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    Get Your Sh*t Together: This 85-Year-Old Badass Does More Than You & Me (Steal Her 7 Amazing Secrets to Life)

    enAugust 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Living a Purpose-Driven Life: Inspiration from a Vibrant WidowBy staying active, having a positive mindset, prioritizing fun, and cultivating meaningful relationships, we can live a vibrant and fulfilling life at any age.

      Living a long, vibrant, connected, happy, healthy, and purpose-driven life is possible, even in the last chapter of our lives. Judie Robbins, Mel's mother-in-law, is a prime example of this. Despite being a widow since the age of 69, Judie lives her life with such zest and energy that she inspires those around her. Her secrets include staying physically active, having a positive mindset, prioritizing fun and enjoyment, and cultivating meaningful relationships with friends. By making small changes and adopting similar habits and values, we can all wake up at any age and authentically feel like the best days are yet to come.

    • The Power of Morning Routines and Personal RitualsEstablishing a morning routine and personal rituals can improve well-being and mindset by promoting self-care, mindfulness, and authenticity. It is important to prioritize ourselves and find joy in everyday practices.

      Establishing a morning routine can greatly contribute to one's well-being and mindset. Despite their differences, Judie Robbins's unique morning routine showcases the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and authenticity. Waking up early and taking time for oneself, whether it be through a sauna session, hydrating, or enjoying a cup of coffee, sets the tone for the day. Judie's practice of going through her mail and playing a game on her phone displays the significance of personal rituals that bring joy. Additionally, her meditation practice and mantra, "sa," highlight the power of finding inner peace and focusing on the present moment. Ultimately, this conversation reminds us to prioritize self-care, honesty, and being true to ourselves.

    • The Power of Physical Movement and Thought on Brain HealthEngaging in daily physical movement and intentional thought through Neurobics can improve cognitive function, prevent cognitive decline, and enhance overall well-being as we age.

      Engaging in daily physical movement paired with intentional thought can stimulate the brain and create new neural pathways. This practice, known as Neurobics, has been proven to have positive effects on cognitive function, particularly for individuals with Alzheimer's and dementia. Additionally, incorporating exercise into daily routines, such as walking or running, can have significant benefits for overall physical and mental well-being, promoting mobility and preventing cognitive decline. The story highlights the importance of making exercise a habit and demonstrates how it can contribute to maintaining a youthful appearance, enhancing mood, and feeling like oneself. Ultimately, staying active and engaged in physical activity as we age can greatly improve quality of life.

    • The Importance of Social Connections and Love in Our LivesBy nurturing relationships with others and showing love and care, we can experience a greater sense of well-being and fulfillment in our own lives.

      Being social and feeling loved is incredibly important for our overall well-being, especially as we get older. Older friends often struggle with admitting their feelings of depression, but having younger friends can bring a sense of vitality and connection. Additionally, the advice given by Judie Robbins suggests that if someone feels like they don't have anyone who loves them in their life, they can start by taking care of someone else, such as through hospice training. By providing love and care to others, we can experience a tremendous feeling of satisfaction and create love in our own lives. Ultimately, filling our own need for love by giving it to others can bring more love and meaning into our lives.

    • Taking control and fostering meaningful connectionsInstead of wasting time and building resentment, we should actively create the relationships and experiences we desire, focus on our own lives, and engage in activities that bring us fulfillment.

      Many people waste time and build up resentment by wishing things were different or that others would care more. However, the conversation highlights the importance of taking control of our own lives and creating the connections we desire. Instead of sitting around and getting angry or feeling sorry for ourselves, we can actively create the relationships and experiences we want. By focusing on our own lives, pursuing our interests, and giving others the freedom to live their lives, we can pour out love and foster meaningful connections. Additionally, finding ways to engage ourselves, such as listening to books or engaging in hobbies, can provide a sense of companionship and fulfillment.

    • The Power of Staying Active and Engaged as We AgeBy maintaining physical and mental activity, fostering meaningful relationships, and making it a routine, we can lead a fulfilling and vibrant life as we age.

      Staying active, both physically and mentally, is crucial for maintaining a fulfilling and vibrant life as we age. Judie Robbins exemplifies the importance of continuous learning and engagement. She emphasizes the significance of active input, such as reading and engaging in physical activities like bar classes and running. Judie's motivation to exercise every day is driven by a sense of guilt, which psychologists refer to as "good guilt" that serves as a powerful motivator. She also highlights the value of staying connected with old friends and having meaningful relationships in one's life. By making activity a routine and staying connected, we can keep our minds and bodies young, leading to a more fulfilling life.

    • Finding Love and Meaningful Relationships at Any AgeStaying connected and seeking companionship can lead to fulfilling relationships and experiences, reminding us that it's never too late to find love and live life to the fullest.

