
    How a Stay-at-Home Mom “With No Experience” Built a $255M Business: Blowouts, Divorces, and the Messy Truth

    enNovember 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Starting a successful business is achievable for anyone, regardless of background or qualifications.Don't let doubt or lack of experience hold you back from pursuing your business idea. Taking action and staying dedicated to your vision can lead to incredible success.

      Anyone can start a successful business, regardless of their background or qualifications. Ally Webb, the founder of Drybar, is a prime example of this. She started her business as a stay-at-home mom with no prior experience or intention of disrupting the beauty industry. Despite her initial doubts and challenges, Webb went on to create a hundred million dollar brand. Her story highlights the importance of taking action and leaning into your ideas, even if you feel unqualified or unsure. It's not about having a perfect plan or extensive education, but about embracing the messy journey and staying dedicated to your vision. So, if you've been holding back on your own business idea, remember that you have the potential to create something incredible, regardless of your qualifications.

    • Following your passion for success and fulfillmentEmbracing your passions can lead to personal and professional growth, ultimately leading to a more satisfying life.

      Pursuing your passion and leaning into what you love can lead to success and fulfillment in life. Alli Webb's journey exemplifies the importance of following your interests and skills, even if it deviates from societal expectations or norms. Despite facing doubts and resistance from her parents, Alli recognized her love for hair and decided to pursue a career in beauty. She found joy and fulfillment in her work, which ultimately led her to start her own mobile blowout business. This highlights the value of investing time and effort into something you enjoy, as it naturally fuels motivation and dedication. By embracing your passions, you create opportunities for personal and professional growth, ultimately leading to a more satisfying life.

    • Trusting your instincts and pursuing your passion can lead to success and personal fulfillment.Following your passion, trusting your gut, and taking small steps towards your goals can lead to fulfilling opportunities and overcome doubts and skepticism.

      Finding your passion and following your instincts can lead to fulfilling opportunities. Alli Webb's experience with starting Drybar showcases the importance of listening to what energizes you and pursuing it, even when others may doubt or discourage you. Despite facing resistance and skepticism, Webb's love for working with hair and her desire to do something for herself propelled her to explore the idea further. She didn't let doubts hold her back; instead, she took the leap and started a mobile blow drying business. This story highlights the power of trusting your gut and taking small steps towards your goals, ultimately leading to success and personal fulfillment.

    • From Mobile Business to Salon Chain: How Alli Webb Revolutionized the Blowout ExperiencePassion, adaptability, and understanding customer needs are crucial factors in building a successful business. Trust and personal connections matter more than physical settings or fancy amenities.

      Alli Webb discovered the potential of a mobile blowout business by following her passion for hair styling and connecting with customers on a personal level. Despite not making much money initially, she found fulfillment in getting out of the house and doing something for herself while still being a mom. Through her mobile business, she realized that having a level of trust and a personal connection with customers was more important than the physical setting or fancy amenities. This insight eventually led her to create Drybar, a salon chain that revolutionized the blowout experience by removing mirrors from the stations and fostering a comfortable, social atmosphere for customers. Webb's journey showcases the importance of passion, adaptability, and understanding customer needs in building a successful business.

    • Autonomy and Control: The Key to Satisfaction and ConfidenceAllowing individuals to have autonomy over their experiences and taking ownership of their appearance can alleviate pressure and promote positive self-perception, leading to greater satisfaction and confidence. Seeking help from others can also enhance the overall experience.

      Allowing individuals to have autonomy and control over their own experiences can lead to greater satisfaction and confidence. Alli Webb, as a hairstylist, realized that by avoiding micromanagement and giving her clients the space and time to appreciate their hair before revealing it to them, she created a moment of joy and self-assurance. This experience highlighted the negative effects of constant self-dissection and nitpicking that we often subject ourselves to when constantly staring at our reflections. Allowing individuals to take ownership of their own appearance can alleviate this pressure and promote positive self-perception. Furthermore, Alli's decision to transform her mobile business into a brick and mortar salon emphasized the importance of finding a balance between personal growth and seeking help from others to enhance the overall experience.

    • Building Success by Learning from the PastSuccess can be achieved by leveraging firsthand experiences, making informed decisions, and embracing a passion for learning, even without formal education or previous business experience.

