
    Russ Cook (Hardest Geezer): I Haven't Told The Whole Truth About Africa!, They Took Me Into The Jungle To Kill Me!

    enMay 02, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Upbringing Shaped Extraordinary FeatsRuss Cook's father's work ethic and mother's politeness instilled in him a strong will to overcome challenges and embark on extraordinary adventures, but his father's absence and mother's influence also contributed to his personal struggles.

      Russ Cook's upbringing, specifically the hardworking mentality instilled by his father and the emphasis on politeness from his mother, played significant roles in shaping him into the person who embarked on extraordinary feats such as running from Asia to London, burying himself alive, and attempting to run the entire length of Africa. However, the absence of his father and the strong maternal influence also contributed to his later struggles with darkness and self-reliance. Despite facing numerous challenges, including kidnapping and health issues, Cook saw these adventures as the best way to overcome personal struggles and prove to himself and the world that he could push beyond his limits.

    • Parents' expressions of love and communication shape a child's understanding of relationshipsEffective communication and emotional expression from parents are crucial in helping children develop healthy relationships and emotional intelligence.

      The way parents express love and communicate can significantly impact a child's understanding of relationships and their own emotional expression. The speaker shares how his parents, who were not very affectionate or verbally expressive, led by example through their hard work and dedication to family. However, the lack of open communication made it challenging for the speaker to navigate complex questions and find answers during his formative years. The speaker also acknowledges that his parents may have had their own struggles, which could have influenced their ability to express love and communicate effectively. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of open communication and emotional expression in shaping a child's understanding of relationships and their own emotional intelligence.

    • Young man's search for guidance leads to family conflict and departureLack of guidance and understanding can lead to family conflict and a young person's departure, but it's important to remember that they're usually seeking connection and direction

      Lack of guidance and tools led a young man to leave home at a young age due to family conflicts and his strong desire for more out of life. His rebellious behavior and disrespect towards his family caused tension and eventually led to his departure. It's important to remember that kids don't naturally act out or disrespect their families, but rather, they may be searching for guidance and feeling disconnected. The young man's high energy and ambition were misdirected, and he struggled to find the right path to achieve his goals. The situation was difficult for both the family and the young man, as communication and understanding were lacking.

    • The importance of guidance and positive role models during adolescenceLack of guidance and positive role models during adolescence can lead young people to feel lost and potentially engage in destructive behaviors. Providing young people with positive role models and guidance is crucial for their development.

      The absence of guidance and positive role models during adolescence can lead young people to feel lost and potentially engage in destructive behaviors. This was a common theme in the speaker's personal experience and was echoed by Ashley Walters from Top Boy. The speaker described feeling a strong desire for guidance and a sense of belonging, but not finding it at home. As a result, they moved out at a young age and had a tumultuous relationship with their parents. The emotions of this experience were deeply felt, but the speaker coped by adopting a tough exterior. They acknowledged that their parents' love was a constant source of comfort, even during difficult times, but building a bridge between them seemed insurmountable. However, the speaker's girlfriend played a crucial role in facilitating communication and helping to mend the relationship. Overall, this experience underscores the importance of providing young people with positive role models and guidance during their formative years.

    • Importance of support system, financial stability, and personal growth for mental healthLack of guidance, deep connections, and control over finances can lead to negative mental health outcomes, including misery, disconnection, and even suicidal thoughts. Building meaningful relationships, achieving financial stability, and focusing on personal growth are crucial for maintaining good mental health.

      Lack of guidance, deep connections, and control over finances can lead to a miserable existence and negatively impact mental health. Russ shared his personal experience of moving out at 17, struggling financially, and getting trapped in a cycle of gambling, drinking, and overeating. He felt disconnected from his family and friends, leading to misery and even suicidal thoughts. The turning point came when he realized the extent of his problem and took steps to ban himself from gambling websites and focus on building meaningful relationships. Russ's story serves as a reminder of the importance of having a support system, financial stability, and personal growth in maintaining good mental health.

    • Struggling with the root cause of one's situationAccessing resources like podcasts and seeking guidance can help individuals understand their struggles and start climbing out of their darkest moments. Keeping struggles to oneself doesn't hide them, but instead, they may manifest in other ways. Offer empathy and understanding to your past self, things will get better with time and effort.

