

    Explore "FCA" with insightful episodes like "Ärger um Vereinsgelände des FCA Darmstadt", "#128 Rambling with Sarah Roberts", "FCA compliance — Are you doing enough to combat money laundering?", "Der STAHLWERK Doppelpass vom 21.05.2023 mit Rudi Völler" and "Hochspannung in der Schlussphase" from podcasts like ""Gude, Südhessen!", "Rambling Through Everyday Life Podcast", "VinciWorks", "Der STAHLWERK Doppelpass" and "FC Aarau Fan-Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Ärger um Vereinsgelände des FCA Darmstadt

    Ärger um Vereinsgelände des FCA Darmstadt
    Ärger um Vereinsgelände des FCA Darmstadt, Fastnachtsumzüge werden zur finanziellen Belastungsprobe und Personal in Arztpraxen streikt. Das und mehr hören Sie heute im Podcast. Alle Hintergründe zu den Themen finden Sie hier: https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/darmstadt/fca-darmstadt-will-gelaende-trotz-kuendigung-nicht-raeumen-3286755 https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/kreis-darmstadt-dieburg/landkreis-darmstadt-dieburg/umzuege-werden-fuer-die-fastnachter-zur-finanziellen-belastung-3284676 https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/kreis-darmstadt-dieburg/landkreis-darmstadt-dieburg/gewalt-gegen-frauen-neues-schutzhaus-im-kreis-ist-fertig-3290458 https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/kreis-gross-gerau/moerfelden-walldorf/nach-der-toetung-bei-aldi-fragen-zum-sicherheitskonzept-3272682 https://www.echo-online.de/politik/politik-deutschland/medizinische-fachangestellte-streiken-am-donnerstag-3290045 Ein Angebot der VRM.

    #128 Rambling with Sarah Roberts

    #128 Rambling with Sarah Roberts

    In our most anticipated episode yet, Fran & I are joined by our new friend Sarah Roberts, Chaplain of the Oklahoma Sooners softball team that keeps winning the College World Series and keeps going viral for proclaiming Jesus in their press conferences!  

    You will love this conversation full of beautiful, profound truth including:

    • how each of us can serve God in our sphere of influence
    • where to begin if you are new to bible study
    • the two books Sarah reads every year & her favorite bible commentary (great Christmas gift ideas!)
    • the story of Bezalel (ever heard of him?? Yeah we hadn't either...)
    • how to evaluate the spiritual health of a team/individual & why it matters
    • five ways we can teach our young people how to shine, show and share Jesus.

    Sarah is a coach's wife, coach's daughter, and her life has literally been changed through Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) where she now serves on staff in the very ministry that led her to Jesus.  Sarah is in demand across the country, recently asked to speak encouragement to Coach Dabo Swinney and his Clemson football team, and she has regular bible studies with wives of NFL & NBA players, management and staff including the Chicago Bulls, Philadelphia Eagles, and New York Jets.  Y'all will love how relatable and wise she truly is, and we are so excited to share this episode with you!

    Learn more about our local Southwest TN FCA by clicking here or contact Fran or Angela for more info!

    FCA Vision : To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

    FCA Mission: To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

    Sarah's favorite bible study tools:

    Seamless by Angie Smith

    The Bible Recap by Tara-Leigh Cobble

    The Tony Evans Bible Commentary 

    If you are new to bible reading, Sarah always recommends beginning with three books of the Bible:

    1. John (a gospel that tells Jesus' story relationally)
    2. Romans (a summary of the gospel reminding us we all fall short)
    3. James (how to live a Christian life, written by Jesus' half-brother)

    Two books Sarah reads every single year to rest her heart and mind (both by Alicia Britt Chole):

    1. 40 Days of Decrease: a Different Kind of Hunger..a Different Kind of Fast
    2. Anonymous: Jesus' Hidden Years...and Yours....

    "We live in fast rhythms. This is an intentional way to reset, renew and be reminded that God is God and we are not him."

    Sarah's recommendation for leaders - how to lead from a healthy soul: Replenish by Lance Witt

    Sarah has a sign in her office that says "Studying the word of God is my passion, teaching it is my gift, but living it is my calling"

    We can impress people with our strengths but we connect with people through our struggles.

    God has given every single one of us a sphere of influence. Open your bible and start right there. Be intentional and look at the influence he has given you and how he wants to use you right there for his kingdom.

    One thing everybody has in common is we all want to be seen. Jesus was so good at sitting one on one and asking the right questions to make people feel seen and heard and valued.