      Alli Webb's success with Drybar was shaped by her experiences working in hair salons and witnessing both the positive and negative aspects of the industry. This firsthand knowledge allowed her to make informed decisions about what she didn't want to replicate in her own business. It highlights the importance of learning from past experiences and using them as a foundation for future endeavors. Additionally, it emphasizes that formal education or previous business experience are not always necessary for success. Alli Webb's journey demonstrates that passion, determination, and a willingness to learn can lead to the creation of a thriving business, even with other responsibilities like raising children.

    • Creating a Positive and Supportive Salon Experience with DrybarBy valuing and supporting hairstylists, Drybar creates a positive atmosphere where clients can experience a transformation and boost in confidence, one blowout at a time.

      Alli Webb wanted to create a different kind of hair salon experience with Drybar. She noticed that many stylists in traditional salons were mistreated and unhappy, and she wanted to change that. With Drybar, she aimed to create a positive, inclusive, and supportive atmosphere where everyone felt valued and part of a team. Instead of the typical chair rental model, she opted for an hourly pay structure combined with tips to make stylists feel like they were part of something bigger than just their individual workstations. Webb believed in the power of hairstylists as innovators and leaders, capable of showing clients new styles and making them feel confident. The goal was to change the world one blowout at a time, and the transformation and confidence boost clients experienced proved the impact of looking and feeling good.

    • Selling Happiness and Confidence to WomenFinding your passion and bringing joy to others can be the foundation for building a thriving business.

      The success of Drybar was not just about selling blowouts, but about selling happiness and confidence to women. Alli Webb realized that women would walk into the salon looking serious and business-like, but would leave with a different aura, feeling lighter and more confident. This revelation made Alli realize that Drybar was not just in the business of hair, but in the business of uplifting women's spirits. This passion and energy for bringing happiness into women's lives was a driving force behind the success of Drybar. The key lesson here is that finding your passion and focusing on bringing joy to others can be a powerful foundation for building a thriving business.

    • Prioritizing the Customer ExperienceBy making unconventional decisions that prioritized the customer experience, Alli Webb was able to create a successful salon that customers loved.

      Alli Webb prioritized the customer experience at Drybar by making unconventional decisions. Despite resistance from stylists, she insisted on creating a certain look and feel for the salon, including naming hairstyles after drinks. This decision turned out to be a hit with customers who loved the idea. Additionally, Alli recognized the importance of creating a pleasant atmosphere in the salon and didn't want phones disrupting the experience. She made the bold choice to let the phones go to voicemail and call customers back later. As the business grew, she established a call center outside the shops to ensure excellent customer service. This emphasis on the customer's time and experience played a significant role in Drybar's success.

    • Embracing Challenges: Key Lessons from a Business RollercoasterResilience and quick problem-solving skills are essential in entrepreneurship. Unexpected setbacks are inevitable, but staying calm and finding creative solutions is crucial for business success.

      Running a business is filled with unexpected challenges and obstacles that require quick thinking and adaptability. Alli Webb, the co-founder of Drybar, shares stories about black goop seeping through the ceiling and financial discrepancies in the cash register. Despite these setbacks, the team remained unfazed and determined to keep the business running smoothly. This demonstrates the importance of resilience and problem-solving skills in entrepreneurship. It's a reminder that not everything will go according to plan, but it's crucial to stay calm, think on your feet, and find creative solutions to overcome obstacles. These experiences highlight the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship and the necessity of embracing and learning from the unexpected.

    • Embracing Imposter Syndrome: A Path to Growth and SuccessImposter syndrome should be seen as an opportunity for personal and professional development, allowing individuals to challenge themselves and learn along the way to achieve success.

      Imposter syndrome shouldn't be seen as a negative thing. Alli Webb, the founder of Drybar, believes that stepping into roles or ventures where you lack experience is something to be celebrated. It's an opportunity for growth and learning. While many people view imposter syndrome as a sign of inadequacy, Webb sees it as a chance to challenge oneself and figure things out along the way. This mindset of embracing the unknown and taking on new challenges has been a key factor in her success. Whether it's starting a business, going on live TV, or making tough personal decisions, Webb's willingness to step into the unknown has led her to where she is today. So, instead of fearing imposter syndrome, we should adopt a positive outlook and see it as a chance for personal and professional development.

    • Balancing Work and Personal Life in a MarriagePrioritizing work over personal relationships can strain a marriage, emphasizing the need to maintain a balance and listen to one's feelings in order to foster a healthy relationship.

