
    TIP506: How Jeff Bezos Built Amazon

    enDecember 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Relentless and Ruthless Recipe for Amazon's SuccessBeing focused on a specific product and being persistent even in tough times while having a strong founder vision and background can lead to massive growth for a company like Amazon.

      One of the keys to Amazon's success was the lethal combination of being relentless and ruthless, as highlighted by Jeff Bezos's biggest talent. The foundation for Amazon's monstrous growth was laid in 1994, and Brad Stone's book 'The Everything Store' does an excellent job covering the early days of Amazon. It was interesting to learn that Amazon initially focused only on books and survived the collapse of the 1999 Tech bubble, unlike many other dot-com companies. Jeff Bezos's background in Wall Street and his transition to entrepreneurship also played a vital role in Amazon's success. Studying the founding story of successful companies like Amazon can provide a better understanding of their business and founders' vision.

    • Jeff Bezos's Innovations that Revolutionized Business.Bezos's ability to build a strong shareholder base with a customer-centric approach and recognizing the potential of the internet, focusing on selling books as a starting point, led to the massive success of Amazon.

      Jeff Bezos's ability to build a shareholder base and his customer-centric approach set Amazon apart from its competitors, who were mainly focused on their competitors and short-term goals rather than inventing and developing groundbreaking ideas. His early recognition of the internet's potential led him to establish a company that would sell nearly every type of product in the world. Amazon started as an idea that floated through De Shaw, and after researching the rapidly growing internet, Bezos chose to focus on selling books because they were pure commodities and buyers knew exactly what they would be getting. Bezos's vision, determination, and foresight helped him build one of the most successful companies in modern history.

    • Bezos' Regret Minimization Framework & the Creation of AmazonTake calculated risks to pursue your vision and avoid future regrets. Don't be afraid to leave a secure job or take on difficult decisions in pursuit of your dreams.

      Bezos' decision to start an online bookstore was based on the advantage of having a vast selection of products that physical stores couldn't offer, as well as the ability to reach customers who lived far away. He left his job on Wall Street to pursue this venture because he wanted to be the true owner and leader of the company with a significant equity stake. Bezos used his regret minimization framework to make this decision. He knew that he might regret not participating in the internet revolution when he was older, so he took the risk. Bezos faced difficult decisions, but he pursued his vision and eventually created Amazon, which became one of the most successful companies in the world.

    • How Amazon's personalized touch led to its success.Taking risks, having a solid business plan, dedicated employees, and providing a personalized experience can pave the way for success, as demonstrated by Amazon's story.

      Amazon's success story shows the importance of taking risks, having a solid business plan, and having dedicated employees. Despite the initial doubts and concerns about losing all their money, Bezos and his team worked tirelessly to create an online marketplace that made shopping convenient for people worldwide. The success of Amazon can largely be attributed to the company's focus on delivering a personalized experience for the customers, achieved through user-generated book reviews. This personalized touch paved the way for rapid scaling and a massive influx of orders, leading to the need for more employees and more funding. Amazon's story serves as an inspiration for entrepreneurs to believe in their ideas and work hard towards making them a reality.

    • Jeff Bezos's Innovation and Drive to Succeed Propelled Amazon to the TopAmazon's success can be attributed to Bezos's obsession with hiring talented individuals, investing in growth, and creating user-friendly features. The company's ability to capitalize on emerging technologies and establishing a strong brand is crucial for long-term success.

      Jeff Bezos's radical idea of a better and more convenient shopping experience, coupled with his insistence on hiring the best and brightest people, led to Amazon's initial success and growth. Bezos challenged applicants with intelligence tests and prioritized working over 60 hours a week. Amazon's strategy of constantly reinvesting in growth, expanding their website, and customizing recommendations helped them gain a foothold in the industry. Bezos was also motivated to take advantage of every opportunity to tell the story of amazon.com and establish the brand as they worked towards eventually becoming a public company. Their success was driven by their ability to leverage the growing popularity of high-speed internet, and their innovations like the referral commission cemented their position in the industry.

    • Jeff Bezos' Bold Bets on AmazonBezos prioritized long-term shareholder value, predicting that market leadership would lead to higher revenue, profitability, and returns on invested capital. He was undaunted by pushback and invested billions in Amazon's future, even during the tech bubble.

