

    Explore "aliens" with insightful episodes like "How To Create Meaning In Your Life & Achieve Your Full Potential w/ Sara Walker EP 1429", "EP: 166 Extra-Dimensional Beings with John DeSouza", "EP: 99 UFO'S ARE HERE with Tim Alberino", "EP: 24 Bigfoot Bodyguard with Mary Joyce" and "SC EP:647 Into The 400" from podcasts like ""The School of Greatness", "Blurry Creatures", "Blurry Creatures", "Blurry Creatures" and "Sasquatch Chronicles"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    How To Create Meaning In Your Life & Achieve Your Full Potential w/ Sara Walker EP 1429

    How To Create Meaning In Your Life & Achieve Your Full Potential  w/ Sara Walker EP 1429

    https://lewishowes.com/mindset - Order a copy of my new book The Greatness Mindset today!

    Professor Sara Walker is an astrobiologist and theoretical physicist. Her work focuses on the origins and nature of life, and in particular whether or not there are universal ‘laws of life’ that would allow predicting when life emerges and can guide our search for other examples on other worlds. Sara is internationally recognized thought leader in the study of the origins of life, alien life and the search for a deeper understanding of ourselves in our universe.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How finding new knowledge in science has the potential to transform our understanding of the world and change the way we live as a society.
    • How our science today opens the possibility for creating alien life.
    • How coming into contact with alien life could offer insight into the origin of life itself.
    • The significance of life and what it does that no other system in the universe can do.
    • How every living thing that exists is a real causal force in the universe.
    • How loving ourselves is a key component of recognizing our potential as human beings.

    For more, go to lewishowes.com/1429

    EP: 166 Extra-Dimensional Beings with John DeSouza

    EP: 166 Extra-Dimensional Beings with John DeSouza

    This week former FBI Special Agent John DeSouza joins the show. A veteran investigator with a 25-year career, John is best known as the collector of the real-life "X-Files." Today, he reveals real case file accounts of UFOs, and FBI investigations, unexplained mysteries, and the paranormal.  DeSouza is the bestselling author of THE EXTRA-DIMENSIONALS, THE PARA-INVESTIGATORS, and THE CLEAR-HEARERS. In this intriguing and wide-ranging interview, we discuss some of the more bizarre experiences in his career and some of his theories about where these entities come from. Why extra-dimensional? Tune in now.

    Intro Song: Dreamkid83



    Socials instagram.com/blurrycreatures 



    Music Kyle Monroe: tinytaperoom.com  

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen  

    Outro Song: TimeCop1983: timecop1983.com

    EP: 99 UFO'S ARE HERE with Tim Alberino

    EP: 99 UFO'S ARE HERE with Tim Alberino

    We bring back BIRTHRIGHT author, filmmaker, and explorer Tim Alberino to unpack the latest report coming out of the Pentagon. Straight out of the headlines: The Sun filed a Freedom of Information request and received 1500 pages of documents revealing among other things, alien abduction pregnancies, abductee radiation burns, and other bizarre UFO-related incidents. Tim takes us into the deep end of the pool as this topic has climbed out of the realm of conspiracy into reality. Does your biblical paradigm need to shift or are you ready for what's coming next? 

    Guest: timothyalberino.com

    Intro song: Marvel 83 "In A Different Time"

    contact: blurrycreaturespodcast@gmail.com


    Socials instagram.com/blurrycreatures facebook.com/blurrycreatures


    Music Kyle Monroe: tinytaperoom.com

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen/

    Mastering: ironwingstudios.com

    Outro Song: TimeCop1983: timecop1983.com

    EP: 24 Bigfoot Bodyguard with Mary Joyce

    EP: 24 Bigfoot Bodyguard with Mary Joyce

    Who hires a Bigfoot Bodyguard? In Episode 24 we welcome Mary Joyce of 'Skyships Over Cashiers' to recount her years of stories, sightings, and run-ins with the big fella and much more. Mary is the consummate expert, researching and curating content on all things unknown, both in her region and across the world. In this episode, everything is on the table: Bigfoot, ETs, and even Nate's favorite--the little people. 

    guest: http://www.skyshipsovercashiers.com



    Socials instagram.com/blurrycreatures



    Music Kyle Monroe: tinytaperoom.com

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen/

    Outro Song: TimeCop1983: timecop1983.com

    SC EP:647 Into The 400

    SC EP:647 Into The 400

    Luke writes “Hey Wes, I am from Connecticut. I wanted to reach out to you specifically because of some odd experiences that keep me wondering what really happened that night.

    It was about July and I was feeling ambitious so I decided to camp up in Northwestern hills solo in a hammock. The Wyatenoic state forest seemed remote enough. As darkness set in, I was circled in my hammock and heard a grunt just out of sight. I left soon after with the fear of being too deep in the woods without any real protection from cougars, bears.. I want to add the other event that took place in Dudleytown on December 26 2018.. I wanted to check out the place and explore the ruins.

    We were not too far into the woods when my buddy started to go back towards the car due to increasing paranoia about something in the woods. Ill admit I wasn’t concerned as him, but there was something large that seemed to parallel us. As he walked back I stood in the woods looking around and taking in the beauty. I closed my eyes for maybe 30 seconds just happy to be there.. After that I walked back to my friend who was moving quickly up the trail with stone walls.. I turned around and a small black figure moved from the trail to behind the tree.. It was the same size as my friend who is 6 foot but was much smaller in build than him.. I was perplexed because it seemed rather lanky and kept me guessing if I saw a shadow figure.”


