
    Podcast Summary

    • The power of user-generated reviews in the digital ageUser-generated reviews have become a trusted tool for decision-making, highlighting the importance of authentic feedback and the need to read reviews beyond just relying on ratings.

      User-generated reviews can make or break a business. TripAdvisor's success came from a pivot in their business model, realizing that selling information to other websites wasn't working. By getting hotels and airlines to pay a fee every time someone booked through the site and encouraging travelers to write reviews, TripAdvisor became a multi-billion dollar travel and review website. This highlights the power of authentic and honest feedback from consumers in influencing decisions. It also emphasizes the importance of reading reviews beyond just relying on ratings, as they provide more nuanced information about a hotel or restaurant. User-generated reviews have transformed the way we make choices and have become a trusted tool in the digital age.

    • Lack of adaptation and poor decision-making leads to downfallListening to customers, adapting to market changes, and making informed decisions are crucial for the success and survival of a company.

      The downfall of this company was due to a lack of adaptation and poor decision-making. Despite having a successful product and generating $18 million in revenue, they failed to realize that their competitors were focusing on a different market that ultimately dominated the sector. They kept believing that making small product improvements would revive sales, but they neglected to actually listen to their customers and build what they wanted. The turning point came when they had to do layoffs, and this experience taught them valuable lessons in managing a company. Ultimately, the founders had no choice but to sell half the assets of the company to avoid bankruptcy. The founder did not walk away with a substantial payday, but this experience ultimately sparked a new idea during a vacation in Mexico.

    • Revolutionizing Travel Planning with Reliable InformationTripAdvisor was founded to address the lack of trustworthy travel resources, providing users with reliable information to make informed decisions and have a satisfying vacation experience.

      The founders of TripAdvisor recognized the need for reliable and unbiased travel information when planning a vacation. Steve Kaufer's personal experience of being disappointed by misleading brochure photos and the lack of trustworthy resources led him to start a company that could make travel planning easier for others. In the late 90s, when travel agencies were the primary booking method, there was a significant information asymmetry, making it difficult for travelers to know what they were getting. By creating TripAdvisor, the founders aimed to search the entire web for reliable information about destinations and accommodations. They wanted to provide travelers with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions and have a satisfying vacation experience. The name change to TripAdvisor was crucial in conveying a friendly and helpful image to users.

    • TripAdvisor's Strategic Decision and Scalable ModelBy focusing on a B2B model, licensing valuable information, and providing a better search experience, TripAdvisor was able to partner with major players in the travel industry and lay the groundwork for their future success.

      TripAdvisor's success was rooted in their strategic decision to focus on a B2B model rather than competing with other high-flying dotcom companies. They saw an opportunity to provide valuable information and licensing it to other travel sites, such as Yahoo Travel and Expedia. By offering a better travel search experience on these sites, they were able to monetize their platform by charging a small fee per query. This scalable business model allowed them to partner with major players in the travel industry and provide enhanced destination services. Additionally, their early office location above a pizza parlor in Massachusetts served as a starting point for their small team. Despite not having a consumer-facing product initially, they laid the groundwork for their future success.

    • The importance of a consumer-facing website for B2B companies and the challenge of finding partners who value collaboration.A functional website and strong business model are essential for B2B companies, and finding partners who understand the benefits of collaboration is crucial.

      When starting a B2B company, having a consumer-facing website can be crucial in demonstrating the value of your product. Steve Kaufer initially didn't plan on building a consumer site for TripAdvisor, but realized that potential partners in the travel industry needed to see the content and organization of their platform. However, convincing these partners to work with them was no easy task. Many were willing to showcase the TripAdvisor logo on their websites, but demanded a fee rather than seeing the value in utilizing TripAdvisor's search results. This struggle highlighted the importance of having a strong business model and finding partners who understood the potential benefits of collaboration. Additionally, during the early stages of a B2B company, it is essential to have a functional website and database to showcase your product.

    • Challenges and Growth at TripAdvisorTripAdvisor overcame challenges to establish itself in the market by securing a partnership with Lycos, which provided a large user base and revenue through a revenue-sharing model. This greatly supported the company during difficult times.