      Jeff Bezos made bold bets on Amazon despite pushback from investors and competitors. He focused on maximizing long term shareholder value, even if that meant lower profits in the short term. Bezos believed that market leadership would result in higher revenue, profitability, capital velocity, and returns on invested capital. He predicted that Barnes and Noble would have trouble competing online, and his prediction came true. Walmart was also threatened by Amazon's success and even lost employees to Amazon. Kahan, who helped start Amazon, was eventually sidelined and walked away disappointed with how he was treated. Bezos was undaunted by the tech bubble and raised billions to invest in Amazon's future.

    • Bezos' Strategic Vision and Trials in Building AmazonBezos' frugal yet determined approach to expanding Amazon's offerings, learning from mistakes and unleashing third-party sellers despite competition, contributed to Amazon's success.

      Bezos had a long-term vision for Amazon's expansion and invested aggressively to leverage customer base, brand, and infrastructure to establish an enduring franchise. While many of the acquired companies did not work, Bezos learned from his mistakes and corrected them over time. Bezos pushed for frugality and prioritized getting things done, leading to Amazon's success. Amazon faced competition from eBay, which led to the release of third-party sellers on Amazon. Bezos was also an early investor in Google. Amazon's stock experienced a double top formation during the 1999 tech bubble, but Bezos persevered and continued expanding Amazon's offerings beyond books.

    • Amazon's Survival Strategy During Dot-Com Bubble BurstAmazon's focus on improving internal business metrics, positive gross margins, and efficient allocation of resources, instead of solely relying on stock value, ensured its survival during the difficult period of the dot-com collapse.

      Amazon's success in surviving the dot-com bubble burst can be attributed to the company's focus on improving internal business metrics, positive gross margins, and being mindful of how capital was allocated. Despite the stock price falling from $113 to $6, the company's success was not solely dependent on its stock value, but rather on the number of customers, profit per unit, and other positive business metrics. The company's ability to cover its fixed costs at a certain volume level ensured that Amazon remained profitable. Additionally, the company's efficient management of capital and allocation of resources ensured its survival during the difficult period of the dot-com collapse. The combination of these factors helped Amazon become one of the few companies to survive the purge of technology and internet companies in the years that followed.

    • Amazon's strategic decisions for long-term successAmazon's success comes from cost-cutting and strategic partnerships, prioritizing customer needs over short-term gain, and embracing third-party sellers to attract more customers. True value is measured by long-term success, not stock market fluctuations.

      Amazon's success is driven by cost-cutting, strategic partnerships, embracing third-party sellers, and commitment to low prices. Bezos learned from Costco's business model that charging less creates customer loyalty, and Amazon cut prices by 20-30%. However, partnering with Amazon meant delaying necessary education about the internet revolution and pushing customers away from their own websites. Amazon's success snowballed due to the network effect, attracting more sellers and customers. Bezos understood the short-term fickleness of the stock market and the importance of delivering true value in the long run. Amazon's success reveals that a company's true value is measured by its strategic decisions that prioritize customer needs and marketplace dynamics over short-term gain.

    • How Jeff Bezos' Leadership Led Amazon to SuccessDespite facing challenges, Jeff Bezos remained focused on innovation and growth, bringing in talented individuals to change Amazon's decision-making structure and launch risky initiatives, like Super Saver shipping, which ultimately led to the success of Amazon as a technology company.

      Despite facing difficult times, Jeff Bezos persevered and made Amazon profitable in Q4 of 2001. He expanded the company into new categories and countries, but faced chaos in distribution centers. Bezos brought in Jeff Wilkie, who filled logistics division with scientists and engineers, changing the decision-making structure to decentralize it. Bezos's tough leadership style lacked empathy, but he still made risky decisions like launching Super Saver shipping, which became Amazon Prime, accelerating its flywheel effect by attracting more and more customers with lower prices. Despite making most of its revenue from selling things to customers, Bezos referred to Amazon as a technology company and avoided a hierarchical structure that stifle innovation.

    • The Role of AWS in Driving Amazon's SuccessAmazon's low-profit margins helped attract customers and prevent competition while the creation of AWS fueled the growth of internet startups and larger companies accessing cloud services. Bezos valued engineers and their ideas, resulting in AWS becoming a cash cow with high-profile clients.

