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    Podcast Summary

    • The Gut Microbiome: a Key Player in Overall HealthPrioritizing the health of the gut microbiome can lead to significant improvements in various conditions, from autoimmune diseases to mood disorders, diabetes, and cancer. Functional medicine offers approaches to repair and restore the gut for better overall well-being.

      The gut microbiome plays a central role in our overall health. It influences various diseases ranging from autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases to mood disorders and even heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Despite its importance, the microbiome is often overlooked in traditional medical practices. However, functional medicine recognizes its significance and offers approaches to repair and restore the gut. By removing harmful substances, replenishing beneficial bacteria, and repairing the gut lining, remarkable improvements can occur in patients' health. It is crucial to understand that the gut is connected to every aspect of our well-being, and prioritizing its health can lead to significant benefits for individuals suffering from a wide range of conditions.

    • The Role of the Microbiome in Health and DiseaseMaintaining a balanced microbiome through diet, lifestyle choices, and medications is crucial for overall health, as microbes interact with our immune system and can affect our biology, both positively and negatively.

      The microbiome plays a significant role in our overall health, connecting to various diseases and challenging traditional medicine. The colonization of microbes in the early stages of life begins a lifelong impact on our immune system. Microbes communicate with the immune system directly, through interaction with other microbes, and by producing metabolites. They can protect our gut barrier, regulate immune reactions, and create metabolites that affect our entire biology. However, certain microbes can also be detrimental and cause diseases, including cancer. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a balance of good and bad bacteria in our gut. This can be achieved through a healthy diet, lifestyle choices, and proper medications.

    • The Importance of Gut Bacteria and Fiber Intake for Overall HealthMaintaining a high-fiber diet and taking probiotics can promote a healthy microbiome, which impacts various aspects of our well-being, from hormone regulation to immune function.

      The composition and diversity of bacteria in our gut play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. The presence of certain organisms, such as akkermansia eosinophilia, can have both positive and negative effects depending on the dietary inputs they receive. Maintaining a high-fiber diet is essential for providing these organisms with the necessary substrates to promote their positive effects. On the other hand, a low-fiber diet can lead to the degradation of mucin by these organisms, resulting in inflammation and potential food allergies. It is important to understand that everything in our body is interconnected, and taking a probiotic supplement like Seed, which contains a broad spectrum of different strains of beneficial bacteria, can contribute to a healthy microbiome and overall well-being. The microbiome has a significant impact on our biology, regulating hormones, brain chemistry, immune system, and even the production of metabolites in our blood. Ultimately, our microbiome and its interaction with our bodies should be carefully nurtured and supported.

    • The complex network of the gut microbiome and its role in overall health.The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in our health, with the balance of different bacteria strains determining its health. Efforts are being made to understand and utilize this knowledge for better health outcomes.

      The gut microbiome is a complex network of information that plays a crucial role in our overall health. With an estimated hundred thousand petabytes of data in the microbiome, our body is essentially an information superhighway that is regulated by bacterial compounds. The health of our gut microbiome is determined by the balance of different strains and species of bacteria. While research on the microbiome is still evolving, recent advancements in standardized sequencing methods have allowed us to gain clearer insights into its functions. However, it is important to recognize that the microbiome can vary from person to person, and there is still much to learn about how it influences various health outcomes. Efforts are being made to understand and apply this knowledge practically, with projects and companies dedicated to measuring the microbiome and providing recommendations. Ultimately, understanding and nurturing a healthy gut microbiome is essential for achieving good health.

    • Importance of Sample Size and Consistency in Microbiome ResearchAnalyzing a large sample size and ensuring consistent population-level readouts on microbes, genes, and metabolites are essential for reliable results in microbiome research.

      Analyzing microbiome data requires a large sample size to get reliable results. Small cross-sections of data can lead to significant findings, but they may differ across different samples. The future of microbiome research lies in consistent population-level readouts on microbes, their genes, and their metabolites. For accurate recommendations, it is essential to map out the genes of the gut microbes and examine the metabolites produced by those genes. This requires deep metagenomic sequencing and studying the blood serum for microbial metabolites. Current microbiome tests available in the market may not be ready for prime time and can be potentially dangerous if insights are provided without proper analysis. Any claims about specific bacteria and their relation to certain foods should be approached with skepticism.