      Hitting rock bottom can feel overwhelming and helpless, and it's common for people to struggle with understanding the root cause of their situation. However, having access to resources like podcasts and guidance from figures like Jordan Peterson can provide valuable insights and help individuals begin the climb out of their darkest moments. It's important to remember that keeping struggles to oneself doesn't truly hide them, but instead, they may manifest in other ways. If one could go back in time, they might offer empathy and understanding to their past self, acknowledging that things will get better with time and effort.

    • Realizing personal responsibility leads to changeTaking accountability for one's life sparks improvement and personal growth through self-reliance and positive actions.

      Taking responsibility for one's own situation is a powerful catalyst for change. This individual's journey began with a realization that blaming external factors would not solve their problems. Instead, they needed to take action and accept accountability for their life. This moment of epiphany came during a late-night run, following a period of feeling lost and unfulfilled. The decision to sign up for a marathon with a friend provided the structure and motivation needed to make progress, both physically and mentally. This experience reinforced the idea that putting effort into positive actions leads to improvement and personal growth. Ultimately, this individual's story illustrates the importance of self-reliance and the transformative power of taking responsibility for one's own life.

    • Overcoming Skepticism and Limiting BeliefsDespite societal norms and skepticism, one can find inspiration and pursue dreams by questioning the concept of 'normal' and seeking out unconventional role models.

      Limiting beliefs and societal norms can hinder personal growth and ambition. The speaker shares his experience of being underestimated and dismissed by those around him when he decided to run from Asia to London at the age of 22. He was the first person to do so, completing 71 marathons in 66 days through 11 countries without a team. Despite the skepticism of those around him, including his family, the speaker persevered and found inspiration in meeting people who lived unconventional lives. He realized that the concept of "normal" is subjective and that he didn't need external validation to pursue his dreams. The experience taught him to question societal norms and to find inspiration in the extraordinary lives of others.

    • Finding pride in personal achievements and validation from loved onesTrue pride comes from personal accomplishments and validation from loved ones, not external sources. Long-term goals and resilience are essential for achieving dreams.

      The most meaningful moments in life often come without fanfare or public recognition. The speaker shares a story about his father's pride in his running accomplishment, which he cherishes deeply despite it not being broadcasted to the world. He also recalls the harsh reality of returning home after his achievement and the struggle to find his father's approval. This experience taught him that true validation comes from within and from those closest to us, rather than from external sources. Additionally, the speaker's determination to turn his passion for adventure into a career took years of planning and persistence, showcasing the importance of long-term goals and resilience.

    • Unexpected connections can lead to extraordinary relationshipsTwo individuals formed a strong bond despite a two-year separation and lack of initial recognition of each other's achievements. Persistence and daily conversations played a key role in their connection.

      Even the most extraordinary individuals have ordinary beginnings and that meaningful connections can be made in unexpected circumstances. This was evident in the conversation between two individuals, where one had reached out to the other two years ago, expressing interest in an ambitious project. The second individual, who had accomplished remarkable feats, had never heard of these achievements. They eventually connected, and their relationship grew during the second individual's Africa run, which took over a year. Despite the long separation, they managed to build a strong bond through daily conversations. The conversation also highlighted the importance of persistence in relationships and how past experiences can influence our subconscious perceptions. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the power of human connection and the potential for growth and transformation.

    • Effective communication and understanding in relationshipsRealizing differences complement each other, growing and adapting, impact of early experiences, importance of compromise and acceptance, transformative power of relationships

      Effective communication and understanding of each other's unique needs and love languages are crucial for a successful and fulfilling relationship. The speakers in the conversation shared their experiences of realizing that they complement each other well in areas where they differ, and how they have grown and adapted to better support each other. They also discussed the impact of early experiences and upbringing on shaping one's expectations and approach to relationships. Despite initial challenges, they emphasized the importance of compromise and acceptance in building a strong bond. The conversation also highlighted the transformative power of a relationship that brings growth and change, offering hope to those seeking meaningful connections.

    • Unexpected connections and networking can lead to project successNetworking and maintaining relationships can lead to unforeseen opportunities and sponsorships, even during challenging times

      Sometimes taking calculated risks and reaching out to the right people at the right time can significantly impact the success of a project, even if it seems like things aren't going as planned. The speaker shares a story about starting a mission with limited resources and facing unexpected delays. Despite these challenges, a message from a friend who had expressed interest in the project earlier and had since achieved success opened new doors and led to invaluable sponsorships. This unexpected connection transformed the mission, demonstrating the importance of planting seeds and maintaining relationships. The power of networking and the ripple effect of kind gestures and encouragement can lead to unforeseen opportunities and success.

