in contemplative practices, individuals can enhance their cognitive abilities and better manage their stress, ultimately leading to improved overall well-being.

    • Mindfulness practice protects attention during high-stress intervalsPracticing mindfulness for 15 minutes a day can improve focus, reduce mind wandering, and enhance working memory during stressful periods

      During high-stress intervals, people's attention and working memory reliably degrade. However, practicing mindfulness for about 15 minutes a day can protect against this decline or even enhance attention. This is supported by various studies showing improvements in tasks requiring focus, reduced mind wandering, and better working memory. Neuroimaging studies also suggest that mindfulness practice leads to a reduction in the default mode network, which is associated with mind wandering, and an improvement in the connectivity between networks involved in focus and goal-holding.

    • The brain functions best when focusing on one task at a timeMinimize task switching for improved efficiency and reduced errors, focusing on one task at a time (monotasking) benefits various groups, including service members, athletes, and business leaders.

      The brain functions best when we focus on one task at a time, rather than attempting to multitask. This is because each time we switch tasks, we're essentially recalibrating the entire brain, which can be exhausting and lead to errors. The brain functions like a studio apartment, where we need to rearrange the furniture and put things away each time we switch tasks. Therefore, it's more efficient to minimize task switching and be aware of the time and error costs associated with it. The concept of focusing on one task at a time, or monotasking, has been shown to be beneficial for various groups, including service members, athletes, and business leaders. So instead of wearing a badge of honor for multitasking, try to focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention. For those interested in practicing mindfulness meditation to improve focus, I recommend checking out the "Find Your Flashlight" meditation I recorded for the 10% Happier app.

    • Avoid Multitasking and Minimize Distractions for Better PerformanceMultitasking can decrease productivity and lead to errors. Minimize distractions by turning off notifications, setting focused goals, and practicing mindfulness to improve performance and accuracy.

      Multitasking can lead to errors, slow down productivity, and exhaustion. It's essential to be aware of this and make plans to minimize distractions while working. Self-care while working, such as turning off notifications, setting focused goals, and being mindful of confirmation bias, can help improve performance and accuracy. Confirmation bias is a default tendency of the mind to focus on information that confirms our beliefs, which can have serious consequences, especially in complex situations. To be successful, it's crucial to be aware of this bias and strive to see the raw data of an experience to make informed decisions. Practicing meta-awareness and staying focused on the present moment can help overcome confirmation bias and improve overall performance.

    • Observing without preconceived storiesPracticing open monitoring and de-centering can help us break out of limiting stories and see situations more clearly, leading to better decision-making and improved outcomes.

      Having a "scout mindset" and the ability to "de-center" from preconceived stories or biases can lead to valuable insights and potentially life-saving outcomes. In the discussed military situation, soldiers were interpreting all data based on their preconceived story of encountering combatants. However, when one soldier was able to observe the raw data and see the situation for what it truly was - a peaceful Bedouin tribe - it led to a significant shift in understanding and ultimately, safety. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, including hiring and personal growth. Practicing open monitoring and de-centering can help us break out of limiting stories and see situations more clearly, leading to better decision-making and improved outcomes.

    • The Role of Brain Simulations in Our PerceptionOur brains naturally simulate reality, but mindfulness practices help us develop a healthier relationship with these simulations to improve focus and perception in the present moment.

      Our brains have a natural tendency to simulate reality through spontaneous thoughts and memories, which is not necessarily a bad thing. This internal orchestra, often referred to as the default mode network, is responsible for self-reflection, planning, and memory recall. However, it can become problematic when these simulations interfere with our perception of the present moment, as seen in the case of soldiers on a mountaintop being influenced by their internal simulations instead of the actual data in front of them. Mindfulness practices aim to create a healthier relationship with these simulations rather than trying to eliminate them entirely. Our brains are wired for distraction and simulation, and beginners in particular should not be disheartened by this, but instead learn to observe and accept their thoughts without judgment. The simulation mode, or spontaneous thought, is a normal function of the brain that plays a role in memory generation and learning. It's important to remember that these internal simulations are a part of being human and should not be seen as an enemy in meditation.

    • The value of mental wanderingMental wandering can boost focus, reduce stress, and enhance creativity, but excessive technology use and constant task focus can hinder these benefits. Allow moments of rest and mental exploration for better mental well-being.

      While mind-wandering, or allowing your mind to freely flow, can be beneficial for problem-solving, visioning, and positive mood, excessive use of technology and constant task focus can hijack your attention and leave you feeling overwhelmed. By allowing moments of rest and mental wandering, you can improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance creativity. It's important to understand the value of letting go of goals and allowing your mind to explore, rather than constantly optimizing every moment with technology. This cultural shift can lead to improved mental well-being and increased capacity for controlled processing.

