
    performance anxiety

    Explore "performance anxiety" with insightful episodes like "What keeps you small as a performer?", "Ep. 39: "Good Sex" and Performance Anxiety with Caitlyn V.", "Dr Raymond Prior on How Your Brain Works and Developing a Mindset for Success", "THIS MONTH IS A GOOD MONTH TO REFLECT OVER JANAURY" and "Where to put the Effort in Your Performing" from podcasts like ""The Courageous Performer", "Head South Radio", "On the Mark Golf Podcast", "TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO" and "The Courageous Performer"" and more!

    Episodes (39)

    What keeps you small as a performer?

    What keeps you small as a performer?

    The main things that keep you small as a performer are Doubt, Fear, Imposter Syndrome, Comparitonitis, Perfectionism and Procrastination.

    These all lead back to one cause and when you understand that, you can start to make some simple choices that will change how you perform and allow you to step into feeling confident.

    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5

    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk
    or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook at

    Instagram at

    Ep. 39: "Good Sex" and Performance Anxiety with Caitlyn V.

    Ep. 39: "Good Sex" and Performance Anxiety with Caitlyn V.

    This week we talk to Caitlyn V., a certified sex and relationship coach and the host of the show Good Sex, now streaming on Discovery+ and Hbo Max.

    With a background in sexual health research, Caitlyn has coached thousands, reached millions via YouTube, and even earned internet fame for her groundbreaking approach to performance anxiety.

    In this episode, we discuss the following:

    • Caitlyn’s journey as a sex coach 
    • Erectile dysfunction
    • Premature or delayed ejaculation
    • Common misconceptions about performance anxiety
    • Couples dealing with performance anxiety
    • Caitlyn’s show ‘Good Sex’

    You can find Caitlin here: @caitlinvictoriousx | Youtube www.youtube.com/caitlinv |



    Dr Raymond Prior on How Your Brain Works and Developing a Mindset for Success

    Dr Raymond Prior on How Your Brain Works and Developing a Mindset for Success

    Dr. Raymond Prior is a Performance Psychologist and is widely regarded by the world's best performers as one of the best minds in the field. His clients include Major Champions, World Champions, Olympic Gold Medalists, Award-winning Coaches and numerous NCAA Champions and All-Americans. He also consults to  Grammy Award winners, Oscar winners, Tony and Emmy Award winners.

    Dr. Prior joins Mark Immelman to discuss his book - "Golf Beneath the Surface" and to illustrate how the brain works and how you can train your mindset to re-wire your brain.

    As Dr. Prior takes you on a whistle-stop tour through the contents of the book, and his area of expertise, he elaborates on the following topics that will help you stack the proverbial mental odds in your favor:

    • The Old Brain vs The New Brain
    • Composure Under Pressure
    • Resilience to Adversity
    • High Performance Habits
    • Performance Disruptors, and 
    • Changing the Brain by Training the Mind

    He also talks about the Mindset for Success and Impulse Control, Understanding Risk and dealing with Anxiety, and Dopamine and its influence on behavior.

    This podcast is also available as a vodcast.  Search and subscribe to Mark Immelman.



    Behind the scenes of my international athlete's life on my way to Paris 2024, and mindset tips I use while facing personal challenges. What you’ll find in this month’s episode:

    00.00 to 04.42 : introduction
    04.42 to 17.54 : topic 1 on : What is one way to become a better leader in a team even if you’re not the captain ?
    17.54 to 33.14 : topic 2 on : Performance Anxiety: How much « remembering to have fun » is an important approach to increase your performance level ?
    33.14 to 42.08 : topic 3 : Undereated opinion : practice giving yourself grace after making a mistake.
    42.08 to 43.09 : final 3 inner work questions
    43.09 to the end : outro

    Where to put the Effort in Your Performing

    Where to put the Effort in Your Performing

    How much effort do you put into your performing? The trouble with effort is that, put in the wrong place, it creates tension and distraction, making things harder not easier.

    Effort put in the wrong place turns into efforting. Effort put in the right places creates ease.

