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    suebiquitous podcast

    Explore "suebiquitous podcast" with insightful episodes like "172. A Couch to Kitchen Special with the Duffields", "171. Unnoticed", "170. Scattered, Covered and Smothered", "169. Being Quirky Can Be An Advantage" and "166. Bending the Rules A Bit" from podcasts like ""Suebiquitous Podcast", "Suebiquitous Podcast", "Suebiquitous Podcast", "Suebiquitous Podcast" and "Suebiquitous Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (44)

    172. A Couch to Kitchen Special with the Duffields

    172. A Couch to Kitchen Special with the Duffields

    It's not often the Duffields coincide their "Couch to Kitchen" LIVE videos with the Suebiquitous Podcast, but today's one of those special days! This edition is from their most recent Facebook LIVE and YouTube LIVE broadcast, featuring a Great American Standard, an 80s Pop tune, and a few hymns and gospel songs. It's what they do! And for those who haven't had the chance to catch them LIVE online on Thursday nights, here's your chance to enjoy the audio version of serendipity in their unrehearsed, unedited way! And it's just in time for "Spring Forward" weekend!





    171. Unnoticed

    171. Unnoticed

    If you've ever felt unnoticed, invisible or insignificant, then the news of the Samaritan woman that Jesus empowered, will give you all you need. People like her were thought outcasts and even inferior, but so were many who were attracted to Jesus anyway. Do you even feel the gratification of honor? Many don't. This episode is a glance at the true possibility that this Samaritan woman, disregarded as nothing, could have very well been the first evangelist - telling others of "the man who told me everything I've ever done." There is no "one size fits all" in the Kingdom. Praise God for the indivduality He gives us.


    170. Scattered, Covered and Smothered

    170. Scattered, Covered and Smothered

    Sue Duffield's experience with Waffle House is such a fun and meaningful encounter - almost like church! Are you "scattered, covered and smothered?" The thought here is, she surely hopes you are!

    When we ask God to forgive us, His forgiveness comes not because we say, “I will do better”, but only on the basis of what Jesus did on the cross. No matter how awful we've been, the blood of Jesus is ENOUGH to cleanse, purify and save you...kind of like scattering your sin, covering your heart and smothering you with His goodness! God, the Father sent Jesus to suffer, bleed and die so that He can forgive you. Wow! Take a few minutes to bask in the Light of that statement..


    169. Being Quirky Can Be An Advantage

    169. Being Quirky Can Be An Advantage

    How to be quirky - well, just be yourself with a little twist. Jeff and Sue Duffield know their quirkiness, and actually thrive in it! Quirky people are described as being unusual in a likable and endearing way. To give off a more quirky vibe, you may need to change the way you think, dress, and act. The main thing to keep in mind is to always be yourself and to enjoy things that you genuinely like, even if they're not well understood. If you embrace the things that make you different and start thinking more creatively, you can be quirky! 

    Exactly. And there are even examples in the bible of people who were quirky! It really is OK to stand out and be yourself, no matter what!


    166. Bending the Rules A Bit

    166. Bending the Rules A Bit

    The blessing and critically acclaimed story of the "daughter of Abraham" found in Luke chapter 13, is best described as the "bent over woman." Sue Duffield has shared this story with thousands of women with the power of God's word through Luke, giving women hope for their own divine healing. We just have to listen to HIS voice.


    163. The Greater Good

    163. The Greater Good

    When God promises that we will lack no good thing, He means we will lack nothing that would bring us more of God. We will have absolutely everything that will bring us more of God. But disappointment is rampid right now, even among believers and leaders within the church. It's as if we've given ourselves permission to "assume" that everything WILL go our way, if we do everything right. But that's not always the case.

    This episode with host, Sue Duffield, shares how the feelings of inadequacy and disappointment is one of the enemy's greatest tools to keep you from doing God’s will. We surely don’t have to complicate it any more. Do the work of the Father; be diligent in learning and reading and rubbing shoulders with the ones who champion you, and realize that disappointment was never in God’s plan for you. Be ready for the greater good.



    159. Pre Approval is Everything!

    159. Pre Approval is Everything!
    A pre-approval before purchasing a home will give you an idea of the loan amount that you can afford. It's necessary to get a mortgage pre-approval prior to selecting or even thinking about a particular property.
    SO, ask host Sue Duffield, how she knows all this, and she'll tell you - it’s been one intense experience after another. The details of purchasing a home, in this economy, let alone being self-employed, is the challenge. Then, as proven just the other day, there are some debts that need to be paid before all this show-down can happen. And the irony is, some of the debt that was created, which isn’t collassal, has different account numbers, which when getting online to confirm your accounts, some of the numbers don’t match up with the lender's numbers stated in the requirements! 
    Talk about details! It’s a real test of faith with all this. But when proven to stay thankful and grateful throughout the entire process, with gratitude towards the banks, the underwriters and the lenders to all stay in sync until closing day, well let's just say - boy howdie - that’ll preach!
    God wants to be intimately involved in your life. Every detail, till that official "Closing Day!"