    We also be talking to the guys from Into the 400. It is available now on Amazon. Check it out here

    Follow along as four researchers investigate a private property in the Ozarks known as "The 400" where they uncover compelling evidence that a group of Sasquatch may inhabit the area.


    We will wrap up with Jarrett. Jarrett writes “I was camping at my property, 22 acres in western PA. I go there every once in a blue moon. Since this quarantine, I figure it it’s a great place to isolate on the weekends.

    Briefly my tent was around 50 ft away from my car. In the middle of the night my car alarm goes off.. I’ve had the car for 2 years through hail and snow storms the car alarm has never gone off. It starts going off in the middle of the night.

    I had a gun in the tent with me, I run out without knowing what’s going on and shot a round into the air. All I can see is a figure running away from the blinking lights of my car alarm. This is 8ish feet tall at 4am in the middle of nowhere.”

    SC EP:644 Cliff Barackman

    SC EP:644 Cliff Barackman

    Cliff was born and raised in Long Beach, California. Throughout his youth, his interests were drawn towards both the physical and biological sciences, as well as to music. These interests later brought him to dabble in a wide variety of sciences in college before later deciding to pursue his degree in Jazz Guitar.

    Cliff can be heard performing guitar around the Portland area, when he’s not busy in the field. Cliff’s interest in the sciences drove him to a teaching career where he could share his love and appreciation of the natural world with young people, and particpate in the occasional sing along.

    While Cliff was navigating his life, his growing interest in the bigfoot phenomena drove him to travel to other parts of the country to look into the mystery. By extensively travelling the West Coast, he found himself unsatisfied with living in Southern California and wanting to live closer to bigfoot habitat. After living in various parts of California and Washington State, he eventually settled in Portland, OR where he lives today.



    SC EP:643 Let The Stealer Steal No More

    SC EP:643 Let The Stealer Steal No More

    James writes "I had on my uncle small farm in Ozark County, Missouri. This happened during the summer of 2017. My uncle owns and operates a small beef cattle farm where he has cows, chickens, and goats.

    I was visiting my family that live in the area because I live in Kentucky now. We was talking and he was telling me about how some of his chickens a had been pulled out of there pens and disappeared over the last couple weeks. We both agreed there may be a coyote or two getting into his chicken pin. I like varmint hunting so I agreed to spend a couple nights out there and see if I bag the coyote for him. I had brought my .300 AAC AR build to shoot with some of my family. It was equipped with a day and night sight because I mainly use it for coyote and smaller game hunting. Well one the second night I was posted up in the top of his barn that has a small opening on the second floor that faced the wood line.

    I was scanning the woodline with the night setting when I noticed something moving some small trees about 150 yards to my left. So i focused on it. As I watched this 7 and half 8 foot tall creature stepped out. It was covered in dark hair. The moon was almost full so I had alot of illumination to help my night sight. At first I seemed like someone in a ghillie suit. But I quickly realized it wasn't as it cover the halfway to the chicken coops in just a few steps. I yelled out stop or I'm going to fire. The thing stops and I can see it stare directly up at me and bare its teeth. It let's out this ungodly roar and barrels toward me. I quickly switched my weapon to fire and open up on it at about 75 ft.


    I empty my first mag and was reloading my second when it slammed the side of the barn shaking it. It aimed down and emptied another half a mag directly down on it. It looked up at my yelled and again and made a beeline straight back into the woods. My heart was pounding. I have done 2 combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and this rattled me to my bones. I waited till morning to climb down and make my way back to uncle's house. I told him what I saw and what I did. We went back and couldn't find blood but found some partial tracks.

    We ended up calling our family friend who was a Missouri Conservation Officer and he came out. I told him my story and with a serious face and tone he told me dont tell anyone and hed handle it. Well there's my story."


    Al in Connecticut writes "Hey Wes, I had a short encounter, I know what I saw and I am a huge skeptic...WAS." Spoke to Al and he owns a farm in Connecticut. He said after weeks of animals coming up missing he saw what was taking his animals. Al said "It was so strange I had doors to the cages and whatever was taking the animals had hands because it had to open the doors. Early one morning I went out to find several doors open and I felt like I was being watched. I was saw what I thought was a tree stump. Something wasn't right, I picked up a stick and threw it at it and this thing stood up and took off running on two legs. It was huge."

    SC EP:638 Caesar From Planet Of The Apes

    SC EP:638 Caesar From Planet Of The Apes

    A listener writes “I am originally from Miami, Florida. I lived with my grandparents in Clewiston, Florida which is right by lake Okeechobee. They lived in an unincorporated community called pioneer which is about 23 miles from Clewiston. And about 80 miles from Big Cypress preserve.