    This episode is all about the right and the wrong sort of effort.

    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5

    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk
    or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook at

    Instagram at

    Stop Feeling Like an Imposter!

    Stop Feeling Like an Imposter!

    Most people now understand the concept of Imposter Syndrome - that feeling when you think you are going to be found out as a fraud. That you shouldn't be where you are, or be doing what you are doing because you are not good enough.

    Where does it come from and what's the reason it seems to be so universal. That's what I'm exploring in this episode, so you can finally let go and realise you aren't an imposter and get out there and perform!


    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5

    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk
    or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook at

    Instagram at

    Understanding Fear in Performing

    Understanding Fear in Performing

    There are three things about performance fear that, if you understand them, can really help you let go.

    This episode/video sets out what they are, so you can feel more empowered and less ashamed, and finally believe there is a route to letting go of your fears and worries.

    I hope you enjoy!

    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5

    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk
    or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook at

    Instagram at

    Finding Joy in Your Performing

    Finding Joy in Your Performing

    How would it feel to really enjoy your performing? This episode is all about how you can change the way you perform so you enjoy it more, and do it better!

    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact:


    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook at @findyourtruevoice.co.uk

    Instagram at @findyourtruevoiceuk

    How to Perform with Freedom

    How to Perform with Freedom

    One of the most comment things that performers talk to me about is wanting to let go and perform with freedom. Whether you are a public speaker, a singer, an actor or any other sort of performer, you probably understand that letting go and leaning into the performance is the best way to achieve great things.

    But how do you achieve this and why is it so hard at times?!

    This episode digs into this and shows you what it takes to let go.





    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me. 

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5

    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk or you can connect with me on: Facebook at @findyourtruevoice.co.uk Instagram at @findyourtruevoiceuk

    Using Choice as a Performer

    Using Choice as a Performer

    Performers often think that the way to feel ok performing and to get rid of their nerves is to take control. To control every aspect of their performance but this not only isn't possible, it's also not helpful and actually the attempt to get control makes the nerves worse. Instead you can use choice. In this episode I explain how you can use the power of choice to improve your performing, and how this empowers you to get better and better, whereas the search for control makes your performances get worse and worse.


    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5

    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk  or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook at:


    Instagram at:


    How to Set Goals

    How to Set Goals

    Goal setting is so important for making changes in your life, but you know that. What goals you choose to set are really important because of the way they can make you feel. Some goals energise and some goals will actually block your achievements rather than help you.

    Setting Goals for 2024

    This episode sets out how to choose goals that inspire you rather than weigh you down.


    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5

    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook at @findyourtruevoice.co.uk

    Instagram at @findyourtruevoiceuk

    Improving self-confidence in performing

    Improving self-confidence in performing

    What is the biggest thing that gets between you are your best performance?

    Your relationship with yourself.

    Not only does it impact how you feel when you perform, it determines how you process feedback and implement it. Whether you can accept compliments and rationally assess and process negative feedback.

    Changing the way you relate to yourself can change everything. Using a particular type of self-compassion can not only help you feel better about yourself, but can actually help you learn more, process feedback more effectively and perform better.

    Listen to the episod to find out more about it and how it works.


    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.


    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5


    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook at @findyourtruevoice.co.uk I

    nstagram at @findyourtruevoiceuk

    The biggest running mistakes from our expert coaching team

    The biggest running mistakes from our expert coaching team

    It takes a lot of hard work and talent to become a professional runner or coach but even the best of us make mistakes. In this episode, our expert team from RunnersConnect are sharing their biggest running mistakes so you can learn to avoid making the same ones.

    Training for a big goal can be overwhelming but RunnersConnect is built on the idea of community and of bringing runners together to learn from each other to progress as athletes. We’ve all had bad workouts or messed up fuelling in a race or long run. Our coaches are no exception, so as they share their own biggest training mistakes we hope you’ll learn lots while maybe even getting a laugh or two.