    • Understanding and Developing Probiotics: A Confusing and Varied ProcessProbiotics are live organisms that offer health benefits, but it's important to clarify their purpose and distinguish them from fermented foods. They have evolved beyond lactobacillus and bifidobacterium and may not be necessary for everyone.

      Probiotics are live organisms that confer a health benefit to their host. However, the understanding and development of probiotics can be confusing and varied. When considering probiotics, it is important to ask whether they are live organisms and what specific health benefit they are intended to provide. Probiotics should not be confused with fermented foods, which are microbially metabolized food matter that carry a microbial load. Probiotics have traditionally consisted of lactobacillus, bifidobacterium, and streptococcus, but the classification has expanded to include a wide range of genus and species variations. It is also worth noting that probiotics may not be necessary for individuals who are generally healthy and do not have specific gastrointestinal or gut microbiome-related issues.

    • The ancestral way to a healthy microbiomeAdopting a lifestyle similar to our ancestors, with a diverse plant and animal-based diet, minimal processed foods, and probiotic usage can promote a healthy microbiome.

      The key to a healthy microbiome may lie in living a lifestyle similar to that of our ancestors. This includes consuming a diverse plant and animal-based diet, minimizing processed foods, and avoiding environmental toxins. Additionally, it is important to limit antibiotic usage and avoid significant disruptions to the gut microbiome, such as moving to a highly urbanized area. For individuals living in a modern environment, probiotic usage can be especially impactful due to potentially low microbial inoculation. When choosing a probiotic, it is important to consider factors such as the form and bioavailability, third-party testing for purity and potency, and the absence of allergens and fillers.

    • The Power of Personalized and Multi-Strain Probiotics in Achieving Optimal HealthChoosing a multi-strain consortium of probiotics that is tailored to specific needs can maximize desired effects and ensure effectiveness, as strains work together to create broader spectrum outcomes.

      Different strains of probiotics have different effects on our bodies. Some strains may be beneficial for weight loss, while others may improve mood or skin health. Personalized probiotics, tailored to specific indications, are emerging as a new approach. Taking a complex consortium of strains can maximize the desired effects, as different strains work together to create broader spectrum outcomes. It is important to consider the purity, potency, and efficacy of probiotics when selecting the right one. Many products claim high numbers of bacteria, but the true potency and viability may be compromised during digestion. To ensure effectiveness, it is crucial to choose a multi-strain consortium with scientific evidence supporting its benefits.

    • The Importance of Bacteria and Prebiotics in Optimizing Gut HealthBalancing bacteria in the gut and incorporating prebiotics can have a profound impact on overall health, including immune system, heart health, and metabolic function.

      Specific bacteria have significant effects on various aspects of our health, such as the GI tract, immune system, heart health, metabolic health, and immune health. The key is to find the right balance of bacteria that can effectively target and release in the upper small intestine. The idea of live bacteria being metabolically active and able to enter the colon is crucial. Additionally, the concept of symbiotics, combining prebiotics and probiotics, plays a role in supporting the growth and flourishing of beneficial bacteria. Polyphenols, found in foods like green tea and pomegranate, serve as prebiotics and can have a profound impact on the gut microbiome. These polyphenols are broken down by the microbiome and contribute to the regulation of mitochondrial function, muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness, and inflammation. Measureable increases in blood levels of postbiotics, such as urolithin A, have been observed after taking certain probiotics. Overall, understanding the relationship between bacteria, prebiotics, and postbiotics is key to optimizing our gut health and overall well-being.

    • Recovering and supporting the gut microbiome after antibiotics.Taking a specific postbiotic derived from pomegranate alongside antibiotics can help restore rare species and increase the abundance of beneficial organisms in the gut microbiome.