    A very rural part of the country indeed. I was about 10 at the time the encounter. It occurred during the summer time. So bearing this in mind many of the canals in the area were low of water. My grandparents owned a couple of acres of land, so they were far apart from neighbors. I loved being outside trying to find different animals and trying to catch black racers, rat snakes, and different turtles in the area. The surrounding area around the property were full of palmettos which were towered by evergreen trees. I would like the fence in the back of the property to go catch reptiles. I walked a half a mile deep in the woods and hit a small dry creek bed, which is where I found different animals from time to time. The creek extended to about a mile which fed into a canal. As I was looking for reptiles heard the brush move from across the creek bed. I was used to rustling in the wood, so I didn’t pay attention until I saw something step out from the brush out of the corner of my eye. What I am about to tell you still haunts me to this very day. What stepped out was 7 ft tall ape looking thing. Its fur was a deep reddish brown. It was almost boxy in shape with legs longer than its body. It almost seemed designed to live in the swamp. I just froze. I knew it would not be wise to run through this brush.

    So I did something that learned from years of watching nature documentaries. I crouched down and pretended I was eating leaves. I remember seeing a documentary about Diane Fosse, and I recalled she would do this as to not provoke the silverback. I was too scared to do anything else, and whatever I was doing was keeping me alive. Every so often I would glance up at it, and it was just standing there tensely examining me. It would also look back and forth almost over me almost to assure I was alone all the while making a huffing sound. The only thing separating us was a dry creek bed. Which may have been 15 ft of space. It was doing this for about 3 minutes, but it felt an eternity. Then that’s when it went down on its haunches and squatted. I felt the courage to raise my head and look at it. We were just examining each other. At this time I noticed it was female due to the breasts. I also noticed at the time that she wasn’t alone. I saw small arm draped over her shoulder. We just kept looking at each other for about another 5 minutes. The whole time my body was telling me to run. Like some primordial instinct saying danger, but my mind remained extremely calm. At the same time I was expecting to smell a stench, but none ever came.

    I only thought this because I have heard what a skunk ape was and heard the stench they exude, but she wasn’t smelly. After five minutes she reached behind her never taking her eyes off me the whole time and held her baby. It was looking at me with intent. Examining me like its mother. It couldn’t have been more than a month old. It was kind of small but bigger and more advanced than a human infant. She must have given birth to it last month. I felt as if she was teaching her baby what a human was, but at the time I think she may have been confused what I was considering my skin is dark brown like hers and I had long curly black hair. While she was holding her baby, I could notice scars on her face. I figured she was old. Never did she bare her teeth at all during this encounter. About 6 minutes later she stood up and turned her body, slung her baby on her back, and stared down the creek bed when I noticed a bigger one of these things was standing 50 feet away. He was staring directly at me with disgust. This one bared his teeth at me.

    He looked kind of like Caesar in rise of the planet of the apes only taller and more muscular. He may have been half a foot to a foot taller than her. I noticed the stench and she also began to reek of this smell. I can only describe it as hot garbage, and dead animals mixed into a vat. I later concluded maybe they only smelled when they’re stressed, or angry. They both started to puff up. Meaning that they were trying to make themselves bigger than they were. The female then positioned herself between me and the male. As if to almost protecting me. Maybe it was all those motherly hormones in her that told her this. The standoff lasted for maybe at least two minutes. Then the male walked back in to the brush on the side where the female came out of. She then without looking back at me began to make her way back in the brush as well. I think she was making sure that male didn’t follow me, I have no idea. I turned to leave very quickly and didn’t turn back till I was back inside the house. I never went back in the woods ever again behind my grandparent’s property. I tried telling my mom what happened, but my mom was more of a city woman, so she did not believe me. That really hurt me. I did however tell my grandma what I saw, and she simply said, “I believe you”. I never knew if they had any encounters with them considering none of them ever came on the property.”

    SC EP:634 Lakota Tribe Member Part Two

    SC EP:634 Lakota Tribe Member Part Two

    Tom writes “Hey Wes I just listened to episode 628. I have some stories that line right up with what that guy was saying about the little people. I’m happy to share if you’d like to hear them.”

    Spoke to the witness and he shared with me several stories about the little people, lights and Sasquatch.

    The Lakota are a Native American tribe. Also known as the Teton Sioux, they are one of the three tribes of the Great Sioux Nation. Their current lands are in North and South Dakota. They speak Lakȟótiyapi—the Lakota language, the westernmost of three closely related languages that belong to the Siouan language family.

    Tom returns tonight to discuss little people, strange cryptids and giants.

    SC EP:630 Camping In A Boneyard

    SC EP:630 Camping In A Boneyard

    Johnathon writes “I would like to tell you my experiences. I grew up in a small town or village (depends on how you define Either or ) Slana, Alaska. Growing up me and my family didn’t have power or running water.

    My first experience was when I was 7 so to get water for the house we would have to load buckets in to the old station wagon drive down to the river. My job was to sit in the back and hold the jugs so they don’t tip over not like hold them on my lap but just hold them still. I remember pulling out of the pullout at the river and looking out the back window and seeing a (as I put it to my parents) big hairy dude stand up out of the ditch on the other side of the ditch. He had vary thick brown and dirty wight hair on his chest and on what we would consider his beard.

    Of course my parents didn’t believe me said I was just imagining things.

    The scary experience is what I’m really hear to tell you about to say nothing ever tried to interact with us would be a misrepresentation of the reality of living out there. From small things like sitting in the outhouse and having acorns thrown at you to coming home to find something has ripped your door off the hinges taken all your food and trashed your cabin (normally blamed on bears) witch is rare but does happen.