    We can't lead others until we learn how to follow. If we want to lead others to Jesus, we have to first learn how to follow him.

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest


    FCA compliance — Are you doing enough to combat money laundering?

    FCA compliance — Are you doing enough to combat money laundering?

    The UK ranks second highest among money laundering hot spots worldwide, with an estimated £88 billion laundered each year.

    Financial institutions are responsible for catching the bad actors to prevent and stop money laundering. But unfortunately, it’s not always easy to identify who they are.

    In this episode, we are joined by Nick Henderson-Mayo, VinciWorks’ Director of Learning and Content, Naomi Grossman, VinciWorks’ Learning and Content Manager and Sandra Erez, VinciWorks’ Director of Global Enterprise Sales, to explore money laundering, how it impacts financial services firms, and what firms can do to protect themselves.


    Der STAHLWERK Doppelpass vom 21.05.2023 mit Rudi Völler

    Der STAHLWERK Doppelpass vom 21.05.2023 mit Rudi Völler
    Gäste: Rudi Völler, Sebastian Hellmann, Matze Knop, Cedric Pick, Olaf Schröder, Stefan Effenberg Für alle, die den SPORT1 Doppelpass verpasst haben: Hier gibt es jeden Sonntag die aktuelle Folge zum Nachhören als Podcast.

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    Hochspannung in der Schlussphase

    Hochspannung in der Schlussphase
    Die Erfolgswelle geht mit dem 1:0 Sieg in Vaduz weiter. Goggi und Danger sind ganz aufgeregt und freuen sich sehr auf die kommenden Wochen. So sehr, dass sie kaum aufhören können zu rechnen, was alles passieren könnte. 

    Wer uns unterstützen möchte (Hostingkosten, Material etc.) darf dies gerne per Twint machen: 079 533 19 02. Herzlichen Dank!

    Vielen Dank an z5000, dass wir das Lied "machs för Aarau" im Outro nutzen dürfen.
    Hier geht es zum kompletten Song: https://open.spotify.com/track/5QIudTFi28sOw31bxGgERV?si=36bec653b00f4d0c

    Vielen Dank auch an Markus Papis, dass er den Intro- und Outrotext für uns gesprochen hat.

    Wir freuen uns über eine Rezension mit möglichst vielen Sternen unter:  ‎„FC Aarau Fan-Podcast“ auf Apple Podcasts und bei Spotify. Zudem freuen wir uns sehr, wenn der Podcast bei der Podcast-App deiner Wahl abonniert wird, damit du keine Folge mehr verpasst

    Feedback und Themenwünsche:  FC Aarau Fan-Podcast (fcaarau-fanpodcast.ch) 

    “Great leaders don’t drift to complexity, they drive to simplicity.” with Dan Britton

    “Great leaders don’t drift to complexity, they drive to simplicity.” with Dan Britton

    Through his role as Chief Field Officer with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Dan Britton travels around the world to work with thousands of leaders in more than 100 countries who are passionate about and called to sports ministry. His mission is to help people to pursue their passions.  

    Dan and Brian discuss the most important aspects of leadership and the mindset needed to get to your goals. If you’ve struggled with finding motivation to pursue your own passions, than this is the episode for you! 

    Follow Dan Britton on Twitter at @FCADan or shoot him an email at dan@fca.org to connect with him about your own story!

    FC Augsburg - Werder Bremen | 2:1 | 23. Spieltag - Nachbericht

    FC Augsburg - Werder Bremen | 2:1 | 23. Spieltag - Nachbericht
    FC Augsburg - SV Werder Bremen - Nachbericht zum 23. Spieltag der Saison 2022/2023. Moin, moin bei Lebenslang-A1!!! Dem Werder Bremen - Fantalk mit Skup & Sepp. 23. SPIELTAG Ergebnis:             1:2 (aus Sicht WERDER) Tore:                     Stage Karten:                Bittencourt, Groß, Ducksch THEMEN DER SENDUNG - wieder 4km weniger gelaufenwir sagen es immer wieder - hinten wieder haarsträubende Fehler - Friedl schon 5x Note 5 oder schlechter im Kicker - Gikiewicz und die nicht Ende Story mit den WERDER-Fans - Mannschaftskasse wurde gestohlen - Ullrich kommt nicht zu uns - WERDER pennt zu oft nach Anpfiff - einige Ausfälle kurz vor Beginn - xGoals: 2,18 vs. 0,89 (aus Sicht WERDER) LINKS Kicker - https://www.kicker.de/augsburg-gegen-bremen-2023-bundesliga-4781637/analyse - https://www.kicker.de/augsburg-gegen-bremen-2023-bundesliga-4781637/spieldaten - https://www.kicker.de/werder-und-die-dreierkette-irgendeiner-fehlt-immer-940670/artikel Buten un Binnen - https://www.butenunbinnen.de/sport/werder-augsburg-gikiewicz-aerger-100.html - https://www.butenunbinnen.de/sport/bundesliga-augsburg-werder-verschlafen-100.html - https://www.butenunbinnen.de/sport/fussball-bundesliga-augsburg-werder-100.html Bundesliga - ...