    158. A Barrel Of Monkeys

    158. A Barrel Of Monkeys

    Sometimes God gives us a barrel of obnoxious, tricky and annoying monkeys. He watches what we do with them. This barrel could be a tough marriage, raising a difficult toddler, a stress producing job, terminal sickness, addictions, or physical or mental illnesses. There are a lot of assorted barrels out there, and that's no easy game.

    Sue Duffield's mother was the master "Barrel of Monkeys" toy game winner! She’d kill it, with her precision and ease of scooping up the monkeys one by one, saying, “Don’t ever let a monkey drop; keep your eyes on the very last monkey - watching to grip the next one, and so on…” she’d say. 

    The comical yet sincere challenge in this episode is to come out of the chaos and into God's order who spoke the world into existence. Find rest in Him from the anxieties and stresses and throw out the weight that those aggrivating barrel of monkeys produce!


    156. The Tempe Brown Story

    156. The Tempe Brown Story

    A jazz singer, entertainer, writer and artist discovers the lordship of Jesus as a result of reading a hotel-placed Gideon Bible and it literally changes her world within an instant. This is just the beginning of an extraordinary life and career when God uses a vessel like Tempe Brown. 

    Host, Sue Duffield has known Tempe for well over forty years and she'll quickly tell you - Tempe's influence and inspiration has had a major impact on her own speaking and singing. This episode is such a fun and interactive dialogue between two Holy Spirit-driven women who know no obstacle in sharing Jesus. Tempe has authored several books and recorded studio albums, while also a regional speaker/trainer for Stonecroft Ministries (www.stonecroft.org), guiding women to live out their extraordinary purpose and calling. 






    155. Just Talk It Out

    155. Just Talk It Out
    1. How to talk to people who don't think like you.
    2. How to love people who don't think like you.
    3. How to engage in conversation without making it about YOU...

    These are the "how to's" that are most needed in today's culture. Sue Duffield gathers talking points for being a better listener and not just someone who has to get their opinions heard. What would happen if you took this summer to spend time with those who don't look like you, act like you or believe like you? 

    Go ahead - just talk it out, and see what happens. The greatest gift we can give each other is to just listen, and listen long, and then maybe, when the time comes, talk it out.

    Words are the only real force of either connection or disconnection that we have. And THE WORD, the word of God - is a power that supersedes any words that we may have.

    “Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15b-16a)



    154. I'm A Misfit

    154. I'm A Misfit

    Do you ever feel like you just don't fit in sometimes? Join the crowd. Many that Sue Duffield has either interviewed or casually started conversations with, seem to say, "At times, I just don't feel like I fit in, kinda like I'm a misfit or something!"

    Join a candid and honest episode on why being a "misfit" isn't such a bad thing. Feeling maybe a tad out of step with the status quo of those around you? Feeling isolated, even lonely—like you're a square peg trying futilely to fit into a round hole? Well it's not surprising especially when outright-people-oriented extroverts seem to be more capable of fitting in with almost anybody (you know, the pretty people, the driven, the successful; the ones who get the most attention..). But at an event Sue Duffield attended, she watched how all were accepted; all were greeted kindly; all were deeply respected and all, no matter their looks, attire, their ability to communicate or respond and react socially, experienced a complete safe zone for any of us who call themselves misfits. 


    152. The Psalms Will Calm

    152. The Psalms Will Calm

    Here's an episode with notes for this year’s "Ladies Only Retreat" in Twin Pines, PA. It's a study in the book of Psalms, highlighting each session with definitive passages of prophecies while dissecting each line and phrase. Sue Duffield takes a good look and lesson on what it means to pray the psalms. And as a project, she teaches women to re-write a psalm or two, in their own words, with their own sentiments and language. It's a significantly spiritual process to unfold some of the “not-so-popular” psalms by discovering how they apply to each one of us in the current world we live.

    Who wrote the Psalms? And where is Jesus in all of it? Good questions to ask, and especially a good reason to discover how deeply woven the Son of God is IN the entire book. What does it mean, "He restores my soul"? Well, let's find out as we take on this journey online during this episode. The Psalms will calm.