    One day my friend mat came to visit me and my family from the city so me and my sister decided to take him camping up in the mountains. Me and my sister packed up with a shotgun an SKS with her dog Lucius food and couple tents set off. to get to the trail it was a 2 hour drive plus a 3 hour walk to get to where we wanted to camp. When we got to the clearing we noticed moose bones but we thought it was just a hunter’s camp but now looking back Hunter’s wouldn’t have left the antlers. We set up the camp and it was an uneventful day the dog was happy running around it wasn’t tell we all laid down for the night it was me and mat in one tent my sister and her dog in the other tent. It was about midnight when I woke up to branches breaking outside of my tent I called over to my sister did you hear that she called back that I was just hearing things then it sounded like something ripped a tree down. We jumped out of the tent we could hear things circling the clearing we were in running around. We could tell that they were on two lags it’s a varey distinct sound but at the time we were thinking wolves trying to get the dog so we built up the fire and shot off a couple rounds from the SKS cuz we had bear slugs in the shotgun.

    It dies down for about 15 minutes then it starts up again just running around the camp then we realized that they were not making any noise no barking or growling bears and wolves make lots of noise when they are hunting.so we fired off a bunch more rounds but they didn’t leave this time mat came running over saying something was touching the tent he was in we ran over and we found the dog in the tent he had peed on himself and refused to come out he is a big boy to pit bull American bulldog cross about 90 pounds was still young at the time. He has been around bears wolves and links nothing has scared him but now he won’t move. So we decided it was time to leave we packed up the camp we went to the tree we put are food in then we could see shadows in the fire we never heard them walk up on us it was like the running was just a destruction. I had to carry the dog so my sister had the shotgun mat had the pots and pans and the SKS my sister was up front with the flashlight and mat was in the back with a flashlight so me and the dog were in the middle so nothing could try and grab him.we could hear them following us all the way down the mountain but half way down we had to take a break when mat put the pack down it made a loud clang then we heard something Sprint off it was standing only about three feet away from mat and we had no clue it was there. The dog never stopped crying but they seemed more interested in mat we made it back to the car and drove away very fast.

    We never got a good look at what they were and we shot at the noise but I don’t think we hit any thing. I think we accidentally walked in to where they were staying for the night. There is more experiences but this email is already long winded so thank you for your time.” 

    Fox is my second guest. He comes to us from Florida and will be sharing an encounter he had camping with friends, and some strange things that happened to him while hunting.


    Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

    SC EP:627 I Put My Gun Up And Fired

    SC EP:627 I Put My Gun Up And Fired

    Dustin from Colorado writes, "Two years ago my oldest daughter of 9 at the time keep begging me to take her bear hunting so I did and all we did is drive the side by side around because taking a 9 year old out and blowing on a call hoping to have a bear come at you at a dead run and hope your gun shoots true and the shot is effective and the dam thing don't get pissed and kill you is stupid with a 9 year old girl in tow.


    Well fast forward to last fall I had a big bear coming into the water hole I had sat at for a few days, but the timing never was right to fill my tag. My kid keep begging to go and being the mean dad I am I said no. so one day my kids where at my fokes house while I was working and my oldest went to my dad and told him she wanted to go out hunting tomorrow with me but I wouldn't let her and why is that papa. Well he told her it's not safe to take your kids at a younger age out predator hunting. Deer and elk hunting is safer but not bear and he told her this story that I had never heard until that evening but the strange thing is I have memories about some of it even before dad relayed it to me that day but we will find out why. When I was 5 years old it was still legal to bait in bear with bait barrels in Colorado so one afternoon dad was babysitting me his only kid at the time and mom was running late from work to relieve him so he could go hunting so he scooped me up and out we went now I can't tell you where he was hunting at the time due to me not asking. so anyways we get there, and he was just going to put the few pig heads in the barrel and head home and hit it first thing in the morning on his own. Well he walks me into the area, and he had a few of the pig heads with him he places them in the barrel, and he placed me down and said stay. so, he turned around to walk the 30 ish yards to the Honda 3-wheeler for the other pig heads. He only went 10 to 15 yards and I started screaming for him and he flipped around to find me hauling ass down to him. He scooped me up and walk back to the bait station to see what he told my daughter at the time was a bear running of in the timber. But later that night when I asked him about that story, he said I'm not going to lie to you son it was a f&%$#$% bigfoot walking off with the pig heads. It came up took the heads out of the barrel with you sitting 5 yards away. All I remember is seeing the pig heads and riding on the gas tank of the 3-wheeler and seeing a barrel not much before are after but he said the barrel was in a tree about 3 feet when we arrived and he had to pull it out of there and reset it. So there's my first experience with them. My dad has a few more very hair raising story's that he had years prier but they are his story's not mine and I will talk with him about sharing them with you over the phone. I have returned to those areas and had my own experiences also.


    My second one was in around spring of 2007 I was upriver ridding my four-wheeler and I was in this area where I could see down 300 to 400 yards below me into this meadow and there's a tree line and above the tree line is a road. Well I stopped and was sitting, and I looked down to that meadow with my binoculars to see a dark figure walking across the meadow towards the road. My first thought was holy shit moose but after further monitoring it. It was on two legs swinging its arms in a kind of way I've heard a few people on your show say crazy bag lady kind way only this thing looked like it was frolicking through the meadow like something on the little house on the prairie. So I'm not sure what I'm looking at then 2 dirt bikes come screaming down the road above the tree line and this critter turns towards my direction and starts running still on two legs then dropped to all four and it runs right to the timber line then does this barrel roll looking deal into the timber and was gone no smell no noise.


