
    The Science Of Habit Formation: How To Build Lasting Habits

    en-usJuly 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Habits: Controlling Our Actions and Making Intentional DecisionsUnderstanding the purpose of habits allows us to consciously create new ones and break old ones, empowering us to take control of our actions and make intentional decisions.

      Habits play a significant role in our daily lives, with almost half of our actions driven by them. Habits are automatic routines that control our daily actions, from simple tasks like brushing our teeth to complex cognitive processes formed from past experiences. It is important to understand that habits are formed by the brain to conserve energy, as critical thinking requires a significant amount of energy. By recognizing our habits and understanding their purpose, we can consciously create new habits and break old ones. This knowledge empowers us to take control of our actions and make intentional decisions, rather than unconsciously acting out of habit.

    • The Power of Habits: Harnessing the Science for a Better LifeHabits, whether good or bad, shape our daily lives and impact our energy levels. By understanding the science of habit formation, we can create positive changes and build lasting, healthy routines.

      Habits play a significant role in our daily lives by reducing the cognitive load of everyday tasks, allowing us to focus on more important matters. Our brain, which comprises only 2% of our body weight, consumes around 20% of our energy throughout the day. Engaging in good habits, such as going to the gym, can be beneficial as they become automatic and don't require much thought. However, it's essential to be cautious about developing bad habits, like excessive alcohol consumption. Habits can be both advantageous and detrimental, serving as a double-edged sword. Understanding the science behind habit formation helps us comprehend our actions and make positive changes in our lives, building lasting and healthy habits. Charles Duhig's book, "The Power of Habit," explores this concept further.

    • The Power of Habits: Cue, Routine, RewardIdentifying and addressing the cues that trigger our habits is essential in breaking unhealthy habits and creating new, positive ones.

      Habits consist of three key elements: a cue, a routine, and a reward. The cue is the trigger that initiates a habit, which can be either external, such as a notification on your phone or a specific location, or internal, like an emotional state or reaction to someone else. Breaking a habit requires identifying and addressing the cue that triggers it. For example, many people who want to quit smoking are not addicted to nicotine itself, but rather to the habit of smoking in certain situations, like waking up and reading the paper. Understanding the role of cues in habits can help individuals effectively break unhealthy habits and create new ones.

    • The Role of Cues in Habit FormationBy recognizing and addressing the external and internal cues that trigger our habits, we can successfully break free from addictive behaviors and develop healthier routines.

      Our environment plays a significant role in shaping our habits. External cues, such as being around people who engage in certain behaviors or being in a familiar setting, can trigger our routines and make it difficult to break free from addictive habits. Similarly, internal cues, like stress or emotional triggers, can also lead us to engage in certain behaviors as a coping mechanism. Understanding these cues is crucial in understanding our habits and being able to change them. By altering our environment or finding healthier ways to cope with internal cues, we can effectively break free from unhelpful habits and establish new, positive routines.

    • The Three Components of Habits: Cue, Routine, and RewardUnderstanding the cue, routine, and reward pattern can help us identify and change our habits more effectively.

      Habits consist of three components: the cue, the routine, and the reward. The cue is the trigger that initiates the behavior, the routine is the actual habit or behavior itself, and the reward is the positive reinforcement that follows the routine. Even if we don't want a particular habit anymore, it still provides some form of reward. The reward satisfies a craving and makes our brains associate the routine with something beneficial. For example, getting stressed out may cue the routine of eating until uncomfortably full. The reward in this scenario is the calming effect it has on the brain due to the energy being directed towards digestion. Understanding this pattern can help us identify and change our habits more effectively.

    • Understanding and Changing Unhealthy HabitsRecognizing the cue, routine, and reward of unhealthy habits can help replace them with more beneficial behaviors and improve overall well-being.

