

    Explore " israel" with insightful episodes like "Proof of Life - with Rachel Goldberg and Jon Polin", "An Insider's Account of Columbia's Pro-Hamas Protests - with Shai Davidai", "A lot is happening in the Middle East... and nothing at all - with Nadav Eyal", "Jess Phillips on Angela Rayner tax story: scandal or smear?" and "How Israel Lost The Story - with Scott Galloway" from podcasts like ""Call Me Back - with Dan Senor", "Call Me Back - with Dan Senor", "Call Me Back - with Dan Senor", "Pod Save the UK" and "Call Me Back - with Dan Senor"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Proof of Life - with Rachel Goldberg and Jon Polin

    Proof of Life - with Rachel Goldberg and Jon Polin
    Share on Twitter: https://tinyurl.com/4ku8n3r3 After over 200 days, Rachel Goldberg and Jon Polin saw proof of life of their son Hersh Goldberg-Polin for the first time, who was severely wounded in the October 7th massacre and taken hostage by Hamas. Just last Wednesday, a video surfaced — which was produced by Hamas — of Hersh speaking to camera. In short, in the video, Hersh describes the he was taken hostage, he criticizes the Israeli Government, and he expresses love for his parents, Jon and Rachel and his two sisters. He addresses his severe wound from October 7th, in which his left hand — his dominant hand — was blown off. When I was in Israel,I visited with Rachel and Jon and we recorded a conversation for this podcast about the video, as well as what else they had learned from it, especially about Hersh’s severe wound — he continues to be medically fragile. Jon and Rachel discussed why they decided to approve media release and coverage of the video. Rachel and Jon also reacted to the shocking protests on US campuses — they are both from the US, as is Hersh, and they reflected on what they regarded as some encouraging news about a statement on the hostages, which was signed by 18 countries. They also addressed the possibility of Israeli elections in the midst of this ongoing hostage crisis and war. Follow “Bring Hersh Home” on Instagram: bring.hersh.home Hersh Goldberg Polin video: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hostage-hersh-goldberg-polins-family-approves-publication-of-hamas-propaganda-video/ Column by William McGurn of the WSJ: “Hamas’s American Hostages” — https://tinyurl.com/ymraw2yv

    An Insider's Account of Columbia's Pro-Hamas Protests - with Shai Davidai

    An Insider's Account of Columbia's Pro-Hamas Protests - with Shai  Davidai
    Share on Twitter: tinyurl.com/5n6bswst Since 10/07, no faculty member at Columbia University (or any university for that matter) has been more outspoken about the shocking and staggering rise in antisemitism than Shai Davidai. He brings his first-hand accounts to our conversation today. Shai is Assistant Professor in the Management Division of Columbia Business School. He received his PhD from Cornell University in 2015. Prior to joining Columbia Business School, Shai spent a year as a post-doctoral fellow at Princeton University and 3 years as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at The New School for Social Research. Since Columbia students established the most recent pro-Hamas encampment on the Columbia campus days ago, Israeli-born and raised Shai Davidai has been barred from campus. Having just now arrived in Israel, Shai joins us in Tel Aviv today to describe what exactly has been happening since 10/07, the early signs of antisemitism he identified at Columbia well before 10/07, and the common misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the rhetoric and incitement being used by a number of Columbia student organizations and faculty. You can follow Shai on X here: @ShaiDavidai

    A lot is happening in the Middle East... and nothing at all - with Nadav Eyal

    A lot is happening in the Middle East... and nothing at all - with Nadav Eyal
    Share on Twitter: https://tinyurl.com/3wv3d77z As we try to make sense of the past two weeks, consider this: 1. IDF withdraws from most of the Gaza Strip while it now also appears increasingly likely that the IDF will conduct an operation in Rafah. 2. An historic Iranian attack of 300 ballistic missiles, UAVs and cruise missiles, and an historic coalition force that includes Israel, the US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia and Jordan that shot down almost all of the projectiles. 3. A week later, Israel attacks Iran. 4. A widely backed U.N. security council resolution recognizing a Palestinian state, which the US vetoed. So a lot is happening, but is Israel closer to achieving the war's objectives? To help us understand what’s going on, our guest today is NADAV EYAL, who returns to the podcast. He is a columnist for Yediot. Eyal has been covering Middle-Eastern and international politics for the last two decades for Israeli radio, print and television news.

    Jess Phillips on Angela Rayner tax story: scandal or smear?

    Jess Phillips on Angela Rayner tax story: scandal or smear?

    On a busy week of news as MPs return to Parliament, Nish and Coco are joined by the Labour MP Jess Phillips. She gives her take on the investigation into Angela Rayner’s tax affairs, and reveals the toll it’s taking on her party’s deputy leader. 

