
    Rambling Through Everyday Life Podcast

    Rambling through the serious and not so serious of everyday life. We talk about the good, the bad, and everything in between. Life is hard and we will be better together in it. And Jesus. Let's not forget Jesus.
    enFran Thomas100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    #143 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    #143 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    Hooray for spring and more sunshine!  This conversation is a little more serious, but we also ramble about silly things including farm life, radio icons, and a fun spring giveaway with Hello Grace.  Fran shares where she is going for spring break and what she is learning as she prepares for that trip.  We also talk about Psalm 139 and the condition of our hearts. There is so much power in our vulnerability! We have to be willing to ask the Lord to examine our hearts and not be afraid of it, then share what we are learning with our people. 

    Do you remember listening to the iconic Delilah on the radio?  

    Angela's sweatshirt "pray before you overthink" can be found here

    Stay tuned for a fun giveaway with Hello Grace & our precious friend Annika Brooks!

    Listen to Grace Valentine on Episode 138

    Learn more about Grace Valentine's Purpose Retreat designed to help young women find their purpose

    Find Grace White's fun videos here 

    Learn more about Union University GO Trips here

    Psalm 139:23-24. "Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any wicked, hurtful or offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

    The Lord knows you.  The Lord is with you. The Lord made you. The Lord is for you. 

    Join us in June for our book club!  Untangle Your Emotions by Jennie Allen 

    Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

    Colossians 2:7 "Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."

    Ask daily: What's the condition of my heart right now? What is the Lord teaching me?  Am I growing in my relationship with the Lord?  

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    #142 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    #142 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    This conversation is pure, classic rambling including life updates and what we are looking forward to this spring. plus an exciting announcement about our new book club! You can also watch this week's episode on our YouTube Channel

    Learn more about Jennie Allen & the reasons we need to untangle our emotions here

    Order your copy on Amazon Untangle Your Emotions: Naming What You Feel and Knowing What to Do About It by Jennie Allen

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.


    #141 Rambling with Dr. Dub Oliver

    #141 Rambling with Dr. Dub Oliver

    We are so excited to share this conversation with y'all!  Dr. Dub is back and full of the wisdom and action steps we needed.  We talk about the importance of living humbly regardless of your title or position and how to be more present with the people you encounter each day. Dr. Dub shares practical ways to focus our minds on scripture plus the daily & weekly disciplines that will change your life.  We also asked for his book recommendations which inadvertently led us to our very own "book colloquium" (stay tuned!) and of course, we talk about our beloved college students and all the ways they bring us hope for the future.  Y'all will love this conversation and will learn so much from Dr. Dub. We sure did!


    People think we have less agency than we actually do.   We can take control of when we respond on social media.

    Prayer: Lord help me to love well the people you have given me to love 

    Let's create the space we really want for people. 

    Daily reminder: scripture before anything else and scripture above everything else. 

    Don't apologize for patterns in your own life that bring health and life and flourishing. 

    For sabbath to work, we have to be intentional about it. 

    Nobody likes discipline in the moment but then you see the fruit it bears and it's always worth it.


    Dr. Dub's book recommendations:

    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World by John Mark Comer 

    A Non-Anxious Presence : How a Challenging and Complex World will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders by Mark Sayers 

    24/6: A Prescription for a Happier, Healthier Life by Matthew Sleeth 

    The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction by Justin Whitnell Earley 


    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    #140 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    #140 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    You asked and we answered!  We love hearing from y'all and this was so fun!  In this conversation we talk about travel, how we relax, what we are watching & reading, what’s bringing us joy right now, what exhausts us, our fave go-to meals, and what we do for fun.  We also share one tiny habit we can all incorporate to create an extraordinary life.  We sure do love y'all and hope you enjoy this classic rambling!     

    Check out Beis luggage including Angela's favorite - the mini weekender here

    Angela's favorite websites & podcasts for Disney trip planning: TouringPlans and WDW Prep School

    Listen to Mallory Lamm's episode on Disordered Eating & Body Image 

    Listen to Rachel Mitchell's episode on authenticity

    Luke 5:16 "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."

