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    Okay. Now What? - A Show for The Young and The Anxious.

    Okay. Now What?! is a podcast by Speaker and Certified Life Coach, Kate Gladdin, to help teens and twenty-somethings build the resilience we need to overcome the challenges of finishing school and life after it. Kate combines her personal experience with powerful coaching tools to help you stop spinning in overwhelm and better navigate your way through all the big, and often unexpected, changes that happen in this stage of our lives. On this podcast you'll not only find tonnes of inspiration, but eye-opening advice and useful strategies to reduce your anxiety and boost your confidence so you go after what you want most. After losing her sister at just age 20, Kate knows life is too short not to.
    enKate Gladdin281 Episodes

    Episodes (281)

    How to Stop Taking Things So Personally

    How to Stop Taking Things So Personally

    Do you have a hard time not getting upset when someone is judging you harshly? Do you often second guess yourself or hold yourself back in fear of what other people might think? If so, this episode is the ultimate pep talk for you! By the end of it, you'll understand how to stop taking things so personally so have the confidence to live YOUR best life 🙌

    Why Curiosity Is Better Than Confidence

    Why Curiosity Is Better Than Confidence

    Feeling confident is great, until it starts limiting your life experience because you start talking yourself out of things you don't feel confident in or certain about yet. Curiosity on the other hand, opens you back up to more experiences and opportunities so you get even more out of life! If you struggle with a need for 'control' and certainty before you take action (which is meaning you're missing out on a lot you want to do in life!), this episode is for you! 

    Want to stop letting your anxiety run your life?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    Handling College Rejections & Finding Your Path After School - With Sophomore Cassie

    Handling College Rejections & Finding Your Path After School - With Sophomore Cassie

    Today I am SO excited to introduce you all to my long term coaching student, Cassie, who's journey after high school has been so inspiring I KNOW sharing it with you guys is going to help anyone else out there who is heading to college or about to begin the application process! Tune in to hear how Cassie handled being rejected by her dream college, what she did to help overcome her social anxiety to become better at making new friends, mistakes she's made that you can learn from and her best advice to anyone else out there feeling overwhelmed by the whole college process right now. 

    Life won't always go according to plan, but Cassie's journey is still living proof that when you respond from a place of open mindedness, courage and commitment, you can still end up exactly where you're meant to be. <3

    Want to manage your anxiety & feel more confident?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    Thriving with A Mental Health Diagnosis - With Kate Simonet

    Thriving with A Mental Health Diagnosis - With Kate Simonet

    I am excited to have a special guest, Kate Simonet, on the show today to discuss her eye-opening and inspiring journey she's been on since her mental health hit an all time low during her senior year at high school. What followed was a two-weeklong psychiatric hospitalization stays and a suicide attempt, before being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Once thinking that was going to limit her in life, Kate is now an author, inspirational speaker and Program Manager at the amazing youth mental health organization, Thumbs Up. Tune in to hear Kate's inspiring story of rising above her struggles to prove that a diagnosis doesn't have to define you or confine your life. There's also helpful advice on what to do if someone you love is diagnosed with a mental health condition and how to better support them.

    Check out Kate's book, Out of the Darkness, on Amazon here.

    Here's more from Kate about her journey & why she wrote such an honest and brave book:

    "As a senior in high school, I had what many would call an "All-American Life." I was varsity captain in three sports, was named the most athletic female in my highschool, an academic honors student, and, in seven short months, I would be on my way to a Division II college to pursue my education and compete on the cross country and track team. My parents are supportive and married. I have a loving sister. I was truly happy and thankful for the life I had and all the hard work I had put in to get me to where I was.

    Despite this "All-American" background, nothing had prepared me for the downward spiral that led me to two, two-weeklong psychiatric hospitalization stays and a suicide attempt before those seven months were up. I would later be diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and, with time, learn to overcome stigma, and eventually find peace and learn to live a successful and meaningful life.

    If I had a better understanding of what mental illnesses looked like and had the correct resources and language to ask for help, things would not have been so difficult for my younger self. I believe that if my parents and friends had known more about mental health issues I would not have had to go through what I did.