      TripAdvisor faced significant challenges in acquiring clients and establishing itself in the market. Despite launching in October, it took nine months for them to secure their first major client, Lycos. This partnership was crucial for TripAdvisor's growth as Lycos had a large user base and traffic. TripAdvisor's value proposition was providing quality content and rankings for hotels, which they determined using algorithms and aggregated scores from various sources. This content would attract more users to Lycos's site. The deal with Lycos involved a revenue-sharing model, where TripAdvisor would receive a percentage of ad revenue. The first revenue check they received from Lycos was unexpectedly large, amounting to $500,000, which greatly helped the company during the challenging times following the September 11 attacks.

    • Overcoming Business Model Challenges: TripAdvisor's Journey to SuccessTripAdvisor's decision to adapt their business model by leveraging consumer insights and partnering with Expedia allowed them to overcome challenges and create a new revenue stream. Adaptability and finding creative solutions are key to success.

      TripAdvisor initially faced challenges with their business model and revenue generation. They discovered that many of the ads they were seeing on their site were actually self-promotional ads that they weren't earning any money from. This realization led them to a critical decision to make their site public and leverage their consumer insights. By providing helpful reviews and rankings, they started including a text link for users to check price and availability, redirecting them to partner sites such as Expedia. This innovative approach allowed TripAdvisor to approach Expedia and offer to sell leads, ultimately paving the way for a new revenue stream. The key takeaway here is the importance of adapting and finding creative solutions to overcome business model challenges.

    • Expedia's Monetization Strategy: Leveraging Clicks for Revenue and ReferralsExpedia capitalized on their website's traffic by selling leads on a cost per click basis, ultimately creating a valuable price comparison experience and generating revenue through referrals.

      Steve Kaufer and his team at Expedia found a way to monetize their website by selling leads on a cost per click basis. They initially agreed to 50 cents per click, even if the person didn't make a reservation. However, they discovered that around 5% of their leads were actually booking something. This prompted them to seek another client, like Travelocity, who would pay a higher price per click. By positioning multiple booking options on their site, they created a valuable price comparison experience for travelers. Not only did they receive payment from the initial client, but they also got paid again if the user clicked on multiple links. This strategy allowed Expedia to generate revenue and leverage their website as a platform for referrals.

    • Unlocking the Value of User-Generated ContentTripAdvisor's success stems from embracing user-generated content and staying adaptable to digital trends, ultimately proving the collective opinions of travelers to be more valuable than expert reviews.

      TripAdvisor revolutionized the way people accessed and shared reviews, making user-generated content more valuable than expert opinions. Initially met with skepticism, allowing users to write their own reviews quickly became a hit, as travelers found peer recommendations more relevant and trustworthy. This concept aligned with the idea of "wisdom of the crowds," which suggests that collective opinions are often more accurate than those of a single expert. Despite facing financial challenges, TripAdvisor's partnership with Expedia propelled them to profitability within months. To attract more users, they focused on search engine optimization, taking advantage of the golden age of SEO. Overall, TripAdvisor's success lies in its ability to tap into the power of user-generated content and adapt to emerging digital trends.

    • Harnessing the Power of User-Generated Content for Business GrowthBy utilizing user-generated content and implementing strategies to keep users engaged, businesses can generate more revenue, expand their reach, and unlock new opportunities for growth.

      Harnessing user-generated content can lead to significant business growth. Steve Kaufer and his team realized that by gathering more traffic and encouraging users to write reviews, they could generate more revenue and expand their business. They understood the power of user reviews and leveraged it to their advantage. They implemented techniques such as thanking contributors and highlighting the appreciation of other travelers to keep users engaged and motivated to write more reviews. This approach created a self-generating phenomenon, where the more traffic they received, the more reviews they obtained, further driving growth. This success with user-generated content led them to consider expanding into other verticals, recognizing the value and potential of UGC.

