
    435. This Is One of the Biggest Medical Malpractice Scandals in History | Michael Shellenberger

    The political climate and underlying systemic issues are contributing to the acceptance of divisive policies, leading to a nihilistic society. A pro-human, life-affirming vision is needed, whether grounded in monotheistic beliefs or a secular alternative.

    enMarch 28, 2024

    About this Episode

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with bestselling author and journalist Michael Shellenberger to discuss the shocking revelations now being published in the WPATH Files.


    Michael Shellenberger is a climate activist, journalist, and bestselling author. He has covered climate for over 30 years, as well as AI, emergent technologies, the Twitter Files, and most recently, the WPATH files.



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    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Michael Shellenberger:


    On X https://twitter.com/shellenberger/status/1764799914918490287?s=20


    On Substack https://substack.com/@shellenberger


    The WPATH Files Official Document https://environmentalprogress.org/big-news/wpath-files 

    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • Newly released internal files challenge the medical community's approach to treating gender dysphoria through WPath, revealing discussions about performing radical interventions on young children without sufficient evidence or long-term consideration, and guidelines based on spitballing and pseudoscience.
    • Professionals, lacking proper qualifications and ethics, manipulate the system to legitimize ideologically driven practices, exploiting the vulnerable and perpetuating confusion between generalized distress and specific conditions.
    • Despite potential harm and misdiagnosis, extreme surgical and hormonal interventions for gender dysphoria continue to be promoted as a path to self-discovery, driven by radical elements and perpetuated as a new form of liberation.
    • The use of puberty blockers in young people is a contentious issue with ethical concerns, lack of long-term studies, potential health complications, and financial incentives fueling debate.
    • The medical system's credibility is at risk due to its involvement in controversial practices like medicalizing gender identity and administering hormones and surgeries to minors, potentially leading to iatrogenic harm and loss of trust.
    • Societal shifts promoting inclusivity can create tension and challenges for newly recognized marginalized groups, as seen in the case of transgender rights.
    • Autogonophily theory suggests some individuals suppress cross-sex proclivities, leading to sexualized play and identity transformation, but critics argue it can be exploited for narcissistic and psychopathic purposes.
    • Adults prioritizing immediate desires over long-term goals can lead to harmful consequences, such as disregard for others and self, creating entitled, dependent, and narcissistic individuals. Striving for maturity and foresight is crucial.
    • Women in power may exhibit psychopathological behaviors, denying the fundamental human rights of growing up and experiencing puberty, compared to the witch in Snow White. This rejection of reality leads to nihilism and resentment, with men abdicating responsibility as protectors and authorities.
    • Narcissistic, psychopathic, Machiavellian, and sadistic individuals can manipulate and control others, leading to a culture of fear and conformity, ultimately causing societal decay and totalitarianism.
    • Manipulative individuals, especially those with cluster B psychopathology, use subtle manipulation and gossip to control and harm others, making it difficult for victims to defend themselves. We must condemn this behavior and understand their narcissistic and fantastical tendencies to protect ourselves and challenge their harmful effects in society.
    • Speaker advocates for truth, challenging leaders, and changing laws to protect children from harmful transitions, criticizing institutions and individuals for perpetuating pseudoscience and prioritizing their own desires over families.
    • The political climate and underlying systemic issues are contributing to the acceptance of divisive policies, leading to a nihilistic society. A pro-human, life-affirming vision is needed, whether grounded in monotheistic beliefs or a secular alternative.
    • Voluntary sacrifice for the greater good builds strong communities, while self-interested sacrifices weaken society.
    • Civilization needs to be in service to something greater than itself, shaping our perception of the world through our value structure, which can be seen as a form of the divine.
    • The transcendent reality enriches our values through a covenantal relationship, inviting individuals to serve something greater while finding common ground and resisting totalitarianism.
    • Religion and rationality can coexist, and self-sacrifice is a valuable concept for building a strong civilization, represented by the sacred image of mother and child.
    • Explore the importance of a mother's role in encouraging children to face challenges and grow, while acknowledging the potential for challenges and the need to build internal resources to overcome them.
    • Accurately diagnosing cults is crucial for effective intervention, and continuing the conversation is essential for combating totalitarianism in society.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    WPath's Questionable Practices Revealed

    The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPath), which has significantly influenced the medical community's approach to treating gender dysphoria, has been found to have questionable practices based on recently released internal files. These files reveal discussions about performing radical interventions, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries, on individuals as young as 10 years old, without sufficient evidence or consideration of the long-term consequences, including sterilization and potential loss of sexual function. The organization's guidelines, presented as professional and evidence-based, are instead shown to be based on spitballing and pseudoscience. This revelation challenges the notion that these interventions are grounded in sound medical principles and raises serious ethical concerns.