    A discussion on Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel leads Jess to reveal her family links to Iran, and there’s some rare praise for Rishi Sunak for his anti-smoking legislation. Jess also says Diane Abbott should get the whip back, despite the two Labour colleagues having a somewhat frosty relationship. 

    Villain of the week is Liz Truss for her shameless book tour, although Jess makes a play for her to be hero, saying she’s “a gift” for Labour and “should be on the tele more”. There’s also praise for Ted Lasso star Hannah Waddingham, for putting a sexist photographer in his place. Plus Nish and Coco have some songwriting tips for Megan Thee Stallion.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


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    Jess Phillips, Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley


    Audio credits:


    BBC News

    Fox News



    How Israel Lost The Story - with Scott Galloway

    How Israel Lost The Story - with Scott Galloway
    Share the episode on Twitter: https://tinyurl.com/yc2yfbmz Just about every day we’re asked: how did Israel lose the story?We wanted to put this question to an expert in marketing and storytelling, but could come at Israel’s story with some distance. Someone who wasn’t inherently hostile to Israel but also wasn’t a cheerleader. Scott Galloway is a Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business where he teaches Brand Strategy and Digital Marketing. He’s the host of the Prof G Podcast and the Pivot podcast, which he co-hosts with Kara Swisher. He is the New York Times bestselling author of numerous books ,including “The Four”, “The Algebra of Happiness”, and “Adrift: America in 100 Charts”. He has a new book coming out, which you can pre-order, called “The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security.” Scott has served on the board of directors of Eddie Bauer, The New York Times Company and the Berkeley School of Business. In this episode, Scott talks for the first time in an extended conversation about his observations from Israel. We also discuss the future of higher education, and we talk about his new book and comparisons between the experiences of young Israelis and young Americans during their formative years. Pre-order Scott Galloway’s new book: “The Algebra of Wealth” — https://tinyurl.com/2s38vxpb Follow Scott at: ProfGMedia.com

    121 - Stellvertreterkrieg

    121 - Stellvertreterkrieg
    Bislang führte das iranische Regime einen Stellvertreterkrieg gegen seinen Erzfeind Israel, in dem auf die Proxies der Mullahs gesetzt wurde (und wird), insbesondere die Hamas in Gaza, die Hisbollah im Libanon und die Huthis im Jemen. Seit letzten Samstag ist das anders, der Iran griff zum ersten Mal Israel direkt an. Zum Glück konnten die Israelis zusammen mit Jordanien, den USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich 99% der vom Iran abgefeuerten Drohnen, Raketen und Marschflugkörpern abfangen, es gab keine Toten.
    Bardia Razavi, Deutsch-Iraner aus Hamburg, und ich unterhalten uns über diesen Angriff, über die Ideologie der Mullahs, ihre Auslegung des Schiitentums, die die radikale Vernichtung des jüdischen Staates zur handlungsweisenden Maxime des Regimes erhebt, über neue und alte Verbündete Israels im Nahen Osten, die Iranpolitik von Obama und Trump und der EU und über eventuelle Zeitenwenden im Umgang mit dem iranischen Terrorregime. Denn eins sollte immer wieder klar werden: nicht die Iraner sind der Feind, sondern die dortige Despotie. Verschwindet diese endlich auf dem Müllhaufen der Geschichte, wird der gesamte Nahe Osten ein menschenfreundlicherer Ort.

    Bardia im Weltnetz:

    The People vs Donald Trump

    The People vs Donald Trump

    Donald Trump makes history as the first US President to face a criminal trial and reportedly falls asleep at the defense table during jury selection. President Biden urges restraint from Bibi Netanyahu after Iran launches retaliatory drone and missile strikes against Israel. Meanwhile, Speaker Mike Johnson finds himself in a political pickle trying to pass aid for Israel and Ukraine. Then, Tommy and Strict Scrutiny's Melissa Murray discuss Trump's first day in court, the process of jury selection, and how the New York case compares to Trump's other indictments.

