

    Explore "Fr" with insightful episodes like "200. Herren är min herde", "108 - Petra Palmgren - Lindwall", "Are Abortions Being Done on Wanted Children? Fr. Sullins on The Dr J Show", "What *Really* Happens to Women after an Abortion?" and "Priestly Celibacy" from podcasts like ""vardagsro-podden", "Alphov & Lopez", "The Ruth Institute Podcast", "The Ruth Institute Podcast" and "The Ruth Institute Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    108 - Petra Palmgren - Lindwall

    108 - Petra Palmgren - Lindwall

    Som professionell styrelsearbetare och lärare på Styrelseakademin delar Petra med sig om sin syn på värdeskapande styrelsearbete. Vilket uppdrag har egentligen en styrelse? Vilken är den optimala styrelsen och finns den? Hur ska man lägga upp styrelsearbetet och hur sker samarbetet med VD och ledningsgruppen på bäst sätt? Ni hör, detta är fullmatat avsnitt för alla er som vill lyfta styrelsearbetet till nästa nivå.

    Podcasten drivs av sälj- och marknadsexperten Oliver Lopez samt ledarskap- och effektivitetsexperten Michael Alphov. Oliver driver till vardags Structsales AB och Michael driver Effektiva Metoder AB samt Institutet för Chefsutveckling AB.

    Are Abortions Being Done on Wanted Children? Fr. Sullins on The Dr J Show

    Are Abortions Being Done on Wanted Children? Fr. Sullins on The Dr J Show

    Father Sullins has released a brand new study about the affect of abortion on wanted pregnancies. This type of abortion almost never gets spoken about, and many will tell you it doesn't exist. Are wanted children aborted? Why? What happens to the would-be mothers? Learn it all here.

    Fr Paul Sullins, Ph.D., is senior research associate at the Ruth Institute, and his list of writings stretches past all of our arms. He's our guest this week to offer insights from his brand new research.

    Read the article here: Aborting the Wanted Child

    Sullins analysis / longitudinal study: Affective and Substance Abuse Disorders Following Abortion by Pregnancy Intention in the United States: A Longitudinal Cohort Study

    Turnaway Study and accompanying Salon article

    Action item: go to the Ruth Institute Facebook Page and share the images about this important research.

    What *Really* Happens to Women after an Abortion?

    What *Really* Happens to Women after an Abortion?

    (January 16, 2020) Fr. Paul Sullins is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. They're discussing several new studies on post-abortion regret, including the Turnaway Study from the University of California that seriously misrepresents its results (Salon article). Fr Sullins's newest study, on the aftermath of wanted pregnancies that were aborted, is also available.

    Public Discourse article (with link to Sullins study): ruthinstitute.org/ruth-speaks-out/aborting-the-wanted-child

    Project Rachel: hopeafterabortion.com

    Schreiben lernen, Israel und Antialk

    Schreiben lernen, Israel und Antialk

    Folge 138: Die Liste der Liebe für 2019 geht weiter, EXTRA LARGE und befasst sich ausgiebig mit Wien-Klischees, neuen Porno-Trends, Notre Dame-Awareness und den neuen Erkenntnissen für Schreibprozesse – Drehbuch, Belletristik.

    Dann das Tolle an Israel, am menschlichen Körper für Kannibalen, an familiären Feiertagsrückblicken, am unter Kontrolle gebrachten Suchtverhalten, Adventure Time, am positiv sein auf Social Media, der wiederentdeckten verlorene Kunst des Fernsehens und Cannabis. Happy Zwanzigzwanzig ihr Lieben!

    Die neue Jingle eingespielt von Konstantin Jagsch an der Bariton Gitarre.

    Teil 2 von 2

    New Year's Resolutions

    New Year's Resolutions

    We're about to roar into the 2020's. Are resolutions on your mind? What do you want to accomplish? How can we make the world a better, brighter place? Dr. Morse offers some action items and suggestions for New Year's resolutions!

    Fr Paul Sullins, Ph.D., is senior research associate at the Ruth Institute, and his list of writings stretches past all of our arms. He's our guest this week on The Dr J Show to offer insights from his research on topics as varied as the recent clergy sex abuse scandal all the way to positive hope for the New Year.

    This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here.

    Does God Make People Gay?

    Does God Make People Gay?

    (December 3, 2019) Fr Paul Sullins is a guest of Father Robert McTeigue on The Station of the Cross's "The Catholic Current." The question under discussion today is "'born this way:' does God make people gay?"


    " 'Born That Way' No More: The New Science of Sexual Orientation," Dr. Sullins in Public Discourse

    Ganna study & accompanying New York Times article

    Something More Beautiful, talk by Hudson Byblow

    Why Celibacy? Reclaiming the Fatherhood of the Priest - Fr Carter Griffin on The Dr J Show

    Why Celibacy? Reclaiming the Fatherhood of the Priest - Fr Carter Griffin on The Dr J Show

    (November 1, 2019) It's Friday, and this is an audio podcast of our weekly video broadcast of "The Dr J Show." This week's guest is Fr Carter Griffin, rector of St John Paul II Seminary and author of Why Celibacy: Reclaiming the Fatherhood of the Priest. They're discussing priests' ministry, celibacy, and more--stay tuned for this episode of The Dr J Show.

    This is an audio podcast of our newest video project, The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here.

