
    441. TBD | Tor Nørretranders

    Through genuine attention and openness, we can discover the richness and wonder within all individuals, revealing their imaginative plurality and transformative capacity.

    enApril 18, 2024

    About this Episode

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author and speaker Tor Nørretranders. They discuss the entropy of emotion, the nature of pointlessness, the over-civilization of societal structures, how relationships shape perception, and why play might be the antithesis to tyranny.


    Tor Nørretranders is an independent author, thinker and speaker based in Denmark, serving an international audience. He has published over 30 books on topics ranging from society to human consciousness.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Tor Nørretranders:


    The User Illusion:



    The Generous Man:



    Wild food and agriculture:





    Website https://www.tor.dk/


    Article “We Are Waking Up” : https://www.tor.dk/2019/05/06/we-are-waking-up/


    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • Consciousness is a social construct facilitated by language, relationships, and co-awareness, allowing us to share experiences and understand objects with others.
    • Pointing, whether physical or verbal, creates a landscape of tools, obstacles, and agents of transformation, shaping our perception of the world and allowing us to build up a storehouse of value for trade with others.
    • Our perception of the world is shaped by our predictions and stories we create, leading to emotions based on progress towards or obstacles to our goals
    • Emotions and motivation are integral parts of our perception and cannot be fully grasped by cold, cognitive prediction models
    • Lack of clear info or context can cause anxiety and hallucinations, while symmetry breaking and having a clear goal can help reduce anxiety.
    • Engaging in activities that broaden our perspective, like psychedelics or physical exercise, can help alleviate anxiety by expanding our consciousness and reducing feelings of being overwhelmed.
    • Oversimplifying complex information can lead to misaligned values and communication breakdown, as illustrated in the Tower of Babel story. Be mindful of potential consequences and consider the broader context.
    • The agricultural revolution led to a simplified view of the world, resulting in loss of natural diversity and entropy. Modern trend towards locally grown, seasonal wild foods encourages reconnection to nature and appreciation for its inherent value.
    • Chefs are rediscovering the abundance and complexity of nature by using wild, edible plants and ingredients in their cooking, adding depth and meaning back to fine dining.
    • Embrace the importance of both meaning and chaos for optimal personal and interpersonal growth
    • Through genuine attention and openness, we can discover the richness and wonder within all individuals, revealing their imaginative plurality and transformative capacity.
    • Monogamy and play help us fully appreciate our partners and optimize our relationships by allowing us to explore the multitude within ourselves and our partners in a voluntary and non-threatening way.
    • Role-playing and play can foster love and human connection by creating a space for openness, surprise, and meaningful interaction.
    • Embracing complexity and uncertainty can lead to deeper understanding of ourselves and the world.
    • Specifying a direction in life is necessary but problematic when imposed rather than invited. Love, which is relational by nature, is antithetical to evil, and our fundamental mode of being in the world is also relational.
    • The way we perceive reality and others is dependent on our aims and interactions, shaping what is real.
    • When interacting with people in challenging circumstances, expressing a clear intent can foster a more positive and respectful interaction. Recommended reading: 'The User Illusion' by Tor Norretranders for insights on consciousness and perception.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    The Importance of Shared Consciousness

    Consciousness, or being aware, is vastly different from the amount of information our senses take in from the world. Our sensory systems take in approximately 11 million bits of information per second, yet we can only be consciously aware of around 16 bits. This reduction in the amount of information we're aware of is surprising and highlights the importance of consciousness as a social construct. The term "consciousness" comes from the Latin word "conscious," meaning "knowing together." This sharing of awareness with others is facilitated through language, social relationships, and co-awareness. The development of this shared awareness begins with infants pointing things out to others and understanding the concept of objects. Consciousness is a social construct that allows us to share experiences with others, even when we're not physically present together. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding this selection process in conscious awareness and how it shapes our experiences and interactions with the world.

    Pointing shapes our perception of the world

    According to the discussion, pointing and specifying a destination in both physical and social contexts can shape our perception of the world around us. When we point, whether it's with our bodies or words, we create a landscape of tools, obstacles, friends, foes, and agents of transformation. From a physical perspective, this landscape is made up of perceptible objects that help us reach our goals. In a social context, the fruits of our imagination, encapsulated in words, serve as pointers to value that we can share with others. The ability to offer pointers to a destination or specify a destination is a key function of consciousness, allowing us to build up a storehouse of value for trade with others. The predictive processing paradigm, which has influenced understanding of perception in recent years, also supports this idea that our perception is shaped by our expectations and goals.