    What it’s like to fight for your (captive) family - with Maya Roman

    What it’s like to fight for your (captive) family - with Maya Roman
    There has been growing tension within Israeli society over where to prioritize a hostage deal – at what cost (in terms of how many and which Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons should be part of the deal and the length of any temporary ceasefire). At the same time, the sense of urgency behind Israel's hostage cause in capitals around the world is…drifting. Not disappearing, but drifting. A turning point seemed to be when the UN Security Council passed a resolution – 14-0 (made possible by a US decision not to veto) – that, for the first time, did not call for a ceasefire that was conditioned on the return of the hostages. It’s a sense we get from families of hostages, who are in regular contact with media, NGOs and governments around the world. It’s against that backdrop, that we sat down in person with Maya Roman, who was in New York and Washington, DC. Maya Roman is an Israeli journalist from Tel Aviv. On October 7th, Maya’s cousin, Yarden Roman-Gat, was visiting her husband’s parents in Kibbutz Beeri along with other family members. Yarden and her sister in law, Carmel, were taken hostage. Yarden’s mother-in-law (and Carmel’s mother), Kinneret, was murdered. Yarden was released as part of the hostage deal last November. Carmel is still being held. Since 10/07, Maya has not stopped organizing or advocating for the release of her family. When we hear of the hostage families movement, Maya is the kind of person who has been in the middle of it. In our conversation, Maya talks about what they have learned from Yarden since her return from captivity, and where the hostage movement may go from here, at this crucial and very raw phase. "Bring Carmel Back" on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bringcarmelback?igsh=MTBkaGlsd3JtbXI4eQ==

    Trump "Proudly" Supports Abortion Bans

    Trump "Proudly" Supports Abortion Bans

    Donald Trump once again takes credit for overturning Roe v. Wade and promises to allow states to enact even the most extreme abortion bans. He also promises billionaire donors more tax cuts and whiter immigrants. Joe Biden announces a new student debt relief plan for another 23 million people and finally gives Benjamin Netanyahu an ultimatum. Then, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin stops by the studio to talk to Jon Lovett about her tough re-election campaign, TikTok, and what actually counts as milk.

    Is the war in Gaza over? With Nadav Eyal

    Is the war in Gaza over? With Nadav Eyal
    There have been two major developments in the past few days. First, the IDF has announced it is withdrawing much of its ground force presence from Gaza, at the same time that Iran is threatening a direct military hit against Israel or Israeli assets globally. The Iranian threat is in response to the IDF operation that destroyed Iran’s Consulate in Damascus one week ago. To help us understand whether we are at a truly new stage (or late stage) of the war, our guest today is NADAV EYAL, who returns to the podcast. He is a columnist for Yediot. Eyal has been covering Middle-Eastern and international politics for the last two decades for Israeli radio, print and television news.

    Is Israel Losing America's Jews? With Yossi Klein Halevi and Rabbi David Ingber

    Is Israel Losing America's Jews? With Yossi Klein Halevi and Rabbi David Ingber
    Over the past several weeks, especially the Biden administration’s statements Thursday, Israel has been subjected to a fresh round of harsh criticisms. We’ll be turning to the elevating U.S.-Israel tensions in our Monday episode with Nadav Eyal. But today we have a conversation about the criticisms we have been hearing in intra-Jewish community debates here in the U.S. and other Diaspora communities. While there is a growing number of American Jewish leaders calling on Israel to change course and pursue a permanent ceasefire -- or at least wage a more “humane” war -- these voices are still a small minority (albeit a very loud minority). These voices get outsized attention, but they should not be ignored. They are people that many of us know. Some have large platforms. Many non-Jews hear them on those platforms and cite these Jewish figures as sources. What does all this tell us about trends in American Jewish life long before October 7? What is the impact now on Israel? These are some of the questions we try to unpack with: -Yossi Klein Halevi, who is a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Yossi has written a number of books, including his latest, "Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor," which was a New York Times bestseller. He has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Times of Israel. He is co-host of "For Heaven's Sake" podcast. -Rabbi David A. Ingber is the new Senior Director for Jewish Life and Senior Director of the Bronfman Center at 92NY. He serves as the founding rabbi of Romemu, the largest Renewal synagogue in the United States. Items discussed in this episode: -Rabbi David Ingber's Shabbat sermon on Israel (03/22/24): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px5i9mIxd5E&t=3942s -Rabbi Angela Buchdahl's letter to her congregants on her position on the war in response to the "Times of Israel" article: https://centralsynagogue.cmail20.com/t/j-e-sulquk-dhkutlbli-r/ -Yossi Klein Halevi's books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B001IXOA04

    Is Gantz headed for the exit? with Anshel Pfeffer

    Is Gantz headed for the exit? with Anshel Pfeffer
    On Wednesday, Benny Gantz announced he was calling for new elections to take place in September. What is the significance of this announcement? Is it a sharp turn for Israel’s Government? What are the implications for the war and the War Cabinet? What does it mean for the protest movement? Anshel Pfeffer — who has covered Israeli politics, Israeli national security, and global affairs for over two decades — joins our conversation very late at night in Jerusalem. He is a senior correspondent and columnist for Haaretz and Israel correspondent for The Economist. Anshel is the author of the book: “ Bibi: The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu.”