      Antibiotics have a significant impact on the gut microbiome, but it is possible for the microbiome to recover over time. While the composition may not return to its original state, the abundance of organisms can be restored within six months to two years. However, each course of antibiotics results in a different microbiome, with potential loss of rare species and the introduction of new organisms. Adding DS oh one, a specific postbiotic derived from pomegranate, alongside antibiotics can promote the rebound of rare species and increase the abundance of butyrate-producing organisms. These effects may help the microbiome recover and support the health of the gut lining. Overall, the study highlights the potential benefits of combining probiotics with antibiotics to mitigate the negative impact on the gut microbiome.

    • The benefits of the probiotic DS 01 for gut health and overall well-being.DS 01, a complex probiotic, helps restore the gut barrier and can improve digestive health, reduce skin inflammation, and potentially lower TMAO levels, offering a comprehensive approach to overall health.

      Antibiotics can damage the gut barrier and increase permeability, leading to issues like leaky gut. However, the probiotic DS 01 has shown a strong rescue effect on these barrier disruptions. It can help return the gut barrier to a less permeable state, reducing the risk of problems associated with a leaky gut. DS 01 is a complex probiotic with 24 different strains and 50 billion active cells. It has been shown to have benefits beyond the gut, including improving digestive health, reducing inflammation on the skin, and potentially lowering TMAO levels, which are linked to heart disease. While it may not be the strongest way to modulate the microbiome, it offers a broad spectrum approach for overall health.

    • The Power of Olive Oil for Gut HealthConsuming olive oil can have a greater impact on gut health than probiotics, and personalized medicine that considers genetic, environmental, and microbiome factors can significantly improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

      Olive oil, specifically DMB from olive oil, has been shown to be a powerful modulator of TMA and TMAO production in the gut microbiome. So, for those interested in gut health, consuming olive oil can have a greater impact than any probiotic. In clinical studies, researchers have also found promising results in using microbial inoculation to improve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is a complex condition influenced by various factors, such as genetics, environment, and the microbiome. While traditional approaches have had limited effectiveness, functional and personalized medicine that considers these factors can make a significant difference in quality of life. The future of microbiome research lies in harnessing the vast amounts of data through advanced technologies like bioinformatics and artificial intelligence to tailor recommendations for individuals.

    • The Future of Microbiome Research: Uncovering Precision Probiotics and Challenging Traditional Medicine.The microbiome field has the potential to transform medicine by uncovering personalized treatments through precision probiotics and emphasizing the interconnectedness of the body. Current probiotics, coupled with a healthy diet, can already greatly impact overall health.

      The future of microbiome research lies in big, controlled, and longitudinal data sets. Tracking the same individuals over time and collecting clean data sets with comprehensive features is challenging but essential for understanding the microbiome. The most deeply phenotyped dataset cohort in the world, consisting of 13,000 people, is being studied to uncover the potential of precision probiotics. However, we are still a few years away from identifying the perfect network of bacteria for specific health outcomes. Personalized pharmacogenomics, nutrition, and probiotics are on the horizon, but we are just at the beginning of this era. The microbiome field has the potential to transform our understanding of medicine, as it challenges traditional disease paradigms and emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body. While we await further advancements, current probiotics, when used alongside a healthy diet, can have a significant impact on overall health.

    Recent Episodes from The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D.

    Functional Medicine Psychiatry – Getting to the Root Cause of Mental Illness

    Functional Medicine Psychiatry – Getting to the Root Cause of Mental Illness
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal The world is experiencing a mental health crisis like never before. While that is rightfully scary, it’s important to recognize that many of our daily choices can up-level our brain function and mental health. The inadequacies of current psychiatric disease and care models require urgent attention to address root causes such as nutrition, toxins, and gut health. In this episode of the podcast, I talk to Dr. James Greenblatt, who draws on his four decades of experience in studying functional psychiatry to highlight the importance of a personalized approach to mental health.  In this episode, we specifically focus on:  The pressing need for a new model of mental health care. How is functional psychiatry different from conventional psychiatry?  Root causes of mental health issues and the importance of addressing nutrient deficiencies, toxins, and gut health. Success stories using the personalized approach with low-dose lithium, ketogenic diets, and nutraceuticals to treat psychiatric symptoms.  Encouragement for those suffering from mental health disorders to explore Functional Medicine approaches. Integrating Functional Medicine principles into mainstream psychiatry. Join us to discover how Functional Medicine can transform mental health care and offer new hope for those struggling with mental health disorders. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Mitopure, House of Macadamias, and Cymbiotika. Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Support essential mitochondrial health and save 10% on Mitopure. Visit TimelineNutrition.com/Drhyman and use code DRHYMAN10. Enjoy the highest quality macadamia nuts today. Get 15% off my custom House of Macadamias bundle or 10% off your entire order at HouseOfMacadamias.com/Hyman. Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN.