    • Overcoming Obstacles with Determination and AdaptabilityDetermination and adaptability can help turn seemingly insurmountable challenges into opportunities. Act unpredictably and show empathy to surprise adversaries and turn situations around.

      Determination and adaptability can help overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. The speaker, who embarked on a mission with just a few followers, faced numerous obstacles including health issues and robberies while running through Africa. Despite these setbacks, he persevered and even managed to turn a robbery situation around by acting unpredictably and showing empathy towards the robber. This incident led to a surprising outcome, as the robber ended up accepting food instead of taking more from the speaker. The speaker's ability to adapt to different situations and remain determined despite the odds demonstrates the power of resilience and creativity in overcoming adversity.

    • Experiencing a robbery in Congo during travelLong-term travel involves unexpected challenges, including robberies, which can result in significant losses and setbacks, but shouldn't define the entire journey.

      Despite experiencing a harrowing robbery in the Democratic Republic of Congo during their journey, the travelers continued on with their trip, understanding that such incidents are a part of the unpredictable nature of long-term travel. The robbery resulted in the loss of valuable items, including passports, money, and equipment, which caused significant inconvenience and setbacks. The experience was particularly challenging due to the country's reputation for corruption and violence, with the travelers encountering numerous threats and hostile interactions. Despite the emotional impact, the team pressed on, acknowledging that they couldn't let such incidents define their entire journey. The unreleased YouTube video from this part of their trip reflects the team's struggles and the complexity of the situation, which they ultimately decided not to share publicly due to disagreements about how best to convey the experience.

    • Navigating Unfamiliar Situations in a Foreign CultureEffective communication and cultural awareness are crucial in unfamiliar situations to avoid misunderstandings and potential danger.

      Navigating unfamiliar and potentially dangerous situations, especially in a culture vastly different from one's own, can be overwhelming and anxiety-inducing. The speaker's experience in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) involved multiple encounters where he felt threatened, misunderstood, and ultimately, frightened. He recounted being led into the bush by villagers, surrounded by an angry mob, and even encountering men with machetes. These experiences left him feeling scared, vulnerable, and unsure of his surroundings. The lack of understanding of the local language and culture further complicated the situation, making it difficult for him to communicate effectively and navigate the unfamiliar environment. His previous experiences in the DRC and the build-up of horror stories in his mind also contributed to his heightened sense of fear. Despite these challenges, the speaker managed to stay calm and eventually make it to safety. However, the experience left him with a newfound appreciation for the importance of cultural awareness and effective communication in unfamiliar situations. If he were to go through it again, he would have approached the situation with a better understanding of the local culture and language, which would have helped him navigate the challenges more effectively.

    • Effective communication and preparation crucial for safetyClear communication and being adequately prepared can prevent dangerous situations and save lives

      Communication and preparation are crucial for safety in unfamiliar and potentially dangerous situations. The speaker's initial reluctance to get on a motorbike with strangers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) due to lack of a note or clear communication led him into a harrowing 7-hour journey through the jungle. Despite trying to stay rational and assuming the men just wanted money, the speaker also feared for his life as stories of violence and crime in the DRC were prevalent. The lack of clear communication and understanding between the parties resulted in a prolonged and terrifying ordeal. Effective communication and being adequately prepared could have prevented the situation from escalating and potentially saved the speaker from a harrowing experience.

    • Reflecting on life and relationships during a near-death experienceDuring a life-threatening situation, one may gain clarity and reflect on relationships and past mistakes. Prioritize connection and intimacy to enrich life.

      Facing the possibility of death can bring about profound clarity and introspection. During his harrowing experience in the Congo, the speaker found himself thinking about his relationships, particularly with his parents, and regretting past mistakes. He also thought about his partner Emily and their future plans together. The aftermath of his rescue was challenging, as the team dealt with their own struggles and there were disagreements among team members. This period of time highlighted the importance of connection and intimacy, and the speaker's experience served as a reminder to prioritize these aspects of life.

    • Misaligning team roles can cause tensionHiring the right team members for specific roles and providing them with the necessary support is crucial for team success and efficiency.