      Starting a business together can be both a blessing and a curse for a marriage. Alli Webb's experience with her ex-husband Cam shows that while working together on their company Drybar initially brought excitement and fun to their relationship, it also overshadowed their emotional connection as a couple. They focused so much on building their business and taking care of their kids that they neglected their own relationship. Alli confesses that Drybar probably kept them together longer than they should have been, as she lacked the passion she needed in her marriage. This story highlights the importance of maintaining a balance between work and personal life, as well as listening to one's gut when something doesn't feel right in a relationship.

    • Listening to Intuition and Addressing Concerns in RelationshipsIt is crucial to pay attention to our gut instincts and address any concerns in relationships before making a lifelong commitment.

      Alli Webb recognizes that her first marriage was a mistake and could have been avoided. Despite her initial resistance to call off the wedding, she now realizes that she should have listened to her ex-fiancé's concerns. Webb acknowledges that the lack of passion and intimacy in her first marriage was a sign that something was wrong. This realization led her to end the marriage and explore her options through dating. Through this process, she discovered a desire for a genuine partnership rather than simply settling for companionship. This experience highlights the importance of listening to one's intuition and addressing concerns before making a lifelong commitment.

    • Maintaining a sense of self in relationships is crucial.Prioritize personal values and needs in relationships to establish healthier and more fulfilling connections in the future.

      In short, one big takeaway from Alli Webb's experience is the importance of maintaining a sense of self in relationships. She admits that she got swept away by the passion and love she felt for her second husband, disregarding the issues that weren't right for both of them. Webb's vulnerability and self-reflection reveal that she tends to become enmeshed in her relationships, losing herself in the process. This lack of agency and self-assertion became a contributing factor to the ultimate demise of her marriage. The key takeaway is that it is crucial to prioritize personal values and needs in a relationship, rather than solely focusing on the desires and preferences of the other person. This awareness empowers individuals to establish healthier and more fulfilling connections in the future.

    • Prioritizing self-reflection and personal growth before entering a new relationship after divorce.Take the time to understand oneself, be okay with who you are, learn from past mistakes, and prioritize self-care and personal development before jumping into a new romance.

      It's important to prioritize self-reflection and personal growth before jumping into a new relationship, especially after a divorce. Alli Webb shares the importance of not rushing into a new partnership out of fear of being alone and instead taking the time to truly understand oneself. She emphasizes the need to be okay with who one is and to learn from past mistakes. Additionally, Mel Robbins highlights the addictive nature of new relationships and reminds Alli that she has the power to choose her own path, whether that means never getting married again or taking time to focus on personal fulfillment. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and personal development before entering a new romantic relationship.

    • Taking Time for Self-Reflection and Growth after a Divorce or Difficult RelationshipBefore entering a new relationship, it is important to heal, learn from the past, and prioritize personal growth, in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

      It's important to take time for oneself after a divorce or a difficult relationship. Mel Robbins advises Alli Webb to focus on getting her life in order and taking care of herself before getting into another relationship. By rushing into relationships without giving herself enough time to heal and learn from her past experiences, Alli risks repeating the same mistakes. Mel emphasizes the need for self-reflection and personal growth before embarking on a new romantic journey. While Alli may not agree with the idea of a specific time frame for healing, it is crucial for her to be still, learn from her past, and proceed cautiously in order to make better choices in her next relationship.

    • Embracing Unexpected Guidance for Personal GrowthSeeking help from surprising sources can offer valuable insights and contribute to personal well-being, even during periods of success in other aspects of life.

      It can be easier to seek advice and share messy situations with someone who isn't directly involved. Alli Webb reached out to Mel Robbins, someone she had never met before, during a difficult time in her second marriage. Despite not knowing each other personally, Alli had a feeling that Mel would have valuable advice based on her online presence. Mel responded with kindness and provided the guidance Alli needed. This highlights the importance of being open to seeking help and advice from unexpected sources. It also serves as a reminder to prioritize our overall well-being and happiness, even in the midst of success in other areas of life.

    • Embracing the Lessons and Growth in LifeTaking the time to learn from our challenges and trusting our instincts can lead to personal and professional growth, while embracing the process of refining ideas can lead to success.