    The world is a constantly evolving story we tell ourselves

    Our perception of the world is like a constantly evolving story we tell ourselves based on the information we take in. According to the predictive processing paradigm, we create simulations of experiences based on our predictions of what will happen next. This idea was discussed in relation to New Solution's perspective and Fristin's entropy theories on anxiety. Fristin pointed out that the complexity of our paths to our goals can increase with obstacles, leading to negative emotions, while progress towards our goals decreases entropy and leads to positive emotions. In essence, our perception of the world is a hallucination we create under the condition that it does not contradict the sensory data we take in. We are constantly telling stories to make sense of the world, and this phenomenon is more developed in humans than in other animals. The discussion also touched on the idea that our fears and anxieties can arise when there is not enough information to contradict our inner fantasies or expectations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding the role of storytelling and prediction in our perception of the world and our emotional experiences.

    Emotions and motivation are deeply connected and cannot be fully understood through rationalistic prediction models

    Emotions and motivation are deeply connected to our perception of the world and cannot be fully understood through rationalistic prediction models. Emotion, as discussed, is tied to entropy and is an integral part of the narrative frame. Motivation, on the other hand, sets a goal and calibrates emotions in relation to that aim. The prediction or expectation model of motivation lacks a place for emotions and motivational systems, which are fundamental to many stories and human experiences. The way we perceive things is also an emotional process, and we immediately respond to the whole image rather than analyzing it in detail. The prediction processing model, inspired by robot training, may appear intellectually detached, but all AI systems are goal-driven, making them capable of mimicking human cognition, including language. Overall, emotions and motivation are essential components of our perception and cannot be fully grasped through cold, cognitive prediction models.

    The importance of clear information and context

    The absence of clear information or context can lead to anxiety and hallucinations, as seen in examples like the "kayak anxiety" phenomenon in Greenland and the experiences of people in sensory deprivation tanks. This negativity bias, as discussed, is a fundamental aspect of human perception and survival. Another key idea is that symmetry breaking, or the introduction of a clear point or focus, can help reduce anxiety and provide a sense of orientation. This is similar to the way the asymmetry introduced by the sperm's movement towards the egg triggers the development of a frog embryo. Additionally, the concept of sin being derived from an archery term highlights the importance of having a clear target or goal in life, which can help alleviate existential anxiety.

    Ancient beliefs about missing the mark and anxiety

    The concept of missing the mark or sin, as depicted in ancient Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew languages, can be related to anxiety and the feeling of being overwhelmed by the vastness of our surroundings. This idea is reflected in various experiences, such as kayak anxiety or the behavior of the Israelites in the desert. Neurophysiologically, our brains process a limited amount of information at a time, and expanding our consciousness through means like psychedelics can lead to an increase in both positive and negative emotions. Modern civilization's obsession with predictability and control may contribute to a narrowed perspective, and engaging in activities that refresh our sensory input, like physical exercise, meditation, or psychedelic experiences, can help broaden our perspective and alleviate anxiety. Some researchers suggest that psychedelics induce a highly magnified stress response, which can lead to a more open mind and a deeper connection with the world.

    The risks of oversimplifying complex information

    The reduction of complex information into simpler forms, while advantageous, carries the risk of pointing in the wrong direction. This concept is illustrated in the Tower of Babel story, where the people's presumptuousness and misaligned values led to communication breakdown and meaninglessness. Similarly, in the context of psychedelic experiences, reducing the intensity of a misaligned point can lead to a transformative reorientation, but the danger lies in the vast array of potential directions that may arise. This discussion also touches upon the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to agriculture-based civilizations, highlighting the contrast between an open, adaptive perspective and a contracted, controlling one. Ultimately, it's essential to be mindful of the potential consequences of simplification and to consider the broader context in which it occurs.

