
    Podcast Summary

    • Brett Taylor: A Tech Industry TrailblazerLearn from Brett Taylor's ability to continuously reinvent himself, build connections, and create powerful new images to achieve success and make an impact in your own career.

      Brett Taylor, with his ability to continuously reinvent himself and create powerful new images, has achieved incredible success in the tech industry. Starting from Stanford, he joined Google at a young age and played a pivotal role in creating Google Maps. He then founded FriendFeed, which was acquired by Facebook, leading to the creation of the iconic "like" button. With multiple successful ventures and acquisitions, he eventually became the co-CEO of Salesforce and chairman of the board at Twitter, among others. Taylor's networking skills, evidenced by his attendance at influential dinners, have played a crucial role in his success. Learning from his ability to adapt and build connections can greatly benefit individuals looking for career growth and industry impact.

    • The importance of appearance and demeanor in professional settingsAdapting one's appearance and demeanor to fit the expectations and needs of a company can positively impact career trajectory and success.

      Appearance and demeanor matter in professional settings. The example of Brett Taylor, former Facebook engineer and current Salesforce CEO, highlights the importance of adapting and changing oneself to fit the expectations and needs of a company or job. Taylor's evolution in how he dresses and presents himself reflects a conscious effort to align with the roles he takes on. This emphasizes the significance of portraying oneself in a way that exudes poise, charisma, and professionalism. It goes against the notion that attire and behavior are insignificant in favor of acknowledging the impact they can have on one's career trajectory and success. Ultimately, this insight suggests that paying attention to one's appearance and demeanor can positively influence professional opportunities and relationships.

    • Shifting Conversations: Beyond Money and BusinessSurround yourself with successful individuals to broaden your perspective and prioritize non-financial aspects of life. Expand discussions beyond financial achievements for a more fulfilling experience.

      When you surround yourself with people who have achieved great success and wealth, the conversation shifts away from business and money-making. These individuals have already reached a level where financial concerns are lower on their hierarchy of needs. Instead, they focus on non-financial topics like unique experiences, interesting stories, or areas of fascination such as neuroscience. This serves as a reminder to not become too consumed by the business world and prioritize other aspects of life. The contrast between conversations in different social circles is evident, with younger peers often discussing content creation, followers, and business ventures, while more successful individuals prioritize a wider range of experiences. The key is to broaden our perspectives and engage in diverse discussions beyond just financial achievements.

    • Building a strong reputation for success.Consistency, reliability, and dedication can create opportunities in any industry.

      Building and maintaining a strong reputation is crucial in achieving success. Both Brett Taylor and Josh Kushner exemplify this concept by establishing themselves as trusted and reliable individuals in their respective fields. Their ability to be seen as neutral third parties and voices of reason has opened doors for them and allowed them to make influential deals. Additionally, they have demonstrated discipline and attention to detail in all aspects of their lives, including how they present themselves and their businesses. The lesson here is that being consistent, reliable, and dedicated can help individuals stand out and create opportunities for themselves in any industry.

    • Building an Image: Embracing Authenticity and Pursuing PassionsSuccess lies not only in financial achievements but also in building a deliberate image, embracing authenticity, and pursuing passions even after achieving financial success.

      Building a deliberate image and reputation can be crucial for success. Both Sam Parr and Shaan Puri exemplify this in their own ways. While Sam Parr keeps a low-profile and avoids flaunting his success, Shaan Puri embraces a new identity and engages in activities aligned with his interests. This showcases an alternative path to traditional wealth accumulation. TJ Parker, for instance, sold his company for a billion dollars and immediately became a venture capitalist, but instead of just joining corporate boards, he focused on doing dope projects and having a positive impact. One of his ventures, The Warehouse, combines car storage with a social club, catering to people passionate about cars and providing a unique experience. This highlights the importance of authenticity and pursuing passions even after achieving financial success.

    • Embracing Individuality and Finding Fulfillment in Diverse InterestsPursuing hobbies, forming connections, and giving back can lead to a fulfilling and successful life. Embrace individuality and find inspiration in those who play their own unique game.