    151. Influencer OR Influenza?

    151. Influencer OR Influenza?

    Influencers often inspire or guide the actions of others by posting about something (such as a consumer product or service) that they use or endorse based on brand partnerships. And today's episode is a sure shot response to Sue Duffield's recent "Effector" award of Top Influencer, but what she initially read was "Influenza!"

    The most all-inclusive definition of an influencer is a person who has the ability to influence others. So, a politician making a speech, a business expert leading a seminar, and a celebrity endorsing a product are all technically influencers, and yes even pastors, singers and keynote speakers.

    An infectious personality, like Sue, may know a lot, but an individual still needs the ability to advocate, sell and drum up enthusiasm. Influencers normally have high engagement rates with their audience (in person or on-line), taking on a hands-on approach with their people, showing great care, and always looking to serve their needs to better understand them.

    So, just how important is it to be an effective influencer for the Kingdom's sake? Everything. Let Jesus shine SO much in your life that you're infectious and that you get reports of your influence - from all generations.


    149. Bend My Heart

    149. Bend My Heart

    How in the world could that heavy metal door just bend and mold itself around the stationary telephone pole with amazing ease? This question answered, plus a whole lot of levity and spiritual honesty, comes at the expense of a crazy car mishap and that telephone pole. That not-so-euphoric experience was a conversation piece for some time until Jeff Duffield, Sue's husband, had his own "come-to-Jesus-meeting" with a vehicle and a container pole at an ice cream stand. But that's another story...

    One of Sue's favorite song's lyric says, "Move me with Your message once again, and bend my heart once more around the tree..." (written by Brandt Gillespie)

    (Bend my heart once more around the tree? What could that mean?) 
    Here's a few interpretations, talked about on this episode:

     1. Mold my heart around the cross, the stationary immovable depiction of a painful, gruesome method of execution? How strange..

    2. Take my most prized life-sustaining organ and exchange it for God's act of love in Christ's sacrifice? How weird is that??

    3. Better yet, live each day with a "cross" impression on my heart, much like a piece of metal bending around a telephone pole?? Sounds somewhat foolish..

    Sue Duffield believes it makes perfect sense to those who, for the Kingdom's sake, desire hearts that are bent over backwards, forwards, sideways or whatever it takes, to make a "God impression" in this world.

    For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”
    1 Corinthians 1:18-19


    148. Overcoming Compassion Fatigue with Dr. Don Lichi

    148. Overcoming Compassion Fatigue with Dr. Don Lichi

    Sue Duffield's guest, Donald A. Lichi, PhD is a licensed psychologist, serving as Vice President of Emerge Counseling Ministries in Akron, OH. Don gives such great wisdom when it comes to listening, serving and even recovering from compassion fatigue. This epsiode was recorded soon after the news of the Covenant School shooting and  devastation here in Nashville, so his heart is both tender, compassionate and hopeful for those familes who will forever be in a stage of recovery and healing. 

    Throughout his career, Dr. Lichi has taught as adjunct professor with Trinity International University (IL), the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS), the Asia Theological Center (Singapore), and All Nations Theological Seminary (Malawi, Africa). He also taught for six years in the graduate school at the University of Akron. He was in private practice for over five years, taught school, and directed a school-based counseling program for six years. While in the United States Air Force, he served for three years in Italy and three years in Alaska. He has been a speaker at numerous conferences and workshops on pastoral health, Christian education, parenting, marriage, and family issues. He has published several articles on Christian mental health, and is the co-author of the book, Broken Windows of the Soul (Moody Press).

    Recent ministry has taken him to India, Brazil, Thailand, Ecuador, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Romania, China, Malaysia, Russia, Hungary, Nicaragua, and Singapore. Currently, he serves on the pastoral teaching team of the Akron Chinese Christian Church and the board of Emmanuel Christian Academy, which ministers to “at risk” children in the inner city of Akron, OH.

    Best of all, he is married to Marcie and they have three adult children and eight grandchildren.




    147. Whatcha Cookin'?

    147. Whatcha Cookin'?

    Sheep don't eat fish, that we're aware of. But "Feed My Sheep", makes one wonder - what DO they eat, and what does that mean from a scriptural context?

    This narrative of an episode starts with the disciples of Jesus having another encounter with the risen Lord. This time He breaks into their everyday world and turns it upside down. They realize that they can't even go fishing without the help of the Lord. Jesus, now, the RISEN Lord, says something that will forever change how we view life on the other side of the cross. He says to Peter, “Feed my sheep.”

    Everything changes. Peter knows there's no going back. He'll never be able to "fish" in the same way again.