    Our book recommendations:

    Wild and Free: A Hope-Filled Anthem for the Woman Who Feels She is Both Too Much and Never Enough by Jess Connoly and Hayley Morgan 

    40 Days of Decrease: A Different Kind of Hunger.  A Different Kind of Fast by Alicia Britt Chole

    The Masterpiece by Francine Rivers

    Never Split the Differrence: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On it by Chris Voss

    You can also watch this week's episode on our YouTube Channel

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest







    #139 "Susie Said So" Special Edition

    #139 "Susie Said So" Special Edition

    In this special conversation, Fran sits down with our beloved friend Susie Oliver to talk about doing hard things! Susie recently made a bold decision to become a Pure Barre instructor so she can help women stay active and healthy.  Susie and Fran help us identify the hard thing each of us are facing and then give us practical wisdom for taking next steps in that direction.  Susie candidly shares what she is learning on her journey, why it's worth the risk and how we can all be brave in whatever the Lord is calling us into! We can do hard things with Jesus and one another!

    Don't let comparison steal your joy! 

    Just because the Lord called you to it, that doesn't mean it will be easy!

    It's not about perfection! We will make mistakes and that's okay!

    Lean into whatever the Lord has for you to do! 

    Pray this: Lord show me what you want me to do, then give me the courage to do it!

    Philippians 4 

    Learn more about Pure Barre here

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    #138 Rambling with Grace Valentine

    #138 Rambling with Grace Valentine

    If you are on Instagram, you will find Grace Valentine sharing all her joy and wisdom there. She can be found here!

    You can also find her books, devotionals, learn about the fabulous retreat she hosts, join her facebook group, find the podcast by going to her linktree.  

    Her website can be found here. 

    Aren't you so thankful for how she is pouring into this next generation?  We sure are! 

    Be sure and follow Rambling on IG, TikTok, and don't forget to join our Facebook group. 

    #137 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    #137 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    This conversation will make you smile and encourage you in your walk with the Lord!  We are a little silly at first but that's what happens when we record at the end of a long day at the end of a long week.  We take a walk down memory lane (including Love Connection and the Newlywed Game), tell funny stories about words we can't pronounce, and wrap it all up with solid encouragement from scripture.  

     Isaiah 41:10 "I will strengthen and help you." 

    Check out these meaningful and cute tshirts and sweatshirts from Dear Heart including "Can't throw stones while washing feet" and "May heavenly things constantly interrupt our earthly things" 

    We should assign meaning to our time and figure out what is non-negotiable.  Nobody wants to be careless with our time, but you have to be intentional and take control of it.  


    #136 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    #136 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    Here's a fun and funny conversation to kickoff a new week!  We are SO OVER being snowed in and have lots to share with you including what we are watching, where we are shopping, how we spent our snow days, new hobbies we might be pursuing, and of course, we wrap it all up with solid encouragement and lots of Jesus!   

    Want to join us in the Psalms "Real Help for Real Life" Bible Study by Ray Ortlund?  Order your workbook here 

    Psalm 78:72 "David led with integrity of heart and skillful hands."

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    You can also watch this week's episode on our YouTube Channel

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    #135 Rambling with Tori Wilkerson

    #135 Rambling with Tori Wilkerson

    Tori Wilkerson is authentic, engaging, and believes "it is always better to laugh than to cry, even if you have to laugh whle you are crying."  In this conversation, Tori reveals how her life dramatically changed after her mother's death, and how that experience became an unexpected ministry opportunity.  We talk about the importance of community and how to tell our friends what we need from them. Tori helps us undertand grief and what to say to our friends when they are hurting. This is a beautiful, sacred conversation that will be helpful and hopeful for anyone navigating loss personally or alongside a friend.  We are so thankful for Tori and you will be, too! 

    Isaiah 66:13 "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you."

    "Nobody knows what you need unless you tell them what you need."

    "It's hard, but we need to talk about our loved ones. It keeps them alive in our hearts."

    "God keeps reminding me that his love for me is not contingent upon my faithfulness" 

    Listen to Episode 117 - How to Be Prepared with Rayna Bomar 

    Learn more about Story Groups and listen to Tori's podcast with Will Chenault, StoryFormed Podcast

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    #134 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    #134 Rambling with Fran and Angela

    This episode is full of laughter, shenanigans and honest conversation about Jesus.  We update y'all on our new habits, how we are growing, and the questions we are asking ourselves each day.  We also talk about the spiritual discipline we are loving right now, and how it will encourage you, too!  If you haven't already subscribed to our YouTube Channel, this one is worth watching especially for the "crash" and the hilarity that ensues.  We sure do love y'all, and we love learning and laughing with you here!

    Here's the link to our YouTube Channel!

