
    448. Alternative Walk of Fame | Brett Cooper

    enMay 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Young woman finds success on YouTube by filling a niche for young people with traditional valuesBrett Cooper's authenticity and filling a niche for young people with traditional values led to her success on YouTube, inspiring many with her public platform and shared values.

      Brett Cooper's success on YouTube can be attributed to her authenticity and filling a niche she saw was lacking for young people with traditional values. Growing up in Hollywood, she felt isolated and lacked online influences that shared her values. When she came to Daily Wire, she created content specifically for young women and built a large audience, which has become more female-oriented but still predominantly male. Her impact on her audience is profound, with many women expressing gratitude for her public platform and sharing their values. Emancipated at 15 to pursue acting, Brett moved to Hollywood at 10 due to her strong desire to perform and tell stories. Despite her initial shyness and family trauma, she found solace in theater and continued to pursue her passion, leading to her current success.

    • Embracing Fear and Discovering Passion Through Performing ArtsEncouraging children to face their fears and explore new experiences through performing arts can lead to personal growth, self-expression, and a successful career.

      The power of pushing past fear and embracing new experiences, especially through performing arts, can lead to personal growth and a sense of coming alive for individuals, even at a young age. The speaker's mother recognized her fear and encouraged her to face it by pushing her to perform, leading the speaker to discover a deep love for acting and singing. This structured form of play allowed her to express herself and explore different identities, providing an escape from uncomfortable situations at home. The speaker's experiences culminated in a successful acting career, showcasing the importance of nurturing children's natural inclination towards play and exploration.

    • Young boy's determination leads to Broadway and HollywoodA young boy's unwavering determination and persistence led him to pursue his dream of acting despite rejection and sizeism, ultimately resulting in a successful career in Hollywood at the age of 14.

      Determination and persistence, even at a young age, can lead to great opportunities. Brett Cooper, who dreamed of playing Jane Banks in "Mary Poppins," wrote a letter and sent a photo of himself as the character to a casting director. After being brought out to New York for an audition, he continued to pursue his dream by auditioning for Broadway shows and workshops. However, at the age of 9, he was rejected due to his height, experiencing sizeism in the industry. Despite this setback, he and his mother moved to Hollywood where he continued to audition, train, and take on small roles. Through it all, he maintained a well-rounded lifestyle outside of acting to prevent his identity from becoming too tied to the industry. Ultimately, his dedication paid off, and he emancipated himself and permanently moved to Hollywood at the age of 14 to continue his acting career.

    • Child actor's experience with inappropriate writerParents play a crucial role in protecting their child actors from inappropriate behavior and exploitation in Hollywood. Setting firm boundaries, keeping a close eye, and ensuring their child's identity isn't solely tied to their career are important steps.

      Growing up as a child actor in Hollywood can be a complex and challenging experience, with blurred lines between appropriate adult behavior and inappropriate advances. The speaker shared an experience of working with an inappropriate writer on a children's TV show, where he made inappropriate comments and advances towards her and her co-star, both under 15 years old. The speaker's mother played a crucial role in protecting her from such experiences by setting firm boundaries, keeping a close eye, and ensuring that her identity was not solely tied to her acting career or the money earned from it. The speaker also emphasized the importance of parents avoiding exploitation of their children in the industry and the potential negative consequences if they do.

    • Developing resilience and self-awarenessLearning self-defense and trusting instincts help individuals navigate dangerous situations, especially for young girls.

      Resilience and self-awareness are crucial in protecting oneself from potential harm, especially in challenging environments. The woman discussed in this conversation faced numerous hardships in her personal life, yet she remained unconventional and daring in Hollywood while keeping her values traditional. Her mother's support and the self-defense classes she took from a young age helped her develop the awareness and skills necessary to navigate potentially dangerous situations. It's essential for individuals, especially young girls, to be aware of their surroundings, trust their instincts, and learn how to defend themselves both physically and emotionally.

    • Learning to set boundaries and say 'no'Setting boundaries and saying 'no' is crucial for personal growth and self-protection, especially for agreeable individuals. It can be challenging, but essential for those in the public eye or attractive and charismatic.

      Our past experiences, including uncomfortable or unwanted advances, can shape our behavior and self-perception. The ability to set boundaries and say "no" is crucial, especially for agreeable individuals who may feel others' pain acutely. This can be challenging, as being agreeable can make it difficult to reject others without causing offense. However, learning to do so is essential for personal growth and self-protection. This was emphasized in the classes the speaker attended, which helped her address her doormat behavior and increase her confidence. Ultimately, being able to draw clear lines and stand up for oneself is an important skill for everyone, particularly those in the public eye or those who are attractive and charismatic.

