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    Exuberant Life Sessions with Rachel Ross

    Balanced Wellness; Energy, Vitality, Strength, Exuberance, Radiance. If these words are meaningfull to you, tune into the podcast!
    enRachel Ross31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    Introduction to Ayurveda Doshas

    Introduction to Ayurveda Doshas

    An alternative medicine system with historical roots in India. It is heavily practiced in India and Nepal, where around 80% of the population are reportedly using ayurveda.

    Ayurveda therapies have evolved over more than 2000 years. Therapies include herbal medicines, special diets, meditation, yoga, massage, laxatives, enemas, and medical oils.

    Dosha balance is emphasized, and suppressing natural urges is considered unhealthy and claimed to lead to illness. Ayurveda includes three elemental doshas; vāta, pitta and kapha. Balance of the doshas results in health, while imbalance leads to disease.

    Want to discover your dosha: https://chopra.com/dosha-quiz

    Contact me and learn more about Club Prana at www.rachelrosswellness.com

    Breathing For Vitality

    Breathing For Vitality

    The word "spirit" comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning breath. Historically, breath has often been considered in terms of the concept of life force. The Hebrew Bible refers to God breathing the breath of life into clay to make Adam a living soul (nephesh). It also refers to the breath as returning to God when a mortal dies. The terms spirit, prana, the Polynesian mana, the Hebrew ruach, and the psyche in psychology are related to the concept of breath.
    In tai chi, aerobic exercise is combined with breathing exercises to strengthen the diaphragm muscles, improve posture, and make better use of the body's qi. Different forms of meditation and yoga advocate various breathing methods. A form of Buddhist meditation called anapanasati, meaning mindfulness of breath, was first introduced by Buddha. Breathing disciplines are incorporated into meditation, certain forms of yoga such as pranayama, and the Buteyko method as a treatment for asthma and other conditions. - Wikipedia

    How Can Rolfing Benefit You?

    How Can Rolfing Benefit You?

    Natania has been guiding people in leading a life of health and vitality for over 25 years. 

    During this time, she has served in various roles throughout her career in the fitness and wellness industry, from Executive Management, Personal Trainer, Fitness Manager, National Presenter and Educator, Group Fitness Instructor, Massage Therapist, and Certified Rolfer. 
    Seeing the industry from different angles allows her to customize holistic programs and services. 

    A dynamic blend of East Coast meets West Coast has given Natania an extraordinary understanding of how everybody is different— and how asking questions and being curious is oftentimes the best place to start. Currently, her curiosity in soft tissue work, looking at the body as a container and other health modalities, continues to drive Natania’s practice in supporting her clients. 

    She currently lives in Playa Del Rey, CA with her husband and 2 dogs.

    Where to find Natania Goldberg


    Instagram:  @nataniagoldberg
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@NataniaG 




    1. A transformation, as by magic or sorcery.
    2. A marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function.
    3. Change in the form and often habits of an animal during normal development after the embryonic stage. Metamorphosis includes, in insects, the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly and, in amphibians, the changing of a tadpole into a frog.

    Chrissie Keillor

    Chrissie Keillor

    On today's podcast, I interview Chrissy Keillor, wellness coach and organizational specialist. Chrissy shares how to build calendar integrity, habit evolution, and process alignment with us. She advocates for clearing our space and digital space and gives us practical action steps for de-cluttering our space and minds.

    You can find more information about her upcoming digital detox here:


    Find her on Instagram at @subala843

    Dr. Etel Leit

    Dr. Etel Leit

    In today's episode, we are learning from relationship expert Dr. Etel Leit. We talk about codependency, how to use relationships as our own mirror for change and evolution, and how to stop finger-pointing and victimhood as we move into our own empowered wisdom and unconditional love.

    1st 5 people who share a link to the podcast on social media and tag @etelleit and @rachelrossfitness will receive a free copy of the book!

    “Unaddicted to You” by Dr. Etel Leit is available at Barnes & Noble
    Find more from Dr. Leit at https://etelleit.com/

    Sign up now to join October’s cleanse! A seasonal cleanse helps our bodies transition between the more extreme times of the year and strengthens our immune system and microbiome. We can all accumulate some behaviors and habits that we may be interested in shifting. Cleansing in a group environment but creating your own protocol based on what you will learn about cleansing. This cleanse includes a pre-cleanse planning session, a cleanse check-in, and a post-cleanse transition culminating in a special live event. Come learn nutritious seasonal recipes and meet new friends! Click here for early bird discount pricing through September 7.