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    Episodes (100)

    Return to Your First Love |Revelation 2

    Return to Your First Love |Revelation 2

    Jesus’ message to the church at Ephesus was to repent, return to their first love, and do the works they did at the beginning. But weren’t the Ephesians heroes of the faith – a church facing daily opposition and persecution? How could they lose their first love? And what are the works of first love Jesus requires us to do?

     See Revelation 2:2-6 NIV

    This is an extraordinary passage of scripture. 

    Jesus said saw their deeds, their hard work.

    The Church at Ephesus had persevered.

    They clung to correct doctrine and rejected false teachers and leaders.

    They hated wickedness and wouldn’t tolerate it in the church.

    They endured hardship for Jesus’s name. They didn’t get worn out and quit. 

    Many Christians today would consider a Biblically sound church that carefully guarded scripture, persevered through persecution and hardship, and had good leadership a good church.

    But truth is not enough. Right doctrine (right believing) is not enough. Righteousness (Right living) is not enough.

    Jesus next words to us are a wake up call:

    Revelation 2:4-6 NIV

    4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. 5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.

    1 Corinthians 13 is the core of Jesus' message to the righteous Ephesians. Without love, even truth, even righteousness is not enough.

    God has always required us to pursue truth and love. “But the greatest of these is love.”

    Without love, Jesus would return to this church and remove its lampstand – it’s light, it’s influence to the dark, demon worshiping city of Ephesus. Love and truth make us the light of the world. Without love, we lose our light. Without love we cannot represent Jesus well.

    Come Back to Your First Love

    Do you remember the love you had for Jesus and for God when you were first born again. I do! The first six weeks I was a Christian were like a honeymoon. I heard God so clearly and I felt so loved. I felt so free after I repented of my sins.

    What is First love?  

    1 John 4:10 NIV

    This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

    1 John 4:19 NIV

    We love, because He first loved us.

    First love, is experiencing, feeling the love God has for you. First love is God’s love for you that will manifest in your lives as love for yourself and others.

     “Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.” Revelation 2:5. 

    Activation: Return to The Works You Did at First

    When I was first born again, I felt closest to God when helping others. I volunteered at a homeless shelter and just loved people there any way I could. God poured His love through me.

    Then I joined a prison ministry at the county jail. I had been a criminal defense lawyer for several years and felt comfortable talking to people in jail. I experienced God's love for them in a new, indescribable way as I tried to love and help those behind bars.

    Scripture tells us that in loving others the love of God will be made complete in us. 

    1 John 4:12 NIV

    No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

    What were the works of your first love? What did you do that most connected your heart to God when you experienced the “first love” of God. Now, go do some of those things today and every day. It really is in loving others that God's love is made complete in us.

    20 biggest stories of '23 - part 3

    20 biggest stories of '23 - part 3

    We're going inside the top ten biggest Aussie sports stories of the year. An football coach tackling doubters. A beloved athlete fighting to clear his name. Sporting chaos. Generational brilliance. A sporting civil war that refuses to conclude. This is a heck of a list, buckle up for five of the best. 

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    Warner is the summer story, just not the way some expected

    Warner is the summer story, just not the way some expected

    In a relatively low-stakes cricket summer, David Warner's Test farewell was expected to be a defining narrative. It's certainly leading the conversation, but perhaps not in the way it was expected. A fiery rant from former teammate Mitchell Johnson has others considering the old question of play for now versus building for the future. Today, Peter Lalor joins Patrick Stack to prosecute both sides of the story. Featured: Pete Lalor, chief cricket writer, The Australian.

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    #014 Meditation

    #014 Meditation
    Diese Meditation lädt Dich dazu ein, Dich für einen kleinen Augenblick zurückzuziehen.

    Erlaube Dir, ins Vertrauen zu kommen.

    Lehne Dich für einen Moment entspannt zurück. Mache es Dir so bequem, dass Du für einige Minuten die Augen schließen kannst. Setze Dich bequem oder aufrecht an einen ruhigen Platz oder lege Dich ausgestreckt auf den Boden und decke Dich mit einer leichten Decke zu, so dass Dein ganzer Körper sich gut entspannen kann.

    EP 209: Proactive Strategy for Youth to Preventing Deterioration

    EP 209: Proactive Strategy for Youth to Preventing Deterioration
    Addressing pain as a warning sign in youth is crucial to avoid deterioration. Make lifestyle changes now to prevent worsening. Prioritize self-care, focus on key areas like back, glutes, and core, and increase daily movement. Adopt a consistent resistance or strength training program for improved well-being. Follow me: Instagram @dan.remon Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/danielremon Website - www.danremon.com Check out our up coming courses at https://danremon.com/courses/

    Designing for Diversity: Session 5 – The Arts

    Designing for Diversity: Session 5 – The Arts

    Art is often seen as a medium for self-expression, a place for artists and creatives to share their personal experiences, and so offers a unique opportunity for cultural exchange. Yet, as we live in increasingly multi-cultural societies, artistic influences and sources are becoming more various and plural – so the urgent question is how do we navigate celebrating other cultures without crossing the line of cultural appropriation? What is the definition of ‘high culture’ in the UK – and is it changing? And how do we ensure artistic work is celebrated and valued equally, regardless of its cultural origins?