      Staying connected to others and putting yourself out there can lead to fulfilling relationships and experiences at any age, even in later stages of life. Judie Robbins exemplifies this by actively seeking companionship after being alone for two years and continuously pursuing new connections. She demonstrates the importance of maintaining friendships and surrounding herself with people who bring joy and energy into her life. Despite her age, Judie embraces new experiences and adventures, like going on a cattle drive at a dude ranch. This story reminds us that it's never too late to find love, create meaningful relationships, and live life to the fullest.

    • The Importance of Direct Communication in Maintaining Lifelong FriendshipsTo maintain close relationships with lifelong friends, it is crucial to actively communicate and make the effort to reach out through direct communication.

      Maintaining close relationships with lifelong friends requires active effort and communication. Jude explains that one of the secrets to staying connected to the women she raised her kids with for over 50 years is picking up the phone and calling them. She emphasizes the importance of not going around the back door by talking about friends instead of talking to them directly. Jude's example of her friend with Alzheimer's highlights the need for direct communication and avoiding assumptions. Instead of discussing her friend's situation with someone else, she advises going directly to the source and having open, honest conversations. The key takeaway is that if you value a friendship, make the effort to reach out and connect through direct communication.

    • The Importance of Open Communication and Addressing Sensitive Health Concerns DirectlyBy openly discussing health concerns with the person involved, rather than talking behind their back, we can address worries or issues effectively while embracing gratitude and a positive outlook on life.

      Open communication is essential, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like health concerns. Instead of talking about someone behind their back, it's important to have direct conversations with them to address any worries or issues. Judie realizes this when she contemplates talking to her friend Sally about her potential dementia, understanding that it's crucial to discuss it with her instead of merely discussing it with others. This conversation also highlights the importance of staying young at heart by living in the present and being grateful for each day. By not taking life for granted and embracing new experiences, one can maintain a positive outlook and approach to life.

    • Finding True Happiness and Gratitude Through Appreciation and Living in the PresentTrue happiness and fulfillment can be achieved by embracing gratitude for what we have in the present moment, rather than constantly desiring more.

      True happiness and gratitude come from appreciating what you have in the present moment. Many people have good health, loving families, and fulfilling relationships, yet they still feel miserable because they constantly desire something more. By focusing on what they lack, they create unnecessary stress for themselves. It is important to recognize that the process and journey of life itself can be exhilarating and fulfilling. Instead of always looking ahead and wishing for something else, we should learn to appreciate and be grateful for what we have now. By embracing gratitude and living in the present, we can find true happiness and create the life we desire.

    • Age should never limit your pursuit of a fulfilling life.Your age doesn't determine your ability to form meaningful relationships, maintain a positive mindset, and establish joyful habits. Take charge, be grateful, make a difference, and believe in your power to create the life you desire.

      Age should never be a barrier to pursuing the life you want. Judie's lifelong learning and childlike spirit have shown that your age doesn't dictate your ability to create meaningful relationships, develop a positive mindset, and establish daily habits that bring you joy. Rather than waiting for others to make things happen for you, take charge and be grateful for each day. Find ways to make a difference in someone else's life, as this can bring fulfillment and purpose to your own life. You have the power to reinvent yourself at any point and overcome any excuses. Embrace the belief that you can create the life you desire and take action towards it.

    Recent Episodes from The Mel Robbins Podcast

    How to Motivate Yourself (and Others) to Change Any Behavior

    How to Motivate Yourself (and Others) to Change Any Behavior

    Do you want to know the secret to unlocking motivation in yourself or someone you love? 

    If you want to change any behavior for the better…. 

    Or if you’ve got someone in your life (don’t we all?!) who you wish would change… 

    Today’s episode is for you. 

    You’ll learn why guilt, pressure, fear, crying, threats, and ultimatums will not help anyone change, and there’s a scientific reason why. 

    Then, you’ll learn the 3 very specific tactics that inspire anyone to quickly change their behavior for the better, including specific scripts that you can use with even the most stubborn people.

    Teaching you today is #1 neuroscientist, Dr. Tali Sharot. She’s here to debunk the myths of behavior change and teach you how to make any change, big or small. 

    Dr. Sharot is a behavioral neuroscientist, professor at both University College London and MIT,  and the director of the Affective Brain Lab at University College London.

    Her research integrates neuroscience, behavioral economics, and psychology to study motivation and behavior change.

    By the time you finish listening, you’ll know EXACTLY what to do to create any change you want.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Tali Sharot’s research, website, and social media click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love this episode: The #1 Neuroscientist: After Listening to This, Your Brain Will Not Be the Same.

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    The Best Relationship Advice No One Ever Told You

    The Best Relationship Advice No One Ever Told You

    Do you want to know the best relationship advice no one has ever told you before? 

    In today’s episode, Mel is revealing the one rule about relationships you must know.