    Brain Food: The Top Foods for Mental Wellness

    Brain Food: The Top Foods for Mental Wellness
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal We often hear about food in the context of physical health, but food is very tied to emotional and mental health, too. The growing field of nutritional psychiatry is shedding light on this profound connection between food and mood, and how what we eat impacts everything from anxiety and depression to ADHD and more. In this episode, Dr. Hyman speaks with Max Lugavere and Dr. Uma Naidoo about the best foods to eat to support your brain and the beautiful symphony between what you eat, your gut microbiome, and cognitive function. This episode is brought to you by Rupa University, ButcherBox, and Cymbiotika. Rupa University is hosting FREE classes and bootcamps for healthcare providers who want to learn more about Functional Medicine testing. Sign up at RupaUniversity.com. ButcherBox is giving new members two pounds of wild-caught salmon for FREE plus $20 off. Visit ButcherBox.com/Farmacy and use code FARMACY. Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN.

    6-Step Protocol To Stop Decline, Stay Young & Reverse Aging After 40+

    6-Step Protocol To Stop Decline, Stay Young & Reverse Aging After 40+
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Every year, we celebrate our birthdays, marking another year of growing older and, hopefully, wiser. But what if we flipped the script and celebrated getting younger instead?  With groundbreaking advancements in longevity science and technology, this idea is becoming more than just a dream. We now have the tools, diet, lifestyle, and supplement regimens to reverse our biological clock. In today’s episode, we’ll dive into the science behind what ages us, the latest research breakthroughs in eating and aging, and we’ll uncover how our diet and lifestyle impact our bodies at the genetic level, influencing DNA expression and potentially switching off our aging genes. Stay tuned until the end for my six-step actionable protocol to start aging in reverse! This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Essentia, and House of Macadamias.  Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Receive an extra $100 off your mattress purchase + Huge Memorial Day Sale of 25% OFF + FREE GOTS Certified organic cotton sheets (a $299 value)! Go to MyEssentia.com/DrMarkHyman and use code HYMAN at checkout to get this great deal. Enjoy the highest-quality macadamia nuts today. Get 15% off my custom House of Macadamias bundle or 10% off your entire order at HouseOfMacadamias.com/Hyman.

    Brain on Fire: How Dietary Induced Neuroinflammation Causes Mental Illness, Aggression, Violence and Dementia

    Brain on Fire: How Dietary Induced Neuroinflammation Causes Mental Illness, Aggression, Violence and Dementia
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal We live in a time with more money, medical interventions, and knowledge than ever before—so why are we getting sicker? While this might seem depressing, there are actually many exciting discoveries changing the future of wellness, like our increased understanding of the microbiome and how it interacts with the brain. This dynamic has profound implications for mental health, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and even supporting positive behavior in our children. I’m excited to talk to board-certified internal medicine physician, bestselling author, and published researcher Dr. Austin Perlmutter about all this and more on this episode of the podcast.  We explore: Why don’t we try to prevent brain dysfunction the same way we do cardiovascular disease and other illnesses? Neuroinflammation and how to modulate it to improve mood, behavior, and neurodegenerative diseases Having an “adult in the room” versus our lizard brain The inundation of Big Food and Big Pharma marketing we’re up against Psychobiotics: The future of probiotics for brain health  I know you’ll love this conversation as much as I did. I hope you’ll tune in wherever you listen to podcasts! This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Magnesium Breakthrough, LMNT, and Pique.  Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Tackle an overlooked root cause of stress with Magnesium Breakthrough. Visit BIOptimizers.com/Hyman and use code HYMAN10 to save 10%.  LMNT is giving listeners a FREE eight-count sample pack of their vital electrolyte drink mix with any purchase. Just visit DrinkLMNT.com/Hyman today. Enjoy Pique's Sun Goddess Matcha. Just head over to piquelife.com/hyman with code HYMAN for 15% off + Right now, get up to 15% off + a complimentary beaker and rechargeable frother.