    Learn more about YoungLives on  Episode 123 with Jen Wilson

    Learn more about Dr. Mary Claire Haver and her recommendations regarding supplements, menopause, and living your best life

     Find Dr Caroline Leaf on Instagram here 

    "Destructive habits drastically decrease & positive habits increase when people spend four days a week or more in God's Word." 

    For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

    If I'm made in God's image, how is he shaping me to display his character? 

    How can I honor God with my life today?  

    Am I learning at the level required for the future me I am trying to become??

    From Upon Waking by Jackie Hill Perry  "The truth is, the immutable nature of God is an anchor. It means that at no point in history or at no point in the time to come will God not be good. Or not able to move. He has and will always be a faithful and just and gracious and powerful God. Just because we change our minds every other minute doesn't mean God does. He is the same God today as He was then.  And so, I reckon that the spiritual discipline we'd all do well to cultivate is that discipline of remembering And isn't that what the Word of God is for? To give us sixty-six books worth of memories about who God is and how God works? Which will inform our faith, so that we can always trust the Lord, without hesitation."

    "Here's one way I can know that I have forgotton the gospel of grace: when your sin bothers mre more than my own."

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.


    #133 Happy New Year!

    #133 Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year, friends!  In this conversation, we reflect briefly on Christmas then excitedly look forward to 2024!  We share our annual rituals and all the ways we prepare for a new year, including our ban on resolutions and what we do instead.  If you are feeling overwhelmed, we keep things simple with easy steps we can all take.  As a bonus episode, we also recorded a video for our YouTube channel with practical resources we use each day in our quiet time with the Lord. We love and appreciate each of you and we pray many blessings over you and your families!

    Watch the bonus episode on our YouTube channel here

    Do you choose one word for the year? Learn more here 

    "You give your perfect peace to those who are dependent on you, because they trust you." Isaiah 26:3

    Want to read through the bible in a year?  We highly recommend The Bible Recap

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you:

    Join our Facebook group  • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok  • Follow us on Pinterest

    Christmas Rambling Edition

    Christmas Rambling Edition

    Can y'all believe it's almost Christmas?! Tis the season for all the fun but also some crazy emotions in all the hustle and bustle.  We are all over the place in this episode with updates on our latest adventures and what we love about this Advent season.  Now more than ever, we are so grateful for time to reflect and anticipate and draw near to Jesus!  We are so thankful for each of you, and we pray you and your families have a very blessed holiday season!


    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    #131 Rambling with Chrissy Vandiver

    #131 Rambling with Chrissy Vandiver

    Y'all are in for a treat!  In this podcast episode, we have a fun, encouraging conversation with our precious friend Chrissy Vandiver. In December we reflect on Jesus and why he came and the magnitude and importance of it all.  We want to love God and love others and serve people well.  Chrissy shares how the Lord literally stopped in front of the jail where she now loves to serve women.  The Lord uniquely gifted each of us to serve others, and Chrissy encourages us to be brave enough to pursue that calling in our lives.

    "If the devil can't make you bad, he will make you busy."  Corrie ten Boom

    Every day I start my morning with "This is the day the Lord has made for you, Chrissy.  Rejoice and be glad in it!"  If you don't know what to say, just say "Jesus!"

    “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served.”  1 Corinthians 12:4-5 GNT

    “Each one, as a good manager of God's different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God.”  1 Peter 4:10 GNT

    Christmas challenge:  when we see Christmas gifts, think about how the Lord has gifted me and whether I am using my gifts for his glory.

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    #130 "Susie Said So" Christmas Edition

    #130 "Susie Said So" Christmas Edition

    Our beloved Susie is back with "Susie Said So" Christmas Edition featuring everything we need to know for the holidays - AND it's her birthday week so help us wish Susie a very happy birthday!  

    Overwhelmed with gift buying? Need hostess gift ideas? Susie shares thoughtful gift ideas for all ages and every budget.

    Not sure how to decorate?  Susie has creative, practical advice we can all handle including ideas for your mantel and doorway.  

    Wondering what to wear to the holiday parties? Susie has all the fashion advice we need this Christmas including how to jazz up our basic black ensemble.

    Need guidance on winter skincare? Susie to the rescue!  