    Misuse of Professional Power in Gender Distress Treatments

    The discussion highlights a concerning situation where professionals, lacking proper qualifications and ethics, have manipulated the system to legitimize their ideologically driven practices. They've labeled these practices as addressing "gender distress," but in reality, they are often based on distorted interpretations and misdiagnoses. The professionals involved, including those from the American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, and American Psychiatric Association, have failed to question these practices, leading to a widespread acceptance of harmful treatments. The result is a system that exploits the vulnerable, particularly children, and perpetuates confusion between generalized distress and specific conditions. It's a profound misuse of professional power and a disservice to the mental health community.

    Controversial Treatment of Gender Dysphoria: Harmful Interventions and Misdiagnosis

    The discussion revolves around the controversial and damaging treatment of gender dysphoria, particularly in young people. Ken Zacher, who ran a leading journal dealing with childhood gender dysphoria, recommended against extreme surgical and hormonal interventions due to potential harm. However, radical elements drove him out of business around a decade ago, leading to a surge in such treatments. These treatments, which can have cataclysmic consequences, are often promised as the key to finding one's true self. Despite evidence of potential harm and misdiagnosis, the narrative has been perpetuated as a new form of liberation. The conversation also highlights the role of various groups, including psychopaths, narcissists, and compassionate liberals, in perpetuating this issue. The discussion underscores the importance of acknowledging the potential harm and misdiagnosis in the treatment of gender dysphoria.

    Controversy over use of puberty blockers in young people

    The use of puberty blockers in young people is a controversial and potentially harmful medical treatment that has raised serious ethical concerns. The recent ban on these treatments in Britain's National Health Service clinics has sparked heated debate, with some calling it a medical mistreatment scandal of historic proportions. The lack of long-term studies and follow-ups on the effects of these treatments, along with reports of serious health complications, has fueled growing concern. Additionally, the financial incentives for medical professionals to perform these procedures have added to the controversy. The situation highlights the importance of rigorous scientific inquiry and ethical oversight in medical treatments, particularly those that involve young people and irreversible procedures. The debate serves as a reminder that extraordinary claims, such as the widespread use of puberty blockers, require extraordinary evidence.

    Medicalization of gender identity and controversial practices

    The medical system's credibility has been called into question due to its involvement in controversial practices, such as the medicalization of gender identity and the administration of hormones and surgeries to minors. This issue has been raised primarily by women, and some have grown frustrated with the slow response from the medical community and related organizations. The consequences of these practices are significant and far-reaching, potentially leading to iatrogenic harm and undermining trust in the medical system, the American Medical Association, the Endocrine Society, health insurance companies, hospitals, and doctors. The LGBTQ+ movement, which was once expected to be a leading voice against such practices, has instead facilitated their implementation. The long-term implications of these practices are uncertain, especially in the context of vaccine compulsion. The debate around these issues highlights the importance of examining the potential harms of medical interventions and questioning the motivations and agendas of those involved.

    Societal changes leading to new marginal identities

    Societal changes, such as the expansion of family norms to include various marginalized groups, can lead to the emergence of new marginal identities. This process, while promoting inclusivity and acceptance, can also create tension and potential backlash. For instance, the acceptance of gay rights paved the way for the recognition of transgender rights, but it also exposed the trans community to significant challenges. The speaker, who initially supported the expansion of family norms, expresses his psychological resistance to the trans rights movement and shares his understanding of it as an autogynophilic condition. However, it's important to note that this perspective is not universally accepted within the scientific community. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of societal change and the ongoing need for dialogue and understanding.

    Theory of sexualized identity transformation

    The development of cross-sex proclivities can be suppressed and manifest in a warped and sexualized manner, leading to a form of sexualized play in relationship to identity transformation. This theory, known as autogonophily, was proposed by psychologists J. Michael Bailey and Ray Blanchard. However, their work was met with backlash from some individuals in the trans community who felt their fantasies were being undermined. These individuals, often described as narcissistic and psychopathic, used bullying tactics and high-risk behaviors to enforce their beliefs. The psychopathy served the narcissism, as these individuals saw themselves as special and morally virtuous, while those who opposed them were cruel or delusional. The situation involved powerful individuals constructing the idea and reality of trans children to fulfill their sexual fantasies, demonstrating a disturbing disregard for others' feelings and wellbeing.