    Biden’s two-pronged Israel strategy — with Bret Stephens

    Biden’s two-pronged Israel strategy — with Bret Stephens
    Since October 7, the United States has vetoed three resolutions put before the UN Security Council calling for a ceasefire. But suddenly, this past Monday, in a jarring change of course, the U.S. abstained, which -- for all practical purposes -- means the Biden administration chose to allow the 15-member Security Council to pass a similar resolution by a 14-0 vote.

    How Will Putin Respond to an ISIS Attack? (feat. Bernie Sanders)

    How Will Putin Respond to an ISIS Attack? (feat. Bernie Sanders)

    Tommy and Ben discuss the deteriorating relations between the White House and Bibi Netanyahu's government after the UN Security Council calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, the stalling hostage negotiations in Qatar, and Trump's PR advice to Israel. Then, they talk about the ISIS attack at a Moscow concert hall and Putin's response. They also discuss Hong Kong's new national security law, two surprising political resignations, a democratic election in Senegal, why the former president of Brazil was hiding in a foreign embassy, and Kate Middleton's cancer diagnosis. Plus, Senator Bernie Sanders and Ben discuss the looming famine in Gaza, conditioning aid to Israel, and changing US foreign policy for the better.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Is Israel Alone? With Haviv Rettig Gur

    Is Israel Alone? With Haviv Rettig Gur
    The new edition of The Economist Magazine features a photo of an Israeli flag, blowing in the wind…all alone. The cover title of this issue’s editorial is just that — “Israel Alone”. The editorial reads: “Today Israel has destroyed perhaps half of Hamas’s forces. But in important ways its mission has failed. “As estrangement from the West deepens, so deterrence may weaken. Firms could be blacklisted. Bosses could move high-tech businesses abroad or, if they are reservists, be arrested there.” But is Israel actually alone? This is what we unpack today during our regular check-in with Haviv Rettig Gur. And in the first part of the conversation, we wound up discussing why the criticism of Israel today looks almost identical to criticism of Israel in previous wars, regardless of which politicians are leading Israel.

    War Cabinet Member, Ron Dermer

    War Cabinet Member, Ron Dermer
    In the days ahead, Minister Dermer will be flying to Washington with a small delegation to meet with the Biden administration about the IDF’s options for Rafah, which we discuss. We also discuss where the overall military operation in Gaza stands now, the hostage negotiations, whether the Israeli Government should be expected to have a day-after plan rolled out now, what role the Arab world can or should play in that day-after planning, and the Government of Canada’s decision to ban future arms sales to Israel.

    My 'Come to Jesus' Moment with Haviv

    My 'Come to Jesus' Moment with Haviv
    As Ramadan begins, many analysts are speculating on what this means for Israel’s coming military operation in Rafah. There is a threat from Hamas to deter a Rafah operation. There is a threat from the Biden administration seemingly designed to encourage Israeli’s War Cabinet to re-think the operation. Are these real threats? How does Israel evaluate these threats? This is what we unpack in our weekly check-in with Haviv Rettig Gur. Then we discuss whether President Biden is beginning a turn against Israel. Is it real or is it performative? Is there a difference? What are the implications?

    Israel’s Near Death Experience - with Micah Goodman

    Israel’s Near Death Experience - with Micah Goodman
    Micah Goodman is on the speed-dial of a number of Israeli political leaders – from right to left, but especially on the center-left and the center-right. He is a polymath, a podcaster and one of Israel’s most influential public intellectuals, having written books ranging from biblical lessons for the modern age to Israel’s geopolitics. One book in particular, had an outsized impact in terms of its framing of the conundrum that Israel has been in with the Palestinians since 1967. That book is called Catch-67: The Left, the Right, and the Legacy of the Six-Day War, Not only have all of his books been bestsellers in Israel, he essentially created a new genre; books that bring core texts of Jewish thought to a general, secular audience. But Micah has a new book, which he wrote in a four-month sprint following October 7. His new book is called ‘The Eighth Day’, in which Micah tries to understand the implications of the nation’s trauma and what it means for the other ‘day after’ (not the ‘day after’ in Gaza, but the ‘day after’ inside Israel). What does this moment mean for Israelis? How will 10/07 re-shape Israeli society…and its politics?This is the first interview Micah has done about his new book, which will be published (in Hebrew) at the end of March. Micah Goodman’s books: Catch-67 — https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/catch-67-micah-goodman/1128089735?ean=9780300248418 The Wondering Jew — https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-wondering-jew-micah-goodman/1136574622?ean=9780300252248