    • The power of gratitude and user-generated content: TripAdvisor's success story.By thanking users and fostering a sense of community, TripAdvisor encouraged users to contribute reviews, while their strategy of becoming the go-to platform with extensive user-generated content helped them dominate the market.

      TripAdvisor's success in encouraging users to write reviews stemmed from the simple act of thanking them. They realized that users didn't want gratitude from the corporation itself, but rather from other travelers who found their reviews helpful. This sense of paying it forward fueled users' desire to contribute and help fellow travelers. Additionally, TripAdvisor's strategy for growth was focused on increasing traffic and reaching critical mass with a vast quantity of reviews. By becoming the go-to platform with extensive user-generated content, they made it difficult for competitors to offer similar review services. This approach proved successful, leading to a significant increase in traffic and consequently revenue.

    • TripAdvisor's Bold Move: Independence and GrowthTripAdvisor's confidence in their innovation and agility empowered them to break away from Yahoo, highlighting the importance of independence and the need to diversify for better control in a competitive market.

      TripAdvisor's decision to walk away from a potentially lucrative deal with Yahoo was driven by their confidence in their ability to outmaneuver and outbuild their competitors. Despite the temptation of a significant payout, they believed that they had the innovation and agility to navigate the highly competitive market and succeed on their own terms. This bold move showcased their determination to own their space and not be limited by dependency on a single partner or client base. Additionally, they recognized the potential risks posed by fluctuating prices and the vulnerability of their business model to sudden revenue loss. This insight led them to invest in scaling their business and diversifying their traffic sources for better control.

    • The importance of considering more than just financial factors in decision-makingPrioritizing the well-being and stability of the team and company, and considering long-term goals, can lead to successful outcomes even if they go against financial interests.

      Sometimes, making a decision based on financial factors alone might not lead to the best outcome. Steve Kaufer, the founder of TripAdvisor, admits that selling the company for $210 million was a "crazy bad decision" financially, considering its incredible growth potential. However, given the risks and uncertainties at the time, it turned out to be a life-changing experience for everyone involved. Kaufer weighed the risks and decided to prioritize the well-being and stability of his team and company. Additionally, the support and resources provided by IAC and later Expedia played a crucial role in the success and growth of TripAdvisor. This story highlights the importance of considering multiple factors and making decisions that align with long-term goals and the overall well-being of the organization.

    • Prioritizing Family and Supporting Employees: Steve Kaufer's Approach to LeadershipSteve Kaufer's dedication to his family and employees reveals the importance of empathy, support, and considering multiple perspectives in both personal and professional settings.

      Steve Kaufer's family always came first, even during his time as CEO of TripAdvisor. Despite the pressures of running a company, he prioritized caring for his wife during her battle with cancer. This dedication to his family extended to his employees as well, as he supported those going through similar challenges. Kaufer's experience also shed light on how individuals handle grief in their own unique ways. Amidst the difficulties, Kaufer found solace in his work at TripAdvisor, appreciating the confidence and support from his team. Additionally, TripAdvisor's acquisition strategy aimed to expand and strengthen their core business, with successful acquisitions like Viator and La Foche helping transform the company's offerings. Lastly, Kaufer emphasizes the importance of considering multiple reviews rather than relying solely on one.

    • The Power of Online Reviews and Their Impact on Success.Consumers should consider both the quantity and quality of online reviews before making decisions, while reviewers should provide constructive criticism. Feedback is crucial for businesses and review platforms need to ensure authenticity to maintain user trust.

      Online reviews, whether for podcasts or businesses, can have a significant impact on their success. It's important for consumers to consider the quantity and quality of reviews before making a decision. Thousands of reviews are more trustworthy than just a few. However, it's also crucial for reviewers to provide constructive criticism rather than focus on trivial matters. For businesses in the hospitality industry, feedback is essential, even if it's not always fair or reasonable. On the other hand, review platforms like TripAdvisor have implemented measures to combat fake reviews, ensuring the authenticity of recommendations. Ultimately, the success of review platforms relies on their ability to deliver what users expect and help them make informed choices.