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    FC Augsburg - Werder Bremen | 23. Spieltag - Vorbericht

    FC Augsburg - Werder Bremen | 23. Spieltag - Vorbericht
    FC Augsburg - SV Werder Bremen - Vorbericht zum 23. Spieltag der Saison 2022/2023. Moin, moin bei Lebenslang-A1!!! Dem Werder Bremen - Fantalk mit Skup & Sepp. 23. SPIELTAG Anstoß:                Sa. 04.03.2023 um 15.30 Uhr Stadion:               WWK Arena (Augsburg) Anfahrt:              https://www.transfermarkt.de/stadion/stadion/verein/167/saison_id/2022 Übertragung LIVE bei SKY THEMEN DER SENDUNG - erstes Länderspiel nach einer Ewigkeit in Bremen - falscher Spieler bei WERDER - Weiser dabei, Stark auf der Kippe - Schmidt über seine Depressionen - Revanche gegen Augsburg? - Vorstellung des Gegners: FC Augsburg - wie sieht der Kader aus, wer ist fit, wer verletzt? - mögliche Aufstellungen für Samstag - Unsere Tipps LINKS Kicker - https://www.kicker.de/fc-augsburg-gegen-werder-bremen - https://www.kicker.de/kohfeldt-mir-wird-haeufig-nachgesagt-ich-erklaere-zu-viel-939659/artikel - https://www.kicker.de/werner-ueber-augsburg-das-weiss-im-endeffekt-jeder-940103/artikel - https://www.kicker.de/jung-ich-dachte-ich-bin-mir-noch-etwas-schuldig-939772/artikel Buten un Binnen - https://www.butenunbinnen.de/sport/werder-bremen-augsburg-werner-effizienz-100.html - https://www.butenunbinnen.de/sport/werder-bremen-augsburg-weiser-stark-personal-100.html - https://www.butenunbinnen.de/sport/werder-schmidt-depressionen-interview-100.html Transfermarkt - https://www.transfermarkt.de/spielbericht/index/spielbericht/3839400 Deichstube - https://www.deichstube.de/news/werder-bremen-live-ticker-fc-augsburg-revanche-fuer-hinspiel-so-will-ole-werner-gewinnen-liveticker-bundesliga-vorbericht-zr-92119947.html - https://www.deichstube.de/news/werder-bremen-dfb-laenderspiel-weserstadion-schon-im-juni-so-reagiert-werder-deutschland-nationalmannschaft-92116888.html - https://www.deichstube.de/news/werder-bremen-matthaei-boss-hat-grosse-ziele-interview-hauptsponsor-bernd-afflerbach-europa-international-bundesliga-zr-92114376.html - https://www.deichstube.de/news/werder-bremen-mit-transfer-interesse-an-zweitliga-star-ron-schallenberg-sc-paderborn-wechsel-sommer-bundesliga-neuer-sechser-zr-92115246.html - https://www.deichstube.de/news/werder-bremen-youtuber-marvin-wildhage-will-training-schmuggeln-bundesliga-youtube-versuch-fans-92114667.html - https://www.deichstube.de/news/werder-bremen-amos-pieper-acht-gelbe-karten-doch-kein-aerger-ole-werner-bundesliga-sperre-gelb-verwarnung-foul-92119518.html Werder - ...

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    Christa Lanier with FCA Joins the Show

    Christa Lanier with FCA Joins the Show
    Welcome to the 11th Hour Podcast with Pastor Mike. Today, we have a special guest, Christa Lanier, the head of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
    In this episode, we will be discussing the role of faith in sports, and how the FCA is making a positive impact on athletes and coaches around the world. Christa will share her own personal journey and how her faith has guided her in her leadership role.
    Join us for an inspiring conversation about the intersection of faith and athletics. Don't miss it!