    We also learned the "two of anything is nothing" rule

    Matthew 25:31-46 The Sheep and the Goats - v. 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

    Watch/listen to Cece Winans "Holy Forever" here

    Order Susie's favorite bathtub pillow here

    Local friends - check out Britta's Boards for charcuterie gifts

    What is the best gift you have ever received? We want to hear from you!


    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    #129 Thanksgiving Rambling

    #129 Thanksgiving Rambling

    Happy Thanksgiving Week!  In this episode, we talk about Angela's pet turkeys and their latest adventures, Black Friday shopping, all the ways we are getting holly and jolly, plus a few Christmas gift ideas you will love. Then we transition into a sweet conversation about gratitude from both a mental health standpoint and also a biblical perspective.  We hope and pray this episode encourages you and makes you smile because we sure are thankful for each of you! 

    Connect with Renee Hall, our new facebook friend who created the elephant ornaments

    Upon Waking by Jackie Hill Perry - an awesome new devotional!  Short but powerful!

    Tony Evans Bible Commentary - this is the one Sarah Roberts recommended & we love it!

    In case you missed our conversation with Sarah Roberts on Episode 128, click here to listen 

    "You cannot lead people to Christ if you are not following Christ." Sarah Roberts

    "If we want to be effective followers of Christ who then lead people to Christ, we have to make an effort, and that will only come by spending time with the Lord." Fran Thomas

    Gratitude: the quality of being thankful

    Philippians 2:14 in The Message: Do everything readily and cheerfully - no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. 

    In scripture, the Greek word "χάριτι" "phi-ti" refers to the quality of showing appreciation and returning kindness

    Once you realize that God is working in your life, you'll show gratefulness in how you live.

    The Bible mentions the word "gratitude" (χάριτι and other variations in Greek) 157 times. It does not appear as frequently as "fear not" (which is said 365 times), but it appears more than "thanks" or "thanksgiving" (mentioned 72 times).

    Colossians 3:15-17 NIV: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.  Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest





    #128 Rambling with Sarah Roberts

    #128 Rambling with Sarah Roberts

    In our most anticipated episode yet, Fran & I are joined by our new friend Sarah Roberts, Chaplain of the Oklahoma Sooners softball team that keeps winning the College World Series and keeps going viral for proclaiming Jesus in their press conferences!  

    You will love this conversation full of beautiful, profound truth including:

    • how each of us can serve God in our sphere of influence
    • where to begin if you are new to bible study
    • the two books Sarah reads every year & her favorite bible commentary (great Christmas gift ideas!)
    • the story of Bezalel (ever heard of him?? Yeah we hadn't either...)
    • how to evaluate the spiritual health of a team/individual & why it matters
    • five ways we can teach our young people how to shine, show and share Jesus.

    Sarah is a coach's wife, coach's daughter, and her life has literally been changed through Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) where she now serves on staff in the very ministry that led her to Jesus.  Sarah is in demand across the country, recently asked to speak encouragement to Coach Dabo Swinney and his Clemson football team, and she has regular bible studies with wives of NFL & NBA players, management and staff including the Chicago Bulls, Philadelphia Eagles, and New York Jets.  Y'all will love how relatable and wise she truly is, and we are so excited to share this episode with you!

    Learn more about our local Southwest TN FCA by clicking here or contact Fran or Angela for more info!

    FCA Vision : To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

    FCA Mission: To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

    Sarah's favorite bible study tools:

    Seamless by Angie Smith

    The Bible Recap by Tara-Leigh Cobble

    The Tony Evans Bible Commentary 

    If you are new to bible reading, Sarah always recommends beginning with three books of the Bible:

    1. John (a gospel that tells Jesus' story relationally)
    2. Romans (a summary of the gospel reminding us we all fall short)
    3. James (how to live a Christian life, written by Jesus' half-brother)

    Two books Sarah reads every single year to rest her heart and mind (both by Alicia Britt Chole):

    1. 40 Days of Decrease: a Different Kind of Hunger..a Different Kind of Fast
    2. Anonymous: Jesus' Hidden Years...and Yours....

    "We live in fast rhythms. This is an intentional way to reset, renew and be reminded that God is God and we are not him."

    Sarah's recommendation for leaders - how to lead from a healthy soul: Replenish by Lance Witt

    Sarah has a sign in her office that says "Studying the word of God is my passion, teaching it is my gift, but living it is my calling"

    We can impress people with our strengths but we connect with people through our struggles.

    God has given every single one of us a sphere of influence. Open your bible and start right there. Be intentional and look at the influence he has given you and how he wants to use you right there for his kingdom.