    I’m excited to hear from the RC team so with that I’ll hand it off to Cory to introduce our panel for the day.

    Connect, Comment, Community

    This week’s show brought to you by:

    Dri Seats

    If you’re tired of sweaty, smelly and stained seats after your runs then you have to check out the car seat covers made specifically for runners from driseats.

    DriSeats waterproof seat covers are designed specifically for runners. Unlike towels, they are 100% waterproof and easily fit over your entire seat so you don’t have any missed spots.

    Plus, they are super easy to slide over your seat so it’s ready in seconds and they are machine washable so they are easy to clean and be ready for your next run.

    You can head to driseats.com and use code RC20 to get 20% off first order


    Lagoon specializes in making pillows designed specifically for runners and athletes to help them optimize their sleep and recovery.

    Their sleep quiz pairs you with the perfect pillow for you based on sleep position, body size and more.

    And the data on sleep improvement isn’t only from research papers. Using her whoop device, US Olympic Trials marathon qualifier Caitlin Keen saw her deep, restorative sleep increase by 52 minutes when she switched to a Lagoon pillow.  

    If you want to see the dramatic affect a pillow designed just for you can be, head to lagoonsleep.com/top 

    Then take their awesome 2 minute sleep quiz that matches you with the Lagoon pillow that’s perfect for you. Plus, if you use the code TOP at checkout, you’ll also save 15% off your purchase. 

    The biggest running mistakes from our expert coaching team

    The biggest running mistakes from our expert coaching team

    It takes a lot of hard work and talent to become a professional runner or coach but even the best of us make mistakes. In this episode, our expert team from RunnersConnect are sharing their biggest running mistakes so you can learn to avoid making the same ones.

    Training for a big goal can be overwhelming but RunnersConnect is built on the idea of community and of bringing runners together to learn from each other to progress as athletes. We’ve all had bad workouts or messed up fuelling in a race or long run. Our coaches are no exception, so as they share their own biggest training mistakes we hope you’ll learn lots while maybe even getting a laugh or two.

    I’m excited to hear from the RC team so with that I’ll hand it off to Cory to introduce our panel for the day.

    Connect, Comment, Community

    This week’s show brought to you by:

    Dri Seats

    If you’re tired of sweaty, smelly and stained seats after your runs then you have to check out the car seat covers made specifically for runners from driseats.

    DriSeats waterproof seat covers are designed specifically for runners. Unlike towels, they are 100% waterproof and easily fit over your entire seat so you don’t have any missed spots.

    Plus, they are super easy to slide over your seat so it’s ready in seconds and they are machine washable so they are easy to clean and be ready for your next run.

    You can head to driseats.com and use code RC20 to get 20% off first order


    Lagoon specializes in making pillows designed specifically for runners and athletes to help them optimize their sleep and recovery.

    Their sleep quiz pairs you with the perfect pillow for you based on sleep position, body size and more.

    And the data on sleep improvement isn’t only from research papers. Using her whoop device, US Olympic Trials marathon qualifier Caitlin Keen saw her deep, restorative sleep increase by 52 minutes when she switched to a Lagoon pillow.  

    If you want to see the dramatic affect a pillow designed just for you can be, head to lagoonsleep.com/top 

    Then take their awesome 2 minute sleep quiz that matches you with the Lagoon pillow that’s perfect for you. Plus, if you use the code TOP at checkout, you’ll also save 15% off your purchase. 

    Building Self Worth as a Performer

    Building Self Worth as a Performer

    How you feel about yourself as a performer, and how much worth you give yourself can really impact the way you perform. You might want to be confident but be afraid of being too confident so you appear arrogant. Where is the balance?

    This episode is all about finding that authentic self-worth that enables you go go out and perform with confidence.


    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.


    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5

    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook at @findyourtruevoice.co.uk

    Instagram at @findyourtruevoiceuk

    The 5 'A's of Performance Mindset - Part 5 - Aims

    The 5 'A's of Performance Mindset - Part 5 - Aims

    In this series I look at the 5 As of Performance Mindset to set out the 5 most important aspects of mastering your mindset, and give you tools to do just that.