    Agricultural Revolution and Loss of Natural Diversity

    The agricultural revolution led to a simplified and conceptualized view of the world, which in turn resulted in the loss of appreciation for the natural diversity and entropy that once existed. This compression of information into a linguistic matrix allowed for the creation of larger civilizations, but also resulted in the over-civilization and over-abstraction of food production. The modern trend towards serving only locally grown, seasonal wild foods in high-end restaurants represents a radical return to the natural world and a rediscovery of its richness and complexity. This shift not only offers unique flavors and textures, but also encourages a deeper connection to the natural world and a greater appreciation for its inherent value.

    The return of creativity in fine dining through discovering natural ingredients

    The focus on controlling and limiting our food sources to a few crops has led to a collapse in the creativity and richness of fine dining. However, there is a new trend emerging where chefs are returning to the wild and using their skills to discover and prepare edible plants and ingredients found in nature. This shift is not only a return to the abundance and diversity of the natural world, but also a reintroduction to the inherent beauty and complexity that comes with it. Similarly, in art and architecture, an over-reliance on efficiency and minimalism can lead to a lack of depth and meaning. Instead, a balance between chaos and order, or plenitude and pointedness, allows for the discovery of new and innovative directions.

    The balance between meaning and chaos

    The balance between meaning and chaos in our lives is crucial for a fulfilling existence. Meaning gives us focus and direction, but too much focus can limit our experiences and lead to boredom. Like a raindrop navigating a hillside, we need to allow for variability and adaptability in our pursuits to fully appreciate life's richness. In relationships, this balance is essential for growth and mutual understanding, but an excess of predictability can lead us to seek fulfillment elsewhere. By recognizing and embracing the importance of both meaning and chaos, we can optimize our personal and interpersonal growth.

    Embrace the complexity and depth in people

    People, no matter their background or apparent simplicity, hold a depth of complexity and interest that can be discovered through genuine attention and openness. This applies to all relationships, allowing the other person to fully be themselves and revealing the richness and wonder within them. This idea was emphasized through the speaker's personal experiences, including his relationship with his late wife, who underwent significant change after a brush with mortality. This shift in perspective highlights the importance of allowing for the imaginative plurality and transformative capacity present in all individuals, including children. As for how this insight was gained, the speaker admits that he doesn't have a definitive answer but suggests that it comes from a combination of personal experiences and a willingness to truly engage with others.

    Exploring the richness of our partners through monogamy and play

    Monogamy and faithfulness in relationships allow us to fully discover and appreciate the richness of our partners, rather than comparing them to others and confusing them with labels. Play, as identified by psychologist Yock Penksap, is the antithesis of tyranny and a crucial aspect of relationships, as it allows us to explore the multitude within ourselves and our partners in a voluntary and non-threatening way. By focusing on the present and embracing the plenitude of our experiences, we can optimize our relationships and live more fulfilling lives.

    Exploring love through role-playing and human connection

    The practice of role-playing and the ability to fully exchange and connect with others can be seen as an exercise in love and a counterpoint to evil, which is characterized by closing oneself off from others. This perspective is rooted in the belief that everything is relational and that human interaction is the source of surprise and interest. A related observation is that love and play seem to go hand in hand, as play can help clear obstacles and create a more open and receptive space for connection. This integrative view suggests that the ideal state lies between complete control and complete unpredictability, offering a balance that allows for meaningful human connection.

    Exploring the boundaries between predictability and unpredictability

    Exploring the boundaries between predictability and unpredictability, as seen in a play or in nature, can lead to rich and meaningful experiences. This idea is reflected in ancient agricultural practices, which encouraged experimentation on the fringes, rather than maintaining rigid boundaries. Similarly, consciousness research reminds us that people and things are more complex than the labels we assign to them, and reducing them to simplistic definitions can limit our understanding and appreciation of the world around us. The right hemisphere of the brain, which is associated with plenitude and complexity, can provide valuable insights into this idea. However, it's important to note that an overreliance on reductionism, as seen in some individuals with right hemisphere damage, can have negative ethical consequences. Overall, embracing the complexity and uncertainty of the world can lead to a deeper and more meaningful understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

    Narrowing perspective and imposing preconceptions can lead to totalitarian tendencies.