    There is a game-changing framework that will help any relationship go the distance, and once you hear it, you’ll want to share it with everyone you know. 

    It reveals why some relationships fail, and it also gives you the secret to sustaining a strong and successful relationship.

    Here to explain this “4 Levels” framework is New York Times bestselling author Matthew Hussey.

    Matthew has been helping people for more than 17 years to feel more confident and in control of their relationships. His YouTube channel is number one in the world for love life advice, with over half a billion views.

    By the end of today’s episode, you’ll know when it’s time to let go of a relationship, when it’s worth fighting for, and the 4 habits of all successful relationships.

    For more resources, including links to Matthew Hussey’s new book and his videos, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll want to listen to this one next: 3 Simple Ways to Get the Love You Want.

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    #1 Stress Doctor: 5 Tools to Protect Your Brain From Stress & Feel Calmer Now

    #1 Stress Doctor: 5 Tools to Protect Your Brain From Stress & Feel Calmer Now

    After today, you will never think about stress the same way again.

    You’ll learn exactly what to do to take control of your stress, stay calm under pressure, and find instant relief.

    Harvard’s Dr. Aditi Nerurkar is here today to explain stress and how it relates to your body and brain. 

    Dr. Aditi is a medical doctor, researcher, and world-renowned expert in stress and public health. 

    She's a lecturer at Harvard Medical School and was the medical director of Harvard's Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital's integrative medicine program, where she developed an enormous clinical practice in stress management using evidence-based integrative approaches to help her patients feel better.

    Today, she is going to give you a reimagined approach to overcoming your stress and burnout using five small but mighty mindset shifts.

    These mindset shifts are free, backed by science, and can be applied to your life starting today.

    By the time you finish listening, you will feel uplifted, empowered, and inspired to rest your stress, rewire your brain, move out of survival mode, and start thriving again.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Aditi Nerurkar’s research, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, your next listen should be Mel’s conversation with Dr. Tara Swart, MD, PhD: The #1 Neuroscientist: After Listening to This, Your Brain Will Not Be the Same.

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    Live a Healthier, Happier, and Longer Life: The Secrets to Feeling Young Forever

    Live a Healthier, Happier, and Longer Life: The Secrets to Feeling Young Forever

    Today, an absolute powerhouse is here to give you the key to living a longer, happier, healthier, and more meaningful life. 

    “I’m 86, but I look and feel 57,” says Mel’s mother-in-law, Judie Robbins. 

    Judie is the most happy, alive, vibrant, and well-connected person Mel knows. 

    She’s back on the podcast and is sharing her best life advice and all new secrets for longevity, vitality, and how to create a long and happy life that you actually enjoy. 

    You’ll also learn the crucial life lessons that most people learn too late, but you won’t after what you hear today.

    After today’s episode, you’ll know one thing for sure:

    No matter your age, the best years of your life are ahead of you.

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, here’s one you should listen to next: 5 Small Habits That Will Change Your Life Forever.

    To hear Judie Robbins’ first appearance on The Mel Robbins Podcast, which focuses on her daily routines, listen here: This 85-Year-Old Badass Does More Than You & Me (Steal Her 7 Amazing Secrets).

    Connect with Mel:


    How to Deal With Difficult People: One Trick to Live a More Peaceful & Fulfilled Life

    How to Deal With Difficult People: One Trick to Live a More Peaceful & Fulfilled Life

    Do you want to know how to deal with difficult people? 

    What about if that difficult person in your life is a parent, boss, ex, child, or partner? 

    Today, renowned psychologist and narcissism expert Dr. Ramani Durvasula is here to give you the tricks you need to master to live a more peaceful life.

    This episode is your masterclass on how to identify and heal from toxic people.

    Dr. Ramani will teach you how to not only deal with people who are disrespectful, passive aggressive, and can’t control their emotions, but also how to heal from the damage that they can cause you.

    She will show you how you can stay in your power and purpose no matter who you have to deal with in your life. 

    You’ll learn how you can keep your goals, priorities, and happiness front and center, no matter what is happening around you.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Ramani’s research, website, and social media click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love Dr. Ramani’s last appearance on The Mel Robbins Podcast: Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcissist (New Research From World-Leading Expert Dr. Ramani).

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    How to Build Real Confidence: 7 Truths to Unlock Your Authentic Self

    How to Build Real Confidence: 7 Truths to Unlock Your Authentic Self

    Today, you’ll learn the skill of self-confidence. 

    This episode is a masterclass in how to believe in yourself, no matter what obstacles you face. 

    Mel will share the 7 truths you need to hear about confidence and the art of being truly yourself.

    After listening, you will know exactly what to do to discover your authentic self (at any age), boost your self-esteem, and achieve really cool things. 