    I later ran into something else. I'll be honest with you Wes this was no bigfoot, but I don't want to say dog man I'm still on the fence with that critter. So its 2013 and myself and my wife are out shed hunting in one of my favorite places out in mule deer country north of my land in this place that I called slaughter gulch due to the unreal amount of dead deer you would find everywhere back then. Yes, the place is packed full of coyotes and mountain lions but you did find a lot of dead coyotes also at that time so anyways my wife and I where out. It was a beautiful day we had been walking all day with lots of luck well we got back to the four wheeler and she wasn't done so she took off walking up the draw nearby and I stayed at my machine I busted open a cold one and was sitting looking at our trophy's for the day so far and trying to think about where to head to next. Then straight Infront of me to the west I saw movement about 200 yards out in between two huge boulders so I put up my binoculars and could see a dark figure with points on top of its head that well looked like ears on a dog. I could kind of make out eyes and a noise so I pulled the binoculars down and look at it with my naked eye then put the binoculars back up and once I found it again with the binoculars its ear twitched and it turned its head to reveal and canine nose then looked back at me for a second and ran towards me on all fours a few feet then dropped into this huge wash in between it and me and that was the first and last I saw of it but to this day my wife will even tell you my attitude that day change bad for a few hours. I have never been as scared as the day I saw that. I mean one month later I got hurt at work and literally was staring death in the face for a few weeks and I was not as scared as that day not even with the encounters I have wrote so far. Going to continue to wright to you. There was no smell or sound to this one. I'm pretty sure its to blame for most the dead deer and dead coyotes. Because I have noticed a huge drop in the dead deer, I found out there and I continue to shed hunt out there never seen it again but have had other issues after that with my dog out there. But even to this day I avoid that area ill ride two miles out of my way up to the top and glass the bottom but I wont walk in there anymore.


    So fast forward to 2016 I have heard whoops out in the timber. I have smelt bad smells worse than a 3-week-old dead elk in July, kind of smells while bow hunting and bear hunting for years. So, I made buds with a coworker. I have never really felt like I could talk about the fury one's to anyone that would take me serious besides my dad and uncles and with them it was taboo to talk about the fury ones and there other native monsters. so, my new buddy and I worked the same shift's 7 on 7 off day's and night's and we got to talking one day when he saw one of my bigfoot book's laying on the seat of my company truck. So, he jumps in, He says to me, "dude you believe in bigfoot," and I said ya if you laugh, I'll beat you into the gravel. He said no he believes to. So, after many weeks of talking about bigfoot with him, and him turning me on to your Facebook page. He goes out and buys a side by side and asked me to build it up for him, so I put some light bars on it a lift kit and a few other things. Once I was done with it, I called him to come get it. So, he came out and said lets ride tonight and hang out. So I took my four wheeler and he brought out this so called bad ass military guy who turned out to be fake he never served or even signed up to serve so anyway. We headed out upriver I think we put 25 miles on the machine's and stopped cooked some burgers and just BS for a few hours. Around 10 pm we headed to the pickups. There was a set of pond's that we stopped at on the way up and looked for bear track's earlier that day. when we started to approach the pond heading back I caught eye shine in my light bar then my machine dropped down a water bar in the road and once it came back up the eyes stood up and stayed. So my first thought was it must be a bear drinking then stood up, On his back legs to look at us. then it started running and the eyes stayed at around 6 plus ft high. and Wes bear cant run like that so boom its him!! The fury guy so I flipped around backwards on my four wheeler with it still rolling and started digging into my bag for my big spotlight once I get ahold of it the machine has come to a stop and my buddy rolls up next to me and said what's the deal bud. I look at him and said eye shine he said "so" I looked him dead in the face and said "f#$%^& tall eye shine running". he goes "oh crap" jumps out I have always carried my H&K USP 45 and that guy has way to many gun's to list I think he had a 40 on him that night so any way we go walking across the field and his tag along guy stayed at the side by side per my command. I didn't like nor trust him so me and my buddy keep walking spotlighting the trees and BOOM eyes peaking from behind a tree. You could see the hand's holding the tree, and this thing peaking around the tree. so, we are staring at it and it's staring at us then I hear the rack of a hand gun and I turn back and look at my buddy with his gun loaded and in position for action. I calmly but in a loud sort of way I say put it away and he says "it's for protection," and I said his "name" PUT IT AWAY NOW!! so he does we look back in time to see a tall figure run deeper into the timber. We back up slow and get back onto the machines and head out my buddy claims that once he gets back to his machine his friend said what's the deal? He told him we just saw a bigfoot! and that dude melted down freaking out!! I went back up a few days later in the day light there's cattle tracks everywhere, so ground evidence was gone but I think I found the tree. If it was the right tree it would have had to of stood 8ft tall. I have a picture of a footprint in that location from a few years later. My dad told me that back in the mid 90's there was some small logging in that area and he had heard that there equipment was always getting messed with at night and strange noises could be heard in the later part of the day .There is a huge pile of logs that showed up in the middle of the meadow out of no where one day and some of the logs I cant even get my arms around them. I have pictures of the various log piles.