    • Lessons from Hollywood: The Power of Self-AdvocacyDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, the speaker emancipated herself from her parents and began managing her own career, learning the importance of self-advocacy for personal growth and success. Her supportive husband and long-term relationships played a crucial role in this transformation, which came after a challenging childhood.

      Learning to stand up for oneself is crucial for personal growth and success. This was a lesson the speaker learned during her time in Hollywood, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic when she emancipated herself from her parents and began managing her own career. She credits her now-husband for encouraging her to develop this skill, as it was essential for navigating the demanding world of entertainment and adult relationships. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having supportive agents and long-term relationships. This transformation came after a difficult childhood marked by her parents' divorce and her brother's schizophrenia, which motivated her to leave home and pursue her career independently. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of self-advocacy and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Seeking Predictability and Routine for StabilityRoutine and predictability provide a sense of security and stability, especially in unpredictable circumstances. Providing children with consistent daily routines can help them establish a stable base and set them up for success.

      Predictability and routine can provide a sense of security and stability, especially in the face of complex and unpredictable circumstances. The speaker's experience of living with a turbulent family life and an unstable acting career led her to seek out a job with consistent daily routines and immediate rewards, which she found at Trader Joe's. This job allowed her to thrive and find a sense of purpose, despite the sporadic nature of her acting career. The importance of routine and predictability is not just for adults, but also for children, who need these foundational elements to help them navigate the world and explore from a stable base. Anxiety, according to the speaker, is not a psychological problem, but rather a reflection of an environment that is coming apart. Providing children with predictable daily routines can help them establish a sense of stability and set them up for success.

    • The importance of values, independence, and resilienceMaintaining personal values, being independent, and remaining resilient are crucial for navigating through social exclusion and adversity in life and marriage.

      Routines and rituals are essential in marriage and life in general. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling isolated during college due to her political beliefs and the radical left's tendency to exclude those who don't conform to their ideology. She emphasizes the importance of personal values, independence, and resilience, which helped her navigate through challenging academic experiences and the social exclusion she faced. The speaker's mother played a significant role in shaping her values and instilling a sense of control and responsibility. Despite facing adversity, she persevered and completed her degree, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. The importance of having a strong foundation of values and being resilient cannot be overstated, especially in the face of social exclusion and adversity.

    • Personalized education at community collegeCommunity college offers smaller classes, personal relationships with professors, and a focus on teaching, leading to a more affordable and in-depth educational experience. However, it's important to find good professors and courses to ensure success in higher education.

      Community college provided the speaker with an exceptional education due to smaller classes, personal relationships with professors, and a focus on teaching rather than research or notoriety. The speaker saved a significant amount of money and was able to explore various subjects in depth. However, during their first semester at a university, they encountered a challenging intersectional literature class where they disagreed with the professor's interpretation of a novel. The professor's critique left the speaker feeling disheartened and led them to avoid similar classes. Instead, they focused on author-focused courses, which they enjoyed more. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of taking an active role in finding good professors and courses to be successful in higher education.

    • Being proactive in college leads to career successTaking initiative in college, like getting involved in communities and organizations, can lead to valuable opportunities and career success despite the lack of encouragement from colleges and parents.

      Exploring opportunities and being proactive during one's college years is crucial for career success. The speaker shared their personal experience of being the only employed member in their friend group, while others did not have internships until their junior year or even later. They noted that colleges and parents are not encouraging this proactive stance, leading students to graduate with debt and few job opportunities. The speaker emphasized the importance of being involved in communities and organizations that align with one's values, as they did through PragerU and Foundation For Economic Education. Ultimately, the speaker's dedication to being proactive led them to opportunities at Daily Wire, demonstrating the power of taking initiative.

    • Embracing new opportunities despite fear and uncertaintyDespite facing rejection and fear, it's crucial to remain resilient and take risks to seize new opportunities, even with the support of loved ones.

      Major life transitions can be intimidating and require faith. The speaker, in this case, was offered an opportunity to start a YouTube show with The Daily Wire but was hesitant due to feeling unprepared and intimidated. The speaker had accumulated experience over ten years but had also faced numerous rejections during that time. The high rate of rejection in various occupations can make individuals feel like the world is against them, but it's essential to keep trying and be resilient. The speaker's mother played a role in encouraging her to take the opportunity, reminding her that it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, even if she ultimately decided not to take it. Taking risks and making transitions can be scary, but faith and resilience are necessary to move forward.

    • Embracing new opportunities for growthFear of change and risk can hinder personal growth, but having faith in oneself and embracing new experiences can lead to significant achievements and happiness.

      Seizing opportunities and being open to new experiences, even if they involve risk, can lead to significant personal growth and the achievement of long-term goals. The speaker shares her experience of passing up an opportunity to work with The Daily Wire due to fear and comfort, only to regret it later. She emphasizes the importance of having faith in oneself and being prepared for failure. The speaker also highlights the human tendency to resist change and the importance of embracing new opportunities when they arise. Ultimately, she reflects on how taking a risk and moving across the country led her to marry the love of her life, buy a farm, and build a successful career that aligns with her values.