    This event brings together speakers from across the Arts to discuss how to make space for cultural exchange in artistic expression, along with the nuances, challenges and rewards this may bring. Our discussion will explore a variety of art forms, from visual pieces to music and literature.

    This panel features Soheila Sokhanvari, Iranian-born artist; Dr Gus Casely Hayford OBE, inaugural Director of V&A East; Syima Aslam, Founder of the Bradford Literature Festival; Freddie Opoku Addaie, Artistic Director and Chief Executive of Dance Umbrella Festival and Roger Wilson,  Director of Operations of Black Lives in Music (BLIM). This event was moderated by Waqas Ahmed, Executive Director of the Khalili Foundation and Curator of the World Festival of Cultural Diversity. 

    This event was recorded as part of a live broadcast on 20 March 2023. 

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    Die Lehre der unterschiedlichen Energiephasen

    Die Lehre der unterschiedlichen Energiephasen
    Ich freue mich gemeinsam mit dir Zeit zu verbringen. Wir werden gemeinsam deine persönliche und spirituelle Reise vertiefen. Die neue Energie führt uns zur Transformation. In dieser Episode spreche ich aus meinem Herzen zu dir. Ich finde Worte, die dich zum Lachen bringen und ich finde Worte, die dich zum Nachdenken bewegen. Dabei bin ich da für dich.

    Hast du oft das Gefühl, etwas alleine in deinem Leben zu stehen? Dann ist die Episode genau die richtige Folge für dich! Ich vermittele dir das Gefühl, als wenn wir gemeinsam an einem Ort, wie zwei gute Freunde miteinander reden.

    Was dich erwartet:

    - Die Umstellung des Energiesystems
    - Das Gefühl, sich verstecken zu möchten
    - Die Lehre der unterschiedlichen Energiephasen
    - Die Akzeptanz der Ruhe

    Ich hoffe, diese Folge hat dich inspiriert, dir Leichtigkeit geschenkt und vor allem etwas Ruhe im turbulenten Alltag vermittelt.

    Schreibe mir gerne hier unter dem Beitrag oder auf Instagram @robinstraeter, wie dir diese Podcastfolge gefallen hat, wo du dir die aktuelle Folge angehört hast und was du für dich daraus mitnehmen konntest.

    Wenn du weitere Informationen über mich und meine Arbeit erfahren möchtest, schaue gerne auf meiner Website bei: https://robinstraeter.de/

    Liebe und Licht

    Q&A mit Solide Layouts

    Q&A mit Solide Layouts
    Premiere: Eine Crossover Q&A Ausgabe mit Tamarer vom Podcast Solide Layouts

    Wir haben beide gleichzeitig in den sozialen Medien dazu aufgerufen, uns Fragen zu stellen.

    Davon habt Ihr reichlich Gebrauch gemacht, vielen Dank dafür besonders an:

    Olli (die Kirmes counter) auf Instagram sowie Anna, Michaela, Olsen (dicke Bahn Podcast), die Litzigen Podcast und Milena.

    Lasst uns / mich gerne wissen, ob Euch das Format gefällt, jedes Feedback ist Willkommen.

    (Die Folge erscheint zeitgleich auch auf Solide Layouts) 

    Vielen Dank fürs Zuhören.

    Episode 62 - Rory Mcllroy Number 1 Golfer in the World, something LIV Tour Can't Do!

    Episode 62 - Rory Mcllroy Number 1 Golfer in the World, something LIV Tour Can't Do!

    Is Tiger Woods and the new #1 golfer in the world, Rory Mcllroy, our generation’s Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus? Heath and Vinnie debate this while trying to figure out how the LIV Tour’s Team Event works. They get into how to stop being a hero on the golf course. No reason to hit the impossible shot. 

    Hot Take on the Google Pixel 7 Phones

    Hot Take on the Google Pixel 7 Phones
    The Google Pixel 7 devices are finally here! In this episode Aneesh and Sahil discuss their hands-on first impressions, feature list, and if the Pixel camera prowess lives up to the hype.

    An all-around bon-vivant, Aneesh Bhasin is a commentator on all things cool and is one of GQ’s 30 most influential young Indians. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter at @aneeshb

    Sahil is the co-founder at Svami along with Aneesh and has daily driven Pixel phones since the launch of the Pixel

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    Preserving vernacular languages

    Preserving vernacular languages

    Foreign invasions and colonial homogenisation across the world wiped out native languages. However, In the case of India that did not happen. Our languages survived.