    My fifth, Is with my same coworker. We had been out multiple time's ridding with nothing to report so later that fall myself and my wife went camping in a different area up river and my coworker planed to show up later and stay for two nights. So, after 2 days and 2 nights of ridding and fishing and multiple nap's my buddy shows up later in the evening and talk's me and my wife to go for a night ride. So, we go out my wife him and I. I tell you what I about left the guy because every puddle/creek any kind of dirt we came to he had to find a way to avoided it he says he must keep his buggy clean. The only reason I bring it up is because it will be used later in this trip, so after hours of laying my coat in puddles for him to keep his shoes clean we get up to where I had my experience in 2007 my wife is the first to notice! The smell the worst I have ever smelled. So, we stop and sit a while and we hear a few tree knocks and very strange noses that left me very confused. I kind of wonder if it wasn't a hunting party there where grunts and some strange chines jibber talk. We headed back to camp about an hour after that I had a very uneasy felling in my gut that night. The next morning, we load up my four-wheeler and his side by side and head back up just to ride and after avoiding any kind of dirt/mud/bird poop, we get to the same location as the night before. I take them down into where it is. It's really nice country its full of elk and bear there's a huge creek that splits into 2 creek crossing's one after another. We cross that and sit in a spot that I use to camp years ago all the time. We eat lunch have a beer or two and right before we leave my buddy said hay can I shoot my shotgun here? I said do it! So, he kill's a tree reloads kills it again. We head out back to camp. After dinner and its dark. he pipes off and said, "let's go back up and see if we can hear them noises." So, against by better judgment I load up my wife and we head up and as we are leap frogging mud puddles I'm getting this bad feeling just chewing at me and the further we get up there the harder the feeling chews at me. So yes, I want to hear them noises again I want answers but dangit I had my wife in tow, and even native Americans would say you keep girl's away from these big guys. In mid ride I stop my machine get off tell my buddy if we are doing this she goes back first. Something's bad and it has had a mouth full of me this whole ride so far. I'm not doing this, so we turn around and get to camp well he's not giving up so against my better judgment I leave my wife behind at the camper 20 miles away she's safe there. We load up in his side by side and after a hour of a bad feeling chewing on me and the pure boredom of riding with this guy who will not get dirt on his machine we get to the double creek crossing and right before we cross. A owl comes and lands in front of us on a branch across the first creek crossing and if you follow native American folk lore that could be good or bad sign. The one I follow that's a bad sign. We cross making sure we don't get any of that clean water on that machine. Right across the creek is where we stopped that day and he shot his gun, so we pull in turn around and parked on the road shut the buggy off and get out. I put a lantern on the toolbox in the bed of his machine he kind of wanders around for a minute. a few minutes go by and he said we should record just sitting here and I told him he's pissing in the wind. That creek is to loud and that's all it will pick up. so behind us the road come's down towards us at a angle and just to freak him out and get a laugh I told him to look up the road and he did, at the same time I said picture a monster running down that, at you! He responds with a "F you pal." so I go to the front of the machine to relieve myself, he stayed at the opposite side of the machine at the back, talking to me so for the shits of it. I let out the best whoop I have ever done! and he cheered me on for it. So, all done I come back to my side of the rear of the machine to continue talking with him. A few minutes later in the conversation he lights up a cigarette and with that pause in the conversation comes this huge crack of a limb getting busted right behind us, about 30 yards both of our eyes get big. We sit for a bit and once we start talking again there is this huge thud right behind my buddy and he starts yelling, "f this lets go." so we both jump into his machine and right before he takes off I shine my spotlight through the back of his buggy to see this huge dark figure with its arm's down. He punched the gas as we came to the creek crossing he never slowed down it was a wall of water on the buggy with both crossings and as we flew up the switch backs I had to tell him to calm down before he wrecks and send us back down the mountain to that things feet. The whole time out of there that goofy basterd was screaming there not supposed to be real and if they are real, they don't live here in Colorado. So, after that wild hairy ride hitting every puddle and lighting him 3 smokes he asked for another. I told him to stop and light one himself we are in the clear now! So, he stops and we are both really shook up. He lights a smoke and we head back to camp. The next day after he leaves I leave my wife back at camp so she can sun bathe and I fly up to that location for answers what I find is a big limb that both my hands couldn't reach around that was broke off at least 12ft up on the tree and a rock right next to the peal out marks of his buggy that I could barely roll let alone pick up there was no smell with this big guy. I'm willing to bet he was in there earlier that day when he was shooting and realized it was the same dumb rednecks that came back and that was his polite way of saying get the heck out.


    In the fall of 2018 I was with my same buddy and my youngest brother in-law and we headed up to where me and my buddy had are first experience together. well the forest service had done a lot of work up there on the ponds and one pond in particular had a lot going on there. Their was tracks witch I have pictures, there was a log thrown in the middle of the pond right after they finished digging it and my buddy is a big guy and him and my brother in-law couldn't pick it up we found the other end of the log and there was no drag marks just foot prints. so we get to a good look out and for a few hours its silent then around 8 pm the coyotes start going off all around then out of nowhere there's tree knocks and the worst deepest howling that completely shut the coyotes up. All I could say is it sounded like a wolf imitation but to me it sounded like a damn hell hound and the whole place goes silent and the same change happens to my brother in law he was almost brain washed quiet and he stayed that way even a few days later when he arrived home he just wouldn't talk but he's fine now.