      Underestimating the importance of logistics and hiring the right team members for specific roles can lead to difficult situations and inefficiencies. The speaker, in his experience, prioritized content creation over logistics, which resulted in asking content team members to handle logistics tasks they were not equipped for. This put them in a challenging position and caused tension within the team. Additionally, having a clear leadership style and effective communication are crucial in managing a team, especially during stressful situations. The speaker acknowledged his mistakes and made changes to improve the team dynamics and overall efficiency. It's essential to hire people with the right skills for their roles and provide them with the necessary support to succeed.

    • Making key decisions and overcoming obstaclesDecisions to streamline business operations can lead to success, but challenges and setbacks are inevitable. Maintaining a strong resolve and making informed decisions are crucial for overcoming obstacles in both business and personal endeavors.

      Making key decisions, like transitioning to a unified business management system, can significantly improve business operations and efficiency. However, challenges and setbacks are inevitable, even during seemingly impossible feats like running a marathon across multiple continents. For instance, the speaker encountered numerous health issues, including a persistent back injury. Despite these obstacles, the decision to switch to NetSuite, a cloud financial system, streamlined their business and allowed for more focus on important tasks. Meanwhile, during the marathon, the speaker experienced a moment of doubt in the Ivory Coast when they were mistaken for a spy, but ultimately persevered. In the face of adversity, both in business and personal endeavors, the importance of making informed decisions and maintaining a strong resolve cannot be overstated.

    • The importance of maintaining a positive attitude and trusting in one's abilities to overcome obstaclesResilience is built through facing and overcoming adversity, not easily taught or acquired.

      Resilience is built through experiencing and overcoming challenges. The story of Gus and Stan's journey to Mauritania highlights the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and trusting in one's abilities to overcome obstacles. Their online campaign went viral, leading to Algeria granting them visas, but they also faced challenges such as a broken-down truck in the Sahara Desert. Despite this setback, they remained confident and continued on, having learned from previous experiences. As they neared the end of their journey, they were met with an outpouring of support from the public, culminating in a emotional finish line crossing with their father's encouragement. This tale demonstrates that resilience is not something that can be easily taught or acquired, but rather something that develops through facing and overcoming adversity.

    • The finish line brings complex emotionsCrossing a finish line is a mystical moment of pride, relief, and gratitude. Reuniting with loved ones validates accomplishments, but adjusting to changes can be challenging. Hard work and perseverance lead to triumph.

      The finish line of a challenging journey, such as running an ultra-marathon, brings about complex emotions including gratitude, relief, and pride. For the speaker, crossing the finish line was a mystical moment that felt unreachable for a long time. Reuniting with family after the journey was an incredibly moving experience, and hearing their pride was a powerful validation of his accomplishments. The speaker felt overwhelmed by the attention and changes that came with returning home, but also found joy in the connections made during his journey and the impact he had on others. Ultimately, the experience showed him that hard work and perseverance pay off, and that moments of triumph are worth the effort and the challenges along the way.

    • Adjusting to life after an epic adventureThough fame and recognition can be initially daunting, the challenges faced post-adventure may lead to new opportunities for growth and giving back.

      The London Marathon, an incredibly public event, presented unexpected challenges for a long-distance runner fresh off an epic journey. Overwhelmed by attention and stimulation, the runner found it difficult to adjust to a new routine and cope with uncertainties in life post-adventure. Despite the challenges, the runner expressed a desire to help others on their own journeys and found fulfillment in supporting their goals. The experience of fame and recognition, though initially daunting, is expected to fade, leaving new problems to manage. The runner's fundraising efforts for a charity supporting those in need of guidance and purpose reached nearly a million pounds, a testament to the inspiration and impact of the journey.

    • Russ's inspiring story of perseverance and charityRuss's story shows that with determination, it's possible to overcome challenges and make a positive impact on the world. His fundraising efforts inspire others to get involved and make a difference.

      Russ's story of perseverance and determination, despite facing challenges and hardships, has served as a powerful source of motivation for many people, including the speaker. Russ's actions have shown that it's possible to turn one's life around and achieve great things, even when it seems impossible. Additionally, his fundraising efforts have raised an impressive amount of money for charity, inspiring others to get involved and make a difference. The speaker expresses his gratitude for Russ's impact on his own life and the lives of others, and encourages listeners to aim high and push themselves to new limits. Russ's story is a reminder that the good things in life often come after experiencing discomfort and facing challenges, and that everyone has the potential to make a positive impact on the world.