    The narrowing of perspective and the insistence on imposing one's own preconceptions onto reality can be allied with totalitarian tendencies. This idea is exemplified in various stories from ancient literature, such as the tale of Adam and Eve and Moses leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. While it's necessary to specify a direction in life, it becomes problematic when this direction is imposed rather than invited. Love, which is relational by nature, is antithetical to evil, and our fundamental mode of being in the world is also relational. This understanding comes from the covenantal idea in the biblical corpus, which emphasizes the importance of interaction and communication in our relationship with the world and others.

    Our perception of reality is shaped by interactions and relationships

    Reality and what emerges through our interactions and relationships are interconnected and inseparable. The speaker's exploration of quantum physics led him to understand that the world is relational and that unperformed experiments have no outcomes. This concept applies to our social relations and consciousness as well. Our perception of the world and others is shaped by our interactions and relationships, and what is real is shaped by our aims and intentions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of specifying our aims when dealing with others, especially when dealing with dangerous individuals, as the relationship between reality and our perception of it is far deeper than we dare to imagine. The speaker's personal experiences, including his clinical practice, support this idea that the way people reveal themselves to us is dependent on our aims and interactions with them.

    Communicating a purpose or goal in difficult situations

    When interacting with people in difficult situations, it's important to convey that you have a purpose or goal, rather than appearing as an intrusive or disinterested observer. This can help establish a more positive and respectful interaction. The speaker, Ash, emphasized the importance of this concept, drawing on the analogy of visiting someone versus intruding on their life. He also recommended the book "The User Illusion" by Tor Norretranders as a valuable resource for understanding the relationship between consciousness and perception. The speaker highly praised the book for its scientific grounding, accessibility, and original insights on the topic. Overall, the conversation touched on various aspects of consciousness and perception, and the recommendation of "The User Illusion" was a standout highlight.

    Recent Episodes from The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

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    Brett Cooper is a viral internet personality, content creator, and actress. She’s best known as the charismatic host of “The Comments Section with Brett Cooper” on YouTube, captivating over 4 million subscribers with her irresistibly irreverent opinions on current news and cultural phenomena. Brett’s rise to digital fame was meteoric, amassing 1 million followers within just six months of launching her show and surpassing 4 million within two years. She moved from Tennessee to Los Angeles at the age of 10 to pursue acting. After years of balancing homeschooling and a professional acting career, Brett honed her art of storytelling while studying English at UCLA. At just 20 years old, Brett returned to Tennessee to launch “The Comments Section with Brett Cooper” at The Daily Wire. Following the show’s rapid success, the rising star is returning to acting in the forthcoming DailyWire+ animated sitcom “Mr. Birchum” and the historical fantasy series “The Pendragon Cycle.” In a debut role, Brett will star as Snow White in “Snow White and the Evil Queen” in the first feature-length production for Bentkey, The Daily Wire’s children’s entertainment platform.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Brett Cooper:


    Brett Cooper on X https://twitter.com/imbrettcooper?lang=en


    Brett Cooper on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imbrettcooper/?hl=en


    The Comments Section With Brett Cooper on X https://twitter.com/CommentsSection


    The Comments Section With Brett Cooper on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@TheCommentsSection 

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    James Walker is a nuclear physicist and was the project lead and manager for constructing the new Rolls-Royce Nuclear Chemical Plant; he was the UK Subject Matter Expert for the UK Nuclear Material Recovery Capabilities and the technical project manager for constructing the UK reactor core manufacturing facilities. Walker’s professional engineering experience includes nuclear reactors, mines, submarines, chemical plants, factories, mine processing facilities, infrastructure, automotive machinery, and testing rigs. He has executive experience in several public companies, as well as acquiring and redeveloping the only fluorspar mine in the United States.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For James Walker:


    Nano Nuclear on X https://twitter.com/nano_nuclear


    Nano Nuclear (Website) https://nanonuclearenergy.com/


    Nano Nuclear on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/nano-nuclear-energy-inc/ 

    446. War, PTSD, & Psychedelics | Kelsi Sheren

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    Kelsi Sheren is CEO of Brass & Unity and author of “Brass and Unity, One Woman’s Journey Through the Hell of Afghanistan and Back.” Kelsi is a distinguished Canadian veteran, who served as a Gunner and Female Searcher during her deployment in Afghanistan. At Brass & Unity, Kelsi transforms bullet casings into jewelry, donating a portion of the profits to support veterans battling mental health issues. In addition to her work in the military, Kelsi is a champion in Taekwondo, and host of the Brass & Unity podcast.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Kelsi Sheren:


    On X https://twitter.com/KelsiBurns?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kelsie_sheren/?hl=en


    “Brass & Unity: One Woman’s Journey Through the Hell of Afghanistan and Back” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Brass-Unity-Journey-Through-Afghanistan/dp/1637588917


    Brass & Unity Podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWCy2PRfqQZraiSCocX4Gyw


    Brass & Unity Website https://brassandunity.com/ 

    444. The Collective Unconscious, Christ, and the Covenant | Russell Brand

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    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with actor and podcaster Russell Brand. They discuss the language of symbols, the collective unconscious, the evolution of theology, and why so many public intellectuals are coming back to Christ.


    Russell Brand is an English comedian, actor, podcaster, and commentator. He first established himself as a stand up comedian and radio host before becoming a film actor. He presented for MTV UK and made appearances across media and TV throughout the 2000’s. In 2008, he leapt from British to U.S. film acting, appearing in the hit film “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” followed by numerous international successes. In 2013, Brand guest-edited an edition of the weekly publication the New Statesman, launching his interest and later career as a political activist and commentator. His current podcast, Stay Free, sees Brand calling out major news, governments, and corporations for affronts to free speech, expression, spirituality, and thought.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Russell Brand:


    Stay Free on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/russellbrand


    Stay Free on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@RussellBrand


    On X https://twitter.com/rustyrockets 

    443. The Brutal Reality of the Middle East | Mosab Hassan Yousef

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    Mosab Hassan Yousef (born in 1978) is a Palestinian ex-militant who defected to Israel in 1997 where he worked as an undercover agent for the Shin Bet until he moved to the United States in 2007. Yousef was considered the Shin Bet's most reliable source in the Hamas leadership, earning himself the nickname "The Green Prince.” The intelligence he supplied to Israel led to the exposure of many Hamas cells, as well as the prevention of dozens of suicide bombings and assassination attempts on Jews. Yousef's father is Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a co-founder of Hamas.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Mosab Hassan Yousef:


    On X https://twitter.com/MosabHasanYOSEF?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    “Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices” (book) https://www.amazon.com/Son-of-Hamas-Mosab-Hassan-Yousef-audiobook/dp/B006PJC4H2/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=PheAV&content-id=amzn1.sym.cf86ec3a-68a6-43e9-8115-04171136930a&pf_rd_p=cf86ec3a-68a6-43e9-8115-04171136930a&pf_rd_r=138-3764402-1287437&pd_rd_wg=fLHUm&pd_rd_r=8445617a-f7bd-45ef-bcff-98e77e6b26f5&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk 

    442. BILL C-63 - Everything You Need to Know | Bruce Pardy & Konstantin Kisin

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    Bruce Pardy is executive director of Rights Probe, a law and liberty thinktank, and professor of law at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He is a lawyer, academic, columnist, and outspoken critic of the illiberal managerial state, fighting at the front lines of the culture war inside the law. Bruce writes for the National Post, Epoch Times, and the Brownstone Institute, among others, and serves as senior fellow at the Fraser Institute, the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. He has taught at law schools in Canada, the United States and New Zealand, practiced civil litigation in Toronto, and served as adjudicator and mediator on the Ontario Environmental Tribunal. The legal ground, Bruce has written, is shifting beneath our feet. The individual is losing to the collective. An ever-expanding bureaucracy regulates life from cradle to grave, including private behavior and speech, in the name of common good. The law has become discretionary, arbitrary, and unequal. The end of Western liberal civilization, as we have known it, is conceivable.

    Konstantin Kisin is a Russian-British satirist, social commentator, and co-host of the TRIGGERnometry Youtube show. He is also the author of “An Immigrant's Love Letter to the West,” a Sunday Times bestseller. He has written for several publications, including Quillette, The Spectator, The Daily Telegraph, and Standpoint, on issues relating to tech censorship, woke culture, comedy, and other topics, but he currently publishes articles on his popular Substack. Kisin made headlines in 2018 when he refused to sign a "safe space contract" to perform comedy at a British college and again in 2023 when he participated in an Oxford Union debate on the motion of "This House Believes Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far." His speech at the debate received viral attention and has been seen by over 100 million people around the world.