      Many people engage in certain habits, such as overeating or biting their nails, as a way to calm their brain down and distract themselves from uncomfortable emotions. These habits serve as a routine that provides a temporary relief from stress, boredom, or anxiety. By understanding the cue (the trigger for the habit), the routine (the habit itself), and the reward (the relief or distraction), it is possible to recognize and address unhealthy habits and replace them with more beneficial ones. This concept applies not only to eating habits but also to various other behaviors, like drinking, smoking, or playing video games, that people might want to change.

    • The Cue-Routine-Reward Framework for Developing Good HabitsBy identifying cues, establishing routines, and creating meaningful rewards, you can develop and maintain positive habits such as daily exercise and healthier eating.

      Developing good habits involves identifying cues, creating routines, and establishing meaningful rewards. For example, if you want to exercise daily, the cue can be coming home from work, the routine can be changing into workout clothes and following a 30-minute workout on YouTube, and the reward can be the feeling of accomplishment and relaxation after a workout. Similarly, if you want to eat healthier, the cue can be lunchtime, the routine can be choosing a nutritious meal like a chicken salad, and the reward can be enjoying a tasty meal and experiencing increased energy. By understanding and implementing this cue-routine-reward framework, you can develop and maintain positive habits.

    • Harnessing the Habit Loop for Positive ChangeBy understanding and modifying our habits, we have the power to reduce stress and anxiety by replacing negative routines with healthier alternatives, such as deep breathing, leading to inner peace.

      We have the power to change our habits by identifying the cue, changing the routine, and experiencing a different reward. Our typical response to stress and anxiety may involve numbing ourselves with food, alcohol, or other distractions. However, we can choose to create a new routine that promotes a better mental state. Instead of turning to these habitual distractions, we can take a few minutes to sit quietly and practice deep breathing. By doing so, we can calm our bodies and minds, leading to feelings of calmness, centeredness, and inner peace. This process, known as the Habit loop, is deeply ingrained in our brain's chemistry and can be harnessed to achieve positive change in our lives.

    • Understanding the Science of Habit FormationFocus on one habit at a time to create lasting changes, as the brain's reward system and basal ganglia play a crucial role in reinforcing and ingraining habits.

      Our brain is driven by dopamine, a neurotransmitter that triggers our reward system and motivates us to perform habits in order to achieve rewards. When we receive the reward, our brain releases more dopamine, reinforcing the habit and prompting us to repeat it. This process is facilitated by the basal ganglia, a part of the brain that plays a central role in habit formation. Each time we go through the habit loop, the connection in our brain becomes stronger, making the habit more ingrained and automatic. This is why it can be challenging for older people to change their habits, as they have years of ingrained patterns. To create lasting habits, it is important to focus on one habit at a time rather than trying to overhaul our entire life, as this is more likely to lead to failure and giving up.

    • Starting small and breaking down habits for successBy starting with manageable chunks, identifying cues, routines, and rewards, forming habits becomes easier and more likely to stick.

      Starting small is crucial for forming habits. It is a common mistake to aim for big changes right away. Instead, breaking down habits into small and manageable chunks is important. For example, when trying to meditate, starting with just one minute a day rather than 30 minutes reduces resistance and increases the likelihood of success. Similarly, when trying to floss, starting with one tooth is more effective than aiming to floss all teeth immediately. Additionally, it is essential to identify cues and rewards in the habit loop. Planning out new cues, routines, and rewards can help establish and reinforce habits. The reward doesn't have to be material; it can be a sense of accomplishment or excitement, releasing dopamine in the brain and increasing the chances of repetition.

    • Understanding the Habit Loop for Positive HabitsConsistency and reinforcement through positive rewards are key in creating and maintaining positive habits. Understanding the habit loop and habit stacking can help strengthen neural pathways and make habits easier to continue.

      The brain is chemically addicted to dopamine, making it the ultimate reward. To create and maintain positive habits, it is important to understand and plan out the Habit loop consisting of the cue, routine, and reward. Consistency is crucial, with the suggestion to avoid missing two consecutive days of a habit. By repeating the behavior, the neural pathways associated with the habit are strengthened, making it easier to continue. Building on existing habits through habit stacking can be beneficial, such as adding affirmations to the routine of brushing teeth. Reinforcing these strategies with positive rewards is more effective than negative self-talk.