      Amazon's success was driven by the creation of AWS, allowing thousands of internet startups to emerge and larger companies to access cloud services. Bezos focused on widening Amazon's moat and prevented competition by keeping low profit margins, attracting customers instead of competitors. AWS has become Amazon's cash cow with 62 billion in revenue in 2021 and high profile customers such as NASA and the CIA. Bezos considered developers as alchemists and created opportunities for engineers to brainstorm ideas, resulting in the creation of AWS. This move has helped the entire technology industry to come out of a prolonged post. Bezos treated Google like a mountain and didn't want them stepping in between him and customers, hence created a general search engine called a nine that failed later.

    • Amazon's Diversification Strategy and Prime Membership Contributed to its SuccessBy embracing new markets, prioritizing convenience, and investing in Prime membership, Amazon was able to surpass competitors and dominate the industry under Jeff Bezos's leadership and strategic thinking.

      Amazon's success can be attributed to their ability to diversify their business with ventures like AWS and Kindle while still dominating their core retail business. Jeff Bezos emphasized the importance of embracing new markets and disrupting traditional businesses in order to stay ahead. Amazon's Prime membership was a major contributor to their success, leading to increased customer spending and attracting more third party sellers to their platform. By prioritizing convenience, such as two-day shipping and lower shipping fees, Amazon was able to surpass early competitors like Barnes and Noble and eBay in sales. Jeff Bezos's leadership and strategic thinking played a significant role in Amazon's growth and dominance in the industry.

    • Jeff Bezos' Unconventional Thinking and Customer Focus Led Amazon to SuccessEmbrace the truth, learn from mistakes, prioritize customer satisfaction, commit to low prices, and do right by partners to build a successful business like Amazon.

      Amazon's success can be attributed to Jeff Bezos' focus on embracing the truth and unconventional thinking. Bezos learned from previous mistakes and preferred to build out the company rather than acquire his way to growth. He also believed in doing what's best for the customer, which led to the acquisition of Zappos. The great financial crisis was a gift for Amazon as it not only led them to acquiring Zappos, but it also hurt the sales of physical retail stores sending them into survival mode. Amazon's commitment to low prices for customers helped them become successful, and Bezos believed that being a missionary company and doing right by partners was the right way to do business.

    • Amazon's Growth and Brand Perception under Jeff Bezos' LeadershipAmazon's growth was fueled by its ability to avoid collecting sales tax and disregard manufacturers' desired prices, but Bezos recognized the importance of maintaining a positive brand image.

      Amazon avoided collecting sales tax by not having a physical presence in the state, but eventually lost this advantage in many states. Amazon's low prices were sometimes achieved by disregarding manufacturers' desired prices and eventually led to conflicts with companies like Nike and Woff who wanted their products to be perceived as higher end. Despite the negative perceptions associated with Amazon, Bezos was mindful of the importance of branding and perception and worked to maintain a positive image. The story of Amazon is closely intertwined with the story of Bezos, as the company is a reflection of his leadership over the years.

    • Jeff Bezos's Business Strategies for Long-Term SuccessSuccessful businesses require thinking long-term, bold decisions, focus on customer satisfaction, and anticipating disruption. Bezos's emphasis on these principles has led to Amazon's success, and his strategies can be applied to any business.

      Bezos is like a Chessmaster who efficiently tends to each business, with focus on new ventures like advertising, ensuring Amazon's long-term success. He emphasizes on what will not change in customer service- low prices, fast delivery, and big selection, and makes bold decisions, rigorously cuts costs, and focuses on customers. Bezos creates new businesses that outperform old ones, and anticipates disruption to prepare for the future. Bezos is deeply committed to his mission and aspirations, like exploring space through Blue Origin, and Jazzy's role in long-term growth of Amazon remains to be seen. Learning from Bezos involves thinking long-term, thinking big, accepting change, and putting focus on customer satisfaction.