    • Consolidate multiple systems into one platform with NetSuiteTransitioning to NetSuite reduces IT costs, streamlines operations, and increases efficiency by consolidating accounting, financial management, inventory, and HR into one system, allowing teams to focus on growing the business.

      Transitioning to a unified business management system like NetSuite can significantly reduce IT costs, streamline operations, and increase efficiency. By consolidating accounting, financial management, inventory, and HR into one platform, businesses can eliminate the need for multiple systems and the associated costs of managing and running them. This allows teams to focus on more important tasks, such as growing the business and delivering value to customers. NetSuite, as the number one cloud financial system, offers a flexible financing program for businesses looking to make the switch. With over 37,000 companies already on board, it's a smart decision for businesses looking to modernize their operations and gain a single source of truth for their business data. To learn more, visit netsuite.com/bartzlet for a free product tour.

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    The Pregnancy Doctor: Pregnancy Halves Every Year After 32! If You Want 2+ Children, You Need To Know This! If You Experience This Pain, Go See A Doctor!
    Where have all the babies gone? Dr Natalie breaks down everything you need to know about fertility.  Dr Natalie Crawford is a double board-certified fertility doctor. She is also the co-founder of Fora Fertility clinic and Pinnacle Conference, a leadership conference for women in medicine. In this conversation, Dr Natalie and Steven discuss topics such as, how plastic and pollution affect your fertility, the surprising condition that’s affecting 1 in 4 women, the best time to have sex for pregnancy, and the impact of phones and hot baths on sperm count.  00:00 Intro 02:05 You Need To Look After Your Fertility Even Before You Want Children 04:31 We're Struggling More Than Ever To Have Children 07:00 Are We Having Less Sex? 07:47 Sperm Count Is Declining At Scary Risk 10:38 I Had 4 Pregnancy Losses And It's Devastating 13:36 The Stigma Of Infertility 16:15 Infertility Is Not Just A Female Issue, Men Are Affected Too 18:49 Understanding The Basics Of Fertility 22:26 Environmental Factors Affecting Male And Female Fertility 26:32 Are Phones And Laptops Bad For Fertility? 29:40 Heat And Infertility 30:15 What Testosterone Replacement Therapy Does To Your Sperm 31:45 The Egg Vault 35:25 Egg Production And Anomalies 42:41 Regret, Hindsight Of Patients And What You Can Do 47:16 What Has Changed Since Our Parents 49:06 The Effects Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle 54:07 Sleep Is Crucial In Your Reproductive Hormone System 55:07 How Stress Impacts Fertility 57:14 The Best Diets For Good Fertility 59:11 How Dairy Impacts Your Fertility 01:01:05 You Need To Understand The Reproductive Cycle To Know How Exercise Impacts It 01:10:58 Menstrual Irregularities And What's Normal 01:16:57 How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant? 01:17:50 When Trying To Have Children Sex Can Become A Chore 01:21:43 Purchasing Sperm From The Black Market 01:24:48 PCOS Explained 01:30:59 PCOS Diagnosis 01:33:50 Link Between PCOS & Endometrial Cancer 01:37:02 What Is Endometriosis & How Do You Know You Have It 01:43:55 What Happens When You Come Off The Pill And Want To Have Children 01:46:25 Advice For People With Endometriosis And PCOS, If They Want To Have Children 01:49:36 Getting Started With Freezing Eggs And Embryos And Success Rate 01:55:15 The Cost Of Fertility Procedures 01:56:40 IVF Stigma 01:58:42 Ads 01:59:32 When To Think About Fertility Treatment 02:01:54 Dummies Guide To IVF 02:06:38 Myths Of Conception 02:08:54 Best Sex Position To Get Pregnant 02:10:33 Is Birth Control Healthy? 02:13:36 What Can People Do If They Struggle With Infertility? 02:15:40 Last Guest Question Follow Natalie:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3yIQJ9L  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3wLxtb6  YouTube - https://bit.ly/4551ZZY  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo   Sponsors: Colgate: https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 164: AVOID These 3 Phone Habits That Are Killing Your Brain! The Mental Health Doctor: Dr Aditi Nerurkar