      There are multiple paths to success and fulfillment. The story of T.J. Parker showcases the importance of pursuing hobbies and interests outside of traditional work. It highlights the need for community and connection among men, and the various ways they seek it. Instead of opting for therapy or men's groups, some men turn to podcasts or car clubs for companionship. T.J. Parker's diverse range of projects, from creating quality bags to transforming children's hospitals into art galleries, demonstrates the power of using success to craft a fulfilling life. His approach of finding joy in hobbies and giving back to others contrasts with the idea of constant work and accumulation of wealth. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to embrace individuality and find inspiration in those who play their own unique game.

    • The "Doctor Dre Question": Finding Passionate Individuals for Successful HiringUse the "Doctor Dre question" to identify candidates who demonstrate commitment, drive, and a strong work ethic by asking about their longest duration of working on a project without sleep.

      Finding people who are passionate about your business is crucial for successful hiring. Many entrepreneurs struggle to hire individuals who share the same level of enthusiasm and dedication for their company. However, there is a valuable question called the "Doctor Dre question" that can help filter out candidates. By asking potential hires about the longest duration they have worked on a project they were passionate about without sleep, you can gauge their commitment and drive. This question reveals insights into a candidate's work ethic and their ability to immerse themselves fully in a task. Identifying individuals who possess a similar level of passion can greatly contribute to the success and growth of your business.

    • The link between obsession, dedication, and successA person's level of obsession and commitment to their work can determine their potential for success and compatibility with others in certain roles or environments.

      The level of obsession and degeneracy someone has towards a project or passion can determine their potential success and compatibility with others. Those who have experienced complete absorption in their work, disregarding sleep, eating, and social interactions, show a deep commitment and focus. It reveals their willingness to sacrifice other aspects of life for their goals. On the other hand, individuals who prioritize balance and self-care may not possess the same level of dedication. By asking questions about their past behaviors and experiences, such as the ability to stay awake for extended periods or blackout incidents, one can gauge a person's commitment and suitability for certain roles or environments.

    • The Growing Homeschooling Market: A Business OpportunityWith homeschooling growing at a rate of 40 to 50% annually, businesses should focus on developing products or services tailored to homeschooling families to tap into this niche market's substantial potential.

      The growth of homeschooling presents a valuable business opportunity. Over the past three years, homeschooling has consistently grown at a rate of 40 to 50% annually, outpacing public and private schooling. This trend suggests that businesses catering to the homeschooling market could thrive. Microschools, in particular, have gained popularity as an alternative for parents who want more control over their child's education. Factors driving the increase in homeschooling include concerns about safety, quality of instruction, and social pressures in traditional schools. Therefore, entrepreneurs should consider developing products or services specifically designed for homeschooling families, such as educational materials, online platforms, or support networks. By recognizing and capitalizing on this growing trend, businesses can tap into a niche market with substantial potential.

    • The Rise of Microschools: A Better Alternative to Traditional EducationMicroschools offer personalized attention, better learning experiences, and socialization opportunities for children, while also presenting potential investment opportunities. However, competition and high costs should be taken into consideration.

      Microschools are emerging as an alternative to traditional schools by bringing together a small group of families and hiring a highly-paid teacher. With a lower teacher-student ratio and a focus on personalized attention, microschools offer a better learning experience. These schools also provide a socializing aspect for children, combining indoor and outdoor activities. Additionally, the rise of school choice voucher programs allows families to select the school they prefer, which opens up opportunities for successful microschools to attract government funding. Companies like Primer are simplifying the process of starting a microschool by providing an operating system and assisting with compliance and administration. This trend presents potential investment opportunities, although competition and high costs are factors to consider.

    • Comparing the Educational Experience: Public vs. Private Schools and MicroschoolsSmaller class sizes and personalized attention in private schools and microschools can positively impact a student's behavior, academic performance, and overall development, making them worth considering despite potential cost concerns.

      The quality of education and the level of individual attention that students receive can greatly differ between public and private schools. Private schools often have the advantage of smaller class sizes and teachers who can provide a more personalized approach to discipline and support. This can have a significant impact on a student's behavior and academic performance. Microschools, which are gaining popularity, aim to provide a similar level of individual attention by creating small pods of students led by qualified teachers. While the cost of private education and microschools may be a concern for some, the potential benefits in terms of academic growth, character development, and a more inclusive social environment can make it a worthwhile investment for parents.

    • The influence of our environment and expectations on our life choices.Surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals in a supportive environment can help us achieve our unique goals and aspirations.