    Last spring of 2019, Wes I'm not sure what this is but I will tell the Division Of Wildlife was even looking for this thing. There were dogs killed, goats and chickens this thing was seen in daylight just moseying around by multiple people even a D.O.W agent saw it so I was told. So I have a very nice flock of chickens and ducks well when one of my mallard hens took to hatching her second batch of chicks the first batch a weasel got to them days before they where to hatch well I think it was a weasel anyway she made a nest up in the oak brush in my back yard and she hid herself good so after a few weeks her and the eggs just up and disappeared no egg shells like before on the first attempt her and the eggs gone. A month after that my daughter, my same brother in law from the prev encounter and myself where heading out to shed horn hunt. My wife calls me to say there is a huge bobcat in our yard, so I told her to shoot it. So she runs out in the front of my house 22 mag in hand and my mom behind her on the phone talking to me. So when my mom and wife get to the front of the yard after locking up the livestock they see this thing disappear behind the rimrock wall that borders my land and my mom still on the phone says "Dustin this isn't a bobcat or mountain lion ".My father is a taxidermist so mom knows what them critters look like. Once myself and my kid and brother in-law get home my wife tells me what she saw it was a tan cat thing with very long legs, no tail, very tall pointy ears but the strangest of them all it had a canine muzzle. I have security cameras around the house but of course it didn't catch that critter. So I set up a trail camera right at the horse water trough that my wife seen it at. So after three days of it being set up we took it down and the images where very hard to explain. It took video of me setting it up of course and my brother in-law testing it out and one of the ducks in the water trough but after that the only thing it videoed was me anytime I walked by it, it had me but not the ducks that swim in there all day long, I saw my kids dancing in front of it and the many deer and elk that we know drink from there hell we got them on my security camera drinking there but not on the game camera. Two days later myself and my brother in law where on my back wraparound porch talking about the next days shed hunting plans when just over his head on top of the rimrock wall under a cedar tree I could see this thing looking at us. So told him I would be right back and went inside grabbed my 223 rifle and stepped out to find it still in the same spot I put the gun up found it in the scope and oh god the face on it ugh I touched my gun off and we heard it hit and it jumped back but once we got up there to where I saw it all I found was blood I never found a body and there has not been anymore animal killings after that."

    SC EP:625 Dragged Off By A Monkey

    SC EP:625 Dragged Off By A Monkey

    Happy Valentines Day! Tyler from Indiana writes “I have a few encounters myself with something I can’t explain but my ex-girlfriend had a monkey thing try and drag her to the woods when she was about two years old.

    Her uncle came outside when she started screaming and it let go of her then it grabbed their dog and drug it up a tree her uncle grabbed her ran inside got a gun and shot it and killed it. They called the sheriff’s department and they came out and told them to dig a hole and burn it then cover it up and as far as to my knowledge its still there in the ground because they said nothing came and took it out.. They said there was more then one of them but they only shot one little one.

    I thought she was pulling my leg but when I went to her grandmother’s house she pulled out the newspaper clipping of the event happening its a small town in Indiana..”


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    SC EP:624 The Abomination

    SC EP:624 The Abomination

    I will be welcoming Cliff to the show. Cliff is from Louisiana and has hunted his whole life. Cliff had an encounter with a wolf like creature he stumbled on while hunting. He said “I don’t know…I just don’t know but this thing terrified me, when it stood up it was 13-15 feet away from me and it was big. It turned and looked at me and it felt evil, I raised my gun and it took off. I have never seen anything like it before and I have never seen anything run as fast as this thing did.


    FABRIK, who you'll recognize from their song "Black Lake" played on our outro, is working on their second album. Let's show them some support!


    Dave (bassist for FABRIK) writes, "Our second album, Impermanence, is ready for release. We’re so proud of it that we think it deserves to be on vinyl. So, we’ve set up a Kickstarter campaign for you to pledge and pre-order your copy on vinyl or CD, along with a few other goodies."


    Check out the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fabriktheband/impermanence-by-fabrik


    International Bigfoot Conference 2020


    Three Rivers Convention Center, 7016 West Grandridge Blvd, Kennewick, WA 99336


    Admission tickets are good for all three days of fun and films with access to all speakers and vendor tables. Come on out and get in on the weekend of friends, filmmakers and serious researchers from all over. For those who will only be popping in for one day, a $25 ‘One Day Pass’ will be available at the door.


    For tickets and more information visit: https://www.internationalbigfootconference.com/


    Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

    SC EP:620 This Thing Was Looking In My Deer Blind

    SC EP:620 This Thing Was Looking In My Deer Blind

    Winston writes "I had an encounter in 2010 from central Texas. I saw this thing from head to toe....within 30 to 40 yards from me. No obstructions between us. I seen it all....muscles moving under the fur, the mid tarsal break halfway up the foot, it’s face....everything." Spoke to the eyewitness and he said "I was heading towards my deer blind and I smelled what smelled like a dead animal. This thing was looking in my deer blind....I was shocked... I drew what I seen and put a quick me side beside it for comparison"


    Check out the episode page on our website to see Winston's drawing here: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep620-this-thing-was-looking-in-my-deer-blind/


    I will also be welcoming Pat to the show who is a military veteran from Canada. He will be sharing his Sasquatch encounters with us. When I spoke to the witness he said "I wanted to tell you about this strange black dog I had a run in with in Afghanistan. It was jet black and seem to show up out of no where. I think it was more of an entity than a dog." I have heard about two dozen accounts of veterans describing these large jet black dogs in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have searched the web but it is hard to find any information on it.


    Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content. 

    SC EP:618 I Thought It Was A Man

    SC EP:618 I Thought It Was A Man

    I will be welcoming two guests to the show: Cathy had an encounter in Washington State, and Chris had an encounter in Canada. Both witnesses thought they were looking at a bear until the creature got up on two legs and walked off. Cathy said “I wasn’t sure what I was looking at, I thought it was a strange bear until it popped up on two legs and walked off like a man.”


    Visit www.sasquatchchronicles.com for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

    SC EP:616 I Chased This Creature Across A Walnut Orchard

    SC EP:616 I Chased This Creature Across A Walnut Orchard

    Tonight we speak with Norm who is a retired California Highway Patrolman. Norm goes into great detail about what he saw back in 1958 on his father's property. He said “We were doing work for my father on the property when this thing showed up. Keep in mind this is the late 50’s and no one talked about Bigfoot or Sasquatch like they do today.

    I got a great look at it, we tried to keep up with it in this 1941 pickup. I would be happy to come on and share what I saw many years ago. I eventually became a police officer and never spoke about what I saw. There was other strange things going on that property but it was always blamed on something else."


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    SC EP:614 A Creature Interrupts The Hunt

    SC EP:614 A Creature Interrupts The Hunt

    We speak to Devin, Todd and Mason from New York. Devin writes, “I was using my hen call and I was getting no response from anything it was pin drop quiet with a slight fall breeze every now and again would pick up. I came to the edge and I could see the shelf and it was empty no turkey’s so I went down to see if I could find a track. Once I popped over the edge it hit me the feeling of like I am being watched looking for tracks.

    I ignored it thinking it was just a squirrel or something so I ignored it continuing my investigation for the disappearing Turkey. I looked for about 10 minutes duck walking around looking for tracks when I stood up next to this tree looking down into the ravine with my gun propped on my boot like Daniel Boone would with his Kentucky long rifle. This overwhelming feeling like I was being watched was still in the back of my head when my brain said “TURN AROUND NOW!” so I did and as I turned from the corner of my eye I saw a massive red, brown auburn blur retreat from the edge which I just dropped down from.

    My first though was oh it was a deer but then it occurred to me why didn’t I hear leaves crunching or it running through branches? So I said maybe it was my eyes playing with me so I tried to recreate the “blur” and I couldn’t. I will not lie when I say at 17 in the woods with the cannon I was carrying at this moment I was scared shi#less. My heart was racing and the adrenaline kicked in. I raised that shotgun to my shoulder and I started walking back along this shelf heading south back to the camper because it came right out to the driveway within eye site of our camper.”

    He went on to say “A lot has happened, we returned to the area and this thing or things are still in the area. I have found a lot of strange structures what appear to be hunting blinds. My friend was roared at.”


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    SC EP:610 Encounters With The Strange

    SC EP:610 Encounters With The Strange

    Patrick from Ohio writes “I’ve debated sending this email. I honestly wrote off this particular experience as an over active imagination as a youngster but after listening to your podcast for about a month now I am wondering.

    When I was about 10 I saw a “predator”-esque large human shape in a tree in my backyard. I had not seen the predator movie until 2 years later or so but when I did I immediately went back to what I witnessed.

    I have also experienced ghosts, angels and demons. And when I saw some glowing red eyes out of a back window at a small church I was a pastor at I initially thought it (again) my imagination. However, I gotta say I think it may have been something different.

    Not sure if this is any interest to you but having heard several other folks offer similar stories has suggested a different potential answer to these experiences.

    Just thought I would briefly share it with you.”


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    SC EP:609 I Do Not Hunt Anymore

    SC EP:609 I Do Not Hunt Anymore

    Kevin from Texas shares a terrifying encounter he had while out hunting, which caused him to give up hunting all together. Here is an excerpt from his original email, "...I stood up, turned and took step back around the island of brush in the little clearing/secondary cover heading towards the truck, which was still running by the way, that is when I heard, then felt and then briefly and vaguely saw the scariest thing I have ever encountered, anywhere. It was the longest 1 1/2 to 2 minutes of my life. It felt like I was moving in slow motion


    I heard the raspy, gruff high pitched scream almost simultaneous during my standing and about face to move in it’s direction, and looked up at an angle in the place where I thought it originated. I did not see anything, but I definitely heard it. I could feel the steps it took as it started to run away. Looking back, I think it was startled in my sudden change of position or was having issues locating me. Anyway, I looked up, what would be up, what the hell would be up? What the….hell…was that? I stepped forward once and I drew my gun and pointed in the direction almost immediately. Then started to back up and point my gun in the direction of the running sound and the outline of the figure I could see running on the other side of the brush island..."


    Russell Acord returns to discuss Travel Channel's "Expedition Bigfoot" first episode.

    Episode Two: “With one team member down, Russell and Mireya must forge ahead and return to the forest to hunt down their leads. Their intensive investigations uncover the group’s first pieces of potential Bigfoot evidence.”


    Check out "Expedition Bigfoot" HERE.


    Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.