    Then enter "The Waffle House", and how a modern day approach to hearing the voice of God can even happen in a favorite fastfood breakfast spot!

    When we choose to dwell on God’s light and truth, our souls can overflow with the comfort of being guided by God (see Psalm 43:3). Talk about a FEAST! When we choose to live close to God’s heart, we overflow with delight and joy (see verse 4). So, “Whatcha Cookin now??” If you are submerged in pain, sorrow, despair or confusion, maybe you need to give your soul a good talking to.



    146. Find My

    146. Find My

    The app, "Find My", takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to finding God. You'll enjoy this episode as Sue Duffield reveals how her Find My app saved her iPad. But what would happen if we had a "Find My God" app? Would we find God in our hearts? Good question.

    Discover five ways to recognize or discover God’s purpose for your life and why you should know about them so you can fulfill the purpose for which you were created. So, simply, let’s just say we’ll activate the “Find MY GOD” feature in your heart and brain today with this episode! The better we know the will of God, the more likely we’ll find God’s given purpose for our life.



    142. I Presume You Already Know This

    142. I Presume You Already Know This

    With both levity and concern, this episode features the overwhelming ability we all have with presumption. Host, Sue Duffield shares "Tips to Remember Before Jumping to Conclusions."

    1. Sometimes it is easy for tempers to flare in traffic. When something happens that catches you off guard, take a deep breath and collect your thoughts. Remember you are God’s child and want to be a good witness, even on the road.
    2. Take 1 Corinthians 13 to heart, and remember that love:
    * Is not arrogant or rude.
    * Does not insist on its own way.
    * Is not irritable or resentful.
    3. Remember that love also believes the best about others. Don’t assume if someone makes you upset that they deliberately set out to do so.

     “Don’t jump to conclusions – there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw.” – Proverbs 25:8, MSG 

    From Charles Swindoll to Justin Beiber to Janel in that Grand Rapids Coffee Shop, this episode is packed full of biblical wisdom and insight as to why we continue to "assume" or "presume". The Suebiquitous Podcast is an extreme and honest step of faith in a virtual fake world. Anyone, at any time, can grab a microphone, load up an episode on the internet and call it a “faith podcast” when indeed they're living an alternative lifestyle, not even coherent with their own words. But Sue's hope and joy is to grow with you every single time we meet, and challenge you to take a grip of the gospel like never before. Make Jesus the Big Deal He is.

    Thank you in advance for giving and sharing this podcast on your social media sites. www.sueduffield.com is the place to stay in touch, and since you now know Sue's heart even more, Jesus really loves you, and "I presume you already know this…"

    140. Drift Ye Not

    140. Drift Ye Not

    If you can picture Sue Duffield in a kayak adrift in the middle of a lake without a paddle, then that memory and depiction could coincide with a spiritual revelation that, quite frankly, is evident of many ministries, non-profits and Christian leaders today. Adrift. They've either lost their paddle or their anchor. This episode gives fair warning to those who have forsaken their original calling. There's reasons why some believers literally just drift away. But there's also a biblically prophetic reason too, that in the end times - some will just fall away. Be encouraged and be strengthened by not letting your missional calling drift. 

    Also mentioned on this episode is the book, "Mission Drift - The Unspoken Crisis Facing Leaders, Charities and Churches", written by Peter Greer and Chris Horst, available on Amazon. This is a useful book for key leaders in churches, pastors, nonprofit agencies, and social service agencies. "Drift Ye Not!"


    138. Hope You Have UNStar!

    138. Hope You Have UNStar!

    While taking a trip in a rental car, Sue accidentally pressed the "OnStar" button several times. She was eventually reprimanded by one of the OnStar associates, saying, "Ma'am, don't do that; do you think you're a superstar or something?"

    From that experience came this episode, "How to be an UNStar". Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis, Jr's super hit, "You Don't Have to be A Star" is the setting of this post. What a super explanation of what it takes to really be a star in the Kingdom of God. For the performer who just can’t wait to be noticed, Jesus strongly urges (much like the lyrics to the song) to come as we are. He takes us in. We’re rejected, hurt, filled with jealousy, envy, and even succumbing to the comparison factor. But to HIM, we’re worth what we have within. No where is it stated in this pop hit, “You’re worth what you have because of what is on the outside.” So why do we work so hard on everything exterior, yet leave our insides deplete of maturity and spiritual hunger? BTW, spiritual hunger is a good thing.. Check what's inside your heart.

    Have fun with this one. And take a quick look at how you represent Jesus. He's the only true star.