      We should not rush past the lessons and pain in our lives. When we are in the midst of processing a mess, it is important to slow down and be still. By turning towards our challenges and taking the time to learn from them, we can avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. It is crucial to trust our instincts in business and relationships, even when it may be scary or uncomfortable. Additionally, we should remember that it's okay to start with a "shitty first draft" and embrace the process of refining our ideas. Ultimately, we are capable of creating a better life if we believe in ourselves and take action.

    Recent Episodes from The Mel Robbins Podcast

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    This is one of the most emotional and inspiring episodes that have ever been on The Mel Robbins Podcast. 

    If you’ve ever failed or felt like you’re not being the version of yourself you know you’re meant to be, this is the episode for you. 

    Today, world-renowned speaker, pastor, and New York Times best-selling author Sarah Jakes Roberts joins Mel to share her incredible story and powerful wisdom with you.

    Pregnant at 13, married by 19, divorced by 22, and all while under the intense scrutiny as the daughter of a famous mega-church pastor, Sarah knows what it’s like to be knocked down. But more importantly, she shares what it takes to get back up. 

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to accept yourself for where you’re at while still pushing yourself to become who you want to be. 

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    This is a masterclass in turning your pain and past failures into straight-up rocket fuel. Stop discounting yourself and the impact you have in this world.

    It’s time to reclaim who you are meant to be and take back control of your life.

    For more resources, including links to connect with Sarah Jakes Roberts, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: Do This To Become More Confident: 5 Truths You Need To Hear

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    3 Requirements of a Good Relationship

    3 Requirements of a Good Relationship

    There are 3 powerful and fundamental truths that you need to accept about other people in order to live a better life.

    Most people will never learn these 3 things.

    Which is why today Mel is breaking them down, one by one, to give you a guide for better relationships.

    These truths are hard to accept, but when you accept them, your life will get so much easier.

    You are wasting so much time, energy, and attention trying to control other people.

    And once you hear these 3 things, you will have more emotional peace, an understanding of yourself, and a better relationship with the people in your life. This is an encore episode with new and exciting insights from Mel at the top of the episode that is packed with tools, tips, and scripts to create more meaningful relationships. 

    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, listen to this powerful and tactical episode next: The “Let Them Theory”: A Life-Changing Mindset Hack That 15 Million People Can’t Stop Talking About

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    How To Make Your Life Exciting Again

    How To Make Your Life Exciting Again

    New research shows that your work, your life, and your relationships will get boring. 

    Today, you’ll learn a simple tool you can use to make your life exciting, joyful, and energizing again. 

    This profound conversation will allow you to truly understand and connect the dots between why you've become bored with what used to excite you – and how you can create more meaning in your life.

    In this episode, Mel is joined by the renowned neuroscientist from University College London and MIT, Dr. Tali Sharot. 

    She is here to teach you the groundbreaking science and research about how you can start feeling excitement about your life again.

    Dr. Sharot is a behavioral neuroscientist and the director of the Affective Brain Lab at University College London. Her research integrates neuroscience, behavioral economics, and psychology to study how emotion and behavior influences people's beliefs and decisions.

    After today, you will know how to use Dr. Sharot’s research to make your life sparkle again and reignite happiness in your day-to-day life.

    You’ll also learn very specific, tactical things you can do to make your vacations better, avoid a midlife crisis, and improve the experience of your everyday life.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Tali’s books, website, and research, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode with Dr. Tali Sharot, you will love her first appearance on The Mel Robbins Podcast: How to Motivate Yourself (and Others) to Change Any Behavior

    And to go deeper in the themes of this episode, you’ll love this one: 5 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Your Life & Get Out Of A Rut

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    3 Steps to Eliminate Self Doubt & Get Everything You Want In Life

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    Today’s episode is required listening for you.

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    This episode is personal, packed with takeaways, entertaining, and relatable. 

    It is designed to help you feel more in control of your life – and empowered to change your mindset and take action.

    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: Your Dreams Are Not a Joke: It’s Time to Dream Big Again & 3 Ways to Get Started

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    How to Get Unstuck: Do This to Create the Future You Want

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    If you are feeling stuck in a rut, behind in life, or just a little bored by your life, this episode is for you. 

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    Dr. Alter is a New York Times bestselling author, a renowned researcher, and a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business. 