    This episode is all about your achieving your aims as a performer.

    What are your aims? Do they feel heavy or light? Do they feel achievable? The goals we set ourselves can either be stultifying or empowering, so how we choose and implement them matters and impacts mindset hugely. 



    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5

    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk

    or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook at @findyourtruevoice.co.uk

    Instagram at @findyourtruevoiceuk

    The 5 'A's of Performance Mindset - Part 4 - Acknowledge

    The 5 'A's of Performance Mindset - Part 4 - Acknowledge

    In this series I look at the 5 As of Performance Mindset to set out the 5 most important aspects of mastering your mindset, and give you tools to do just that.

    This episode is about one of the fundamental changes you can make to transform how you perform, and how you feel when you perform. More than that, how this shift can help you set and achieve goals whilst still enjoying right now.

    Acknowledgement can be both rewarding and scary. In this episode I dig into how it can work for you.


    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5


    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk or you can connect with me on: Facebook at @findyourtruevoice.co.uk Instagram at @findyourtruevoiceuk

    The 5 'A's of Performance Mindset - Part 3 - Assessment

    The 5 'A's of Performance Mindset - Part 3 - Assessment

    You know that assessing your performance is vital for progress, but did you know that when and how you do that assessment can massive impact both your mindset and your progress?

    In this episode I talk about the best time to assess the way you perform, and the best way, so you can maximise your progress.


    If you would like to transform your approach to performing so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    Download my free audio which shows you the best way to use the 5 minutes before you go on to maximise your calmness and impact: findyourtruevoice.co.uk/fearless-in-5

    To see more of my blogs visit my website at: www.findyourtruevoice.co.uk

    or you can connect with me on:

    Facebook: @findyourtruevoice.co.uk

    Instagram: @findyourtruevoiceuk

    The 5 'A's of Performance Mindset - Part 2 - Audience

    The 5 'A's of Performance Mindset - Part 2 - Audience

    In this series I look at the 5 As of Performance Mindset to set out the 5 most important aspects of mastering your mindset, and give you tools to do just that.

    What you think about your audience has a huge impact on how you perform. So often what performers think about an audience is limited to what the audience will think of them as a performer. 

    This episode is all about how you view your audience, and how to view them in a way that will supercharge your performance.

    If you would like to learn how to let go and perform brilliantly, so that you can feel confident (even without being able to guarantee the outcome!) then go to nailyourperformance.com to find out how to work with me.

    The Cost of Pretending Perfection on Your Bedroom Performance | Ep 4

    The Cost of Pretending Perfection on Your Bedroom Performance | Ep 4

    Hearing your partner say you’re the BEST sex they’ve ever had… isn’t that the dream? 

    And with that thought, you map out your game plan. How to give the perfect blowjob? How to be a perfect kisser? How to look perfect in the bedroom?

    This is perfectly normal. When it comes to sex, we have absorbed the conditioning that as a female it’s our duty to study the art of sex and be exceptional at providing pleasure AND receiving it… sometimes at the cost of our own sexual needs and authenticity. This can lead us down a rabbit hole of anxiety, overthinking, and (wink) fake orgasms – which are all the opposite of sexy.

    In today’s episode, we’re unpacking how sexual perfectionism develops, the harm it can bring to your sex life and body image, and how to reclaim your sexual confidence in the bedroom.

    We’ll cover:

    • Why women feel pressured to fake orgasms
    • Signs you might have perfectionistic tendencies and performance anxiety
    • What happens when you focus on looking sexy instead of letting go
    • How having a low self-esteem and overthinking can hurt your sex life
    • The importance of body positivity and how to cultivate it
    • Ways to self-express through micro-movements
    • The power of letting go during sex

    Stay classy and sexy. Listen to the episode now. ✨


    Our advocacy is centered around providing a supportive space for women to reclaim sexual vitality and joy for good. Help us achieve this by subscribing to our podcast and sharing us with your friends and family.

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