    - Links -

    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events   

    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  


    For Bruce Pardy:

    On X https://twitter.com/pardybruce?lang=en

    Rights Probe: https://www.rightsprobe.org/

    For Konstantin Kisin:

    TRIGGERnometry Podcast    / @triggerpod  

    Substack https://konstantinkisin.substack.com/

    Twitter https://twitter.com/KonstantinKisin?r...

    441. TBD | Tor Nørretranders

    441. TBD | Tor Nørretranders

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author and speaker Tor Nørretranders. They discuss the entropy of emotion, the nature of pointlessness, the over-civilization of societal structures, how relationships shape perception, and why play might be the antithesis to tyranny.


    Tor Nørretranders is an independent author, thinker and speaker based in Denmark, serving an international audience. He has published over 30 books on topics ranging from society to human consciousness.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Tor Nørretranders:


    The User Illusion:



    The Generous Man:



    Wild food and agriculture:





    Website https://www.tor.dk/


    Article “We Are Waking Up” : https://www.tor.dk/2019/05/06/we-are-waking-up/


    440. Looking Back on the Campaign, and Forward for the Country | Vivek Ramaswamy

    440. Looking Back on the Campaign, and Forward for the Country | Vivek Ramaswamy

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with 2024 presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy to discuss the recent suspension of his campaign, how he fought the traditional media’s best advances against him, who he is endorsing now, and the American values he seeks to defend going forward.


    Vivek Ramaswamy is an entrepreneur, author, and political activist. Vivek has been making headlines since announcing his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, running on a platform in part to dismantle the expansive and corrupt bureaucracy that has seeped into nearly all facets of American government. Prior to this, Ramaswamy was the founder and CEO of the biopharmaceutical company Roivant Sciences. Leaving in 2021, he published “Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam.” In 2022, he co-founded Strive Asset Management with Anson Frericks, which focuses on an alternative to the now-pushed ESG investment framework. That same year Ramaswamy published “Nation of Victims: Identity Politics, the Death of Merit, and the Path Back to Excellence”

    and has since been deemed one of the “Intellectual Godfathers of the anti-woke movement.”



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Vivek Ramaswamy:


    On X https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@vivek-2024 

    439. Microplastics, Global Greening, & the Dangers of Radical Alarmism | Dr. Patrick Moore

    439. Microplastics, Global Greening, & the Dangers of Radical Alarmism | Dr. Patrick Moore

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with industry consultant, science activist, and past president of Greenpeace Canada (1971 to 1986), Dr. Patrick Moore. They discuss his time in Greenpeace, the historic timeline of global ice ages and climate change, the clear lies being peddled to promote alarmism, and how the woke left manipulates science (and scientists) to promote a falsely perceived and politically incentivized future catastrophe.


    Dr. Patrick Moore has been a leader in the international environmental field for more than 45 years. He is a co-founder of Greenpeace and served for nine years as President of Greenpeace Canada and seven years as a Director of Greenpeace International. As the leader of many campaigns Dr. Moore was a driving force shaping policy and direction for 15 years while Greenpeace became the world's largest environmental activist organization.


    In recent years, Dr. Moore has been focused on the promotion of sustainability and consensus building among competing concerns. He was a member of the British Columbia government-appointed Round Table on the Environment and Economy from 1990 - 1994. In 1990, Dr. Moore founded and chaired the BC Carbon Project, a group that worked to develop a common understanding of climate change.


    In 2021 Dr. Moore published "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom" exposing the fake news and fake science around 11 claims of disaster including climate change, coral reefs, polar bears, plastic, nuclear energy, and more.



    - Links -


    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


    Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com/  



    For Dr. Patrick Moore:


    On X https://twitter.com/ecosensenow?lang=en


    “Fake Invisible Catastrophes And Threats of Doom” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Fake-Invisible-Catastrophes-Threats-Doom-ebook/dp/B08T6FFY6S/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=fake+invisible+catastrophe&qid=1612915229&s=digital-text&sr=1-1