    Prevention Strategies for Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Prevention Strategies for Neurodegenerative Diseases
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Lifestyle and dietary factors are widely accepted as key drivers of disease among cardiologists, oncologists, and endocrinologists, however the impact of diet and lifestyle on our brain health still remains largely on the margins. And, while there are certainly other factors, creating healthy daily habits can make a significant difference. In this episode, Dr. Hyman speaks with Dr. Marwan Sabbagh, Dr. Richard Isaacson, and Dr. Jay Lombard about the role of genetics in brain disorders, lifestyle habits you can start right now to reduce your risk or reverse symptoms, and why we need to look at bacteria as a cause of neurodegenerative disease. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health and AG1. Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Get your daily serving of vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, and more with AG1. Head to DrinkAG1.com/Hyman and get a year's worth of D3 and five Travel Packs for FREE with your first order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    What Men Don’t Know About Their Health Can Hurt Them

    What Men Don’t Know About Their Health Can Hurt Them
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal There’s a common misconception that getting older means getting weaker, but what if you could improve your fitness level at any age? The truth is, you can.  In today’s Health Bites episode, I’m joined by my dear friend and colleague, Dr. George Papanicolaou, a highly sought-after Functional Medicine practitioner on my team at the Ultra Wellness Center. Together, we explore the incredible benefits of exercise—a free, universally accessible powerhouse drug—from a functional medicine perspective.  We discuss the crucial, often-overlooked aspects of fitness for enhancing longevity, such as VO2 max, how to optimize our levels, and the role our mitochondria play. We also dive into the importance of resistance training and nutrition for enhancing body composition, strength, and muscle mass, vital for metabolic health, recovery from illness, and so much more. If you’re looking to leverage your exercise routine to enhance your overall health and quality of life, no matter your age, this episode is for you.  This episode is brought to you by AG1, Neurohacker, and Cymbiotika Get your daily serving of vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, and more with AG1. Head to DrinkAG1.com/Hyman and get a year's worth of D3 and five Travel Packs for FREE with your first order. Decrease your "zombie cells" with Qualia Senolytic. Visit Neurohacker.com/Hyman to get 50% off and use code HYMAN for an additional 15% off your order. Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    How to Fix Your Busted Metabolism

    How to Fix Your Busted Metabolism
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal One of the many reasons I was drawn to Functional Medicine is that it’s the medicine of asking “why?” and looking beyond the status quo to reimagine health. When we use this practice to assess the metabolic diseases we see today, we can see we’re in an energy crisis. We’re wrapped up in a web of physiologic root causes, but also a web of policies, industries, and economic incentives impacting our health from the ground up. I loved discussing all this and more on this episode of the podcast with Dr. Casey Means.  We take a deep dive into: Why we need to reimagine the healthcare system and how to use Functional Medicine as a framework for asking “why?” Using metabolic health as a barometer for our challenges as a society  A stark reality: Every institution related to our health makes money off of sickness Combining advanced technology with our own awareness to take back control of our health Five affordable biomarkers of metabolic syndrome to start with  And so much more! I hope you’ll tune in to learn how to dramatically improve your metabolic health and support foundational societal shifts, all at once. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, ARMRA Colostrum, Pendulum, Live Momentous, and House of Macadamias. Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Save 15% on your first order of ARMRA Colostrum and unlock the power of 400+ functional nutrients. Just visit TryARMRA.com/Mark or use code MARK. Pendulum is offering listeners 20% off their first month’s subscription of Akkermansia for gut health. Visit PendulumLife.com and use code HYMAN. Head over to LiveMomentous.com/Mark for 20% off creatine, collagen, and all of their best-in-class products. Enjoy the highest quality macadamia nuts today. Get 15% off my custom House of Macadamias bundle or 10% off your entire order at HouseOfMacadamias.com/Hyman. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Healing Trauma, Depression, and Your Brain with Psychedelics