    • Developing the ability to discern necessary from non-necessary thoughtsConsistent meditation practice can lead to moment-to-moment freedom and potentially closer to enlightenment by allowing minds to wander freely and not get stuck in unhelpful thought patterns

      A consistent meditation practice can help us develop the ability to discern between necessary and non-necessary thoughts or actions in the moment. This sense of control and freedom to choose where our minds go next can be linked to the concept of enlightenment, which in traditional Buddhism refers to the uprooting of afflictive emotions like greed, hatred, and delusion. Modern research in neuroscience also supports this idea, as studies show that brain states have a temporal contingency, meaning that the prior state is likely to lead to the next state. By allowing our minds to wander freely and not getting stuck in unhelpful thought patterns, we can experience a moment-to-moment freedom and potentially move closer to a state of enlightenment. However, it's important to note that as a non-enlightened person, I can only speak from my own observations and experiences.

    • Changing the channel in the mindAdvanced meditation practices involve shifting focus between different mental states to achieve mental freedom and potential enlightenment.

      The mind's ability to shift between different states, whether it's through conscious effort or allowing states to dissolve on their own, is a key aspect of mental freedom and potential enlightenment. This idea of changing the channel in the mind can be seen as a way to move away from unproductive or negative thought patterns and focus on something else. However, for advanced practitioners, it may not be a matter of actively changing the channel but rather allowing states to naturally dissolve without clinging to them. The use of a "flashlight" metaphor can help illustrate this concept, as it can be used to focus on different areas of the mind or let go of focus and allow the mind to move on. Dr. Andrew Newberg's research explores these ideas and provides valuable insights into the phenomenology of advanced meditation practices. For those interested in learning more, Dr. Newberg's book "Peak Mind" offers a deeper exploration of these concepts.

    • Mindfulness practices like meditation improve focus and reduce stressNeuroscientist Dr. Amishi Jha discusses the benefits of mindfulness practices, emphasizing accessibility, while the '10% Happier' podcast explores attention and focus, and Delta Sky Miles Platinum American Express cardholders can earn rewards for travel and discover hidden gems.

      Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can significantly improve focus and reduce stress, especially in high-pressure situations. Dr. Amishi Jha, a neuroscientist and author, shared insights from her research on this topic in the "10% Happier" podcast. She emphasized the importance of making these practices accessible to everyone. For more on attention and focus, listeners can check out a previous episode featuring Johann Hari. The podcast is produced by Wondery and can be accessed through their app or various podcast platforms. Additionally, card members of Delta Sky Miles Platinum American Express can earn rewards on travel and discover hidden gems for perfect getaways. For families, the "Cat in the Hatcast" podcast offers fun and adventure, available early and ad-free with a Wondery Plus subscription.

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    Connecting to self-compassion can be really tough. Ease the struggle by imagining your loved ones sending care & support your way.

    About Jess Morey:

    Jess Morey is a lead teacher, cofounder and former executive director of Inward Bound Mindfulness Education which runs in-depth mindfulness programming for youth, and the parents and professionals who support them across the US, and internationally. She began practicing meditation at age 14 on teen retreats offered by the Insight Meditation Society (IMS), and has maintained a consistent commitment to meditation since. Diving head first into meditation at such a key developmental stage makes the revelatory perspective of mindfulness & compassion her natural home turf, and gives her an easy, conversational teaching style anyone can relate to.

    For more information on Inward Bound: https://inwardboundmind.org/

    For more information on the Contemplative Semester: https://www.contemplativesemester.org/

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Compassion For Yourself.”

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    Three Buddhist Practices For Getting Your Sh*t Together | Vinny Ferraro

    Three Buddhist Practices For Getting Your Sh*t Together | Vinny Ferraro

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    In this episode we talk about:

    • Alignment
    • Vinny‘s concept of “flashing your basic goodness”
    • Noting practice
    • The deep satisfaction in not seeking satisfaction
    • Redirecting awareness
    • Being an “empathetic witness” for yourself
    • When to opt for distraction
    • Not taking what’s not yours 
    • Vinny’s ancestor practice
    • What is the connection between seeing our family patterns and not taking what is not ours?  
    • How loyal have we been to our suffering?

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    Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/vinny-ferraro

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    The Science Of Overcoming Perfectionism | Thomas Curran

    The Science Of Overcoming Perfectionism | Thomas Curran

    Actionable advice on working with one of the few socially acceptable vices.

    Whilst striving for perfection might seem logical on some level, it’s not actually attainable. And the research shows it can lead to burnout, stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, reduced productivity, and reduced resilience.