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode and want to know more hacks to feel more confident, here’s one you should listen to next: How to Build the Life You Want: Timeless Wisdom for More Happiness & Purpose

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    6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

    6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

    In today’s episode, you’ll learn 6 simple mind and body hacks that play a huge role in your success, happiness, and health. 

    One of the top psychology experts and professors in the world, Dr. Adam Alter, is here to reveal the simple things in your day to day life that influence how you think, feel, and behave. 

    Dr. Alter is a New York Times bestselling author and a renowned researcher and professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business. 

    He will share his incredible research, including:

    - One tiny change that will give you 20 years of your life back (yes, you read that right).

    - The exact colors you should wear on a first date, during a big meeting, or when you want to be more influential.

    - A simple, free hack that makes you more productive and calmer.

    - One common household object that can dramatically change behavior based on where you put it.

    - How looking at a screen impacts your body and brain

    After listening to today’s episode, you’re going to know how to use these 6 science-backed hacks to make your life better.  

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Adam Alter’s research and bestselling books, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love this one next: “How to Read Body Language to Get What You Want: 6 Simple Psychological Tricks to Be More Confident”

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    The Menopause Manifesto: #1 Ob/Gyn Shares the Truth About Hormones for Vitality, Energy, & Strength

    The Menopause Manifesto: #1 Ob/Gyn Shares the Truth About Hormones for Vitality, Energy, & Strength

    Today, a top menopause doctor is here to give you the science and facts on menopause and hormone replacement therapy that your doctor isn’t telling you.

    This episode is a must listen because you’ll learn EXACTLY what to do to feel like yourself again.

    Dr. Jen Gunter, MD, is known as the internet’s best Ob/Gyn. She is a double board-certified, fellowship-trained medical doctor and a fierce advocate for women’s health. 

    She says you deserve science-backed solutions, not fairytales, and she is here to bust through all menopause myths and clear through the misinformation.

    You’ll learn:

    - The best intervention for menopause symptoms to help you lose weight, sleep better, and stop suffering now.

    - Should you or a loved one be on hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

    - Which form of HRT is best?

    - Are “bioidentical hormones” better?

    After today, you will know how to hack your hormones and get your mojo back. 

    Bookmark this episode and share it with every single woman in your life, because it’s time to change the paradigm: you do not have to live with symptoms that can be resolved, and you do not have to suffer.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Gunter’s research, website, and social media click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love our first episode about menopause with Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD: The #1 Menopause Doctor: How to Lose Belly Fat, Sleep Better, & Stop Suffering Now.

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    Life Is Short (How to Spend It Wisely)

    Life Is Short (How to Spend It Wisely)

    Today’s episode is a wake-up call. 

    The reality is that time is passing you by.

    If you want to live a more meaningful, successful, and happy life, you need to get serious about the amount of time you have with your loved ones, because it’s limited. 

    And unfortunately, today’s topic is something that is often not realized until it’s too late in life.

    After you listen to today’s episode, you’ll learn exactly what you can do to make the most of the time you have.

    If you loved this episode and want to know what to listen to next, check out this interview with Professor Tal Ben-Shahar, who will share more about creating a meaningful life: How to Build the Life You Want: Timeless Wisdom for More Happiness & Purpose.

    For more resources, including links to learn more about each expert on today’s episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

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    7 Signs You May Have High Functioning Depression

    7 Signs You May Have High Functioning Depression

    In today’s episode, you’re going to learn about something important and rarely discussed that specifically impacts busy people and high achievers.

    Just ask yourself:

    - Do you just have coffee for breakfast, because a real meal would slow you down?

    - Do you eat lunch while you work, instead of taking a break?

    - Do you mindlessly scroll before going to bed because your mind is too busy?  

    - Do you take on extra work because you think, “I’m the only one who can do this, right?”

    - Are you always there for others but don’t take care of yourself? 

    These are some of the signs of high-functioning depression you should not ignore.

    Joining Mel today is the world’s leading expert and researcher on this topic, Dr. Judith Joseph, MD.

    Today, Dr. Joseph is here to share her groundbreaking research on this important subject and exactly what to do to feel more energized, excited, joyful, and present in your life again. 

    Dr. Joseph is a renowned double-board-certified psychiatrist who trained at and is affiliated with Columbia University and New York University. She is also a pioneering researcher and the founder and principal investigator of her research institute, Manhattan Behavioral Medicine, where she has conducted over 60 clinical research trials with her all-female medical team, which focus on high-functioning conditions, including high-functioning depression.

    This episode is for all the busy people who keep it all together, the moms on the move, and the overachievers at work. You’ll be surprised, moved, and feel a sense of relief and peace after today’s episode.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Joseph’s research, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love hearing Dr. Joseph’s other appearance on the podcast: Want to Be Happier Right Now? Don’t Make This Mistake (New Surprising Science)

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