    本日新聞重點 台灣震不停!全球最大加密貨幣交易平台BingX將捐300萬元助救災 新債王:現在投入市場過早 聯準會政策轉向才是進場訊號 FTX遭英國FCA警告「未經授權」營運業務 SBF:我們被詐騙者假冒! SEC訴訟稱擁有以太坊管轄權,因ETH節點大多在美國“聚集” 🔍本集資料來源 經濟日報、動區動趨、桑幣筆記Zombit、Cointelegraph 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA Bit 粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/HoyaBitExchange ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Lucy 監製編審:Kandice

    #127: How Sam got a graduate job with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

    #127: How Sam got a graduate job with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

    For the 127th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a listener of the show Sam, as he shares how he secured his dream graduate job with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Sam signed up for the ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ course back in September last year, and we discuss how following the steps in the course led him to graduate job success.  In the episode, Sam shares his experience of going through the application process for a range of government and policy graduate schemes, such as the Fast Stream, NHS, FCA and others, sharing his insights into what he learned from the CV application stage, completing dozens of different psychometric tests, and his tips and tricks for passing the recorded video interview stage. We also deep dive into the assessment centre stage, as Sam shares his insights into how you can impress at this final hurdle. It’s an inspiring episode, and if Sam can do it, you can do it too, so strap yourself in and listen to our chat today. Now the links to the show notes today including a full transcript you can download and links to everything we discuss can be found at www.graduatejobpodcast.com/Sam.


    • How Sam secured a graduate job with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
    • Sam’s top tips for impressing in the recorded video interviews
    • Why you should only go for the companies that you actually care about
    • How to cope with the stress of an assessment centre, and what you can expect on the day
    • Why Sam joined the ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ course, and why he thinks you should too.

    The DredgeLand Memories of ThorpePark Radio and a Gravy Tent Spectacular

    The DredgeLand Memories of ThorpePark Radio and a Gravy Tent Spectacular
    Good morrow! Welcome back to a further chapter in the ever evolving and sometimes revolving times of DredgeLand. In this week’s edition, John ELVIS Dredge and Andrew JAMES BROWN Harland … Continue reading "The DredgeLand Memories of ThorpePark Radio and a Gravy Tent Spectacular"

    The Government Contracts Legal Round-Up | Episode 20

    The Government Contracts Legal Round-Up | Episode 20

    Partner David Robbins, co-chair of Jenner & Block’s Government Contracts Practice, discusses the important developments facing government contractors and grant recipients in the latest episode of the Government Contracts Legal Round-Up. During the episode, Mr. Robbins brings the audience up to speed on recent rulings on vaccine mandates, recent bid protests, and an important False Claims Act decision, US ex rel Sheldon v. Allergan Sales LLC

    The Government Contracts Legal Round-Up | Episode 7

    The Government Contracts Legal Round-Up | Episode 7

    Partners David B. Robbins and Marc Van Allen analyze recent GAO bid protest reports for fiscal year 2020. They also examine a Federal Circuit appeals decision involving data rights, as well as provide updates on Section 3610 reimbursement claims and False Claims Act decisions.

    Zwischen Gut und Böse

    Zwischen Gut und Böse
    Der FC Augsburg hangelt sich durch die Saison, nach einem fulminanten Start kamen ein paar ernüchternde Ergebnisse. Insgesamt gibt es viele Lichtblicke. Stephan spricht mit Irina und Felix über die aktuelle Stimmungslage, und warum das Tabellenmittelfeld auch mal entspannt sein kann. Bitte unterstützt die T-Shirt-Aktion von der Rosenau Gazette, die dieses Jahr den Erlös an den Queerbeet e.V. spenden wird. Die Aktion findet ihr hier

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    Der FC Augsburg gewinnt drei mal in Folge Wir sprechen über die drei Siege seit der letzten Folge, einer standesgemäß, einer wichtig und einer doch überraschend.   Endlich wieder Fans im Stadion Stephan (@Urbster) spricht mit Fabian (@VivaBavaria) und Leandro (@leandro1907_) darüber wie es im Stadion lief   Im Pokal weiter Stephan und Irina (@missfoxx91) sprechen über den standesgemäßen Sieg im Pokal   Sieg am ersten Spieltag Der FCA gewinnt gegen Union Berlin gegen beim Duell der Ex-Torhüter, Stephan und Irina analysieren den Sieg.   Überraschender Sieg gegen Dortmund Der FCA setzt gegen Dortmund das erste Ausrufezeichen der Saison und holt sich zumindest für eine Nacht die Tabellenführung, Stephan spricht mit Amir (@finally_amirT), Fabian ...

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