    Moment 164: AVOID These 3 Phone Habits That Are Killing Your Brain! The Mental Health Doctor: Dr Aditi Nerurkar
    In this moment, the world renowned expert in stress, Dr Aditi Nerurkar discusses how the majority of people in the modern world suffer from ‘Popcorn Brain’. According to Dr Aditi ‘Popcorn Brain’ comes from our excessive use of smartphones and social media. This is a real biological phenomenon where your brain circuitry ‘pops’ due to overstimulation and spending too much time online. Your brain never really gets a moment of rest, as being online means it it receives a nonstop stream of information. ‘Popcorn Brain’ is different to the psychological disorder that is internet addiction, as internet addiction seriously affects your ability to live your life, whereas Popcorn Brain defines modern life with everyone being constantly distracted. One of the ways that you can overcome ‘Popcorn Brain’ and improve our mental health is by reducing your reliance on your phone, making sure that you create healthy digital boundaries, so that you give yourself the mental space to live your life. Listen to the full episode here Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/wSPySPjv1Jb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/neGcOqnv1Jb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Dr Aditi Nerurkar - https://www.draditi.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Dr Mike: The Hidden Side Effects Of Vaping! The Dark Side Of Being A Doctor! We Need To Stop Medical Misinformation!

    Dr Mike: The Hidden Side Effects Of Vaping! The Dark Side Of Being A Doctor! We Need To Stop Medical Misinformation!
    He might be known as the ‘Sexiest Doctor Alive’ but his true talent is fighting against the ugly side of medical misinformation.  Doctor Mike is a family medicine doctor and YouTube’s #1 Doctor. He has over 25 million followers on social media and is also the host of ‘The Checkup with Doctor Mike’ podcast.  In this conversation, Doctor Mike and Steven discuss topics such as, the errors in the biggest online health trends, which popular diets are destroying your health, the real truth about calorie counting, and the one thing that helped Dr Mike cure his depression.  00:00 Intro 02:01 Helping People Make Better Health Decisions 05:10 Why Have People Resonated With You And Your Approach True Medical Information 09:54 How Do You Check The Evidence Of The Studies You Share? 11:56 The New Health Trends: Optimisation, Longevity, Anti-Ageing 16:17 Lifestyle Changes Is The First Doctor's Advice 18:14 Do Shortcuts Exist In Medicine? 19:03 What's Your Take On Calories In, Calories Out 21:02 How To Make A Diet Stick 23:16 The False Illusion Of A Good Body Equals Good Health 26:46 Calories In And Calories Out Does Work 28:49 The Benefits Of Exercising 30:21 Where Is The Direction Of Travel With Our Health? 32:51 What Would Happen If There Was A Deadlier Pandemic Than Covid 34:41 Is Vaping Dangerous? 39:27 The Real And Painful Reason Why I Started Boxing 41:32 Losing My Mum 47:07 What's The Best Way To Heal From Grief? 49:49 Your Journey With Mental Health & Social Media Bullying 54:05 The Best Advice I Received From My Therapist 55:55 Are Certain People More Prone To Get Addicted To Social Media? 57:12 Have You Considered Quitting Social Media?? 58:25 Are Vitamin Supplements Good For Us? 59:45 Can We Get All Our Nutrients And Vitamins From Foods? 01:03:36 Do Prebiotics And Probiotics Work? 01:05:19 We Should Listen To The Health Advice Our Grandmothers Told Us 01:08:15 Mentioning Experts That Are Wrong 01:10:46 People Are Losing Trust In Doctors Because Of This 01:18:28 Look After Your Children, We Need This Out Of Schools 01:25:09 Are You A Deep Thinker? 01:27:39 How Do You Deal With So Much Loss And Grief? 01:29:01 What Was Your Hardest Day? 01:33:53 How To Save Someone's Life Doing CPR 01:41:23 I Asked The Doctors To Stop Doing CPR On My Mother 01:43:29 Last Guest Question Here is a link to an article discussing the inefficiency of the anti-depression drug, Paxil: https://bit.ly/3X867q2  Follow Doctor Mike:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3V4pJsy  Twitter - https://bit.ly/4bVeidJ  YouTube - https://bit.ly/3yPtKcQ  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo  Sponsors: ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Charlemagne tha God: A Woman Molested Me As A Kid! I Cheated On My Soulmate! Psychedelics Are Fixing My Depression!