    • The Power of Positive Reinforcement and Habit TrackingBy focusing on positive reinforcement and habit tracking, we can build consistent habits and achieve long-term improvement, even if we occasionally slip up.

      Positive reinforcement is more effective than negative reinforcement in most cases. Just as training a dog can be successful without punishment, we can train ourselves with positive reinforcement. One way to do this is through habit tracking, where we mark our progress on a visible calendar. Seeing our achievements every day can motivate us to continue and build a chain of consistent habits. It's important to be patient and persistent because habits take time to form and there will be days when we slip up. Instead of getting discouraged, we should celebrate our progress and focus on the overall improvement rather than striving for perfection. Remember, the more we practice, the more automatic the behavior becomes, even though the exact time it takes to create a habit is unknown.

    • The Science behind Habit FormationCommitting to a habit consistently for at least 66 days is a good starting point, but progress is more important than perfection. View setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.

      Forming a habit takes an average of about 66 days but can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the habit. A study conducted by the University College of London found that it took anywhere between 18 to 254 days for habits to become automatic in 96 participants. This means that if you want to establish a habit, committing to doing it consistently for at least 66 days is a good starting point. However, it's important to remember that progress is more important than perfection. Setbacks will happen, and it's crucial not to beat yourself up over them. Instead, view setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. That's the science behind habit formation.

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    And BY THE WAY:

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available for pre-order. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.

    Within its pages, you'll discover powerful insights and practical steps that will revolutionize the way you approach your goals, personal motivation, and mental focus.

    📚If you want to pre order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    Increasing your consistency. 

    Discussion points in this episode: 

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    • Preparation, planning and getting organised 
    • Setting yourself up to succeed
    • Catch yourself falling off-track

    Coaching toolkit: 

    • Circle of life 
    • WWW & EBI
    • Goal setting, continuous v's achievable 
    • Keeping focus 
    • The good, better, best approach. 

    Article link: Good, better, best formula  

    Follow and get in touch with Heidi: 


    Email: heidi@heidijonescoaching.com 

    Visit: website




    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: Dana Goes to the Psychic Fair ...

    One day Dana went to the New Age Psychic Fair and what she discovered relates to YOU and growing your business. You can "step into your celebrity." Here's how.

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    Please check out our episode notes below...

    02:50 - Listen in to hear the BACKGROUND story relating to the Psychic Fair.

    06:15 - Discover the REASON why Dana hasn't told this story to many people.

    08:15 - Tune in to hear an EXAMPLE how Dana's experience with the psychic plays out in her life.

    09:20 - Find out the QUESTIONS Dana asks herself because of her psychic experience.

    09:55 - Discover WHY Dana is sharing this psychic experience with YOU and how this experience relates to YOU.

    12:48 - Listen in to hear the QUESTIONS to ask yourself when it comes to stepping into your CELEBRITY (mini POSITIVE rant at 13:15).

    Resource for this Episode

    CLICK HERE to learn more about The Celebrity Formula program

    Where to Learn More:



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    Who:  Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of The Mind Aware Show

    What This Show is About:  Ending the Comparison Game

    Are You Ready to Stop the Comparison Game?  Do you catch yourself looking around and feeling small?  If so, then this episode is for you! Dana shares an exercise that will help you to see that you are unique and that no one can deliver your message except YOU.  

    The Mind Aware Show is Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs.  Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business.  Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This show is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana:  http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    Please check out our episode notes below…

    01.27 - Find out why it's an INSIDE job when you're comparing yourself to others

    02.15 - Learn about a practical EXERCISE you can do to end that comparison game

    06.18 - Find out how you STAND OUT when a lot of people are saying much of the same information

    07.12 - Tune in here to find out what happens when you change your PERSPECTIVE about others

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