    I wish there were more awareness and education of how mental health issues can affect even a successful, driven, loved, and supportive kid. I don't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else. I hope by sharing my story I can bring awareness to mental health and give the reader a sense of hope. If people do not share their experiences, how do we learn from one another and help each other along the way?"

    When Job Hunting is Taking Longer Than Expected (and You're Ready to Quit!)

    When Job Hunting is Taking Longer Than Expected (and You're Ready to Quit!)

    Feeling discouraged after applying for lots of job and not hearing back from any? You're not alone! This week's episode is thanks to a podcast listener who messaged me this:

    So I've graduated from a Diploma of Health Science and I'm currently on my 2nd year on my bachelor degree. I've been trying to get started and find a job based on my diploma but I've had no luck as most positions require experience. So as a beginning i tried to volunteer but I never hear back from anyone. I've been really disappointed and I'm thinking that it might not even be worth finishing my degree at this point consider I can't even volunteer... I feel stuck and pretty useless at the moment... I don't know what to do to fix it…

    Tune in to hear my tips on how to increase your chances of landing your next job and inspiration to find the determination to keep going when you don't.  🙌

    Want to manage your anxiety & feel more confident?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching


    The Antidote to Depression and Anxiety

    The Antidote to Depression and Anxiety

    I am THRILLED to be back recording episodes again for Okay, Now What? and so grateful to be joined by returning guest coach, Joey Mascio! I invited him back on the show after seeing an Instagram post of his that really caught my attention - it was about what he's found to be the solution to helping solve for any anxiety, aggression or depression that you struggle with. When I read into the strategies he was sharing, and why solving for our struggles doesn't come from just positivity but finding deeper purpose and connection in our lives, I knew I HAD to get him on the show to share it with you all! So be sure to tune in and also check out Joey's free giveaway just for you: https://www.joeymascio.com/kate

    Want to manage your anxiety & feel more confident?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    Knowing When to Quit

    Knowing When to Quit

    It's important to persevere through challenges towards a goal, but it's also important to know when to walk away from one - what's the difference? Tune in to find out! There's also a special announcement at the end about what's coming up for this podcast over December & January :)

    Want more help with your goals and confidence?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    How to Feel the Fear and Feel It Anyway *FLASHBACK EPISODE*

    How to Feel the Fear and Feel It Anyway *FLASHBACK EPISODE*

    You've likely heard saying ''Feel the fear and do it anyway'' - but HOW do you actually do that?

    How do you ask that cute guy out, audition for the musical or drop out of a course you have zero interest in - even when you're terrified of failing or being rejected and ridiculed for it? 

    The answer lies in understanding what you're actually afraid of (it's probably not what you think) and that you're already living your worst case scenario. What do I mean by this? Be sure to tune in to find out.

    If you're sick of hiding away in fear and ready to live true to the ''me you want to be'' in the world - this episode is for you! Let's do this!

    How to Set Better Boundaries in Friendships

    How to Set Better Boundaries in Friendships

    Do you have a friend who sometimes goes through your phone without asking? Shares things that you tell them in secret? Tries to pressure you into something you don't want to do?

    These are all signs that a boundary needs to be put in place! A boundary is essentially how to self protect your own needs, space and values so you ensure you keep being a friend to yourself first and foremost. But I know sometimes people are afraid to speak up or set a boundary in fear it might upset the other person or worry that they'll just ignore it anyway. So tune into this episode to learn the 3 biggest myths that keep people from setting proper boundaries & how you can set better ones in your relationships as needed!


    Want more help with your goals and confidence?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    Need a Hit Of Inspiration? Here You Go!

    Need a Hit Of Inspiration? Here You Go!

    Some days life is harder than others, and this episode is for one of those days! Whether it's a pep talk on finding courage to do the thing you're scared of, or a reminder of why holding on during dark days is always worth it, this episode will leave you feeling inspired & determined to make every day count.