    Charlemagne tha God: A Woman Molested Me As A Kid! I Cheated On My Soulmate! Psychedelics Are Fixing My Depression!
    He’s never hidden from the truth or been shy about expressing his opinion, now he brings the same honesty to his rocky journey to fame.  Charlamagne Tha God is co-host of the American radio programme ‘The Breakfast Club’ on Power 105.1, reaching 8 million listeners each month. He is also a New York Times best-selling author and CEO of the Black Effect Podcast Network.  In this conversation, Charlamagne and Steven discuss topics such as his difficult relationship with his father, the moment that changed his whole life, coming to terms with childhood molestation trauma, and how he went from being fired 4 times to one of the world’s biggest radio hosts.  00:00 Intro 02:17 "Get Honest Or Die Trying" 04:09 What Made Charlamagne? 08:56 Charlamagne's Father's Impact On His Relationships 12:11 Charlamagne's Sexual Abuse 16:28 Charlamagne's Troubled Youth 22:16 Role Models For Men 27:58 The Man Charlamagne Wants To Be 30:41 The Route Of Charlamagne's Anxiety 33:50 Reaching Personal Rock Bottom 36:53 Working In The Radio 38:30 Getting Fired 4 Times 42:21 Panic Attacks & Depression 48:17 Dealing With Grief And Suicide 56:13 Charlamagne's Infidelity 58:34 Growing With Therapy 01:00:32 What's Help You To Heal? 01:02:07 What's The Cost Of Living With The Lies? 01:05:44 Disconnecting From Social Media To Be Original 01:08:00 What's Your View On Trump? 01:11:50 Healing And Rebuilding The Relationship With His Father 01:14:19 How Is Charlamagne Doing? 01:18:06 The Importance Of Living A Life Of Service 01:22:19 The Dangers Of Materialism 01:24:02 Last Guest Question You can purchase Charlamagne’s book, ‘Get Honest or Die Lying: Why Small Talk Sucks’, here: https://amzn.to/4aOVnQZ  Follow Charlamagne:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3Vd9daV  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3KgGrA6  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 163: Happiness Expert Reveals The One Type Of Person You Should NEVER Date

    Moment 163: Happiness Expert Reveals The One Type Of Person You Should NEVER Date
    In this moment, happiness scientist and expert, Arthur C Brooks, discusses what people get wrong in their search for romantic happiness. According to Arthur, the biggest mistake people make when searching for their romantic partner is looking for an exact copy of themself. This is one of the reasons that dating apps are so unsuccessful, as their dating profile will rigidly select people with the same preferences as them, allowing no surprises and potential to experience different qualities. Instead, people are better off looking for someone who complements and completes them and their qualities. This is why many happy marriages will be between people with different qualities, such as an introvert and an extrovert. These sorts of relationships celebrated their difference rather than partners trying to change each other to be more like them, as Arthur says that this is a killer of relationships Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/FTXkeOG5PJb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/8uB3oAL5PJb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Arthur C Brooks: https://arthurbrooks.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    In fact, unless you are truly ready to have this conversation, it is probably going to p*ss you right off!

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    Amy Polly is a  teacher, speaker, author and mental health campaigner. However, prior to this she had a corporate life and worked as a fully qualified accountant in the private and public sector.  Amy gave up the corporate world in 2021 after almost 20 years! As she shifted her focus to mindfulness and well-being she focused her efforts on bridging the gap between businesses and mental health by debunking the myths. Her most recent role was as a senior leader in the Fire Service managing three departments as well as leading the strategy for mental health and well-being.

    Trigger Warning - This episode has references to suicide 

    Listen as we discuss:

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    • 07:30 - Moving towards Mindfulness 
    • 11:00 - Self Awareness Vs Auto-pilot 
    • 13:00 - Love and Romance 
    • 15:00 - Post-natal Anxiety 
    • 24:00 - Right and wrong 
    • 29:00 - Embracing the difference 
    • 32:30 - Suicide 
    • 34:30 - Finding balance 
    • 39:00 - Ruby Wax 
    • 42:00 - Can the corporate world change? 
    • 48:32 - Intention then action 
    • 55:30 - The Minion and fearlessness 
    • 57:30 - Masculine and feminine 
    • 01:00:35 - A mental health rebellion 
    • 01:03:30 - The proactive unstressable 

    Connect with Amy on Instagram @thisisamypolly and learn more about her work here.

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    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
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    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

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    To sign up for the Attribute of the Month:


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    Authenticity & the cure for loneliness. 


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