      The environment and expectations we grow up with can heavily influence our path in life. The traditional linear route of following the rules and achieving milestones may work for many people, but it may not be the right fit for everyone. Some individuals thrive in a structured environment with discipline, while others may excel in more alternative settings. Our upbringing and the norms we are exposed to can shape our ambitions and goals. If we want something different from our lives, it's important to surround ourselves with people who share our aspirations and normalize the path we want to take. Moving to a place where our dreams are considered "normal" can create opportunities for growth and success.

    • Embracing Entrepreneurship and Creative Mindsets in Silicon ValleyThe culture and environment in Silicon Valley fosters entrepreneurship and innovation, encouraging individuals to pursue side ventures and think outside the box for greater success.

      In Silicon Valley, it is seen as normal and even expected for people to pursue their own entrepreneurial ventures alongside their regular jobs. This is quite different from other places where such behavior may be viewed as strange or off-track. Working on a side hustle or starting a company is highly respected in this community. Similarly, the environment we are in can shape our mindset and behavior. If we are surrounded by a school or workplace that encourages creativity, project-based work, and thinking outside the box, we are more likely to embody those traits. Moreover, looking at the example of fiber and creatine supplements, there may be opportunities to rebrand and make them more appealing and accessible to a wider audience.

    • Unlocking Success in the Supplement IndustryStrategic planning, innovative packaging, and accessibility can lead to significant success in the supplement industry.

      The supplement industry can be a highly profitable and successful business if approached strategically. While it may seem overcrowded and saturated on the surface, having the right formula, branding, advertising, and go-to-market strategy can lead to significant success. Supplements offer high margins, repeat purchases, and potential acquisition opportunities from larger companies. Additionally, supplements can easily expand into retail channels, and managing inventory is relatively straightforward due to a limited number of SKUs. The key lies in finding innovative ways to make supplements more accessible and approachable to consumers, like the example mentioned in the conversation about transforming creatine into a chewable gummy bear. This emphasizes the importance of packaging and presenting traditional ingredients in a new and appealing way. Overall, the supplement industry can be a lucrative venture if approached with the right elements in place.

    • Benefits and Challenges of the Supplement IndustryEntrepreneurs can succeed in the supplement industry by targeting a dedicated audience of women seeking holistic health improvements, despite the potential expenses and the power of effective branding and storytelling.

      The supplement industry offers numerous benefits, including low cycle time and potential negative cash conversion. This makes it an attractive market to enter. Additionally, supplements are a clear problem solution, making them easy to market. However, it's important to note that the supplement category can be expensive, with individuals spending significant amounts on protein powders and other products. A funny story about leaky gut reveals the power of effective branding and storytelling in capturing consumer interest. There is a demographic of women who are fully committed to a holistic lifestyle and are willing to invest in products that align with their beliefs. By understanding and targeting this audience, entrepreneurs can tap into the potential of the supplement industry and cater to consumers who seek health improvements.

    • The Power of Storytelling in Sales and Consumer BehaviorCrafting a compelling narrative that resonates with consumers can have a significant impact on sales, as seen through the success of Craig Clemens' probiotics revolution and Shaan Puri's creation of the word "prebiotics.

      Storytelling can have a significant impact on sales and consumer behavior. The success of Craig Clemens' probiotics revolution and Shaan Puri's friend's creation of the word "prebiotics" demonstrate the power of effectively telling a story to capture attention and drive sales. Craig's viral video ad, which presented a compelling narrative about the negative effects of our food supply and the need for prebiotics, garnered massive views and even influenced companies like Coca-Cola to change their formula temporarily. Similarly, Ancient Nutrition's success can be attributed to the storytelling approach of Dr. Axe and his focus on leaky gut. These examples highlight the importance of crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with consumers and motivates action.

    • The Power of Visual and Linguistic Impact in Branding and CommunicationCreating powerful visuals and using linguistic skill can capture attention, shape beliefs, and manipulate public perception in marketing, politics, and communication.

      Effective branding relies on creating powerful visuals and linguistic kill shots. This is evident in the success of Ancient Nutrition and their promotion of the concept of leaky gut. By using phrases like "pipe cleaner" and "leaky gut," they capture people's attention and create strong mental images. These images become ingrained in our minds and shape our beliefs and understanding of certain health issues. Similarly, political figures like Trump have used visual words and phrases to manipulate public perception, such as "low energy Jeb" or "crooked Hillary." The power of visual and linguistic impact cannot be underestimated in marketing, politics, or any form of communication.