    Behavior of adults resembling toddlers when prioritizing immediate desires

    When individuals or groups fail to consider the future consequences of their actions and prioritize immediate desires over long-term goals, they can exhibit behaviors akin to toddlers. This can lead to destructive outcomes, such as disregard for the well-being of others and oneself. The devouring mother archetype, characterized by an intense need to cater to the immediate needs of dependents, can be harmful when applied to adults, leading to the creation of entitled, dependent, and narcissistic individuals. The current trend of childless women entering the political arena without proper consideration of the consequences of their actions could potentially lead to widespread infantilization of institutions and policies. It's crucial for individuals and societies to strive for maturity and foresight, balancing immediate needs with long-term goals and considering the impact on future generations.

    Women in Power and the Denial of Puberty

    The discussion revolves around the concept of women in power exhibiting psychopathological behaviors, specifically related to denying the fundamental human rights of growing up and experiencing puberty. This behavior is compared to the witch in Snow White, who attempts to prolong her youth and eliminate competitors. The speakers suggest that this is a manifestation of a standard form of female pathology and a rejection of reality, leading to nihilism and resentment. The men in these situations are criticized for abdicating their responsibility as protectors and authorities. The speakers argue that this denial of puberty and adulthood is a form of power exercise and a negation of life, leading to deeper issues of nihilism and resentment.

    The pursuit of short-term pleasures and power dynamics

    The pursuit of short-term hedonistic pleasures can lead to the use of power and force, creating an unhealthy dynamic. This relationship was explored in the discussion through the example of cabaret, where hedonists and those seeking power coexist. The psychologist's research on short-term maters revealed the presence of narcissistic, psychopathic, Machiavellian, and sadistic personality traits. These individuals, whether through raw power or by casting a spell, can manipulate and control others, leading to a culture of fear and conformity. This dynamic was exemplified in the WPATH files, where individuals pushed for the normalization of harmful practices despite ethical concerns. The inability of people to believe such behavior could occur in today's society mirrors the Germans' inability to believe the atrocities of the Holocaust. Ultimately, the pursuit of short-term pleasures and the exercise of power can lead to societal decay and totalitarianism.

    Understanding the Power and Harm of Manipulative Individuals

    We're living in a society where manipulative and psychopathic individuals, particularly women with cluster B psychopathology, can wield significant power and harm others with little consequence. These individuals use subtle manipulation and gossip to control and harm, making it difficult for victims to defend themselves. Lobo Juski's theory of ponerology suggests that we must not only condemn this behavior but also describe the psychopathologies of these individuals in specific terms, including their narcissistic and fantastical tendencies. Men, in particular, have abdicated their responsibility to stand up to such individuals, leaving many vulnerable to their manipulation. It's essential to understand these dynamics to protect ourselves and challenge the harmful effects of such behavior in our society.

    Speaker concerns gender identity politics and medical practices

    The current state of gender identity politics and medical practices is a complex issue that requires courage, truth, and a change in laws to address. The speaker expresses concern over the normalization of narcissistic behavior, such as adults transitioning and prioritizing their own desires over their families. They also criticize the pseudoscience and cowardice of institutions like the American Medical Association, which perpetuate harmful practices like transitioning minors. The speaker advocates for telling the truth, challenging leaders, and changing laws to protect children and hold accountable those who facilitate harmful transitions. They believe that the public is already with them on this issue, and that it's time for a truth and reconciliation process, but ultimately, those who have facilitated these transitions should face consequences, including losing their licenses and even imprisonment.

    The normalization of controversial policies and the misapplication of maternal instincts

    The current political climate and underlying systemic issues are contributing to the normalization of controversial policies, such as the reversal of gender affirming care in the Netherlands and the UK. The political left's focus on victimhood and victimization can lead to the misapplication of maternal instincts and the classification of certain groups as oppressed. This dynamic, which has historical precedents, can create a nihilistic society that undermines human values. To address this, a pro-human, life-affirming vision is needed, even in a secular society. Michael Egnor argues that this vision can be grounded in the monotheistic hypothesis, which posits that all values unify at the pinnacle and that people should orient themselves towards that. However, he acknowledges that not everyone shares this belief and that finding a secular alternative may be a challenge.