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    BTC190: MMA Legend Kenny Florian on PoW and Bitcoin (Bitcoin Podcast)

    BTC190: MMA Legend Kenny Florian on PoW and Bitcoin (Bitcoin Podcast)
    In this episode of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast, we interview the versatile Kenny Florian, a former UFC fighter known for his impressive career across multiple weight classes. We explore Kenny's journey in MMA, highlighting his work ethic, resilience, and the concept of "proof of work." Kenny shares personal stories, including his near-death experience in Brazil and his background in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai. We also discuss how his discipline and hard work led him to discover Bitcoin, and why Bitcoin resonates so strongly with athletes. Tune in for an engaging discussion that bridges the worlds of MMA and cryptocurrency. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 03:56 - Kenny Florian's journey from soccer to becoming a renowned UFC fighter. 11:25 - The challenges of competing in multiple weight classes in the UFC. 14:09 - Insights into the mental strategies used to stay focused and prepared for fights. 16:02 - The concept of "proof of work" as it applies to MMA and Bitcoin. 25:14 - Personal stories of perseverance, including a near-death experience. 36:29 - How Kenny maintains a positive demeanor in a tough industry. 37:42 - The parallels between the discipline in MMA and the principles of Bitcoin. 39:02 - Why Bitcoin resonates with top-tier athletes and Kenny’s personal journey with cryptocurrency. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Kenny Florian’s X (Twitter) account. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our Bitcoin Fundamentals Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Range Rover Sun Life SimpleMining The Bitcoin Way Onramp Briggs & Riley Public Shopify Meyka Fundrise AT&T iFlex Stretch Studios Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    RWH047: Investing In The Era of Climate Change w/ Bruce Usher

    RWH047: Investing In The Era of Climate Change w/ Bruce Usher
    In this episode, William Green chats with Bruce Usher, author of a book titled “Investing in the Era of Climate Change.” Bruce, a successful entrepreneur, investor, & Columbia Business School professor, discusses the “once-in-a-lifetime” investment opportunity created by the transition of the global economy to a low-carbon future. He explains how to protect yourself financially as environmental risks intensify, & how to profit as trillions of dollars flow into innovative climate change solutions that will change the world—from electric vehicles to solar energy. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 05:37 - Why Bruce Usher sees climate change as a huge opportunity (& risk) for investors. 08:34 - How the transition to a low-carbon future will transform the global economy. 10:53 - How extreme weather is finally altering perceptions of climate change. 13:45 - How to protect against environmental threats to your property. 20:39 - Why electric vehicles & renewable energy are key drivers of decarbonization.  33:42 - How Berkshire Hathaway is playing the energy transition.  49:05 - Why leading companies like Apple & Microsoft are serious about sustainability. 54:02 - Why it’s wise to consider environmental factors before buying any stock. 01:03:53 - How to invest in funds & ETFs that reduce your exposure to climate risk.  01:12:44 - How billionaires like Bill Gates & Jeff Bezos invest in climate change solutions. 01:23:01 - What consumers can do to reduce their negative impact on the environment. 01:27:47 - Why Bruce thinks humanity might still avoid catastrophic climate change. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Bruce Usher’s book, Investing in the Era of Climate Change. Bruce Usher’s book, Renewable Energy: A Primer for the Twenty-First Century. William Green’s podcast interview with Bryan Lawrence. William Green’s book, “Richer, Wiser, Happier” – read the reviews of this book. Follow William Green on X. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts.  SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Sun Life The Bitcoin Way Range Rover Sound Advisory BAM Capital Fidelity SimpleMining Briggs & Riley Public Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    TIP642: The Story of Starbucks: Building an Iconic Brand w/ Clay Finck

    TIP642: The Story of Starbucks: Building an Iconic Brand w/ Clay Finck
    On today’s episode, Clay discusses the early days of Starbucks and Howard Schultz’s book — Pour Your Heart Into It.  Starbucks has been one of the market's best-performing stocks over the past three decades. Since the IPO in 1992, Starbucks stock has had an average annual return of 18.6% relative to the S&P 500 returning 10.4% over that same period (with dividends reinvested). Clay unveils the fascinating story of how Howard fended off endless competition to build an iconic brand that’s built to last. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 02:01 - What led Howard Schultz to join and take over Starbucks. 14:24 - The impact of Howard’s visit to Italy, where there were 200,000 coffee bars. 34:07 - How Howard aligned the interests of the company with the interests of all employees at Starbucks. 48:29 - Lessons Howard learned in taking Starbucks public. 58:13 - How Starbucks was able to dominate big brands in the early days. And so much more! Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Howard’s books: Pour Your Heart into It & Onward. Related Episode: TIP144: Billionaire Howard Schultz's Book Onward — A Story About Starbucks. Mentioned Episode: TIP627: LuluLemon Stock Deep Dive w/ Clay Finck & Kyle Grieve. Mentioned Episode: TIP639: Buffett's Favorite Business Book w/ David Fagan. Follow Clay on Twitter. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Sun Life The Bitcoin Way Range Rover Sound Advisory BAM Capital Fidelity SimpleMining Briggs & Riley Public Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    BTC189: Prince Philip of Serbia on Bitcoin (Bitcoin Podcast)