    Thomas Curran is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics and is the author of The Perfection Trap: Embracing the Power of Good Enough. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The definition of perfectionism – it’s more than just high standards
    • The 3 flavors of perfectionism
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    • Perfectionism VS imposter syndrome 
    • The root of perfectionism 
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    • And parenting and perfectionism 

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/thomas-curran

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    What Is Happiness Anyway? | Bonus Meditation with Jay Michaelson

    What Is Happiness Anyway? | Bonus Meditation with Jay Michaelson

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    About Jay Michaelson:

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    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “What Is Happiness.”

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    • Her famous work ethic and packed schedule  
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    • Why she had to write 97 songs to make this one album
    • And her concept of “writing herself into a good idea” – as she says, “You have to be shit to be good.” 

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/dua-lipa

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Neuroscience Of: Emotional Regulation, Relationships, Body Image, And Intuition | Emma Seppälä

    The Neuroscience Of: Emotional Regulation, Relationships, Body Image, And Intuition | Emma Seppälä

    A research-backed plan for getting your sh*t together in every possible sphere.

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    • The impact of trauma
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    • And how to cultivate what scientists call Positive Relational Energy

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/emma-seppala-764

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    How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma | Peter Levine

    How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma | Peter Levine

    The creator of somatic experiencing shows Dan how to heal trauma through the body.


    Peter A. Levine, Ph.D., has spent the past 50 years developing Somatic Experiencing. He holds a doctorate in Biophysics from UC Berkeley and a doctorate in Psychology from International University. His work has been taught to over 30,000 therapists in over 42 countries. He is the author of the new book, An Autobiography of Trauma.

    Content warning: This episode includes discussions of rape and violence.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • How to do somatic experiencing. You’ll see Dan play the role of guinea pig + make weird sounds
    • The difference between somatic experiencing and talk therapy
    • Somatic experiencing practices we can implement into our lives
    • Why some people feel horror/terror at the thought of re-occupying the body and how to overcome those fears
    • What the research says – and how these practices around body awareness have gone from the fringes to entering the scientific mainstream
    • And how to move through ancient wounds – and enrich our lives (whether we have trauma or not)
    • Practices to fortify us in times of difficulty
    • Facing mortality 

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    Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/peter-levine

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    How To Meditate If You Have ADHD (Or Are Simply Fidgety And Distractible) | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren

    How To Meditate If You Have ADHD (Or Are Simply Fidgety And Distractible) | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren

    Tap into your ADHD superpowers with a meditation that celebrates your unique wiring. Embrace exploration and self-acceptance.

    About Jeff Warren:

    Jeff is an incredibly gifted meditation teacher. He's trained in multiple traditions, including with renowned teacher Shinzen Young. Jeff is the co-author of NY Times Bestseller "Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics," and the founder of the Consciousness Explorers Club, a meditation adventure group in Toronto. He has a knack for surfacing the exact meditation that will help everyone he meets. "I have a meditation for that" is regularly heard from Jeff, so we've dubbed him the "Meditation MacGyver."

    More information on the group retreat (AKA Meditation Party) at the Omega Institute is here

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Meditating with ADHD.” 

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Rewire How You Talk To Yourself | Ofosu Jones-Quartey

    Rewire How You Talk To Yourself | Ofosu Jones-Quartey

    Buddhist strategies for taming that nagging voice in your head.

    Ofosu Jones-Quartey, a meditation teacher, author, and musician hailing from the Washington DC area brings over 17 years of experience in sharing mindfulness, meditation and self-compassion practices with the world. Holding a bachelor’s degree from American University and certified by the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, Ofosu is a graduate of the Teleos Coaching Institute and is the male voice on the Balance meditation app, reaching over 10 million subscribers. 

    Ofosu leads meditation classes and retreats nationwide, having taught and led retreats at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, The Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock, Brooklyn Zen Center, Cleveland Insight, Inward Bound Mindfulness and more.

    As an accomplished hip hop artist under the name “Born I,” Ofosu released the mindfulness-themed album “In This Moment” in 2021. His most recent album is “AMIDA”, a spiritual, Lo-Fi Hip Hop album exploring life, death and his Buddhist faith.

    Beyond music, Ofosu is an author, releasing his self-published children’s book “You Are Enough” in 2020 and “Love Your Amazing Self” via Storey Publishing in 2022. He lives in Rockville, Maryland, with his wife and four children.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The relationship between self-compassion and a successful meditation practice
    • All the reasons people resist self-compassion, and his rebuttals
    • Whether self-compassion is selfish
    • How to do self-compassion off the cushion, including practices like journaling, written reminders, establishing accountability partners, and simple questions you can drop into your mind when all else fails
    • How to do self-compassion on the cushion, including practices like body scans, metta, and a check-in practice you can use at the very start of your sits
    • And how to teach self-compassion to children

    Related Episodes:

    The Voice in Your Head | Ethan Kross

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