    The power of voluntary sacrifice in building alliances

    Building alliances in a secularizing society requires telling a better story than those who advocate for power. The right story, according to the speaker, is one of voluntary sacrifice, as seen in the Christian mythos and the establishment of communities. However, not all sacrifices are equal – those made in the pursuit of self-interest and power are fundamentally different from those made for the greater good. The speaker argues that the latter, which is a form of voluntary self-sacrifice, is the foundation for building strong communities. It's important to be aware of the difference between these two types of sacrifices and to strive for the higher form, as it leads to social harmony and the betterment of society as a whole.

    Perception of truth and value interconnected throughout Western civilization

    Truth and value are interconnected, and they have been perceived as such throughout Western civilization, whether in religious or scientific contexts. Neuroscientists, AI researchers, robotics engineers, and psychologists have all discovered that even sense data presents itself as value. The biblical library, as the repository of our value structure, plays a significant role in shaping our perception of the world. While some may argue that this is a limiting factor, it's essential to recognize that civilization needs to be in service of something greater than itself. The ultimate unity of the good that makes itself manifest in all good things can be seen as a different conception of the divine. Some may argue that this is impersonal and that we can't have a relationship with it. However, the fundamental mode of human apprehension is relationship, and at the highest level of being, we exist in relationship. Therefore, the idea is that we need to build a political majority around the concept of civilization in service to something even larger than itself.

    The human-transcendent relationship is a covenantal one, exemplified in the concept of work and sacrifice.

    The relationship between humans and the transcendent can be conceptualized as a covenantal one. This idea is exemplified in the concept of work, where individuals make sacrifices with the understanding that there will be a commensurate return. The biblical stories illustrate this idea with the concept of sacrifice, which is synonymous with work. The transcendent reality, often represented as God, is the unity that underpins all values and realities, including the scientific one. This relationship is not a reduction of values but rather an enriching of them, inviting individuals to bear their responsibilities in service of something greater. The challenge lies in finding common ground on this higher value while resisting totalitarianism, and it may involve a nuanced understanding of the role of the divine in the source of our core values.

    The importance of self-sacrifice for community and civilization

    The idea of self-sacrifice forms the foundation of community and civilization. This concept, if explicitly recognized, should be memorably represented and transmissible across generations. However, the question of whether this idea is "true" depends on one's definition of truth. Religion and rationality are not mutually exclusive, and understanding this can help us build a strong foundation for liberal democratic civilization, which includes free speech, fair elections, equal justice, and the protection of vulnerable individuals. The sacred image of mother and child represents the obligation to continue the human race, despite the challenges the world may present.

    The sacred role of a mother and facing challenges

    The role of a mother is a sacred one, filled with challenges and the potential for growth. Mary, in the discussion, expresses her belief in bringing a child into the world and encouraging them to face challenges and pursue their mission in life. This concept was recognized by Freudians, who acknowledged the importance of the mother's sacrifice in the child's development. However, they also warned of the potential for failure. Despite the challenges, the archetypal image of the mother remains sacred and irreplaceable. Additionally, the conversation touched on the current state of human development, with attacks on gender, energy systems, and meritocracy. These attacks are happening at an unprecedented speed, making the archetypal structures behind the scenes more apparent. The antidote to these issues is to look upon them with faith, much like the Israelites and the poisonous snakes in the desert. By building internal resources and facing the challenges head-on, one can overcome the poison and find a way forward. Despite the initial resistance, Jordan was driven to delve into this domain by a call to action. The consequence of doing so has been a deeper understanding of the importance of facing challenges and the sacred role of the mother in the child's development.

    Understanding the nature of dangerous cults

    The speaker, who has been involved in exposing a dangerous and violent cult, feels a deep sense of responsibility to continue despite the risks involved. He believes that understanding the nature of the opposition, in this case a cult, is crucial in overcoming it. He also emphasizes the importance of accurate diagnosis before prescribing a cure. The speaker expresses optimism and faith that they will be able to figure out how to overcome the dangerous cult. He encourages listeners to support platforms that facilitate such conversations. The speaker values the conversation as an essential part of understanding and combating the totalitarianism present in society.