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    My First Million
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    This $50M/Yr Side Hustle Is On Track To Make $1 Billion By 2030
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    My First Million
    enJune 03, 2024

    He Turned $300/mo Into $3,750,000/mo From GARDENING

    He Turned $300/mo Into $3,750,000/mo From GARDENING
    Episode 591:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) talks to Kevin Espiritu ( https://x.com/KevinEspiritu ), AKA The Plant Daddy, about how he turned a side hustle into a $45M business in his backyard. — Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (3:41) $250k playing online poker (6:04) The influence of Pat Flynn (7:43) Cocoa butter cream review site (8:30) Printing on-demand shirts (12:26) From Scribe to $300/mo gardening blog (15:06) Inflection point: The metal raised bed (17:42) Billion-dollar blogs (19:20) Life-changing money (23:56) 5 Languages of the love of money (26:47) Lessons from Ramit Sethi (28:25) Path to $100M through acquisitions (29:19) Buying a seed tray business for less than $500K (33:22) Buying a competing gardening blog (37:00) Acquiring Botanical Interests (42:16) Red and green flags in acquisitions (46:12) The danger of being a celebrity on the internet (48:45) Idea: Branded hybrid plant species (52:38) Floyd Zaiger, the godfather of licenced plants (57:26) The lie behind Blue Zones (1:00:12) The Tesla of chicken coops (1:00:53) Beekeeping (1:04:46) Choosing your hobbies wisely — Links: • Kevin on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@kevinmespiritu • Epic Gardening on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@epicgardening • The Chernin Group - https://tcg.co/ • The Billion Dollar Creator - https://nathanbarry.com/billion/ • Get HubSpot's Free AI-Powered Sales Hub: enhance support, retention, and revenue all in one place https://clickhubspot.com/sym — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enMay 31, 2024

    How This Ex-Navy SEAL Turned A Book Into A $1M+ Empire - Jack Carr

    How This Ex-Navy SEAL Turned A Book Into A $1M+ Empire - Jack Carr
    Episode 590:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) talks to #1 New York Times bestselling author Jack Carr ( https://twitter.com/JackCarrUSA ) about how he churns out hit after hit and what the SEALs has taught him about hardship, mission readiness, and hitting targets.  Want to see Sam and Shaan’s smiling faces? Head to the MFM YouTube Channel and subscribe - http://tinyurl.com/5n7ftsy5 — Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (1:15) Launching a book how Red Bull launches a drink (7:30) 6 books in 6 years (9:41) Manifesting success from age 11 (11:36) Defining your own calculus (13:35) Lessons from Mr Ballen and other SEALs (15:23) Made-to-stick branding (19:44) How to build an audience today (24:10) The writing and launch process (26:11) Master the one-pager (28:43) Anti self-publishing (30:03) Modern masculinity in America (33:26) Creating a rite of passage (37:27) Voluntary hardship (39:36) Manifesting Chris Pratt (44:51) Hitting your mission (48:38) Jack's recommended reading list — Links: • Jack Carr - https://www.officialjackcarr.com/ • Made to Stick - https://tinyurl.com/2rumfmjw • The Comfort Crisis - https://tinyurl.com/y5wfjnfz • The Terminal List - https://tinyurl.com/2cvvmtfx • The Successful Novelist - https://tinyurl.com/4ba29jtn • The Hero with a Thousand Faces - https://tinyurl.com/2bnmxua4 • Get HubSpot's Free AI-Powered Sales Hub: enhance support, retention, and revenue all in one place https://clickhubspot.com/sym — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Pitch your startup for a shot at a $1M investment with Sam Parr as the MC https://clickhubspot.com/pitch — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enMay 29, 2024