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    For more resources, including links to Adam’s book, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

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    For more resources, including links to Dr. David’s work, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this impactful episode, you’ll love listening to this one next with Dr. Becky Kennedy: Why Am I So Triggered? 3 Steps to Control Your Emotions & Rewire Your Response to Stress

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    For more resources, including links to Evy’s work, click here for the podcast episode page. 

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    5 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Your Life & Get Out Of A Rut

    5 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Your Life & Get Out Of A Rut

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    By the end of this podcast, you are going to have a plan to shake things up in your life, starting today. 

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    You are going to learn the surprising benefits of trying something new, and it doesn't have to cost a thing or take up very much time.

    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: Transform Your Life at Any Moment: The Surprising Science of Happiness

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    Brain Hacks: 6 Secrets to Learn Faster & Unlock The Full Power Of Your Mind

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    Would you like to control your mind and speak to yourself in a more positive way? 

    Today’s episode is a masterclass on how you can unleash the full potential of your brain.

    Your brain health is pivotal when it comes to your mental health, memory, focus, and more. So it is time to start prioritizing it. 

    In this episode, you’re getting the simple, science-backed hacks and daily practices you can start implementing today – and they are easier than you think.

    6 world renowned experts, including the #1 brain doctor, a professor from Harvard Medical School, and other esteemed researchers are giving you a step by step guide to build a better brain. 

    After you finish listening, you’ll love the full podcast episodes with each of the experts featured today.

    Check out the full episodes here:

    Dr. Sarah Wakeman: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-155

    Dr. Daniel Amen: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-90

    Jim Kwik: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-128

    Dr. Paul Conti: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-125

    Shawn Achor: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-79

    Dr. Joseph Ferrari: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-127

    For more resources, including links to the 6 experts’ websites, research, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    How to Build Closer Friendships & Get Rid Of Loneliness

    How to Build Closer Friendships & Get Rid Of Loneliness

    Why is adult friendship so hard? 

    Today, Mel is finally having the conversation on how to find your people, have more fun, and create meaningful friendships as an adult. 

    In this deeply relatable episode, you’ll learn the 5 lies that you tell yourself about friendship that are keeping you from having the best relationships of your life—and the truths you must know. 

    If you’ve been feeling lonely, left out, or just like your friendships are not as strong as they used to be, you’ll feel empowered and encouraged by the time you finish listening. 

    Mel is giving you her exact 3-step playbook for finding, making, and strengthening your relationships. This is an encore episode with new and exciting insights from Mel at the top of the episode, that is packed with tools, tips, and scripts to create more meaningful friendships. 

    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, especially the last 10 minutes of it (you’ll have to listen to know what I’m talking about!) you’ll love this one next: This One Hack Will Unlock Your Happier Life

    Connect with Mel:


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    How to Change Hard Days (Moments) Around

    In this week's episode, I share three simple steps you can take today to change your hard days (moments) around. As mompreneurs, we are bombarded with chaos on a daily basis, but that doesn't mean we have to be victims of our circumstances. In fact, taking action and doing something for ourselves will go a long way.

    Key Points:

    1. The power of moving your body
    2. The power of mind feeding
    3. The power of getting ONE task completed

    Mama, what other things do you do that help you change your hard moments around? Send me a DM at @empowering.mompreneurs, and let me know.


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    I would love you to connect with me on Instagram - send me a DM and let me know what you loved about this episode @empowering.mompreneurs

    Take a screenshot of this podcast episode and let me know what resonated with you, then SHARE it on your stories and TAG ME @empowering.mompreneurs so I can reshare your story.

    Breeze by LiQWYD

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    “know your audience, know yourself and be decisive in the decisions that you are making currently… What’s the worst thing that can happen…What is failing? The worst thing that could happen if we take that risk… Sometimes it helps I think to know if it’s a risk worth taking. Because if the worst thing could happen is something that we are not really willing to let happen then maybe it’s not. But most of the time it’s like the worst thing that could happen is you fail, we have to shut something down and then we go back to doing it the way were doing before, which helps me assess if it’s worth it. And I feel like most times I like oh worst thing that can happen is really kind of fine. It’s a good reality check and puts things into perspective”…[Listen for More]

    Click Here for Show Notes

    To Listen or to Get the Show Notes go to https://wp.me/p6Tf4b-6ZR

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    This episode was produced by Casey Herman, with music composed by Ramtin Arablouei.

    It was edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Daryth Gales. Our audio engineer was Josh Newell.

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