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    Brett Cooper is a viral internet personality, content creator, and actress. She’s best known as the charismatic host of “The Comments Section with Brett Cooper” on YouTube, captivating over 4 million subscribers with her irresistibly irreverent opinions on current news and cultural phenomena. Brett’s rise to digital fame was meteoric, amassing 1 million followers within just six months of launching her show and surpassing 4 million within two years. She moved from Tennessee to Los Angeles at the age of 10 to pursue acting. After years of balancing homeschooling and a professional acting career, Brett honed her art of storytelling while studying English at UCLA. At just 20 years old, Brett returned to Tennessee to launch “The Comments Section with Brett Cooper” at The Daily Wire. Following the show’s rapid success, the rising star is returning to acting in the forthcoming DailyWire+ animated sitcom “Mr. Birchum” and the historical fantasy series “The Pendragon Cycle.” In a debut role, Brett will star as Snow White in “Snow White and the Evil Queen” in the first feature-length production for Bentkey, The Daily Wire’s children’s entertainment platform.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Brett Cooper:


    Brett Cooper on X https://twitter.com/imbrettcooper?lang=en


    Brett Cooper on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imbrettcooper/?hl=en


    The Comments Section With Brett Cooper on X https://twitter.com/CommentsSection


    The Comments Section With Brett Cooper on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@TheCommentsSection 

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    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For James Walker:


    Nano Nuclear on X https://twitter.com/nano_nuclear


    Nano Nuclear (Website) https://nanonuclearenergy.com/


    Nano Nuclear on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/nano-nuclear-energy-inc/ 

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    Kelsi Sheren is CEO of Brass & Unity and author of “Brass and Unity, One Woman’s Journey Through the Hell of Afghanistan and Back.” Kelsi is a distinguished Canadian veteran, who served as a Gunner and Female Searcher during her deployment in Afghanistan. At Brass & Unity, Kelsi transforms bullet casings into jewelry, donating a portion of the profits to support veterans battling mental health issues. In addition to her work in the military, Kelsi is a champion in Taekwondo, and host of the Brass & Unity podcast.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Kelsi Sheren:


    On X https://twitter.com/KelsiBurns?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kelsie_sheren/?hl=en


    “Brass & Unity: One Woman’s Journey Through the Hell of Afghanistan and Back” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Brass-Unity-Journey-Through-Afghanistan/dp/1637588917


    Brass & Unity Podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWCy2PRfqQZraiSCocX4Gyw


    Brass & Unity Website https://brassandunity.com/ 

    444. The Collective Unconscious, Christ, and the Covenant | Russell Brand

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    Russell Brand is an English comedian, actor, podcaster, and commentator. He first established himself as a stand up comedian and radio host before becoming a film actor. He presented for MTV UK and made appearances across media and TV throughout the 2000’s. In 2008, he leapt from British to U.S. film acting, appearing in the hit film “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” followed by numerous international successes. In 2013, Brand guest-edited an edition of the weekly publication the New Statesman, launching his interest and later career as a political activist and commentator. His current podcast, Stay Free, sees Brand calling out major news, governments, and corporations for affronts to free speech, expression, spirituality, and thought.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Russell Brand:


    Stay Free on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/russellbrand


    Stay Free on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@RussellBrand


    On X https://twitter.com/rustyrockets 

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    Mosab Hassan Yousef (born in 1978) is a Palestinian ex-militant who defected to Israel in 1997 where he worked as an undercover agent for the Shin Bet until he moved to the United States in 2007. Yousef was considered the Shin Bet's most reliable source in the Hamas leadership, earning himself the nickname "The Green Prince.” The intelligence he supplied to Israel led to the exposure of many Hamas cells, as well as the prevention of dozens of suicide bombings and assassination attempts on Jews. Yousef's father is Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a co-founder of Hamas.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Mosab Hassan Yousef:


    On X https://twitter.com/MosabHasanYOSEF?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    “Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices” (book) https://www.amazon.com/Son-of-Hamas-Mosab-Hassan-Yousef-audiobook/dp/B006PJC4H2/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=PheAV&content-id=amzn1.sym.cf86ec3a-68a6-43e9-8115-04171136930a&pf_rd_p=cf86ec3a-68a6-43e9-8115-04171136930a&pf_rd_r=138-3764402-1287437&pd_rd_wg=fLHUm&pd_rd_r=8445617a-f7bd-45ef-bcff-98e77e6b26f5&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk 

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    Konstantin Kisin is a Russian-British satirist, social commentator, and co-host of the TRIGGERnometry Youtube show. He is also the author of “An Immigrant's Love Letter to the West,” a Sunday Times bestseller. He has written for several publications, including Quillette, The Spectator, The Daily Telegraph, and Standpoint, on issues relating to tech censorship, woke culture, comedy, and other topics, but he currently publishes articles on his popular Substack. Kisin made headlines in 2018 when he refused to sign a "safe space contract" to perform comedy at a British college and again in 2023 when he participated in an Oxford Union debate on the motion of "This House Believes Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far." His speech at the debate received viral attention and has been seen by over 100 million people around the world.