    How To Master Storytelling

    How To Master Storytelling
    Episode 589:  Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) sits down with David Perell to reveal every framework he knows to become a better storyteller, a better writer, and a better creator of binge-worthy content. This episode was originally recorded for the podcast “How I Write,” hosted by David Perell. —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2BnqYArwaw Want to see Sam and Shaan’s smiling faces? Head to the MFM YouTube Channel and subscribe - http://tinyurl.com/5n7ftsy5 — Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (3:16) Binge bank (6:03) Storytelling (8:05) Intention & Obstacle (14:22) Hasan Minhaj (15:53) Writing vs Speaking (18:06) Pacing (19:01) Hooks vs Frames (22:30) Viral tweets (26:49) MrBeast (27:26) Storyworthy (29:10) 5-second moment of change (32:02) Origin Stories (42:07) Tony Robbins (43:25) Transformations (44:12) Steven Bartlett (46:17) Viral videos (49:09) Miss Excel (56:04) Change your state & focus (58:31) Paul Graham (1:03:43) Advice to writers (1:06:53) Writer's voice (1:11:48) Dave Chappelle vs Netflix (1:18:18) Distribution (1:21:40) Twitter / X (1:32:34) Writing with humor (1:45:02) Newsletters — Links: • Write of Passage - https://writeofpassage.com/ • David on Twitter - https://twitter.com/david_perell • David’s Website - https://perell.com/ • David Perell on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0a_pO439rhcyHBZq3AKdrw • David’s Podcast - https://writeofpassage.com/how-i-write • Get HubSpot's Free AI-Powered Sales Hub: enhance support, retention, and revenue all in one place https://clickhubspot.com/sym — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Pitch your startup for a shot at a $1M investment with Sam Parr as the MC https://clickhubspot.com/pitch My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enMay 27, 2024

    How Gary Vee Predicts The Next Facebook (Every Time)

    How Gary Vee Predicts The Next Facebook (Every Time)
    Episode 588:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) chop it up with Gary Vee about which of his investments paid off the most, how much cash he keeps as a safety net and what he’s noticed from hanging out with people like Logan Paul, Zuck, and MrBeast.  Want to see Sam and Shaan’s smiling faces? Head to the MFM YouTube Channel and subscribe - http://tinyurl.com/5n7ftsy5 Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (1:28) Good news for the “C” students out there (5:31) Break the Web (8:12) Attention is the only universal asset class (12:26) Perplexity.ai/podcast (14:30) Alex Schultz on growth and language translation (16:23) Adult camps better than conferences (20:06) Millionaires v billionaires (25:44) Planning for a post-iPhone world (28:43) Gary's safety net (31:41) Micro v macro gratitude (37:45) Gary's best investment (39:08) Gary's take of Zuck, Logan Paul (45:44) Who Gary admires — Links: • Gary Vaynerchuk - https://garyvaynerchuk.com/ • Gary on Twitter - https://twitter.com/garyvee • Day Trading Attention - https://tinyurl.com/yckc8erw • Break The Web - https://www.breaktheweb.co/ • Lecture 6 - Growth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_yHZ_vKjno • Get HubSpot's Free AI-Powered Sales Hub: enhance support, retention, and revenue all in one place https://clickhubspot.com/sym — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Pitch your startup for a shot at a $1M investment with Sam Parr as the MC https://clickhubspot.com/pitch — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enMay 22, 2024

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    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe — Don't lose the fire within. Stay focused on your goals, cut distractions, and work relentlessly every day. Sacrifice leads to gains. Be obsessed with winning, pack your calendar with tasks, and become the best version of yourself. Spoken by Les Brown, Andy Frisella, Eric Thomas, Tyrese Gibson. You can see more of Les Brown at instagram.com/thelesbrown, Andy Frisella at instagram.com/andyfrisella, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher, Tyrese Gibson at twitter.com/tyrese. The music is Arcade by Hans Zimmer. You can see more of Hans Zimmer at instagram.com/hanszimmer.

    THE ACT NOW SHOW - The 10x Rule: Supercharge Your Acting Career

    THE ACT NOW SHOW - The 10x Rule: Supercharge Your Acting Career

    In this episode, we unveil the transformative power of the 10x rule in acting. Learn how adopting an approach of extreme action and commitment can propel your acting career to new heights. We explore the principles behind the 10x rule and provide actionable strategies for implementing it in your journey. Whether you're an aspiring actor or a seasoned performer, this episode will inspire you to think bigger, work harder, and achieve remarkable success in the world of acting.

    If you love this content then there are many ways to get involved further. Follow my LINK TREE https://linktr.ee/mattzina

    The Act Now is a podcast hosted by award-winning acting coach and agent of 20+ years Matt Zina. 

    This show is about adding as much value to actors as possible. Expect industry interviews, and episodes on mindset, marketing, business and acting coaching.