    BTC189: Prince Philip of Serbia on Bitcoin (Bitcoin Podcast)
    In this episode of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast, Prince Philip of Serbia joins us to discuss his advocacy for Bitcoin and its potential to offer financial sovereignty. We delve into his journey from a background in finance to becoming a passionate Bitcoin proponent. Prince Philip shares his thoughts on the synergies between Bitcoin and monarchy, the environmental impact of traditional banking systems, and the challenges and opportunities for Bitcoin adoption in Serbia. We also explore his vision for a Bitcoin nation-state and the future of global finance. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 01:56 - Prince Philip's journey from finance to Bitcoin advocacy. 13:38 - The benefits of Bitcoin for financial sovereignty and inclusion. 15:41 - The synergies between Bitcoin and monarchy. 21:14 - The environmental impact of traditional banking systems versus Bitcoin. 32:08 - The steps Serbia needs to take for Bitcoin adoption. 34:23 - Prince Philip's vision for a Bitcoin nation-state. 36:08 - The role of merchants in driving Bitcoin adoption. 39:51 - Personal anecdotes from Prince Philip's life as a prince and a Bitcoin advocate. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Prince Philip’s X (Twitter) account. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our Bitcoin Fundamentals Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Sun Life The Bitcoin Way Range Rover Sound Advisory BAM Capital Fidelity SimpleMining Briggs & Riley Public Shopify Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Immobilité #2 : E-commerce, c’est arrivé près de chez vous

    Immobilité #2 : E-commerce, c’est arrivé près de chez vous

    Thème 5 : L’immobilité

    La mobilité rythme nos journées. Et pourtant, elle n’existe que par la comparaison avec son pendant : l’immobilité. Ce concept, qui fait écho aux confinements successifs de la crise du COVID-19 ayant immobilisé les français pendant plusieurs mois, sera le sujet de la nouvelle série de Lost in Transportation. 

    Pour réfléchir à cette immobilité et ses enjeux, qu’il s’agisse de l’immobilité du quotidien ou celle de nos véhicules stationnés, cette suite d’épisodes traitera d’abord de télétravail en confinement et de l’impact d’une expérience d’immobilité forcée sur nos déplacements, puis du développement du e-commerce et ses conséquences sur les déplacements urbain. Un autre épisode parlera de l’influence du stationnement vélo sur l’usage de ce mode et la série se terminera sur la place des voitures stationnées et immobiles en ville. 

    Episode 2 – E-commerce, c’est arrivé près de chez vous

    Le commerce en ligne, ou le e-commerce, est une pratique qui se répand rapidement en France depuis les années 2000. Aujourd’hui, il présent dans tous secteurs de la grande distribution et nous permet d’acheter quasiment n’importe quel produit sur internet, puis de le recevoir chez soi sans se déplacer en magasin. Le e-commerce nous donne la possibilité de choisir entre la livraison à domicile, la livraison en point relais, ou même la récupération du produit en magasin. Cependant, dans les faits, le e-commerce a conduit à une explosion des livraisons à domicile. 

    Les origines de cette pratique remontent à l’année 1994 lorsque la première commande en ligne fut passée aux États-Unis. Une année après, Jeff Bezos, fondateur du futur géant, Amazon, expédiait son premier colis depuis son garage. En France, il a fallu attendre jusqu’à 1996 pour que Pierre Magnard lance le premier site français de vente en ligne : Alapage. A cette époque, le développement du e-commerce était fortement contraint par le faible débit et le prix élevé des abonnements internet. Ce n’est qu’à partir des années 2000, donc avec l’arrivée du haut débit, que le e-commerce commence à prendre son envol. La démocratisation progressive de l’ordinateur, puis du téléphone portable ont élargi progressivement la clientèle des sites de vente en ligne. Le développement des plateformes et de technologies de création de sites marchands de plus en plus accessibles a permis à de nouveaux commerçants de se lancer dans la vente en ligne. 

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