    S06 Episode 6: Renewal of Religious Life: Interview with Fr. John Burns

    S06 Episode 6: Renewal of Religious Life: Interview with Fr. John Burns

    Renewal of Religious Life - Interview with Fr. John Burns

    In this episode we talk with Fr. John Burns about the importance of the renewal of religious life as a huge part of how the Church will heal and be restored. We discuss how important it is for us to have a visible sign of a religious sister who lives her vocation as the bride of Christ and shows us that our hearts are made for God. We also discuss vocation as a calling to love and how restored femininity and masculinity is essential for fully living our calling.


    Sister Miriam’s one thing - Fall Feels Playlist

    Michelle’s one thing - Awakening Love- An Ignatian Retreat with the Song of Songs - Gregory Cleveland, OMV 

     Heather’s one thing - Brandt Jean forgives his brother’s killer and invites her into relationship with Christ. 

     Fr. John’s one thing -  The gift of shared ministry at parish mission with Sr. Miriam 


    Extra Resources

    Pope Francis’ Homily (the end of the doc on brideship) - 



    Discussion questions:    

    1. What struck you from the podcast?
    2. How do religious sisters speak to the realities of the relationship that Christ desires with all of us?
    3. Our vocation is to love. How is God calling you to fully live that out in this season of life?
    4. Fr. John said  that the consecrated heart blesses all of femininity by reminding the world what it looks like to be claimed and spoken for by the King of Kings. How do you feel about the truth that you are claimed and spoken for by God. How should this change your life?

    Journal Questions:

    1. We are all the bride. How does that language of being the bride of Christ make you feel?
    2. What can you learn about your relationship with God from the visible sign of religious sisters?
    3. Where does your idea or current reality of your vocation/calling need to be healed and restored?


    Quote to Ponder - “there is nothing a woman cannot do when she knows that she is perfectly understood at all times and that she is loved” - Mother Mary Francis

    Scripture for Lectio Divina -  Revelation 22:17 “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.”

    New Findings on a Gay Gene

    New Findings on a Gay Gene

    (September 13, 2019) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin's guest on Issues, Etc. Their discussion springboards off Science's article on a study that concluded genetics was not a predictor of homosexuality. Ruth Institute researcher Fr. Paul Sullins has also written an article in response: "The Gay Gene Myth Has Been Exploded."

    Memes zelebrieren die Wunderwelt "Menschheit"

    Memes zelebrieren die Wunderwelt "Menschheit"

    Folge 130: Waren wir vor dem Internet Soziopathen, wer oder was sind Empathiemaschinen, 4Chan-Evolution und rechte Publikumsmache, unsere Filterblasen haben schon Blasen, Dale Beran Empfehlung, von Meme-, Albino Blacksheep bis 2000er-Random-Humor und Geschichtskritiker müssen gedanklich zeitreisen.

    Das Problem mit "Stranger Things 3" und Urologie

    Das Problem mit "Stranger Things 3" und Urologie

    Folge 128: Die "Eindeutscher" machen Bankomaten deutsch, zersplitterte Serienlandschaft, Teenager sind die wahren Monster, Stranger Text- und Tonfehler, Schweden sehen ALLE gleich aus, Pissbecher-Codes, monumentale Filmsplainer.

    The Serious Psychological After-Effects of Abortion

    The Serious Psychological After-Effects of Abortion

    (August 1, 2019) Fr Paul Sullins is once again Molly Smith's guest on Salem Radio's "From the Median." Their topic today is the effects of abortion on women, specifically the serious psychological after-effects and the difference in the quality of studies on the subject coming out of America and Europe.

    Vor mir ist ein Blitz eingeschlagen – das ist auch Wetter

    Vor mir ist ein Blitz eingeschlagen – das ist auch Wetter

    Folge 126: Zurück im Augarten und direkt zu PR bis Propaganda, gefühltes Linz und die weite Welt der Meinungen, Wähler verzeihen sich selbst, FPÖ-Verstehen, Tel Aviv bis Haifa, Ideologien der Generationen Israels, keine Lust mehr auf Small-Talk und Hitze-Sudern, Moses' Epilepsie, Hitzschlag Jesu, Sprechen und Debattieren können und Begriffe wie Gaslighting richtig verwenden, Torberg und humanistische Bildung fehlen, The Dead don't Die Teil 2, 1.000 Lusts und Fanclub-Liebe für Attack on Titan und fabelhafteste Filmsplainer. Mitraten auf iTunes und/oder Facebook.

    Die Zwei von der Tankstelle mit Gesichtsfetisch

    Die Zwei von der Tankstelle mit Gesichtsfetisch

    Folge 125: Eine Gitarre begleitet höfliches Schreien, Solomon Burke's Jabba-Vorhang und coole Pornodarstellerinnen, die den Absprung schaffen. Was, wenn jemand den ironischen Tonfall beim Sprechen nicht mehr los wird, die Egozentrik von Argumenten mancher Leute unglaublich ist und WAS man am anderen WARUM geil findet. Dann Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse, der für ALLE ist (oder?), Jar Jar Binks Erklärungen, wie meta man The Dead don't Die finden könnte, bekiffte Zeichnungen von nackten Frauen werden beschrieben, verwirrte Filmsplainers – und hinten dran sogar noch eine Folge von "Die Titel-Eindeutscher".