    - Links -

    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events   

    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  


    For Bruce Pardy:

    On X https://twitter.com/pardybruce?lang=en

    Rights Probe: https://www.rightsprobe.org/

    For Konstantin Kisin:

    TRIGGERnometry Podcast    / @triggerpod  

    Substack https://konstantinkisin.substack.com/

    Twitter https://twitter.com/KonstantinKisin?r...

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    441. TBD | Tor Nørretranders

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author and speaker Tor Nørretranders. They discuss the entropy of emotion, the nature of pointlessness, the over-civilization of societal structures, how relationships shape perception, and why play might be the antithesis to tyranny.


    Tor Nørretranders is an independent author, thinker and speaker based in Denmark, serving an international audience. He has published over 30 books on topics ranging from society to human consciousness.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Tor Nørretranders:


    The User Illusion:



    The Generous Man:



    Wild food and agriculture:





    Website https://www.tor.dk/


    Article “We Are Waking Up” : https://www.tor.dk/2019/05/06/we-are-waking-up/


    440. Looking Back on the Campaign, and Forward for the Country | Vivek Ramaswamy

    440. Looking Back on the Campaign, and Forward for the Country | Vivek Ramaswamy

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with 2024 presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy to discuss the recent suspension of his campaign, how he fought the traditional media’s best advances against him, who he is endorsing now, and the American values he seeks to defend going forward.


    Vivek Ramaswamy is an entrepreneur, author, and political activist. Vivek has been making headlines since announcing his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, running on a platform in part to dismantle the expansive and corrupt bureaucracy that has seeped into nearly all facets of American government. Prior to this, Ramaswamy was the founder and CEO of the biopharmaceutical company Roivant Sciences. Leaving in 2021, he published “Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam.” In 2022, he co-founded Strive Asset Management with Anson Frericks, which focuses on an alternative to the now-pushed ESG investment framework. That same year Ramaswamy published “Nation of Victims: Identity Politics, the Death of Merit, and the Path Back to Excellence”

    and has since been deemed one of the “Intellectual Godfathers of the anti-woke movement.”



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Vivek Ramaswamy:


    On X https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@vivek-2024 

    439. Microplastics, Global Greening, & the Dangers of Radical Alarmism | Dr. Patrick Moore

    439. Microplastics, Global Greening, & the Dangers of Radical Alarmism | Dr. Patrick Moore

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with industry consultant, science activist, and past president of Greenpeace Canada (1971 to 1986), Dr. Patrick Moore. They discuss his time in Greenpeace, the historic timeline of global ice ages and climate change, the clear lies being peddled to promote alarmism, and how the woke left manipulates science (and scientists) to promote a falsely perceived and politically incentivized future catastrophe.


    Dr. Patrick Moore has been a leader in the international environmental field for more than 45 years. He is a co-founder of Greenpeace and served for nine years as President of Greenpeace Canada and seven years as a Director of Greenpeace International. As the leader of many campaigns Dr. Moore was a driving force shaping policy and direction for 15 years while Greenpeace became the world's largest environmental activist organization.


    In recent years, Dr. Moore has been focused on the promotion of sustainability and consensus building among competing concerns. He was a member of the British Columbia government-appointed Round Table on the Environment and Economy from 1990 - 1994. In 1990, Dr. Moore founded and chaired the BC Carbon Project, a group that worked to develop a common understanding of climate change.


    In 2021 Dr. Moore published "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom" exposing the fake news and fake science around 11 claims of disaster including climate change, coral reefs, polar bears, plastic, nuclear energy, and more.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Dr. Patrick Moore:


    On X https://twitter.com/ecosensenow?lang=en


    “Fake Invisible Catastrophes And Threats of Doom” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Fake-Invisible-Catastrophes-Threats-Doom-ebook/dp/B08T6FFY6S/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=fake+invisible+catastrophe&qid=1612915229&s=digital-text&sr=1-1