    • Identifying a gap in the market and having a unique voiceSuccess in content creation requires finding a unique niche, putting in the time and effort, having the right personality and approach, and seizing opportunities when they arise.

      The success of a content creator, especially in the new social media landscape, can be attributed to a combination of factors. These include finding a unique and underrepresented niche, putting in the time and effort, having the right personality and approach, and seizing opportunities when they arise. The speaker, for instance, identified a gap in the market for young female conservative commentators with an engaging and entertaining style. Her positive attitude, sense of humor, and relatability resonated with her audience, who felt underrepresented and undervalued. The Daily Wire, her employer, recognized her unique talents and gave her the freedom to create content that appealed to her audience. The speaker's success story highlights the importance of identifying a gap in the market, having a unique voice, and providing value to an audience.

    • Daily Wire's quick green-lighting and production of projectsThe Daily Wire's confidence in employees to generate autonomous projects leads to a creative and supportive work environment

      The Daily Wire is a unique and supportive creative environment where even high-risk, unconventional projects are welcomed and brought to fruition with enthusiasm and professionalism. The speaker, who has had experience as a professor and clinician, praises the Daily Wire's quick green-lighting and production of projects, even when they don't fully understand them. This confidence in employees to generate autonomous projects is a hallmark of a creative and confident manager, making the Daily Wire a pleasure to work with. An example of this is the upcoming animated comedy series "Mister Burcham," inspired by a character from Adam Carolla's radio show, where the speaker plays the role of the curmudgeonly shop teacher's daughter. The target audience is adults seeking truthful and unapologetic comedy.

    • Bringing Arthurian Legend to Life: Jeremy Clarkson's Personal ProjectJeremy Clarkson's Pendragon series on The Daily Wire is a massive production, featuring practical effects, stunts, and strong female characters, based on his favorite book series for over 30 years.

      The Pendragon series on The Daily Wire is a massive production with a deep personal connection for creator Jeremy Clarkson. Filmed primarily in Hungary for five months, Clarkson played a significant role as the showrunner, writer, and director. The series, which follows the rise of Christianity through the lens of an Arthurian legend, features practical effects and stunts, with cast members physically performing many of the scenes. Clarkson's favorite book series for over 30 years, the project represents his most important work to date. The series, which has already undergone some editing and is in full post-production, will feature a strong female character for Merlin's wife, played by the interviewee. Despite the challenges and hard work, the cast and crew's dedication to the project resulted in an incredible experience.

    • Actress shares her experiences and impact of authentic projectsActress emphasizes the significance of authentic projects for personal connection and impactful performances, sharing her experiences of 'The Pendragon Cycle' and 'Snow White and the Evil Queen'.

      The actor's experience and involvement in a project significantly impact their connection to the content and their ability to deliver a meaningful performance. The actor in question shared her experience of working on "The Pendragon Cycle" and how it stood out due to the values, messages, and authenticity of the story and the people behind it. She contrasted this with her experiences in Hollywood and the importance of being part of a project that resonates with her personally and positively impacts audiences. Additionally, she discussed the unexpected opportunity to join the "Snow White and the Evil Queen" project during its production, which allowed her to respond to the controversy surrounding Disney's version and bring her unique perspective to the table. Overall, her experiences highlight the importance of authenticity, values, and collaboration in creating impactful and enjoyable content.

    • A modern adaptation of Snow White brings unexpected successTrusting in abilities and being open to new opportunities can lead to unique successes, even with unconventional experiences

      Passion and dedication can lead to unique and successful projects, even when faced with challenges. The speaker, who has a love for traditional stories, was approached by Jeremy to be part of a modern adaptation of Snow White. Despite not having seen her act before, Jeremy believed in her and kept her updated on the project. When the opportunity arose, the speaker was asked to fly to Italy to record her part for the trailer, which was kept a secret from everyone involved. The experience was unconventional, with the speaker recording her part in the middle of shooting another project and hiding from the rest of the cast. The trailer was a success, and the speaker continued to wait for the filming of the project. Eventually, they moved into pre-production for Snow White and the Evil Queen, and the speaker began voice lessons to prepare. Through this experience, the speaker learned that trusting in one's abilities and being open to new opportunities can lead to unexpected successes.

    • A singer's collaboration with her creative partner and growth through risks and mentorsA singer shares her excitement about collaborating with her partner, emphasizes the importance of taking risks and learning from mentors, and expresses gratitude for the supportive community at the Daily Wire.