    • Triumph through adversity: How TripAdvisor weathered the storms of 9/11 and COVID-19 to emerge stronger than ever.Despite facing significant challenges, TripAdvisor's CEO Steve Kaufer's unwavering dedication and the company's ability to adapt and persevere have led to long-lasting success and positive impact.

      TripAdvisor experienced significant challenges during its journey, including the impact of 9/11 and the unexpected blow of the COVID-19 pandemic. The company had to adapt quickly, making tough decisions such as laying off employees and cutting back on expenses to survive. It was a painful chapter for TripAdvisor, but they managed to come out leaner and stronger. The resilience and determination displayed by the company's CEO, Steve Kaufer, played a crucial role in overcoming these obstacles. Despite the difficulties, Kaufer stayed with the company for almost 22 years, showing an exceptional level of commitment and dedication. This longevity is a testament to the enduring success and impact of TripAdvisor.

    • Steve Kaufer's Entrepreneurial Journey and Quest for ImpactSteve Kaufer's success as the founder of Tripadvisor stems from his passion for entrepreneurship, making good choices, working hard, and being open to new ideas and opportunities.

      Steve Kaufer fell in love with being an entrepreneur and scaling businesses because of the level of impact they can have. With over 400 million unique users a month, he could see the potential to impact the lives and vacations of billions of people. Despite facing challenges and uncertainties, he attributes his success to a combination of hard work, good choices, and a fair share of luck. After running Tripadvisor for 22 years, Steve Kaufer is now looking for another adventure that can have a similar impact. As he approaches 59, he is open to new ideas and invites anyone with suggestions to reach out to him on LinkedIn.

    Recent Episodes from How I Built This with Guy Raz

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    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And to hear Vuori’s founding story, check out Joe's first appearance on the show in 2023.

    This episode was produced by Sam Paulson with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Cena Loffredo.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    This episode was researched and produced by Katherine Sypher with music composed by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by Neva Grant. Our audio engineers were Robert Rodriguez and James Willetts.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And check out how Pete and his partner Rashid scaled the Chomps brand, from his first appearance on the show last year.

    This episode was produced by J.C. Howard with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Gilly Moon.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And be sure to listen to Kona Ice’s founding story on the show from November 2023. 

    This episode was produced by Casey Herman with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Cena Loffredo.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com. And sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com. And sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And be sure to listen to CAVA’s founding story as told by Brett and his co-founder Ted Xenohristos on the show in 2023. 

    This episode was produced by Carla Esteves with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was James Willetts. 

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com. And sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    This episode was produced by J.C. Howard, with music by Ramtin Arablouei

    Edited by Casey Herman, with research help from Katherine Sypher.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And to hear the story of how Sir Kensington’s was founded, check out Mark's first appearance on the show in 2023.

    This episode was produced by Sam Paulson with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Cena Loffredo.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Spin Master/PAW Patrol: Ronnen Harary (2021)

    Spin Master/PAW Patrol: Ronnen Harary (2021)

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    This episode was produced by Casey Herman, with music by Ramtin Arablouei

    Edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Claire Murashima.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    Don't let it run you and don't let it stop you. Because at the end of the day, I just look at this. Hey, Shante, you're working to create something successful. You want your kids to look up to you and be proud. - Shante Duffy

    You're stronger than you think. - Shante Duffy

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    Shante's Previous Episode:


    Connect with Shante Duffy:

    WEBSITE: https://bifils.com/

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011720582564

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/doofyduffy/

    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shante-duffy-60b592119/

    EMAIL:  sduffy@bifils.com

    Haven Financial:



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    BOOK: From Adversity to Abundance: Inspiring Stories of Mental, Physical, and Financial Transformation

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    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/batemanjames

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    ...ask Rob & Rob...Do the Robs ever disagree? PLUS: Will the government changes mean fewer investors?

    The Robs give their take on these topics. What do you think? Head over to the forum to discuss.


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    The Property Hub Summit is the place to get all your questions personally answered by Rob & Rob, and build a network of other smart, motivated investors.

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    Just don't hang around - there are only four Summits each year, and just 16 places available at each!

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