    Healing Trauma, Depression, and Your Brain with Psychedelics
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Our brain has the ability to adapt, change, and grow new neurons through a concept known as neuroplasticity. Compounds in psychedelics are finally being recognized as powerful tools to change the wiring of the brain which means we’re not doomed to become a statistic and lose our minds as we get older or carry destructive trauma in our bodies for the rest of our lives.  In this episode, Dr. Hyman speaks with Dr. Andrew Huberman, Dr. Sara Gottfried, and Paul Stamets about what exactly neuroplasticity is and how psychedelics like ketamine and psilocybin may be a helpful treatment for depression, trauma, addiction, and more. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Cozy Earth, and Cymbiotika. Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Right now, you can save 40% when you upgrade to Cozy Earth sheets. Just head over to CozyEarth.com and use code DRHYMAN. Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The #1 Thing Stopping You From Losing Belly Fat - How To Lose It Effectively

    The #1 Thing Stopping You From Losing Belly Fat - How To Lose It Effectively
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Carrying excess weight around your midsection can be frustrating, especially if you maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Yet, millions of people worldwide struggle with their weight,  It is crucial to understand that belly fat is more than just a layer under your clothes. It is an active endocrine organ that secretes pro-inflammatory cytokines throughout the body, contributing to our risk for chronic diseases. It's important to recognize that this is not a reflection of personal failure. Our modern-day lifestyles are overloaded with stress, environmental toxins, and convenience foods that actively work against us. In today’s episode, we will explore visceral fat (a.k.a. belly fat), the factors that contribute to it, and how to address it using the principles of Functional Medicine effectively. In this episode, I dive into: Understanding belly fat and obesity (2:51)  The role of diet and lifestyle in the accumulation of belly fat (10:48)  The impact of sleep, alcohol, and stress on weight gain (19:14)  What are obesogens, and how do they make us gain weight? (21:44) Health risks associated with visceral fat and belly fat (23:05)  Where does conventional medicine miss the mark? (24:14) Functional medicine's approach to assessing and addressing visceral fat (26:38)  Dietary and lifestyle changes to reduce visceral fat (30:52)  Rupa University is hosting FREE classes and bootcamps for healthcare providers who want to learn more about Functional Medicine testing. Sign up at RupaUniversity.com. Upgrade your cookware, appliances and more with Our Place. Head over to FromOurPlace.com and enter code HYMAN at checkout to receive 10% off site-wide. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    How to Raise Healthy Kids: A Functional Medicine Approach

    How to Raise Healthy Kids: A Functional Medicine Approach
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Every parent wants to raise a healthy kid, but our modern world, industrialized diet, and increased stressors can make that goal feel confusing and difficult. The good news is that we can do so many things during a child’s life, and even before it starts, to give them the best possible chance to truly thrive in body and mind. I’m thrilled to share this in-depth conversation with pediatric Functional Medicine expert, and mom to 2 thriving children, Dr. Elisa Song. In this episode, we discuss: The disappearing act of Bifidobacterium infantis and why it matters  Why preconception support is so important for optimal epigenetic programming  The bloodwork Dr. Song runs when first assessing a child  One nutrient that might dramatically help your sensory-sensitive child A grounded discussion around the controversial topic of vaccines And so much more! No matter how old your kids are, it’s never too late to upgrade their health with holistic approaches. I know you’ll love this episode as much as I did! This episode is brought to you by ButcherBox, Thrive Market, and One Skin. ButcherBox is giving new members two pounds of wild-caught salmon for FREE plus $20 off. Visit ButcherBox.com/Farmacy and use code FARMACY. Head over to ThriveMarket.com/Hyman today to received 30% off your first order and a free gift up to $60. Unlock your healthiest skin yet. Try OneSkin with 15% off your first purchase using code HYMAN15 at OneSkin.co today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices