
Jerks at Work | Amy Gallo


March 27, 2023

TLDR: Hosts discuss conflict at work with guest Amy Gallo, a workplace expert who writes about interpersonal dynamics and effective communication.

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  • Managing Interpersonal Conflict at Work Through Understanding ArchetypesUnderstanding common challenging personalities in the workplace and having tactics for managing them is crucial for strong relationships and professional success. Avoidance is not always an option, and quality interactions at work are essential.

    Interpersonal conflict at work can be a drag on personal mental health and professional success. Quality interactions at work are crucial to success. Amy Gallo, a workplace expert, believes one size does not fit all when it comes to dealing with difficult people in the workplace. Avoidance is not usually an option and passive-aggressive people can be the most difficult to deal with. The quality of interactions among colleagues is critical for success and strong relationships with people are necessary. Amy Gallo lays out archetypes for challenging personalities in the workplace, including pessimists, victims, know-it-alls, and insecure bosses. It's important to understand these archetypes and have tactics for managing each one.

  • Tailored Approaches for Handling Challenging Behavior in the WorkplaceGeneric advice for dealing with difficult people may not work effectively. To address challenging behavior in the workplace, consider unique situations and identities, and apply tailored approaches for better outcomes.

    Generic advice for dealing with difficult people may not work effectively as applying research and specific tactics for specific patterns of behavior can help with unique situations. Personal identities like gender and race can impact how challenging behavior is perceived and addressed. Assumptions that the workplace works the same way for everyone or that the same tactic will work for every identity group can be limiting and biased. Biases and prejudices can also influence what behavior is considered acceptable and what approaches are expected to be taken, which can further limit actions. Therefore, to effectively address challenging behavior in the workplace, it's important to consider unique situations and identities and apply tailored approaches for better outcomes.

  • Prioritizing Positive Relationships in the WorkplaceBuilding positive relationships and navigating cultural expectations is essential for success, and emotional connection with co-workers can lead to increased engagement, productivity, and success.

    Navigating cultural expectations while advocating for ourselves and building positive relationships with colleagues is essential for success in the modern workplace. Avoiding conflict is not always feasible or effective, as it can undermine collaboration and overall job performance. Positive relationships and congeniality in the workplace have been shown to increase engagement, productivity, and success. Therefore, it's important to prioritize building positive relationships and connecting with colleagues rather than just avoiding conflict or negative relationships. Emotional connection with co-workers can be the opposite of 'emotional shrapnel' and instead can become an 'emotional glitter bomb' that positively impacts the entire team and boosts overall workplace performance.

  • The Role of Relationships and Incivility in the WorkplaceConflicts and incivility at work can lead to errors and distractions. To combat this, it is important to seek alternative explanations rather than sticking to the hero-villain narrative and improve workplace civility for better performance and quality of work.

    Having friends at work can improve performance ratings while incivility at work can lead to distraction and mistakes. Conflict, even minor ones, can trigger the amygdala, making a threat response. This makes it difficult for the rational thinking part of the brain to function and to seek other explanations, leading to confirmation bias. We tend to jump to conclusions and commit to premature cognitive commitments. To undo this, it is essential to seek alternative and softer explanations rather than sticking to the hero-villain narrative. This can be difficult, but it is necessary to improve workplace civility, reduce distractions, and enhance quality of work.

  • Managing difficult situations with mindfulness.Identify physical and emotional reactions, question assumptions, consider alternative perspectives, take care of physical needs, process feedback, practice perspective taking, and factor in timing and delivery for better reactions.

    Practicing mindfulness can be incredibly helpful in managing difficult situations. This involves noticing our physical and emotional reactions, questioning our assumptions, and considering alternative perspectives. It's also important to take care of our physical needs, such as getting enough sleep and hydration. When receiving feedback, it can be helpful to take a moment to process it before reacting emotionally. Spin around in a chair or take a walk to calm down. Remember that our perspective is not always correct, and practicing perspective taking can help us become more empathetic and understand others better. Finally, it's important to remember that timing and delivery of feedback can impact our reactions.

  • Labeling People as 'Difficult' and Bias in the WorkplaceInstead of labeling people as 'difficult,' identify problematic behaviors and be aware of biases. Use language effectively without impeding the goal of providing help and recognizing everyone may exhibit difficult behavior to some extent.

    The term 'difficult people' can be dismissive and informed by bias; it is important to focus on identifying problematic behaviors rather than labeling individuals. While language is important, it should not impede the goal of providing help. The pushback on the term is understandable, but a catchy title can be useful in navigating conflicts at work. It is also important to be aware of biases in labeling people as difficult, especially those from non-dominant cultures. When identifying archetypes of difficult people, it's important to recognize that everyone may exhibit those behaviors to some extent. Overall, we need to strike a balance between creating meaningful language and avoiding confusion.

  • The Importance of Self-awareness in Changing BehaviorTo change one's behavior, it's crucial to first identify and understand one's patterns and archetypes. Acknowledging these patterns can be difficult, but it's the first step towards growth and improvement.

    Self-awareness is the key to behavior change. Identifying oneself as one of the archetypes mentioned in the book is the first step towards remedying one's behavior. The book initially had sections with tips for each archetype but was later edited out. However, the author found that people do have the ability to identify themselves and their behavior patterns. The insecure manager is the first archetype mentioned in the book and is described as someone who takes out their own insecurities on their subordinates, often micromanaging and hoarding information. Seniority often leads to increased concerns about competency. Changing behavior is hard and may require a lifetime of work, but acknowledging the patterns is the first step towards growth.

  • Reducing Ego Defensiveness in an Insecure BossProviding specific compliments, aligning with their goals, and disarming with a mental trick can improve interactions and decrease negative behaviors in an insecure boss.

    Providing genuine compliments to an insecure boss can help to reduce their ego defensiveness and decrease negative behaviors like micromanaging, distrusting, and hoarding information. However, the compliments should be specific to their strengths rather than false flattery. Aligning yourself with the boss's goals can also signal that you are not a threat and show that you value their work. Additionally, imagining yourself as non-threatening, like a cute, fluffy squirrel, can disarm the manager and reduce tension in interactions. It is important to be mindful that others can often pick up on our dislikes or disdain, so practicing a silly mental trick can help to cultivate warmer interactions and reduce insecurity.

  • Navigating Challenging Work RelationshipsWhen dealing with difficult colleagues, first decide your ultimate goal. Sometimes standing up for yourself may make things worse, so it's better to be realistic and choose your battles. Empathize with others and be open-minded.

    Navigating challenging relationships at work is about deciding between how much you call out the behavior and stand up for yourself versus try to influence the other person to behave differently. It's important to think about your ultimate goal and what will contribute more to your well-being. Sometimes standing up may make things worse, so it's better to be realistic and choose your battles. The pessimists play an important role in identifying risks and pointing out what might go wrong in the workplace. It's always better to be open-minded and empathize with others when dealing with difficult situations.

  • Avoiding Pessimism and Victimization in Team ConversationsAcknowledge and address negative attitudes while encouraging a solution-focused mindset. Help victims see their agency and distinguish between actual and perceived victimization. Be direct with responsibilities and discussion.

    Pessimism can be contagious and powerful, making it crucial to avoid letting it taint the team or conversation. Granting pessimists their premise without endorsing it can help take the heat out of the situation and align the team towards finding a solution together. For victims, it is important to distinguish between actual and perceived victimization and encourage agency by helping them imagine their way out of the victim mentality. Being direct with responsibilities and discussing why they don't see it is also helpful. Overall, it is important to avoid getting into a tug of war of like everything's horrible, by approaching conversations with a productive mindset of finding solutions.

  • Empathy and Understanding: Overcoming Victim Mentality at WorkDon't label those in positions of power as inhuman. Recognize their vulnerability and complexity. Approach difficult situations with empathy and responsibility.

    When feeling like a victim at work, it's important to recognize the tendency to dehumanize those in positions of power. We need to remind ourselves that everyone is vulnerable and human, even those making decisions that affect us. Instead of labeling them as evil or inhuman, we should try to understand their perspective and see them as complex individuals with both faults and superpowers. This can help us approach difficult situations with more empathy and understanding. It's also important to focus on our own goals at work and take responsibility for our actions, as assuming no one will go along with us only limits our potential.

  • Effective ways to deal with passive-aggressive behaviorUse hypothesis testing to uncover the root cause of the behavior, create a safe space for open communication, and encourage directness with positive peer pressure. Consider psychological intervention if the behavior persists without improvement.

    Dealing with passive aggressive behavior can be challenging, but it's important to keep in mind that there's usually a rational explanation for it. Hypothesis testing can help to understand what someone is trying to convey beneath their passive aggression. It's essential to encourage directness and roll out the red carpet for differences of opinion. Creating a safe space for open communication and showing the stakes of not sharing opinions can help encourage directness. Positive peer pressure can also be an effective way to deal with the behavior. However, if someone consistently exhibits passive-aggressive behavior, it can be challenging to make any strategy work, and it may require psychological intervention.

  • Establishing Norms for Better TeamworkEstablish norms to prevent passive-aggressive behavior and encourage accountability. Foster a safe environment where open and honest feedback is encouraged. Pay attention to tone and use engaging questions to prevent misunderstandings and improve communication.

    Establishing norms on a team can prevent passive-aggressive behavior and ensure accountability for commitments. Holding each other accountable when commitments are not fulfilled and reporting back to the team within 24 hours can help resolve conflicts. It is also important to make everyone feel safe and encourage open and honest feedback. Paying attention to one's tone of voice can prevent making others feel threatened and prevent passive-aggressive behavior towards oneself. Engaging questions can encourage input and feedback from team members and prevent misunderstandings. Creating a positive and safe work environment can improve communication and teamwork, ultimately resulting in better outcomes.

  • Advocating for Yourself and Owning Your Expertise in a Competitive WorkplaceDon't be afraid to assert your expertise, even if it makes others uncomfortable. Asking for facts and data can help deflate overconfident know-it-alls and lead to better decision-making. Stay true to your values and don't compromise your identity to get ahead.

    The goal of owning your expertise isn't to make everyone comfortable but rather to live your values, hold your integrity, do your job, and get what you need from your work relationships. Advocating for yourself is important and sometimes that can create tension and discomfort, which is normal. The know-it-all archetype can succeed in our culture because overconfidence is often rewarded. Instead of valuing confidence over competence, asking for facts and data can help puncture a know-it-all's ego and lead to better decision-making. Being a woman or from a marginalized community may make owning your expertise challenging, but it's not necessary to bend over backwards and pretend to be someone you're not to get ahead.

  • Dealing with Know-It-Alls and Tormentors in the WorkplaceForm allyships to speak up against gender bias, and use tactics like asking for evidence and holding interruptions to deal with know-it-alls. Understanding tormentors' sacrifices can help, but take these behaviors seriously and seek solutions for a healthier work environment.

    Being interrupted, talked over, and dismissed by a know-it-all or a tormentor can be damaging to one's career and mental health. It is important to form allyships with other women/people to speak up on one's behalf to counter the effects of gender bias. Using tactics like asking for evidence and holding interruptions can help deal with know-it-alls. Tormentors, who consistently undermine, are hard to counter, but understanding their sacrifices can take the sting out of their behavior. However, it is crucial to take these behaviors seriously and actively seek solutions for a healthier work environment.

  • Dealing with Difficult Co-workers at WorkSet boundaries, limit interaction, involve higher-ups, and consider leaving if necessary. Weigh the pros and cons and try different tactics. Establish emotional boundaries, focus on positive relationships and tailor your approach to the specific archetype.

    Dealing with difficult people at work can be challenging and exhausting. It is important to set clear boundaries and limit interaction with the tormentor to minimize the negative impact. If all else fails, it may be necessary to involve higher-ups or consider leaving the job. However, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons of leaving and give yourself a time limit to try different tactics. Establishing emotional boundaries and focusing on positive relationships with other coworkers can also help. Remember that one size does not fit all when dealing with difficult coworkers, and it's essential to tailor your approach to the specific archetype.

  • Dealing with difficult people: Strategies and self-careApproach difficult people as an experiment, keeping a record of what works and focus on collaborative problem-solving. Remember self-care is essential and there's no one-size-fits-all solution, so be adaptable and open to trying different strategies.

    When dealing with difficult people, it's important to treat it as an experiment and try different tactics, keeping a record of what works and what doesn't. Collaborative problem-solving with the person and focusing on the problem, not just the individuals, can lead to more positive outcomes. Self-care is essential to prevent burnout when dealing with challenging situations and people. Mantras can be helpful in reminding ourselves that this doesn't define us as a person. It's important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution and that each situation is unique. It's crucial to be adaptable and open to trying various strategies

  • Nurturing Positive Relationships and Managing Negative Interactions in Remote Work.Remember your positive relationships while dealing with negative interactions, and focus on your emotions. Invest in positive relationships for a better quality of life, and clarify assumptions in virtual communication to avoid miscommunication. Address any cracks in relationships directly instead of letting them fester.

    Don't let one challenging relationship color every interaction you have. Remind yourself of positive relationships to get through more tricky negative interactions. Emotional reactions to negative interactions are valid, but focus on what you can control - your reaction and how you feel. Investing in positive relationships has a huge impact on the quality of life. Remote work can make relationships harder and is ripe for miscommunication, but strong relationships may have gotten stronger. Remember that assumptions made through virtual communication may not be accurate and clarify before making assumptions. Don't let the cracks in relationships fester, address them directly.

  • Navigating Workplace Relationships in Virtual CommunicationNon-verbal cues are important in relationships, so avoid making negative assumptions without understanding the reasons behind someone's behavior. Amy Gallo's book offers strategies for working with anyone, and her HBR guide is a great resource.

    In virtual communication, people may create unnecessary situations in their minds due to lack of non-verbal cues resulting in flat interactions. Relationships are based on seeing ourselves in one another. It is important to understand that people may have reasons for their behavior that are not immediately clear, and we should avoid making negative assumptions. Amy Gallo's new book 'Getting Along: How to Work with Anyone, Even Difficult People' provides strategies for navigating workplace relationships. Her past book 'The HBR Guide to Dealing With Conflict' is also a great resource. She co-hosts HBR's Women at Work podcast and has written extensively for Harvard Business Review.

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