    Want more help with your goals and confidence?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    When You're Scared About Growing Up & 'Adulting'

    When You're Scared About Growing Up & 'Adulting'

    This episode I answer the question sent into me by a follower:

    Hi Kate! I just needed a little advice on growing up and going along with adult life. I just got my first job but I can’t help but to think I’m one step closer to moving out, driving, and so many other important milestones. My goal is to move to Canada someday but sometimes it feels so scary even being away from my family at work. It’s hard to even think about moving to another country and leaving my family when I can’t go to work for a few hours and come back home.

    Tune in to find out what tips and advice I have to share!

    Want more help with your goals and confidence?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    Overcoming Addiction & Taking Control Back of Your Life

    Overcoming Addiction & Taking Control Back of Your Life

    I'm excited to have special guest, Dave Taylor, on the show this week to share his inspiring story of overcoming addiction and losing 300 lbs to set his life back on track in a purposeful way. It's a must listen out there for anyone who's feeling helpless or like they're 'too far gone' to make a change - Dave's story is proof that change IS always possible, one brave step at a time. <3 

    Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    How to Have A Happier & Healthier Brain

    How to Have A Happier & Healthier Brain

    One thing school didn't teach me was what the heck it really meant to take care of yourself mentally and keep your brain healthy! So tune into this episode to learn about the 4 main chemicals your brain needs to thrive & keep you in a better mood, even when life gets tough!

    Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    5 Mistakes People Make in Friendships (And How to Avoid Them!)

    5 Mistakes People Make in Friendships (And How to Avoid Them!)

    Friendships can be the most rewarding and meaningful part of life, and sometimes also the most challenging! Tune into this episode to learn the most common mistakes people make in friendships that often cause unnecessary drama or misunderstandings - and then tips to try out instead to build friendships that last!

    Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    Overcoming Your Fear of Rejection *5 YEAR FLASHBACK EPISODE*

    Overcoming Your Fear of Rejection *5 YEAR FLASHBACK EPISODE*

    In celebration of 5 years of "Okay. Now What?", I'm excited to do a flashback to my first ever episode of this podcast! If the fear of rejection or failure holds you back from what you really want to do in life, then this episode is definitely a must listen!

    Thank you to my amazing podcast family for all your support over the years, I am so grateful for you and look forward to many more years to come! <3 

    How to Get Better at Following Through on What You Said You'd Do

    How to Get Better at Following Through on What You Said You'd Do

    Do you have every intention to get up early to workout, only to roll over because it's too hard to get up? Or do you keep putting off breaking up with your boyfriend because you don't want to hurt his feelings? I know that in the moment, some decisions or actions can be really hard to do - but long term, they're even harder to not do.

    Every time we choose comfort over our goals and wellbeing, we actually suffer more in the big picture. So if you're someone who struggles to follow through on what you said you'd do, simply because when it comes to actually doing it, it feels too hard - tune into this episode. It'll be the exact pep talk you need to get back on track on 'choosing hard' to make your life easier!

    Using Guilt For Good

    Using Guilt For Good

    Feeling guilty over something you've done? Whether it's talking behind a friend's back, lying to your parents or not showing up to your cousins championship game, tune into this episode to learn how to turn your guilt into something good for your growth!

    Want to feel more confident and happier in your own skin?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching

    How Hope Can Hold You Back

    How Hope Can Hold You Back

    "Hopefully I make new friends"

    "I'm hoping my study plan works out"

    "Hopefully I get a job this summer"

    Hope sounds like such a positive and helpful thing to believe in - which it certainly can be in some contexts - but in other situations, especially when it comes to achieving a goal, hope may be the exact thing that's blocking your progress. Tune into this episode to find out why and what to do about it!

    Social Anxiety & Feeling Less Awkward Meeting New People *FLASHBACK EPISODE*

    Social Anxiety & Feeling Less Awkward Meeting New People *FLASHBACK EPISODE*

    From forgetting what to say, to laughing awkwardly or hiding away in the corner, social anxiety is something that gets the better of many of us - I know it used to for me.

    But not anymore! 

    So this episode I share with you the BEST question to ask to feel less awkward when meeting new people - so your anxiety doesn't hold you back from the opportunities and relationships you really want in life! 

    Want help putting all these tips and tools into practice?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for teens and young adults: www.kategladdin.com/coaching
