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    decision making

    Explore " decision making" with insightful episodes like "EP 287: Empowering Change to Take Control of Your Life", "EP 276: Data-Driven Health Strategies for Personal Performance Optimization", "The 6 Biggest Decisions You’ll Make In Your Life", "The Psychology of Decision Making: Strategies for Better Choices" and "How to Make Better Decisions" from podcasts like ""2 Minute Coach with Dan Remon", "2 Minute Coach with Dan Remon", "The Mindset Mentor", "The Mindset Mentor" and "a16z Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (7)

    EP 276: Data-Driven Health Strategies for Personal Performance Optimization

    EP 276: Data-Driven Health Strategies for Personal Performance Optimization
    We will uncover the intersection of data-driven decision-making and personal health journeys while learning the essential steps toward a precise and personalized approach to health and performance optimization. Follow me: Instagram @dan.remon Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/danielremon Website - www.danremon.com Check out our up coming courses at https://danremon.com/courses/

    The 6 Biggest Decisions You’ll Make In Your Life

    The 6 Biggest Decisions You’ll Make In Your Life

    In this episode, we're diving deep into those crucial choices that shape our lives. From career paths to personal relationships, I'm here to guide you through it all with insights and strategies to make the best decisions for you.

    But hey, it's not just about the tough choices – it's about understanding why these decisions are significant and how they can lead to a life of fulfillment and joy. I'm super excited to share this journey with you and can't wait to hear your thoughts. So, tune in, get comfy, and let's explore these life-altering decisions together! 

    📺 Watch this Episode on Youtube 

    If you like this episode… 

    Make sure to share it with someone that needs to hear it and help us get the message out there so that together we can help make people’s lives better and make the world a better place. 

    And BY THE WAY:

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.

    Within its pages, you'll discover powerful insights and practical steps that will revolutionize the way you approach your goals, personal motivation, and mental focus.

    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book


    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:







    Or visit my Youtube page that is designed specifically for anyone desiring motivation, direction, and focus in life: 


    The Psychology of Decision Making: Strategies for Better Choices

    The Psychology of Decision Making:  Strategies for Better Choices

    Today, we're diving deep into the fascinating world of decision-making because, let's face it, we make choices left and right every single day. Some are as big as deciding to tie the knot or have kiddos, while others are as small as picking out the right T-shirt color!

    So, what's the secret sauce to making the best choices for your life? Well, I've got some fantastic tips to share with you:

    1️⃣ First things first, let's talk about finding your "North Star." It's like setting your life's GPS to what truly matters to you. What do you want your life to look like, and what's your ultimate purpose? Let's align your decisions with that guiding star!

    2️⃣ You've got skills and talents, right? So do I! But it's essential to choose paths that align with your North Star, not just the ones that bring in the big bucks. Trust me; fulfillment is the name of the game.

    3️⃣ Speaking of fulfillment, ever noticed how some choices just feel right deep down in your gut? Well, there's actual science behind it! Your gut feeling, or intuition, is a powerful decision-making tool linked to your enteric nervous system. It's your second brain, and it's worth paying attention to!

    4️⃣ To make even better choices, try the "10-10-10 rule." Ask yourself how you'll feel about a decision in 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years. It's like peering into the future to see if your choice stands the test of time!

    5️⃣ Lastly, remember to pause and reflect. Give your brain some time to shift from emotional reactions to logical reasoning. This simple step can save you from impulsive decisions you might regret later.

    I get it; we're often drawn to logical thinking, but sometimes our feelings and intuition are our secret superpowers. When you blend gut instincts with critical thinking, magic happens! 🌟

    So, join me on this incredible journey of self-discovery and better decision-making. Hit that subscribe button, leave a comment, and let's embark on a mind-blowing adventure together!

    Oh, and by the way, if you pre-order my upcoming book at robdial.com/book

    You'll not only get a free course but also a shot at winning over $25,000 in cash and prizes! But hurry, these offers vanish on the book's release date, October 3rd! 📚✨

    Thank you all for your amazing support! Remember, the journey to a fulfilling life starts with the right choices, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

    If you like this episode… 

    Make sure to share it with someone that needs to hear it and help us get the message out there so that together we can help make people’s lives better and make the world a better place. 