    But now with globalisation, our languages are losing their ground, as native speakers migrate to languages linked to economic opportunity, there is a band of silent workers striving to promote and spread the scope of vernaculars.

    In this episode, Ritul Gaur and Sowmya Nandan are joined by Vasant Shetty (Co-Founder MyLang) and Aakash Athawasya (Co-host Kannada Gothilla Podcast) to discuss their work in widening the reach of Kannada.

    You can follow Sowmya Nandan on twitter: https://twitter.com/sowmyanandan

    You can follow Ritul Gaur on twitter: https://twitter.com/GaurRitul

    You can follow Vasant Shetty on twitter: https://twitter.com/vasantshetty81

    You can follow Aakash Athawasya on twitter: https://twitter.com/AakashAtha

    Check out Takshashila’s courses: https://school.takshashila.org.in/

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

    You can check out our website at https://shows.ivmpodcasts.com/featured

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    Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, JioSaavn, Gaana, Amazon Music

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Abtreibung – eine Rettungsleine für die Demokraten?

    Abtreibung – eine Rettungsleine für die Demokraten?

    Bereits im Juni prognostizierten Meinungsforscher einen großen Sieg der Republikaner im November. Aber als der Oberste Gerichtshof Roe v. Wade aufhob, gingen empörte Demonstranten, darunter eine große Anzahl von Frauen und jungen Menschen, auf die Straße, registrierten zu wählen und mobilisierten als Reaktion darauf.  Ein Thema, das einst die Republikaner definierte, drohte plötzlich, sie zu Fall zu bringen. Welches Thema wird die Wähler im November am meisten motivieren — die prekäre Wirtschaft oder die prekäre Abtreibungsrechte?

    Theme Music:  Reha Omayer, Hamburg

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    Facebook: AmerikaUebersetzt
    Twitter: @AUbersetzt

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    India-China Border Disengagement: From LAC to SCO

    India-China Border Disengagement: From LAC to SCO

    India and China issued a joint statement last week announcing a coordinated and planned disengagement between the troops of both sides in the area of Gogra-Hotsprings (PP-15). While the disengagement is welcome, the timing suggests another story. In this episode, Shrikrishna Upadhyaya speaks to Manoj Kewalramani on the significance of the latest developments, its connection with the upcoming Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meet, and the likelihood of thaw in bilateral relations between India and China.

    You can follow Shrikrishna Upadhyaya on twitter: https://twitter.com/shrikrishna5

    You can follow Manoj Kewalramani on twitter: https://twitter.com/theChinaDude

    Check out Takshashila’s courses: https://school.takshashila.org.in/

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

    You can check out our website at https://shows.ivmpodcasts.com/featured

    Do follow IVM Podcasts on social media.

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    Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, JioSaavn, Gaana, Amazon Music

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Die Netflix-Serie "Bonding" im Realitätscheck

    Die Netflix-Serie "Bonding" im Realitätscheck
    Im letzten Jahr ist Alex vom JOYclub, deutschlands größter Sex- und Erotik-Community, auf mich zugekommen und fragte: "Aurora, hast du Lust für uns den Netflix-Hit "Bonding" unter die Lupe zu nehmen und aus professioneller Domina-Sicht zu bewerten?" Die Serie "Bonding" war mir natürlich bereits ein Begriff, doch Zeit zum Schauen hatte ich zu dem Zeitpunk noch nicht aufbringen können. Somit stand fest: Am kommenden Wochenende wurde Netflix geschaut! In dieser Folge lese ich dir meinen Artikel zur Serie "Bonding" vor - ganz unterm Realitätscheck einer Domina.

    JOYclub: www.joyclub.de
    Artikel auf der JOYclub-Seite: https://www.joyclub.de/magazin/bdsm/das_sagt_eine_domina_zum_netflix_hit_bonding.html

    Buch "Abends heiße ich Aurora": www.AuroraNiaNoxx.de/buch

    Instagram: @auroranianoxx
    Twitter: @auroranianoxx
    YouTube: @auroranianoxx // https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVq_IUsGcga04l085NOijVg

    The End of Happy Hours: Un-Liberalisation of Delhi's Excise Policy

    The End of Happy Hours: Un-Liberalisation of Delhi's Excise Policy

    Since last year, Delhi's excise policy has seen a lot of twists and turns. From complete privatisation to returning to the status quo. In this episode, Ritul Gaur, Pranay Kotasthane and Harshit Kukreja discuss Delhi's Excise policy, the importance of alcohol in a state's revenue and the way forward.

    You can follow Ritul Gaur on twitter: https://twitter.com/GaurRitul

    You can follow Pranay Kotasthane on twitter: https://twitter.com/pranaykotas

    You can follow Harshit Kukreja on twitter: https://twitter.com/harshitk43

    Check out Takshashila’s courses: https://school.takshashila.org.in/

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

    You can check out our website at https://shows.ivmpodcasts.com/featured

    Do follow IVM Podcasts on social media.

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