      The speaker, who is a singer and a Daily Wire employee, is currently working on a musical project and is excited about the collaboration with her creative partner, Jeremy. She also emphasizes the importance of taking risks and learning from mentors in her personal and professional growth. Additionally, she mentions her appreciation for the supportive community she has found at the Daily Wire and looks forward to discussing women's issues on the Daily Wire platform. The speaker expresses gratitude for the opportunity to share her experiences and express her views, encouraging those who share similar perspectives to support the Daily Wire's mission. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's passion for her work, her growth, and her commitment to sharing her perspectives with others.

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    This episode was recorded on June 4th, 2024


    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8


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    Understanding Urban Warfare (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Urban-Warfare-Liam-Collins/dp/1912440350


    The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender (Online guidebook) https://www.johnspenceronline.com/mini-manual-urbandefender


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    Entitled “Taboo” in outside of the U.S. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Taboo-Making-Produced-Cultural-Revolution-ebook/dp/B0CKFD8Z16


    University of Buckingham course - Woke: the Origins, Dynamics and Implications of an Elite Ideology https://www.buckingham.ac.uk/courses/occasional/woke/?_gl=1*5vuahc*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTMzNzMwNDE3Ny4xNzE2ODQ3MjIy*_ga_PWEL0GXNN9*MTcxNjg0NzIyMi4xLjAuMTcxNjg0NzIyMi4wLjAuMA..


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    - Links -

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    The Roseanne Barr Podcast on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/roseannebarr 


    The Roseanne Barr Podcast on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@roseannebarr 

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    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Alex O’Connor:


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    On Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@CosmicSkeptic 

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    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Dennis Quaid:


    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dennisquaid/


    Reagan (Upcoming film) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1723808/ 

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    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Ronnie Janoff-Bulman:


    Shattered Assumptions (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Shattered-Assumptions-Towards-Psychology-Trauma/dp/0743236254


    The Two Moralities (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Two-Moralities-Conservatives-Liberals-Political-ebook/dp/B0BX1JDL8C/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=qQoj5&content-id=amzn1.sym.cf86ec3a-68a6-43e9-8115-04171136930a&pf_rd_p=cf86ec3a-68a6-43e9-8115-04171136930a&pf_rd_r=138-3764402-1287437&pd_rd_wg=H5RDI&pd_rd_r=fccdebc5-a090-4e01-b536-33c552e5005f&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk 

    448. Alternative Walk of Fame | Brett Cooper

    448. Alternative Walk of Fame | Brett Cooper

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in person with actor, podcaster, and host of “The Comments Section,” Brett Cooper. They discuss the adversity Cooper faced early on which prompted her to try out theater, the landscape of growing up as a child actor, her positive and negative experiences with Hollywood and university, the psychology of exploitation, why she joined The Daily Wire, her upcoming film and television projects, and her motivation to be a voice for young women who embrace their femininity.


    Brett Cooper is a viral internet personality, content creator, and actress. She’s best known as the charismatic host of “The Comments Section with Brett Cooper” on YouTube, captivating over 4 million subscribers with her irresistibly irreverent opinions on current news and cultural phenomena. Brett’s rise to digital fame was meteoric, amassing 1 million followers within just six months of launching her show and surpassing 4 million within two years. She moved from Tennessee to Los Angeles at the age of 10 to pursue acting. After years of balancing homeschooling and a professional acting career, Brett honed her art of storytelling while studying English at UCLA. At just 20 years old, Brett returned to Tennessee to launch “The Comments Section with Brett Cooper” at The Daily Wire. Following the show’s rapid success, the rising star is returning to acting in the forthcoming DailyWire+ animated sitcom “Mr. Birchum” and the historical fantasy series “The Pendragon Cycle.” In a debut role, Brett will star as Snow White in “Snow White and the Evil Queen” in the first feature-length production for Bentkey, The Daily Wire’s children’s entertainment platform.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Brett Cooper:


    Brett Cooper on X https://twitter.com/imbrettcooper?lang=en


    Brett Cooper on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imbrettcooper/?hl=en


    The Comments Section With Brett Cooper on X https://twitter.com/CommentsSection


    The Comments Section With Brett Cooper on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@TheCommentsSection 

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    James Walker is a nuclear physicist and was the project lead and manager for constructing the new Rolls-Royce Nuclear Chemical Plant; he was the UK Subject Matter Expert for the UK Nuclear Material Recovery Capabilities and the technical project manager for constructing the UK reactor core manufacturing facilities. Walker’s professional engineering experience includes nuclear reactors, mines, submarines, chemical plants, factories, mine processing facilities, infrastructure, automotive machinery, and testing rigs. He has executive experience in several public companies, as well as acquiring and redeveloping the only fluorspar mine in the United States.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For James Walker:


    Nano Nuclear on X https://twitter.com/nano_nuclear


    Nano Nuclear (Website) https://nanonuclearenergy.com/


    Nano Nuclear on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/nano-nuclear-energy-inc/