    And BY THE WAY:

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available for pre-order. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.

    Within its pages, you'll discover powerful insights and practical steps that will revolutionize the way you approach your goals, personal motivation, and mental focus.

    📚If you want to pre order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book


    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:






    Or visit my Youtube page that is designed specifically for anyone desiring motivation, direction, and focus in life: 


    How to Make Better Decisions

    How to Make Better Decisions

    Can you get better at decision-making with practice? Many founders, investors, and builders must make many critical decisions, big and small, every day, and improving the quality of your decision-making process can become a big competitive advantage. 

    In this episode from October 2020, expert decision strategist, author and professional poker player, Annie Duke, joins a16z managing partner Jeff Jordan, to discuss some of the frameworks, strategies, and tactics for better decision-making by both individuals and organizations that she outlines in her second book, How to Decide. This was Annie’s second appearance on the podcast – she first joined a16z co-founder Marc Andreessen and host Sonal Chokshi to discuss her first book, Thinking in Bets, where they  went deep into how to frame taking risks and placing bets, especially in the context of innovation. 

    You can read the full transcript of this episode here, and you can read the transcript of Annie's first episode on the a16z Podcast with Marc Andreessen here

    Innovating and Deciding, for Companies and People

    Innovating and Deciding, for Companies and People

    original episode notes and transcript here: 


    Longtime podcast showrunner (2014-2022), primary host, and editor Sonal Chokshi shares three best-of episodes as she shifts gears and the show goes on hiatus until relaunched with a new host. 

    The second of these three special rerun episodes is a conversation that originally took place spring/summer 2019, pre-pandemic (ah, that we could remember that time!) – between a16z co-founder Marc Andreessen and Sonal interviewing author, consultant/advisor, and former pro poker player Annie Duke, on one of her first few appearances with us. It’s a conversation quite unlike her other conversations, and one in a series of special joint interviews Marc and Sonal did. So there's a lot of high-speed talking, but the three cover a broad range of topics relevant to both businesses and individuals: on skill vs luck, on outcomes vs process, on asking the right questions, on how to communicate in probabilities within an organization or team, and, on how NOT making a decision is also a decision and why that matters. 

    Be sure to also check out this feed for the followup conversation with Annie, Jeff Jordan, and Sonal on the specifics of HOW to Decide as well -- the practical and organizational implementations. (Because the a16z Podcast became an early go-to for book authors to release their books, Annie agreed to share her next book with us first.) But overall, these evergreen episodes are really all about INNOVATION, which is another signature theme in defining the identity of the a16z Podcast…

    How to Decide, Convey vs. Convince, & More

    How to Decide, Convey vs. Convince, & More

    It seems like investors are especially obsessed with the psychology of decision making -- high stakes, after all -- but all kinds of decisions, whether in life or business -- like dating, product management, what to eat or watch on Netflix -- are an "investment portfolio" of decisions... even if you sometimes feel like you're making one big decision at a time (like, say, marriage or what product to develop next or who to hire).

    Obviously, not all decisions are equal; in fact, sometimes we don't even have to spend any time deciding. So how do we know which decisions to apply a robust decision process too, which ones not to? What are the strategies, mindsets, tools to help us decide? How can we operationalize a good decision process and decision hygiene into our teams and organizations? After all, we're tribal creatures -- our opinions are infectious (for better and for worse) -- so how do we convey vs. convince, and not necessarily agree but inform to decide? Especially given common pitfalls (resulting, hindsight bias, etc.), and "the paradox of experience", including even (and more so) winning vs. losing.

    Decision expert (and leading poker player) Annie Duke comes back on the a16z Podcast -- after our first conversation with her for Thinking in Bets, which focused mainly on WHY our decision making gets so frustrated -- to talk about her new book, which picks up where the last left off, on HOW to Decide: Simple Tools for Better Choices. In conversation with a16z managing partner Jeff Jordan (and former CEO of OpenTable and former GM of eBay among other things) -- so, from all sides of investing, operating, life -- Annie shares tips for decision makers of all kinds making decisions under uncertainty... really, all of us.


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