    One thing everybody has in common is we all want to be seen. Jesus was so good at sitting one on one and asking the right questions to make people feel seen and heard and valued.

    We can't lead others until we learn how to follow. If we want to lead others to Jesus, we have to first learn how to follow him.

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest


    #127 Rambling Fun with Angie Atwood

    #127 Rambling Fun with Angie Atwood

    Y'all will love this super fun episode with Angie Atwood!  We have declared her our new "official family correspondent" and you will see why! Angie is a wife, mom to 4 teens, former teacher and the queen of family traditions and making holidays more fun! We also talk briefly about the makeup help we need as we age and the solution Angie found, but most of this conversation is centered around Christmas.  Every year we marvel over Angie's elaborate "elf on a shelf" adventures, but she also has simple ideas we can all handle.  This conversation is packed with fun ways you can create memories with your people at home, plus sweet ways your entire family can serve those in need.  

    Learn more about Seint makeup - Angela loves her palette & can tell you all about it!

    Learn more about Elf on a Shelf 

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    #126 Fun Fall Rambling

    #126 Fun Fall Rambling

    In this conversation, we ramble about all the fun Fall things including Halloween, football, makeup application, and the new Beckham documentary. We also talk about parenting teenagers, navigating social media, and meeting people where they are.  We end with solid encouragment from Acts 16 on "closed doors and unmet expectations."   

    You can also watch this week's episode on our YouTube Channel

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest


    Listen to Simon Sinek's podcast here 

    Watch the Beckham documentary on Netflix here


    Listen to Auburn Community Church Pastor Miles Fidell's sermon  "Closed Doors and Unmet Expectations" 

    Don't allow your disillusionment and frustration to derail you. Unmet expectations are actually a powerful tool God uses. But so often, when God doesn't meet our expectations, we disengage from bold faith.

    "God I believe in your power more than I want to react to these circumstances"

    When God closes a door, stay attentive.  Pay close attention to what God is up to rather than wallowing in your unmet expectations. He is at work redirecting and supernaturally changing people. 

    How do distinguish between a closed door & walking away vs needing to stay & persevere?? Two ways. Wisdom & discernment about the will of God 

    How do we get wisdom? Prayer, scripture & wise counsel from other believers


    Listen to Fran's new podcast Let's Talk About That: A Union University Podcast

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.


    #125 NYC Rambling

    #125 NYC Rambling

    This episode is packed with our New York City must do's including what to see, where to eat, where to stay, what to wear, where to shop, and how to navigate the city.  We just took separate trips with our kids for Fall Break and have lots of fun details to share! 

    If you have never been or if you love NYC as much as we do, let us know! You can join the conversation in our Facebook group chat or send us a message with your comments!  We love hearing from y'all! 

    Order our favorite travel outfits here and here

    Order our favorite Lululemon belt bag here

    You can also watch this week's episode on our YouTube Channel

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest

    #124 Fun Rambling with Fran & Angela

    #124 Fun Rambling with Fran & Angela

    This is a fun, light-hearted conversation that turns serious and encouraging.  We have opinions on a random variety of things including leftovers, dry shampoo, the candy corn controversy, Angela's latest Amazon find, and how to deal with sandpaper people.  

    We also share our battle plan for young leaders (aka "5 things we wish we had known at a younger age").  Leadership is a gift from God.  We have an incredible responsibility to guard and protect that gift.

    1. Be careful whose voice you listen to
    2. Reset your mind
    3. Build in time for rest and play
    4. Always be humble and teachable
    5. Avoid comparison

    Matthew 16:24 MSG Then Jesus went to work on his disciples. “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am.

    Philippians 2:14-15 "Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, 'children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.' Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky."

    FCA Spirit Night with Sarah Roberts is November 5, 2023 at Union University!  Email Angela here if you would like to attend or need more information

    Let's Talk About That - A Union University Podcast - Episode 4 with Eva Grace Bedell

    With the Perrys - Preston & Jackie Hill Perry podcast series "How to Give the Gospel"

    If you want to learn more about Union University, check out the website www.uu.edu or email Fran at fthomas@uu.edu - we also have a fee waiver fee if you plan to apply!  Simply use the word TALK on the application.

    Proverbs 16:24: "Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

    We LOVE connecting with you!    Join our Facebook group   • Follow us on Instagram • Follow us on TikTok   • Follow us on Pinterest